Ar hyn o bryd mae David Barrow yn ymchwilio i adeiladwaith rhanedig, microraddfa, gan ddefnyddio microhylifeg i'w ffurfio, wedi'i gyfeirio tuag at brotocells, meinwe proto-feinwe a bywyd artiffisial. Mae'n bartner allweddol ym mhrosiectau consortia Ymchwil a ariennir gan yr Undeb Ewropeaidd o'r enw "Celloedd Artiffisial gyda Chores Dosbarthedig (ACDC)", a'r prosiect EIC, o'r enw "Bio-hybrid Hierarchical Organoid-Synthetig-Meinweoedd (BiohHOST)" o dan raglen ymchwil flaenllaw yr UE - "Deunyddiau Byw peirianyddol".
Gwyddonydd amlddisgyblaethol yw Barrow, ac Athro Emeritws Microhylifeg ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Mae wedi ymchwilio i amrywiaeth o ffenomenau a dyfeisiau microhylifig, gan gynnwys synwyryddion cemegol, silicon mandyllog, microacoustics, integreiddio hybrid, micromolding, micronodwyddau trawsdermol, emwlsiwn, defnyn a microhylifeg digidol, gwahaniadau cemegol, ysgythru plasma, CFD, synwyryddion microdon, microbeiriannu laser a systemau microddadansoddi morol. Roedd yn un o sylfaenwyr Canolfan Nanocentre mynediad agored metaFAB TSB yn y DU, gan ddarparu microbeiriannu laser pwrpasol, MSTB Ltd. yn ymchwilio i ficrosystemau gofod, Protasis Corporation yn datblygu microdevices ar gyfer gwahanu cemegau, Q-CHIP Ltd (wedi'i uno â Midatech fflyrtio ar AIM a rhestr NASDAQ) gan ddatblygu fferyllol microencapsulated chwistrelladwy, a Gwobrau Arloesi Da Vinci Caerdydd. Mae wedi hedfan arbrofion acwstig ar labordy Zero Gravity Asiantaeth Ofod Ewrop am 3 diwrnod dros Fae Biscay ac roedd yn aelod o symudiadau tectonig platiau astudio plât astudio Arctig Norwy Arctig Caerdydd. Mae hefyd yn bregethwr medrus.
- Silver, K. L. et al. 2024. 3D-printed microfluidic-microwave device for droplet network formation and characterisation. Lab on a Chip 24, pp. 5101-5112. (10.1039/D4LC00387J)
- Dimitriou, P., Li, J., Jamieson, W. D., Schneider, J. J., Castell, O. K. and Barrow, D. A. 2024. Manipulation of encapsulated artificial phospholipid membranes using sub-micellar lysolipid concentrations. Communications Chemistry 7(1), article number: 120. (10.1038/s42004-024-01209-z)
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2024. Percolation breakdown in binary and ternary monodisperse and polydisperse systems of spherical particles. Presented at: Italian Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Venice, 6-8 September 2023 Presented at Villani, M., Cagnoni, S. and Serra, R. eds.Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023, Vol. 1977. Communications in Computer and Information Science Cham, Switzerland: Springer pp. 161-174., (10.1007/978-3-031-57430-6_13)
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2024. Kauffman Model with spatially separated ligation and cleavage reactions. Presented at: Italian Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Venice, 6-8 September 2023 Presented at Villani, M., Cagnoni, S. and Serra, R. eds.Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023, Vol. 1977. Communications in Computer and Information Science Cham, Switzerland: Springer pp. 141-160., (10.1007/978-3-031-57430-6_12)
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2023. Network creation during agglomeration processes of polydisperse and monodisperse systems of droplets. Communications in Computer and Information Science 1780, pp. 94-106. (10.1007/978-3-031-31183-3_8)
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2023. Artificial chemistry performed in an agglomeration of droplets with restricted molecule transfer. Presented at: WIVACE 2022, XVI International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Gaeta, Italy, 14-16 September 2022 Presented at De Stefano, C., Fontanella, F. and Vanneschi, L. eds.WIVACE 2022. Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation., Vol. 1780. Communications in Computer and Information Science Cham, Switzerland: Springer pp. 107-118., (10.1007/978-3-031-31183-3_9)
- Matuttis, H. et al. 2023. Computational investigation of the clustering of droplets in widening pipe geometries. Presented at: WIVACE 2022, XVI International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Gaeta, Italy, 14-16 September 2022 Presented at De Stefano, C., Fontanella, F. and Vanneschi, L. eds.WIVACE 2022. Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 1780. Communications in Computer and Information Science Cham, Switzerland: Springer pp. 82-93., (10.1007/978-3-031-31183-3_7)
- Schneider, J. J., Barrow, D. A., Li, J., Weyland, M. S., Flumini, D., Eggenberger Hotz, P. and Füchslin, R. M. 2023. Geometric restrictions to the agglomeration of spherical particles. Presented at: Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation 15th Italian Workshop, WIVACE 2021, Winterthur, Switzerland,, Winterthur, Switzerland, 15-17 September 2021Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation 15th Italian Workshop, WIVACE 2021, Winterthur, Switzerland, September 15–17, 2021, Revised Selected Papers, Vol. 1722. Springer pp. 72-84., (10.1007/978-3-031-23929-8_7)
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2023. Obstacles on the pathway towards chemical programmability using agglomerations of droplets. Presented at: Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation 15th Italian Workshop, WIVACE 2021, Winterthur, Switzerland, 15-17 September 2021Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation 15th Italian Workshop, WIVACE 2021, Winterthur, Switzerland, September 15–17, 2021, Revised Selected Papers, Vol. 1722. Springer pp. 35-50., (10.1007/978-3-031-23929-8_4)
- Baxani, D. K., Jamieson, W. D., Barrow, D. A. and Castell, O. K. 2022. Encapsulated droplet interface bilayers as a platform for high-throughput membrane studies. Soft Matter 18, pp. 5089-5096. (10.1039/D1SM01111A)
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2022. Paths in a network of polydisperse spherical droplets. Presented at: ALIFE 2022: The 2022 Conference on Artificial Life, Online, 18-22 July 2022The 2022 Conference on Artificial Life Proceedings. MIT Press, (10.1162/isal_a_00502)
- Li, J. et al. 2022. Building programmable multicompartment artificial cells incorporating remotely activated protein channels using microfluidics and acoustic levitation. Nature Communications 13(1), article number: 4125. (10.1038/s41467-022-31898-w)
- Dimitriou, P., Li, J., Tornillo, G., Smalley, M. and Barrow, D. 2022. Droplet incubator: a new droplet-based model to investigate living cell-synthetic cell interactions. Presented at: MicroTAS 2022, Hangzhou, China, 23-27 October 2022.
- Dimitriou, P., Li, J., Jamieson, W., Castell, O. and Barrow, D. 2022. Active content release from synthetic cell interior towards a novel drug delivery method. Presented at: MicroTAS 2022, Hangzhou, China, 23-27 October 2022.
- Li, J., Dimitriou, P. and Barrow, D. 2022. Acoustic levitation of complex emulsions and hierarchical soft matter constructs. Presented at: MicroTAS 2022, Hangzhou, China, 23-27 October 2022.
