Dr Charlotte Bates
Uwch Ddarlithydd
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae gwaith Charlotte yn archwilio'r cymalau a'r cysylltiadau rhwng y corff, bywyd bob dydd a lle, gan ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar berthyn a'n perthynas â'r bydoedd o'n cwmpas. Mae hi wedi ymchwilio ac ysgrifennu am nofio a lles, dylunio a gofal cynhwysol, a salwch a bywyd bob dydd. Mae gan Charlotte ddiddordeb mewn datblygu dulliau mwy 'crefftus a chrefftus' o ymchwil, ac mae'n gweithio gyda dulliau byw, synhwyraidd a symudol gan gynnwys fideo a cherdded. Mae ganddi ddiddordeb arbennig mewn cydweithio rhyngddisgyblaethol a chreadigol.
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2024. Bobbing in the park: wild swimming, conviviality and belonging. Leisure Studies 43(6), pp. 887-899. (10.1080/02614367.2022.2085774)
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2024. Outdoor swimming: water, wellbeing, and wildness. In: Picken, F. and Waterton, E. eds. Shores, Surfaces and Depths. Oceanic Cultures of Tourism and Leisure. Routledge Studies in Cultural History Routledge
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2024. Drawn together by the sea: Swimming, waves, and well-being. In: Brown, M. ed. The Ocean, Blue Spaces and Outdoor Learning. London: Routledge, pp. 66-76., (10.4324/9781003272496-6)
- Bates, C., Moles, K. and Kroese, L. M. 2023. Animating sociology. Sociological Review 71(5), pp. 976-991. (10.1177/00380261231156688)
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2023. Submerging bodies in cold waters. In: Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. Living with Water. Everyday Encounters and Liquid Connections. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 217-234., (10.7765/9781526161734.00028)
- Moles, K. and Bates, C. 2023. Living with water. In: Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. Living with Water. Everyday encounters and liquid connections. Manchester University Press, pp. n/a.
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. 2023. Living with water. Everyday encounters and liquid connections. Manchester University Press.
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2023. Immersive encounters: video, swimming and wellbeing. Visual Studies 38(1), pp. 69-80. (10.1080/1472586X.2021.1884499)
- Bates, C., Hancock, R. and Truong, A. H. 2022. Bodies, with Charlotte Bates [audio podcast episode]. Uncommon Sense 22 September 2022. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.51428/tsr.cltk5976
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2022. Swimming without water: Buckets, bins and bathtubs. [Online]. (10.51428/tsr.arsq2915) Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.51428/tsr.arsq2915
- Bates, C., Jackson, E. and Sharma, P. 2022. Introduction to August's theme: Water. [Online]. (10.51428/tsr.pnwb3923) Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.51428/tsr.pnwb3923
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2022. My cold hug and confidante. [Online]. Online: The Outdoor Swimming Society. Available at: https://www.outdoorswimmingsociety.com/my-cold-hug-and-confidante/
- Moles, K. and Bates, C. 2021. Laughter, trust and friendship in the water. [Online]. Vol. June. Orca Community Blog. Available at: https://www.orca.com/gb-en/community/blog/20210617/frienship-water/
- Bates, C., Moles, K. and Kroese, L. M. 2021. The water holds me/the water binds us. Vimeo.com: Vimeo. Available at: https://vimeo.com/596662522
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2020. Suspended and immersed: video methods and wild swimming. [Online]. The Sociological Review. Available at: https://www.thesociologicalreview.com/suspended-and-immersed-video-methods-and-wild-swimming/
- Bates, C. 2020. Rewilding education? Exploring an imagined and experienced outdoor learning space. Children's Geographies 18(3), pp. 364-374. (10.1080/14733285.2019.1673880)
- Bates, C. 2020. Video diaries. In: Vannini, P. ed. The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnographic Film and Video. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 135-154.
- Bates, C. 2019. Vital bodies: Living with illness. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Bates, C. 2018. Conviviality, disability and design in the city. The Sociological Review 66(5), pp. 984-999. (10.1177/0038026118771291)
- Bates, C. 2017. Desire lines: walking in Woolwich. In: Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. Walking Through Social Research. London: Routledge, pp. 55-69., (10.4324/9781315561547-5)
- Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. 2017. Walking through social research. Routledge.
- Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. 2017. Finding our feet. In: Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. Walking Through Social Research. Routledge
- Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. eds. 2016. Care and design: bodies, buildings, cities. Wiley.
- Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. 2016. Configuring the caring city: ownership, healing, openness. In: Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. eds. Care and Design: Bodies, Buildings, Cities. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 95-114.
- Bates, C. and Kullman, K. 2016. Caring urban futures. In: Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. eds. Care and Design: Bodies, Buildings, Cities. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 236-240.
- Bates, C. 2015. Intimate encounters: making video diaries about embodied everyday life. In: Bates, C. ed. Video Methods: Social Science Research in Motion. Routledge Advances in Research Methods Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 10-26.
- Bates, C. ed. 2015. Video methods: social science research in motion. Routledge.
- Bates, C. 2015. Introduction: Putting things in motion. In: Bates, C. ed. Video Methods: Social Science Research in Motion. Routledge Advances in Research Methods Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-9.
- Bates, C. 2013. Video diaries: audio-visual research methods and the elusive body. Visual Studies 28(1), pp. 29-37. (10.1080/1472586X.2013.765203)
- Bates, C. 2011. Experimenting with sociology: a view from the outlook tower. Sociological Research Online 16(3), pp. 154-157. (10.5153/sro.2359)
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2024. Bobbing in the park: wild swimming, conviviality and belonging. Leisure Studies 43(6), pp. 887-899. (10.1080/02614367.2022.2085774)
- Bates, C., Moles, K. and Kroese, L. M. 2023. Animating sociology. Sociological Review 71(5), pp. 976-991. (10.1177/00380261231156688)
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2023. Immersive encounters: video, swimming and wellbeing. Visual Studies 38(1), pp. 69-80. (10.1080/1472586X.2021.1884499)
- Bates, C. 2020. Rewilding education? Exploring an imagined and experienced outdoor learning space. Children's Geographies 18(3), pp. 364-374. (10.1080/14733285.2019.1673880)
- Bates, C. 2018. Conviviality, disability and design in the city. The Sociological Review 66(5), pp. 984-999. (10.1177/0038026118771291)
- Bates, C. 2013. Video diaries: audio-visual research methods and the elusive body. Visual Studies 28(1), pp. 29-37. (10.1080/1472586X.2013.765203)
- Bates, C. 2011. Experimenting with sociology: a view from the outlook tower. Sociological Research Online 16(3), pp. 154-157. (10.5153/sro.2359)
- Bates, C., Hancock, R. and Truong, A. H. 2022. Bodies, with Charlotte Bates [audio podcast episode]. Uncommon Sense 22 September 2022. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.51428/tsr.cltk5976
Book sections
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2024. Outdoor swimming: water, wellbeing, and wildness. In: Picken, F. and Waterton, E. eds. Shores, Surfaces and Depths. Oceanic Cultures of Tourism and Leisure. Routledge Studies in Cultural History Routledge
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2024. Drawn together by the sea: Swimming, waves, and well-being. In: Brown, M. ed. The Ocean, Blue Spaces and Outdoor Learning. London: Routledge, pp. 66-76., (10.4324/9781003272496-6)
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2023. Submerging bodies in cold waters. In: Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. Living with Water. Everyday Encounters and Liquid Connections. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 217-234., (10.7765/9781526161734.00028)
- Moles, K. and Bates, C. 2023. Living with water. In: Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. Living with Water. Everyday encounters and liquid connections. Manchester University Press, pp. n/a.
- Bates, C. 2020. Video diaries. In: Vannini, P. ed. The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnographic Film and Video. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 135-154.
- Bates, C. 2017. Desire lines: walking in Woolwich. In: Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. Walking Through Social Research. London: Routledge, pp. 55-69., (10.4324/9781315561547-5)
- Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. 2017. Finding our feet. In: Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. Walking Through Social Research. Routledge
- Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. 2016. Configuring the caring city: ownership, healing, openness. In: Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. eds. Care and Design: Bodies, Buildings, Cities. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 95-114.
