Yr Athro Heiko Pult
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Heiko Pult
Athro Gwadd Anrhydeddus ac arweinydd modiwl PGT (Oddi ar y safle)
Rwy'n optometrydd gyda thua 30 mlynedd o brofiad mewn ymarfer clinigol, yn ogystal ag mewn gwyddoniaeth glinigol. Ers 1998, rwyf wedi bod yn Brif Swyddog Gweithredol ymarfer clinigol 'Horst Riede GmbH' yn Weinheim, yr Almaen. Ers 2004 rydw i hefyd yn gysylltiedig â Phrifysgol Caerdydd ac yn hynod o arwain modiwl llygaid sych WOPEC. Rwyf hefyd yn bennaeth Ymchwil Optometreg a Gweledigaeth (OVR), Weinheim, lle rwy'n ymgynghorydd, ymchwilydd a darlithydd ar gyfer sawl cwmni optegol, grŵp ymchwil ac ysgolion. Fy niddordebau ymchwil yw arwyneb ocwlar, llygaid sych a lens gyswllt
- Jones, L. et al. 2023. TFOS lifestyle: Impact of contact lenses on the ocular surface. The Ocular Surface 29, pp. 175-219. (10.1016/j.jtos.2023.04.010)
- Shew, W., Muntz, A., Dean, S. J., Pult, H., Wang, M. T. and Craig, J. P. 2022. Blinking and upper eyelid morphology. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 45(6), article number: 101702. (10.1016/j.clae.2022.101702)
- Pult, H. 2022. Prüfung der Tränenfilmmessungen eines multifunktionalen Instrumentes. Optometry & Contact Lenses (10.54352/dozv.BPXM2142)
- Jandl, A., Ruland, T., Schwarz, D., Wolffsohn, J. S., Pult, H. and Bandlitz, S. 2021. Clinical significance of contact lens related changes of ocular surface tissue observed on optical coherence images. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 44(6), article number: 101388. (10.1016/j.clae.2020.11.008)
- Pult, H., Khatum, F. S., Trave-Huarte, S. and Wolffsohn, J. S. 2021. Effect of eye spray phospholipid concentration on the tear film and ocular comfort. Eye & Contact Lens: Science and Clinical Practice 47(8), pp. 445-448. (10.1097/ICL.0000000000000788)
- Wolffsohn, J. S. et al. 2021. BCLA CLEAR - Evidence-based contact lens practice. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 44(2), pp. 368-397. (10.1016/j.clae.2021.02.008)
- Niedernolte, B., Trunk L, L., Wolffsohn, J. S., Pult, H. and Bandlitz, S. 2021. Evaluation of tear meniscus height using different clinical methods. Clinical and Experimental Optometry 104(5), pp. 583-588. (10.1080/08164622.2021.1878854)
- Erickson, S. et al. 2020. TFOS European Ambassador meeting: Unmet needs and future scientific and clinical solutions for ocular surface diseases. The Ocular Surface 18(4), pp. 936-962. (10.1016/j.jtos.2020.05.006)
- Pult, H. 2020. COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey of future use of personal protective equipment in optometric practice. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 43(3), pp. 208-210. (10.1016/j.clae.2020.04.006)
- Wolffsohn, J. S. et al. 2020. Global trends in myopia management attitudes and strategies in clinical practice – 2019 Update. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 43(1), pp. 9-17. (10.1016/j.clae.2019.11.002)
- Pult, H. and Wolffsohn, J. S. 2019. The development and evaluation of the new Ocular Surface Disease Index-6. The Ocular Surface 17(4), pp. 817-821. (10.1016/j.jtos.2019.08.008)
- Pult, H. and Riede-Pult, B. H. 2019. Impact of soft contact lenses on lid- parallel conjunctival folds. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 42(4), pp. 415-419. (10.1016/j.clae.2018.12.005)
- Morgan, P. B., Efron, N., Woods, C. A., Santodomingo-Rubido, J. and Pult, H. 2019. International survey of orthokeratology contact lens fitting. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 42(4), pp. 450-454. (10.1016/J.CLAE.2018.11.005)
