Rwy'n Athro Llyfryddiaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd a hefyd yn Gymrawd Cyfatebol o'r Ganolfan Astudiaethau Uwch ym Munich. Fi oedd sylfaenydd Canolfan Hanes y Llyfr ym Mhrifysgol Caeredin yn 1995, ac yn Gyfarwyddwr tan 2012. Rwyf wedi dal swyddi ymweld yng Nghanolfan Ymchwil y Dyniaethau Prifysgol Genedlaethol Awstralia, Prifysgol Ottawa, a Choleg Sant Ioan, Rhydychen, Prifysgol Jadavpur, a Phrifysgol Goettingen. Rwyf hefyd wedi gwasanaethu ar sawl corff proffesiynol ac rwy'n Gymrawd y Gymdeithas Hanesyddol Frenhinol. Yn 2024-25 byddaf yn Gymrawd Ymweld yng Ngholeg Astudiaethau Uwch Helsinki.
- Bell, B. 2023. Ignoble strife: Far from the Madding Crowd and the agricultural labourers strike of 1874. Journal of Victorian Culture 28(2), pp. 193-208., article number: vcac083. (10.1093/jvcult/vcac083)
- Bell, B. 2022. Hermeneutic castaways: Problems in reading Robinson Crusoe. In: Haug, C., Frimmel, J. and Bell, B. eds. 300 jahre "Robinson Crusoe". De Gruyter, pp. 293-307., (10.1515/9783110776195-015)
- Bell, B. 2021. Crusoe's books: readers in the empire of print, 1800-1918. Oxford University Press. (10.1093/oso/9780192894694.001.0001)
- Bell, B. 2020. The market for travel writing. In: Schaff, B. ed. Handbook of British Travel Writing., Vol. 12. Handbooks of English and American Studies Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, pp. 125-141., (10.1515/9783110498974-008)
- Bell, B. 2019. A castaway among cannibals: 300 years of Robinson Crusoe. TLS-The Times Literary Supplement(6061), pp. 7-8.
- Bell, B. 2018. What did Tommy read? The complex mental worlds of soldiers on the Western Front. TLS-The Times Literary Supplement(6032), pp. 10-11.
- Bell, B. 2016. Kingdoms of the mind: Scottish settlers and their books in the nineteenth century. In: Danielczyk, J. et al. eds. Zurück in die Zukunft - Digitale Medien, historische Buchforschung und andere komparatistische Abenteuer. Buchforschung. Beitrage Zum Buchwesen In Osterreich (Book 9) Harrassowitz, O; Auflage
- Keighren, I. M., Withers, C. W. J. and Bell, B. 2015. Travels into print: Exploration, writing, and publishing with John Murray, 1773-1859. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
- Bell, B. 2013. Authors in an industrial economy: the case of John Murray’s travel writers. Romantic Textualities(21)
- Bell, B. 2012. Signs taken for wonders: an anecdote taken from history. New Literary History 43(2), pp. 309-329. (10.1353/nlh.2012.0015)
- Bell, B. 2012. "Think on these things": the reading subject in 19th century missions. In: Tamcke, M. and Jathanna, G. eds. Construction of the Other, Identification of the Self: German Mission in India. Studien zur Orientalischen Kirchengeschichte Vol. 45. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 13-24.
- Bell, B. 2011. Commentary: Selkirk's silence. Times Literary Supplement 5633, pp. 14-15.
- Bell, B. 2007. Symposium: What was the history of the book? Introduction. Modern Intellectual History 4(3), pp. 491-494. (10.1017/S1479244307001369)
- Bell, B. ed. 2007. The Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland, volume 3: ambition and industry 1800-1880. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Bell, B. 2007. Reading between the lines: literature on the Western Front 1914-1918. Journal for the Study of British Cultures 14(1), pp. 9-19.
- Bell, B. 2004. Bound for Botany Bay; or, what did the nineteenth century convict read?. In: Myers, R., Harris, M. and Mandelbrote, G. eds. Against the Law: Crime, Sharp Practice and the Control of Print. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll, pp. 151-176.
- Bell, B. 2004. Smith, George Murray (1824–1901). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/36138)
- Bell, B. 2002. From Grub Street to Parnassus: Matthew Arnold and the House of Macmillan. In: James, E. ed. MacMillan: A Publishing Tradition from 1843. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 52-69.
