Dr Christopher Bear
Reader in Human Geography, Deputy Head of School
School of Geography and Planning
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
My research interests centre on the relationships between humans, animals and technologies, particularly in relation to the food system. These interests have been developed through a wide range of empirical contexts, ranging from fisheries to dairy farming. I am currently working on two research projects: 'Young people, alternative proteins and pedagogies for sustainable futures,' in collaboration with Dr Verity Jones (UWE Bristol) and funded by British Academy/Leverhulme Trust; and 'Transparency solutions for transforming the food system (TITAN)', funded by Horizon Europe/Innovate UK. I previously completed ESRC-funded research on the adoption of robotic milking technologies in the dairy sector.
I am involved in the supervision of four PhD students and am always keen to discuss potential PhD topics that relate to my research interests.
I am Managing Editor of the journal Society and Animals and regularly referee for the major Human Geography journals.
I am Deputy Head of the School of Geography and Planning.
- Bear, C. and Jones, V. 2024. Beyond the Eatwell Guide: valuing what we eat. Primary Science 183, pp. 12-14.
- Bjørnerud, E. et al. 2024. Teaching protein futures — A cross-disciplinary approach. In: Giersberg, M., Bovenkerk, B. and Meijbroom, F. eds. Back to the future - Sustainable innovations for ethical food production and consumption (EurSafe2024 Proceedings). Wageningen Academic, pp. 355-362., (10.1163/9789004715509_058)
- Jones, V. and Bear, C. 2024. Ethical citizenship and young people’s food choices. [Online]. London: BERA. Available at: https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/ethical-citizenship-and-young-peoples-food-choices
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2023. More-than-human research methodologies.. In: Clifford, N., Cope, M. and Gillespie, T. eds. Key Methods in Geography.. London: Routledge, pp. 229-244.
- Bear, C., Mukherjee, A. and Cifuentes, M. L. 2023. Transparency solutions for healthy, sustainable and safe food systems in existing policy. Project Report. [Online]. TITAN. Available at: http://titanproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/TITAN_D7.1_Transparency-solutions-in-existing-policy_M9_M14_fv.pdf
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2022. Geography and posthumanism. In: Herbrechter, S. et al. eds. Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-23., (10.1007/978-3-030-42681-1)
- Ingram, J. et al. 2022. What are the priority research questions for digital agriculture?. Land Use Policy 114, article number: 105962. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105962)
- Bear, C. 2021. Making insects tick: responsibility, attentiveness and care in edible insect farming. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4(3), pp. 1010-1030. (10.1177/2514848620945321)
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2021. Exploring the human-animal-technology nexus: power relations and divergent conduct. In: Hovorka, A., McCubbin, S. and Van Patter, L. eds. A Research Agenda for Animal Geographies. Elgar Research Agendas Edward Elgar, pp. 55-68.
- Januchowski-Hartley, S. R., Bear, C., O’Gorman, E. and Januchowski-Hartley, F. A. 2020. Underwater. [Online]. www.shadowplaces.net: Available at: https://www.shadowplaces.net/concepts
- Bear, C. 2019. Approaching insect death: understandings and practices of the UK's edible insect farmers. Society and Animals 27(7), pp. 751-768. (10.1163/15685306-00001871)
- Bear, C. 2019. The ocean exceeded: fish, flows and forces. Dialogues in Human Geography 9(3), pp. 329-332. (10.1177/2043820619878567)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2019. Beyond resistance: Geographies of divergent more-than-human conduct in robotic milking. Geoforum 104, pp. 212-221. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.04.030)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2018. Redistributing labour in automated milking systems and the More-Than-Human (Co) production of dairy farming. In: Marsden, T. ed. The SAGE Handbook of Nature. SAGE Publications, pp. 831-847.
- Bear, C. 2018. What Would Animals Say If We Asked the Right Questions? [Book Review]. Cultural Geographies 25(2), pp. 382-383. (10.1177/1474474017738729)
- Bear, C. 2018. Towards 'the good insect': experimentation and breeding in the UK's emerging edible insect sector. Presented at: Changing animal bodies: animal breeding in changing social and environmental contexts, Uppsala University, Sweden, 8-9 May 2018.
- Bear, C., Wilkinson, K. and Holloway, L. 2017. Visualising human-animal-technology relations: fieldnotes, still photography and digital video on the robotic dairy farm. Society and Animals 25(3), pp. 225-256. (10.1163/15685306-12341405)
- Bear, C. 2017. Socio-nature. In: Richardson, D. et al. eds. The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. AAG and Wiley-Blackwell
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2017. Bovine and human becomings in histories of dairy technologies: robotic milking systems and remaking animal and human subjectivity. BJHS Themes (10.1017/bjt.2017.2.)
- Bear, C. 2017. Assembling ocean life: more-than-human entanglements in the Blue economy. Dialogues in Human Geography 7(1), pp. 27-31. (10.1177/2043820617691635)
- Bear, C. 2016. Tracing bacterial legalities: the fluid ecologies of the European Union's bathing water directive. In: Braverman, I. ed. Animals, Biopolitics, Law: Lively Legalities. London: Routledge, pp. 79-98.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2016. Resisting robots: automated milking and emerging geographies of more-than-human resistance. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, UK, 30 August - 2nd September 2016.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2015. Country life: agricultural technologies and the emergence of new rural subjectivities. Geography Compass 9(5), pp. 303-315. (10.1111/gec3.12217)
- Bear, C. 2015. Negotiating robotic milking: management, welfare and experimentation on dairy farms. Presented at: SRUC Seminar, Scotland's Rural College, Edinburgh, UK, 22 January 2015.