- Bandlitz, S., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Pult, H. 2019. Lid-parallel conjunctival fold (LIPCOF) morphology imaged by optical coherence tomography and its relationship to LIPCOF grade. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 42(3), pp. 299-303. (10.1016/j.clae.2018.10.025)
- Pult, H. and Bandlitz, S. 2018. Lid-parallel conjunctival folds and their ability to predict dry eye. Eye & contact lens 44, pp. S113-S119. (10.1097/ICL.0000000000000435)
- Pult, H. 2018. Relationships between Meibomian gland loss and age, sex, and dry eye. Eye & Contact Lens: Science and Clinical Practice 44, pp. S318-S324. (10.1097/ICL.0000000000000467)
- Nosch, D. S., Pult, H., Albon, J., Purslow, C. and Murphy, P. J. 2018. Does air gas aesthesiometry generate a true mechanical stimulus for corneal sensitivity measurement?. Clinical and Experimental Optometry 101(2), pp. 193-199. (10.1111/cxo.12603)
- Wolffsohn, J. S. et al. 2017. TFOS DEWS II diagnostic methodology report. The Ocular Surface 15(3), pp. 539-574. (10.1016/j.jtos.2017.05.001)
- Riede-Pult, B. H., Evans, K. and Pult, H. 2017. Investigating the short-term effect of lid massage on corneal topograph. Optometry and Vision Science 94(6), pp. 700-706. (10.1097/opx.0000000000001076)
- Riede-Pult, B. H., Evans, K. and Pult, H. 2017. Investigating the short-term effect of eyelid massage on corneal topography. Optometry and Vision Science 94(6), pp. 700-706. (10.1097/OPX.0000000000001076)
- Bandlitz, S., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Pult, H. 2016. Influence of conjunctival folds on calculated tear meniscus volume along the lower eyelid. The Ocular Surface 14(3), pp. 377-384. (10.1016/j.jtos.2016.04.001)
- Nosch, D. S., Pult, H., Albon, J., Purslow, C. and Murphy, P. J. 2016. Relationship between corneal sensation, blinking, and tear film quality. Optometry and Vision Science 93(5), pp. 471-481. (10.1097/OPX.0000000000000827)
- Lim, C., Kim, S., Chuck, R. S., Lee, J. K., Park, C. Y. and Pult, H. 2015. Risk factors for pterygium in Korea: the Korean national health and nutrition examination survey V, 2010-2012. Medicine (United States) 94(32), article number: e1258. (10.1097/MD.0000000000001258)
- Pult, H., Tosatti, S. G. P., Spencer, N. D., Asfour, J., Ebenhoch, M. and Murphy, P. J. 2015. Spontaneous blinking from a tribological viewpoint. Ocular Surface 13(3), pp. 236-249. (10.1016/j.jtos.2014.12.004)
- Pult, H., Korb, D. R., Murphy, P. J., Riede-Pult, B. H. and Blackie, C. 2015. A new model of central lid margin apposition and tear film mixing in spontaneous blinking. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 38(3), pp. 173-180. (10.1016/j.clae.2015.01.012)
- Pult, H. and Riede-Pult, B. H. 2015. Impact of conjunctival folds on central tear meniscus height. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 56(3), pp. 1459-1466. (10.1167/iovs.14-15908)
- Bandlitz, S., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Pult, H. 2014. Time course of changes in tear meniscus radius and blink rate after instillation of artificial tears. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 55(9), pp. 5842-5847. (10.1167/iovs.14-14844.)
- Bandlitz, S., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Pult, H. 2014. The relationship between tear meniscus regularity and conjunctival folds.. Optometry and Vision Science 91(9), pp. 1037-1044. (10.1097/OPX.0000000000000358.)
