Dr Lucy Bennett
BA (Cardiff), MA (Cardiff), PhD (Cardiff)
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Lucy Bennett
Darlithydd mewn Cynulleidfaoedd Cyfryngau (Addysgu ac Ymchwil)
Rwy'n Ddarlithydd yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant Caerdydd (JOMEC), Prifysgol Caerdydd, sy'n arbenigo mewn Cerddoriaeth Boblogaidd, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant, a Fandom, a Diwylliannau Ffan hefyd. Rwy'n gwasanaethu fel Cyfarwyddwr Cwrs ar gyfer y Radd BA yn y Cyfryngau, Newyddiaduraeth a Diwylliant, ac rwyf wedi cynllunio ac addysgu modiwlau ar hyn o bryd ar Gerddoriaeth Boblogaidd, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant a Ffandom y Cyfryngau, ochr yn ochr â chyfrannu at fodiwl craidd y flwyddyn gyntaf ar Hanes Cyfathrebu a Diwylliant Torfol, gyda ffocws ar y Diwydiant Cerddoriaeth Boblogaidd.
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn cwmpasu cerddoriaeth boblogaidd: ffandom, diwylliannau digidol ar-lein, y cyfryngau, newyddiaduraeth cerddoriaeth, cerddoriaeth fyw, arferion diwydiant.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n rhan o'r tîm craidd sy'n gweithio ar Llais y Cefnogwyr Cerdd - arolwg cyntaf o'i fath sy'n canolbwyntio ar gefnogwyr cerddoriaeth fyw ledled y DU ac yn cynnwys llawer o awdurdodau lleol ar draws y pedair gwlad.
Rwyf wedi ymgynghori ar gyfer YouTube yng Nghaliffornia, gan gynhyrchu ymchwil ar ffantasi ddigidol, ac rwyf wedi rhannu mewnwelediadau gyda'r Academi Recordio / The Grammys ar groestoriadau cerddoriaeth boblogaidd, cyfryngau cymdeithasol, a dilysrwydd. Rwy'n sylwebydd rheolaidd yn y cyfryngau cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol am fandom cerddoriaeth a cherddoriaeth boblogaidd yn ehangach, yn cael fy nghyfweld am bynciau fel gigs cerddoriaeth fyw, diwylliant gwersylla, ffandom cerddoriaeth ac arferion ar-lein, ac artistiaid fel Taylor Swift a Chappell Roan. Mae fy sylwadau ar gerddoriaeth a ffandom wedi ymddangos ar BBC UK News, BBC World News, NBC News, CNN, BBC Radio One Newsbeat, BBC One Points of View, BBC Radio Four, The Washington Post, The Washington Informer, The Guardian, Dazed Media, The Economist, Newsweek, The Daily Beast, Inside Hook, BBC Radio Jersey, Architectural Digest, 20 Minutes, La Repubblica D Magazine, a llawer mwy.
Yn ogystal â'm gwaith academaidd, rwy'n ymgysylltu â'r sîn gerddoriaeth Gymraeg, gan gydweithio â llwyfannau fel AC a PYST ar ymchwil cynulleidfa a thrawsnewid digidol mewn cerddoriaeth Gymraeg. Rwyf hefyd yn ymchwilio i ddiwylliant ffans ar TikTok ac effaith ehangach llwyfannau digidol ar gerddorion. Mae fy ymwneud â newyddiaduraeth gerddorol yn cynnwys cynnal cyfweliadau gyda bandiau ac artistiaid ar gyfer y cyhoeddiad ar-lein God is in the TV.
Rwy'n eistedd ar fyrddau golygyddol New Media & Society, The Journal of Fandom Studies, a Transformative Works and Cultures. Rwy'n angerddol iawn am y sîn gerddoriaeth leol ac yn gwasanaethu fel aelod rheithgor ar gyfer y Wobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig ac fel beirniad The Forte Project, menter fentoriaeth i gerddorion Cymraeg newydd.
Fel cyd-sylfaenydd a chyd-gadeirydd y Rhwydwaith Astudiaethau Fan, rwyf wedi helpu i dyfu cymuned fyd-eang o ysgolheigion sy'n ymroddedig i astudio diwylliannau ffan ers 2012. Hefyd, curadodd rhestr chwarae fideo ar Gerddoriaeth Boblogaidd, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant ar gyfer Dysgu ar y Sgrin.
Rwyf wedi cyd-olygu dau lyfr: Crowdfunding the Future: Media Industries, Ethics and Digital Society (Peter Lang, 2015) a Seeing Fans: Representations of Fandom in Media and Popular Culture (Bloomsbury, 2016). Mae fy ymchwil ar gerddoriaeth boblogaidd, diwylliant digidol a'r cyfryngau wedi cael ei gyhoeddi mewn cyfnodolion blaenllaw, gan gynnwys New Media & Society, Celebrity Studies, a Social Semiotics.
- Zaborowski, R. and Bennett, L. 2025. #RunningUpThatHill, revival and popular music fandom on TikTok. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies
- Williams, R. and Bennett, L. 2022. Editorial: fandom and controversy. American Behavioral Scientist 66(8), pp. 1035-1043. (10.1177/00027642211042290)
- Garcia-Blanco, I. and Bennett, L. 2022. "Stop giving us the negatives of the other side's aims": The EU referendum through letters to the editor. Journalism Studies 23, pp. 207-223. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.2017792)
- Garcia-Blanco, I. and Bennett, L. 2021. Between a 'media circus' and 'seeing justice being done': metajournalistic discourse and the transparency of justice in the debate on filming trials in British newspapers. Journalism 22(1), pp. 176-195. (10.1177/1464884918760025)
- Berry, M., Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Garcia-Blanco, I., Bennett, L. and Cable, J. 2021. British public service broadcasting, the EU and Brexit. Journalism Studies 22(15), pp. 2082-2102. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.1981154)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. eds. 2020. Journalism, citizenship and surveillance society. Routledge.
- Bennett, L. 2019. 'Someone is someone's father!': An autoethnography of a non-Star Wars viewer. In: Proctor, W. and McCollough, R. eds. Disney's Star Wars: Forces of Production, Promotion, and Reception. University of Iowa Press, pp. 278-288.
- Bennett, L., Berry, M. and Allan, S. 2018. Introduction. Journalism Studies 19(13), pp. 1849-1853. (10.1080/1461670X.2018.1502922)
- Bennett, L. 2018. Remembering R.E.M.: social media, memories and endings within music fandom. In: Williams, R. ed. Everybody Hurts: Transitions, Endings, and Resurrections in Fan Cultures. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, pp. 19-30.
- Bennett, L. 2018. Surveying fandom: the ethics, design and use of surveys in fan studies. In: Scott, M. A. and Click, S. eds. The Routledge Companion to Media Fandom. Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions Routledge, pp. 36-44.
- Bennett, L. 2018. Representations of fans and fandom in the British newspaper media. In: Booth, P. ed. Companion to Media Fandom and Fan Studies. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 107-122.
- Bennett, L. 2017. 7. Resisting technology in music fandom: nostalgia, authenticity, and Kate Bush's "before the dawn". In: Gray, J., Sandvoss, C. and Harrington, C. L. eds. Fandom, Second Edition: Identities and Communities in a Mediated World. New York: New York University Press, pp. 127-142., (10.18574/nyu/9781479845453.003.0010)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Berry, M., Garcia-Blanco, I., Bennett, L. and Cable, J. 2017. Rethinking balance and impartiality in journalism? How the BBC attempted and failed to change the paradigm. Journalism 18(7), pp. 781-800. (10.1177/1464884916648094)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Bennett, L. K. and Cable, J. 2017. Surveillance normalization and critique: News coverage and journalists’ discourses around the Snowden revelations. Digital Journalism 5(3), pp. 386-403. (10.1080/21670811.2016.1250607)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Hintz, A., Dencik, L. and Bennett, L. 2017. Journalism, citizenship and surveillance - introduction. Digital Journalism 5(3), pp. 256-261. (10.1080/21670811.2016.1266134)
- Bennett, L. and Kidd, J. 2017. Myths about media studies: the construction of media studies education in the British press. Continuum 31(2), pp. 163-176. (10.1080/10304312.2016.1265096)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Bennett, L. and Taylor, G. 2017. The normalization of surveillance and the invisibility of digital citizenship: media debates after the Snowden revelations. International Journal of Communication 11, pp. 740-762.
- Bennett, L. 2016. Fandom, liveness and technology at Tori Amos music concerts: examining the movement of meaning within social media use. In: Experiencing Liveness in Contemporary Performance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Routledge, pp. 48-59., (10.4324/9781315659701-10)
- Bennett, L. and Booth, P. eds. 2016. Seeing fans: representations of fandom in media and popular culture. Bloomsbury.
- Bennett, L. 2016. Singer-songwriters and fandom in the digital age. In: Williams, K. and Williams, J. A. eds. The Cambridge Companion to the Singer-Songwriter. Cambridge Companions to Music Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 329-340.
- Bennett, L., Chin, B. and Jones, B. 2016. Between privacy, ethics, fandom and social media: new trajectories that challenge media producer/fan relations. In: Davisson, A. and Booth, P. eds. Controversies in Digital Ethics. Llandysul: Bloomsbury, pp. 107-122.
- Bennett, L. 2015. A shift of responsibility?: Public inclusion and the implications of crowdfunding academic research. [Online]. Media Commons. Available at: http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/question/what-are-potential-implications-crowdfunding-academic-research-and-teaching/response/shift-
- Bennett, L., Chin, B. and Jones, B. eds. 2015. Crowdfunding the future: media industries, ethics, and digital society. Digital Formations Vol. 98. Oxford: Peter Lang.
- Booth, P. J. and Bennett, L. 2015. Exploring fandom and the performance paradigm: An interview with Kurt Lancaster, author of 'Interacting with "Babylon 5"'. Transformative Works and Cultures 18, article number: 638. (10.3983/twc.2015.0638)
- Bennett, L. and Chin, B. 2014. Exploring fandom, social media, and producer/fan interactions: An interview with Sleepy Hollow's Orlando Jones. Transformative Works and Cultures 17(2014) (10.3983/twc.2014.0601)
- Bennett, L. 2014. Popular music fandom: Identities, roles, and practices, edited by Mark Duffett [Book Review]. Transformative Works and Cultures 17 (10.3983/twc.2014.0604.)