- Bear, C. 2015. Book review: food words: essays in culinary culture. Cultural Geographies 22(1), pp. 208-208. (10.1177/1474474014534816)
- Bear, C. 2015. The nature of borders: salmon, boundaries, and bandits on the Salish Sea. By Lissa Wadewitz [Book review]. Environment and History 21(2), pp. 310-312. (10.3197/096734015X14267043141705)
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Robotic milking technologies and renegotiating situated ethical relationships on UK dairy farms. Agriculture and Human Values 31(2), pp. 185-199. (10.1007/s10460-013-9473-3)
- Bear, C. 2014. Governance of the seas: A more-than-human perspective on the Cardigan Bay scallop fishery. In: Anderson, J. M. and Peters, K. eds. Waterworlds: Human Geographies of the Oceans. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 147-162.
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Re-capturing bovine life: robot-cow relationships, freedom and control in dairy farming. Journal of Rural Studies 33, pp. 131-140. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.01.006)
- Holloway, L., Bear, C., Morris, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Animals, technologies and people in rural spaces: Introduction to a special issue on emerging geographies of animal-technology co-productions [Editorial]. Journal of Rural Studies 33, pp. 95-98. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.12.008)
- Rogers, A., Bear, C., Hunt, M., Mills, S. and Sandover, R. 2014. Intervention: the impact agenda and human geography in UK Higher Education. Acme 13(1), pp. 1-9.
- Bear, C. 2014. Polluters: siting and tracing animals in the fluid ecologies of the EU Bathing Water Directive. Presented at: More-than-Human Legalities: Advocating an Animal Turn in Law, Buffalo, NY, USA, 11-12 September 2014.
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2013. Beyond the bucolic rural: Robot milking barns and more-than-human co-productions of interior farming spaces. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, UK, 28-30 August 2013.
- Bear, C. 2013. Bruno Latour: Hybrid Thoughts in a Hybrid World. By A. Blok and T.E. Jensen. London: Routledge. 2011. 208 pp. £28.00, paperback. ISBN: 9780415642989 [Book Review]. Cultural Geographies 20(3), pp. 417. (10.1177/1474474013487487)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2013. Reconfiguring users in automated farming: Cows, farmers and robotic milking. Presented at: Invited seminar, Institute of Geography, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 18 April 2013.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2013. Reconfiguring users in automated farming: Cows, farmers and robotic milking. Presented at: Invited seminar, Department of Geography, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, 6 March 2013.
- Bear, C. 2013. Assembling the sea: materiality, movement and regulatory practices in the Cardigan Bay scallop fishery. Cultural Geographies 20(1), pp. 21-41. (10.1177/1474474012463665)
- Bear, C. 2013. Food [Book Review]. Environment and Planning C 31(2), pp. 379-380.
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2013. Robotic and information technologies in livestock agriculture: New relationships between humans, cows and machines. ESRC End of Award Report, RES-062-23-2086. Project Report. [Online]. Swindon: ESRC. Available at: http://www.esrc.ac.uk/my-esrc/grants/RES-062-23-2086/outputs/Read/4d767974-1765-491d-af34-565a4b3f83a0
- Holloway, L., Bear, C., Butler, D. and Wilkinson, K. 2012. Robotic and Information Technologies in UK Dairy Farming. Project Report. Hull: University of Hull.
- Butler, D., Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2012. The impact of technological change in dairy farming: robotic milking systems and the changing role of the stockperson. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England 173, pp. 1-6.
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2012. The good, the bad, and the hands-on: constructs of public participation, anglers, and lay management of water environments. Environment and Planning A 44(5), pp. 1200-1218. (10.1068/a4495)
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2011. Remaking agricultural collectives: robotic milking and the co-constitution of humans, dairy cows and technologies. Presented at: ASA11: Vital powers and politics: human interactions with living things - Annual Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth, Lampeter, UK, 13-16 September 2011.
- Bear, C. 2011. Being Angelica? Exploring individual animal geographies. Area 43(3), pp. 297-304. (10.1111/j.1475-4762.2011.01019.x)
- Wilkinson, K., Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2011. Visual methods and researching human-animal-technology relationships: cows, people and robots. Presented at: Second International Visual Research Methods Conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, 13-15 September 2011.
- Holloway, L., Wilkinson, K. and Bear, C. 2011. Re-capturing bovine life: robot-cow relationships, freedom and control in dairy farming. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, UK, 31 August – 2 September 2011.
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2011. Reading the river through 'watercraft': environmental engagement through knowledge and practice in freshwater angling. Cultural Geographies 18(3), pp. 297-314. (10.1177/1474474010384913)
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2011. Models of equilibrium, natural agency and environmental change: lay ecologies in UK recreational angling. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36(3), pp. 393-407. (10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00438.x)
- Bear, C., Holloway, L. and Wikinson, K. 2011. Robotic milking and the emergent relational geographies of livestock agriculture. Presented at: Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, 9-13 April 2011.
- Bear, C. and Bull, J. 2011. Water matters: agency, flows, and frictions [Editorial]. Environment and Planning A 43(10), pp. 2261-2266. (10.1068/a44498)
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2011. DNA typing and super dairies: changing practices and remaking cows [Commentary]. Environment and Planning A 43(7), pp. 1487-1491. (10.1068/a4425)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2011. Thinking like a fish? Engaging with nonhuman difference through recreational angling. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 29(2), pp. 336-352. (10.1068/d1810)
- Bear, C. 2010. Assembling the sea: hybridity, movement and uncertainty in the UK’s scallop fisheries. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, UK, 1-3 September 2010.
