Dr Ahmed Almoraish
Darlithydd mewn Marchnata a Strategaeth
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae Dr Ahmed Almoraish yn ddarlithydd ac ymchwilydd mewn marchnata yn yr Adran Farchnata a Strategaeth, ar ôl ymuno ym mis Medi 2024. Cyn hynny, bu'n diwtor busnes yn yr adran ers 2018. Mae gan Dr Almoraish brofiad academaidd helaeth, gan gynnwys swyddi fel darlithydd ym Mhrifysgol Met Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Nottingham Trent. Bu hefyd yn diwtor yn y Rhaglen Datblygu Rheoli yn Ysgol Fusnes Prifysgol Strathclyde, lle enillodd Dystysgrif Ôl-raddedig mewn Methodoleg Ymchwil.
Mae Dr Almoraish hefyd yn Gymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (FHEA). Mae ganddo MBA o Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd a PhD mewn Marchnata o Brifysgol Strathclyde, lle canolbwyntiodd ei ymchwil ar brofiad y cwsmer mewn cyd-destunau B2B.
Mae ei ddiddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys profiad cwsmeriaid, marchnata B2B, marchnata gwasanaethau, a marchnata perthynas, gyda phwyslais cryf ar ddadansoddi ystadegol a dulliau ymchwil. Mae ei waith wedi'i gyhoeddi mewn cyfnodolion o fri, megis y Journal of Business Research. Cyn mynd i'r byd academaidd, roedd yn Oruchwyliwr Ymchwil Marchnata yn YCGSI, rhan o'r prif HSA cydglomerate rhyngwladol.
- Jackson, N., Cockrill, A. and Almoraish, A. 2024. A framework for the dissemination of research on depression via social media. British Journal of Healthcare Management 30(11), article number: 2024.0003. (10.12968/bjhc.2024.0003)
- Spiros, G. and Almoraish, A. 2024. A dynamic, relational approach to B2B customer experience: A customer-centric perspective from a longitudinal investigation. Journal of Business Research 177, article number: 114606. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114606)
- Agag, G., Shehawy, Y. M., Almoraish, A., Eid, R., Lababdi, H. C., Labben, T. G. and Abdo, S. S. 2024. Understanding the relationship between marketing analytics, customer agility, and customer satisfaction: A longitudinal perspective.. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77, article number: 103663. (10.1016/j.jretconser.2023.103663)
- Almoraish, A. 2024. Brand and Influencer partnerships- not just for one campaign. In: Yesiloglu, S. and Costello, J. eds. Influencer Marketing: Building Brand Communities and Engagement (2nd edition). Routledge
- Almoraish, A. and Costello, J. 2024. A moral compass for machine minds: Cultivating ethical decision-making in generative AI for marketing. Presented at: IMPORTED, MAY BE LINKED.
- Almoraish, A. and Gounaris, S. 2024. CXB2B: A Multi-dimensional scale for customer experience in B2B services — scale development and validation. Presented at: AMA Summer Academic Conference 2024, Boston, August 2024.
- Almoraish, A. and Gupta, S. 2024. How mindful consumption influences the relationship between suppliers' offerings and customer experience in business-to-business contexts. Presented at: Advances in Management and Innovation, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, UK, 21-22 May 2024.
- Argarwal, P., Glanfield, K., Almoraish, A. and Bolton, N. 2022. A marketing conundrum: resolving the contradictions and primacy claims between the brand experience or customer experience literature and marketing scholars. Presented at: 6th Advances in Management and Innovation (AMI) Conference, Cardiff School of Management/Hybrid, 19-20 May 2022. Cardiff Met University
- Almoraish, A. 2021. Customer experience in the business-to-business context, drivers, measures and consequences. PhD Thesis, University of Strathclyde.
- Almoraish, A. 2018. How does past and present customer experience explain the satisfaction with the supplier? A fuzzy set qualitative comparative approach. Presented at: EMAC, Strathclyde, Glasgow, 29 May - 01 June 2018. pp. -.
- Almoraish, A., Gounaris, S. and Wagner, B. 2017. Conceptualising customer experience in B2B services. Presented at: 11th Annual International Conference on Global Studies:, 18-21 December 2017. Atiner Conference Paper Series MKT2016-2223 Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research
- Almoraish, A. 2017. Measuring customer experience and its consequences in B2B professional service customers: A longitudinal study. Presented at: 6th International Research Conference in Marketing, Glasgow, 16-17 May 2017. pp. -.
- Almoraish, A. 2015. Developing a scale to measure the experience of the dyadic relationships between suppliers and customers in business market. Presented at: EMAC 2015 Doctoral Colloquium, Leuven, Belgium, 24-26 May 2015. pp. -.
