Yr Athro Victoria Basham
Athro Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol a Phennaeth Gwleidyddiaeth a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil wedi'u lleoli ar groesffordd cysylltiadau rhyngwladol ffeministaidd, geowleidyddiaeth feirniadol a chymdeithaseg wleidyddol ryngwladol. Dros y ddau ddegawd diwethaf rwyf wedi gweithio'n bennaf ym maes Astudiaethau Milwrol Critigol (www.criticalmilitarystudies.org), gan gyhoeddi ymchwil ar sut mae rhyfel, a pharodrwydd rhyfel, yn llunio bywydau beunyddiol pobl a sut y gall bywyd bob dydd, yn ei dro, ddylanwadu a hwyluso rhyfel a chanlyniadau geopolitical eraill. Rwyf wedi bod, ac mae gennyf ddiddordeb arbennig mewn sut mae rhywedd, hil, ethnigrwydd, rhywioldeb a dosbarth cymdeithasol yn siapio blaenoriaethu, defnyddio a chyflawni grym milwrol, yn enwedig mewn cymdeithasau democrataidd rhyddfrydol. Yn fwy diweddar, rwyf wedi dechrau ymchwilio i rôl sgandal wrth lunio gwleidyddiaeth y byd ac yn yr hyn y mae'n ei ddatgelu am drais, atebolrwydd a threfn fyd-eang, gyda fy nghyd-awduron Dr Jamie Johnson (Prifysgol Caerlŷr) a Dr Owen Thomas (Prifysgol Caerwysg).
Yn 2015, deuthum yn Brif Olygydd y cyfnodolyn Critical Military Studies (Taylor & Francis) a gyd-sefydlwyd gennyf hefyd (http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rcms20).
Rwy'n gyd-olygydd cyfres lyfrau Gwasg Prifysgol Caeredin, Advances in Critical Military Studies, gyda Dr Sarah Bulmer ym Mhrifysgol Caerwysg (https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/series-advances-in-critical-military-studies.html).
Roeddwn hefyd yn Llywydd Cymdeithas Astudiaethau Rhyngwladol Ewrop (http://www.eisa-net.org/) rhwng 2017 a 2019. Yn 2017 bûm yn Gadeirydd Rhaglen (gyda Dr Cemal Burak Tansel ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield) yn 11eg Cynhadledd Pan-Ewropeaidd yr EISA ar Gysylltiadau Rhyngwladol, a gynhaliwyd yn Barcelona, Sbaen (http://www.paneuropeanconference.org/2017/).
- Basham, V., Bulmer, S., Higate, P., McGarry, R., Thomas, O. and Williams, A. 2024. Military social harm: An agenda for research. Current Sociology (10.1177/00113921241298697)
- Bendfeldt, L. and Basham, V. M. 2024. Beyond the state: Reimagining protection as constellations of care. Critical Studies on Security (10.1080/21624887.2024.2413751)
- Johnson, J., Thomas, O. and Basham, V. 2024. ‘Mr Rules’: Keir Starmer and the juridification of politics. British Politics (10.1057/s41293-024-00258-1)
- Basham, V. M. 2024. War and militarism. In: Rossi, N. and Riemann, M. eds. Security Studies: An Applied Introduction. Sage, pp. 109-130.
- Basham, V. M. 2024. Everyday modalities of militarization: beyond unidirectional, state-centric, and simplistic accounts of state violence. Critical Military Studies 10(2), pp. 142-146. (10.1080/23337486.2022.2070692)
- Basham, V. M. 2024. Mitä on militarismi ja militarisoituminen?. In: Hast, S. and Kotilainen, N. eds. Sodan pauloissa: Militarismi suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, pp. 31-36.
- Basham, V. M. 2024. Military. In: Jahn, B. and Schindler, S. eds. Elgar Encyclopedia of International Relations. Edward Elgar
- Basham, V. 2023. War and socio-political orders. In: Guillaume, X. and Grayson, K. eds. Security Studies: Critical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 104-120.
