Dr Clare Bennett
Darllenydd mewn Gwella Iechyd
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Ddarllenydd yn yr Ysgol Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd ac yn gyd-gyfarwyddwr Canolfan Gofal sy'n Seiliedig ar Dystiolaeth Cymru: Canolfan Ragoriaeth JBI.
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar hyrwyddo iechyd poblogaethau bregus trwy ymchwil sy'n canolbwyntio ar systemau. Rwyf wedi bod yn Brif Ymchwilydd ar gyfer prosiectau a ariennir gan NIHR, NHS England, Burdett a RCN sy'n werth cyfanswm o dros £1 miliwn. Yn fwyaf diweddar, rwyf wedi arwain ymchwil i ddarparu gwasanaethau argyfwng iechyd meddwl plant a phobl ifanc (NIHR HSDR), technolegau digidol ar gyfer iechyd rhywiol y glasoed (Burdett) a Brechlyn Brechlyn Feirws Papiloma Dynol (HPV). Rwy'n defnyddio dulliau ansoddol a methodoleg adolygu systematig yn bennaf, ac rwyf wedi cael sylw rhyngwladol am fy ngwaith ar nifer o lwyfannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Rwy'n Feddyg Nyrsio (Prifysgol Caerdydd) ac ym mis Mehefin 2023 deuthum yn aelod o Grŵp Cyfeirio Arbenigwyr Iechyd Atgenhedlol JBI. Rwy'n adolygydd cymheiriaid ar gyfer NIHR a nifer o gyfnodolion academaidd o fri.
Rwy'n addysgu, asesu a goruchwylio myfyrwyr ar draws rhaglenni israddedig ac ôl-raddedig mewn Dulliau Ymchwil, Diogelwch Cleifion, Iechyd y Cyhoedd, Iechyd Byd-eang a Pholisi Iechyd. Rwy'n oruchwyliwr PhD ac arholwr yn y DU ac Awstralia. Rwy'n Uwch Gymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch ac yn Ddarlithydd Gwadd ym Mhrifysgol Freiburg yn yr Almaen a'r Uned Ymchwil Gofal a Gwasanaethau Iechyd (Investén-isciii), Sefydliad Iechyd Carlos III, Madrid, Sbaen. Rwyf hefyd yn cael fy ngwahodd yn Ddarlithydd ar gyfer Prifysgol Bethlehem.
Yn glinigol, roeddwn i'n Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol ac Uwch Ymarferydd Nyrsio ar gyfer Canolfan Ranbarthol Imiwnoleg Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr ac yn Nyrs Ymchwil i Brifysgol Birmingham, ar ôl gweithio fel nyrs staff mewn HIV, Clefydau Heintus ac Iechyd Rhywiol yn Llundain, Birmingham a Rwmania.
- Roche, D. and Bennett, C. 2024. Notes On.. Nursing Research. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Simpson, O., Bennett, C. L. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2024. Student nurse retention. Lived experience of mature female students on a UK Bachelor of Nursing (Adult) programme: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 80(10), pp. 4244-4258. (10.1111/jan.16082)
- Rebafka, A., Bennett, C., Dunn, C., Roche, D., Hawker, C. and Edwards, D. 2024. Lung transplant recipients' experiences of and attitudes towards self-management: a qualitative systematic review. JBI Evidence Synthesis 22(9), pp. 1656-1714. (10.11124/JBIES-23-00070)
- Rebafka, A., Bennett, C. and Edwards, D. 2024. “Doing it, that’s something else”: a glimpse into self-management after lung transplantation. JBI Evidence Synthesis 22(9), pp. 1654-1655. (10.11124/JBIES-24-00284)
- James, A. H., Kelly, D. and Bennett, C. L. 2024. Nursing tropes in turbulent times: Time to rethink nurse leadership?. Journal of Advanced Nursing 80(1), pp. 8-10. (10.1111/jan.15766)
- Edwards, D., Bennett, C. L. and Kelly, D. 2024. Interventions that improve HPV vaccination uptake and intention: an umbrella review summary. [Online]. HPV World: HPV World. Available at: https://www.hpvworld.com/articles/interventions-that-improve-hpv-vaccination-uptake-and-intention-an-umbrella-review-summary/
- Bennett, C. and Edwards, D. 2024. What's the evidence? An umbrella review of interventions that aim to improve HPV vaccine uptake in children, adolescents and young adults. Presented at: EUROPREV Forum 2024, Edirne, Turkey, 25-26 April 2024.
- Rebafka, A., Bennett, C., Edwards, D. and Pearson, V. 2024. Best Practice Information Sheet: Lung transplant recipients’ experiences of and attitudes towards self-management. Documentation. JBI EPB Database. Available at: https://journals.lww.com/jbisrir/SiteAssets/Lists/HTMLContent/AllItems/26(10)%202024%20lung%20transplant.pdf
- Bennett, C. et al. 2023. 'I wouldn't trust it..' Digital transformation of young people's sexual health services: A systems-informed qualitative enquiry. BMJ Public Health 2023(1), article number: e000259. (10.1136/bmjph-2023-000259)
- Fry, S. L., Kelly, D. M. and Bennett, C. 2023. Inclusive research: Repositioning the “hard to reach”. Journal of Advanced Nursing 79(8), pp. 2779-2781. (10.1111/jan.15555)
- Bennett, C. et al. 2023. The barriers and facilitators to young people's engagement with bidirectional digital sexual health interventions: A mixed methods systematic review. BMC Digital Health 1, article number: 30. (10.1186/s44247-023-00030-3)
- Bennett, C. et al. 2023. Crisis care for children and young people with mental health problems: national mapping, models of delivery, sustainability and experience (CAMH-Crisis2). A study protocol. NIHR Open Research 3, article number: 22. (10.3310/nihropenres.13414.1)
- Hannigan, B. et al. 2023. Mental health crisis care for children and young people.
- Bennett, C., Cense, M., Monkel, J., Musa, M., Dunn, C. and Kelly, D. 2023. 'Sexual health is just physical': Mis/understandings and challenges in achieving Target 3.7. Presented at: International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress, Montreal, Canada, 1-5 July 2023.
- Bennett, C. et al. 2022. Which interventions improve HPV vaccination uptake and intention in children, adolescents and young adults? An umbrella review. Sexually Transmitted Infections 98, pp. 599-607. (10.1136/sextrans-2022-055504)
- Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. 2022. Leading change. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. London: Wiley, pp. 157-182., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch7)
- Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. 2022. Patient safety and clinical decision making. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Wiley: London, pp. 183-204., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch8)
- Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. 2022. Quality improvement. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Vol. 3rd Ed. London: Wiley, pp. 337-354., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch16)
- James, A. H. and Bennett, C. L. 2022. Chapter 10: Leading teams. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Vol. 3rd Ed. London: Wiley, pp. 227-244., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch10)
- James, A. H. and Bennett, C. L. 2022. Chapter 18: power, politics and leadership. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Vol. 3rd Ed. London: Wiley, pp. 385-402., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch18)
- James, A. H. and Bennett, C. L. 2022. Chapter 19: from empowerment to emancipation – developing self leadership. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Vol. 3rd Ed. London: Wiley, pp. 403-420., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch19)
- James, A. H. and Bennett, C. L. 2022. Chapter 20: leading through a crisis. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Vol. 3rd Ed. London: Wiley, pp. 421-437., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch20)
- Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. 2022. Leadership and management. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Vol. 3rd Ed. London: Wiley, pp. 119-135., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch5)
- Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. 2022. Clinical leadership in nursing and healthcare. London: Wiley. (10.1002/9781119869375)
- Godfrey, K., Bennett, C. and Harden, J. 2022. Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit: A survey of the knowledge, attitudes and practice of United Kingdom nurses and doctors. Presented at: Intensive Care Society State of the Art Congress, Belfast, 28 June - 1 July 2022.
- Bennett, C., Rebafka, A., Carrier, J., Cook, S. and Edwards, D. 2022. The impact of primary and recurrent genital herpes on the quality of life of young people and adults: a mixed methods systematic review. JBI Evidence Synthesis 20(6), pp. 1406-1473. (10.11124/JBIES-21-00057)
- Bennett, C., Carrier, J. and Edwards, D. 2022. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: a mixed methods systematic review of quality of life and genital herpes. JBI Evidence Synthesis 20(6), pp. 1404-1405. (10.11124/JBIES-22-00134)
- Van der Doef, S., Bennett, C. and Lueks, A. 2022. Going beyond "The Talk". Jessica Kingsley.
- Edwards, D. et al. 2022. Improving HPV vaccine uptake in children, adolescents,and young adults - An umbrella review of interventions. Technical Report.
- Bennett, C. 2022. Sexual health and girls’ education. Presented at: Commonwealth Fellowship Programme (Phoenix Project), Cardiff University, UK, 13 April 2022.
- Kelly, D. and Bennett, C. 2022. Reducing HPV associated cancers, reasons for vaccine hesitancy and strategies to increase uptake - updates from a European project. Presented at: Healthcare Sciences Cancer Research Group, Cardiff University, UK, 19 March 2022.
- Edwards, D. et al. 2022. A rapid scoping review of harm reduction strategies for ecstasy (MDMA) users in recreational settings. [Online]. Research Square: Research Square. (10.21203/rs.3.rs-2178425/v1) Available at: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2178425/v1
- Smith, C., Bennett, C., Morgan, K., Carrier, J., Klugarová, J. and Klugar, M. 2022. Enhancing the clinical supervision experience of staff members working within primary and community care: a best practice implementation project. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare 20(S1), pp. S23-S31. (10.1097/XEB.0000000000000317)
- Bennett, C. et al. 2022. Methodological challenges in making young people’s voices heard. Presented at: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, RCN, Cardiff, 06 September 2022.
- Bennett, C. 2022. Strategies to increase HPV vaccine uptake: An umbrella review. Presented at: The European Cancer Summit, Brussels, 17 November 2022.
- Bennett, C. L. 2022. Effects of genital herpes on well-being. [Online]. Joanna Briggs Institute. Available at: https://jbi.global/news/article?id=2777&utm_source=JBI+Buzz&utm_campaign=1f70ebd790-JBI-BUZZ-Nov-Dec-2020_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9846591dba-1f70ebd790-141196153&mc_cid=1f70ebd790&mc_eid=d740bc336f
- Smith, C., Bennett, C., Morgan, K., Carrier, J., Kugar, M. and Klugarova, J. 2021. Enhancing the practice of clinical supervision within primary and community care: a best practice implementation project. Presented at: 2021 JBI European Symposium and SPIDER Multiple Event, Virtual, 24 June 2021. Unidade de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde - Enfermagem da Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra pp. 63-64.
- James, A. H., Bennett, C. L., Blanchard, D. and Stanley, D. 2021. Nursing and values-based leadership: a literature review. Journal of Nursing Management 29(5), pp. 916-930. (10.1111/jonm.13273)
- Doef, S. v. d., Bennett, C. and Lueks, A. 2021. Can I have babies too? Sexuality and relationships education for children from infancy up to age 11. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Bennett, C. L. and Lillyman, S. 2020. Promoting health and wellbeing. Lantern.
- Bennett, C., Lillyman, S. and Whittingham, K. 2020. Enabling, mediating and advocating in health promotion.. In: Bennett, C. and Lillyman, S. eds. Promoting Health and Wellbeing. Essentials Banbury: Lantern Publishing Ltd., pp. 85-101.
- Bennett, C., James, A. and Kelly, D. 2020. Beyond tropes: Towards a new image of nursing in the wake of COVID-19. Journal of Clinical Nursing 29(15-16), pp. 2753-2755. (10.1111/jocn.15346)
- James, A. and Bennett, C. 2020. Effective nurse leadership in times of crisis. Nursing Management 27(4), pp. 32-40., article number: 10.7748/nm.2020.e1936. (10.7748/nm.2020.e1936)
- James, A. H., Bennett, C. and Stanley, D. 2020. How to maintain enthusiasm and demonstrate values-driven leadership in challenging times. Nursing Management
- Bennett, C. 2020. Normalisation vs dramatisation: Dutch and English parents’ experiences of discussing sexuality with their children’. Presented at: Bath Spa University’s Global Citizenship Programme, Bath University, 10th November 2020.
- Bennett, C. and Harden, J. 2019. Sexuality as taboo: using IPA and a Foucauldian lens to explore fathers' practices in talking to their children about puberty, relationships and reproduction. Journal of Research in Nursing 24(1-2), pp. 22-33. (10.1177/1744987118818863)
- Bennett, C. 2019. Normalisation vs dramatisation: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of Dutch and English parents' experiences of discussing sexuality with their children. Presented at: ERASMUS Presentation for Rotterdam ERASMUS University, University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 27 May 2019.
- Bennett, C. 2019. Perceptions of HPV risk and vaccination opportunity in a group of young people: a mixed methods study research proposal. Presented at: ERASMUS Presentation for Rotterdam ERASMUS University, University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 27 May 2019.
- Jones, L. and Bennett, C. 2018. Leadership for nursing, health and social care students. Lantern Press.
- Bennett, C. 2018. The perceptions and practices of Dutch and English fathers. Presented at: Sex Education Forum Members Event, London, UK, 4 July 2018.
- Bennett, C., Rebafka, A., Carrier, J., Edwards, D. and Jones, J. 2018. Health-related quality of life of young people and adults with primary or recurrent episodes of genital herpes: a mixed methods systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports 16(5), pp. 1087-1094. (10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003478)
- Rebafka, A., Bennett, C., Jones, J., Carrier, J., Kugler, C. and Edwards, D. 2018. Lung transplant recipients’ experiences of and attitudes towards self-management: a qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports 16(4), pp. 831-837. (10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003524)
- Bennett, C., Harden, J. and Anstey, S. 2018. Fathers as sexuality educators: Aspirations and realities. An interpretative phenomenological analysis.. Sex Education 18(1), pp. 74-89. (10.1080/14681811.2017.1390449)
- Bennett, C. 2018. Parental approaches to teaching children about puberty, relationships and reproduction in the Netherlands. Project Report. [Online]. Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. Available at: https://www.wcmt.org.uk/sites/default/files/report-documents/Bennett%20C%20Report%202017%20Final.pdf
- Bennett, C. 2018. Fathers as sexuality educators: cultural comparisons with the Netherlands.. Presented at: Sex Education Forum's Summer Members Event: Parents and RSE, London, England, 04 July 2018.
- Bennett, C., Harden, J. and Anstey, S. 2017. The silencing effects of the childhood innocence ideal: the perceptions and practices of fathers in educating their children about sexuality. Sociology of Health and Illness 39(8), pp. 1365-1380. (10.1111/1467-9566.12591)
- Bennett, C. 2016. Dads, kids and sexuality communication: an unlikely alliance with populations, health and growth?. Presented at: RCN International Centenary Conference, London, 22nd December 2016.
- Bennett, C. 2016. Discussing puberty, relationships and reproduction with children: the silencing effects of governmentality and biopower on Fathers' practices. Presented at: Foucault @ 90 International Conference, University of West of Scotland, 22-23rd June 2016.
- Bennett, C. 2015. Sexual abstinence and young people: a subject worthy of consideration?. British Journal of School Nursing 10(4), pp. 176-180. (10.12968/bjsn.2015.10.4.176)
- Bennett, C. 2015. Talking to ten year olds about puberty, relationships and reproduction: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of fathers’ perceptions and practices.. , Cardiff University.
- Bennett, C. 2015. Talking to children about 'growing up' [judges' winner of the University of Worcester's images of research competition]. University of Worcester.
- Bennett, C. 2015. Skills enhancement in rural communities (SERC): a realist evaluation of Phase One.. Presented at: NET2015 Conference, Cambridge, 8 September 2015.
- Bennett, C., Farquharson, N., Preece, E., Bradley, E. and Perry, J. 2015. Skills Enhancement in Rural Communities (SERC): A synthesis of realist evaluations for Phase One and Phase Two. Unpublished report for Health Education West Midlands..
- Bennett, C. 2015. A realist evaluation of the pharmacist independent prescribing programmes delivered by Wolverhampton University, Aston University and the University of Worcester. Iinterim report: phase one [unpublished report for Health Education West Midlands]. Project Report. Health Education England.
- Bennett, C. and Harden, J. 2014. An exploration of mothers' attitudes towards their daughters' menarche. Sex Education 14(4), pp. 457-470. (10.1080/14681811.2014.922862)
- Lillyman, S. and Bennett, C. 2014. Providing a positive learning experience for international students studying at UK universities: A literature review. Journal of Research in International Education 13(1), pp. 63-75. (10.1177/1475240914529859)
- Bennett, C., Farquharson, N., Preece, E., Bradley, E. and Perry, J. 2014. Skills Enhancement in Rural Communities (SERC): A realist evaluation of Phase One. Unpublished report for Health Education West Midlands..
- Bennett, C. 2014. Leadership and caring: a symbiotic relationship?. Presented at: RCN Local Learning Event, Black Country, Spring 2013.
- Bennett, C., Perry, J., worth, L., Davies, J. and Preece, V. 2013. Supporting prison nurses: an action research approach to education. British Journal of Nursing 19(12), pp. 782-786. (10.12968/bjon.2010.19.12.48657)
- Bennett, C. L. 2013. Becoming sexual. A critical appraisal of the sexualization of girls. Sex Education 14(2), pp. 238-240. (10.1080/14681811.2013.841618)
- Bennett, C. 2013. The Francis report: speaking up and speaking out. Presented at: UHB Dignity and Compassion Conference, Birmingham City Football Ground, Sept 2013.
- Bennett, C. 2013. Giving nurse leaders a voice. Presented at: RCN Local Learning Event., Black Country, Spring 2013.
- Bennett, C. 2013. Leading for change. Presented at: RCN Local Learning Event, Black Country, UK, Spring 2013.
- Bennett, C. 2013. Leading for quality improvement. Presented at: RCN Local Learning Event, Black Country, UK, Spring 2013.
- Bennett, C. 2013. Engendering a culture of self leadership. Presented at: RCN Local Learning Event, Black Country, UK, Spring 2013.
- Lloyd, R. and Bennett, C. 2012. Travellers' diarrhoea: causes, prevention and treatment. Nursing Standard 26(40), pp. 51-56. (10.7748/ns2012.
- Lillyman, S. and Bennett, C. 2012. Using storyboarding to gain appreciative reflection in the classroom. Reflective Practice 13(4), pp. 533-539. (10.1080/14623943.2012.670621)
- Jones, L. and Bennett, C. 2012. Leadership in health and social care: an introduction for emerging leaders. Banbury, UK: Lantern Press.
- Bennett, C. 2012. "The learner is not an empty vessel to be filled, but a flame to be ignited" the impact of a PBL poster assessment in igniting the flame. Presented at: RCN Regional Student Conference, University of Worcester, UK, 30 Mar 2012.
- Bennett, C. 2011. Empowering students through the use of story boarding. In: Ghaye, T. and Lillyman, S. eds. Empowerment Through Reflection.. Quay Books, pp. n/a.
- Lillyman, S. and Bennett, C. 2011. "The internet and older people" an oral presentation for a European Research Project: E-Scouts. Presented at: E-Scouts, Barcelona, Spain, 24 Oct 2011.
- Bennett, C. 2011. A service evaluation of Worcestershire PCT provider services' team leader development programme [unpublished report for Worcestershire PCT provider services]. Project Report. University of Worcester.
- Bennett, C. 2011. Developing clinical leadership: the impact of an educational initiative on leadership skills and behaviour [unpublished report for Hereford Hospitals NHS Trust]. Project Report. University of Worcester, Worcester.
- Brown, M. and Bennett, C. 2010. Motivational interviewing and concordance with antiretroviral therapy.. Nursing Standard 25(13), pp. 51-56. (10.7748/ns2010.
- Perry, J., Bennett, C. and Lapworth, T. 2010. Education and career opportunities for nurses in offender health care. Nursing Standard 24(43), pp. 35-39. (10.7748/ns2010.
- Muir, N. and Bennett, C. 2010. Prevention of unintentional injury in the community setting. Nursing Standard 24(42), pp. 50-56. (10.7748/ns.24.42.50.s50)
- Perry, J., Bennett, C. and Lapworth, T. 2010. Management of long-term conditions in a prison setting. Nursing Standard 24(42), pp. 35-40. (10.7748/ns2010.
- Lapworth, T., Bennett, C. and Perry, J. 2010. Assessment of acutely ill patients in the criminal justice system. Nursing Standard 24(41), pp. 35-41. (10.7748/ns2010.
- Bennett, C., Perry, J. and Lapworth, T. 2010. Leadership skills for nurses working in the criminal justice system. Nursing Standard 24(40), pp. 35-40. (10.7748/ns.24.40.35.s49)
- Perry, J., Bennett, C. and Lapworth, T. 2010. Nursing in prisons: developing the speciality of offender health care.. Nursing Standard 24(39), pp. 35-40. (10.7748/ns2010.
- Bennett, C. 2010. Developing leadership skills to enhance patient care. Presented at: Herefordshire Preceptorship Focus: Developing and Nurturing Preceptorship Practice Conference, Hereford, UK, Jul 2010.
- Bennett, C., Perry, J. and Lawrence, Z. 2009. Promoting health in primary care. Nursing Standard 23(47), pp. 48-56. (10.7748/ns2009.
- Bennett, C. and Perry, J. 2009. A catalyst for change: a preliminary evaluation of an action research approach to education for prison nurses. Presented at: NET Conference, Cambridge, UK, Sep 2009.
- Perry, J., Woolliscrof, P. and Bennett, C. 2009. Primary care in Malta: evaluation of an innovative teaching project between the UK and Malta. Presented at: RCN Joint Education Forums 2nd International Conference, Glasgow, UK, May 2009.
- Perry, J. and Bennett, C. 2009. Diversity in nurse education: have we forgotten the prison nurses?. Presented at: RCN Joint Education Forums 2nd International Conference, Glasgow, UK, May 2009.
- Bennett, C. 2009. Delivering healthcare and promoting health in the prison population: the impact of an educational initiative on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of prison service nurses. A collaborative project between Worcestershire PCT and University of Worcester (January 2008 - January 2009). Project Report. University of Worcester.
- Bennett, C. 2003. Nursing the breathless patient. Nursing Standard 17(17), pp. 45-51. (10.7748/ns2003.
- Bennett, C. 2003. Key to learning: your mentor and you. Nursing Standard 18(7), pp. 30-31.
- Bennett, C. 2003. On course for success. Nursing Standard 18(7), pp. 32-33.
- Bennett, C. 2003. Practice perfect. Nursing Standard 18(7), pp. 32-33.
- Bennett, C. L. 2003. How to be a good mentor. Nursing standard essential guide. Nursing Standard.
- Workman, B. and Bennett, C. 2003. Key nursing skills. London, UK: Whurr.
- Mallik, M., Bennett, C. and Toulson, A. 2002. Nurse development.Tutor tonic. Health Service Journal 112(58), pp. 30-31.
