Dr Christopher Bear
Darllenydd mewn Daearyddiaeth Ddynol, Dirprwy Bennaeth yr Ysgol
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar y berthynas rhwng bodau dynol, anifeiliaid a thechnolegau, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â'r system fwyd. Datblygwyd y diddordebau hyn trwy ystod eang o gyd-destunau empirig, yn amrywio o bysgodfeydd i ffermio llaeth. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gweithio ar ddau brosiect ymchwil: 'Pobl ifanc, proteinau amgen ac addysgeg ar gyfer dyfodol cynaliadwy,' mewn cydweithrediad â Dr Verity Jones (UWE Bryste) a'i ariannu gan yr Academi Brydeinig/Leverhulme Trust; a 'Transparency solutions for transforming the food system (TITAN)', a ariennir gan Horizon Europe/Innovate UK. Yn flaenorol, cwblheais ymchwil a ariannwyd gan ESRC ar fabwysiadu technolegau godro robotig yn y sector llaeth.
Rwy'n ymwneud â goruchwylio pedwar myfyriwr PhD ac rwyf bob amser yn awyddus i drafod pynciau PhD posibl sy'n ymwneud â fy niddordeb ymchwil.
Rwy'n Rheolwr Olygydd y cyfnodolyn Society and Animals ac yn dyfarnu'n rheolaidd ar gyfer y prif gylchgronau Human Geography.
Rwy'n Ddirprwy Bennaeth yr Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio.
- Bear, C. and Jones, V. 2024. Beyond the Eatwell Guide: valuing what we eat. Primary Science 183, pp. 12-14.
- Bjørnerud, E. et al. 2024. Teaching protein futures — A cross-disciplinary approach. In: Giersberg, M., Bovenkerk, B. and Meijbroom, F. eds. Back to the future - Sustainable innovations for ethical food production and consumption (EurSafe2024 Proceedings). Wageningen Academic, pp. 355-362., (10.1163/9789004715509_058)
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2024. Posthumanism and Geography. In: Wharf, B. ed. The Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Springer, (10.1007/978-3-031-25900-5_177-1)
- Jones, V. and Bear, C. 2024. Ethical citizenship and young people’s food choices. [Online]. London: BERA. Available at: https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/ethical-citizenship-and-young-peoples-food-choices
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2023. More-than-human research methodologies.. In: Clifford, N., Cope, M. and Gillespie, T. eds. Key Methods in Geography.. London: Routledge, pp. 229-244.
- Bear, C., Mukherjee, A. and Cifuentes, M. L. 2023. Transparency solutions for healthy, sustainable and safe food systems in existing policy. Project Report. [Online]. TITAN. Available at: http://titanproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/TITAN_D7.1_Transparency-solutions-in-existing-policy_M9_M14_fv.pdf
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2022. Geography and posthumanism. In: Herbrechter, S. et al. eds. Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-23., (10.1007/978-3-030-42681-1)
- Ingram, J. et al. 2022. What are the priority research questions for digital agriculture?. Land Use Policy 114, article number: 105962. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105962)
- Bear, C. 2021. Making insects tick: responsibility, attentiveness and care in edible insect farming. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4(3), pp. 1010-1030. (10.1177/2514848620945321)
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2021. Exploring the human-animal-technology nexus: power relations and divergent conduct. In: Hovorka, A., McCubbin, S. and Van Patter, L. eds. A Research Agenda for Animal Geographies. Elgar Research Agendas Edward Elgar, pp. 55-68.
- Januchowski-Hartley, S. R., Bear, C., O’Gorman, E. and Januchowski-Hartley, F. A. 2020. Underwater. [Online]. www.shadowplaces.net: Available at: https://www.shadowplaces.net/concepts
- Bear, C. 2019. Approaching insect death: understandings and practices of the UK's edible insect farmers. Society and Animals 27(7), pp. 751-768. (10.1163/15685306-00001871)
- Bear, C. 2019. The ocean exceeded: fish, flows and forces. Dialogues in Human Geography 9(3), pp. 329-332. (10.1177/2043820619878567)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2019. Beyond resistance: Geographies of divergent more-than-human conduct in robotic milking. Geoforum 104, pp. 212-221. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.04.030)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2018. Redistributing labour in automated milking systems and the More-Than-Human (Co) production of dairy farming. In: Marsden, T. ed. The SAGE Handbook of Nature. SAGE Publications, pp. 831-847.
- Bear, C. 2018. What Would Animals Say If We Asked the Right Questions? [Book Review]. Cultural Geographies 25(2), pp. 382-383. (10.1177/1474474017738729)
- Bear, C. 2018. Towards 'the good insect': experimentation and breeding in the UK's emerging edible insect sector. Presented at: Changing animal bodies: animal breeding in changing social and environmental contexts, Uppsala University, Sweden, 8-9 May 2018.
- Bear, C., Wilkinson, K. and Holloway, L. 2017. Visualising human-animal-technology relations: fieldnotes, still photography and digital video on the robotic dairy farm. Society and Animals 25(3), pp. 225-256. (10.1163/15685306-12341405)
- Bear, C. 2017. Socio-nature. In: Richardson, D. et al. eds. The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. AAG and Wiley-Blackwell
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2017. Bovine and human becomings in histories of dairy technologies: robotic milking systems and remaking animal and human subjectivity. BJHS Themes (10.1017/bjt.2017.2.)
- Bear, C. 2017. Assembling ocean life: more-than-human entanglements in the Blue economy. Dialogues in Human Geography 7(1), pp. 27-31. (10.1177/2043820617691635)
- Bear, C. 2016. Tracing bacterial legalities: the fluid ecologies of the European Union's bathing water directive. In: Braverman, I. ed. Animals, Biopolitics, Law: Lively Legalities. London: Routledge, pp. 79-98.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2016. Resisting robots: automated milking and emerging geographies of more-than-human resistance. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, UK, 30 August - 2nd September 2016.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2015. Country life: agricultural technologies and the emergence of new rural subjectivities. Geography Compass 9(5), pp. 303-315. (10.1111/gec3.12217)
- Bear, C. 2015. Negotiating robotic milking: management, welfare and experimentation on dairy farms. Presented at: SRUC Seminar, Scotland's Rural College, Edinburgh, UK, 22 January 2015.
- Bear, C. 2015. Book review: food words: essays in culinary culture. Cultural Geographies 22(1), pp. 208-208. (10.1177/1474474014534816)
- Bear, C. 2015. The nature of borders: salmon, boundaries, and bandits on the Salish Sea. By Lissa Wadewitz [Book review]. Environment and History 21(2), pp. 310-312. (10.3197/096734015X14267043141705)
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Robotic milking technologies and renegotiating situated ethical relationships on UK dairy farms. Agriculture and Human Values 31(2), pp. 185-199. (10.1007/s10460-013-9473-3)
- Bear, C. 2014. Governance of the seas: A more-than-human perspective on the Cardigan Bay scallop fishery. In: Anderson, J. M. and Peters, K. eds. Waterworlds: Human Geographies of the Oceans. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 147-162.
