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Owen Abbott

Dr Owen Abbott


Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Owen Abbott


I am a Lecturer in Social Sciences at Cardiff University. I joined Cardiff University on a Leverhulme fellowship in January 2022, having previously been a lecturer at the University of York and the University of Manchester. Before that, I completed my PhD in Sociology at the University of Exeter in September 2017. My research mainly focuses on the sociology of morality (with a particular emphasis on everyday practice), sociologies of the self, and relational sociology. My research has culminated in the completion of a book entitled The Self, Relational Sociology, and Morality in Practice, published in 2019. This book won the BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize 2020 for best first and sole-authored book in sociology.

My Leverhulme fellowship project involved an empirical study into forgiveness in personal relationships, an area of research that has so far gone largely untouched by sociologists. This continues my interest in the moral features and dynamics of everyday personal lives.

This interest is also extended through my ongoing participation in The Morgan Centre for Research into Everyday Lives (University of Manchester). Together with Morgan Centre colleagues, I co-authored a book entitled Masking in the Pandemic: Materiality, Interaction, and Moral Practice, which explores the sudden flux of face coverings in our lives and interactions from March 2020.

My second monograph, Social Theorists of Morality: Essay in Moral Agency, was published in 2025. This book provides a collection of critical essays on key social theorists whose work has informed sociological approaches to morality, with each essay setting out what the theorist's contribution to sociological understandings of morality is, how they have been used in sociology and adjacent disciplines, and what the limitations of their arguments might be from the perspective of contemporary sociological understandings of morality.













Book sections




My main research areas are:

  • Sociology of morality, with a specific focus on everyday moral practice and the moral features of personal lives.
  • Forgiveness, specifically forgiveness in personal relationships, but also the cultural settings and interactional processes of forgiveness.
  • Social theory, specifically moral theories, relational and interactional approaches to sociology, and pragmatism. I have written on a number of social theorists and philosophers for my second monograph (Social Theorists of Morality), including:
    • W.E.B. Du Bois
    • Jane Addams
    • G. H. Mead
    • Alasdair MacIntyre
    • Carol Gilligan
    • Seyla Benhabib
    • Kwame Anthony Appiah
    • Jonathan Haidt


I am course convener and lecturer on Live Theory (3rd year).

I also teach on Contemporary Inequalities (2nd year), Becoming a Social Scientist (1st Year), Foundations of Contemporary Criminology (1st year), and Theories of Crime and Punishment (1st year). 


Honours and awards

Winner of the British Sociological Association Philip Abrams Memorial Prize 2020 for best first and sole-authored book. 

Awarded for Abbott, O. (2019) The Self, Relational Sociology, and Morality in Practice.

Runner up of Outstanding Published Article Award Competition 2023 in the American Sociological Association section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity.

Awarded for Abbott, O. (2022) ‘W. E. B. Du Bois's Forgotten Sociology of Morality: Contesting the Foundations and Informing the Future of the Sociology of Morality’.

Academic positions

2024-present: Lecturer in Social Sciences, Cardiff Univeristy

2022-2024: Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow, Cardiff University

2021: Lecture in Sociology, University of York

2017-2021: Lecturer in Sociology, University of Manchester

Committees and reviewing

2021: External Examiner for Birkbeck College for a PhD thesis entitled ‘Moral agency analysed as self-enactment in social roles: A productive recast of Dewey’s pragmatist analysis’.


I would be particularly interesting in supervising students interested in personal relationships, everyday lives, morality, and also social theory.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 70032
Campuses Glamorgan Building, Floor Second floor, Room 2.19, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA

Research themes


  • Morality
  • Forgiveness
  • Personal relationships
  • Social theory
  • Self