Li YU is the Director of the China-UK Research Centre for Eco-cities and Sustainable Development. He has been selected and/or recommended as a member of the Board Director of the Chinese Society for Urban Studies, a member of the Chinese Eco-city Council, and various academic and professional committees. He is also an adjunct professor of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong, (CELAP is a Chinese national institution responsible for training Chinese senior and middle-level government leaders and high-level business executives), and other universities in China and other countries.
Li YU's main research interests include planning systems and theories, international comparative planning and development, and policy research on city and regional development, such as integrated urban and rural development, low carbon, eco-liveable city and rural planning and development.
In the last decade, Li Yu’s research has focused on planning and policymaking for sustainable urban and rural development, particularly emphasising sustainable development in China. He has conducted innovative explorations in this field, resulting in research that has garnered international attention. Scholars from nearly 20 countries have cited my papers. Additionally, Li Yu was recognised as a top impact scholar in China, ranking within the top 1% of cited authors based on citations of my papers from 2014 to 2023. In the year of 2024, he initiated and conceptualised the "International Student Planning and Design Competition for Biodiversity Study Tourism to Promote Rural Revitalisation" in Hainan, China, which has received important media coverage (see: https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202501/21/WS678eda59a310a2ab06ea828c.html ),(https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/2895492-international-university-student-planning-and-design-competition-held-in-china), (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/O22TFq66C1Ng7XDzEPKoPg). This illustrates the contribution of Cardiff University and its academics to international collaboration on sustainable development.
Before he joined Cardiff University, he used to work at the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design. He has both academic research and practical professional planning and policy-making experiences. In the last few years, the main research projects that were led and/or participated in consist of smart\low carbon eco-city development, rural revitalisation and development, and ecological transition of various cities. Some of his research projects have made significant impacts on policies in practices, such as “Roadmap and Mechanism on Rural Revitalisation”, “Chinese Eco-city Indicator System”, “Chinese Eco-city Development Guidelines” and "Progressing Eco-city Policies into Main-stream Practice - Action Research on Policy, Financing and Implementation Strategies for Low Carbon Cities in China".
- Yu, L., Jia, N. and Li, M. 2025. Lessons of eco-transition of a rural small town: The case of Manzhuang China from raw material processing industries to a circular economy. Resources Policy 101, article number: 105484. (10.1016/j.resourpol.2025.105484)
- Yang, J., Yu, L. and Zhang, J. 2024. Impacts on rural community development and governance by different land ownership: A comparative study based on two villages in China. European Journal of Development Research 36, pp. 1616-1635. (10.1057/s41287-024-00653-w)
- Zeng, C., Yang, Z., Zhai, Y. and Yu, L. 2024. The impact of social media and infection perception on the intentions of recreational vehicle tours: An extended model of goal-directed behavior. Behavioral Sciences 14(11), pp. 986. (10.3390/bs14110986)
- Yu, L., Wang, Y. and Li, M. 2024. The emergence of counter-urbanisation in China: Can it be a pathway for rural revitalisation?. Habitat International 144, article number: 102998. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2023.102998)
- Cao, X. and Yu, L. 2023. The Applicability of Environmental Governance Theories in China.. In: Zhang, F. and Wu, F. eds. Handbook on China's Urban Environmental Governance.. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 93–113.