- Murakami, D., Blackie, C. A., Pult, H. and Korb, D. R. 2014. Meibomian gland function cannot be predicted by Meibography in patients symptomatic for dry eye. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 55(13)
- Bandlitz, S., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Pult, H. 2014. Comparison of a new portable digital meniscometer and optical coherence tomography in tear meniscus radius measurement. Acta Ophthalmologica 92(2), pp. E112-E118. (10.1111/aos.12275)
- Bandlitz, S., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J., Pult, H. and Bron, A. J. 2014. A new portable digital meniscometer.. Optometry and Vision Science 91(1), pp. E1-E8. (10.1097/OPX.0000000000000062)
- Pult, H., Riede-Pult, B. H. and Murphy, P. J. 2013. The relation between blinking and conjunctival folds and dry eye symptoms. Optometry and Vision Science 90(10), pp. 1034-1039. (10.1097/OPX.0000000000000029)
- Papas, E. B. et al. 2013. The TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort: report of the management and therapy subcommittee.. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 55(9), pp. 5588-5588. (10.1167/iovs.13-13166)
- Pult, H. 2013. Tear film and lid margins in over-blink. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 54(15)
- Pult, H. and Khaireddin, R. 2013. Practical tips and tricks in fitting soft contact lenses. Ophthalmologe 110(6), pp. 515-521. (10.1007/s00347-012-2768-8)
- Pult, H., Riede-Pult, B. H. and Murphy, P. J. 2013. A new perspective on spontaneous blinks. Ophthalmology 120(5), pp. 1086-1091. (10.1016/j.ophtha.2012.11.010)
- Pult, H. and Riede-Pult, B. 2013. Comparison of subjective grading and objective assessment in meibography.. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 36(1), pp. 22-27. (10.1016/j.clae.2012.10.074)
- Pult, H., Gill, F. and Riede-Pult, B. H. 2012. Effect of three different liposomal eye sprays on ocular comfort and tear film.. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 35(5), pp. 203-207. (10.1016/j.clae.2012.05.003)
- Pult, H., Riede-Pult, B. H. and Purslow, C. 2012. A comparison of an eyelid-warming device to traditional compress therapy.. Optometry and Vision Science 89(7), pp. E1035-E1041. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e31825c3479)
- Berry, M., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Pult, H. 2012. Contact Lens Materials, Mucin Fragmentation and Relation to Symptoms. Cornea 31(7), pp. 770-776. (10.1097/ICO.0b013e3182254009)
- Pult, H. and Nichols, J. J. 2012. A review of meibography.. Optometry and Vision Science 89(5), pp. E760-E769. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e3182512ac1)
- Pult, H. and Riede-Pult, B. 2012. Non-contact meibography: keep it simple but effective.. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 35(2), pp. 77-80. (10.1016/j.clae.2011.08.003)
- Pult, H., Riede-Pult, B. H. and Nichols, J. J. 2012. Relation between upper and lower lids' meibomian gland morphology, tear film, and dry eye.. Optometry and Vision Science 89(3), pp. E310-E315. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e318244e487)
- Pult, H. and Riede-Pult, B. H. 2012. Non-contact meibography in diagnosis and treatment of non-obvious meibomian gland dysfunction. Journal of Optometry 5(1), pp. 2-5. (10.1016/j.optom.2012.02.003)
- Pult, H. and Riede-Pult, B. 2012. A new modified fluorescein strip: Its repeatability and usefulness in tear film break-up time analysis.. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 35(1), pp. 35-38. (10.1016/j.clae.2011.07.005)
- Michel, M., Sickenberger, W. and Pult, H. 2009. The effectiveness of questionnaires in the determination of Contact Lens Induced Dry Eye. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 29(5), pp. 479-486. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2009.00658.x)
- Pult, H., Murphy, P. J. and Purslow, C. 2009. A novel method to predict the dry eye symptoms in new contact lens wearers. Optometry and Vision Science 86(9), pp. E1042-E1050. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e3181b598cd)
- Pult, H., Purslow, C., Berry, M. and Murphy, P. J. 2008. Clinical Tests for Successful Contact Lens Wear: Relationship and Predictive Potential. Optometry and Vision Science 85(10), pp. E924-E929. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e3181888909)
- Berry, M., Pult, H., Purslow, C. and Murphy, P. J. 2008. Mucins and ocular signs in symptomatic and asymptomatic contact lens wear. Optometry and Vision Science 85(10), pp. E930-E938. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e318188896b)
- Pult, H., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Berry, M. 2008. Lid wiper epitheliopathy, ocular surface and tear film in symptomatic contact lens wearers [Abstract Only]. Acta Ophthalmologica -New Series- 86(s243) (10.1111/j.1755-3768.2008.4334.x)
- Pult, H., Murphy, P. J., Purslow, C., Nyman, J. and Woods, R. L. 2008. Limbal and Bulbar Hyperaemia in normal eyes. Ophthalmic And Physiological Optics 28(1), pp. 13-20. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2007.00534.x)
- Pult, H. 2008. The predictive ability of clinical tests for dry eye in contact lens wear. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Sickenberger, W., Pult, H. and Sickenberger, B. 2000. LIPCOF and contact lens wearers - a new tool to forecast subjective dryness and degree of comfort of contact lens wearers. Contactologia 22(2), pp. 74-79.
