Dr Owen Abbott
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Owen Abbott
Rwy'n Ddarlithydd yn y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Ymunais â Phrifysgol Caerdydd ar gymrodoriaeth Leverhulme ym mis Ionawr 2022, ar ôl bod yn ddarlithydd ym Mhrifysgol Efrog a Phrifysgol Manceinion. Cyn hynny, cwblheais fy PhD mewn Cymdeithaseg ym Mhrifysgol Caerwysg ym mis Medi 2017. Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar gymdeithaseg moesoldeb (gyda phwyslais arbennig ar ymarfer bob dydd), cymdeithasegau'r hunan, a chymdeithaseg berthynol. Mae fy ymchwil wedi arwain at gwblhau llyfr o'r enw The Self, Relational Sociology, and Morality in Practice, a gyhoeddwyd yn 2019. Enillodd y llyfr hwn Wobr Goffa BSA Philip Abrams 2020 am y llyfr cyntaf a'r unig awdur gorau mewn cymdeithaseg.
Roedd fy mhrosiect cymrodoriaeth Leverhulme yn cynnwys astudiaeth empirig i faddeuant mewn perthnasoedd personol, maes ymchwil sydd hyd yma heb ei gyffwrdd i raddau helaeth gan gymdeithasegwyr. Mae hyn yn parhau â'm diddordeb yn nodweddion moesol a deinameg bywydau personol bob dydd.
Mae'r diddordeb hwn hefyd yn cael ei ymestyn trwy fy nghyfranogiad parhaus yng Nghanolfan Ymchwil Morgan i Fywydau Bob Dydd (Prifysgol Manceinion). Ynghyd â chydweithwyr yng Nghanolfan Morgan, cyd-awdur llyfr o'r enw Masking in the Pandemic: Materiality, Interaction and Moral Practice, sy'n archwilio fflwcs sydyn gorchuddion wyneb yn ein bywydau a'n rhyngweithiadau o fis Mawrth 2020.
Cyhoeddwyd fy ail fonograff, Social Theorysts of Morality: Essay in Moral Agency, yn 2025. Mae'r llyfr hwn yn darparu casgliad o draethodau beirniadol ar ddamcaniaethwyr cymdeithasol allweddol y mae eu gwaith wedi llywio dulliau cymdeithasegol o foesoldeb, gyda phob traethawd yn nodi beth yw cyfraniad y damcaniaethwr at ddealltwriaethau cymdeithasegol o foesoldeb, sut y cawsant eu defnyddio mewn cymdeithaseg a disgyblaethau cyfagos, a beth allai cyfyngiadau eu dadleuon fod o safbwynt dealltwriaeth gymdeithasegol gyfoes o foesoldeb.
- Abbott, O. 2025. Social theorists of morality: Essays on moral agency. Palgrave Studies in Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity. Palgrave. (10.1007/978-3-031-75181-3)
- Abbott, O. 2024. A sociology of forgiveness in relationships: Why the sociology of personal life should be interested in forgiveness. Families, Relationships and Societies (10.1332/20467435Y2024D000000012)
- Abbott, O. 2024. A sketch of a pragmatist account of the relational constitution and enactment of moral agency. In: Vandenberghe, F. and Papilloud, C. eds. New Directions in Relational Sociology. Palgrave
- Abbott, O., May, V., Woodward, S., Meckin, R. and Gilman, L. 2023. Masking in the pandemic: Materiality, interaction, and moral practice. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-031-45781-4)
- Abbott, O. 2023. W. E. B. Du Bois's forgotten sociology of morality: Contesting the foundations and informing the future of the sociology of morality. Sociological Review 71(5), pp. 957-975. (10.1177/00380261221138207)
- Abbott, O. 2023. Interactive universalism, the concrete other, and discourse ethics: a sociological dialogue with Seyla Benhabib’s Theories of Morality. European Journal of Social Theory 26(3), pp. 335-353. (10.1177/13684310221129522)
- Abbott, O. and Burkitt, I. 2023. Moral identity, identification and emotion: a relational and interactive approach. International Review of Sociology 33(2), pp. 326-348. (10.1080/03906701.2023.2242648)
- Abbott, O. 2022. Between Durkheim and Bauman: a relational sociology of morality in practice. In: Henig, D., Strhan, A. and Robbins, J. eds. Where is the Good in the World? Ethical Life between Social Theory and Philosophy. New York, US: Berghahn Book, pp. 60-76.
- Balmer, A., Meckin, R. and Abbott, O. 2021. The temporal uses of moral things: Manifesting, anchoring and conserving caring relations within the sensorium. Sociology 55(3), pp. 619-640. (10.1177/0038038520959263)
- Abbott, O. 2020. The self as the locus of morality: A comparison between Charles Taylor and George Herbert Mead's theories of the moral constitution of the self. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 50(4), pp. 516-533. (10.1111/jtsb.12258)
- Abbott, O. 2019. The self, relational sociology, and morality in practice. Palgrave Studies in Relational Sociology. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Abbott, O. 2017. The social self, social relations, and social (moral) practice. PhD Thesis, University of Exeter.
- Abbott, O. 2016. Posthumanist perspectives and the Chernobyl Disaster: Dances of agency, temporal emergence, and disaster risk management. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 34(2), pp. 231-249.
- Abbott, O. 2015. The self and morality in Mead: : The Problems with the ‘I’ and the ‘Me’. InterCultural Philosophy: philosophy in its cultural context 1, pp. 84-102.
- Abbott, O. 2024. A sociology of forgiveness in relationships: Why the sociology of personal life should be interested in forgiveness. Families, Relationships and Societies (10.1332/20467435Y2024D000000012)
- Abbott, O. 2023. W. E. B. Du Bois's forgotten sociology of morality: Contesting the foundations and informing the future of the sociology of morality. Sociological Review 71(5), pp. 957-975. (10.1177/00380261221138207)
- Abbott, O. 2023. Interactive universalism, the concrete other, and discourse ethics: a sociological dialogue with Seyla Benhabib’s Theories of Morality. European Journal of Social Theory 26(3), pp. 335-353. (10.1177/13684310221129522)
- Abbott, O. and Burkitt, I. 2023. Moral identity, identification and emotion: a relational and interactive approach. International Review of Sociology 33(2), pp. 326-348. (10.1080/03906701.2023.2242648)
- Balmer, A., Meckin, R. and Abbott, O. 2021. The temporal uses of moral things: Manifesting, anchoring and conserving caring relations within the sensorium. Sociology 55(3), pp. 619-640. (10.1177/0038038520959263)
- Abbott, O. 2020. The self as the locus of morality: A comparison between Charles Taylor and George Herbert Mead's theories of the moral constitution of the self. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 50(4), pp. 516-533. (10.1111/jtsb.12258)
- Abbott, O. 2016. Posthumanist perspectives and the Chernobyl Disaster: Dances of agency, temporal emergence, and disaster risk management. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 34(2), pp. 231-249.
- Abbott, O. 2015. The self and morality in Mead: : The Problems with the ‘I’ and the ‘Me’. InterCultural Philosophy: philosophy in its cultural context 1, pp. 84-102.
Book sections
- Abbott, O. 2024. A sketch of a pragmatist account of the relational constitution and enactment of moral agency. In: Vandenberghe, F. and Papilloud, C. eds. New Directions in Relational Sociology. Palgrave
- Abbott, O. 2022. Between Durkheim and Bauman: a relational sociology of morality in practice. In: Henig, D., Strhan, A. and Robbins, J. eds. Where is the Good in the World? Ethical Life between Social Theory and Philosophy. New York, US: Berghahn Book, pp. 60-76.
- Abbott, O. 2025. Social theorists of morality: Essays on moral agency. Palgrave Studies in Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity. Palgrave. (10.1007/978-3-031-75181-3)
- Abbott, O., May, V., Woodward, S., Meckin, R. and Gilman, L. 2023. Masking in the pandemic: Materiality, interaction, and moral practice. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-031-45781-4)
- Abbott, O. 2019. The self, relational sociology, and morality in practice. Palgrave Studies in Relational Sociology. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Abbott, O. 2017. The social self, social relations, and social (moral) practice. PhD Thesis, University of Exeter.
Fy mhrif feysydd ymchwil yw:
- Cymdeithaseg moesoldeb, gyda ffocws penodol ar ymarfer moesol bob dydd a nodweddion moesol bywydau personol.
- Maddeuant, yn benodol maddeuant mewn perthnasoedd personol, ond hefyd y gosodiadau diwylliannol a phrosesau rhyngweithio maddeuant.
- Damcaniaeth gymdeithasol, yn benodol damcaniaethau moesol, ymagweddau perthynol a rhyngweithiol at gymdeithaseg, a phragmatiaeth. Rwyf wedi ysgrifennu ar nifer o ddamcaniaethwyr ac athronwyr cymdeithasol ar gyfer fy ail fonograff (Damcaniaethwyr Cymdeithasol Moesoldeb), gan gynnwys:
- W.E.B. Du Bois
- Jane Addams
- G. H. Mead
- Alasdair MacIntyre
- Carol Gilligan
- Seyla Benhabib
- Kwame Anthony Appiah
- Jonathan Haidt
Rwy'n gynnull cwrs ac yn ddarlithydd ar Theori Fyw (3edd flwyddyn).
Rwyf hefyd yn addysgu ar anghydraddoldebau cyfoes (2il flwyddyn), Dod yn Wyddonydd Cymdeithasol (Blwyddyn 1af), Sylfeini Troseddeg Gyfoes (blwyddyn 1af), a Damcaniaethau Trosedd a Chosb (blwyddyn 1af).
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Enillydd Gwobr Goffa Philip Abrams Cymdeithas Gymdeithasegol Prydain 2020 am y llyfr cyntaf a'r unig awdur gorau.
Dyfarnwyd ar gyfer Abbott, O. (2019) Yr Hunan, Cymdeithaseg Berthynol, a Moesoldeb mewn Ymarfer.
Yn ail yng Nghystadleuaeth Gwobr Erthygl Gyhoeddedig Eithriadol 2023 yn adran Cymdeithas Gymdeithasegol America ar Altruism, Morality, ac Undod Cymdeithasol.
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
2024-presennol: Darlithydd yn y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2022-2024: Cymrawd Ymchwil Gyrfa Gynnar Leverhulme, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2021: Darlith mewn Cymdeithaseg, Prifysgol Efrog
2017-2021: Darlithydd mewn Cymdeithaseg, Prifysgol Manceinion
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
2021: Arholwr Allanol ar gyfer Coleg Birkbeck ar gyfer traethawd ymchwil PhD o'r enw 'Moral agency analysed as self-enactment in social roles: A productive recast of Dewey's pragmatist analysis'.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Byddwn yn arbennig o ddiddorol wrth oruchwylio myfyrwyr sydd â diddordeb mewn perthnasoedd personol, bywydau bob dydd, moesoldeb, a theori gymdeithasol hefyd.
Contact Details
+44 29208 70032
Adeilad Morgannwg, Llawr Ail lawr, Ystafell 2.19, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA
Themâu ymchwil
- Moes
- Maddeuant
- Cysylltiadau personol
- Theori gymdeithasol
- Hunan