- Bennett, C. 2002. A unique career. Nursing Standard 17(3), pp. 28-28. (10.7748/ns.17.3.28.s50)
- Bennett, C. 2002. Making the most of mentorship. Nursing Standard 17(3), pp. 29-29. (10.7748/ns.17.3.29.s51)
- Bennett, C. 2002. Take your places. Nursing Standard 17(3), pp. 30-30. (10.7748/ns.17.3.30.s53)
- Bennett, C. 2002. Bullying tactics. Nursing Standard 17(3), pp. 34-34. (10.7748/ns.17.3.34.s61)
- Bennett, C. and Mallik, M. 2002. The transition year: addressing the needs of newly qualified nurses. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing Research Society's International Annual Nursing Research Conference, Exeter, UK, 7-10 Apr 2002.
- Bennett, C. 2001. HIV and AIDS: an overview. Nursing Standard 15(24), pp. 45-52. (10.7748/ns2001.
- Bennett, C., Mallik, M. and Workman, B. 2001. Inspiring confidence in new nurses. Nursing Times 97(26 Feb), pp. 35-35.
- Bennett, C. and Workman, B. 2001. Supporting the transition year: educational and clinical partnerships in developing a work based learning programme. Presented at: Education: Partners in Practice - 3rd Royal College of Nursing Joint Education Forums' Conference, Eastbourne, UK, 15-17 Feb 2001.
- O'Mahoney, D., Bennett, C., Green, A. and Sinclair, A. J. 2000. Reduced baroreflex sensitivity in elderly humans is not due to efferent autonomic dysfunction.. Clinical Science 98, pp. 103-110. (10.1042/cs0980103)
- O'Leary, P., Collingham, K., Skidmore, S., King, J. and Bennett, C. 1999. Hepatic dysfunction in a population of antibody-deficient patients: Prevalence, aetiology and outcome of PCR screening for hepatitis C and G viruses. Vox Sanguinis 76(3), pp. 144-148. (10.1159/000031039)
- Bennett, C. and Green, T. 1998. The role of the clinical nurse specialist in immunology: the UK experience. Presented at: European Society for Immunodeficiencies and the International Nursing Group for Immunodeficiencies, Rhodes, Greece, Oct 1998.
- Bennett, C. and Bell, M. 1998. The UK subcutaneous immunoglobulin register. Presented at: European Society for Immunodeficiencies and the International Nursing Group for Immunodeficiencies, Rhodes, Greece, Oct 1998.
- OâMahony, D. and Bennett, C. 1998. Flowpac assessment of static, non-graduated lower limb compression pressure in elderly patients with orthostatic hypotension. Presented at: British Geriatric Society, London, UK, 1998.
- Bennett, C. and Weale, A. 1997. HIV and AIDS awareness: an evaluation of a short training programme for midwives. Journal of Advanced Nursing 26(2), pp. 273-282. (10.1046/j.1365-2648.1997.1997026273.x)
- Bennett, C. 1997. The role of nursing models in immunology. Presented at: RCN Special Interest Group in Immunology, London, UK, Sep 1997.
- O'Leary, P. and Bennett, C. 1996. Hepatic dysfunction in a population of antibody-deficient Patients: Prevalence, Aetiology and Outcome of PCR Screening for Hepatitis C and G Viruses. Presented at: European Society for Immunodeficiencies and the International Nursing Group for Immunodeficiencies, Gothenburg, Sweden, Jun 1996.
- Simpson, O., Bennett, C. L. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2024. Student nurse retention. Lived experience of mature female students on a UK Bachelor of Nursing (Adult) programme: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 80(10), pp. 4244-4258. (10.1111/jan.16082)
- Rebafka, A., Bennett, C., Dunn, C., Roche, D., Hawker, C. and Edwards, D. 2024. Lung transplant recipients' experiences of and attitudes towards self-management: a qualitative systematic review. JBI Evidence Synthesis 22(9), pp. 1656-1714. (10.11124/JBIES-23-00070)
- Rebafka, A., Bennett, C. and Edwards, D. 2024. “Doing it, that’s something else”: a glimpse into self-management after lung transplantation. JBI Evidence Synthesis 22(9), pp. 1654-1655. (10.11124/JBIES-24-00284)
- James, A. H., Kelly, D. and Bennett, C. L. 2024. Nursing tropes in turbulent times: Time to rethink nurse leadership?. Journal of Advanced Nursing 80(1), pp. 8-10. (10.1111/jan.15766)
- Bennett, C. et al. 2023. 'I wouldn't trust it..' Digital transformation of young people's sexual health services: A systems-informed qualitative enquiry. BMJ Public Health 2023(1), article number: e000259. (10.1136/bmjph-2023-000259)
- Fry, S. L., Kelly, D. M. and Bennett, C. 2023. Inclusive research: Repositioning the “hard to reach”. Journal of Advanced Nursing 79(8), pp. 2779-2781. (10.1111/jan.15555)
- Bennett, C. et al. 2023. The barriers and facilitators to young people's engagement with bidirectional digital sexual health interventions: A mixed methods systematic review. BMC Digital Health 1, article number: 30. (10.1186/s44247-023-00030-3)
- Bennett, C. et al. 2023. Crisis care for children and young people with mental health problems: national mapping, models of delivery, sustainability and experience (CAMH-Crisis2). A study protocol. NIHR Open Research 3, article number: 22. (10.3310/nihropenres.13414.1)
- Bennett, C. et al. 2022. Which interventions improve HPV vaccination uptake and intention in children, adolescents and young adults? An umbrella review. Sexually Transmitted Infections 98, pp. 599-607. (10.1136/sextrans-2022-055504)
- Bennett, C., Rebafka, A., Carrier, J., Cook, S. and Edwards, D. 2022. The impact of primary and recurrent genital herpes on the quality of life of young people and adults: a mixed methods systematic review. JBI Evidence Synthesis 20(6), pp. 1406-1473. (10.11124/JBIES-21-00057)
- Bennett, C., Carrier, J. and Edwards, D. 2022. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: a mixed methods systematic review of quality of life and genital herpes. JBI Evidence Synthesis 20(6), pp. 1404-1405. (10.11124/JBIES-22-00134)
- Smith, C., Bennett, C., Morgan, K., Carrier, J., Klugarová, J. and Klugar, M. 2022. Enhancing the clinical supervision experience of staff members working within primary and community care: a best practice implementation project. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare 20(S1), pp. S23-S31. (10.1097/XEB.0000000000000317)
- James, A. H., Bennett, C. L., Blanchard, D. and Stanley, D. 2021. Nursing and values-based leadership: a literature review. Journal of Nursing Management 29(5), pp. 916-930. (10.1111/jonm.13273)
- Bennett, C., James, A. and Kelly, D. 2020. Beyond tropes: Towards a new image of nursing in the wake of COVID-19. Journal of Clinical Nursing 29(15-16), pp. 2753-2755. (10.1111/jocn.15346)
- James, A. and Bennett, C. 2020. Effective nurse leadership in times of crisis. Nursing Management 27(4), pp. 32-40., article number: 10.7748/nm.2020.e1936. (10.7748/nm.2020.e1936)
- James, A. H., Bennett, C. and Stanley, D. 2020. How to maintain enthusiasm and demonstrate values-driven leadership in challenging times. Nursing Management
- Bennett, C. and Harden, J. 2019. Sexuality as taboo: using IPA and a Foucauldian lens to explore fathers' practices in talking to their children about puberty, relationships and reproduction. Journal of Research in Nursing 24(1-2), pp. 22-33. (10.1177/1744987118818863)
- Bennett, C., Rebafka, A., Carrier, J., Edwards, D. and Jones, J. 2018. Health-related quality of life of young people and adults with primary or recurrent episodes of genital herpes: a mixed methods systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports 16(5), pp. 1087-1094. (10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003478)
- Rebafka, A., Bennett, C., Jones, J., Carrier, J., Kugler, C. and Edwards, D. 2018. Lung transplant recipients’ experiences of and attitudes towards self-management: a qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports 16(4), pp. 831-837. (10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003524)
- Bennett, C., Harden, J. and Anstey, S. 2018. Fathers as sexuality educators: Aspirations and realities. An interpretative phenomenological analysis.. Sex Education 18(1), pp. 74-89. (10.1080/14681811.2017.1390449)
- Bennett, C., Harden, J. and Anstey, S. 2017. The silencing effects of the childhood innocence ideal: the perceptions and practices of fathers in educating their children about sexuality. Sociology of Health and Illness 39(8), pp. 1365-1380. (10.1111/1467-9566.12591)
- Bennett, C. 2015. Sexual abstinence and young people: a subject worthy of consideration?. British Journal of School Nursing 10(4), pp. 176-180. (10.12968/bjsn.2015.10.4.176)
- Bennett, C. and Harden, J. 2014. An exploration of mothers' attitudes towards their daughters' menarche. Sex Education 14(4), pp. 457-470. (10.1080/14681811.2014.922862)
- Lillyman, S. and Bennett, C. 2014. Providing a positive learning experience for international students studying at UK universities: A literature review. Journal of Research in International Education 13(1), pp. 63-75. (10.1177/1475240914529859)
- Bennett, C., Perry, J., worth, L., Davies, J. and Preece, V. 2013. Supporting prison nurses: an action research approach to education. British Journal of Nursing 19(12), pp. 782-786. (10.12968/bjon.2010.19.12.48657)
- Bennett, C. L. 2013. Becoming sexual. A critical appraisal of the sexualization of girls. Sex Education 14(2), pp. 238-240. (10.1080/14681811.2013.841618)
- Lloyd, R. and Bennett, C. 2012. Travellers' diarrhoea: causes, prevention and treatment. Nursing Standard 26(40), pp. 51-56. (10.7748/ns2012.