- Jones, L. et al. 2023. TFOS lifestyle: Impact of contact lenses on the ocular surface. The Ocular Surface 29, pp. 175-219. (10.1016/j.jtos.2023.04.010)
- Shew, W., Muntz, A., Dean, S. J., Pult, H., Wang, M. T. and Craig, J. P. 2022. Blinking and upper eyelid morphology. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 45(6), article number: 101702. (10.1016/j.clae.2022.101702)
- Pult, H. 2022. Prüfung der Tränenfilmmessungen eines multifunktionalen Instrumentes. Optometry & Contact Lenses (10.54352/dozv.BPXM2142)
- Jandl, A., Ruland, T., Schwarz, D., Wolffsohn, J. S., Pult, H. and Bandlitz, S. 2021. Clinical significance of contact lens related changes of ocular surface tissue observed on optical coherence images. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 44(6), article number: 101388. (10.1016/j.clae.2020.11.008)
- Pult, H., Khatum, F. S., Trave-Huarte, S. and Wolffsohn, J. S. 2021. Effect of eye spray phospholipid concentration on the tear film and ocular comfort. Eye & Contact Lens: Science and Clinical Practice 47(8), pp. 445-448. (10.1097/ICL.0000000000000788)
- Wolffsohn, J. S. et al. 2021. BCLA CLEAR - Evidence-based contact lens practice. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 44(2), pp. 368-397. (10.1016/j.clae.2021.02.008)
- Niedernolte, B., Trunk L, L., Wolffsohn, J. S., Pult, H. and Bandlitz, S. 2021. Evaluation of tear meniscus height using different clinical methods. Clinical and Experimental Optometry 104(5), pp. 583-588. (10.1080/08164622.2021.1878854)
- Erickson, S. et al. 2020. TFOS European Ambassador meeting: Unmet needs and future scientific and clinical solutions for ocular surface diseases. The Ocular Surface 18(4), pp. 936-962. (10.1016/j.jtos.2020.05.006)
- Pult, H. 2020. COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey of future use of personal protective equipment in optometric practice. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 43(3), pp. 208-210. (10.1016/j.clae.2020.04.006)
- Wolffsohn, J. S. et al. 2020. Global trends in myopia management attitudes and strategies in clinical practice – 2019 Update. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 43(1), pp. 9-17. (10.1016/j.clae.2019.11.002)
- Pult, H. and Wolffsohn, J. S. 2019. The development and evaluation of the new Ocular Surface Disease Index-6. The Ocular Surface 17(4), pp. 817-821. (10.1016/j.jtos.2019.08.008)
- Pult, H. and Riede-Pult, B. H. 2019. Impact of soft contact lenses on lid- parallel conjunctival folds. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 42(4), pp. 415-419. (10.1016/j.clae.2018.12.005)
- Morgan, P. B., Efron, N., Woods, C. A., Santodomingo-Rubido, J. and Pult, H. 2019. International survey of orthokeratology contact lens fitting. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 42(4), pp. 450-454. (10.1016/J.CLAE.2018.11.005)
- Bandlitz, S., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Pult, H. 2019. Lid-parallel conjunctival fold (LIPCOF) morphology imaged by optical coherence tomography and its relationship to LIPCOF grade. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 42(3), pp. 299-303. (10.1016/j.clae.2018.10.025)
- Pult, H. and Bandlitz, S. 2018. Lid-parallel conjunctival folds and their ability to predict dry eye. Eye & contact lens 44, pp. S113-S119. (10.1097/ICL.0000000000000435)
- Pult, H. 2018. Relationships between Meibomian gland loss and age, sex, and dry eye. Eye & Contact Lens: Science and Clinical Practice 44, pp. S318-S324. (10.1097/ICL.0000000000000467)
- Nosch, D. S., Pult, H., Albon, J., Purslow, C. and Murphy, P. J. 2018. Does air gas aesthesiometry generate a true mechanical stimulus for corneal sensitivity measurement?. Clinical and Experimental Optometry 101(2), pp. 193-199. (10.1111/cxo.12603)
- Wolffsohn, J. S. et al. 2017. TFOS DEWS II diagnostic methodology report. The Ocular Surface 15(3), pp. 539-574. (10.1016/j.jtos.2017.05.001)
- Riede-Pult, B. H., Evans, K. and Pult, H. 2017. Investigating the short-term effect of lid massage on corneal topograph. Optometry and Vision Science 94(6), pp. 700-706. (10.1097/opx.0000000000001076)
- Riede-Pult, B. H., Evans, K. and Pult, H. 2017. Investigating the short-term effect of eyelid massage on corneal topography. Optometry and Vision Science 94(6), pp. 700-706. (10.1097/OPX.0000000000001076)
- Bandlitz, S., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Pult, H. 2016. Influence of conjunctival folds on calculated tear meniscus volume along the lower eyelid. The Ocular Surface 14(3), pp. 377-384. (10.1016/j.jtos.2016.04.001)
- Nosch, D. S., Pult, H., Albon, J., Purslow, C. and Murphy, P. J. 2016. Relationship between corneal sensation, blinking, and tear film quality. Optometry and Vision Science 93(5), pp. 471-481. (10.1097/OPX.0000000000000827)
- Lim, C., Kim, S., Chuck, R. S., Lee, J. K., Park, C. Y. and Pult, H. 2015. Risk factors for pterygium in Korea: the Korean national health and nutrition examination survey V, 2010-2012. Medicine (United States) 94(32), article number: e1258. (10.1097/MD.0000000000001258)
- Pult, H., Tosatti, S. G. P., Spencer, N. D., Asfour, J., Ebenhoch, M. and Murphy, P. J. 2015. Spontaneous blinking from a tribological viewpoint. Ocular Surface 13(3), pp. 236-249. (10.1016/j.jtos.2014.12.004)
- Pult, H., Korb, D. R., Murphy, P. J., Riede-Pult, B. H. and Blackie, C. 2015. A new model of central lid margin apposition and tear film mixing in spontaneous blinking. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 38(3), pp. 173-180. (10.1016/j.clae.2015.01.012)
- Pult, H. and Riede-Pult, B. H. 2015. Impact of conjunctival folds on central tear meniscus height. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 56(3), pp. 1459-1466. (10.1167/iovs.14-15908)
- Bandlitz, S., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Pult, H. 2014. Time course of changes in tear meniscus radius and blink rate after instillation of artificial tears. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 55(9), pp. 5842-5847. (10.1167/iovs.14-14844.)
- Bandlitz, S., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Pult, H. 2014. The relationship between tear meniscus regularity and conjunctival folds.. Optometry and Vision Science 91(9), pp. 1037-1044. (10.1097/OPX.0000000000000358.)
- Murakami, D., Blackie, C. A., Pult, H. and Korb, D. R. 2014. Meibomian gland function cannot be predicted by Meibography in patients symptomatic for dry eye. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 55(13)
- Bandlitz, S., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Pult, H. 2014. Comparison of a new portable digital meniscometer and optical coherence tomography in tear meniscus radius measurement. Acta Ophthalmologica 92(2), pp. E112-E118. (10.1111/aos.12275)
- Bandlitz, S., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J., Pult, H. and Bron, A. J. 2014. A new portable digital meniscometer.. Optometry and Vision Science 91(1), pp. E1-E8. (10.1097/OPX.0000000000000062)
- Pult, H., Riede-Pult, B. H. and Murphy, P. J. 2013. The relation between blinking and conjunctival folds and dry eye symptoms. Optometry and Vision Science 90(10), pp. 1034-1039. (10.1097/OPX.0000000000000029)
- Papas, E. B. et al. 2013. The TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort: report of the management and therapy subcommittee.. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 55(9), pp. 5588-5588. (10.1167/iovs.13-13166)
- Pult, H. 2013. Tear film and lid margins in over-blink. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 54(15)
- Pult, H. and Khaireddin, R. 2013. Practical tips and tricks in fitting soft contact lenses. Ophthalmologe 110(6), pp. 515-521. (10.1007/s00347-012-2768-8)
- Pult, H., Riede-Pult, B. H. and Murphy, P. J. 2013. A new perspective on spontaneous blinks. Ophthalmology 120(5), pp. 1086-1091. (10.1016/j.ophtha.2012.11.010)
- Pult, H. and Riede-Pult, B. 2013. Comparison of subjective grading and objective assessment in meibography.. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 36(1), pp. 22-27. (10.1016/j.clae.2012.10.074)
- Pult, H., Gill, F. and Riede-Pult, B. H. 2012. Effect of three different liposomal eye sprays on ocular comfort and tear film.. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 35(5), pp. 203-207. (10.1016/j.clae.2012.05.003)
- Pult, H., Riede-Pult, B. H. and Purslow, C. 2012. A comparison of an eyelid-warming device to traditional compress therapy.. Optometry and Vision Science 89(7), pp. E1035-E1041. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e31825c3479)
- Berry, M., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Pult, H. 2012. Contact Lens Materials, Mucin Fragmentation and Relation to Symptoms. Cornea 31(7), pp. 770-776. (10.1097/ICO.0b013e3182254009)