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Re-capturing bovine life: robot-cow relationships, freedom and control in dairy farming. Journal of Rural Studies 33, pp. 131-140. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.01.006)
- Bear, C. 2014. Polluters: siting and tracing animals in the fluid ecologies of the EU Bathing Water Directive. Presented at: More-than-Human Legalities: Advocating an Animal Turn in Law, Buffalo, NY, USA, 11-12 September 2014.
- Holloway, L., Bear, C., Morris, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Animals, technologies and people in rural spaces: Introduction to a special issue on emerging geographies of animal-technology co-productions [Editorial]. Journal of Rural Studies 33, pp. 95-98. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.12.008)
- Rogers, A., Bear, C., Hunt, M., Mills, S. and Sandover, R. 2014. Intervention: the impact agenda and human geography in UK Higher Education. Acme 13(1), pp. 1-9.
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2013. Beyond the bucolic rural: Robot milking barns and more-than-human co-productions of interior farming spaces. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, UK, 28-30 August 2013.
- Bear, C. 2013. Bruno Latour: Hybrid Thoughts in a Hybrid World. By A. Blok and T.E. Jensen. London: Routledge. 2011. 208 pp. £28.00, paperback. ISBN: 9780415642989 [Book Review]. Cultural Geographies 20(3), pp. 417. (10.1177/1474474013487487)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2013. Reconfiguring users in automated farming: Cows, farmers and robotic milking. Presented at: Invited seminar, Institute of Geography, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 18 April 2013.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2013. Reconfiguring users in automated farming: Cows, farmers and robotic milking. Presented at: Invited seminar, Department of Geography, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, 6 March 2013.
- Bear, C. 2013. Assembling the sea: materiality, movement and regulatory practices in the Cardigan Bay scallop fishery. Cultural Geographies 20(1), pp. 21-41. (10.1177/1474474012463665)
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2013. Robotic and information technologies in livestock agriculture: New relationships between humans, cows and machines. ESRC End of Award Report, RES-062-23-2086. Project Report. [Online]. Swindon: ESRC. Available at: http://www.esrc.ac.uk/my-esrc/grants/RES-062-23-2086/outputs/Read/4d767974-1765-491d-af34-565a4b3f83a0
- Bear, C. 2013. Food [Book Review]. Environment and Planning C 31(2), pp. 379-380.
- Holloway, L., Bear, C., Butler, D. and Wilkinson, K. 2012. Robotic and Information Technologies in UK Dairy Farming. Project Report. Hull: University of Hull.
- Butler, D., Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2012. The impact of technological change in dairy farming: robotic milking systems and the changing role of the stockperson. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England 173, pp. 1-6.
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2012. The good, the bad, and the hands-on: constructs of public participation, anglers, and lay management of water environments. Environment and Planning A 44(5), pp. 1200-1218. (10.1068/a4495)
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2011. Remaking agricultural collectives: robotic milking and the co-constitution of humans, dairy cows and technologies. Presented at: ASA11: Vital powers and politics: human interactions with living things - Annual Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth, Lampeter, UK, 13-16 September 2011.
- Bear, C. 2011. Being Angelica? Exploring individual animal geographies. Area 43(3), pp. 297-304. (10.1111/j.1475-4762.2011.01019.x)
- Wilkinson, K., Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2011. Visual methods and researching human-animal-technology relationships: cows, people and robots. Presented at: Second International Visual Research Methods Conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, 13-15 September 2011.
- Holloway, L., Wilkinson, K. and Bear, C. 2011. Re-capturing bovine life: robot-cow relationships, freedom and control in dairy farming. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, UK, 31 August – 2 September 2011.
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2011. Reading the river through 'watercraft': environmental engagement through knowledge and practice in freshwater angling. Cultural Geographies 18(3), pp. 297-314. (10.1177/1474474010384913)
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2011. Models of equilibrium, natural agency and environmental change: lay ecologies in UK recreational angling. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36(3), pp. 393-407. (10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00438.x)
- Bear, C., Holloway, L. and Wikinson, K. 2011. Robotic milking and the emergent relational geographies of livestock agriculture. Presented at: Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, 9-13 April 2011.
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2011. DNA typing and super dairies: changing practices and remaking cows [Commentary]. Environment and Planning A 43(7), pp. 1487-1491. (10.1068/a4425)
- Bear, C. and Bull, J. 2011. Water matters: agency, flows, and frictions [Editorial]. Environment and Planning A 43(10), pp. 2261-2266. (10.1068/a44498)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2011. Thinking like a fish? Engaging with nonhuman difference through recreational angling. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 29(2), pp. 336-352. (10.1068/d1810)
- Bear, C. 2010. Assembling the sea: hybridity, movement and uncertainty in the UK’s scallop fisheries. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, UK, 1-3 September 2010.
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2010. Third-sector Global Environmental Governance, Space and Science: Comparing Fishery and Forestry Certification. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 12(1), pp. 83-106. (10.1080/15239081003626000)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2009. Rhythms on the river: environmental knowledge practices and spatiotemporal change in freshwater angling. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, 26-28 August 2009.
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2009. River readings: the environmental knowledge-practices of angling. Presented at: Living Landscapes Conference, Aberystwyth, UK, 18-21 June 2009.
- Bear, C. 2009. Thinking like a fish: how anglers make sense of changing river environments. Presented at: Invited Seminar, Department of Geography, University of Reading, Reading, UK, February 2009.
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. The sceptical consumer? Exploring views about food assurance. Food Policy 33(6), pp. 624-630. (10.1016/j.foodpol.2008.02.003)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2008. Going with the flow? Place and event in anglers’ understandings of rivers. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, UK, 27-29 August 2008.
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. Understanding and (dis)trusting food assurance schemes: Consumer confidence and the 'knowledge fix'. Journal of Rural Studies 24(1), pp. 1-14. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2007.06.001)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2008. Making space for fish: the regional, network and fluid spaces of fisheries certification. Social & Cultural Geography 9(5), pp. 487-504. (10.1080/14649360802224358)
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. Mucky carrots and other proxies: [roblematising the knowledge-fix for sustainable and ethical consumption. Geoforum 39(2), pp. 1044-1057. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2007.11.001)
- Bear, C., Whitman, G. and Carrithers, M. 2007. Making anglers count: realities, rhetoric and quantification. Presented at: CRESC Methods Workshop: Narrative, Numbers and Social Change, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 1-2 November 2007.