- Bates, C. and Kullman, K. 2016. Caring urban futures. In: Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. eds. Care and Design: Bodies, Buildings, Cities. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 236-240.
- Bates, C. 2015. Intimate encounters: making video diaries about embodied everyday life. In: Bates, C. ed. Video Methods: Social Science Research in Motion. Routledge Advances in Research Methods Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 10-26.
- Bates, C. 2015. Introduction: Putting things in motion. In: Bates, C. ed. Video Methods: Social Science Research in Motion. Routledge Advances in Research Methods Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-9.
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. 2023. Living with water. Everyday encounters and liquid connections. Manchester University Press.
- Bates, C. 2019. Vital bodies: Living with illness. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. 2017. Walking through social research. Routledge.
- Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. eds. 2016. Care and design: bodies, buildings, cities. Wiley.
- Bates, C. ed. 2015. Video methods: social science research in motion. Routledge.
- Bates, C., Moles, K. and Kroese, L. M. 2021. The water holds me/the water binds us. Vimeo.com: Vimeo. Available at: https://vimeo.com/596662522
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2022. Swimming without water: Buckets, bins and bathtubs. [Online]. (10.51428/tsr.arsq2915) Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.51428/tsr.arsq2915
- Bates, C., Jackson, E. and Sharma, P. 2022. Introduction to August's theme: Water. [Online]. (10.51428/tsr.pnwb3923) Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.51428/tsr.pnwb3923
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2022. My cold hug and confidante. [Online]. Online: The Outdoor Swimming Society. Available at: https://www.outdoorswimmingsociety.com/my-cold-hug-and-confidante/
- Moles, K. and Bates, C. 2021. Laughter, trust and friendship in the water. [Online]. Vol. June. Orca Community Blog. Available at: https://www.orca.com/gb-en/community/blog/20210617/frienship-water/
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2020. Suspended and immersed: video methods and wild swimming. [Online]. The Sociological Review. Available at: https://www.thesociologicalreview.com/suspended-and-immersed-video-methods-and-wild-swimming/
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. 2023. Living with water. Everyday encounters and liquid connections. Manchester University Press.
- Bates, C., Moles, K. and Kroese, L. M. 2021. The water holds me/the water binds us. Vimeo.com: Vimeo. Available at: https://vimeo.com/596662522
- Bates, C. 2019. Vital bodies: Living with illness. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Mae Charlotte yn dysgu cyrsiau ar ddulliau ansoddol, synhwyraidd a symudol, cerdded, ysgrifennu a dinasoedd. Mae'n cyfrannu at Cyflwyniad i Gymdeithaseg a Dulliau Ymchwil Cymdeithasol ac yn cynnull Cymdeithaseg ar y Symud. Mae hi hefyd yn dysgu uned ar Ddulliau Amlsynhwyraidd ac yn cynnull y modiwl Dulliau Ymchwil Ansoddol ar Feistri Dulliau Ymchwil y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol.
Cyn hynny, bu Charlotte yn gweithio yn Goldsmiths, Prifysgol Llundain fel Cydymaith Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol yn yr Adran Gymdeithaseg ac ym Mhrifysgol Rhydychen fel Cymrawd Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol yn yr Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a'r Amgylchedd cyn ymuno â Chaerdydd fel Darlithydd yn 2017.
Cymwysterau academaidd
- PhD mewn Cymdeithaseg Weledol
- Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig mewn Dulliau Ymchwil
- MA mewn Athroniaeth a Moeseg Iechyd Meddwl
- BA mewn Athroniaeth
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Prosiectau cyfredol
- Safi Bailey Blwyddyn o drochi i Afon Tafwys: Plymio i fyd cymdeithasol tymhorol nofio mewn afonydd (dan oruchwyliaeth Kate Moles)
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
- Rhiannon Crefft Manylion addysg: Mecaneg gwydnwch ecogymdeithasol ymhlith preswylwyr cerbydau 2024 (dan oruchwyliaeth Tom Hall)