- Pult, H. and Nichols, J. J. 2012. A review of meibography.. Optometry and Vision Science 89(5), pp. E760-E769. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e3182512ac1)
- Pult, H. and Riede-Pult, B. 2012. Non-contact meibography: keep it simple but effective.. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 35(2), pp. 77-80. (10.1016/j.clae.2011.08.003)
- Pult, H., Riede-Pult, B. H. and Nichols, J. J. 2012. Relation between upper and lower lids' meibomian gland morphology, tear film, and dry eye.. Optometry and Vision Science 89(3), pp. E310-E315. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e318244e487)
- Pult, H. and Riede-Pult, B. H. 2012. Non-contact meibography in diagnosis and treatment of non-obvious meibomian gland dysfunction. Journal of Optometry 5(1), pp. 2-5. (10.1016/j.optom.2012.02.003)
- Pult, H. and Riede-Pult, B. 2012. A new modified fluorescein strip: Its repeatability and usefulness in tear film break-up time analysis.. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 35(1), pp. 35-38. (10.1016/j.clae.2011.07.005)
- Michel, M., Sickenberger, W. and Pult, H. 2009. The effectiveness of questionnaires in the determination of Contact Lens Induced Dry Eye. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 29(5), pp. 479-486. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2009.00658.x)
- Pult, H., Murphy, P. J. and Purslow, C. 2009. A novel method to predict the dry eye symptoms in new contact lens wearers. Optometry and Vision Science 86(9), pp. E1042-E1050. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e3181b598cd)
- Pult, H., Purslow, C., Berry, M. and Murphy, P. J. 2008. Clinical Tests for Successful Contact Lens Wear: Relationship and Predictive Potential. Optometry and Vision Science 85(10), pp. E924-E929. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e3181888909)
- Berry, M., Pult, H., Purslow, C. and Murphy, P. J. 2008. Mucins and ocular signs in symptomatic and asymptomatic contact lens wear. Optometry and Vision Science 85(10), pp. E930-E938. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e318188896b)
- Pult, H., Purslow, C., Murphy, P. J. and Berry, M. 2008. Lid wiper epitheliopathy, ocular surface and tear film in symptomatic contact lens wearers [Abstract Only]. Acta Ophthalmologica -New Series- 86(s243) (10.1111/j.1755-3768.2008.4334.x)
- Pult, H., Murphy, P. J., Purslow, C., Nyman, J. and Woods, R. L. 2008. Limbal and Bulbar Hyperaemia in normal eyes. Ophthalmic And Physiological Optics 28(1), pp. 13-20. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2007.00534.x)
- Sickenberger, W., Pult, H. and Sickenberger, B. 2000. LIPCOF and contact lens wearers - a new tool to forecast subjective dryness and degree of comfort of contact lens wearers. Contactologia 22(2), pp. 74-79.
- Pult, H. 2008. The predictive ability of clinical tests for dry eye in contact lens wear. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Research Interests- Cornea
- Contact lenses
- Blinks
- Lids
- Tear film
- Vision
- Honorary Research Fellow of the School of Optometry and Visions Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
- Visiting Research Fellow of the Contact Lens and Anterior Eye Research (CLAER) Unit, Cardiff, UK
- Faculty member at the Vision Care Institute, Johnson & Johnson, Prague, Czech Republic
- Invited guest lecturer at national and international schools
- Lecturer at Wales Optometry Postgraduate Education Center (WOPEC), Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
Crynodeb o'r Yrfa:
Ers 1998, rwyf wedi gweithio fel Prif Swyddog Gweithredol y grŵp ymarfer preifat 'Horst Riede' yn Weinheim, yr Almaen. Mae fy mhrif feysydd gwaith clinigol yn canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar lensys cyffwrdd, gofal llygaid sylfaenol, llygaid sych a gofal llygaid geriatreg a phediatreg yn ogystal ag addysg ein staff a'n rheolaeth. Yn ogystal, rwy'n ymchwilydd annibynnol ac yn ddarlithydd ar gyfer nifer o gwmnïau optegol, grwpiau ymchwil ac ysgolion optometreg ac rwy'n gysylltiedig â Phrifysgol Caerdydd ar sylfaen anrhydeddus ers blynyddoedd. Mae fy swydd ddiweddar yno yn arwain Modiwl Llygad Sych y cwrs Meistr rhan-amser fel Athro gwadd anrhydeddus. Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn gysylltiedig â gweledigaeth, ffilm rhwygo, cornbilen, a lens gyswllt.