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2010. Third-sector Global Environmental Governance, Space and Science: Comparing Fishery and Forestry Certification. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 12(1), pp. 83-106. (10.1080/15239081003626000)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2009. Rhythms on the river: environmental knowledge practices and spatiotemporal change in freshwater angling. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, 26-28 August 2009.
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2009. River readings: the environmental knowledge-practices of angling. Presented at: Living Landscapes Conference, Aberystwyth, UK, 18-21 June 2009.
- Bear, C. 2009. Thinking like a fish: how anglers make sense of changing river environments. Presented at: Invited Seminar, Department of Geography, University of Reading, Reading, UK, February 2009.
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. The sceptical consumer? Exploring views about food assurance. Food Policy 33(6), pp. 624-630. (10.1016/j.foodpol.2008.02.003)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2008. Going with the flow? Place and event in anglers’ understandings of rivers. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, UK, 27-29 August 2008.
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. Understanding and (dis)trusting food assurance schemes: Consumer confidence and the 'knowledge fix'. Journal of Rural Studies 24(1), pp. 1-14. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2007.06.001)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2008. Making space for fish: the regional, network and fluid spaces of fisheries certification. Social & Cultural Geography 9(5), pp. 487-504. (10.1080/14649360802224358)
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. Mucky carrots and other proxies: [roblematising the knowledge-fix for sustainable and ethical consumption. Geoforum 39(2), pp. 1044-1057. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2007.11.001)
- Bear, C., Whitman, G. and Carrithers, M. 2007. Making anglers count: realities, rhetoric and quantification. Presented at: CRESC Methods Workshop: Narrative, Numbers and Social Change, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 1-2 November 2007.
- Bear, C., Whitman, G. and Carrithers, M. 2007. Making anglers: the rhetoric of quantification in English fishery management. Presented at: Invited seminar at the Centre for Rural Economy, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK, October 2007.
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2007. Reading rivers: everyday practice and environmental knowledge in freshwater angling. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, UK, 28-31 August 2007.
- Bear, C. 2006. Salmon by numbers: quantification and understandings of nature. Scottish Geographical Journal 122(3), pp. 185-203. (10.1080/00369220618737265)
- Bear, C. 2005. Global environmental issues [Book Review]. Progress in Human Geography 29(5), pp. 680-681. (10.1177/030913250502900517)
- Bear, C., Eden, S. and Walker, G. 2005. Selling Sustainability: Verification and Public Credibility of Environmental Product Claims. Presented at: 7th ESA Conference: Rethinking Inequalities, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun, Poland, 9-13 September 2005.
- Bear, C. 2003. Lanscapes and labscapes - Exploring the lab-field border in biology [Book Review]. Landscape Research 28(4), pp. 451-453. (10.1080/0142639032000150176)
- Bear, C. 2003. Roy Bridges, People and places in Newmachar past and present [Book Review]. Northern Scotland 23, pp. 121-122.
- Bear, C. 2002. Smout, T. C. (ed.) (2001) Nature, Landscape and People Since the Second World War [Book Review]. Northern Scotland 22, pp. 180-181.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Bjørnerud, E. et al. 2024. Teaching protein futures — A cross-disciplinary approach. In: Giersberg, M., Bovenkerk, B. and Meijbroom, F. eds. Back to the future - Sustainable innovations for ethical food production and consumption (EurSafe2024 Proceedings). Wageningen Academic, pp. 355-362., (10.1163/9789004715509_058)
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2023. More-than-human research methodologies.. In: Clifford, N., Cope, M. and Gillespie, T. eds. Key Methods in Geography.. London: Routledge, pp. 229-244.
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2022. Geography and posthumanism. In: Herbrechter, S. et al. eds. Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-23., (10.1007/978-3-030-42681-1)
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2021. Exploring the human-animal-technology nexus: power relations and divergent conduct. In: Hovorka, A., McCubbin, S. and Van Patter, L. eds. A Research Agenda for Animal Geographies. Elgar Research Agendas Edward Elgar, pp. 55-68.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2018. Redistributing labour in automated milking systems and the More-Than-Human (Co) production of dairy farming. In: Marsden, T. ed. The SAGE Handbook of Nature. SAGE Publications, pp. 831-847.
- Bear, C. 2017. Socio-nature. In: Richardson, D. et al. eds. The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. AAG and Wiley-Blackwell
- Bear, C. 2016. Tracing bacterial legalities: the fluid ecologies of the European Union's bathing water directive. In: Braverman, I. ed. Animals, Biopolitics, Law: Lively Legalities. London: Routledge, pp. 79-98.
- Bear, C. 2014. Governance of the seas: A more-than-human perspective on the Cardigan Bay scallop fishery. In: Anderson, J. M. and Peters, K. eds. Waterworlds: Human Geographies of the Oceans. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 147-162.
- Bear, C. 2018. Towards 'the good insect': experimentation and breeding in the UK's emerging edible insect sector. Presented at: Changing animal bodies: animal breeding in changing social and environmental contexts, Uppsala University, Sweden, 8-9 May 2018.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2016. Resisting robots: automated milking and emerging geographies of more-than-human resistance. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, UK, 30 August - 2nd September 2016.
- Bear, C. 2015. Negotiating robotic milking: management, welfare and experimentation on dairy farms. Presented at: SRUC Seminar, Scotland's Rural College, Edinburgh, UK, 22 January 2015.
- Bear, C. 2014. Polluters: siting and tracing animals in the fluid ecologies of the EU Bathing Water Directive. Presented at: More-than-Human Legalities: Advocating an Animal Turn in Law, Buffalo, NY, USA, 11-12 September 2014.
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2013. Beyond the bucolic rural: Robot milking barns and more-than-human co-productions of interior farming spaces. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, UK, 28-30 August 2013.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2013. Reconfiguring users in automated farming: Cows, farmers and robotic milking. Presented at: Invited seminar, Institute of Geography, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 18 April 2013.
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2013. Reconfiguring users in automated farming: Cows, farmers and robotic milking. Presented at: Invited seminar, Department of Geography, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, 6 March 2013.
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2011. Remaking agricultural collectives: robotic milking and the co-constitution of humans, dairy cows and technologies. Presented at: ASA11: Vital powers and politics: human interactions with living things - Annual Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth, Lampeter, UK, 13-16 September 2011.
- Wilkinson, K., Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2011. Visual methods and researching human-animal-technology relationships: cows, people and robots. Presented at: Second International Visual Research Methods Conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, 13-15 September 2011.
- Holloway, L., Wilkinson, K. and Bear, C. 2011. Re-capturing bovine life: robot-cow relationships, freedom and control in dairy farming. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, UK, 31 August – 2 September 2011.
- Bear, C., Holloway, L. and Wikinson, K. 2011. Robotic milking and the emergent relational geographies of livestock agriculture. Presented at: Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, 9-13 April 2011.
- Bear, C. 2010. Assembling the sea: hybridity, movement and uncertainty in the UK’s scallop fisheries. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, UK, 1-3 September 2010.
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2009. Rhythms on the river: environmental knowledge practices and spatiotemporal change in freshwater angling. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, 26-28 August 2009.
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2009. River readings: the environmental knowledge-practices of angling. Presented at: Living Landscapes Conference, Aberystwyth, UK, 18-21 June 2009.
- Bear, C. 2009. Thinking like a fish: how anglers make sense of changing river environments. Presented at: Invited Seminar, Department of Geography, University of Reading, Reading, UK, February 2009.
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2008. Going with the flow? Place and event in anglers’ understandings of rivers. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, UK, 27-29 August 2008.
- Bear, C., Whitman, G. and Carrithers, M. 2007. Making anglers count: realities, rhetoric and quantification. Presented at: CRESC Methods Workshop: Narrative, Numbers and Social Change, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 1-2 November 2007.
- Bear, C., Whitman, G. and Carrithers, M. 2007. Making anglers: the rhetoric of quantification in English fishery management. Presented at: Invited seminar at the Centre for Rural Economy, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK, October 2007.
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2007. Reading rivers: everyday practice and environmental knowledge in freshwater angling. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, UK, 28-31 August 2007.
- Bear, C., Eden, S. and Walker, G. 2005. Selling Sustainability: Verification and Public Credibility of Environmental Product Claims. Presented at: 7th ESA Conference: Rethinking Inequalities, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun, Poland, 9-13 September 2005.
- Bear, C. and Jones, V. 2024. Beyond the Eatwell Guide: valuing what we eat. Primary Science 183, pp. 12-14.
- Ingram, J. et al. 2022. What are the priority research questions for digital agriculture?. Land Use Policy 114, article number: 105962. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105962)
- Bear, C. 2021. Making insects tick: responsibility, attentiveness and care in edible insect farming. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4(3), pp. 1010-1030. (10.1177/2514848620945321)
- Bear, C. 2019. Approaching insect death: understandings and practices of the UK's edible insect farmers. Society and Animals 27(7), pp. 751-768. (10.1163/15685306-00001871)
- Bear, C. 2019. The ocean exceeded: fish, flows and forces. Dialogues in Human Geography 9(3), pp. 329-332. (10.1177/2043820619878567)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2019. Beyond resistance: Geographies of divergent more-than-human conduct in robotic milking. Geoforum 104, pp. 212-221. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.04.030)
- Bear, C. 2018. What Would Animals Say If We Asked the Right Questions? [Book Review]. Cultural Geographies 25(2), pp. 382-383. (10.1177/1474474017738729)
- Bear, C., Wilkinson, K. and Holloway, L. 2017. Visualising human-animal-technology relations: fieldnotes, still photography and digital video on the robotic dairy farm. Society and Animals 25(3), pp. 225-256. (10.1163/15685306-12341405)
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2017. Bovine and human becomings in histories of dairy technologies: robotic milking systems and remaking animal and human subjectivity. BJHS Themes (10.1017/bjt.2017.2.)
- Bear, C. 2017. Assembling ocean life: more-than-human entanglements in the Blue economy. Dialogues in Human Geography 7(1), pp. 27-31. (10.1177/2043820617691635)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2015. Country life: agricultural technologies and the emergence of new rural subjectivities. Geography Compass 9(5), pp. 303-315. (10.1111/gec3.12217)
- Bear, C. 2015. Book review: food words: essays in culinary culture. Cultural Geographies 22(1), pp. 208-208. (10.1177/1474474014534816)
- Bear, C. 2015. The nature of borders: salmon, boundaries, and bandits on the Salish Sea. By Lissa Wadewitz [Book review]. Environment and History 21(2), pp. 310-312. (10.3197/096734015X14267043141705)
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Robotic milking technologies and renegotiating situated ethical relationships on UK dairy farms. Agriculture and Human Values 31(2), pp. 185-199. (10.1007/s10460-013-9473-3)
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Re-capturing bovine life: robot-cow relationships, freedom and control in dairy farming. Journal of Rural Studies 33, pp. 131-140. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.01.006)
- Holloway, L., Bear, C., Morris, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Animals, technologies and people in rural spaces: Introduction to a special issue on emerging geographies of animal-technology co-productions [Editorial]. Journal of Rural Studies 33, pp. 95-98. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.12.008)
- Rogers, A., Bear, C., Hunt, M., Mills, S. and Sandover, R. 2014. Intervention: the impact agenda and human geography in UK Higher Education. Acme 13(1), pp. 1-9.
- Bear, C. 2013. Bruno Latour: Hybrid Thoughts in a Hybrid World. By A. Blok and T.E. Jensen. London: Routledge. 2011. 208 pp. £28.00, paperback. ISBN: 9780415642989 [Book Review]. Cultural Geographies 20(3), pp. 417. (10.1177/1474474013487487)
- Bear, C. 2013. Assembling the sea: materiality, movement and regulatory practices in the Cardigan Bay scallop fishery. Cultural Geographies 20(1), pp. 21-41. (10.1177/1474474012463665)
- Bear, C. 2013. Food [Book Review]. Environment and Planning C 31(2), pp. 379-380.
- Butler, D., Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2012. The impact of technological change in dairy farming: robotic milking systems and the changing role of the stockperson. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England 173, pp. 1-6.
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2012. The good, the bad, and the hands-on: constructs of public participation, anglers, and lay management of water environments. Environment and Planning A 44(5), pp. 1200-1218. (10.1068/a4495)
- Bear, C. 2011. Being Angelica? Exploring individual animal geographies. Area 43(3), pp. 297-304. (10.1111/j.1475-4762.2011.01019.x)
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2011. Reading the river through 'watercraft': environmental engagement through knowledge and practice in freshwater angling. Cultural Geographies 18(3), pp. 297-314. (10.1177/1474474010384913)
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2011. Models of equilibrium, natural agency and environmental change: lay ecologies in UK recreational angling. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36(3), pp. 393-407. (10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00438.x)
- Bear, C. and Bull, J. 2011. Water matters: agency, flows, and frictions [Editorial]. Environment and Planning A 43(10), pp. 2261-2266. (10.1068/a44498)
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2011. DNA typing and super dairies: changing practices and remaking cows [Commentary]. Environment and Planning A 43(7), pp. 1487-1491. (10.1068/a4425)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2011. Thinking like a fish? Engaging with nonhuman difference through recreational angling. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 29(2), pp. 336-352. (10.1068/d1810)
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2010. Third-sector Global Environmental Governance, Space and Science: Comparing Fishery and Forestry Certification. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 12(1), pp. 83-106. (10.1080/15239081003626000)
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. The sceptical consumer? Exploring views about food assurance. Food Policy 33(6), pp. 624-630. (10.1016/j.foodpol.2008.02.003)
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. Understanding and (dis)trusting food assurance schemes: Consumer confidence and the 'knowledge fix'. Journal of Rural Studies 24(1), pp. 1-14. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2007.06.001)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2008. Making space for fish: the regional, network and fluid spaces of fisheries certification. Social & Cultural Geography 9(5), pp. 487-504. (10.1080/14649360802224358)
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. Mucky carrots and other proxies: [roblematising the knowledge-fix for sustainable and ethical consumption. Geoforum 39(2), pp. 1044-1057. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2007.11.001)
- Bear, C. 2006. Salmon by numbers: quantification and understandings of nature. Scottish Geographical Journal 122(3), pp. 185-203. (10.1080/00369220618737265)
- Bear, C. 2005. Global environmental issues [Book Review]. Progress in Human Geography 29(5), pp. 680-681. (10.1177/030913250502900517)
- Bear, C. 2003. Lanscapes and labscapes - Exploring the lab-field border in biology [Book Review]. Landscape Research 28(4), pp. 451-453. (10.1080/0142639032000150176)
- Bear, C. 2003. Roy Bridges, People and places in Newmachar past and present [Book Review]. Northern Scotland 23, pp. 121-122.
- Bear, C. 2002. Smout, T. C. (ed.) (2001) Nature, Landscape and People Since the Second World War [Book Review]. Northern Scotland 22, pp. 180-181.
- Jones, V. and Bear, C. 2024. Ethical citizenship and young people’s food choices. [Online]. London: BERA. Available at: https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/ethical-citizenship-and-young-peoples-food-choices
- Januchowski-Hartley, S. R., Bear, C., O’Gorman, E. and Januchowski-Hartley, F. A. 2020. Underwater. [Online]. www.shadowplaces.net: Available at: https://www.shadowplaces.net/concepts
- Bear, C., Mukherjee, A. and Cifuentes, M. L. 2023. Transparency solutions for healthy, sustainable and safe food systems in existing policy. Project Report. [Online]. TITAN. Available at: http://titanproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/TITAN_D7.1_Transparency-solutions-in-existing-policy_M9_M14_fv.pdf
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2013. Robotic and information technologies in livestock agriculture: New relationships between humans, cows and machines. ESRC End of Award Report, RES-062-23-2086. Project Report. [Online]. Swindon: ESRC. Available at: http://www.esrc.ac.uk/my-esrc/grants/RES-062-23-2086/outputs/Read/4d767974-1765-491d-af34-565a4b3f83a0
- Holloway, L., Bear, C., Butler, D. and Wilkinson, K. 2012. Robotic and Information Technologies in UK Dairy Farming. Project Report. Hull: University of Hull.
- Ingram, J. et al. 2022. What are the priority research questions for digital agriculture?. Land Use Policy 114, article number: 105962. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105962)
- Bear, C. 2021. Making insects tick: responsibility, attentiveness and care in edible insect farming. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4(3), pp. 1010-1030. (10.1177/2514848620945321)
- Bear, C. 2019. Approaching insect death: understandings and practices of the UK's edible insect farmers. Society and Animals 27(7), pp. 751-768. (10.1163/15685306-00001871)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2019. Beyond resistance: Geographies of divergent more-than-human conduct in robotic milking. Geoforum 104, pp. 212-221. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.04.030)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2018. Redistributing labour in automated milking systems and the More-Than-Human (Co) production of dairy farming. In: Marsden, T. ed. The SAGE Handbook of Nature. SAGE Publications, pp. 831-847.
- Bear, C., Wilkinson, K. and Holloway, L. 2017. Visualising human-animal-technology relations: fieldnotes, still photography and digital video on the robotic dairy farm. Society and Animals 25(3), pp. 225-256. (10.1163/15685306-12341405)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. 2015. Country life: agricultural technologies and the emergence of new rural subjectivities. Geography Compass 9(5), pp. 303-315. (10.1111/gec3.12217)
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. 2014. Re-capturing bovine life: robot-cow relationships, freedom and control in dairy farming. Journal of Rural Studies 33, pp. 131-140. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.01.006)
- Bear, C. 2013. Assembling the sea: materiality, movement and regulatory practices in the Cardigan Bay scallop fishery. Cultural Geographies 20(1), pp. 21-41. (10.1177/1474474012463665)
- Bear, C. 2011. Being Angelica? Exploring individual animal geographies. Area 43(3), pp. 297-304. (10.1111/j.1475-4762.2011.01019.x)
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. 2011. Models of equilibrium, natural agency and environmental change: lay ecologies in UK recreational angling. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36(3), pp. 393-407. (10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00438.x)
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. 2011. Thinking like a fish? Engaging with nonhuman difference through recreational angling. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 29(2), pp. 336-352. (10.1068/d1810)
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. 2008. Mucky carrots and other proxies: [roblematising the knowledge-fix for sustainable and ethical consumption. Geoforum 39(2), pp. 1044-1057. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2007.11.001)
My research focuses on the interlinked themes of: human-animal-technology relations; aquatic geographies; and geographies of knowledge and expertise. These foci are permeated by a theoretical interest in hybridity and assemblage and are often studied through an empirical concentration on recreational activities and the changing agro-food system.
1. Human-animal-technology relations
I developed an interest in more-than-human geographies during my PhD, which examined the different ways in which salmon were experienced and accounted for in the management of Scottish river fishing. Much of my subsequent research has focused on relationships between animals and humans in diverse contexts such as commercial and recreational fisheries, an aquarium, and dairy farms. My work on robotic milking on dairy farms, conducted in collaboration with Lewis Holloway (University of Hull) and supported by an ESRC grant, examined the co-production of robots, dairy cows and humans, looking at how the introduction of robotic milking may change the ways dairy farmers manage their farms and businesses, and might affect the farmer-cow relationship. I previously examined anglers' conceptualisations of fish as individuals and collectives, developing Deleuze and Guattari's concept of 'becoming animal' and Haraway's notion of 'beings-in-encounter', and completed research into the co-production of scallop fishing regulations in Cardigan Bay by humans, scallops, dolphins and fishing technologies, examined through the conceptual framework of geographies of assemblage. I am increasingly interested in developing less anthropocentric research methods that are suited to the study of more-than-human relationships. I have developed this research theme more widely, co-convening sessions on Emerging geographies of animal-technology co-productions at the 2011 Royal Geographical Society annual conference (published as a special issue of Journal of Rural Studies in 2014), Critical perspectives on human-animal-technology relations for the British Animal Studies Network in November 2012, and Geographies of more-than-human empathy at the 2017 Royal Geographical Society annual conference.
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2023. More-than-human research methodologies.. In: Clifford, N., Cope, M. and Gillespie, T. eds. Key Methods in Geography. London: Routledge, pp. 229-244
- Miele, M. and Bear, C. 2022. Geography and posthumanism. In: Herbrechter, S. et al. eds. Palgrave handbook of critical posthumanism. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 1-23., (10.1007/978-3-030-42681-1)
- Bear, C. 2021. Making insects tick: responsibility, attentiveness and care in edible insect farming. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4(3), pp. 1010-1030. (10.1177/2514848620945321)
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. 2021. Exploring the human-animal-technology nexus: power relations and divergent conduct. In: Hovorka, A., McCubbin, S. and Van Patter, L. eds. A Research Agenda for Animal Geographies. Elgar Research Agendas Edward Elgar, pp. 55-68.
- Bear, C. (2019). Approaching insect death: understandings and practices of the UK's edible insect farmers. Society and Animals 27(7), pp. 751-768. (10.1163/15685306-00001871)
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. (2019) Beyond resistance: Geographies of divergent more-than-human conduct in robotic milking. Geoforum 104: 212-221
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. (2018; invited contribution) Redistributing labour in Automated Milking Systems and the more-than-human (co)production of dairy farming in Marsden, T (ed) The Sage Handbook of Nature London: Sage 831-847
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. (2017). Bovine and human becomings in histories of dairy technologies: robotic milking systems and remaking animal and human subjectivity. BJHS Themes (10.1017/bjt.2017.2.)
- Bear, C., Wilkinson, K. and Holloway, L. (2016) Visualising human-animal-technology relations: fieldnotes, still photography and digital video on the robotic dairy farm. Society and Animals
- Bear, C. and Holloway, L. (2015) Country life: agricultural technologies and the emergence of new rural subjectivities. Geography Compass 9(5): 303-315
- Holloway, L., Bear, C., Morris, C. and Wilkinson, K. (2014) Animals, technologies and people in rural spaces: Introduction to a special issue on emerging geographies of animal-technology co-productions [Editorial]. Journal of Rural Studies 33(1): 95-98
- Holloway, L., Bear, C. and Wilkinson, K. (2014) Re-capturing bovine life: robot-cow relationships, freedom and control in dairy farming Journal of Rural Studies 33(1): 131-140
- Bear, C. (2013) Assembling the sea: entanglement, movement and uncertainty in the Cardigan Bay scallop fishery Cultural Geographies 20(1): 21-41
- Holloway, L. and Bear, C. (2011) Commentary: DNA-typing and super dairies - changing practices and remaking cows Environment and Planning A43(7): 1487-1491
- Bear, C. (2011) Being Angelica: exploring post-species animal geographies Area 43(3): 297-304
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. (2011) Thinking like a fish? Engaging with non-human difference through recreational angling Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 29(2): 336-352
2. Aquatic geographies
My research is unusual in cultural geography for its focus on environmental change in the aquatic. This research theme, developed in my PhD, has been taken forward through the RELU-funded Angling in the Rural Environment project, on which I worked as a Research Associate at the Universities of Hull and Durham. This work, with Sally Eden (University of Hull), looked at the different knowledge practices employed by a variety of river users, such as anglers and scientists, in making sense of, engaging with and transforming the underwater environment. I have further critiqued cultural geographers' disregard for underwater environments through studying an aquarium octopus. My recent research on scallop fisheries extends my conceptualisation of ocean space, having previously adopted a topological approach to Marine Stewardship Council certification practices. I co-convened a Royal Geographical Society annual conference session on the aquatic in 2008, resulting in a special issue of Environment and Planning A, which I co-edited with Jacob Bull (Gender Studies, Uppsala University).
- Januchowski-Hartley, S.R., Bear, C., O'Gorman, E. and Januchowski-Hartley, F. A. (2020) Underwater. A-Z of Shadow Places Concepts. Available at: https://www.shadowplaces.net/concepts
- Bear, C. (2019; invited contribution) Commentary: The ocean exceeded: fish, flows and forces. Dialogues in Human Geography 9(3): 329-332. (10.1177/2043820619878567)
- Bear, C. (2017; invited contribution) Commentary: Assembling ocean life: more-than-human entanglements in the Blue Economy Dialogues in Human Geography 7(1): 27-31
- Bear, C. (2016) Tracing bacterial legalities: the fluid ecologies of the European Union's bathing water directive. In: Braverman, I. ed. Animals, Biopolitics, Law: Lively Legalities. London: Routledge, pp. 79-98
- Bear, C. (2014) Governance of the seas: a more-than-human perspective in Peters, K. and Anderson, J. (eds) Water Worlds: social and cultural geographies of the ocean Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 137-162
- Bear, C. (2013) Assembling the sea: entanglement, movement and uncertainty in the Cardigan Bay scallop fishery Cultural Geographies 20(1): 21-41
- Bear, C. and Bull, J. (2011) Editorial: the matter of water Environment and Planning A 43(10): 2261-2266
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. (2011) Reading the river through 'watercraft': environmental engagement through knowledge and practice in freshwater angling Cultural Geographies18(3): 297-314
- Bear, C. and Eden, S. (2008) Making space for fish: the regional, network and fluid spaces of fisheries certification Social and Cultural Geography 9: 487-504
3. Geographies of knowledge and expertise
Again developed in my PhD, much of my interest in expertise has been explored through the aquatic. This work has broken down the binary of 'lay' and 'expert' knowledges, looking at how claims are circulated and challenged in the contexts of agro-food systems and recreational fisheries management. In the former area, the work I carried out with Sally Eden examined how knowledges of food travel, focusing on consumer understandings of certification labels, while my more recent work on robotic milking has looked at the role of automation and information technologies in changing how cows are known and cared for on farms. In the latter area, papers have examined the notion of 'lay ecologies', and at how anglers participate in the management of water environments.
- Ingram, J.et al. 2022. What are the priority research questions for digital agriculture?. Land Use Policy 114, article number: 105962. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105962)
- Butler, D., Holloway, L and Bear, C. (2012) The impact of technological change in dairy farming: robotic milking systems and the changing role of the stockperson Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England 173: 1-6
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. (2012) The good, the bad, and the hands-on: constructs of public participation, anglers, and lay management of water environments Environment and Planning A 44: 1200-1240
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. (2011) Models of equilibrium, natural agency and environmental change: lay ecologies in UK recreational angling Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers36(3): 393-407
- Eden, S. and Bear, C. (2010) Third sector global environmental governance, space and science: comparing fishery and forestry certification Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 12(1): 83-106
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. (2008) The sceptical consumer: UK views about food assurance Food Policy 33: 624-630
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. (2008) Mucky carrots and other proxies: problematising the knowledge-fix for sustainable and ethical consumptionGeoforum 39 (2): 1044-1057
- Eden, S., Bear, C. and Walker, G. (2008) Understanding and (dis)trusting food assurance schemes: consumer confidence and the 'knowledge fix'Journal of Rural Studies 24 (1): 1-14
- Bear, C. (2006) Salmon by numbers: quantification and understandings of nature Scottish Geographical Journal 122 (3): 185-203
- Transparency solutions for transforming the food system (work package leader), September 2022-October 2026 - Horizon Europe/UKRI 10042327 - €454,313.49 [of a project total of €10,676,773.00])
- Young people, alternative proteins and pedagogies for sustainable futures (principal investigator), October 2021- October 2023, BA/Leverhulme SRG21\210557 - £8,494
- Robotic and information technologies in livestock agriculture: new relationships between humans, cows and machines (co-investigator), June 2010 - November 2012, ESRC RES-062-23-2086 - £145,223.84
Conference and Workshop Organisation
- Co-convener and co-chair of a session on More-than-human geographies of empathy at the RGS-IBG Conference, London, 2017 (with Megan Donald [Glasgow University] and Rich Gorman [Exeter University])
- Co-convener and chair of a session on Social and cultural geographies of impact at the RGS-IBG Conference, Edinburgh, 2012 (with Amanda Rogers [Swansea University], Sarah Mills [Loughborough University], Mia Hunt [Royal Holloway, University of London] and Rebecca Sandover [Exeter University]). I subsequently co-edited a special issue of ACME that resulted from this session.