- Dimitriou, P., Li, J., Tornillo, G., McCloy, T. and Barrow, D. 2021. Droplet microfluidics for tumor drug-related studies and programmable artificial cells. Global Challenges 5(7), article number: 2000123. (10.1002/gch2.202000123)
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2021. Influence of the geometry on the agglomeration of a polydisperse binary system of spherical particles. Presented at: ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life, 19-23 July 2021Proceedings of the ALIFE 2022: The 2022 Conference on Artificial Life. ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life.. MIT Press, (10.1162/isal_a_00392)
- Li, J., Baxani Kamal, D., Jamieson, W. D., Xu, W., Garcia Rocha, V., Barrow, D. A. and Castell, O. K. 2020. Formation of polarised, functional artificial cells from compartmentalised droplet networks and nanomaterials, using one-step, dual-material 3D-printed microfluidics. Advanced Science 7(1), article number: 1901719. (10.1002/advs.201901719)
- Li, J., Dimitriou, P., Castell, O. and Barrow, D. 2020. Generation of complex emulsions using monolithic, dual material 3D-printed microfluidic devices. Presented at: The 24th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2020), 4-9 October 2020. Cardiff:
- Dillon, C., Hughes, H., O'Reilly, N. J., Allender, C. J., Barrow, D. A. and McLoughlin, P. 2019. Dissolving microneedle based transdermal delivery of therapeutic peptide analogues. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 565, pp. 9-19. (10.1016/j.ijpharm.2019.04.075)
- Thomas, R., Li, J., Ladak, S., Barrow, D. and Smowton, P. 2018. In-situ fabricated 3D micro-lenses for photonic integrated circuits. Optics Express 26(10), pp. 13436-13442. (10.1364/OE.26.013436)
- Hidalgo San Jose, L., Stephens, P., Song, B. and Barrow, D. 2018. Microfluidic encapsulation supports stem cell viability, proliferation and neuronal differentiation. Tissue Engineering Part C Methods 24(3), pp. 158-170. (10.1089/ten.TEC.2017.0368)
- Baxani, D. K., Jamieson, W. D., Barrow, D. A. and Castell, O. K. 2018. An encapsulated droplet interface bilayer array for the high-throughput optical measurement of lipid membranes with single bilayer resolution. Biophysical Journal 114(3), pp. 686A. (10.1016/j.bpj.2017.11.3699)
- Thomas, R., Harrison, A., Barrow, D. and Smowton, P. M. 2017. Photonic integration platform with pump free microfluidics. Optics Express 25(20), pp. 23634-23644. (10.1364/OE.25.023634)
- Li, J. and Barrow, D. A. 2017. A new droplet-forming fluidic junction for the generation of highly compartmentalised capsules. Lab on a Chip 17(16), pp. 2873-2881. (10.1039/c7lc00618g)
- Li, J., Lindley-Start, J., Porch, A. and Barrow, D. 2017. Continuous and scalable polymer capsule processing for inertial fusion energy target shell fabrication using droplet microfluidics. Scientific Reports 7, article number: 6302. (10.1038/s41598-017-06746-3)
- Baxani Kamal, D., Morgan, A. J., Li, J., Barrow, D. A. and Castell, O. 2017. The microfluidic manufacture of encapsulated droplet interface bilayers using a hybrid 3D-printed coaxial device. Presented at: 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2016), Dublin, Ireland, 9-13 October 2016Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2016). Red Hook, New York: Curran Associates, Inc.
- Li, J., Baxani Kamal, D., Castell, O. and Barrow, D. 2017. Formation of chemically responsive multisomes using droplet microfluidics. Presented at: 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2016), Dublin, Ireland, 9-13 October 2016Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2016). Red Hook, NY: Curran Associates, Inc.
- Li, J., Wu, F., Wang, H., Cuenca, J., Yang, X. and Barrow, D. 2017. An automated system for the shape optimization of double emulsion droplets used in the fabrication of Inertial Fusion Energy target shells. Presented at: The 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2017), Cardiff, 22-26 October 2017.
- Baxani, D. K., Morgan, A. J. L., Jamieson, W. D., Allender, C. J., Barrow, D. A. and Castell, O. K. 2016. Bilayer networks within a hydrogel shell: A robust chassis for artificial cells and a platform for membrane studies. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55(46), pp. 14240-14245. (10.1002/anie.201607571)
- Loizidou, E. Z., Inoue, N. T., Ashton-Barnett, J., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. J. 2016. Evaluation of geometrical effects of microneedles on skin penetration by CT scan and finite element analysis. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 107, pp. 1-6. (10.1016/j.ejpb.2016.06.023)
- Morgan, A. J. L. et al. 2016. Simple and versatile 3D printed microfluidics using fused filament fabrication. PLoS ONE 11(4), article number: e0152023. (10.1371/journal.pone.0152023)
- Abduljabar, A. A., Yang, X., Barrow, D. A. and Porch, A. 2015. Modelling and measurements of the microwave dielectric properties of microspheres. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63(12), pp. 4492-4500. (10.1109/TMTT.2015.2495247)
- Sobiesierski, A., Thomas, R., Buckle, P. D., Barrow, D. and Smowton, P. M. 2015. A two-stage surface treatment for the long-term stability of hydrophilic SU-8. Surface and Interface Analysis 47(13), pp. 1174-1179. (10.1002/sia.5870)
- Abduljabar, A., Choi, H., Barrow, D. and Porch, A. 2015. Adaptive coupling of resonators for efficient microwave heating of microfluidic systems. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63(11), pp. 3681-3690. (10.1109/TMTT.2015.2478004)
- Loizidou, E. Z., Williams, N. A., Barrow, D. A., Eaton, M. J., McCrory, J., Evans, S. L. and Allender, C. J. 2015. Structural characterisation and transdermal delivery studies on sugar microneedles: Experimental and finite element modelling analyses. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 89, pp. 224-231. (10.1016/j.ejpb.2014.11.023)
- Abduljabar, A., Yang, X., Barrow, D. and Porch, A. 2015. Microstrip split ring resonator for microsphere detection and characterization. Presented at: 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 17-22 May 20152015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. pp. 1-4.
- Rowe, D. J., Al-Malki, S., Abduljabar, A. A., Porch, A., Barrow, D. and Allender, C. J. 2014. Improved split-ring resonator for microfluidic sensing. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 62(3), pp. 689-699. (10.1109/TMTT.2014.2299514)
- Li, J. and Barrow, D. 2014. Rapid and precision mass replication of inertial fusion energy targets with multiphase microfluidics. Presented at: The 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2014), Cardiff, 26 - 30 October 201418th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences. USA: Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society pp. 1253-1255.
- Li, J. and Barrow, D. 2014. Microfluidic encapsulation of droplet assemblies. Presented at: 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2014), Cardiff, 26-30 October 2014.
- Abduljabar, A., Porch, A. and Barrow, D. 2014. Real-time measurements of size, speed, and dielectric property of liquid segments using a microwave microfluidic sensor. Presented at: 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS2014), Tampa, FL, USA, 1-6 June 20142014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS2014). IEEE pp. 1-4.
- Morgan, A. J. et al. 2013. Efficient microwave heating of microfluidic systems. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 181, pp. 904-909. (10.1016/j.snb.2013.02.099)
- Rowe, D. J., Porch, A., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. J. 2013. Microfluidic microwave sensor for simultaneous dielectric and magnetic characterization. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 61(1), pp. 234-243. (10.1109/TMTT.2012.2222909)
- Rowe, D. J., Porch, A., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. J. 2012. Microfluidic device for compositional analysis of solvent systems at microwave frequencies. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 169, pp. 213-221. (10.1016/j.snb.2012.04.069)
- Rowe, D. J., Porch, A., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. J. 2012. Novel coupling structure for the resonant coaxial probe. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 60(6), pp. 1699-1708. (10.1109/TMTT.2012.2189124)
- Barrow, D. A., Bouris, K., Harries, N. and Jones, T. G. 2012. Microfluidic device and methods for construction and application. EP1562708B1 [Patent].