- Brake, L., Bell, B. and Finkelstein, D. eds. 2000. Nineteenth-century media and the construction of identities. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Bell, B., Bennett, P. and Bevan, J. 2000. Across boundaries. Oak Knoll Press.
- Bell, B. 2000. Beyond the death of the author: Matthew Arnold's two audiences, 1888-1930. Book History 3, pp. 155-1656. (10.1353/bh.2000.0002)
- Bell, B., Bevan, J. and Bennett, P. eds. 2000. Across boundaries: the book in culture and commerce. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll.
- Bell, B. 1999. Victorian paratexts [Book Review]. Victorian Literature and Culture 27(1), pp. 327-335.
- Bell, B. 1998. Print culture in exile: the Scottish emigrant reader in the nineteenth century. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada Cahiers de la Societe Bibliographique du Canada Bibliographical Society of Canada 36(2), article number: Jan.
- Bell, B. 1997. Critical opinion: The function of Arnold at the present time. Essays in Criticism XLVII(3), pp. 203-219. (10.1093/eic/XLVII.3.203)
- Bell, B. 2023. Ignoble strife: Far from the Madding Crowd and the agricultural labourers strike of 1874. Journal of Victorian Culture 28(2), pp. 193-208., article number: vcac083. (10.1093/jvcult/vcac083)
- Bell, B. 2019. A castaway among cannibals: 300 years of Robinson Crusoe. TLS-The Times Literary Supplement(6061), pp. 7-8.
- Bell, B. 2018. What did Tommy read? The complex mental worlds of soldiers on the Western Front. TLS-The Times Literary Supplement(6032), pp. 10-11.
- Bell, B. 2013. Authors in an industrial economy: the case of John Murray’s travel writers. Romantic Textualities(21)
- Bell, B. 2012. Signs taken for wonders: an anecdote taken from history. New Literary History 43(2), pp. 309-329. (10.1353/nlh.2012.0015)
- Bell, B. 2011. Commentary: Selkirk's silence. Times Literary Supplement 5633, pp. 14-15.
- Bell, B. 2007. Symposium: What was the history of the book? Introduction. Modern Intellectual History 4(3), pp. 491-494. (10.1017/S1479244307001369)
- Bell, B. 2007. Reading between the lines: literature on the Western Front 1914-1918. Journal for the Study of British Cultures 14(1), pp. 9-19.
- Bell, B. 2000. Beyond the death of the author: Matthew Arnold's two audiences, 1888-1930. Book History 3, pp. 155-1656. (10.1353/bh.2000.0002)
- Bell, B. 1999. Victorian paratexts [Book Review]. Victorian Literature and Culture 27(1), pp. 327-335.
- Bell, B. 1998. Print culture in exile: the Scottish emigrant reader in the nineteenth century. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada Cahiers de la Societe Bibliographique du Canada Bibliographical Society of Canada 36(2), article number: Jan.
- Bell, B. 1997. Critical opinion: The function of Arnold at the present time. Essays in Criticism XLVII(3), pp. 203-219. (10.1093/eic/XLVII.3.203)
Book sections
- Bell, B. 2022. Hermeneutic castaways: Problems in reading Robinson Crusoe. In: Haug, C., Frimmel, J. and Bell, B. eds. 300 jahre "Robinson Crusoe". De Gruyter, pp. 293-307., (10.1515/9783110776195-015)
- Bell, B. 2020. The market for travel writing. In: Schaff, B. ed. Handbook of British Travel Writing., Vol. 12. Handbooks of English and American Studies Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, pp. 125-141., (10.1515/9783110498974-008)
- Bell, B. 2016. Kingdoms of the mind: Scottish settlers and their books in the nineteenth century. In: Danielczyk, J. et al. eds. Zurück in die Zukunft - Digitale Medien, historische Buchforschung und andere komparatistische Abenteuer. Buchforschung. Beitrage Zum Buchwesen In Osterreich (Book 9) Harrassowitz, O; Auflage
- Bell, B. 2012. "Think on these things": the reading subject in 19th century missions. In: Tamcke, M. and Jathanna, G. eds. Construction of the Other, Identification of the Self: German Mission in India. Studien zur Orientalischen Kirchengeschichte Vol. 45. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 13-24.
- Bell, B. 2004. Bound for Botany Bay; or, what did the nineteenth century convict read?. In: Myers, R., Harris, M. and Mandelbrote, G. eds. Against the Law: Crime, Sharp Practice and the Control of Print. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll, pp. 151-176.