- Bear, C., Whitman, G. and Carrithers, M. 2007. Making anglers: the rhetoric of quantification in English fishery management. Presented at: Invited seminar at the Centre for Rural Economy, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK, October 2007.
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2007. Reading rivers: everyday practice and environmental knowledge in freshwater angling. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, UK, 28-31 August 2007.
- Bear, C. 2006. Salmon by numbers: quantification and understandings of nature. Scottish Geographical Journal 122(3), pp. 185-203. (10.1080/00369220618737265)
- Bear, C. 2005. Global environmental issues [Book Review]. Progress in Human Geography 29(5), pp. 680-681. (10.1177/030913250502900517)
- Bear, C., Eden, S. and Walker, G. 2005. Selling Sustainability: Verification and Public Credibility of Environmental Product Claims. Presented at: 7th ESA Conference: Rethinking Inequalities, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun, Poland, 9-13 September 2005.
- Bear, C. 2003. Lanscapes and labscapes - Exploring the lab-field border in biology [Book Review]. Landscape Research 28(4), pp. 451-453. (10.1080/0142639032000150176)
- Bear, C. 2003. Roy Bridges, People and places in Newmachar past and present [Book Review]. Northern Scotland 23, pp. 121-122.
- Bear, C. 2002. Smout, T. C. (ed.) (2001) Nature, Landscape and People Since the Second World War [Book Review]. Northern Scotland 22, pp. 180-181.
- Bear, C. and Jones, V. 2024. Beyond the Eatwell Guide: valuing what we eat. Primary Science 183, pp. 12-14.
- Ingram, J. et al. 2022. What are the priority research questions for digital agriculture?. Land Use Policy 114, article number: 105962. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105962)
- Bear, C. 2021. Making insects tick: responsibility, attentiveness and care in edible insect farming. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4(3), pp. 1010-1030. (10.1177/2514848620945321)
- Bear, C. 2019. Approaching insect death: understandings and practices of the UK's edible insect farmers. Society and Animals 27(7), pp. 751-768. (10.1163/15685306-00001871)
- Bear, C. 2019. The ocean exceeded: fish, flows and forces. Dialogues in Human Geography 9(3), pp. 329-332. (10.1177/2043820619878567)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2019. Beyond resistance: Geographies of divergent more-than-human conduct in robotic milking. Geoforum 104, pp. 212-221. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.04.030)
- Bear, C. 2018. What Would Animals Say If We Asked the Right Questions? [Book Review]. Cultural Geographies 25(2), pp. 382-383. (10.1177/1474474017738729)
- Bear, C., Wilkinson, K. and Holloway, L. 2017. Visualising human-animal-technology relations: fieldnotes, still photography and digital video on the robotic dairy farm. Society and Animals 25(3), pp. 225-256. (10.1163/15685306-12341405)
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2017. Bovine and human becomings in histories of dairy technologies: robotic milking systems and remaking animal and human subjectivity. BJHS Themes (10.1017/bjt.2017.2.)
- Bear, C. 2017. Assembling ocean life: more-than-human entanglements in the Blue economy. Dialogues in Human Geography 7(1), pp. 27-31. (10.1177/2043820617691635)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2015. Country life: agricultural technologies and the emergence of new rural subjectivities. Geography Compass 9(5), pp. 303-315. (10.1111/gec3.12217)
- Bear, C. 2015. Book review: food words: essays in culinary culture. Cultural Geographies 22(1), pp. 208-208. (10.1177/1474474014534816)
- Bear, C. 2015. The nature of borders: salmon, boundaries, and bandits on the Salish Sea. By Lissa Wadewitz [Book review]. Environment and History 21(2), pp. 310-312. (10.3197/096734015X14267043141705)
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Robotic milking technologies and renegotiating situated ethical relationships on UK dairy farms. Agriculture and Human Values 31(2), pp. 185-199. (10.1007/s10460-013-9473-3)
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Re-capturing bovine life: robot-cow relationships, freedom and control in dairy farming. Journal of Rural Studies 33, pp. 131-140. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.01.006)
- Holloway, L., Bear, C., Morris, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Animals, technologies and people in rural spaces: Introduction to a special issue on emerging geographies of animal-technology co-productions [Editorial]. Journal of Rural Studies 33, pp. 95-98. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.12.008)
- Rogers, A., Bear, C., Hunt, M., Mills, S. and Sandover, R. 2014. Intervention: the impact agenda and human geography in UK Higher Education. Acme 13(1), pp. 1-9.
- Bear, C. 2013. Bruno Latour: Hybrid Thoughts in a Hybrid World. By A. Blok and T.E. Jensen. London: Routledge. 2011. 208 pp. £28.00, paperback. ISBN: 9780415642989 [Book Review]. Cultural Geographies 20(3), pp. 417. (10.1177/1474474013487487)
- Bear, C. 2013. Assembling the sea: materiality, movement and regulatory practices in the Cardigan Bay scallop fishery. Cultural Geographies 20(1), pp. 21-41. (10.1177/1474474012463665)
- Bear, C. 2013. Food [Book Review]. Environment and Planning C 31(2), pp. 379-380.
- Butler, D., Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2012. The impact of technological change in dairy farming: robotic milking systems and the changing role of the stockperson. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England 173, pp. 1-6.
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2012. The good, the bad, and the hands-on: constructs of public participation, anglers, and lay management of water environments. Environment and Planning A 44(5), pp. 1200-1218. (10.1068/a4495)
- Bear, C. 2011. Being Angelica? Exploring individual animal geographies. Area 43(3), pp. 297-304. (10.1111/j.1475-4762.2011.01019.x)
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2011. Reading the river through 'watercraft': environmental engagement through knowledge and practice in freshwater angling. Cultural Geographies 18(3), pp. 297-314. (10.1177/1474474010384913)
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2011. Models of equilibrium, natural agency and environmental change: lay ecologies in UK recreational angling. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36(3), pp. 393-407. (10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00438.x)
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2011. DNA typing and super dairies: changing practices and remaking cows [Commentary]. Environment and Planning A 43(7), pp. 1487-1491. (10.1068/a4425)
- Bear, C. and Bull, J. 2011. Water matters: agency, flows, and frictions [Editorial]. Environment and Planning A 43(10), pp. 2261-2266. (10.1068/a44498)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2011. Thinking like a fish? Engaging with nonhuman difference through recreational angling. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 29(2), pp. 336-352. (10.1068/d1810)
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2010. Third-sector Global Environmental Governance, Space and Science: Comparing Fishery and Forestry Certification. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 12(1), pp. 83-106. (10.1080/15239081003626000)
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. The sceptical consumer? Exploring views about food assurance. Food Policy 33(6), pp. 624-630. (10.1016/j.foodpol.2008.02.003)
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. Understanding and (dis)trusting food assurance schemes: Consumer confidence and the 'knowledge fix'. Journal of Rural Studies 24(1), pp. 1-14. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2007.06.001)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2008. Making space for fish: the regional, network and fluid spaces of fisheries certification. Social & Cultural Geography 9(5), pp. 487-504. (10.1080/14649360802224358)
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. Mucky carrots and other proxies: [roblematising the knowledge-fix for sustainable and ethical consumption. Geoforum 39(2), pp. 1044-1057. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2007.11.001)
- Bear, C. 2006. Salmon by numbers: quantification and understandings of nature. Scottish Geographical Journal 122(3), pp. 185-203. (10.1080/00369220618737265)
- Bear, C. 2005. Global environmental issues [Book Review]. Progress in Human Geography 29(5), pp. 680-681. (10.1177/030913250502900517)
- Bear, C. 2003. Lanscapes and labscapes - Exploring the lab-field border in biology [Book Review]. Landscape Research 28(4), pp. 451-453. (10.1080/0142639032000150176)
- Bear, C. 2003. Roy Bridges, People and places in Newmachar past and present [Book Review]. Northern Scotland 23, pp. 121-122.
- Bear, C. 2002. Smout, T. C. (ed.) (2001) Nature, Landscape and People Since the Second World War [Book Review]. Northern Scotland 22, pp. 180-181.
Book sections
- Bjørnerud, E. et al. 2024. Teaching protein futures — A cross-disciplinary approach. In: Giersberg, M., Bovenkerk, B. and Meijbroom, F. eds. Back to the future - Sustainable innovations for ethical food production and consumption (EurSafe2024 Proceedings). Wageningen Academic, pp. 355-362., (10.1163/9789004715509_058)
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2024. Posthumanism and Geography. In: Wharf, B. ed. The Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Springer, (10.1007/978-3-031-25900-5_177-1)
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2023. More-than-human research methodologies.. In: Clifford, N., Cope, M. and Gillespie, T. eds. Key Methods in Geography.. London: Routledge, pp. 229-244.
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2022. Geography and posthumanism. In: Herbrechter, S. et al. eds. Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-23., (10.1007/978-3-030-42681-1)
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2021. Exploring the human-animal-technology nexus: power relations and divergent conduct. In: Hovorka, A., McCubbin, S. and Van Patter, L. eds. A Research Agenda for Animal Geographies. Elgar Research Agendas Edward Elgar, pp. 55-68.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2018. Redistributing labour in automated milking systems and the More-Than-Human (Co) production of dairy farming. In: Marsden, T. ed. The SAGE Handbook of Nature. SAGE Publications, pp. 831-847.
- Bear, C. 2017. Socio-nature. In: Richardson, D. et al. eds. The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. AAG and Wiley-Blackwell
- Bear, C. 2016. Tracing bacterial legalities: the fluid ecologies of the European Union's bathing water directive. In: Braverman, I. ed. Animals, Biopolitics, Law: Lively Legalities. London: Routledge, pp. 79-98.
- Bear, C. 2014. Governance of the seas: A more-than-human perspective on the Cardigan Bay scallop fishery. In: Anderson, J. M. and Peters, K. eds. Waterworlds: Human Geographies of the Oceans. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 147-162.
- Bear, C. 2018. Towards 'the good insect': experimentation and breeding in the UK's emerging edible insect sector. Presented at: Changing animal bodies: animal breeding in changing social and environmental contexts, Uppsala University, Sweden, 8-9 May 2018.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2016. Resisting robots: automated milking and emerging geographies of more-than-human resistance. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, UK, 30 August - 2nd September 2016.
- Bear, C. 2015. Negotiating robotic milking: management, welfare and experimentation on dairy farms. Presented at: SRUC Seminar, Scotland's Rural College, Edinburgh, UK, 22 January 2015.
- Bear, C. 2014. Polluters: siting and tracing animals in the fluid ecologies of the EU Bathing Water Directive. Presented at: More-than-Human Legalities: Advocating an Animal Turn in Law, Buffalo, NY, USA, 11-12 September 2014.
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2013. Beyond the bucolic rural: Robot milking barns and more-than-human co-productions of interior farming spaces. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, UK, 28-30 August 2013.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2013. Reconfiguring users in automated farming: Cows, farmers and robotic milking. Presented at: Invited seminar, Institute of Geography, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 18 April 2013.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2013. Reconfiguring users in automated farming: Cows, farmers and robotic milking. Presented at: Invited seminar, Department of Geography, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, 6 March 2013.
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2011. Remaking agricultural collectives: robotic milking and the co-constitution of humans, dairy cows and technologies. Presented at: ASA11: Vital powers and politics: human interactions with living things - Annual Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth, Lampeter, UK, 13-16 September 2011.
- Wilkinson, K., Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2011. Visual methods and researching human-animal-technology relationships: cows, people and robots. Presented at: Second International Visual Research Methods Conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, 13-15 September 2011.
- Holloway, L., Wilkinson, K. and Bear, C. 2011. Re-capturing bovine life: robot-cow relationships, freedom and control in dairy farming. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, UK, 31 August – 2 September 2011.
- Bear, C., Holloway, L. and Wikinson, K. 2011. Robotic milking and the emergent relational geographies of livestock agriculture. Presented at: Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, 9-13 April 2011.
- Bear, C. 2010. Assembling the sea: hybridity, movement and uncertainty in the UK’s scallop fisheries. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, UK, 1-3 September 2010.
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2009. Rhythms on the river: environmental knowledge practices and spatiotemporal change in freshwater angling. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, 26-28 August 2009.
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2009. River readings: the environmental knowledge-practices of angling. Presented at: Living Landscapes Conference, Aberystwyth, UK, 18-21 June 2009.
- Bear, C. 2009. Thinking like a fish: how anglers make sense of changing river environments. Presented at: Invited Seminar, Department of Geography, University of Reading, Reading, UK, February 2009.
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2008. Going with the flow? Place and event in anglers’ understandings of rivers. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, UK, 27-29 August 2008.
- Bear, C., Whitman, G. and Carrithers, M. 2007. Making anglers count: realities, rhetoric and quantification. Presented at: CRESC Methods Workshop: Narrative, Numbers and Social Change, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 1-2 November 2007.
- Bear, C., Whitman, G. and Carrithers, M. 2007. Making anglers: the rhetoric of quantification in English fishery management. Presented at: Invited seminar at the Centre for Rural Economy, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK, October 2007.
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2007. Reading rivers: everyday practice and environmental knowledge in freshwater angling. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, UK, 28-31 August 2007.
- Bear, C., Eden, S. and Walker, G. 2005. Selling Sustainability: Verification and Public Credibility of Environmental Product Claims. Presented at: 7th ESA Conference: Rethinking Inequalities, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun, Poland, 9-13 September 2005.