- Watkins, C. L., Sayers, E. J., Allender, C. J., Barrow, D. A., Fegan, C. D., Brennan, P. and Jones, A. T. 2011. Co-operative membrane disruption between cell-penetrating peptide and cargo: implications for the therapeutic use of the Bcl-2 converter peptide D-NuBCP-9-r8. Molecular Therapy 19(12), pp. 2124-2132. (10.1038/mt.2011.175)
- Castell, O. K., Barrow, D. A., Kamarudin, A. K. and Allender, C. J. 2011. Current practices for describing the performance of molecularly imprinted polymers can be misleading and may be hampering the development of the field. Journal of Molecular Recognition 24(6), pp. 1115-1122. (10.1002/jmr.1161)
- Barrow, D. A., Castell, O. K., Sykes, N., Myers, P. and Ritchie, H. 2011. A microfabricated graphitic carbon column for high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 1218(15), pp. 1983-1987. (10.1016/j.chroma.2010.11.086)
- Rowe, D. J., Porch, A., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. J. 2011. Integrated microwave resonant device for dielectric analysis of microfluidic systems. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 310(1), article number: 12004. (10.1088/1742-6596/310/1/012004)
- Porch, A., Masood, A., Naylon, A. J., Sulaimalebbe, A. and Barrow, D. A. 2010. Sapphire dielectric resonator for microfluidic compositional analysis. Presented at: Proceedings of MicroTAS 2010, Groningen, The Netherlands. pp. 2011-2013.
- Naylon, A. J. et al. 2010. Efficient Microwave heating and dielectric characterization of microfluidic systems. Presented at: Proceedings of MicroTAS 2010, Groningen, The Netherlands. pp. 2092-2094.
- Rowe, D. J., Naylon, A. J., Porch, A., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. J. 2010. Microwave resonant sensor for real-time continuous-flow measurements of microfluidic systems. Presented at: 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010 : (MicroTAS 2010), Groningen, The Netherlands, 3-7 October 2010 Presented at Verpoorte, S. ed.14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010 : (MicroTAS 2010) : Groningen, The Netherlands, 3-7 October 2010. San Diego, CA: Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society pp. 1004-1006.
- Masood, A., Porch, A. and Barrow, D. A. 2010. Microwave resonators for highly sensitive compositional analysis: applications for solvents in microcapillary systems. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing.
- Ahmed-Omer, B., Barrow, D. A. and Wirth, T. 2009. Heck reactions using segmented flow conditions. Tetrahedron Letters 50(26), pp. 3352-3355. (10.1016/j.tetlet.2009.02.133)
- Lalev, G., Petkov, P. V., Sykes, N., Hirshy, H., Velkova, V., Dimov, S. S. and Barrow, D. A. 2009. Fabrication and validation of fused silica NIL templates incorporating different length scale features. Microelectronic Engineering 86(4-6), pp. 705-708. (10.1016/j.mee.2009.01.074)
- Castell, O. K., Allender, C. J. and Barrow, D. A. 2009. Liquid-liquid phase separation: characterisation of a novel device capable of separating particle carrying multiphase flows. Lab on a Chip 9(3), pp. 388-396. (10.1039/b806946h)
- Castell, O., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. 2008. Microfluidic liquid separation device and methods for construction and application. GB 0816001.2 [Patent].
- Castell, O. K., Allender, C. J. and Barrow, D. A. 2008. Continuous molecular enrichment in microfluidic systems. Lab on a Chip 8(7), pp. 1031-1033. (10.1039/b800521d)
- Lalev, G., Petkov, P. V., Sykes, N., Velkova, V., Dimov, S. S. and Barrow, D. A. 2008. Template fabrication incorporating different length scale features. Presented at: 4th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (4M), Cardiff, UK, 9-11 September 2008 Presented at Menz, W. and Dimov, S. S. eds.4M 2008: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multi-material Micro Manufacture, Cardiff, UK, 9-11 September 2008. Dunbeath: Whittles pp. 261-264.
- Castell, O. K., Masood, A., Goritz, R. and Barrow, D. A. 2008. A microwave technique for monitoring phase separation of a multi-phase flow regime utilised for continous molecular enrichment. Presented at: Proceedings of MicroTAS Micro total analysis system 2008, San Diego, USA. pp. 137-139.
- Ahmed-Omer, B., Barrow, D. A. and Wirth, T. 2008. Effect of segmented fluid flow, sonication and phase transfer catalysis on biphasic reactions in capillary microreactors. Chemical Engineering Journal 135(S1), pp. S280-S283. (10.1016/j.cej.2007.07.017)
- Masood, A., Castell, O., Goritz, R., Barrow, D. A., Allender, C. and Porch, A. 2008. Split ring resonator technique for compositional analysis of solvents in microcapillary systems. Presented at: Proceedings of MicroTAS, San Diego, USA. pp. 1636-1628.
- Barrow, D. A. 2008. Properties and uses of microreactors. In: Wirth, T. ed. Microreactors in Organic Chemistry and Catalysis. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, pp. 43-57.
- Ahmed, B., Barrow, D. A. and Wirth, T. 2008. Bi-phasic Reactions in Microreactors. Presented at: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multi-materials Micro Manufacture, Cardiff, UK. Whittles Publishing Ltd
- Goeritz, R., Masood, A., Castell, O., Barrow, D. A., Allender, C. and Porch, A. 2007. Microwave compositional analysis of solvent matrices in microcapillary manifold systems. Presented at: Proc. 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2007), Paris, France. pp. 1689-1691.
- Castell, O. K., Allender, C. J. and Barrow, D. A. 2006. Novel biphasic separations utilising highly selective molecularly imprinted polymers as biorecognition solvent extraction agents. Biosensors and bioelectronics 22(4), pp. 526-533. (10.1016/j.bios.2006.07.017)
- Ahmed, B., Barrow, D. A. and Wirth, T. 2006. Enhancement of reaction rates by segmented fluid flow in capillary scale reactors. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 348(9), pp. 1043-1048. (10.1002/adsc.200505480)
- Coulman, S. et al. 2006. Minimally invasive cutaneous delivery of macromolecules and plasmid DNA via microneedles. Current drug delivery 3(1), pp. 65-75.
- Castell, O. K., Allender, C. J. and Barrow, D. A. 2006. Microchip solid-phase-enhanced liquid extractions utilising highly selective molecularly impronted polymers as chemorecognition solvent extraction agents. Presented at: Proceedings of MicroTAS Micro total analysis system 2006, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 891-893.
- Zhu, J. and Barrow, D. A. 2005. Analysis of droplet size during crossflow membrane emulsification using stationary and vibrating micromachined silicon nitride membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 261(1-2), pp. 136-144. (10.1016/j.memsci.2005.02.038)
- Velten, T. et al. 2005. Packaging of bio-MEMS: strategies, technologies and applications. IEEE Transactions on Integration and Packaging 28(4), pp. 533-546. (10.1109/TADVP.2005.858427)
- Barrow, D. A., Bouris, K., Harries, N. and Jones, T. G. 2004. Novel microfluidic geometries and processing methodologies enabling the precision formation of micro- and nano- particles. WO2004/043598 [Patent].
- Chabri, F. et al. 2004. Microfabricated silicon microneedles for non-viral cutaneous gene delivery. British Journal of Dermatology 150(5), pp. 869-877. (10.1111/j.1365-2133.2004.05921.x)
- Chabri, F. et al. 2004. Microfabricated silicon microneedles for nonviral cutaneous gene delivery. British Journal of Dermatology 150(5), pp. 869-877. (10.1111/j.0007-0963.2004.05921.x)
- Barrow, D. A., Bouris, K., Harries, N. and Jones, T. G. 2004. Method for the bulk machining of fluoropolymer substrates. WO2004044655A1 [Patent].
- Harries, N., Burns, J. R., Barrow, D. A. and Ramshaw, C. 2003. A numerical model for segmented flow in a microreactor. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46(17), pp. 3313-3322. (10.1016/S0017-9310(03)00120-0)
- Senkans, P. D., Biasi, V. D. and Barrow, D. A. 2002. Computational simulations of fluid flow dynamics and bead packing in solid phase extraction microsystems.. Presented at: Micro total analysis systems 2002 proceedings of the mTAS2002 symposium, Nara, Japan. Kluwer Academic Publishers pp. 76-78.