- Yu, L., Weije, L., Choguill, C. and Li, M. 2023. Liangshan Bank, A hybrid model of payment for ecosystem services governance in rural development: The case of Baofu, China. Habitat International 138, article number: 102879. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2023.102879)
- Zeng, C., Zhou, X., Yu, L. and Ma, C. 2023. Parking generating rate prediction method based on grey correlation analysis and SSA-GRNN. Sustainability 15(17), article number: 13016. (10.3390/su151713016)
- Wang, T., Ou, R., Yu, L., Qi, H. and Zhang, J. 2023. PLC based automatic monitoring and its application in the rainwater storage capacity of the roof greening ecosystem. Journal of South China Agricultural University 44(3), pp. 484-494. (10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.202203062)
- Li, Z., Gao, Y., Yu, L., Choguill, C. L. and Cui, W. 2022. Analysis of the elderly’s preferences for choosing medical service facilities from the perspective of accessibility: A case study of tertiary general hospitals in Hefei, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(15), article number: e9432. (10.3390/ijerph19159432)
- Wu, X., Yu, L., Fang, H. and Wu, J. 2022. Research on the protection and reuse of industrial heritage from the perspective of public participation—a case study of northern mining area of Pingdingshan, China. Land 11(1), article number: 16. (10.3390/land11010016)
- Zhou, J., Yu, L. and Choguill, C. L. 2021. Co-evolution of technology and rural society: The blossoming of taobao villages in the information era, China. Journal of Rural Studies 83, pp. 81-87. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.02.022)
- Yu, L., Lyu, Y., Chen, C. and Choguill, C. L. 2021. Environmental deterioration in rapid urbanisation: evidence from assessment of ecosystem service values in Wujiang, Suzhou. Environment, Development and Sustainability 23, pp. 331-349. (10.1007/s10668-019-00582-3)
- Yu, L. 2021. The crisis and challenge of urban design under the new-normal: a case of zhongxiang, chongqing. Urban Development Studies
- Yu, L. 2021. Concerns on provision of medical and aging service facilities from planning and design for adaptation to the elderly in community: a case of Xiamen. Urban Development Studies
- Yu, L., Chen, C. and Choguill, C. 2020. "Dipiao", Chinese approach to transfer of land development rights: the experiences of Chongqing. Land Use Policy 99, article number: 104870. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104870)
- Flynn, A. and Yu, L. 2020. The Protean Environmental State in Dongguan: Reconceptualising the local state and ecological development in China. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38(3), pp. 443-463. (10.1177/2399654419884331)
- Niu, Q., Yu, L., Jie, Q. and Li, X. 2020. An urban eco-environmental sensitive areas assessment method based on variable weights combination. Environment, Development and Sustainability 22, pp. 2069-2085. (10.1007/s10668-018-0277-x)
- Yu, L. 2020. Spatial evolution of high-speed railway station areas and planning response. City Planning Review
- Yu, L. 2020. Dilemma, reform, and reflections on spatial planning. City Planning Review
- Han, Q., Yu, L. and Chen, Y. 2019. Research on territorial spatial development suitability evaluation under the background of planning transformation. Journal of Human Settlements in West China 5, pp. 34-39. (10.13791/j.cnki.hsfwest.20190505)
- Wang, M., Lin, X. and Yu, L. 2019. Comprehensive evaluation of green transportation in Chongqing main urban area based on sustainable development theory. Systems Science and Control Engineering 7(1), pp. 369-378. (10.1080/21642583.2019.1681032)
- Yu, L. 2019. A review of urban environmental governance and their applicability in China. Urban Development Studies
- Yu, L. 2018. Some considerations and suggestions for the application of public-private partnership in Sponge City Project construction: a case study of Sponge City Project in Cuwen scenic district, Taian, Shandong. Urban Development Studies
- Yu, L. 2018. Research on the career vertical mobility of the new generation of rural migrants. Urban Development Studies
- Chun, C., Yong, C., Yu, L. and Wei, Z. 2018. Planning for a healthy city: the influence of built environment on elderly's body mass index. China City Planning Review 27(1), pp. 52-58.
- Caprotti, F. and Yu, L. eds. 2017. Sustainable cities in Asia. Taylor & Francis. (10.4324/9781315643069)
- Flynn, A., Chan, K. W., Zhao, Z. and Yu, L. 2017. Sustainability, space and supply chains: the role of bamboo in Anji County, China. Journal of Rural Studies 49, pp. 128-139. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.11.012)
- de Jong, M., Yu, C., Joss, S., Wennersten, R., Yu, L., Zhang, X. and Ma, X. 2016. Eco city development in China: addressing the policy implementation challenge. Journal of Cleaner Production 134(A), pp. 31-41. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.03.083)
- Caprotti, F., Cowley, R., Flynn, A., Joss, S. and Yu, L. 2016. Smart-Eco Cities in the UK: Trends and City Profiles 2016. Project Report. Exeter: University of Exeter (SMART-ECO Project).
- Flynn, A., Yu, L., Feindt, P. and Chen, C. 2016. Eco-cities, governance and sustainable lifestyles: The case of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City. Habitat International 53, pp. 78-86. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.11.004)
- Yu, L. 2014. Low carbon eco-city: New approach for Chinese urbanisation. Habitat International 44, pp. 102-110. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.05.004)
- Yu, L. 2014. Climate change, challenges for Chinese urbanisation and adaptation policies. Presented at: Climate Change and Urban Development Workshop, China, 5 September 2014.
- Yu, L. 2014. Chinese city and regional planning systems. Abingdon and New York: Ashgate. (10.4324/9781315260426)
- Yu, L. 2014. Planning for eco-cities and sustainable development. Presented at: The Eco Forum Global Annual Conference, Guiyang, China, 10-12 July 2015.