- Bear, C., Mukherjee, A. and Cifuentes, M. L. 2023. Transparency solutions for healthy, sustainable and safe food systems in existing policy. Project Report. [Online]. TITAN. Available at: http://titanproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/TITAN_D7.1_Transparency-solutions-in-existing-policy_M9_M14_fv.pdf
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2013. Robotic and information technologies in livestock agriculture: New relationships between humans, cows and machines. ESRC End of Award Report, RES-062-23-2086. Project Report. [Online]. Swindon: ESRC. Available at: http://www.esrc.ac.uk/my-esrc/grants/RES-062-23-2086/outputs/Read/4d767974-1765-491d-af34-565a4b3f83a0
- Holloway, L., Bear, C., Butler, D. and Wilkinson, K. 2012. Robotic and Information Technologies in UK Dairy Farming. Project Report. Hull: University of Hull.
- Jones, V. and Bear, C. 2024. Ethical citizenship and young people’s food choices. [Online]. London: BERA. Available at: https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/ethical-citizenship-and-young-peoples-food-choices
- Januchowski-Hartley, S. R., Bear, C., O’Gorman, E. and Januchowski-Hartley, F. A. 2020. Underwater. [Online]. www.shadowplaces.net: Available at: https://www.shadowplaces.net/concepts
- Ingram, J. et al. 2022. What are the priority research questions for digital agriculture?. Land Use Policy 114, article number: 105962. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105962)
- Bear, C. 2021. Making insects tick: responsibility, attentiveness and care in edible insect farming. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4(3), pp. 1010-1030. (10.1177/2514848620945321)
- Bear, C. 2019. Approaching insect death: understandings and practices of the UK's edible insect farmers. Society and Animals 27(7), pp. 751-768. (10.1163/15685306-00001871)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2019. Beyond resistance: Geographies of divergent more-than-human conduct in robotic milking. Geoforum 104, pp. 212-221. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.04.030)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2018. Redistributing labour in automated milking systems and the More-Than-Human (Co) production of dairy farming. In: Marsden, T. ed. The SAGE Handbook of Nature. SAGE Publications, pp. 831-847.
- Bear, C., Wilkinson, K. and Holloway, L. 2017. Visualising human-animal-technology relations: fieldnotes, still photography and digital video on the robotic dairy farm. Society and Animals 25(3), pp. 225-256. (10.1163/15685306-12341405)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2015. Country life: agricultural technologies and the emergence of new rural subjectivities. Geography Compass 9(5), pp. 303-315. (10.1111/gec3.12217)
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Re-capturing bovine life: robot-cow relationships, freedom and control in dairy farming. Journal of Rural Studies 33, pp. 131-140. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.01.006)
- Bear, C. 2013. Assembling the sea: materiality, movement and regulatory practices in the Cardigan Bay scallop fishery. Cultural Geographies 20(1), pp. 21-41. (10.1177/1474474012463665)
- Bear, C. 2011. Being Angelica? Exploring individual animal geographies. Area 43(3), pp. 297-304. (10.1111/j.1475-4762.2011.01019.x)
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2011. Models of equilibrium, natural agency and environmental change: lay ecologies in UK recreational angling. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36(3), pp. 393-407. (10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00438.x)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2011. Thinking like a fish? Engaging with nonhuman difference through recreational angling. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 29(2), pp. 336-352. (10.1068/d1810)
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. Mucky carrots and other proxies: [roblematising the knowledge-fix for sustainable and ethical consumption. Geoforum 39(2), pp. 1044-1057. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2007.11.001)
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar themâu cydgysylltiedig y canlynol: cysylltiadau dynol-anifeiliaid-dechnoleg; daearyddiaeth ddyfrol; a daearyddiaeth o wybodaeth ac arbenigedd. Caiff y ffoci hyn eu treiddio gan ddiddordeb damcaniaethol mewn hybridedd a chydosodiad ac fe'u hastudir yn aml trwy ganolbwyntio empirig ar weithgareddau hamdden a'r system agro-bwyd newidiol.
1. Cysylltiadau dynol-anifeiliaid-dechnoleg
Datblygais ddiddordeb mewn daearyddiaethau mwy na dynol yn ystod fy PhD, a oedd yn archwilio'r gwahanol ffyrdd y profwyd eogiaid a chyfrifwyd amdanynt wrth reoli pysgota afonydd yr Alban. Mae llawer o'm hymchwil ddilynol wedi canolbwyntio ar berthnasoedd rhwng anifeiliaid a bodau dynol mewn cyd-destunau amrywiol megis pysgodfeydd masnachol a hamdden, acwariwm, a ffermydd llaeth. Roedd fy ngwaith ar odro robotig ar ffermydd llaeth, a gynhaliwyd ar y cyd â Lewis Holloway (Prifysgol Hull) a'i gefnogi gan grant ESRC, yn archwilio cydgynhyrchu robotiaid, gwartheg llaeth a bodau dynol, gan edrych ar sut y gallai cyflwyno godro robotig newid y ffyrdd y mae ffermwyr llaeth yn rheoli eu ffermydd a'u busnesau, a gallai effeithio ar y berthynas rhwng ffermwyr-buwch. Yn flaenorol, archwiliais gysyniadau pysgotwyr o bysgod fel unigolion a chyfunfeydd, gan ddatblygu cysyniad Deleuze a Guattari o 'ddod yn anifeiliaid' a syniad Haraway o 'fodau-mewn-encounter', a chwblhau ymchwil i gyd-gynhyrchu rheoliadau pysgota cregyn bylchog ym Mae Ceredigion gan bobl, cregyn bylchog, dolffiniaid a thechnolegau pysgota, a archwiliwyd trwy fframwaith cysyniadol daearyddiaethau cydosod. Mae gen i ddiddordeb cynyddol mewn datblygu dulliau ymchwil llai anthropocentrig sy'n addas ar gyfer astudio perthnasoedd mwy na dynol. Rwyf wedi datblygu'r thema ymchwil hon yn ehangach, gan gyd-gynnull sesiynau ar ddaearyddiaeth sy'n dod i'r amlwg o gyd-gynyrchiadau technoleg anifeiliaid yng nghynhadledd flynyddol y Gymdeithas Ddaearyddol Frenhinol 2011 (a gyhoeddwyd fel rhifyn arbennig o Journal of Rural Studies yn 2014), Safbwyntiau beirniadol ar gysylltiadau dynol-anifeiliaid-dechnoleg ar gyfer Rhwydwaith Astudiaethau Anifeiliaid Prydain ym mis Tachwedd 2012, a Daearyddiaethau o empathi mwy na dynol yng nghynhadledd flynyddol y Gymdeithas Ddaearyddol Frenhinol 2017.