- Shapley, J. D. L. and Barrow, D. A. 2001. Novel patterning method for the electrochemical production of etched silicon. Thin Sold Films 388(1-2), pp. 134-137. (10.1016/S0040-6090(01)00823-9)
- Sparey-Taylor, G. J., Lewis, C., Chapper, E., Schiller, P., Kern, P., Cefai, J. J. and Barrow, D. A. 2001. Automated ultrasonic particle processing microsystem. Presented at: Proceedings of SPIE 4236 the International Society for Optical Engineering Smart Electronic & MEMS II, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. 4236. pp. 107-114.
- Silver, K. L. et al. 2024. 3D-printed microfluidic-microwave device for droplet network formation and characterisation. Lab on a Chip 24, pp. 5101-5112. (10.1039/D4LC00387J)
- Dimitriou, P., Li, J., Jamieson, W. D., Schneider, J. J., Castell, O. K. and Barrow, D. A. 2024. Manipulation of encapsulated artificial phospholipid membranes using sub-micellar lysolipid concentrations. Communications Chemistry 7(1), article number: 120. (10.1038/s42004-024-01209-z)
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2023. Network creation during agglomeration processes of polydisperse and monodisperse systems of droplets. Communications in Computer and Information Science 1780, pp. 94-106. (10.1007/978-3-031-31183-3_8)
- Baxani, D. K., Jamieson, W. D., Barrow, D. A. and Castell, O. K. 2022. Encapsulated droplet interface bilayers as a platform for high-throughput membrane studies. Soft Matter 18, pp. 5089-5096. (10.1039/D1SM01111A)
- Li, J. et al. 2022. Building programmable multicompartment artificial cells incorporating remotely activated protein channels using microfluidics and acoustic levitation. Nature Communications 13(1), article number: 4125. (10.1038/s41467-022-31898-w)
- Dimitriou, P., Li, J., Tornillo, G., McCloy, T. and Barrow, D. 2021. Droplet microfluidics for tumor drug-related studies and programmable artificial cells. Global Challenges 5(7), article number: 2000123. (10.1002/gch2.202000123)
- Li, J., Baxani Kamal, D., Jamieson, W. D., Xu, W., Garcia Rocha, V., Barrow, D. A. and Castell, O. K. 2020. Formation of polarised, functional artificial cells from compartmentalised droplet networks and nanomaterials, using one-step, dual-material 3D-printed microfluidics. Advanced Science 7(1), article number: 1901719. (10.1002/advs.201901719)
- Dillon, C., Hughes, H., O'Reilly, N. J., Allender, C. J., Barrow, D. A. and McLoughlin, P. 2019. Dissolving microneedle based transdermal delivery of therapeutic peptide analogues. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 565, pp. 9-19. (10.1016/j.ijpharm.2019.04.075)
- Thomas, R., Li, J., Ladak, S., Barrow, D. and Smowton, P. 2018. In-situ fabricated 3D micro-lenses for photonic integrated circuits. Optics Express 26(10), pp. 13436-13442. (10.1364/OE.26.013436)
- Hidalgo San Jose, L., Stephens, P., Song, B. and Barrow, D. 2018. Microfluidic encapsulation supports stem cell viability, proliferation and neuronal differentiation. Tissue Engineering Part C Methods 24(3), pp. 158-170. (10.1089/ten.TEC.2017.0368)
- Baxani, D. K., Jamieson, W. D., Barrow, D. A. and Castell, O. K. 2018. An encapsulated droplet interface bilayer array for the high-throughput optical measurement of lipid membranes with single bilayer resolution. Biophysical Journal 114(3), pp. 686A. (10.1016/j.bpj.2017.11.3699)
- Thomas, R., Harrison, A., Barrow, D. and Smowton, P. M. 2017. Photonic integration platform with pump free microfluidics. Optics Express 25(20), pp. 23634-23644. (10.1364/OE.25.023634)
- Li, J. and Barrow, D. A. 2017. A new droplet-forming fluidic junction for the generation of highly compartmentalised capsules. Lab on a Chip 17(16), pp. 2873-2881. (10.1039/c7lc00618g)
- Li, J., Lindley-Start, J., Porch, A. and Barrow, D. 2017. Continuous and scalable polymer capsule processing for inertial fusion energy target shell fabrication using droplet microfluidics. Scientific Reports 7, article number: 6302. (10.1038/s41598-017-06746-3)
- Baxani, D. K., Morgan, A. J. L., Jamieson, W. D., Allender, C. J., Barrow, D. A. and Castell, O. K. 2016. Bilayer networks within a hydrogel shell: A robust chassis for artificial cells and a platform for membrane studies. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55(46), pp. 14240-14245. (10.1002/anie.201607571)
- Loizidou, E. Z., Inoue, N. T., Ashton-Barnett, J., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. J. 2016. Evaluation of geometrical effects of microneedles on skin penetration by CT scan and finite element analysis. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 107, pp. 1-6. (10.1016/j.ejpb.2016.06.023)
- Morgan, A. J. L. et al. 2016. Simple and versatile 3D printed microfluidics using fused filament fabrication. PLoS ONE 11(4), article number: e0152023. (10.1371/journal.pone.0152023)
- Abduljabar, A. A., Yang, X., Barrow, D. A. and Porch, A. 2015. Modelling and measurements of the microwave dielectric properties of microspheres. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63(12), pp. 4492-4500. (10.1109/TMTT.2015.2495247)
- Sobiesierski, A., Thomas, R., Buckle, P. D., Barrow, D. and Smowton, P. M. 2015. A two-stage surface treatment for the long-term stability of hydrophilic SU-8. Surface and Interface Analysis 47(13), pp. 1174-1179. (10.1002/sia.5870)
- Abduljabar, A., Choi, H., Barrow, D. and Porch, A. 2015. Adaptive coupling of resonators for efficient microwave heating of microfluidic systems. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63(11), pp. 3681-3690. (10.1109/TMTT.2015.2478004)
- Loizidou, E. Z., Williams, N. A., Barrow, D. A., Eaton, M. J., McCrory, J., Evans, S. L. and Allender, C. J. 2015. Structural characterisation and transdermal delivery studies on sugar microneedles: Experimental and finite element modelling analyses. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 89, pp. 224-231. (10.1016/j.ejpb.2014.11.023)
- Rowe, D. J., Al-Malki, S., Abduljabar, A. A., Porch, A., Barrow, D. and Allender, C. J. 2014. Improved split-ring resonator for microfluidic sensing. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 62(3), pp. 689-699. (10.1109/TMTT.2014.2299514)
- Morgan, A. J. et al. 2013. Efficient microwave heating of microfluidic systems. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 181, pp. 904-909. (10.1016/j.snb.2013.02.099)
- Rowe, D. J., Porch, A., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. J. 2013. Microfluidic microwave sensor for simultaneous dielectric and magnetic characterization. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 61(1), pp. 234-243. (10.1109/TMTT.2012.2222909)
- Rowe, D. J., Porch, A., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. J. 2012. Microfluidic device for compositional analysis of solvent systems at microwave frequencies. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 169, pp. 213-221. (10.1016/j.snb.2012.04.069)
- Rowe, D. J., Porch, A., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. J. 2012. Novel coupling structure for the resonant coaxial probe. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 60(6), pp. 1699-1708. (10.1109/TMTT.2012.2189124)
- Watkins, C. L., Sayers, E. J., Allender, C. J., Barrow, D. A., Fegan, C. D., Brennan, P. and Jones, A. T. 2011. Co-operative membrane disruption between cell-penetrating peptide and cargo: implications for the therapeutic use of the Bcl-2 converter peptide D-NuBCP-9-r8. Molecular Therapy 19(12), pp. 2124-2132. (10.1038/mt.2011.175)
- Castell, O. K., Barrow, D. A., Kamarudin, A. K. and Allender, C. J. 2011. Current practices for describing the performance of molecularly imprinted polymers can be misleading and may be hampering the development of the field. Journal of Molecular Recognition 24(6), pp. 1115-1122. (10.1002/jmr.1161)
- Barrow, D. A., Castell, O. K., Sykes, N., Myers, P. and Ritchie, H. 2011. A microfabricated graphitic carbon column for high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 1218(15), pp. 1983-1987. (10.1016/j.chroma.2010.11.086)
- Rowe, D. J., Porch, A., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. J. 2011. Integrated microwave resonant device for dielectric analysis of microfluidic systems. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 310(1), article number: 12004. (10.1088/1742-6596/310/1/012004)
- Ahmed-Omer, B., Barrow, D. A. and Wirth, T. 2009. Heck reactions using segmented flow conditions. Tetrahedron Letters 50(26), pp. 3352-3355. (10.1016/j.tetlet.2009.02.133)
- Lalev, G., Petkov, P. V., Sykes, N., Hirshy, H., Velkova, V., Dimov, S. S. and Barrow, D. A. 2009. Fabrication and validation of fused silica NIL templates incorporating different length scale features. Microelectronic Engineering 86(4-6), pp. 705-708. (10.1016/j.mee.2009.01.074)
- Castell, O. K., Allender, C. J. and Barrow, D. A. 2009. Liquid-liquid phase separation: characterisation of a novel device capable of separating particle carrying multiphase flows. Lab on a Chip 9(3), pp. 388-396. (10.1039/b806946h)
- Castell, O. K., Allender, C. J. and Barrow, D. A. 2008. Continuous molecular enrichment in microfluidic systems. Lab on a Chip 8(7), pp. 1031-1033. (10.1039/b800521d)
- Ahmed-Omer, B., Barrow, D. A. and Wirth, T. 2008. Effect of segmented fluid flow, sonication and phase transfer catalysis on biphasic reactions in capillary microreactors. Chemical Engineering Journal 135(S1), pp. S280-S283. (10.1016/j.cej.2007.07.017)
- Castell, O. K., Allender, C. J. and Barrow, D. A. 2006. Novel biphasic separations utilising highly selective molecularly imprinted polymers as biorecognition solvent extraction agents. Biosensors and bioelectronics 22(4), pp. 526-533. (10.1016/j.bios.2006.07.017)
- Ahmed, B., Barrow, D. A. and Wirth, T. 2006. Enhancement of reaction rates by segmented fluid flow in capillary scale reactors. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 348(9), pp. 1043-1048. (10.1002/adsc.200505480)
- Coulman, S. et al. 2006. Minimally invasive cutaneous delivery of macromolecules and plasmid DNA via microneedles. Current drug delivery 3(1), pp. 65-75.
- Zhu, J. and Barrow, D. A. 2005. Analysis of droplet size during crossflow membrane emulsification using stationary and vibrating micromachined silicon nitride membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 261(1-2), pp. 136-144. (10.1016/j.memsci.2005.02.038)
- Velten, T. et al. 2005. Packaging of bio-MEMS: strategies, technologies and applications. IEEE Transactions on Integration and Packaging 28(4), pp. 533-546. (10.1109/TADVP.2005.858427)
- Chabri, F. et al. 2004. Microfabricated silicon microneedles for non-viral cutaneous gene delivery. British Journal of Dermatology 150(5), pp. 869-877. (10.1111/j.1365-2133.2004.05921.x)
- Chabri, F. et al. 2004. Microfabricated silicon microneedles for nonviral cutaneous gene delivery. British Journal of Dermatology 150(5), pp. 869-877. (10.1111/j.0007-0963.2004.05921.x)
- Harries, N., Burns, J. R., Barrow, D. A. and Ramshaw, C. 2003. A numerical model for segmented flow in a microreactor. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46(17), pp. 3313-3322. (10.1016/S0017-9310(03)00120-0)
- Shapley, J. D. L. and Barrow, D. A. 2001. Novel patterning method for the electrochemical production of etched silicon. Thin Sold Films 388(1-2), pp. 134-137. (10.1016/S0040-6090(01)00823-9)
Book sections
- Barrow, D. A. 2008. Properties and uses of microreactors. In: Wirth, T. ed. Microreactors in Organic Chemistry and Catalysis. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, pp. 43-57.
- Masood, A., Porch, A. and Barrow, D. A. 2010. Microwave resonators for highly sensitive compositional analysis: applications for solvents in microcapillary systems. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing.
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2024. Percolation breakdown in binary and ternary monodisperse and polydisperse systems of spherical particles. Presented at: Italian Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Venice, 6-8 September 2023 Presented at Villani, M., Cagnoni, S. and Serra, R. eds.Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023, Vol. 1977. Communications in Computer and Information Science Cham, Switzerland: Springer pp. 161-174., (10.1007/978-3-031-57430-6_13)
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2024. Kauffman Model with spatially separated ligation and cleavage reactions. Presented at: Italian Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Venice, 6-8 September 2023 Presented at Villani, M., Cagnoni, S. and Serra, R. eds.Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023, Vol. 1977. Communications in Computer and Information Science Cham, Switzerland: Springer pp. 141-160., (10.1007/978-3-031-57430-6_12)
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2023. Artificial chemistry performed in an agglomeration of droplets with restricted molecule transfer. Presented at: WIVACE 2022, XVI International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Gaeta, Italy, 14-16 September 2022 Presented at De Stefano, C., Fontanella, F. and Vanneschi, L. eds.WIVACE 2022. Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation., Vol. 1780. Communications in Computer and Information Science Cham, Switzerland: Springer pp. 107-118., (10.1007/978-3-031-31183-3_9)
- Matuttis, H. et al. 2023. Computational investigation of the clustering of droplets in widening pipe geometries. Presented at: WIVACE 2022, XVI International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Gaeta, Italy, 14-16 September 2022 Presented at De Stefano, C., Fontanella, F. and Vanneschi, L. eds.WIVACE 2022. Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 1780. Communications in Computer and Information Science Cham, Switzerland: Springer pp. 82-93., (10.1007/978-3-031-31183-3_7)
- Schneider, J. J., Barrow, D. A., Li, J., Weyland, M. S., Flumini, D., Eggenberger Hotz, P. and Füchslin, R. M. 2023. Geometric restrictions to the agglomeration of spherical particles. Presented at: Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation 15th Italian Workshop, WIVACE 2021, Winterthur, Switzerland,, Winterthur, Switzerland, 15-17 September 2021Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation 15th Italian Workshop, WIVACE 2021, Winterthur, Switzerland, September 15–17, 2021, Revised Selected Papers, Vol. 1722. Springer pp. 72-84., (10.1007/978-3-031-23929-8_7)
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2023. Obstacles on the pathway towards chemical programmability using agglomerations of droplets. Presented at: Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation 15th Italian Workshop, WIVACE 2021, Winterthur, Switzerland, 15-17 September 2021Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation 15th Italian Workshop, WIVACE 2021, Winterthur, Switzerland, September 15–17, 2021, Revised Selected Papers, Vol. 1722. Springer pp. 35-50., (10.1007/978-3-031-23929-8_4)
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2022. Paths in a network of polydisperse spherical droplets. Presented at: ALIFE 2022: The 2022 Conference on Artificial Life, Online, 18-22 July 2022The 2022 Conference on Artificial Life Proceedings. MIT Press, (10.1162/isal_a_00502)
- Dimitriou, P., Li, J., Tornillo, G., Smalley, M. and Barrow, D. 2022. Droplet incubator: a new droplet-based model to investigate living cell-synthetic cell interactions. Presented at: MicroTAS 2022, Hangzhou, China, 23-27 October 2022.