- Yu, L. 2014. Combining qualitative and quantitative: meta-synthesis digital urban planning. Urban Development Studies 21(2), pp. 83-90.
- Yu, L. 2014. Existing problems of development and management in China’s small towns and proposed addressing policies. Urban Planning International 29(1), pp. 62-67.
- Yu, L. and Cai, H. 2013. Challenges for housing rural-to-urban migrants in Beijing. Habitat International 40, pp. 268-277. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2013.05.006)
- Qiu, B., Yu, L. and Li, X. 2012. 兼顾理想与现实:中国低碳生态城市指标体系构建与实践示范初探 [Considering both ideals and realities: Chinese eco-city indicators system and pilot eco-city initiates]. Beijing: 中国建筑工业出版社 [China Building Press].
- Marsden, T. K., Yu, L. and Flynn, A. C. 2011. Exploring ecological modernisation and urban–rural eco-developments in China: the case of Anji County. Town Planning Review 82(2), pp. 195-224. (10.3828/tpr.2011.13)
- Zhou, G. Y. and Yu, L. 2010. Xi fang xian dai cheng shi gui hua li lun gai lun [Introduction of Western Modern Urban Planning Theory]. Nan jing: Dong nan ta xue chu ban she [China Southeast University Press].
- Yu, L. and Zhu, L. 2009. Chinese local state entrepreneurialism: a case study of Changchun. International Development Planning Review 31(2), pp. 199-220. (10.3828/idpr.31.2.5)
- Yu, L. 2009. Study on development objectives and implemeting policies of Chinese Eco-city [in Chinese]. Urban Planning International 24(6), pp. 102-107.
- Yu, L. 2009. A Chinese Eco-development Model: Anji County. Urban World 1(3), pp. 29-31.
- Yu, L. 2008. Learning process of Chinese urban planning: the case of Xiamen's city comprehensive plan. Environment and Planning C, Government and Policy 26(1), pp. 229-242. (10.1068/c63m)
- Yu, L. 2008. Aiming for closely linking between researches and teaching [in Chinese]. Urban Planning International 23(6), pp. 1-2.
- Yu, L. 2008. Process of coping with social and economic changes: Chinese urban planning system in transition. Presented at: 2nd Symposium on Planning Law and Property Rights, Warsaw.
- Yu, L. 2007. Coordination and governance mechanism of megalopolis: existing situation of cities alliance and proposed policies [in Chinese]. Urban Planning International 22(6), pp. 69-73.
- Yu, L. 2007. A sustainable development form for metropolises in China: A case study of Beijing. International Development Planning Review 29(4), pp. 451-473. (10.3828/idpr.29.4.3)
- Yu, L., Jia, N. and Li, M. 2025. Lessons of eco-transition of a rural small town: The case of Manzhuang China from raw material processing industries to a circular economy. Resources Policy 101, article number: 105484. (10.1016/j.resourpol.2025.105484)
- Yang, J., Yu, L. and Zhang, J. 2024. Impacts on rural community development and governance by different land ownership: A comparative study based on two villages in China. European Journal of Development Research 36, pp. 1616-1635. (10.1057/s41287-024-00653-w)
- Zeng, C., Yang, Z., Zhai, Y. and Yu, L. 2024. The impact of social media and infection perception on the intentions of recreational vehicle tours: An extended model of goal-directed behavior. Behavioral Sciences 14(11), pp. 986. (10.3390/bs14110986)
- Yu, L., Wang, Y. and Li, M. 2024. The emergence of counter-urbanisation in China: Can it be a pathway for rural revitalisation?. Habitat International 144, article number: 102998. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2023.102998)
- Yu, L., Weije, L., Choguill, C. and Li, M. 2023. Liangshan Bank, A hybrid model of payment for ecosystem services governance in rural development: The case of Baofu, China. Habitat International 138, article number: 102879. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2023.102879)
- Zeng, C., Zhou, X., Yu, L. and Ma, C. 2023. Parking generating rate prediction method based on grey correlation analysis and SSA-GRNN. Sustainability 15(17), article number: 13016. (10.3390/su151713016)
- Wang, T., Ou, R., Yu, L., Qi, H. and Zhang, J. 2023. PLC based automatic monitoring and its application in the rainwater storage capacity of the roof greening ecosystem. Journal of South China Agricultural University 44(3), pp. 484-494. (10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.202203062)
- Li, Z., Gao, Y., Yu, L., Choguill, C. L. and Cui, W. 2022. Analysis of the elderly’s preferences for choosing medical service facilities from the perspective of accessibility: A case study of tertiary general hospitals in Hefei, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(15), article number: e9432. (10.3390/ijerph19159432)