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2023. Methodolegau ymchwil mwy-na-ddynol. Yn: Clifford, N., Cope, M. a Gillespie, T. eds. Dulliau Allweddol mewn Daearyddiaeth. Llundain: Routledge, tt. 229-244
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2022. Daearyddiaeth ac ôl-ddyneiddiaeth. Yn: Herbrechter, S. et al. eds. Llawlyfr Palgrave o ôl-ddyneiddiaeth gritig. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, tt. 1-23., (10.1007/978-3-030-42681-1)
- Arth, C. 2021. Gwneud i bryfed ticio: cyfrifoldeb, sylwgarwch a gofal mewn ffermio pryfed bwytadwy. Amgylchedd a Chynllunio E: Natur a Gofod 4(3), tt. 1010-1030. (10.1177/2514848620945321)
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2021. Archwilio'r nexus dynol-anifail-dechnoleg: cysylltiadau pŵer ac ymddygiad dargyfeiriol. Yn: Hovorka, A., McCubbin, S. a Van Patter, L. eds. Agenda ymchwil ar gyfer daearyddiaeth anifeiliaid. Agendâu Ymchwil Elgar Edward Elgar, tt. 55-68.
- Bear, C. (2019). Agosáu at farwolaeth pryfed: dealltwriaeth ac arferion ffermwyr pryfed bwytadwy y DU. Cymdeithas ac Anifeiliaid 27(7), tt. 751-768. (10.1163/15685306-0001871)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. (2019) Y tu hwnt i wrthwynebiad: Daearyddiaethau o ymddygiad mwy na dynol dargyfeiriol mewn godro robotig. Geoforum 104: 212-221
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. (2018; cyfraniad gwahoddedig) Ailddosbarthu llafur mewn Systemau Milking Awtomataidd a chynhyrchu mwy na dynol (co)ffermio llaeth yn Marsden, T (gol) The Sage Handbook of Nature London: Sage 831-847
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. (2017). Mae gwartheg a bodau dynol yn dod mewn hanesion technolegau llaeth: systemau godro robotig ac ail-wneud goddrychedd anifeiliaid a phobl. Themâu BJHS (10.1017/bjt.2017.2.)
- Bear, C., Wilkinson, K. and Holloway, L. (2016) Delweddu cysylltiadau dynol-anifeiliaid-dechnoleg: nodiadau maes, ffotograffiaeth llonydd a fideo digidol ar y fferm laeth robotig. Cymdeithas ac Anifeiliaid
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. (2015) Bywyd gwlad: technolegau amaethyddol ac ymddangosiad goddrychiadau gwledig newydd. Cwmpawd Daearyddiaeth 9(5): 303-315
- Holloway, L., Bear, C., Morris, C. and Wilkinson, K. (2014) Anifeiliaid, technolegau a phobl mewn mannau gwledig: Cyflwyniad i fater arbennig ar ddaearyddiaeth sy'n dod i'r amlwg o gyd-gynyrchiadau technoleg anifeiliaid [Golygyddol]. Journal of Rural Studies 33(1): 95-98
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. (2014) Ail-afael mewn bywyd buchol: perthnasoedd robot-buwch, rhyddid a rheolaeth mewn ffermio llaeth Journal of Rural Studies 33(1): 131-140
- Arth, C. (2013) Cydosod y môr: ongliad, symudiad ac ansicrwydd yn Geographies Diwylliannol pysgodfeydd cregyn bylchog Bae Ceredigion 20(1): 21-41
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. (2011) Sylwebaeth: DNA-teipio a llaethdai super - newid arferion ac ail-wneud gwartheg Amgylchedd a Chynllunio A43(7): 1487-1491
- Bear, C. (2011) Bod yn Angelica: archwilio daearyddiaethau anifeiliaid ôl-rywogaeth Ardal 43(3): 297-304
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. (2011) Meddwl fel pysgodyn? Ymgysylltu â gwahaniaeth nad yw'n ddynol trwy bysgota hamdden Amgylchedd a Chynllunio D: Cymdeithas a Gofod 29(2): 336-352
2. Daearyddiaethau dyfrol
Mae fy ymchwil yn anarferol mewn daearyddiaeth ddiwylliannol am ei ffocws ar newid amgylcheddol yn y dŵr. Mae'r thema ymchwil hon, a ddatblygwyd yn fy PhD, wedi'i datblygu drwy'r prosiect Pysgota yn yr Amgylchedd Gwledig a ariennir gan RELU, lle bûm yn gweithio fel Cydymaith Ymchwil ym Mhrifysgolion Hull a Durham. Edrychodd y gwaith hwn, gyda Sally Eden (Prifysgol Hull), ar y gwahanol arferion gwybodaeth a ddefnyddir gan amrywiaeth o ddefnyddwyr afonydd, megis pysgotwyr a gwyddonwyr, wrth wneud synnwyr o, ymgysylltu â'r amgylchedd tanddwr a'i drawsnewid. Rwyf wedi beirniadu ymhellach ddiystyru daearyddwyr diwylliannol tuag at amgylcheddau tanddwr trwy astudio octopws acwariwm. Mae fy ymchwil diweddar ar bysgodfeydd cregyn bylchog yn ymestyn fy nghysyniadoli o ofod cefnforol, ar ôl mabwysiadu dull topolegol o arferion ardystio Cyngor Stiwardiaeth Forol o'r blaen. Cydgynullais sesiwn gynhadledd flynyddol y Gymdeithas Ddaearyddol Frenhinol ar y dyfrol yn 2008, gan arwain at fater arbennig o'r Amgylchedd a Chynllunio A, a gyd-olygais gyda Jacob Bull (Astudiaethau Rhywedd, Prifysgol Uppsala).