- Dimitriou, P., Li, J., Jamieson, W., Castell, O. and Barrow, D. 2022. Active content release from synthetic cell interior towards a novel drug delivery method. Presented at: MicroTAS 2022, Hangzhou, China, 23-27 October 2022.
- Li, J., Dimitriou, P. and Barrow, D. 2022. Acoustic levitation of complex emulsions and hierarchical soft matter constructs. Presented at: MicroTAS 2022, Hangzhou, China, 23-27 October 2022.
- Schneider, J. J. et al. 2021. Influence of the geometry on the agglomeration of a polydisperse binary system of spherical particles. Presented at: ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life, 19-23 July 2021Proceedings of the ALIFE 2022: The 2022 Conference on Artificial Life. ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life.. MIT Press, (10.1162/isal_a_00392)
- Li, J., Dimitriou, P., Castell, O. and Barrow, D. 2020. Generation of complex emulsions using monolithic, dual material 3D-printed microfluidic devices. Presented at: The 24th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2020), 4-9 October 2020. Cardiff:
- Baxani Kamal, D., Morgan, A. J., Li, J., Barrow, D. A. and Castell, O. 2017. The microfluidic manufacture of encapsulated droplet interface bilayers using a hybrid 3D-printed coaxial device. Presented at: 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2016), Dublin, Ireland, 9-13 October 2016Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2016). Red Hook, New York: Curran Associates, Inc.
- Li, J., Baxani Kamal, D., Castell, O. and Barrow, D. 2017. Formation of chemically responsive multisomes using droplet microfluidics. Presented at: 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2016), Dublin, Ireland, 9-13 October 2016Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2016). Red Hook, NY: Curran Associates, Inc.
- Li, J., Wu, F., Wang, H., Cuenca, J., Yang, X. and Barrow, D. 2017. An automated system for the shape optimization of double emulsion droplets used in the fabrication of Inertial Fusion Energy target shells. Presented at: The 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2017), Cardiff, 22-26 October 2017.
- Abduljabar, A., Yang, X., Barrow, D. and Porch, A. 2015. Microstrip split ring resonator for microsphere detection and characterization. Presented at: 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 17-22 May 20152015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. pp. 1-4.
- Li, J. and Barrow, D. 2014. Rapid and precision mass replication of inertial fusion energy targets with multiphase microfluidics. Presented at: The 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2014), Cardiff, 26 - 30 October 201418th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences. USA: Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society pp. 1253-1255.
- Li, J. and Barrow, D. 2014. Microfluidic encapsulation of droplet assemblies. Presented at: 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2014), Cardiff, 26-30 October 2014.
- Abduljabar, A., Porch, A. and Barrow, D. 2014. Real-time measurements of size, speed, and dielectric property of liquid segments using a microwave microfluidic sensor. Presented at: 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS2014), Tampa, FL, USA, 1-6 June 20142014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS2014). IEEE pp. 1-4.
- Porch, A., Masood, A., Naylon, A. J., Sulaimalebbe, A. and Barrow, D. A. 2010. Sapphire dielectric resonator for microfluidic compositional analysis. Presented at: Proceedings of MicroTAS 2010, Groningen, The Netherlands. pp. 2011-2013.
- Naylon, A. J. et al. 2010. Efficient Microwave heating and dielectric characterization of microfluidic systems. Presented at: Proceedings of MicroTAS 2010, Groningen, The Netherlands. pp. 2092-2094.
- Rowe, D. J., Naylon, A. J., Porch, A., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. J. 2010. Microwave resonant sensor for real-time continuous-flow measurements of microfluidic systems. Presented at: 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010 : (MicroTAS 2010), Groningen, The Netherlands, 3-7 October 2010 Presented at Verpoorte, S. ed.14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010 : (MicroTAS 2010) : Groningen, The Netherlands, 3-7 October 2010. San Diego, CA: Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society pp. 1004-1006.
- Lalev, G., Petkov, P. V., Sykes, N., Velkova, V., Dimov, S. S. and Barrow, D. A. 2008. Template fabrication incorporating different length scale features. Presented at: 4th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (4M), Cardiff, UK, 9-11 September 2008 Presented at Menz, W. and Dimov, S. S. eds.4M 2008: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multi-material Micro Manufacture, Cardiff, UK, 9-11 September 2008. Dunbeath: Whittles pp. 261-264.
- Castell, O. K., Masood, A., Goritz, R. and Barrow, D. A. 2008. A microwave technique for monitoring phase separation of a multi-phase flow regime utilised for continous molecular enrichment. Presented at: Proceedings of MicroTAS Micro total analysis system 2008, San Diego, USA. pp. 137-139.
- Masood, A., Castell, O., Goritz, R., Barrow, D. A., Allender, C. and Porch, A. 2008. Split ring resonator technique for compositional analysis of solvents in microcapillary systems. Presented at: Proceedings of MicroTAS, San Diego, USA. pp. 1636-1628.
- Ahmed, B., Barrow, D. A. and Wirth, T. 2008. Bi-phasic Reactions in Microreactors. Presented at: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multi-materials Micro Manufacture, Cardiff, UK. Whittles Publishing Ltd
- Goeritz, R., Masood, A., Castell, O., Barrow, D. A., Allender, C. and Porch, A. 2007. Microwave compositional analysis of solvent matrices in microcapillary manifold systems. Presented at: Proc. 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2007), Paris, France. pp. 1689-1691.
- Castell, O. K., Allender, C. J. and Barrow, D. A. 2006. Microchip solid-phase-enhanced liquid extractions utilising highly selective molecularly impronted polymers as chemorecognition solvent extraction agents. Presented at: Proceedings of MicroTAS Micro total analysis system 2006, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 891-893.
- Senkans, P. D., Biasi, V. D. and Barrow, D. A. 2002. Computational simulations of fluid flow dynamics and bead packing in solid phase extraction microsystems.. Presented at: Micro total analysis systems 2002 proceedings of the mTAS2002 symposium, Nara, Japan. Kluwer Academic Publishers pp. 76-78.
- Sparey-Taylor, G. J., Lewis, C., Chapper, E., Schiller, P., Kern, P., Cefai, J. J. and Barrow, D. A. 2001. Automated ultrasonic particle processing microsystem. Presented at: Proceedings of SPIE 4236 the International Society for Optical Engineering Smart Electronic & MEMS II, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. 4236. pp. 107-114.
- Barrow, D. A., Bouris, K., Harries, N. and Jones, T. G. 2012. Microfluidic device and methods for construction and application. EP1562708B1 [Patent].
- Castell, O., Barrow, D. A. and Allender, C. 2008. Microfluidic liquid separation device and methods for construction and application. GB 0816001.2 [Patent].
- Barrow, D. A., Bouris, K., Harries, N. and Jones, T. G. 2004. Novel microfluidic geometries and processing methodologies enabling the precision formation of micro- and nano- particles. WO2004/043598 [Patent].
- Barrow, D. A., Bouris, K., Harries, N. and Jones, T. G. 2004. Method for the bulk machining of fluoropolymer substrates. WO2004044655A1 [Patent].