- Lillyman, S. and Bennett, C. 2012. Using storyboarding to gain appreciative reflection in the classroom. Reflective Practice 13(4), pp. 533-539. (10.1080/14623943.2012.670621)
- Brown, M. and Bennett, C. 2010. Motivational interviewing and concordance with antiretroviral therapy.. Nursing Standard 25(13), pp. 51-56. (10.7748/ns2010.
- Perry, J., Bennett, C. and Lapworth, T. 2010. Education and career opportunities for nurses in offender health care. Nursing Standard 24(43), pp. 35-39. (10.7748/ns2010.
- Muir, N. and Bennett, C. 2010. Prevention of unintentional injury in the community setting. Nursing Standard 24(42), pp. 50-56. (10.7748/ns.24.42.50.s50)
- Perry, J., Bennett, C. and Lapworth, T. 2010. Management of long-term conditions in a prison setting. Nursing Standard 24(42), pp. 35-40. (10.7748/ns2010.
- Lapworth, T., Bennett, C. and Perry, J. 2010. Assessment of acutely ill patients in the criminal justice system. Nursing Standard 24(41), pp. 35-41. (10.7748/ns2010.
- Bennett, C., Perry, J. and Lapworth, T. 2010. Leadership skills for nurses working in the criminal justice system. Nursing Standard 24(40), pp. 35-40. (10.7748/ns.24.40.35.s49)
- Perry, J., Bennett, C. and Lapworth, T. 2010. Nursing in prisons: developing the speciality of offender health care.. Nursing Standard 24(39), pp. 35-40. (10.7748/ns2010.
- Bennett, C., Perry, J. and Lawrence, Z. 2009. Promoting health in primary care. Nursing Standard 23(47), pp. 48-56. (10.7748/ns2009.
- Bennett, C. 2003. Nursing the breathless patient. Nursing Standard 17(17), pp. 45-51. (10.7748/ns2003.
- Bennett, C. 2003. Key to learning: your mentor and you. Nursing Standard 18(7), pp. 30-31.
- Bennett, C. 2003. On course for success. Nursing Standard 18(7), pp. 32-33.
- Bennett, C. 2003. Practice perfect. Nursing Standard 18(7), pp. 32-33.
- Mallik, M., Bennett, C. and Toulson, A. 2002. Nurse development.Tutor tonic. Health Service Journal 112(58), pp. 30-31.
- Bennett, C. 2002. A unique career. Nursing Standard 17(3), pp. 28-28. (10.7748/ns.17.3.28.s50)
- Bennett, C. 2002. Making the most of mentorship. Nursing Standard 17(3), pp. 29-29. (10.7748/ns.17.3.29.s51)
- Bennett, C. 2002. Take your places. Nursing Standard 17(3), pp. 30-30. (10.7748/ns.17.3.30.s53)
- Bennett, C. 2002. Bullying tactics. Nursing Standard 17(3), pp. 34-34. (10.7748/ns.17.3.34.s61)
- Bennett, C. 2001. HIV and AIDS: an overview. Nursing Standard 15(24), pp. 45-52. (10.7748/ns2001.
- Bennett, C., Mallik, M. and Workman, B. 2001. Inspiring confidence in new nurses. Nursing Times 97(26 Feb), pp. 35-35.
- O'Mahoney, D., Bennett, C., Green, A. and Sinclair, A. J. 2000. Reduced baroreflex sensitivity in elderly humans is not due to efferent autonomic dysfunction.. Clinical Science 98, pp. 103-110. (10.1042/cs0980103)
- O'Leary, P., Collingham, K., Skidmore, S., King, J. and Bennett, C. 1999. Hepatic dysfunction in a population of antibody-deficient patients: Prevalence, aetiology and outcome of PCR screening for hepatitis C and G viruses. Vox Sanguinis 76(3), pp. 144-148. (10.1159/000031039)
- Bennett, C. and Weale, A. 1997. HIV and AIDS awareness: an evaluation of a short training programme for midwives. Journal of Advanced Nursing 26(2), pp. 273-282. (10.1046/j.1365-2648.1997.1997026273.x)
Book sections
- Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. 2022. Leading change. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. London: Wiley, pp. 157-182., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch7)
- Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. 2022. Patient safety and clinical decision making. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Wiley: London, pp. 183-204., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch8)
- Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. 2022. Quality improvement. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Vol. 3rd Ed. London: Wiley, pp. 337-354., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch16)
- James, A. H. and Bennett, C. L. 2022. Chapter 10: Leading teams. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Vol. 3rd Ed. London: Wiley, pp. 227-244., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch10)
- James, A. H. and Bennett, C. L. 2022. Chapter 18: power, politics and leadership. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Vol. 3rd Ed. London: Wiley, pp. 385-402., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch18)
- James, A. H. and Bennett, C. L. 2022. Chapter 19: from empowerment to emancipation – developing self leadership. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Vol. 3rd Ed. London: Wiley, pp. 403-420., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch19)
- James, A. H. and Bennett, C. L. 2022. Chapter 20: leading through a crisis. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Vol. 3rd Ed. London: Wiley, pp. 421-437., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch20)
- Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. 2022. Leadership and management. In: Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Vol. 3rd Ed. London: Wiley, pp. 119-135., (10.1002/9781119869375.ch5)
- Bennett, C., Lillyman, S. and Whittingham, K. 2020. Enabling, mediating and advocating in health promotion.. In: Bennett, C. and Lillyman, S. eds. Promoting Health and Wellbeing. Essentials Banbury: Lantern Publishing Ltd., pp. 85-101.
- Bennett, C. 2011. Empowering students through the use of story boarding. In: Ghaye, T. and Lillyman, S. eds. Empowerment Through Reflection.. Quay Books, pp. n/a.