- Januchowski-Hartley, S.R., Bear, C., O'Gorman, E. and Januchowski-Hartley, F. A. (2020) Underwater. A-Z o Shadow Places Concepts. Ar gael yn: https://www.shadowplaces.net/concepts
- Bear, C. (2019; cyfraniad gwahoddedig) Sylwebaeth: Y cefnfor y tu hwnt iddo: pysgod, llifoedd a grymoedd. Deialogau mewn Daearyddiaeth Ddynol 9(3): 329-332. (10.1177/2043820619878567)
- Bear, C. (2017; cyfraniad gwahoddedig) Sylwebaeth: Cydosod bywyd cefnforol: enonglau mwy na dynol yn y Deialogau Economi Las mewn Daearyddiaeth Ddynol 7(1): 27-31
- Bear, C. (2016) Olrhain cyfreithlondeb bacteriol: ecoleg hylifol cyfarwyddeb dŵr ymdrochi yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Yn: Braverman, I. ed. Anifeiliaid, Biowleidyddiaeth, Y Gyfraith: Deddfau Bywiog. Llundain: Routledge, tt. 79-98
- Bear, C. (2014) Llywodraethu'r moroedd: persbectif mwy na dynol yn Peters, K. ac Anderson, J. (eds) Byd Dŵr: daearyddiaethau cymdeithasol a diwylliannol y cefnfor Farnham: Ashgate, tt. 137-162
- Arth, C. (2013) Cydosod y môr: ongliad, symudiad ac ansicrwydd yn Geographies Diwylliannol pysgodfeydd cregyn bylchog Bae Ceredigion 20(1): 21-41
- Bear, C. and Bull, J. (2011) Golygyddol: mater dŵr Amgylchedd a Chynllunio A 43(10): 2261-2266
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. (2011) Darllen yr afon drwy 'ddwrcraft': ymgysylltu amgylcheddol trwy wybodaeth ac ymarfer mewn daearyddiaeth ddiwylliannoldŵr croyw 18(3): 297-314
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. (2008) Gwneud lle ar gyfer pysgod: y gofodau rhanbarthol, rhwydwaith a hylif o bysgodfeydd ardystio Daearyddiaeth Gymdeithasol a Diwylliannol 9: 487-504
3. Daearyddiaethau gwybodaeth ac arbenigedd
Wedi'i ddatblygu eto yn fy PhD, mae llawer o'm diddordeb mewn arbenigedd wedi'i archwilio drwy'r dyfrol. Mae'r gwaith hwn wedi chwalu deuaidd gwybodaeth 'lleyg' ac 'arbenigwr', gan edrych ar sut mae ceisiadau'n cael eu dosbarthu a'u herio yng nghyd-destunau systemau bwyd-amaeth a rheoli pysgodfeydd hamdden. Yn yr hen ardal, archwiliodd y gwaith a wneuthum gyda Sally Eden sut mae gwybodaeth am deithio bwyd, gan ganolbwyntio ar ddealltwriaeth defnyddwyr o labeli ardystio, tra bod fy ngwaith mwy diweddar ar odro robotig wedi edrych ar rôl technolegau awtomeiddio a gwybodaeth wrth newid sut mae gwartheg yn cael eu hadnabod ac yn derbyn gofal ar ffermydd. Yn yr ardal olaf, mae papurau wedi archwilio'r syniad o 'ecoleg lleyg', ac ar sut mae pysgotwyr yn cymryd rhan mewn rheoli amgylcheddau dŵr.
- Ingram, J.et al. 2022. Beth yw'r cwestiynau ymchwil blaenoriaeth ar gyfer amaethyddiaeth ddigidol? Polisi Defnydd Tir 114, rhif erthygl: 105962. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105962)
- Butler, D., Holloway, L and Bear, C. (2012) Effaith newid technolegol mewn ffermio llaeth: systemau godro robotig a rôl newidiol y stociwr Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England 173: 1-6
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. (2012) Y da, y drwg, a'r ymarferol: adeiladu cyfranogiad y cyhoedd, pysgotwyr, a rheoli amgylcheddau dŵr yn lleyg Amgylchedd a Chynllunio A 44: 1200-1240
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. (2011) Modelau o gydbwysedd, asiantaeth naturiol a newid amgylcheddol: ecoleg lleyg mewn pysgota hamdden y DU Trafodion Sefydliad Daearyddwyr Prydain36(3): 393-407
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. (2010) Llywodraethu, gofod a gwyddoniaeth amgylcheddol fyd-eang trydydd sector: cymharu ardystio pysgodfeydd a choedwigaeth Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 12(1): 83-106
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. (2008) Y defnyddiwr amheugar: Barn y DU am sicrwydd bwyd Polisi Bwyd 33: 624-630
- Eden, S., Arth, C. a Walker, G. (2008) Moron Mucky a dirprwyon eraill: problemateiddio'r wybodaeth-ateb ar gyfer defnydd cynaliadwy a moesegolGeoforum 39 (2): 1044-1057
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. (2008) Deall a (dad)ymddiried mewn cynlluniau sicrhau bwyd: hyder defnyddwyr a'r 'fixfix gwybodaeth'Journal of Rural Studies 24 (1): 1-14
- Bear, C. (2006) Eog yn ôl rhifau: meintioli a dealltwriaeth o natur Scottish Geographical Journal 122 (3): 185-203
- Datrysiadau tryloywder ar gyfer trawsnewid y system fwyd (arweinydd pecyn gwaith), Medi 2022-Hydref 2026 - Horizon Europe / UKRI 10042327 - € 454,313.49 [o gyfanswm prosiect o € 10,676,773.00])
- Pobl ifanc, proteinau amgen ac addysgeg ar gyfer dyfodol cynaliadwy (prif ymchwilydd), Hydref 2021-Hydref 2023, BA/Leverhulme SRG21\210557 - £8,494
- Technolegau robotig a gwybodaeth mewn amaethyddiaeth da byw: perthynas newydd rhwng pobl, gwartheg a pheiriannau (cyd-ymchwilydd), Mehefin 2010 - Tachwedd 2012, ESRC RES-062-23-2086 - £145,223.84
Trefniadaeth Cynhadledd a Gweithdy
- Cydgynullydd a chyd-gadeirydd sesiwn ar ddaearyddiaethau mwy na dynol o empathi yng Nghynhadledd RGS-IBG, Llundain, 2017 (gyda Megan Donald [Prifysgol Glasgow] a Rich Gorman [Prifysgol Caerwysg])
- Cydgynullydd a chadeirydd sesiwn ar ddaearyddiaethau cymdeithasol a diwylliannol o effaith yng Nghynhadledd RGS-IBG, Caeredin, 2012 (gydag Amanda Rogers [Prifysgol Abertawe], Sarah Mills [Prifysgol Loughborough], Mia Hunt [Royal Holloway, Prifysgol Llundain] a Rebecca Sandover [Prifysgol Exeter]). Ar ôl hynny, cyd-olygais rhifyn arbennig o ACME a ddeilliodd o'r sesiwn hon.
- Cynnull sesiwn ar safbwyntiau beirniadol ar berthnasoedd dynol-anifeiliaid-dechnoleg yng nghynhadledd Rhwydwaith Astudiaethau Anifeiliaid Prydain ar 'Fferm', Prifysgol Strathclyde, Tachwedd 2012.
- Cyd-drefnydd sesiwn ar Ddaearyddiaeth sy'n dod i'r amlwg o gyd-gynyrchiadau technoleg anifeiliaid yng Nghynhadledd RGS-IBG, Llundain, 2011 (gyda Lewis Holloway [Prifysgol Hull], Carol Morris [Prifysgol Nottingham] a Katy Wilkinson [Prifysgol Hull]).