Teitl | Pobl | yn Noddi | Hyd Gwerth | |
AC-DC: Celloedd Artiffisial gyda Corau Dosbarthedig i Swyddogaeth Protein Decipher |
Barrow DA | UE-FET yn rhagweithiol | 572298Euros | 01/01/19-31/12/22 |
Trosglwyddo arbenigedd a mynediad i gyfleusterau cysylltiedig â microengineering | Barrow DA | KTP a Dŵr Modern | 141346 | 15/05/2010 - 14/05/2012 |
Datblygu dyfais patsh micro-nodwydd hunan-weinyddol ar gyfer samplu poblogaeth gyfan o gyfeintiau gwaed bach | Matthews I, Gallacher J, Gregory C, Hoogendorn B, Barrow D, Allendar, | Sefydliad Bill a Melinda Gates | 61381 | 01/05/2012 - 31/10/2013 |
Nanowyddoniaeth | Barrow DA | Cyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru | 792000 | 01/04/2004 - 01/04/2006 |
MetaFAB | Barrow DA | Bwrdd Cynghori Diwydiannol | 48609 | 03/04/2006 - 02/04/2009 |
MetaFAB | Barrow DA | DTI | 359999 | 03/04/2006 - 02/04/2009 |
MetaFAB | Barrow DA | Asiantaeth Datblygu Cymru | 400001 | 03/04/2006 - 02/04/2009 |
Q-sglodion cam 1 marchnata | Barrow DA | Asiantaeth Datblygu Cymru | 2920 | 13/02/2003 - 13/05/2003 |
Gwerthuso technoleg Q-CHIP a map ffordd ecsbloetio | Barrow DA | Addysg a Dysgu Cymru | 14862 | 26/08/2002 - 31/12/2002 |
Micro nano consortiwm addysg a hyfforddiant (MNTec) | Barrow DA, Mr GJ Sparey-Taylor, Tasker PJ | Asiantaeth Datblygu Cymru | 306000 | 01/04/2005 - 31/03/2006 |
Mass-Gweithgynhyrchu Microadweithyddion Fluoropolymer ar gyfer synthesis cemegol | Yr Athro DA Barrow | Adran Masnach a Diwydiant | 48174 | 01/05/2002 - 30/10/2002 |
Gwahaniadau micro ar gyfer gwahanu a chanfod moleciwlau bach yn well | Yr Athro DA Barrow | GlaxoSmithKline | 45300 | 01/01/2001 - 31/12/2003 |
Tuag at systemau emwlsio bilen datblygedig iawn (THAMES) | Yr Athro DA Barrow | Comisiwn y Cymunedau Ewropeaidd | 175315 | 01/01/2002 - 31/12/2004 |
Adnewyddu ystafell lân nanofabrication | Yr Athro DA Barrow, (gyda PHYSX) | Y Gymdeithas Frenhinol | 122433 | 01/04/2002 - 01/11/2002 |
Academi MNT II | Yr Athro DA Barrow, Dr RM Perks | Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru (KEF) | 413346 | 01/08/2006 - 31/12/2007 |
Deunyddiau storio Hydrogen Newydd - Ymchwiliadau drwy nodweddu strwythurol a thrydanol | Porch A, Barrow D | STFC | 26000 | 01/10/2012 - 30/09/2015 |
Laser a gweithgynhyrchu microhylifig o lwyfannau bio-ddiagnostig newydd | Barrow D | Ser Cymru NRN AEM Abertawe | 90800 | 01/10/2014 - 30/09/2017 |
System dadansoddi ansawdd dŵr diwydiannol llinell ar gyfer canfod pathogenau AQUALITY yn gyflym ac yn gywir | Barrow D | Y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd FP7 | 209757 | 01/12/2011 - 30/11/2013 |
Dylunio rhithwir ar gyfer proses amgáu microhylifig | Barrow D, Jefferson A, Kerfriden P, Phillips T (MATHS) | Ser Cymru NRN Abertawe AEM | 150000 | 01/01/2015 - 30/06/2018 |
ECO-Laserfact-EC) -effeithlon LASER technoleg FACTories y dyfodol | Bigot S, Setchi RM, Brousseau E, Petkov P, Barrow D | Comisiwn Ewropeaidd | 123091 | 01/05/2012 - 30/04/2015 |
Mae porffolio ymchwil amrywiol David Barrow yn darparu cronfa o lwybrau newydd ar gyfer prosiectau ymchwil unigol 3edd flwyddyn a Grŵp 4edd flwyddyn, yn amrywio o dargedau ymasiad niwclear, micronodwyddau trawsdermol, trapio acwstig, fferyllol microencapsulated, a chelloedd artiffisial, pob un yn defnyddio technolegau microhylifeg. Ers 2024 mae'n cynorthwyo ei olynydd Dr Jin Li ar amrywiaeth o brosiectau ymchwil gan gynnwys y prosiectau ymchwil 3ydd a 4edd flwyddyn uchod.
Addysg/ Cymwysterau
1972-1974 Diploma Cenedlaethol mewn Peirianneg Electronig, N. Glos. Technoleg. Coleg.
1975-1979 Prifysgol Caerdydd BSc (Anrh.) 1af. Dosbarth, Gwyddorau Naturiol (Sŵoleg)
1979-1983 PhD:Rhaniad Adnoddau mewn rhywogaethau Bombus (Prifysgol Caerdydd); Enwebwyd ar gyfer Gwobr Huxley, Royal Zoological Society of London.
1995-2000 RAEng/EPSRC Uwch Gymrawd Technoleg Glân ar Ddiwydiannau Ffermio a Phroses Precision
2000-2005 Cardiff Uiverrsity, Cymrawd Athrofaol
2005-2021 Cardiff Uiverrsity, Proferssor Microfluidic Systems
2024 - Athro Emeritws Systemau Microhylifol
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Crynodeb Esteem·
- Ymchwiliwyd ac a gyhoeddwyd ar amrywiaeth eang o feysydd pwnc a gymhwysir i ficrogynhyrchu, synwyryddion a microhylifeg, gan gynnwys: systemau offeryniaeth bychain, therapi trawsblaniad organau, monitro amgylcheddol, ffurfio protocell, targedau ynni ymasiad, amgáu bôn-gelloedd, amgáu celloedd bonyn, synwyryddion microdon, diwylliant cell, cromatograffeg, micronodwyddau, ac ati. · Ar hyn o bryd yn ymchwilio i ficrohylifeg aml-gam a gymhwysir i ynni ymasiad a phrotocell ffurfio·
- Awdur 91 o bapurau cyfnodolion, patentau a phenodau llyfrau;
- Cyd-sefydlodd 4 cwmni microdechnoleg - MSTB Ltd, Protasis (UK) Ltd,, Q-Chip Ltd., Nanostrics Ltd. ·
- Incwm grant uwch o £15M o > gan 13 corff ariannu; Hyfforddwyd 23 o staff ôl-ddoethurol. ·
- Goruchwyliwr 28 o fyfyrwyr PhD; Graddiodd 27 gyda 100% wedi'i gwblhau'n llwyddiannus mewn 4 blynedd ·
- Archwiliwyd 18 traethodau ymchwil. Arholwr allanol, Prifysgol Canterbury (NZ), Prifysgol Madras (I), Sefydliad Gwyddoniaeth Cenedlaethol (UDA) Llywodraeth yr Iseldiroedd (NL),
- Hedfanodd ar Team Ultrasound, 6th ESA Microgravity zero-g Parabolic Flight Ymgyrch,
- Ymgynghorydd Technegol i ESA, Waters Corp., Thermofischer UK Ltd., Gyrus Medical Ltd., Daimler-Benz Aerospace, GSK Ltd. Modern Water Ltd., Q-Chip Ltd., Xtec Ltd, ·
- Cymryd rhan mewn 7 prosiect Ewropeaidd; cyd-sefydlodd y gwaith yr ESA Advanced Sensor Initiative·
- Aelod o Goleg yr EPSRC (ers 2001); adolygu llawer o gynigion grant ac yn eistedd ar lawer o bwyllgorau gan gynnwys byrddau crwn, grwpiau ffocws, paneli dilynol, paneli dethol, ac ati·
- Etholwyd i Senedd Prifysgol Caerdydd; panel dethol ar gyfer 26 Cadeirydd
- Aelod o'r Bwrdd Cynghori TSB NanoKTN, Q-Chip Ltd.