- Wu, X., Yu, L., Fang, H. and Wu, J. 2022. Research on the protection and reuse of industrial heritage from the perspective of public participation—a case study of northern mining area of Pingdingshan, China. Land 11(1), article number: 16. (10.3390/land11010016)
- Zhou, J., Yu, L. and Choguill, C. L. 2021. Co-evolution of technology and rural society: The blossoming of taobao villages in the information era, China. Journal of Rural Studies 83, pp. 81-87. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.02.022)
- Yu, L., Lyu, Y., Chen, C. and Choguill, C. L. 2021. Environmental deterioration in rapid urbanisation: evidence from assessment of ecosystem service values in Wujiang, Suzhou. Environment, Development and Sustainability 23, pp. 331-349. (10.1007/s10668-019-00582-3)
- Yu, L. 2021. The crisis and challenge of urban design under the new-normal: a case of zhongxiang, chongqing. Urban Development Studies
- Yu, L. 2021. Concerns on provision of medical and aging service facilities from planning and design for adaptation to the elderly in community: a case of Xiamen. Urban Development Studies
- Yu, L., Chen, C. and Choguill, C. 2020. "Dipiao", Chinese approach to transfer of land development rights: the experiences of Chongqing. Land Use Policy 99, article number: 104870. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104870)
- Flynn, A. and Yu, L. 2020. The Protean Environmental State in Dongguan: Reconceptualising the local state and ecological development in China. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38(3), pp. 443-463. (10.1177/2399654419884331)
- Niu, Q., Yu, L., Jie, Q. and Li, X. 2020. An urban eco-environmental sensitive areas assessment method based on variable weights combination. Environment, Development and Sustainability 22, pp. 2069-2085. (10.1007/s10668-018-0277-x)
- Yu, L. 2020. Spatial evolution of high-speed railway station areas and planning response. City Planning Review
- Yu, L. 2020. Dilemma, reform, and reflections on spatial planning. City Planning Review
- Han, Q., Yu, L. and Chen, Y. 2019. Research on territorial spatial development suitability evaluation under the background of planning transformation. Journal of Human Settlements in West China 5, pp. 34-39. (10.13791/j.cnki.hsfwest.20190505)
- Wang, M., Lin, X. and Yu, L. 2019. Comprehensive evaluation of green transportation in Chongqing main urban area based on sustainable development theory. Systems Science and Control Engineering 7(1), pp. 369-378. (10.1080/21642583.2019.1681032)
- Yu, L. 2019. A review of urban environmental governance and their applicability in China. Urban Development Studies
- Yu, L. 2018. Some considerations and suggestions for the application of public-private partnership in Sponge City Project construction: a case study of Sponge City Project in Cuwen scenic district, Taian, Shandong. Urban Development Studies
- Yu, L. 2018. Research on the career vertical mobility of the new generation of rural migrants. Urban Development Studies
- Chun, C., Yong, C., Yu, L. and Wei, Z. 2018. Planning for a healthy city: the influence of built environment on elderly's body mass index. China City Planning Review 27(1), pp. 52-58.
- Flynn, A., Chan, K. W., Zhao, Z. and Yu, L. 2017. Sustainability, space and supply chains: the role of bamboo in Anji County, China. Journal of Rural Studies 49, pp. 128-139. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.11.012)
- de Jong, M., Yu, C., Joss, S., Wennersten, R., Yu, L., Zhang, X. and Ma, X. 2016. Eco city development in China: addressing the policy implementation challenge. Journal of Cleaner Production 134(A), pp. 31-41. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.03.083)
- Flynn, A., Yu, L., Feindt, P. and Chen, C. 2016. Eco-cities, governance and sustainable lifestyles: The case of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City. Habitat International 53, pp. 78-86. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.11.004)
- Yu, L. 2014. Low carbon eco-city: New approach for Chinese urbanisation. Habitat International 44, pp. 102-110. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.05.004)
- Yu, L. 2014. Combining qualitative and quantitative: meta-synthesis digital urban planning. Urban Development Studies 21(2), pp. 83-90.
- Yu, L. 2014. Existing problems of development and management in China’s small towns and proposed addressing policies. Urban Planning International 29(1), pp. 62-67.
- Yu, L. and Cai, H. 2013. Challenges for housing rural-to-urban migrants in Beijing. Habitat International 40, pp. 268-277. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2013.05.006)
- Marsden, T. K., Yu, L. and Flynn, A. C. 2011. Exploring ecological modernisation and urban–rural eco-developments in China: the case of Anji County. Town Planning Review 82(2), pp. 195-224. (10.3828/tpr.2011.13)
- Yu, L. and Zhu, L. 2009. Chinese local state entrepreneurialism: a case study of Changchun. International Development Planning Review 31(2), pp. 199-220. (10.3828/idpr.31.2.5)
- Yu, L. 2009. Study on development objectives and implemeting policies of Chinese Eco-city [in Chinese]. Urban Planning International 24(6), pp. 102-107.
- Yu, L. 2009. A Chinese Eco-development Model: Anji County. Urban World 1(3), pp. 29-31.
- Yu, L. 2008. Learning process of Chinese urban planning: the case of Xiamen's city comprehensive plan. Environment and Planning C, Government and Policy 26(1), pp. 229-242. (10.1068/c63m)
- Yu, L. 2008. Aiming for closely linking between researches and teaching [in Chinese]. Urban Planning International 23(6), pp. 1-2.
- Yu, L. 2007. Coordination and governance mechanism of megalopolis: existing situation of cities alliance and proposed policies [in Chinese]. Urban Planning International 22(6), pp. 69-73.
- Yu, L. 2007. A sustainable development form for metropolises in China: A case study of Beijing. International Development Planning Review 29(4), pp. 451-473. (10.3828/idpr.29.4.3)
Book sections
- Cao, X. and Yu, L. 2023. The Applicability of Environmental Governance Theories in China.. In: Zhang, F. and Wu, F. eds. Handbook on China's Urban Environmental Governance.. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 93–113.
- Caprotti, F. and Yu, L. eds. 2017. Sustainable cities in Asia. Taylor & Francis. (10.4324/9781315643069)
- Yu, L. 2014. Chinese city and regional planning systems. Abingdon and New York: Ashgate. (10.4324/9781315260426)
- Qiu, B., Yu, L. and Li, X. 2012. 兼顾理想与现实:中国低碳生态城市指标体系构建与实践示范初探 [Considering both ideals and realities: Chinese eco-city indicators system and pilot eco-city initiates]. Beijing: 中国建筑工业出版社 [China Building Press].
- Zhou, G. Y. and Yu, L. 2010. Xi fang xian dai cheng shi gui hua li lun gai lun [Introduction of Western Modern Urban Planning Theory]. Nan jing: Dong nan ta xue chu ban she [China Southeast University Press].
- Yu, L. 2014. Climate change, challenges for Chinese urbanisation and adaptation policies. Presented at: Climate Change and Urban Development Workshop, China, 5 September 2014.
- Yu, L. 2014. Planning for eco-cities and sustainable development. Presented at: The Eco Forum Global Annual Conference, Guiyang, China, 10-12 July 2015.
- Yu, L. 2008. Process of coping with social and economic changes: Chinese urban planning system in transition. Presented at: 2nd Symposium on Planning Law and Property Rights, Warsaw.
- Caprotti, F., Cowley, R., Flynn, A., Joss, S. and Yu, L. 2016. Smart-Eco Cities in the UK: Trends and City Profiles 2016. Project Report. Exeter: University of Exeter (SMART-ECO Project).
- “Research and Piloting for Strengthening High-quality Development Frameworks with a Focus on Promoting Ecological, Biodiversity Conservation and Carbon Neutrality”, the World Bank's GEF7 China Green and Carbon Neutral Cities Project
- Promoting Rural Development and Revitalisation through Biodiversity Educational Tourism
- Research on the Mechanism and Pathway of Coordinated Development of Large, Small and Medium-sized Cities Based on Commonwealth, National Social Science Foundation of China
- Theoretical and Practical Research on the Development of Digital Countryside in Shandong Province under the Background of Uncertainty, Shandong Provincial Social Science Planning Research Project (22CSDJ51)
- Historical Culture of Ethnic Minority Rural Settlements in Liaoning Province Based on the Theory of Two Mountains, Liaoning Provincial Social Science Planning Research Fund (L20BMZ005)
- Innovation for All: Promoting the Sustainable Revitalisation and Development of Rural Areas in Less Developed Western China through Innovative Mechanisms
- Ecological Development Model Research for Dongguan Riverside Economic Development Area.
- Adaptation to Climate Change and Implementation of Ecological Economic Development Pattern for Building Beautiful, Liveable and Environmental Towns, Dongguan, China
- Smart Eco-cities for a Green Economy: a Comparative Study of Europe and China, EU-China joint research project
Contact Details
Research themes
- Sustainble development and planning
- Smart and low carbon cities and countryside
- International comparative planning and development