- Aelod o'r pwyllgor trefnu Daearyddiaeth a'r Empirics Newydd (gweithdy Grŵp Ymchwil Daearyddiaeth Gymdeithasol a Diwylliannol), y Gymdeithas Ddaearyddol Frenhinol, Llundain, Ionawr 2011. Hefyd, arweiniais sesiwn gweithdy ar Cynhyrchu a chasglu data yn wyneb gormodedd, mewn cydweithrediad ag Owain Jones (CCRI).
- Cyd-drefnydd sesiwn ar Ddŵr: Gofod, Gwybodaeth, Llif yng Nghynhadledd RGS-IBG, Llundain, 2008 (gyda Jacob Bull [Prifysgol Uppsala]).
Undergraduate teaching
I will be on Research Leave during the 2017-2018 academic year. In other years, my teaching focuses on geographies of nature and on the history and philosophy of geography, particularly through:
- CP0142 - The Big Questions in Human Geography (lecture on Geographies of Nature and the Environment)
- CP0253 - Geographical Ideas (module leader)
I am also Director of Undergraduate Studies for the School of Geography and Planning.
Education and qualifications
- 2012: Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, Aberystwyth University
- 2004: PhD Human Geography, University of Aberdeen
- 1999: MA (Hons) Geography, University of Aberdeen
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Member of the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group
- Member of the Research Centre for Sustainable Urban and Regional Food
- Member of the Food Security and Land Research Alliance
- Member of the St David's Day Water Research Consortium
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2015-present: Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, Cardiff University
- 2012-2015: Lecturer in Human Geography, Cardiff University
- 2009-2012: Lecturer in Human Geography, Aberystwyth University
- 2006-2008: Research Associate, Department of Anthropology, Durham University
- 2004-2008: Research Associate, Department of Geography, University of Hull
- 2002-2004: Teaching Fellow, Department of Geography and Environment, University of Aberdeen
Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus
·'Cynhyrchu pryfed "bwytadwy": dychmygu gofal a lles mewn systemau bwyd yn y dyfodol' – gweithdy ar bryfed bwytadwy a'u rôl mewn amaethyddiaeth, bwyd ac arlwyo cynaliadwy, Academi Gwyddorau Tsiec, Prague (Hydref 2024; cyweirnod)
·'Pobl ifanc, proteinau amgen ac addysgeg ar gyfer dyfodol cynaliadwy' - Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Addysg Gynradd Newid Hinsawdd (Hydref 2023; siaradwr gwadd)
·'Tryloywder: ymarfer a phŵer' - Fforwm Bwyd a Maeth San Steffan ar y camau nesaf ar gyfer data a thryloywder yn y system fwyd (5 Medi 2023; panelydd gwahoddedig)
·'Pobl ifanc, proteinau amgen ac addysgeg ar gyfer dyfodol cynaliadwy' - Cynhadledd Flynyddol y Gymdeithas Ddaearyddol Frenhinol, Llundain (Awst 2023)
· 'Ymgysylltu â bywyd morol: y tu hwnt i'r môr?' - Gweithdy agoriadol rhaglen SEATIMES, Prifysgol Bergen, Norwy, (Tachwedd 2022; siaradwr gwadd)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Swyddi golygyddol
- 2024 - presennol: Rheoli Golygydd, Cymdeithas ac Anifeiliaid
- 2016 - 2024: Golygydd Cyswllt, Cymdeithas ac Anifeiliaid
- 2019 - 2022: Aelod o'r Bwrdd Golygyddol, Cynaliadwyedd
Safbwyntiau adolygu grantiau ymchwil
- 2024 - presennol: Aelod o'r Coleg Adolygu Cymheiriaid ESRC
- 2023 - yn bresennol: Aelod panel adolygu grantiau, FORMAS (Cyngor Ymchwil Sweden)
Archwilio allanol
- 2021 - presennol: Arholwr Allanol, MA Daearyddiaeth, Prifysgol Aberdeen
- 2018 - 2022: Arholwr Allanol, MA Ymarfer Daearyddiaeth Ddynol, Prifysgol Aberystwyth
- 2018 - 2022: Arholwr Allanol, Bodau Dynol ac Anifeiliaid Eraill, Prifysgol Aberdeen
Rolau allanol eraill
- 2022 - presennol: Aelod o'r Bwrdd Cynghori, prosiect SEATIMES , Prifysgol Bergen, Norwy
2012 - 2015: Aelod Pwyllgor (Trysorydd wedi hynny) Grŵp Ymchwil Daearyddiaeth Gymdeithasol a Diwylliannol y Gymdeithas Ddaearyddol Frenhinol
Prifysgol Caerdydd
Pwyllgorau'r Brifysgol
- 2022 - 2023: Gweithgor Arolwg Aelodau Staff 2023
- 2022 - 2022: Aelod o Bwyllgor Addysg a Phrofiad Myfyrwyr AHSS
- 2021 - presennol: Aelod o Bwyllgor Safonau ac Ansawdd Academaidd y Brifysgol (ASQC)
- 2020 - 2022: Aelod o Banel Ymddygiad Myfyrwyr Sefydlog y Brifysgol
- 2019 - 2022: Aelod o Bwyllgor Dysgu ac Addysgu AHSS
- 2015 - 2018: Aelod o Fwrdd Rheoli'r Sefydliad Ymchwil Dŵr
Pwyllgorau'r ysgol
- 2022 - presennol: Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Gwaith Academaidd
- 2022 - 2022: Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Addysg a Phrofiad Myfyrwyr
- 2019 - 2021: Cadeirydd y Grŵp Strategaeth Dysgu ac Addysgu
- 2016 - 2019: Cadeirydd y Tîm Rheoli Israddedigion
- 2017 - 2021: Aelod o Dîm Hunanasesu Athena Swan
- 2016 - 2021: Aelod o'r Grŵp Strategaeth Dysgu ac Addysgu
- 2016 - presennol: Aelod o'r Bwrdd Ysgol
- 2016 - 2019: Cyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau Israddedig
- 2016 - 2017: Aelod o'r Grŵp Rheoli Marchnata a Chyfathrebu
- 2014 - 2016: Uwch Diwtor Derbyn
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Animal geographies
- Environmental knowledges
- Contested knowledges within the food system
- Fisheries management
- Rural studies
- Livestock production
- Edible insects
I am always happy to discuss initial ideas with prospective PhD students; please email me at bearck@cardiff.ac.uk.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
![Nicola Wynn](https://cardiff.imgix.net/__data/assets/image/0014/10841/no-profile.jpg?w=40&h=40&auto=format&crop=faces&fit=crop&q=40)
Nicola Wynn
Tiwtor Graddedig
Contact Details
+44 29208 76181
Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell Ystafell 2.80, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA
Themâu ymchwil
- Cynaliadwyedd bwyd
- Daearyddiaeth ddynol
- Daearyddiaeth anifeiliaid
- Mwy na daearyddiaeth ddynol
- Protein amgen