- Roche, D. and Bennett, C. 2024. Notes On.. Nursing Research. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L. and James, A. H. eds. 2022. Clinical leadership in nursing and healthcare. London: Wiley. (10.1002/9781119869375)
- Van der Doef, S., Bennett, C. and Lueks, A. 2022. Going beyond "The Talk". Jessica Kingsley.
- Doef, S. v. d., Bennett, C. and Lueks, A. 2021. Can I have babies too? Sexuality and relationships education for children from infancy up to age 11. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Bennett, C. L. and Lillyman, S. 2020. Promoting health and wellbeing. Lantern.
- Jones, L. and Bennett, C. 2018. Leadership for nursing, health and social care students. Lantern Press.
- Jones, L. and Bennett, C. 2012. Leadership in health and social care: an introduction for emerging leaders. Banbury, UK: Lantern Press.
- Bennett, C. L. 2003. How to be a good mentor. Nursing standard essential guide. Nursing Standard.
- Workman, B. and Bennett, C. 2003. Key nursing skills. London, UK: Whurr.
- Bennett, C. and Edwards, D. 2024. What's the evidence? An umbrella review of interventions that aim to improve HPV vaccine uptake in children, adolescents and young adults. Presented at: EUROPREV Forum 2024, Edirne, Turkey, 25-26 April 2024.
- Bennett, C., Cense, M., Monkel, J., Musa, M., Dunn, C. and Kelly, D. 2023. 'Sexual health is just physical': Mis/understandings and challenges in achieving Target 3.7. Presented at: International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress, Montreal, Canada, 1-5 July 2023.
- Godfrey, K., Bennett, C. and Harden, J. 2022. Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit: A survey of the knowledge, attitudes and practice of United Kingdom nurses and doctors. Presented at: Intensive Care Society State of the Art Congress, Belfast, 28 June - 1 July 2022.
- Bennett, C. 2022. Sexual health and girls’ education. Presented at: Commonwealth Fellowship Programme (Phoenix Project), Cardiff University, UK, 13 April 2022.
- Kelly, D. and Bennett, C. 2022. Reducing HPV associated cancers, reasons for vaccine hesitancy and strategies to increase uptake - updates from a European project. Presented at: Healthcare Sciences Cancer Research Group, Cardiff University, UK, 19 March 2022.
- Bennett, C. et al. 2022. Methodological challenges in making young people’s voices heard. Presented at: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, RCN, Cardiff, 06 September 2022.
- Bennett, C. 2022. Strategies to increase HPV vaccine uptake: An umbrella review. Presented at: The European Cancer Summit, Brussels, 17 November 2022.
- Smith, C., Bennett, C., Morgan, K., Carrier, J., Kugar, M. and Klugarova, J. 2021. Enhancing the practice of clinical supervision within primary and community care: a best practice implementation project. Presented at: 2021 JBI European Symposium and SPIDER Multiple Event, Virtual, 24 June 2021. Unidade de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde - Enfermagem da Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra pp. 63-64.
- Bennett, C. 2020. Normalisation vs dramatisation: Dutch and English parents’ experiences of discussing sexuality with their children’. Presented at: Bath Spa University’s Global Citizenship Programme, Bath University, 10th November 2020.
- Bennett, C. 2019. Normalisation vs dramatisation: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of Dutch and English parents' experiences of discussing sexuality with their children. Presented at: ERASMUS Presentation for Rotterdam ERASMUS University, University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 27 May 2019.
- Bennett, C. 2019. Perceptions of HPV risk and vaccination opportunity in a group of young people: a mixed methods study research proposal. Presented at: ERASMUS Presentation for Rotterdam ERASMUS University, University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 27 May 2019.
- Bennett, C. 2018. The perceptions and practices of Dutch and English fathers. Presented at: Sex Education Forum Members Event, London, UK, 4 July 2018.
- Bennett, C. 2018. Fathers as sexuality educators: cultural comparisons with the Netherlands.. Presented at: Sex Education Forum's Summer Members Event: Parents and RSE, London, England, 04 July 2018.
- Bennett, C. 2016. Dads, kids and sexuality communication: an unlikely alliance with populations, health and growth?. Presented at: RCN International Centenary Conference, London, 22nd December 2016.
- Bennett, C. 2016. Discussing puberty, relationships and reproduction with children: the silencing effects of governmentality and biopower on Fathers' practices. Presented at: Foucault @ 90 International Conference, University of West of Scotland, 22-23rd June 2016.
- Bennett, C. 2015. Skills enhancement in rural communities (SERC): a realist evaluation of Phase One.. Presented at: NET2015 Conference, Cambridge, 8 September 2015.
- Bennett, C. 2014. Leadership and caring: a symbiotic relationship?. Presented at: RCN Local Learning Event, Black Country, Spring 2013.
- Bennett, C. 2013. The Francis report: speaking up and speaking out. Presented at: UHB Dignity and Compassion Conference, Birmingham City Football Ground, Sept 2013.
- Bennett, C. 2013. Giving nurse leaders a voice. Presented at: RCN Local Learning Event., Black Country, Spring 2013.
- Bennett, C. 2013. Leading for change. Presented at: RCN Local Learning Event, Black Country, UK, Spring 2013.
- Bennett, C. 2013. Leading for quality improvement. Presented at: RCN Local Learning Event, Black Country, UK, Spring 2013.
- Bennett, C. 2013. Engendering a culture of self leadership. Presented at: RCN Local Learning Event, Black Country, UK, Spring 2013.
- Bennett, C. 2012. "The learner is not an empty vessel to be filled, but a flame to be ignited" the impact of a PBL poster assessment in igniting the flame. Presented at: RCN Regional Student Conference, University of Worcester, UK, 30 Mar 2012.
- Lillyman, S. and Bennett, C. 2011. "The internet and older people" an oral presentation for a European Research Project: E-Scouts. Presented at: E-Scouts, Barcelona, Spain, 24 Oct 2011.
- Bennett, C. 2010. Developing leadership skills to enhance patient care. Presented at: Herefordshire Preceptorship Focus: Developing and Nurturing Preceptorship Practice Conference, Hereford, UK, Jul 2010.
- Bennett, C. and Perry, J. 2009. A catalyst for change: a preliminary evaluation of an action research approach to education for prison nurses. Presented at: NET Conference, Cambridge, UK, Sep 2009.
- Perry, J., Woolliscrof, P. and Bennett, C. 2009. Primary care in Malta: evaluation of an innovative teaching project between the UK and Malta. Presented at: RCN Joint Education Forums 2nd International Conference, Glasgow, UK, May 2009.
- Perry, J. and Bennett, C. 2009. Diversity in nurse education: have we forgotten the prison nurses?. Presented at: RCN Joint Education Forums 2nd International Conference, Glasgow, UK, May 2009.
- Bennett, C. and Mallik, M. 2002. The transition year: addressing the needs of newly qualified nurses. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing Research Society's International Annual Nursing Research Conference, Exeter, UK, 7-10 Apr 2002.
- Bennett, C. and Workman, B. 2001. Supporting the transition year: educational and clinical partnerships in developing a work based learning programme. Presented at: Education: Partners in Practice - 3rd Royal College of Nursing Joint Education Forums' Conference, Eastbourne, UK, 15-17 Feb 2001.
- Bennett, C. and Green, T. 1998. The role of the clinical nurse specialist in immunology: the UK experience. Presented at: European Society for Immunodeficiencies and the International Nursing Group for Immunodeficiencies, Rhodes, Greece, Oct 1998.
- Bennett, C. and Bell, M. 1998. The UK subcutaneous immunoglobulin register. Presented at: European Society for Immunodeficiencies and the International Nursing Group for Immunodeficiencies, Rhodes, Greece, Oct 1998.