Graddiais yn 1994 fel Optometrydd o'r Coleg Optometreg ym Munich, yr Almaen ac roeddwn i'n teimlo ei bod yn bwysig ymestyn fy sgiliau clinigol trwy fynd â'r Meistr Gwyddoniaeth mewn Optometreg yng Ngholeg Optometreg Pennsylvania (UDA). Wedi'm hysbrydoli gan wahanol brosiectau ymchwil a phrofiadau addysgu mewn lensys cyswllt a ffilm deigryn, dechreuais ar PhD yn yr Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU, y graddiais ohoni yn 2008. Fe wnaeth fy PhD fy annog i gyfuno ymchwil, gwyddoniaeth, addysgu ac ymarfer clinigol i ddatblygu gofal clinigol cleifion yn fy meddygfeydd, yn ogystal â gweithio i wella'r ddealltwriaeth o lens gyswllt yn gwisgo cysur trwy rannu fy ngwybodaeth fel darlithydd mewn gwahanol brifysgolion, ysgolion a chyngresau cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol.
Web Graddio Gwyddonol Gwyddoniaeth:
H-Mynegai: 21
Swm yr amseroedd a ddyfir: 2,523
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
2017: Gwobr Poster Rolf Weinschenk , VDCO: Cefnffordd L., Niedernolte B, Wolffsohn J., Bandlitz S., Pult H. Gwerthusiad o uchder meniscus dagrau gan ddefnyddio gwahanol ddulliau. Cysylltwch â 17, VDCO, Hamburg, yr Almaen
2017: Enillydd Gwobr Poster BCLA i fyny: Bandlitz S., Purslow Ch., Murphy PJ., Pult H. Defnyddioldeb topograffi cydlyniant optegol wrth werthuso LIPCOF. Cynhadledd BCLA, Lerpwl, UK
2016: Cysylltwch â Lens Llygad Anterior – Ymchwil a Dyfynnir yn Uchel. Cymhariaeth o raddio goddrychol ac asesu gwrthrychol mewn meibograffeg. One o'r 5 papur a ddyfynnir fwyaf uchel eu cyhoeddi yn cysylltu â Lens ac Anterior Llygad deifio 2014 a 2015
2016: 'Eithriadol Offthalmoleg Ymchwiliol ac Adolygiad o'r Gwyddorau Gweledol' - wedi'i anrhydeddu am 'Adolygiad Eithriadol o Dda' gan Offthalmoleg Ymchwiliol a Gwyddoniaeth Weledol (IOVS)
2015 Gwobr Peter Abel Cymdeithas Lens Cyswllt ac Optometreg Almaeneg (VDCO) Bandlitz S. Purslow C. Murphy PJ. Pult H. Rôl chi Tear Meniscus yn y ffilm deigryn.
2013 Darlith Goffa Irving Fatt 2014 Cymdeithas Lens Cyswllt Prydain
Gwobr Poster EAOO 2010 Academi Ewropeaidd Optometreg ac Opteg Pult H. Murphy PJ. Purslow C. Mae effaith lens cyswllt meddal yn gwisgo ar arwyddion ocwlar gyda phrofiad cynyddol.
2009 Gwobr Peter Abel Cymdeithas Lens Cyswllt ac Optometreg Almaeneg (VDCO) Pult H. Purslow C. Murphy PJ. Gallu rhagfynegol profion clinigol ar gyfer llygad sych mewn dillad lens cyswllt.
2008 Gwobr Dr Schamberger Cymdeithas Lens Cyswllt ac Optometreg Almaeneg (VDCO) Michel M, Sickenberger W, Pult H. Effeithiolrwydd holiaduron wrth benderfynu ar lens gyswllt a ysgogwyd llygaid sych.
