Charlotte's work explores the entanglements and connections between the body, everyday life and place, with a particular focus on belonging and our relationships with the worlds around us. She has researched and written about swimming and wellbeing, inclusive design and care, and illness and everyday life. Charlotte is interested in developing more 'artful and crafty' approaches to research, and works with live, sensory and mobile methods including video and walking. She is especially interested in interdisciplinary and creative collaborations.
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2024. Bobbing in the park: wild swimming, conviviality and belonging. Leisure Studies 43(6), pp. 887-899. (10.1080/02614367.2022.2085774)
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2024. Outdoor swimming: water, wellbeing, and wildness. In: Picken, F. and Waterton, E. eds. Shores, Surfaces and Depths. Oceanic Cultures of Tourism and Leisure. Routledge Studies in Cultural History Routledge
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2024. Drawn together by the sea: Swimming, waves, and well-being. In: Brown, M. ed. The Ocean, Blue Spaces and Outdoor Learning. London: Routledge, pp. 66-76., (10.4324/9781003272496-6)
- Bates, C., Moles, K. and Kroese, L. M. 2023. Animating sociology. Sociological Review 71(5), pp. 976-991. (10.1177/00380261231156688)
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2023. Submerging bodies in cold waters. In: Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. Living with Water. Everyday Encounters and Liquid Connections. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 217-234., (10.7765/9781526161734.00028)
- Moles, K. and Bates, C. 2023. Living with water. In: Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. Living with Water. Everyday encounters and liquid connections. Manchester University Press, pp. n/a.
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. 2023. Living with water. Everyday encounters and liquid connections. Manchester University Press.
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2023. Immersive encounters: video, swimming and wellbeing. Visual Studies 38(1), pp. 69-80. (10.1080/1472586X.2021.1884499)
- Bates, C., Hancock, R. and Truong, A. H. 2022. Bodies, with Charlotte Bates [audio podcast episode]. Uncommon Sense 22 September 2022. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.51428/tsr.cltk5976
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2022. Swimming without water: Buckets, bins and bathtubs. [Online]. (10.51428/tsr.arsq2915) Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.51428/tsr.arsq2915
- Bates, C., Jackson, E. and Sharma, P. 2022. Introduction to August's theme: Water. [Online]. (10.51428/tsr.pnwb3923) Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.51428/tsr.pnwb3923
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2022. My cold hug and confidante. [Online]. Online: The Outdoor Swimming Society. Available at: https://www.outdoorswimmingsociety.com/my-cold-hug-and-confidante/
- Moles, K. and Bates, C. 2021. Laughter, trust and friendship in the water. [Online]. Vol. June. Orca Community Blog. Available at: https://www.orca.com/gb-en/community/blog/20210617/frienship-water/
- Bates, C., Moles, K. and Kroese, L. M. 2021. The water holds me/the water binds us. Vimeo.com: Vimeo. Available at: https://vimeo.com/596662522
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2020. Suspended and immersed: video methods and wild swimming. [Online]. The Sociological Review. Available at: https://www.thesociologicalreview.com/suspended-and-immersed-video-methods-and-wild-swimming/
- Bates, C. 2020. Rewilding education? Exploring an imagined and experienced outdoor learning space. Children's Geographies 18(3), pp. 364-374. (10.1080/14733285.2019.1673880)
- Bates, C. 2020. Video diaries. In: Vannini, P. ed. The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnographic Film and Video. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 135-154.
- Bates, C. 2019. Vital bodies: Living with illness. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Bates, C. 2018. Conviviality, disability and design in the city. The Sociological Review 66(5), pp. 984-999. (10.1177/0038026118771291)
- Bates, C. 2017. Desire lines: walking in Woolwich. In: Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. Walking Through Social Research. London: Routledge, pp. 55-69., (10.4324/9781315561547-5)
- Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. 2017. Walking through social research. Routledge.
- Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. 2017. Finding our feet. In: Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. Walking Through Social Research. Routledge
- Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. eds. 2016. Care and design: bodies, buildings, cities. Wiley.
- Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. 2016. Configuring the caring city: ownership, healing, openness. In: Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. eds. Care and Design: Bodies, Buildings, Cities. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 95-114.
- Bates, C. and Kullman, K. 2016. Caring urban futures. In: Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. eds. Care and Design: Bodies, Buildings, Cities. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 236-240.
- Bates, C. 2015. Intimate encounters: making video diaries about embodied everyday life. In: Bates, C. ed. Video Methods: Social Science Research in Motion. Routledge Advances in Research Methods Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 10-26.
- Bates, C. ed. 2015. Video methods: social science research in motion. Routledge.
- Bates, C. 2015. Introduction: Putting things in motion. In: Bates, C. ed. Video Methods: Social Science Research in Motion. Routledge Advances in Research Methods Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-9.