- Almoraish, A. 2014. Developing a scale for the measurement of customer and supplier experience in business markets. Presented at: 3rd International Research Conference in Marketing, Glasgow, 2014. pp. -.
- Almoraish, A. 2014. Developing and validating a scale for the measurement of business-to-business customer experience. Presented at: Scottish DTC Business and Management Pathway Colloquium, Glasgow, 2014. pp. -.
- Jackson, N., Cockrill, A. and Almoraish, A. 2024. A framework for the dissemination of research on depression via social media. British Journal of Healthcare Management 30(11), article number: 2024.0003. (10.12968/bjhc.2024.0003)
- Spiros, G. and Almoraish, A. 2024. A dynamic, relational approach to B2B customer experience: A customer-centric perspective from a longitudinal investigation. Journal of Business Research 177, article number: 114606. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114606)
- Agag, G., Shehawy, Y. M., Almoraish, A., Eid, R., Lababdi, H. C., Labben, T. G. and Abdo, S. S. 2024. Understanding the relationship between marketing analytics, customer agility, and customer satisfaction: A longitudinal perspective.. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77, article number: 103663. (10.1016/j.jretconser.2023.103663)
Book sections
- Almoraish, A. 2024. Brand and Influencer partnerships- not just for one campaign. In: Yesiloglu, S. and Costello, J. eds. Influencer Marketing: Building Brand Communities and Engagement (2nd edition). Routledge
- Almoraish, A. and Costello, J. 2024. A moral compass for machine minds: Cultivating ethical decision-making in generative AI for marketing. Presented at: IMPORTED, MAY BE LINKED.
- Almoraish, A. and Gounaris, S. 2024. CXB2B: A Multi-dimensional scale for customer experience in B2B services — scale development and validation. Presented at: AMA Summer Academic Conference 2024, Boston, August 2024.
- Almoraish, A. and Gupta, S. 2024. How mindful consumption influences the relationship between suppliers' offerings and customer experience in business-to-business contexts. Presented at: Advances in Management and Innovation, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, UK, 21-22 May 2024.
- Argarwal, P., Glanfield, K., Almoraish, A. and Bolton, N. 2022. A marketing conundrum: resolving the contradictions and primacy claims between the brand experience or customer experience literature and marketing scholars. Presented at: 6th Advances in Management and Innovation (AMI) Conference, Cardiff School of Management/Hybrid, 19-20 May 2022. Cardiff Met University
- Almoraish, A. 2018. How does past and present customer experience explain the satisfaction with the supplier? A fuzzy set qualitative comparative approach. Presented at: EMAC, Strathclyde, Glasgow, 29 May - 01 June 2018. pp. -.
- Almoraish, A., Gounaris, S. and Wagner, B. 2017. Conceptualising customer experience in B2B services. Presented at: 11th Annual International Conference on Global Studies:, 18-21 December 2017. Atiner Conference Paper Series MKT2016-2223 Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research
- Almoraish, A. 2017. Measuring customer experience and its consequences in B2B professional service customers: A longitudinal study. Presented at: 6th International Research Conference in Marketing, Glasgow, 16-17 May 2017. pp. -.
- Almoraish, A. 2015. Developing a scale to measure the experience of the dyadic relationships between suppliers and customers in business market. Presented at: EMAC 2015 Doctoral Colloquium, Leuven, Belgium, 24-26 May 2015. pp. -.
- Almoraish, A. 2014. Developing a scale for the measurement of customer and supplier experience in business markets. Presented at: 3rd International Research Conference in Marketing, Glasgow, 2014. pp. -.
- Almoraish, A. 2014. Developing and validating a scale for the measurement of business-to-business customer experience. Presented at: Scottish DTC Business and Management Pathway Colloquium, Glasgow, 2014. pp. -.
- Almoraish, A. 2021. Customer experience in the business-to-business context, drivers, measures and consequences. PhD Thesis, University of Strathclyde.
Diddordebau ymchwil: Profiad Cwsmer, perthnasoedd B2B ac ystwythder Sefydliadol.
Prif rôl fy ngweithgareddau ymchwil yw helpu cwmnïau i gynhyrchu llwyddiant cynaliadwy dros gyfnod hwy o amser. Dyma'r amcan y mae'r marchnata strategol yn ei wasanaethu, wedi'i lywio gan ddamcaniaethau fel marchnata perthynas, teyrngarwch cwsmeriaid neu farn y cwmni sy'n seiliedig ar adnoddau, ac ymddygiad sefydliadol yn fwy cyffredinol.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Myfyrwyr Ôl-raddedig a Doethuriaeth
Contact Details
+44 29 2251 5038
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell B25, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU