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Clare Bennett   DNurs

Dr Clare Bennett



Reader in Health Improvement

Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a Reader at the School of Healthcare Sciences and co-Director of The Wales Centre For Evidence Based Care: A JBI Centre of Excellence.

My research predominantly focuses on promoting the health of vulnerable populations through systems-oriented research. I have been Principal Investigator for NIHR, NHS England, Burdett and RCN funded projects totalling over £1million. Most recently I have led research into children and young people's mental health crisis service delivery (NIHR HSDR), digital technologies for adolescent sexual health (Burdett) and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine uptake (European Cancer Organisation). I mostly utilise qualitative methods and systematic review methodology and have been featured internationally for my work on a number of social media platforms. I am a Doctor of Nursing (Cardiff University) and in June 2023 I became a member of the JBI Reproductive Health Expert Reference Group. I am a peer reviewer for NIHR and a number of prestigious academic journals.

I teach, assess and supervise students across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Research Methods, Patient Safety, Public Health, Global Health and Health Policy. I am a PhD supervisor and examiner in the UK and Australia. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Visiting Lecturer at Freiburg University in Germany and The Health Care and Services Research Unit (Investén-isciii), Carlos III Health Institute, Madrid, Spain. I am also Invited Lecturer for Bethlehem University.

Clinically, I was a Clinical Nurse Specialist and Advanced Nurse Practitioner for the West Midlands Regional Centre for Immunology and a Research Nurse for Birmingham University, having worked previously as a staff nurse in HIV, Infectious Diseases and Sexual Health in London, Birmingham and Romania.



























Book sections








My research interests include:

  • Sexual health promotion
  • Young people's experiences of healthcare
  • Leadership and improvement
  • Qualitative research methods
  • Systematic review

My doctoral thesis (D.Nurs awarded 2016, Cardiff University) centred on adult-child sexuality communication within families in England. In 2018 I was awarded a grant by the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust which enabled the continuation of this research in The Netherlands. I have subsequently published two books as an outcome of this research.

I am currently co-Chief Investigator for a National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR): Health and Social Care Delivery (HSDR) Research Programme funded study (CAMH-Crisis2: Crisis Care for Children and Young People with Mental Health Problems: National Mapping, Models of Delivery, Sustainability and Experience) and Principal Investigator for a Burdett Trust for Nursing funded study into digital sexual health interventions for young people. I am also co-Director of The Wales Centre For Evidence Based Care: A JBI Centre of Excellence. Previously, I have been Principal Investigator for a number of Health Education England and Royal College of Nursing commissioned studies. I am a peer reviewer for NIHR and a number of high profile healthcare journals.



Role and Study

Institutions involved


11/22 - Present

Co-Chief Investigator:

CAMH-Crisis2: Crisis Care for Children and Young People with Mental Health Problems: National Mapping, Models of Delivery, Sustainability and Experience. National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR): Health and Social Care Delivery (HSDR) Research Programme, 2022. 

Professor Ben Hannigan (co-CI), Dr Clare Bennett (co-CI), Dr Leanne Sawle, Professor Aled Jones, Dr Martin Elliott, Professor Steven Pryjmachuk, Dr Nicola Evans, Mair Elliott, Claire Fraser, Professor Euan Hails and Dr Iain McMillan: Cardiff University, University of Manchester, Plymouth University, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board


01/22 – 07/23

Principal Investigator:

Burdett Trust for Nursing:The DASH Study: Digital interventions for Adolescent Sexual Health

The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Integrated Sexual Health Service, ChatHealth, British Association of Sexual Health and HIV, Public Health Wales, Cardiff University (DECIPHer, ALPHA, School of Healthcare Sciences)


07/17 – 08/17

Principal Investigator:

Winston Churchill Travel Fellowship: Parent-child sexuality communication in the Netherlands

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, Christelijke Hogeschool Ede.

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust £4880

05/16 – 10/16

Principal Investigator:

Urgent Out of Hospital Care Programme Evaluation

Health Education England, Redditch & Bromsgrove CCG, Wyre Forest CCG, South Worcs CCG, Hereford CCG, South Warwickshire CCG, Coventry & Rugby CCG and Warwickshire North CCG.

Health Education England


03/15 - 02/16

Principal Investigator:

The Pharmacist Independent Prescriber (PIP) Programmes Phase Two: A Realist Evaluation.

Health Education West Midlands and University of Worcester

Health Education West Midlands


03/15 - 02/16

Principal Investigator:

Skills Enhancement in Rural Communities (SERC): A Longitudinal Study of Impact. Runner up for the Nursing Times 2017 ‘Nursing in the Community’ Award.

Health Education West Midlands and University of Worcester

Health Education West Midlands


06/14 - 02/16

Principal Investigator:

The Pharmacist Independent Prescriber (PIP) Programmes Phase One: A Realist Evaluation.

Health Education West Midlands and University of Worcester

Health Education West Midlands £45,320

09/15 – 02/16

Principal Investigator:

A Realist Evaluation of the RCN’s Cultural Ambassadors Programme

UoW and RCN West Midlands

RCN West Midlands £6,550

06/14 - 02/16

Principal Investigator:

Skills Enhancement in Rural Communities (SERC): A Study of Impact.

Health Education West Midlands and University of Worcester

Health Education West Midlands £22,500

06/14 – 01/15

Principal Investigator:

Measuring the Impact of the HEWM / RCN Leadership Development Programme: A Realist Evaluation.

Health Education West Midlands and University of Worcester

Health Education West Midlands £15,684

01/14 – 01/15

Principal Investigator:

Recruitment and Selection to the Aspiring Directors Programme HEWM: A Research Study into Best Practice.

Health Education West Midlands and University of Worcester

Health Education West Midlands £10,126


I teach and assess on undergraduate, MSc and doctoral modules and lead three post-graduate, level 7 modules: Research Methods, Patient Safety, and Public Health, Health Economics and Health Policy. I have also published in these fields.

I became a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2018. I supervise students undertaking masters dissertations and doctoral candidates. I am experienced in curriculum design and programme leadership. I am a Visiting / Invited Lecturer at Freiburg University in Germany, Bethlehem University and The Health Care and Services Research Unit (Investén-isciii), Carlos III Health Institute, Madrid, Spain. I am also an External PhD Examiner in the UK and Australia.


My career in nursing began in the early 1990s. After having worked in a variety of surgical and medical settings I developed an interest in HIV, first working with children and babies who were HIV positive in Romania and later with adults, at the West Midlands Regional Centre for HIV.  I then went on to work in sexual health before becoming a Research Nurse at Birmingham University and a Clinical Nurse Specialist / Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Immunology. In 1999 I moved to London where I continued to practice clinically and commenced my career as a Lecturer.  My first post was with Middlesex University, followed by the Royal College of Nursing Institute, the Open University and the University of Worcester. I joined the School of Healthcare Sciences at Cardiff University in 2018.

Honours and awards

Burdett Trust for Nursing Award for the DASH Study: Digital interventions for Adolescent Sexual Health (2022)

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 2018

Winston Churchill Travel Fellowship 2017

Professional memberships

RN 1 and Teacher Status with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Academic positions

01/17 -


Freiburg University

Visiting Lecturer

09/16 -


Cardiff University

Honorary Tutor

09/14 -


University of Worcester

Senior Lecturer / Research Fellow

08/08 -


University of Worcester

Senior Lecturer

05/07 -


University of Worcester

Visiting Lecturer

06/03 -


Royal College of Nursing

Senior Lecturer

11/03 -


Open University

Associate Lecturer

05/99 -


Middlesex University

Senior Lecturer

Committees and reviewing

Member of the JBI Reproductive Health Expert Reference Group

Editorial Board: Journal of Advanced Nursing

Journal reviewer: Culture Health and Sexuality, Sex Education, BMJOpen, Journal of Research in Nursing and Nurse Researcher.

Adviser and reviewer: Nursing Standard, Taylor and Francis.

Conference abstract reviewer: JBI European Symposium.


I am an experienced PhD and Prof Doc supervisor and examiner in the UK and Australia and am interested in supervising post-graduate research students in the areas of:

  • Sexual health
  • Public Health
  • Family Studies
  • Young people's well being
  • Leadership and quality improvement
  • Healthcare service delivery

Current PhD/Professional Doctorate students

Lead supervisor: Fatemah Altheyab Parenting a nonverbal child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Kuwait: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) of mothers’ experiences

Co-supervisor:  Hamamah Hassan Alzahrani Saudi women's experiences of making informed choices during childbirth.

Current supervision

Fatemah Altheyab

Fatemah Altheyab

Hamamah Alzahrani

Hamamah Alzahrani