- OâMahony, D. and Bennett, C. 1998. Flowpac assessment of static, non-graduated lower limb compression pressure in elderly patients with orthostatic hypotension. Presented at: British Geriatric Society, London, UK, 1998.
- Bennett, C. 1997. The role of nursing models in immunology. Presented at: RCN Special Interest Group in Immunology, London, UK, Sep 1997.
- O'Leary, P. and Bennett, C. 1996. Hepatic dysfunction in a population of antibody-deficient Patients: Prevalence, Aetiology and Outcome of PCR Screening for Hepatitis C and G Viruses. Presented at: European Society for Immunodeficiencies and the International Nursing Group for Immunodeficiencies, Gothenburg, Sweden, Jun 1996.
- Rebafka, A., Bennett, C., Edwards, D. and Pearson, V. 2024. Best Practice Information Sheet: Lung transplant recipients’ experiences of and attitudes towards self-management. Documentation. JBI EPB Database. Available at: https://journals.lww.com/jbisrir/SiteAssets/Lists/HTMLContent/AllItems/26(10)%202024%20lung%20transplant.pdf
- Edwards, D. et al. 2022. Improving HPV vaccine uptake in children, adolescents,and young adults - An umbrella review of interventions. Technical Report.
- Bennett, C. 2018. Parental approaches to teaching children about puberty, relationships and reproduction in the Netherlands. Project Report. [Online]. Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. Available at: https://www.wcmt.org.uk/sites/default/files/report-documents/Bennett%20C%20Report%202017%20Final.pdf
- Bennett, C., Farquharson, N., Preece, E., Bradley, E. and Perry, J. 2015. Skills Enhancement in Rural Communities (SERC): A synthesis of realist evaluations for Phase One and Phase Two. Unpublished report for Health Education West Midlands..
- Bennett, C. 2015. A realist evaluation of the pharmacist independent prescribing programmes delivered by Wolverhampton University, Aston University and the University of Worcester. Iinterim report: phase one [unpublished report for Health Education West Midlands]. Project Report. Health Education England.
- Bennett, C., Farquharson, N., Preece, E., Bradley, E. and Perry, J. 2014. Skills Enhancement in Rural Communities (SERC): A realist evaluation of Phase One. Unpublished report for Health Education West Midlands..
- Bennett, C. 2011. A service evaluation of Worcestershire PCT provider services' team leader development programme [unpublished report for Worcestershire PCT provider services]. Project Report. University of Worcester.
- Bennett, C. 2011. Developing clinical leadership: the impact of an educational initiative on leadership skills and behaviour [unpublished report for Hereford Hospitals NHS Trust]. Project Report. University of Worcester, Worcester.
- Bennett, C. 2009. Delivering healthcare and promoting health in the prison population: the impact of an educational initiative on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of prison service nurses. A collaborative project between Worcestershire PCT and University of Worcester (January 2008 - January 2009). Project Report. University of Worcester.
- Hannigan, B. et al. 2023. Mental health crisis care for children and young people.
- Bennett, C. 2015. Talking to children about 'growing up' [judges' winner of the University of Worcester's images of research competition]. University of Worcester.
- Bennett, C. 2015. Talking to ten year olds about puberty, relationships and reproduction: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of fathers’ perceptions and practices.. , Cardiff University.
- Edwards, D., Bennett, C. L. and Kelly, D. 2024. Interventions that improve HPV vaccination uptake and intention: an umbrella review summary. [Online]. HPV World: HPV World. Available at: https://www.hpvworld.com/articles/interventions-that-improve-hpv-vaccination-uptake-and-intention-an-umbrella-review-summary/
- Edwards, D. et al. 2022. A rapid scoping review of harm reduction strategies for ecstasy (MDMA) users in recreational settings. [Online]. Research Square: Research Square. (10.21203/rs.3.rs-2178425/v1) Available at: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2178425/v1
- Bennett, C. L. 2022. Effects of genital herpes on well-being. [Online]. Joanna Briggs Institute. Available at: https://jbi.global/news/article?id=2777&utm_source=JBI+Buzz&utm_campaign=1f70ebd790-JBI-BUZZ-Nov-Dec-2020_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9846591dba-1f70ebd790-141196153&mc_cid=1f70ebd790&mc_eid=d740bc336f
- Bennett, C. 2019. Perceptions of HPV risk and vaccination opportunity in a group of young people: a mixed methods study research proposal. Presented at: ERASMUS Presentation for Rotterdam ERASMUS University, University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 27 May 2019.
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys:
- Hyrwyddo iechyd rhywiol
- Profiadau pobl ifanc o ofal iechyd
- Arweinyddiaeth a gwelliant
- Dulliau ymchwil ansoddol
- Adolygiad systematig
Roedd fy nhraethawd doethurol (D.Nurs a ddyfarnwyd 2016, Prifysgol Caerdydd) yn canolbwyntio ar gyfathrebu rhywioldeb oedolion-plant o fewn teuluoedd yn Lloegr. Yn 2018 cefais grant gan Ymddiriedolaeth Goffa Winston Churchill a alluogodd barhad yr ymchwil hon yn Yr Iseldiroedd. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi dau lyfr o ganlyniad i'r ymchwil hwn.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n Gyd-Brif Ymchwilydd ar gyfer astudiaeth a ariennir gan y Sefydliad Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal (NIHR): Cyflenwi Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol (HSDR) astudiaeth a ariennir gan y Rhaglen Ymchwil (CAMH-Crisis2: Gofal Argyfwng i Blant a Phobl Ifanc â Phroblemau Iechyd Meddwl: Mapio Cenedlaethol, Modelau Cyflenwi, Cynaliadwyedd a Phrofiad) a Phrif Ymchwilydd ar gyfer astudiaeth a ariennir gan Ymddiriedolaeth Burdett ar gyfer Nyrsio i ymyriadau iechyd rhywiol digidol ar gyfer pobl ifanc. Rwyf hefyd yn gyd-gyfarwyddwr Canolfan Gofal sy'n Seiliedig ar Dystiolaeth Cymru: Canolfan Ragoriaeth JBI. Yn flaenorol, rwyf wedi bod yn Brif Ymchwilydd ar gyfer nifer o astudiaethau a gomisiynwyd gan Health Education England a'r Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol. Rwy'n adolygydd cymheiriaid ar gyfer NIHR a nifer o gyfnodolion gofal iechyd proffil uchel.
