I am an ESRC-funded PhD researcher in the Department of Politics and International Relations. My doctoral research looks at the British military court centre and asks what this space can tell us about the military's relationship with human rights.
I first joined Cardiff in 2019 to complete an MSc in Social Science Research Methods. My dissertation examined the political activism of British military veterans in response to the Northern Ireland legacy investigations. Using a visual methodology, I explored how veteran activists are presented in the media and how these images interact with dominant discourses of British militarism.
I also hold an MA in Conflict, Security and Development (2017-2018) and a BA in Modern Languages (2011-2015) from the University of Exeter.
- Richards, H. K. 2024. “Backlash of the ‘betrayed’ squaddies” : The framing of veteran anti-investigation activism on British news websites. Critical Military Studies 10(3), pp. 354-371. (10.1080/23337486.2023.2283642)
- Bendfeldt, L., Clifford, E. and Richards, H. 2024. Coming of age within 'implosion'. Review of International Studies 50(3), pp. 441-456. (10.1017/S0260210524000226)
- Richards, H. 2024. Courtroom intimacies: Responses to everyday violence in the British military’s justice system. PhD Thesis, Cardiff Univeristy.
- Richards, H. K., Baele, S. J. and Coan, T. G. 2019. Studying “Radio Machete”: towards a robust research programme. Journal of Genocide Research 21(4), pp. 525-539. (10.1080/14623528.2019.1652017)
- Richards, H. K. 2024. “Backlash of the ‘betrayed’ squaddies” : The framing of veteran anti-investigation activism on British news websites. Critical Military Studies 10(3), pp. 354-371. (10.1080/23337486.2023.2283642)
- Bendfeldt, L., Clifford, E. and Richards, H. 2024. Coming of age within 'implosion'. Review of International Studies 50(3), pp. 441-456. (10.1017/S0260210524000226)
- Richards, H. K., Baele, S. J. and Coan, T. G. 2019. Studying “Radio Machete”: towards a robust research programme. Journal of Genocide Research 21(4), pp. 525-539. (10.1080/14623528.2019.1652017)
- Richards, H. 2024. Courtroom intimacies: Responses to everyday violence in the British military’s justice system. PhD Thesis, Cardiff Univeristy.
An examination of human rights and British military identity
I have tutored on the following module(s):
PL9197 – Introduction to Globalisation (Year One)
PL9199 – Introduciton to Government (Year One)
PL9231 – Critical War and Military Studies: An Introduction (Year Two)
In 2022 I became an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA)
Victoria Basham
Professor of International Relations and Head of Politics and International Relations