- Johnson, J., Basham, V. and Thomas, O. 2022. Ordering disorder: The making of world politics. Review of International Studies 48(4), pp. 607-625. (10.1017/S0260210522000183)
- Basham, V. M. 2022. Gender issues. In: Roy, K. ed. Oxford Bibliographies Military History. Oxford University Press, (10.1093/OBO/9780199791279-0211)
- Johnson, J. M. and Basham, V. M. 2021. Living in dangerous times. Critical Studies on Terrorism 14(4), pp. 400-401. (10.1080/17539153.2021.1980181)
- Catignani, S. and Basham, V. 2021. The gendered politics of researching military policy in the age of the ‘knowledge economy’. Review of International Studies 47(2), pp. 211-230. (10.1017/S0260210521000036)
- Catignani, S. and Basham, V. M. 2021. Reproducing the military and heteropatriarchal normal: Army Reserve service as serious leisure. Security Dialogue 52(2), pp. 99-117. (10.1177/0967010620923969)
- Basham, V. 2021. A necessarily historical materialist moment? Feminist reflections on the need for grounded critique in an age of crisis. International Relations 35(1), pp. 178-182. (10.1177/0047117821992408)
- Basham, V. M. 2020. "Wenn du frieden willst, bereite krieg vor". Über liberalen militarismus. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 70(16-17), pp. 48-52.
- Basham, V. M. 2020. From Hitler’s Youth to the British child soldier: how the martial regulation of children normalises and legitimises war. In: Beier, J. M. ed. Discovering Childhood in International Relations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 135-154.
- Basham, V. M. 2018. Liberal militarism as insecurity, desire and ambivalence: gender, race and the everyday geopolitics of war. Security Dialogue 49(1-2), pp. 32-43. (10.1177/0967010617744977)
- Basham, V. and Catignani, S. 2018. War is where the hearth is: gendered labor and the everyday reproduction of the geopolitical in the army reserves. International Feminist Journal of Politics 20(2), pp. 153-171. (10.1080/14616742.2018.1442736)
- Basham, V. and Bulmer, S. 2017. Critical military studies as method: an approach to studying gender and the military. In: Duncanson, C. and Woodward, R. eds. Palgrave International Handbook of Gender and the Military. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 59-72.
- Basham, V. M. 2016. Raising an army: the geopolitics of militarizing the lives of working-class boys in an age of austerity. International Political Sociology 10(3), pp. 258-274. (10.1093/ips/olw013)
- Basham, V. 2016. Gender and militaries: the importance of military masculinities for the conduct of state sanctioned violence. In: Sharoni, S. et al. eds. Handbook on Gender and War. International Handbooks on Gender Edward Elgar, pp. 29-46.
- Basham, V. 2016. Gender, race, militarism and remembrance: the everyday geopolitics of the poppy. Gender, Place & Culture 23(6), pp. 883-896. (10.1080/0966369X.2015.1090406)
- Baker, C., Basham, V., Bulmer, S., Gray, H. and Hyde, A. 2016. Encounters with the military: toward a feminist ethics of critique?. International Feminist Journal of Politics 18(1), pp. 140-154. (10.1080/14616742.2015.1106102)
- Basham, V. 2015. Waiting for war: soldiering, temporality and the gendered politics of boredom and joy in military spaces. In: Ahall, L. and Gregory, T. eds. Emotions, Politics and War. Interventions Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 128-140.
- Basham, V. M. 2015. Telling geopolitical tales: temporality, rationality, and the 'childish' in the ongoing war for the Falklands-Malvinas Islands. Critical Studies on Security 3(1), pp. 77-89. (10.1080/21624887.2015.1014698)
- Basham, V., Belkin, A. and Gifkins, J. 2015. What is critical military studies?. Critical Military Studies 1(1), pp. 1-2. (10.1080/23337486.2015.1006879)
- Basham, V., Hurcombe, M. and Pearson, C. 2013. Introduction: traces of conflict. Journal of War and Culture Studies 6(1), pp. 1-5. (10.1179/1752627212Z.0000000001)
- Basham, V. and Vaughan-Williams, N. 2013. Gender, race and border security practices: a profane reading of 'muscular liberalism’. The British Journal of Politics & International Relations 15(4), pp. 509-527. (10.1111/j.1467-856X.2012.00517.x)
- Basham, V. 2013. War, identity and the liberal state: everyday experiences of the geopolitical in the Armed Forces. Interventions. Routledge.
- Basham, V. 2011. Kids with guns: militarization, masculinities, moral panic and (dis)organised violence. In: Beir, J. M. ed. The Militarization of Childhood: Thinking Beyond the Global South. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 175-193.
- Basham, V. 2011. Harnessing social diversity in the British Armed Forces: the limitations of ‘management’ approaches. In: Leuprecht, C. ed. Defending Democracy and Securing Diversity. Routledge, pp. 69-87.
- Basham, V. 2009. Effecting discrimination: operational effectiveness and harassment in the British Armed Forces. Armed Forces & Society 35(4), pp. 728-744. (10.1177/0095327X08324762)
- Basham, V. 2009. Harnessing social diversity in the British Armed Forces: the limitations of 'management' approaches. Journal of Comparative and Commonwealth Politics 47(4), pp. 411-429. (10.1080/14662040903363071)
- Basham, V. 2008. Everyday gendered experiences and the discursive construction of civilian and military identities in Britain. NORMA: Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies 3(2), pp. 150-166.
- Basham, V., Bulmer, S., Higate, P., McGarry, R., Thomas, O. and Williams, A. 2024. Military social harm: An agenda for research. Current Sociology (10.1177/00113921241298697)
- Bendfeldt, L. and Basham, V. M. 2024. Beyond the state: Reimagining protection as constellations of care. Critical Studies on Security (10.1080/21624887.2024.2413751)
- Johnson, J., Thomas, O. and Basham, V. 2024. ‘Mr Rules’: Keir Starmer and the juridification of politics. British Politics (10.1057/s41293-024-00258-1)
- Basham, V. M. 2024. Everyday modalities of militarization: beyond unidirectional, state-centric, and simplistic accounts of state violence. Critical Military Studies 10(2), pp. 142-146. (10.1080/23337486.2022.2070692)
- Johnson, J., Basham, V. and Thomas, O. 2022. Ordering disorder: The making of world politics. Review of International Studies 48(4), pp. 607-625. (10.1017/S0260210522000183)
- Johnson, J. M. and Basham, V. M. 2021. Living in dangerous times. Critical Studies on Terrorism 14(4), pp. 400-401. (10.1080/17539153.2021.1980181)
- Catignani, S. and Basham, V. 2021. The gendered politics of researching military policy in the age of the ‘knowledge economy’. Review of International Studies 47(2), pp. 211-230. (10.1017/S0260210521000036)
- Catignani, S. and Basham, V. M. 2021. Reproducing the military and heteropatriarchal normal: Army Reserve service as serious leisure. Security Dialogue 52(2), pp. 99-117. (10.1177/0967010620923969)
- Basham, V. 2021. A necessarily historical materialist moment? Feminist reflections on the need for grounded critique in an age of crisis. International Relations 35(1), pp. 178-182. (10.1177/0047117821992408)
- Basham, V. M. 2020. "Wenn du frieden willst, bereite krieg vor". Über liberalen militarismus. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 70(16-17), pp. 48-52.
- Basham, V. M. 2018. Liberal militarism as insecurity, desire and ambivalence: gender, race and the everyday geopolitics of war. Security Dialogue 49(1-2), pp. 32-43. (10.1177/0967010617744977)
- Basham, V. and Catignani, S. 2018. War is where the hearth is: gendered labor and the everyday reproduction of the geopolitical in the army reserves. International Feminist Journal of Politics 20(2), pp. 153-171. (10.1080/14616742.2018.1442736)
- Basham, V. M. 2016. Raising an army: the geopolitics of militarizing the lives of working-class boys in an age of austerity. International Political Sociology 10(3), pp. 258-274. (10.1093/ips/olw013)
- Basham, V. 2016. Gender, race, militarism and remembrance: the everyday geopolitics of the poppy. Gender, Place & Culture 23(6), pp. 883-896. (10.1080/0966369X.2015.1090406)
- Baker, C., Basham, V., Bulmer, S., Gray, H. and Hyde, A. 2016. Encounters with the military: toward a feminist ethics of critique?. International Feminist Journal of Politics 18(1), pp. 140-154. (10.1080/14616742.2015.1106102)
- Basham, V. M. 2015. Telling geopolitical tales: temporality, rationality, and the 'childish' in the ongoing war for the Falklands-Malvinas Islands. Critical Studies on Security 3(1), pp. 77-89. (10.1080/21624887.2015.1014698)
- Basham, V., Belkin, A. and Gifkins, J. 2015. What is critical military studies?. Critical Military Studies 1(1), pp. 1-2. (10.1080/23337486.2015.1006879)
- Basham, V., Hurcombe, M. and Pearson, C. 2013. Introduction: traces of conflict. Journal of War and Culture Studies 6(1), pp. 1-5. (10.1179/1752627212Z.0000000001)
- Basham, V. and Vaughan-Williams, N. 2013. Gender, race and border security practices: a profane reading of 'muscular liberalism’. The British Journal of Politics & International Relations 15(4), pp. 509-527. (10.1111/j.1467-856X.2012.00517.x)
- Basham, V. 2009. Effecting discrimination: operational effectiveness and harassment in the British Armed Forces. Armed Forces & Society 35(4), pp. 728-744. (10.1177/0095327X08324762)
- Basham, V. 2009. Harnessing social diversity in the British Armed Forces: the limitations of 'management' approaches. Journal of Comparative and Commonwealth Politics 47(4), pp. 411-429. (10.1080/14662040903363071)
- Basham, V. 2008. Everyday gendered experiences and the discursive construction of civilian and military identities in Britain. NORMA: Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies 3(2), pp. 150-166.
Book sections
- Basham, V. M. 2024. War and militarism. In: Rossi, N. and Riemann, M. eds. Security Studies: An Applied Introduction. Sage, pp. 109-130.
- Basham, V. M. 2024. Mitä on militarismi ja militarisoituminen?. In: Hast, S. and Kotilainen, N. eds. Sodan pauloissa: Militarismi suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, pp. 31-36.
- Basham, V. M. 2024. Military. In: Jahn, B. and Schindler, S. eds. Elgar Encyclopedia of International Relations. Edward Elgar
- Basham, V. 2023. War and socio-political orders. In: Guillaume, X. and Grayson, K. eds. Security Studies: Critical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 104-120.
- Basham, V. M. 2022. Gender issues. In: Roy, K. ed. Oxford Bibliographies Military History. Oxford University Press, (10.1093/OBO/9780199791279-0211)
- Basham, V. M. 2020. From Hitler’s Youth to the British child soldier: how the martial regulation of children normalises and legitimises war. In: Beier, J. M. ed. Discovering Childhood in International Relations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 135-154.
- Basham, V. and Bulmer, S. 2017. Critical military studies as method: an approach to studying gender and the military. In: Duncanson, C. and Woodward, R. eds. Palgrave International Handbook of Gender and the Military. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 59-72.
- Basham, V. 2016. Gender and militaries: the importance of military masculinities for the conduct of state sanctioned violence. In: Sharoni, S. et al. eds. Handbook on Gender and War. International Handbooks on Gender Edward Elgar, pp. 29-46.
- Basham, V. 2015. Waiting for war: soldiering, temporality and the gendered politics of boredom and joy in military spaces. In: Ahall, L. and Gregory, T. eds. Emotions, Politics and War. Interventions Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 128-140.
- Basham, V. 2011. Kids with guns: militarization, masculinities, moral panic and (dis)organised violence. In: Beir, J. M. ed. The Militarization of Childhood: Thinking Beyond the Global South. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 175-193.
- Basham, V. 2011. Harnessing social diversity in the British Armed Forces: the limitations of ‘management’ approaches. In: Leuprecht, C. ed. Defending Democracy and Securing Diversity. Routledge, pp. 69-87.
- Basham, V. 2013. War, identity and the liberal state: everyday experiences of the geopolitical in the Armed Forces. Interventions. Routledge.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n cymryd rhan mewn agenda o ymchwil unigol a chydweithredol. Mae fy mhrif brosiectau yn canolbwyntio ar:
- Sgandalau mewn cysylltiadau rhyngwladol (gyda Jamie Johnson, Prifysgol Caerlŷr ac Owen Thomas, Prifysgol Caerwysg)
- Niwed cymdeithasol milwrol (mae'r gwaith hwn yn gysylltiedig â'm rôl fel Arweinydd Ymglymiad Critigol GW4 gyda'r Rhwydwaith Sefydliadau Amddiffyn)
- Rhyfel, trais ac anghyfiawnder rhwng cenedlaethau
- Methodoleg ffeministaidd a chyfarfyddiadau affeithiol mewn amgueddfeydd (gydag Audrey Reeves, Virginia Tech)
I currently teach on the level 2 module, Gender, Sex and Death and in 2017/2018 I will be teaching on the level 3 modules, The Politics of Violence and Killing and War and Society.
I am also happy to supervise research students in the following areas:
- Critical military studies
- Critical approaches to war and peace
- Militarism and militarization
- Ddiscourse analysis, ethnography and qualitative interview research pertaining to critical military studies and critical security studies
Prior to joining Cardiff (in January 2016), Victoria worked at the University of Exeter (from September 2009) and before that, spent several years at the University of Bristol obtaining her undergraduate degree in Social Policy and Politics (2002), completing her PhD on gender, race and sexuality in the British Armed Forces (2007), and carrying out an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship (2007-2008), during which she was also a Visiting Fellow at the York Centre for International and Security Studies (YCISS), Toronto, Canada.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
- Sgandal
- Militariaeth, milwriaeth ac ansicrwydd
- Plant mewn Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol
- Curadu a diwylliannau rhyfel a militariaeth
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
+44 29208 74360
Adeilad y Gyfraith, Ystafell 3.10, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX
Themâu ymchwil
- Astudiaethau milwrol critigol
- Rhyfel a thrais gwleidyddol