Dyddiadau |
Rôl ac Astudio |
Sefydliadau sy'n ymwneud |
Cyllid |
11/22 - Yn bresennol |
Prif Ymchwilydd: CAMH-Crisis2: Gofal Argyfwng i Blant a Phobl Ifanc â Phroblemau Iechyd Meddwl: Mapio Cenedlaethol, Modelau Cyflenwi, Cynaliadwyedd a Phrofiad. Y Sefydliad Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal (NIHR): Rhaglen Ymchwil Cyflenwi Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol (HSDR), 2022. |
Yr Athro Ben Hannigan (cyd-CI), Dr Clare Bennett (cyd-CI), Dr Leanne Sawle, Yr Athro Aled Jones, Dr Martin Elliott, Yr Athro Steven Pryjmachuk, Dr Nicola Evans, Mair Elliott, Claire Fraser, yr Athro Euan Hails a Dr Iain McMillan: Prifysgol Caerdydd, Prifysgol Manceinion, Prifysgol Plymouth, Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan |
£811,060 |
01/22 – 07/23 |
Prif Ymchwilydd: Burdett Trust for Nursing:The DASH Study: Ymyriadau digidol ar gyfer Iechyd Rhywiol Pobl Ifanc |
Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Royal Wolverhampton, Gwasanaeth Iechyd Rhywiol Integredig Swydd Lincoln, ChatHealth, Cymdeithas Iechyd Rhywiol Prydain a HIV, Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, Prifysgol Caerdydd (DECIPHer, ALPHA, Ysgol Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd) |
£50,000 |
07/17 – 08/17 |
Prif Ymchwilydd: Cymrodoriaeth Teithio Winston Churchill: Cyfathrebu rhywiol rhiant-plentyn yn yr Iseldiroedd |
Ymddiriedolaeth Goffa Winston Churchill, Christelijke Hogeschool Ede. |
Ymddiriedolaeth Goffa Winston Churchill £4880 |
05/16 – 10/16 |
Prif Ymchwilydd: Gwerthusiad Rhaglen Gofal Brys Tu Allan i'r Ysbyty |
Health Education England, Redditch & Bromsgrove CCG, Wyre Forest CCG, South Worcs CCG, Hereford CCG, South Warwickshire CCG, Coventry & Rugby CCG a Warwickshire North CCG. |
Addysg Iechyd Lloegr £19,612 |
03/15 - 02/16 |
Prif Ymchwilydd: Rhaglen Rhagnodwr Annibynnol Fferyllydd (PIP) Cam Dau: Gwerthusiad Realaidd. |
Addysg Iechyd Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr a Phrifysgol Caerwrangon |
Addysg Iechyd Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr £51,000 |
03/15 - 02/16 |
Prif Ymchwilydd: Gwella Sgiliau mewn Cymunedau Gwledig (SERC): Astudiaeth Hydredol o Effaith. Yn ail ar gyfer Gwobr 'Nyrsio yn y Gymuned' y Times Nyrsio 2017. |
Addysg Iechyd Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr a Phrifysgol Caerwrangon |
Addysg Iechyd Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr £35,000 |
06/14 - 02/16 |
Prif Ymchwilydd: Rhaglenni Rhagnodwr Annibynnol Fferyllydd (PIP) Cam Un: Gwerthusiad Realaidd. |
Addysg Iechyd Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr a Phrifysgol Caerwrangon |
Addysg Iechyd Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr £45,320 |
09/15 – 02/16 |
Prif Ymchwilydd: Gwerthusiad Realaidd o Raglen Llysgenhadon Diwylliannol yr RCN |
UOW a RCN Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr |
RCN Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr £6,550 |
06/14 - 02/16 |
Prif Ymchwilydd: Gwella Sgiliau mewn Cymunedau Gwledig (SERC): Astudiaeth o Effaith. |
Addysg Iechyd Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr a Phrifysgol Caerwrangon |
Addysg Iechyd Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr £22,500 |
06/14 – 01/15 |
Prif Ymchwilydd: Mesur Effaith Rhaglen Datblygu Arweinyddiaeth HEWM / RCN: Gwerthusiad Realaidd. |
Addysg Iechyd Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr a Phrifysgol Caerwrangon |
Addysg Iechyd Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr £15,684 |
01/14 – 01/15 |
Prif Ymchwilydd: Recriwtio a Dethol i'r Rhaglen Ddarpar Gyfarwyddwyr HEWM: Astudiaeth ymchwil i arfer gorau. |
Addysg Iechyd Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr a Phrifysgol Caerwrangon |
Addysg Iechyd Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr £10,126 |
Rwy'n addysgu ac yn asesu modiwlau israddedig, MSc a doethuriaeth ac yn arwain tri modiwl ôl-raddedig, lefel 7: Dulliau Ymchwil, Diogelwch Cleifion, ac Iechyd y Cyhoedd, Economeg Iechyd a Pholisi Iechyd. Rwyf hefyd wedi cyhoeddi yn y meysydd hyn.
Deuthum yn Uwch Gymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch yn 2018. Rwy'n goruchwylio myfyrwyr sy'n ymgymryd â thraethodau hir meistr ac ymgeiswyr doethurol. Rwy'n brofiadol mewn dylunio cwricwlwm ac arweinyddiaeth rhaglenni. Rwy'n Ymweld / Darlithydd Gwahoddedig ym Mhrifysgol Freiburg yn yr Almaen, Prifysgol Bethlehem a'r Uned Ymchwil Gofal a Gwasanaethau Iechyd (Investén-isciii), Sefydliad Iechyd Carlos III, Madrid, Sbaen. Rwyf hefyd yn Arholwr PhD Allanol yn y DU ac Awstralia.
Dechreuodd fy ngyrfa mewn nyrsio yn gynnar yn y 1990au. Ar ôl gweithio mewn amrywiaeth o leoliadau llawfeddygol a meddygol, datblygais ddiddordeb mewn HIV, gan weithio gyntaf gyda phlant a babanod a oedd yn HIV positif yn Rwmania ac yn ddiweddarach gydag oedolion, yng Nghanolfan Rhanbarthol Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr ar gyfer HIV. Yna es i ymlaen i weithio ym maes iechyd rhywiol cyn dod yn Nyrs Ymchwil ym Mhrifysgol Birmingham ac yn Ymarferydd Nyrs Glinigol / Uwch Nyrs mewn Imiwnoleg. Ym 1999 symudais i Lundain lle bûm yn parhau i ymarfer yn glinigol a dechreuais fy ngyrfa fel Darlithydd. Fy swydd gyntaf oedd gyda Phrifysgol Middlesex, ac yna Coleg Brenhinol y Sefydliad Nyrsio, y Brifysgol Agored a Phrifysgol Caerwrangon. Ymunais â'r Ysgol Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yn 2018.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Uwch Gymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch 2018
Cymrodoriaeth Teithio Winston Churchill 2017
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
RN 1 a Statws Athro gyda'r Cyngor Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth.
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
01/17 - | Presennol | Prifysgol Freiburg | Darlithydd Ymweld |
09/16 - | 03/18 | Prifysgol Caerdydd | Tiwtor Anrhydeddus |
09/14 - | 03/18 | Prifysgol Caerwrangon | Uwch Ddarlithydd / Cymrawd Ymchwil |
08/08 - | 09/14 | Prifysgol Caerwrangon | Uwch Ddarlithydd |
05/07 - | 08/08 | Prifysgol Caerwrangon | Darlithydd Ymweld |
06/03 - | 08/08 | Coleg Brenhinol Nyrsio | Uwch Ddarlithydd |
11/03 - | 02/12 | Y Brifysgol Agored | Darlithydd Cyswllt |
05/99 - | 11/02 | Prifysgol Middlesex | Uwch Ddarlithydd |
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Aelod o Grŵp Cyfeirio Arbenigwyr Iechyd Atgenhedlol JBI
Bwrdd Golygyddol: Journal of Advanced Nursing
Adolygydd cyfnodolyn: Culture Health and Sexuality, Sex Education, BMJOpen, Journal of Research in Nursing and Nurse Researcher.
Cynghorydd ac adolygydd: Nursing Standard, Taylor a Francis.
Adolygydd haniaethol y gynhadledd: JBI Symposiwm Ewropeaidd.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwy'n oruchwyliwr PhD a'r Athro Doc profiadol ac arholwr yn y DU ac Awstralia ac mae gennyf ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr ymchwil ôl-raddedig ym meysydd:
- Iechyd rhywiol
- Iechyd y Cyhoedd
- Astudiaethau Teulu
- Lles pobl ifanc
- Arweinyddiaeth a gwella ansawdd
- Darparu gwasanaethau gofal iechyd
Myfyrwyr PhD/Doethuriaeth Proffesiynol cyfredol
goruchwyliwr arweiniol: Fatemah Altheyab Rhianta plentyn di-eiriau gydag Anhwylder Sbectrwm Awtistiaeth (ASD) yn Kuwait: Dadansoddiad Ffenomenolegol Ddehongliadol (IPA) o brofiadau mamau
Cyd-oruchwyliwr: Profiadau menywod Hamamah Hassan Alzahrani Saudi o wneud dewisiadau gwybodus yn ystod genedigaeth.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Fatemah Altheyab