- Bell, B. 2004. Smith, George Murray (1824–1901). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/36138)
- Bell, B. 2002. From Grub Street to Parnassus: Matthew Arnold and the House of Macmillan. In: James, E. ed. MacMillan: A Publishing Tradition from 1843. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 52-69.
- Bell, B. 2021. Crusoe's books: readers in the empire of print, 1800-1918. Oxford University Press. (10.1093/oso/9780192894694.001.0001)
- Keighren, I. M., Withers, C. W. J. and Bell, B. 2015. Travels into print: Exploration, writing, and publishing with John Murray, 1773-1859. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
- Bell, B. ed. 2007. The Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland, volume 3: ambition and industry 1800-1880. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Brake, L., Bell, B. and Finkelstein, D. eds. 2000. Nineteenth-century media and the construction of identities. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Bell, B., Bennett, P. and Bevan, J. 2000. Across boundaries. Oak Knoll Press.
- Bell, B., Bevan, J. and Bennett, P. eds. 2000. Across boundaries: the book in culture and commerce. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll.
Mae Bill Bell yn arbenigo mewn llenyddiaeth a diwylliant y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg ac mae wedi ysgrifennu ar gymdeithaseg y testun, hanes y llyfr, a damcaniaethau cynhyrchu diwylliannol. Bu am sawl blwyddyn yn aelod o dîm golygyddol rhifyn Dug-Caeredin o The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle (vols 19-24) ac mae'n olygydd cyffredinol Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland (4 vols, Edinburgh University Press), yr oedd hefyd yn olygydd cyfrol 3. Diwydiant ac Uchelgais, 1800-1880 (2007). Bu hefyd am sawl blwyddyn yn olygydd yr OUP chwarterol, The Library: Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, prif gyfnodolyn y byd mewn llyfryddiaeth. Mae'n gyd-awdur Travels into Print: Exploration, Writing and Publishing 1760-1860 (Chicago, 2015) ac enillodd ei lyfr diweddaraf Crusoe's Books: Readers in the Empire of Print, 1800-1918, a gyhoeddwyd gan Oxford University Press yn 2021, Wobr Cymdeithas Astudiaethau Fictorianaidd Prydain Rosemary Mitchell a Gwobr Kay Daniels Cymdeithas Hanesyddol Awstralia 2022. Mae hefyd wedi cydolygu casgliad o draethodau i nodi 300 mlynedd o Robinson Crusoe (Berlin, 2022). Ar hyn o bryd mae'n gweithio ar brosiect arall hyd llyfr o'r enw Utopian Things ac mae'n cyfrannu'n rheolaidd at yr Adolygiad Llenyddol a'r Times Literary Supplement.
Mae Bill Bell yn Athro Llyfryddiaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ac yn Gymrawd Gwadd Prifysgol Munich. Sefydlodd Ganolfan Hanes y Llyfr ym Mhrifysgol Caeredin ym 1995, a bu'n Gyfarwyddwr arni tan 2012. Mae wedi dal swyddi gwadd ym Mhrifysgol Genedlaethol Awstralia, Prifysgol Goettingen, Prifysgol Jadavpur, Prifysgol Ottawa, a Choleg Sant Ioan, Rhydychen. Yn 2024-25 bydd yn Gymrawd o Collegium Astudiaethau Uwch Helsinki. Mae hefyd yn Gymrawd y Gymdeithas Hanes Frenhinol.
Mae wedi gwasanaethu ar Gyngor y Gymdeithas Lyfryddol ac o 2008-2014 bu'n Olygydd chwarterol y Gymdeithas, The Library: Transactions of the Bibliographical Society. Mae hefyd wedi gwasanaethu ar fyrddau nifer o sefydliadau, gan gynnwys y Gymdeithas Ymchwil ar gyfer Cyfnodolion Fictoraidd (RSVP) y Gymdeithas Hanes Awduraeth, Darllen a Chyhoeddi (SHARP). Mae'n un o dri golygydd Palgrave Studies yn Hanes y Cyfryngau ac mae wedi gwasanaethu ar fyrddau golygyddol sawl cyhoeddiad, gan gynnwys y cylchgrawn blynyddol Americanaidd History .
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Professor Bell would welcome applications for PhD supervision in the following areas: Victorian literature and culture, literary utopianism, aspects of nineteenth-century bibliography, theories of cultural production, the history of reading.
Contact Details
+44 29208 75621
Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 2.42, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU