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I am Professor of Bibliography at Cardiff University and also a Corresponding Fellow of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Munich. I was the founder of the Centre for the History of the Book at The  University of Edinburgh in 1995, and Director until 2012. I have held visiting posts at the Humanities Research Centre of The Australian National University, The University of  Ottawa, and St John's College, Oxford, Jadavpur University, and The University of Goettingen. I have also served on several professional bodies and am a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. In 2024-25 I will be Visiting Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.





















Book sections



Bill Bell specializes in nineteenth-century literature and culture and has written on the sociology of the text, the history of the book, and theories of cultural production. He was for several years a member of the editorial team of the Duke-Edinburgh edition of The Collected Letters of  Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle (vols 19-24) and is general editor of the Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland (4 vols, Edinburgh  University Press), of which he was also editor of volume 3, Industry and  Ambition, 1800-1880 (2007). He was also for several years the editor of the OUP quarterly,The Library: Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, the world's premier journal in bibliography. He is joint author of Travels into Print: Exploration, Writing and Publishing 1760-1860 (Chicago, 2015) and his most recent book Crusoe's Books: Readers in the Empire of Print, 1800-1918, published by Oxford University Press in 2021, was awarded the British Association for Victorian Studies Rosemary Mitchell Award and the Australian Historical Association Kay Daniels Award 2022. He has also co-edited a collection of essays to mark 300 years of Robinson Crusoe (Berlin, 2022). He is presently working on another book-length project called Utopian Things and is a regular contributor to the Literary Review and the Times Literary Supplement

Crusoe's Books by Bill Bell | FoylesTravels into PrintThe Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland, Volume 3: Ambition and  Industry 1800–1880


Bill Bell is Professor of Bibliography at Cardiff University and Visiting Fellow of The University of Munich. He founded the Centre for the History of the Book at The  University of Edinburgh in 1995, of which he was Director until 2012. He has held visiting posts at The Australian National University, Goettingen University, Jadavpur University, The University of  Ottawa, and St John's College, Oxford. In 2024-25 he will be a Fellow of the Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

He has served on the Council of The Bibliographical Society and from 2008-2014 was Editor of the Society's quarterly, The Library: Transactions of the  Bibliographical Society. He has also served on the boards of a number of organizations, including the Research Society for Victorian  Periodicals (RSVP) the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and  Publishing (SHARP). He is one of three editors of Palgrave Studies in the  History of Media and has served on the editorial boards of several publications, including the American annual Book History.


Professor Bell would welcome applications for PhD supervision in the following areas: Victorian literature and culture, literary utopianism, aspects of nineteenth-century bibliography, theories of cultural production, the history of reading.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 75621
Campuses John Percival Building, Room 2.42, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU