Dr David Wyatt
BA (Cardiff), MA (Cardiff), PhD (Cardiff)
Research, Co-creation, Civic Mission interests:
- Civic Mission, community participation and heritage regeneration.
- Co-creative and participative research strategies.
- Widening participation to higher education.
- The heritage and archaeology of Caerau and Ely, Cardiff.
- Slavery in the societies of medieval Britain, Ireland and Scandinavia c. 800-1200 C.E.
As Civic Mission Lead for our School:
- I am co-director of the multiple award winning CAER Heritage Project https://www.caerheritage.org
- I establish and support civic mission and widening participation initiatives, breaking down barriers to higher education for young people and adults, see SHARE with Schools http://sites.cardiff.ac.uk/share-with-schools/ and the Exploring the Past progression pathway https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/part-time-courses-for-adults/pathways-to-a-degree/pathway-to-a-degree-in-history-archaeology-or-religion
- I contribute to, support, facilitate and lead the development of new civic mission initiatives and partnerships.
- Wyatt, D. 2020. Reading between the lines: tracking slaves and slavery in the early middle ages. In: Gruszczyński, J., Jankowiak, M. and Shepard, J. eds. Viking-Age Trade : Silver, Slaves and Gotland. Routledge Archaeologies of the Viking World London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 17-39., (10.4324/9781315231808-2)
- Davis, O., Horton, D., McCarthy, H. and Wyatt, D. 2019. CAER heritage: legacies of co-produced research. In: Graham, H. and Vergunst, J. eds. Heritage as community research: Legacies of co-production. Policy Press, pp. 129-148.
- Wyatt, D. 2017. Taking history into the World. In: Loughran, T. ed. A practical Guide to Studying History: Skills and Approaches. Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 299-310.
- Wyatt, D. 2017. Slavery and cultural antipathy. In: Rosu, F. and Pargas, D. eds. Critical Readings on Global Slavery. Brill, pp. 742-799., (10.1163/9789004346611)
- Davis, O., Sharples, N., Wyatt, D., Brook, D. and Young, T. 2016. Geophysical survey and community engagement at Caerau Ringwork, Cardiff. Archaeology in Wales 55, pp. 13-19.
- Wyatt, D. 2016. Community impact. In: Sharples, N. and Davis, O. eds. Excavations at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff, South Wales 2015: An Interim Report. Department of Archaeology and Conservation
- Davis, O., Sharples, N. M. and Wyatt, D. 2015. The CAER Heritage Project: A note on a second season of fieldwork at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff, 2014. Archaeology in Wales 54, pp. 35-42.
- Ancarno, C., Davis, O. and Wyatt, D. 2015. Forging communities: the CAER Heritage Project and the dynamics of co-production. In: O'Brien, D. and Matthews, P. eds. After Urban Regeneration: Communities, Policy and Place. Policy Press, pp. 113-130.
- Davis, O., Sharples, N. and Wyatt, D. 2015. Excavations at Caerau hillfort, Cardiff, South Wales, 2014: an interim report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: School of History Archaeology and Religion Cardiff University,. Available at: https://caerheritageprojectdotcom1.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/caerau-interim-v1-1.pdf
- Wyatt, D. 2014. Slavery, power and cultural identity in the Irish Sea region, 1066-1171. In: Sigurðsson, J. V. and Bolton, T. eds. Celtic-Norse Relationships in the Irish Sea in the Middle Ages 800-1200. The Northern World Vol. 40. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 97-108.
- Davis, O., Sharples, N. M. and Wyatt, D. 2014. The CAER Heritage Project: A preliminary note on recent research and community engagement at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff. Archaeology in Wales 53, pp. 119-125.
- Wyatt, D. 2013. The Welshman, the Irishman and the Viking - Aberlleiniog Castle. In: Bowen, H. V. ed. Buildings and Places in Welsh History. Gomer
- Wyatt, D. 2012. Owain ap Cadwgan – the forgotten firebrand. In: Bowen, H. V. ed. Heroes and villains in Welsh history. Llandysul: Gomer, pp. 29-36.
- Wyatt, D. 2012. Slavery in northern Europe (Scandinavia and Iceland) and the British Isles 500-1420. In: Bradley, K. et al. eds. Cambridge World History of Slavery., Vol. 2. Cambridge University Press
- Wyatt, D. 2010. Slavery. In: Rogers, C. J. ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Medieval Warfare and Military Technology., Vol. 3. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 274-275.
- Wyatt, D. and Jones, W. D. 2010. Caethwas Ffoedig yng Nghaerdydd: Hanes William A. Hall a diddymiaeth Gymreig 1861-65' [A Fugitive Slave in Cardiff: The narrative of William A. Hall and Welsh anti-slavery sentiments 1861-65]. In: Williams, D. G. ed. Canu Caeth: Y Cymry A'r Affro-Americaniaid. Llandysul: Gomer, pp. 39-62.
- Wyatt, D. 2009. Slaves and warriors in Medieval Britain and Ireland, 800-1200. The Northern World Vol. 45. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers.
- Davis, O., Sharples, N., Wyatt, D., Brook, D. and Young, T. 2016. Geophysical survey and community engagement at Caerau Ringwork, Cardiff. Archaeology in Wales 55, pp. 13-19.
- Davis, O., Sharples, N. M. and Wyatt, D. 2015. The CAER Heritage Project: A note on a second season of fieldwork at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff, 2014. Archaeology in Wales 54, pp. 35-42.
- Davis, O., Sharples, N. M. and Wyatt, D. 2014. The CAER Heritage Project: A preliminary note on recent research and community engagement at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff. Archaeology in Wales 53, pp. 119-125.
Book sections
- Wyatt, D. 2020. Reading between the lines: tracking slaves and slavery in the early middle ages. In: Gruszczyński, J., Jankowiak, M. and Shepard, J. eds. Viking-Age Trade : Silver, Slaves and Gotland. Routledge Archaeologies of the Viking World London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 17-39., (10.4324/9781315231808-2)
- Davis, O., Horton, D., McCarthy, H. and Wyatt, D. 2019. CAER heritage: legacies of co-produced research. In: Graham, H. and Vergunst, J. eds. Heritage as community research: Legacies of co-production. Policy Press, pp. 129-148.
- Wyatt, D. 2017. Taking history into the World. In: Loughran, T. ed. A practical Guide to Studying History: Skills and Approaches. Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 299-310.
- Wyatt, D. 2017. Slavery and cultural antipathy. In: Rosu, F. and Pargas, D. eds. Critical Readings on Global Slavery. Brill, pp. 742-799., (10.1163/9789004346611)
- Wyatt, D. 2016. Community impact. In: Sharples, N. and Davis, O. eds. Excavations at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff, South Wales 2015: An Interim Report. Department of Archaeology and Conservation
- Ancarno, C., Davis, O. and Wyatt, D. 2015. Forging communities: the CAER Heritage Project and the dynamics of co-production. In: O'Brien, D. and Matthews, P. eds. After Urban Regeneration: Communities, Policy and Place. Policy Press, pp. 113-130.
- Wyatt, D. 2014. Slavery, power and cultural identity in the Irish Sea region, 1066-1171. In: Sigurðsson, J. V. and Bolton, T. eds. Celtic-Norse Relationships in the Irish Sea in the Middle Ages 800-1200. The Northern World Vol. 40. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 97-108.
- Wyatt, D. 2013. The Welshman, the Irishman and the Viking - Aberlleiniog Castle. In: Bowen, H. V. ed. Buildings and Places in Welsh History. Gomer
- Wyatt, D. 2012. Owain ap Cadwgan – the forgotten firebrand. In: Bowen, H. V. ed. Heroes and villains in Welsh history. Llandysul: Gomer, pp. 29-36.
- Wyatt, D. 2012. Slavery in northern Europe (Scandinavia and Iceland) and the British Isles 500-1420. In: Bradley, K. et al. eds. Cambridge World History of Slavery., Vol. 2. Cambridge University Press
- Wyatt, D. 2010. Slavery. In: Rogers, C. J. ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Medieval Warfare and Military Technology., Vol. 3. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 274-275.
- Wyatt, D. and Jones, W. D. 2010. Caethwas Ffoedig yng Nghaerdydd: Hanes William A. Hall a diddymiaeth Gymreig 1861-65' [A Fugitive Slave in Cardiff: The narrative of William A. Hall and Welsh anti-slavery sentiments 1861-65]. In: Williams, D. G. ed. Canu Caeth: Y Cymry A'r Affro-Americaniaid. Llandysul: Gomer, pp. 39-62.
- Wyatt, D. 2009. Slaves and warriors in Medieval Britain and Ireland, 800-1200. The Northern World Vol. 45. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers.
- Davis, O., Sharples, N. and Wyatt, D. 2015. Excavations at Caerau hillfort, Cardiff, South Wales, 2014: an interim report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: School of History Archaeology and Religion Cardiff University,. Available at: https://caerheritageprojectdotcom1.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/caerau-interim-v1-1.pdf
CAER Heritage
CAER Heritage (CAER) employs the exploration and discovery of the rich history and archaeology of the communities of Caerau and Ely in order to harness that heritage to unlock creativity, talent and community action. Established in 2011, with local community development organisation Action in Caerau and Ely (ACE) the project team has developed a powerful combination of community-based archaeological digs, historical co-research and co-created cultural activities as well as instigating infrastructural regeneration, a scholarship program for local young people and adults, and a range of widening participation initiatives.
Undergraduate teaching
I contribute to the following modules:
HS1112 Medieval Worlds, 500-1500
HS1109 Inventing a Nation: Politics, Culture and Heritage
HS6202 Making History: Historians, Evidence, Audiences.
Postgraduate Teaching
I convene and deliver the following modules:
HST078 Heritage, Community Action and Public Engagement
HST080 Research or Community Placement
I contribute to and supervise dissertations on the following modules:
HST085 Writing History: Dissertation Preparation
HST086 Dissertation
I came to Cardiff University to study history and archaeology as a mature student during the mid-1990s. For a number of years, I co-ordinated a vibrant programme of open access adult education courses in history and archaeology at the Centre for Lifelong Learning.
In my current role I am civic mission lead for the School of History and Archaeology at Cardiff and am involved in a number of award-winning projects which work with an extensive range of external partners - taking our research out into the world and opening up accessible routes into higher education. I am co-director of the CAER Heritage Project which works alongside the communities of Caerau and Ely in the west of Cardiff to explore their rich heritage, dating back 6,000 years, while opening up opprtunities in the present. I have also instigated a range of community co-creation, widening participation and outreach initiaves including SHARE with Schools and the Exploring the Past progression pathway.
As a medieval historian, I specialise in the history of slavery and servitude in the societies of medieval Britain. I have published a number of articles on this topic and my book Slaves and Warriors in Medieval Britain and Ireland, 800-1200 (2009) examines the social and cultural significance of slavery for these societies. My research interests also include: Viking era settlement and society in the Irish Sea region, gender and power in early-medieval Britain and the Anti-Slavery movement in 19th Century Wales, community engagement and co-production in relation to heritage and the archaeology and history of Caerau and Ely in Cardiff.
Education and qualifications
1998-2003, PhD in Medieval History, Cardiff University 'Slavery and culture in medieval Britain and Ireland : an alternative perspective of an enduring institution'
1997-1998, MA in Medieval British Studies with distinction, Cardiff University
1995-1997, BA Joint Honours in History & Archaeology, 1st Class, Cardiff University
Career overview
September 2009 to present day:
- Reader in Civic Mission and Community Action
- School of History and Archaeology, Cardiff University.
November 2003 to August 2009:
- Co-ordinating Lecturer in History & Archaeology.
- Cardiff Centre for Lifelong Learning, Cardiff Univers
- Archaeological Supervisor/Analyst, School of History and Archaeology, Cardiff University.
Honours and awards
Awards won:
- 2023 CBA Archaeological Achievements Award: Best Engagement and Particpation Project
- 2020 CBA/Marsh Award for Best Community Archaeology Project with paid support https://new.archaeologyuk.org/news/marsh-awards-for-community-archaeology-2020-winners-announced
- 2017 Times Higher Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/1021451-success-for-cardiff-university-in-higher-education-oscars
- 2014 Cardiff Celebrating Excellence Award Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Engagement, 2014 (CAER Heritage)
- 2014 NCCPE Engage Competition - overall winner (CAER Heritage) https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/blog/engage-competition-2014-awards-ceremony
- 2012 Cardiff Celebrating Excellence Award for Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Engagement
- 2011 Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) Highly Commended Award for the Exploring the Past Progression Pathway
Successful grant applications secured
2012 The CAER Heritage Project £25,000 (AHRC Connected Communities), (Heritage art, geophysical survey)
2013 Pathway to the Past £9,638.00 (Heritage Lottery Fund), (Heritage mural and short trail)
2013 Digging Caerau £89,578.00 (AHRC Connected Communities), (Community excavation and year of heritage initiatives)
2013 HEART of Cardiff £31,511.00 (AHRC Connected Communities), (Co-design digital heritage trails and art across Ely and Caerau)
2014 On Shared Ground (CAER) £39,476.00 (AHRC Connected Communities), (Collaborative film with communities in Ely, Sheffield and Aberdeen)
2014 Digging communities £51,352.00 (AHRC Connected Communities), (Community excavation, co-produced heritage-art, films, performances)
2015 Messages from Medieval Caerau £1,250.00 (Cardiff University), (Co-produced geophysical survey of medieval ringwork
2015 CAER HEDZ £9,990.00 (AHRC Connected Communities), (Co-produced animated film exploring value of Caerau’s heritage)
2015 Romano-British £1,490.00 (Arts Council Wales), (co-produced heritage art installation with local schools)
2016 CAER Young People Opportunity proj. £29,973.00 (RCUK Schools Partnership), (Providing heritage themed life opportunities for young people facing exclusion)
2016 Dusty’s First World War Project £12,000.00 (AHRC WW1 Engagement), (Exploring WW1 origins of Ely’s garden village housing estate)
2016 The Model Village Project £19,973.00 (AHRC Connected Communities), (Community excavation at deserted medieval village in Ely plus animated co-produced film
2016 Trek to Connect £5,000.00 (Cardiff University, City Region) (Create geocaching trails with communities in Ely/Caerau, Merthyr Tydfil and Buretown)
- 2017 Uneathing Utopias - £2,980.00 (AHRC) (Community heritage partnership project with University of Lincoln)
- 2017 CAER Studio - £97,575.00 (AHRC Follow on) (Heritage arts co-production see https://caerstudio.com/ )
- 2017 Hidden Hillfort Project - £156,900.00 (National Lottery Heritage Fund) Development Phase.https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/795770-uncovering-cardiffs-hidden-hillfort
- 2019 Hidden Hillfort Project - £892,000.00 (National Lottery Heritage Fund) Delivery Phase https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/1463026-1.65m-community-project-to-reveal-6,000-year-old-hidden-historic-site-in-cardiff?fbclid=IwAR3Gd1NVuJfnTUy_e87xhxKQc91EZ1l3MyQDOCFRgvYE1Lg4MMgA7gZ8rhE