- Bates, C. 2013. Video diaries: audio-visual research methods and the elusive body. Visual Studies 28(1), pp. 29-37. (10.1080/1472586X.2013.765203)
- Bates, C. 2011. Experimenting with sociology: a view from the outlook tower. Sociological Research Online 16(3), pp. 154-157. (10.5153/sro.2359)
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2024. Bobbing in the park: wild swimming, conviviality and belonging. Leisure Studies 43(6), pp. 887-899. (10.1080/02614367.2022.2085774)
- Bates, C., Moles, K. and Kroese, L. M. 2023. Animating sociology. Sociological Review 71(5), pp. 976-991. (10.1177/00380261231156688)
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2023. Immersive encounters: video, swimming and wellbeing. Visual Studies 38(1), pp. 69-80. (10.1080/1472586X.2021.1884499)
- Bates, C. 2020. Rewilding education? Exploring an imagined and experienced outdoor learning space. Children's Geographies 18(3), pp. 364-374. (10.1080/14733285.2019.1673880)
- Bates, C. 2018. Conviviality, disability and design in the city. The Sociological Review 66(5), pp. 984-999. (10.1177/0038026118771291)
- Bates, C. 2013. Video diaries: audio-visual research methods and the elusive body. Visual Studies 28(1), pp. 29-37. (10.1080/1472586X.2013.765203)
- Bates, C. 2011. Experimenting with sociology: a view from the outlook tower. Sociological Research Online 16(3), pp. 154-157. (10.5153/sro.2359)
- Bates, C., Hancock, R. and Truong, A. H. 2022. Bodies, with Charlotte Bates [audio podcast episode]. Uncommon Sense 22 September 2022. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.51428/tsr.cltk5976
Book sections
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2024. Outdoor swimming: water, wellbeing, and wildness. In: Picken, F. and Waterton, E. eds. Shores, Surfaces and Depths. Oceanic Cultures of Tourism and Leisure. Routledge Studies in Cultural History Routledge
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2024. Drawn together by the sea: Swimming, waves, and well-being. In: Brown, M. ed. The Ocean, Blue Spaces and Outdoor Learning. London: Routledge, pp. 66-76., (10.4324/9781003272496-6)
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2023. Submerging bodies in cold waters. In: Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. Living with Water. Everyday Encounters and Liquid Connections. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 217-234., (10.7765/9781526161734.00028)
- Moles, K. and Bates, C. 2023. Living with water. In: Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. Living with Water. Everyday encounters and liquid connections. Manchester University Press, pp. n/a.
- Bates, C. 2020. Video diaries. In: Vannini, P. ed. The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnographic Film and Video. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 135-154.
- Bates, C. 2017. Desire lines: walking in Woolwich. In: Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. Walking Through Social Research. London: Routledge, pp. 55-69., (10.4324/9781315561547-5)
- Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. 2017. Finding our feet. In: Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. Walking Through Social Research. Routledge
- Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. 2016. Configuring the caring city: ownership, healing, openness. In: Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. eds. Care and Design: Bodies, Buildings, Cities. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 95-114.
- Bates, C. and Kullman, K. 2016. Caring urban futures. In: Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. eds. Care and Design: Bodies, Buildings, Cities. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 236-240.
- Bates, C. 2015. Intimate encounters: making video diaries about embodied everyday life. In: Bates, C. ed. Video Methods: Social Science Research in Motion. Routledge Advances in Research Methods Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 10-26.
- Bates, C. 2015. Introduction: Putting things in motion. In: Bates, C. ed. Video Methods: Social Science Research in Motion. Routledge Advances in Research Methods Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-9.
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. 2023. Living with water. Everyday encounters and liquid connections. Manchester University Press.
- Bates, C. 2019. Vital bodies: Living with illness. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. 2017. Walking through social research. Routledge.
- Bates, C., Imrie, R. and Kullman, K. eds. 2016. Care and design: bodies, buildings, cities. Wiley.
- Bates, C. ed. 2015. Video methods: social science research in motion. Routledge.
- Bates, C., Moles, K. and Kroese, L. M. 2021. The water holds me/the water binds us. Vimeo.com: Vimeo. Available at: https://vimeo.com/596662522
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2022. Swimming without water: Buckets, bins and bathtubs. [Online]. (10.51428/tsr.arsq2915) Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.51428/tsr.arsq2915
- Bates, C., Jackson, E. and Sharma, P. 2022. Introduction to August's theme: Water. [Online]. (10.51428/tsr.pnwb3923) Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.51428/tsr.pnwb3923
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2022. My cold hug and confidante. [Online]. Online: The Outdoor Swimming Society. Available at: https://www.outdoorswimmingsociety.com/my-cold-hug-and-confidante/
- Moles, K. and Bates, C. 2021. Laughter, trust and friendship in the water. [Online]. Vol. June. Orca Community Blog. Available at: https://www.orca.com/gb-en/community/blog/20210617/frienship-water/
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2020. Suspended and immersed: video methods and wild swimming. [Online]. The Sociological Review. Available at: https://www.thesociologicalreview.com/suspended-and-immersed-video-methods-and-wild-swimming/
- Bates, C. and Moles, K. eds. 2023. Living with water. Everyday encounters and liquid connections. Manchester University Press.
- Bates, C., Moles, K. and Kroese, L. M. 2021. The water holds me/the water binds us. Vimeo.com: Vimeo. Available at: https://vimeo.com/596662522
- Bates, C. 2019. Vital bodies: Living with illness. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Charlotte teaches courses on qualitative, sensory and mobile methods, walking, writing and cities. She contributes to Introduction to Sociology and Social Research Methods and convenes Sociology on the Move. She also teaches a unit on Multisensory Methods and convenes the Qualitative Research Methods module on the Social Science Research Methods Masters.
Charlotte previously worked at Goldsmiths, University of London as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Sociology Department and at the University of Oxford as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School of Geography and the Environment before joining Cardiff as a Lecturer in 2017.
Academic qualifications
- PhD in Visual Sociology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methods
- MA in Philosophy and Ethics of Mental Health
- BA in Philosophy
Current projects
- Safi Bailey A year of immersion into the River Thames: Diving into the seasonal social worlds of river swimming (supervised with Kate Moles)
Past projects
- Rhiannon Craft Details of an education: The mechanics of eco-social resilience amongst vehicle dwellers 2024 (supervised with Tom Hall)