2007 Weinyddiaeth Baden-Württemberg, Yr Almaen Am rhwydweithio gwyddonol rhagorol ac ymrwymiad cymdeithasol
1993 Weinyddiaeth Bafaria, Yr Almaen Am ymgysylltiad cymdeithasol rhagorol mewn optometreg yn Burkina Faso / Gorllewin Affrica
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) (Cymrodyr)
Academi Optometreg America (AAO) (Cymrodyr)
Cymdeithas Ymchwil mewn Gweledigaeth ac Offthalmoleg (ARVO)
Academi Ewropeaidd Optometreg ac Opteg (EAOO) (Aelod Sefydlol, Cymrawd)
Y Gymdeithas Ryngwladol ar gyfer Ymchwil Lens Cyswllt (ISCLR)
Ffilm Tear a Chymdeithas Arwyneb Ocular (TFOS)
Vereinigung deutscher Contactlinsen Spezialisten/Optometristen (VDCO)
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
Hanes Cyflogaeth:
2011 – presennol Ophthalmig Certifier yn OptymEdge, Emmes, UDA (fromer Clinigol Edge, UDA)
2005 – Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil Optometreg a Gweledigaeth presennol, Weinheim, yr Almaen
1998 – Prif Swyddog Gweithredol presennol , Optometrydd ac Ymchwilydd yn Horst Riede GmbH, yr Almaen
1994 – 1997 Rheolwr Cyffredinol, Schwind Optics Cyswllt Sefydliad Lens, Aschaffenburg, Yr Almaen
Hanes y Cysylltiad Anrhydeddus:
Cymrawd Ymchwil er Anrhydedd 2008 – 2016 , Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
2014 – cyflwyno Anrhydeddus Cymrawd Academaidd, Ysgol Bywyd ac Iechyd
Grŵp Ymchwil Offthalmig, Gwyddorau Bywyd ac Iechyd, Prifysgol Aston, Birmingham, UK
2016 – 2017 Honorary yn ymweld ag uwch ddarlithydd, Ysgol Gwyddorau Biofeddygol a Bywyd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Caerdydd, Caerdydd, UK
2017 – yn cyflwyno Athro Gwadd er Anrhydedd, Ysgol Gwyddorau Biofeddygol a Bywyd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Caerdydd, Caerdydd, UK
2012 – ardystio GCP presennol
2008 PhD Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
1997 MSc mewn Optometreg Glinigol, Coleg Optometreg Pennsylvania (PCO), UDA
1994 Optometrydd (BSc optometreg cyfatebol), Coleg Optometreg, Munich, Yr Almaen
2022 – presennol Optometreg Cymdeithas Ansawdd RAL, yr Almaen
2009 - Optometrydd presennol , Cyngor Optegol Cyffredinol, y DU
2004 - Awdiolegydd , Siambr Fasnach, Mannheim, Yr Almaen
1998 - Optometreg , Siambr Fasnach, Mannheim, Yr Almaen
1994 - 1998 Optometreg, Siambr Fasnach, Munich, Yr Almaen
Profiad Ymchwil ac Addysgu:
2015 – arweinydd modiwl modiwl y Modiwl Llygaid Sych ar gwrs MSc WOPEC, Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU.
2015 – yn cyflwyno Cymrawd Academaidd Anrhydeddus, Grŵp Ymchwil Offthalmig, Gwyddorau Bywyd ac Iechyd, Prifysgol Aston, Birmingham, y DU.
2017 – 2018 Aelod o'r Grŵp Diddordeb Arbennig yn Mecaneg Hylif y Llygad, Prifysgol Sefydliad Mathemategol Rhydychen
2015 – 2017 Aelod Is-bwyllgor Gweithdy Llygad Sych TFOS II
2013 – 2014 Darlithydd yn y Modiwl Llygad Sych cwrs MSc WOPEC, Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU.
2012 – 2014 Aelod Is-Bwyllgor Gweithdy Anghysur Lens Cyswllt TFOS.
2011 – 2013 Darlithydd yng Nghanolfan Ôl-addysgol Optometreg Cymru, Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU.
2007 - 2016 Aelod Cyfadran / arweinydd y Sefydliad Gofal Gweledigaeth, Johnson & Johnson Ethicon GmbH, Prague, CZ a'r Almaen.
2005 – 2009 Darlithio fel Athro Gwadd ym Mhrifysgol y Gwyddorau Cymhwysol, Jena, yr Almaen.
2004 – 2009 Athro Gwadd ym Mhrifysgol y Gwyddorau Cymhwysol, Jena, yr Almaen. Cefnogi cychwyn ac achredu cwrs Meistr Gwyddoniaeth mewn Optometreg ym Mhrifysgol y Gwyddorau Cymhwysol, Jena, yr Almaen.
2004 – 2015 Aelod o'r Uned Ymchwil Llygaid Lens Cyswllt ac Anterior (CLAER), Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU.
1995 – cyflwyno Esearcher Rac ymgynghorydd ar gyfer prosiectau masnachol (Diwydiant) ac anfasnachol (Prifysgolion) mewn gornbilen, ffilm rhwygo, lensys cyffwrdd, gweledigaeth.
1995 - Cyflwynais ddarlithydd gwadd mewn ysgolion a phrifysgolion cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol.
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
(Dyfyniad )
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Offthalmology
- Acta Ophthalmologica
- British Journal of Offthalmology
- Offthalmoleg Glinigol ac Arbrofol
- Cysylltu â Lens & Llygad Anterior
- Cornea
- Lens Llygad a Chyswllt
- Llawfeddygaeth Ryngwladol
- Offthalmoleg Ymchwiliol a Gwyddoniaeth Weledol
- Journal of Biomedical Optics
- Journal of Offthalmology
- Opteg Offthalmig a Ffisiolegol
- Adroddiadau optometreg
- Optometreg a Gwyddorau Gweledigaeth
- Yr Arwyneb Ocwlar