- Aelod Gwahoddedig BBSRC Bioleg Adfywiol a Gweithgor Bôn-gelloedd
- Sefydlu Gwobrau Arloesi Da Vinci Prifysgol Caerdydd (2014-19)
- RAEng Adolygydd ac Aelod Panel Cynorthwyol dros Arweinwyr mewn Arloesi (2018-2021)
- Dyfarnwyd Athro Emeritws Microhylifeg Prifysgol Caerdydd
- Aelod o'r panel dyfarnu gwahoddedig, Gwobrau Blatavnik ar gyfer Gwyddonwyr Ifanc (2023-25)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
2014 Cymrawd Etholedig y Sefydliad Technoleg Peirianneg
Cyn 2012
2012 | National Science Foundation (UDA) Arholwr |
2011 | Aelod, Panel Blaenoriaethu Peirianneg EPSRC |
2011 | Panel Cymrodoriaethau EPSRC |
2011 | KTP Ymgynghorydd Technegol i Modern Water Ltd ar ficro-offeryniaeth |
2011 | Aelod, Panel Cyflymu Gyrfa a Leadships EPSRC |
2010 | Arholiad Cymrodoriaethau Diwydiant y Gymdeithas Frenhinol |
2010 | Arholwr, Sefydliad Technoleg India, Madras, India |
2010 | Aelod, panel arbenigol EPSRC: Deunyddiau a Pheirianneg Feddygol |
2010 | Cyd-gadeirydd, Q-Chip Ltd Bwrdd Cynghori Gwyddonol |
2010 | Etholwyd, Cymrawd y Sefydliad Peirianneg a Thechnoleg |
2009 | Aelod, panel arbenigol EPSRC: Cronfa Ddilynol |
2009 | ymgynghorydd technegol, ThermoFisher Ltd |
2008 | Aelod, Bwrdd Cynghori NanoKTN |
2008 | Cadeirydd, Cynhadledd KTN Arloesi Cemeg ar Gemeg Llif |
2008 | ymgynghorydd technegol, GSK Ltd |
2008 | Aelod, panel arbenigol EPSRC: Cronfa Ddilynol |
2007 | Cadeirydd, Cynhadledd Haf AILU ar Microbrosesu gyda Laserau |
2007 | Cadeirydd, panel EPSRC Ultrasonics |
2006 | Cyfarwyddwr sylfaenydd TSB metaFAB Nanocentre |
2004 | Cadeirydd, Bwrdd Cynghori Gwyddonol, Q-Chip Ltd |
2004 | Aelod, DTI Global Watch Microfluidics Cenhadaeth i'r Almaen |
2004 | Prif Swyddog Gwyddonol, Q-Chip Ltd |
2004 | Aelod, Panel Cynghori Rhwydwaith yr Athro Microsystems IEE |
2003 | Dyfeisiwr & Cyd-sylfaenydd Q-Chip Ltd |
2003 | Cadeirydd y Sesiwn, Congr. Med. Phys. & Biomed. Eng. Awstralia |
2002 | Adolygydd Llywodraeth yr Iseldiroedd a Seland Newydd ar gyfer datblygiadau MST |
2001 | ymgynghorydd technegol, Glaxo Wellcome Ltd |
2001 | Pwyllgor Cymrodoriaethau Toshiba Aelod |
2001 | Aelod etholedig o goleg etholiadol EPSRC |
2001 | Cadeirydd, Canolfan Microtechnoleg Amlddisgyblaethol Caerdydd |
2001 | Aelod, panel arbenigol EPSRC: Technolegau Trwybwn Uchel |
2000 | ymgynghorydd technegol, Waters Corporation |
2000 | Dyfeisiwr a chyd-sefydlwr, Protasis Corporation UDA |
2000 | Gwobrwywyd Athro Prifysgol Caerdydd mewn Microsystemau |
1999 | Aelod, Internat. Org. Comm. Transducers 99, Tokyo |
1999 | Aelod, Tabl Rownd EPSRC ar Microsystemau |
1999 | Aelod, panel Arbenigol EPSRC ar Integreiddio Microsystemau |
1999 | Aelod Anrhydeddus, Consortiwm Microsystemau Gogledd-orllewin Faraday |
1998 | Aelod, Internat. Org. Comm., Eurosensors '98, Southampton, UK |
1998 | Aelod, Bwrdd Rownd EPSRC, Heriau Peirianneg ar gyfer yr 21ain Ganrif |
1998 | Aelod, consortiwm DTI-EPSRC Foresight Laboratory-on-a-Chip |
1997 | Aelod, Pwyllgor Trefnu Rhyngwladol Eurosensors '97 Warsaw |
1997 | Aelod gweithredol, Grŵp Diddordeb Cyffredin Microbeirianneg y DU |
1997 | ymgynghorydd technegol, Daimler Benz Aerospace |
1996 | Aelod, COSPAR Comisiwn Gwyddonol F: Gwyddorau Bywyd Gofod |
1996 | Internat. Organ. Comm. & Sess. Cadeirydd, Eurosensors '96 Stockholm |
1996 | Tîm Uwchsain, 6th ESA Microdisgyrchiant Ymgyrch Hedfan zero-g |
1996 | Aelod o'r Bwrdd, Clwb LIGA, Labordy Daresbury, UK |
1995 | Gwobrwyedig, Uwch Gymrodoriaeth Technoleg Lân RAEng |
1992 | Cyfarwyddwr cyd-sefydlu, MSTB Ltd |
1990 | ymgynghorydd technegol, Gyrus Medical Ltd |
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
Hanes Proffesiynol
1974-1975 Awyren Electroneg Prawf Peiriannydd, Smith Industries, Cheltehnham
1983-1991 Ymarferydd Sefydlydd, menter cerameg (llawn amser)
1992-2005 Cyd-sylfaenydd a Chyfarwyddwr, MSTB Cyf.
1995-2000 RAEng-EPSRC Technoleg lân Uwch Gymrawd Technoleg Glân, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2000-2005 Cymrawd Athro, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2005 - Athro Microhylifeg, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2006-2011 Sylfaenydd a Chyfarwyddwr, TSB Diwydiant Mynediad Agored NanoGanolfan (Rhwydwaith MNT)
2000-2003 Cyd-sylfaenydd a Chyfarwyddwr Datblygu Microtechnoleg, Protasis Corporation, UDA.
2003-2005 Cyd-sylfaenydd a Phrif Swyddog Gwyddonol, Q-Chip Ltd
2011 - Cyd-sylfaenydd a Chyfarwyddwr, Nanosterics Cyf.
2011 Cymrawd Etholedig y Sefydliad Technoleg Peirianneg
2014 Athro Arloesi, Ysgol Peirianneg Caerdydd
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwyf wedi ymchwilio i amrywiaeth eang iawn o bynciau sy'n ymwneud ag amrywiaeth o ffenomenau a dyfeisiau microhylifig, gan gynnwys synwyryddion cemegol, mandyllog silicon, microacoustics, integreiddio hybrid, micromolding, emwlsiwn a microhylifeg digidol, gwahaniadau cemegol, ysgythru plasma, CFD, synwyryddion microdon, microbeiriannu laser a systemau microddadansoddi morol.
Nawr, rwy'n cyfuno'r wybodaeth hon mewn pursuit unigol mwy neu lai, sef tuag at greu bywyd artiffisial, wedi'i alluogi gan ddefnyddio microhylifeg droplet, a gweithio gydag arbenigwyr rhyngwladol mewn ffiseg bilen a (bio)cemeg Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn cyd-oruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD neu feistri newydd yn y maes hwn, yn fy rôl Athro Emeritws.
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Bioleg synthetig
- Droplet Microfluidics
- Argraffu 3D