- Convener of a session on Critical perspectives on human-animal-technology relationships at the British Animal Studies Network conference on 'Farm', Strathclyde University, November 2012.
- Co-organiser of a session on Emerging geographies of animal-technology co-productions at the RGS-IBG Conference, London, 2011 (with Lewis Holloway [University of Hull], Carol Morris [Nottingham University] and Katy Wilkinson [University of Hull]).
- Member of the organising committee of Geography and the New Empirics (a Social and Cultural Geography Research Group workshop), Royal Geographical Society, London, January 2011. I also led a workshop session on Generating and gathering data in face of excess, in collaboration with Owain Jones (CCRI).
- Co-organiser of a session on Water: Space, Knowledge, Flow at the RGS-IBG Conference, London, 2008 (with Jacob Bull [Uppsala University]).
I am a personal tutor both for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students.
I have previously taught modules and sessions in the School on the history and philosophy of geography, human-animal relations, geographies of food, and on human-animal relations.
Education and qualifications
- 2012: Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, Aberystwyth University
- 2004: PhD Human Geography, University of Aberdeen
- 1999: MA (Hons) Geography, University of Aberdeen
Professional memberships
- Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Member of the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group
- Member of the Research Centre for Sustainable Urban and Regional Food
- Member of the Food Security and Land Research Alliance
Academic positions
- 2022-present: Reader in Human Geography, Cardiff University
- 2015-2022: Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, Cardiff University
- 2012-2015: Lecturer in Human Geography, Cardiff University
- 2009-2012: Lecturer in Human Geography, Aberystwyth University
- 2006-2008: Research Associate, Department of Anthropology, Durham University
- 2004-2008: Research Associate, Department of Geography, University of Hull
- 2002-2004: Teaching Fellow, Department of Geography and Environment, University of Aberdeen
Speaking engagements
· ‘Producing “edible” insects: imagining care and welfare in future food systems’ – workshop on edible insects and their role in sustainable agriculture, food and catering, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague (October 2024; keynote)
· ‘Young people, alternative proteins and pedagogies for sustainable futures’ - Climate Change Primary Education Research Network (October 2023; invited speaker)
· ‘Transparency: practice and power’ - Westminster Food & Nutrition Forum on Next steps for data and transparency in the food system (5 September 2023; invited panellist)
· ‘Young people, alternative proteins and pedagogies for sustainable futures’ - Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, London (August 2023)
· ‘Engaging marine life: beyond the sea?' - SEATIMES programme opening workshop, University of Bergen, Norway, (November 2022; invited speaker)
Committees and reviewing
Editorial positions
- 2024 - present: Managing Editor, Society and Animals
- 2016 - 2024: Associate Editor, Society and Animals
- 2019 - 2022: Editorial Board member, Sustainability
Research grant review positions
- 2024 - present: ESRC Peer Review College member
- 2023 - present: Grant review panel member, FORMAS (Swedish Research Council)
External examining
- 2021 - present: External Examiner, MA Geography, University of Aberdeen
- 2018 - 2022: External Examiner, MA Practising Human Geography, Aberystwyth University
- 2018 - 2022: External Examiner, Humans and Other Animals, University of Aberdeen
Other external roles
- 2022 - present: Advisory Board member, SEATIMES project, University of Bergen, Norway
2012 - 2015: Committee Member (subsequently Treasurer) of the Royal Geographical Society Social and Cultural Geography Research Group
Cardiff University
University committees
- 2022 - 2023: Member of Staff Survey 2023 Working Group
- 2022 - 2022: Member of AHSS Education and Student Experience Committee
- 2021 - present: Member of University Academic Standards and Quality Committee (ASQC)
- 2020 - 2022: Member of University Standing Student Conduct Panel
- 2019 - 2022: Member of AHSS Directors of Learning and Teaching Committee
- 2015 - 2018: Member of the Water Research Institute Management Board
School committees
- 2022 - present: Chair of Academic Workload Committee
- 2022 - 2022: Chair of the Education and Student Experience Committee
- 2019 - 2021: Chair of the Learning and Teaching Strategy Group
- 2016 - 2019: Chair of the Undergraduate Management Team
- 2017 - 2021: Member of Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team
- 2016 - 2021: Member of the Learning and Teaching Strategy Group
- 2016 - present: Member of the School Board
- 2016 - 2019: Director of Undergraduate Studies
- 2016 - 2017: Member of the Marketing and Communications Management Group
- 2014 - 2016: Senior Admissions Tutor
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Animal/more-than-human geographies
- Environmental knowledge-practices
- Human-animal-technology relations in the food system
- Alternative proteins (especially edible insect production)
I am always happy to discuss initial ideas with prospective PhD students; please email me at bearck@cardiff.ac.uk.
Current supervision
Lauren King
Graduate Tutor
Carly Baker
Graduate Tutor
James Weldon
PhD Researcher
Helen Nakielny
Research student
Nicola Wynn
Graduate Tutor
Contact Details
+44 29208 76181
Glamorgan Building, Room Room 2.80, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA
Research themes
- Food sustainability
- Human geography
- Animal geography
- More-than-human geography
- alternative protein