- Bennett, L. 2014. Fan/celebrity interactions and social media: connectivity and engagement in Lady Gaga fandom. In: Duits, L., Zwann, K. and Reijnders, S. eds. The Ashgate Research Companion to Fan Cultures. Ashgate, pp. 109-120.
- Bennett, L. 2014. Tracing textual poachers: reflections on the development of fan studies and digital fandom. The Journal of Fandom Studies 2(1), pp. 5-20. (10.1386/jfs.2.1.5_1)
- Kelsey, D. and Bennett, L. 2014. Discipline and resistance on social media: Discourse, power and context in the Paul Chambers 'Twitter Joke Trial'. Discourse, Context & Media 3, pp. 37-45. (10.1016/j.dcm.2013.12.001)
- Bennett, L., Chin, B. and Jones, B. Bennett, L., Chin, B. and Jones, B. eds. 2014. Crowdfunding: A 'New Media & Society' special issue. Vol 17, no 2.. SAGE Publications. (10.1177/1461444814558906)
- Doughty, M., Lawson, S., Linehan, C., Rowland, D. and Bennett, L. 2014. Disinhibited abuse of othered communities by second-screening audiences. Presented at: 2014 ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 25-27 June 2014Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video. New York, NY: ACM pp. 55-62., (10.1145/2602299.2602311)
- Jamison-Powell, S., Bennett, L., Mahoney, J. and Lawson, S. 2014. Understanding in-situ social media use at music festivals. Presented at: 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing, Baltimore, MD, 15–19 February 2014Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing. New York, NY,: ACM pp. 177-180., (10.1145/2556420.2556503)
- Bennett, L. 2014. Texting and tweeting at live music concerts: flow, fandom and connecting with other audiences through mobile phone technology. In: Burland, K. and Pitts, S. eds. Coughing and Clapping: Investigating Audience Experience. SEMPRE Studies in The Psychology of Music Ashgate, pp. 89-100.
- Bennett, L. 2013. Fan power [radio interview]. [BBC Radio 4]. 11 November 2013.
- Bennett, L. 2013. New adventures in Hi-Fi: Studying popular music fandom in the digital age. [Online]. In Media Res. Available at: http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/imr/2013/08/30/new-adventures-hi-fi-studying-popular-music-fandom-digital-age
- Bennett, L. 2013. Examining social media and celebrity activism: Lady Gaga, fandom and don't ask, don't tell. [Online]. Reframing Activism. Available at: http://reframe.sussex.ac.uk/activistmedia/2013/05/examining-celebrity-activism-and-social-media-lady-gaga-fandom-and-dont-ask-dont-tell/
- Bennett, L. 2013. Disrupting engagement?: Live music, mobile technology and fandom. [Online]. Live Music Exchange. Available at: http://livemusicexchange.org/blog/disrupting-engagement-live-music-mobile-technology-and-fandom-lucy-bennett/
- Bennett, L. 2013. Discourses of order and rationality: drooling R.E.M. fans as 'matter out of place'. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 27(2), pp. 214-227. (10.1080/10304312.2013.766313)
- Bennett, L. and Phillips, T. 2013. An introduction: The Fan Studies Network – new connections, new research. Participations: The International Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 10(1), pp. 52-55.
- Bennett, L. 2013. Researching online fandom. Cinema Journal 52(4), pp. 129-134. (10.1353/cj.2013.0033)
- Bennett, L. 2013. 'If we stick together we can do anything': Lady Gaga fandom, philanthropy and activism through social media. Celebrity Studies 5(1-2), pp. 138-152. (10.1080/19392397.2013.813778)
- Jones, B. and Bennett, L. 2013. Blurring boundaries, crossing divides: An interview with Will Brooker. Participations: The International Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 10(1), pp. 335-350.
- Bennett, L. 2012. Music fandom online: R.E.M. fans in pursuit of the ultimate first listen. New Media & Society 14(5), pp. 748-763. (10.1177/1461444811422895)
- Bennett, L. 2012. Music audiences: An introduction. Participations: The International Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 9(2), pp. 200-205.
- Bennett, L. 2012. Fan activism for social mobilization: A critical review of the literature. Transformative Works and Cultures 10 (10.3983/twc.2012.0346)
- Bennett, L. 2012. Lost in time: Lost fan engagement with temporal play. In: Ames, M. ed. Time in Television Narrative: Exploring Temporality in Twenty-First-Century Programming. University Press of Mississippi, pp. 297-309.
- Bennett, L. 2012. Transformations through Twitter: The England riots, television viewership and negotiations of power through media convergence. Participations: The International Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 9(2), pp. 511-525.
- Bennett, L. 2012. Patterns of listening through social media: online fan engagement with the live music experience. Social Semiotics 22(5), pp. 545-557. (10.1080/10350330.2012.731897)
- Bennett, L. 2011. Listening Through Social Media: Online fan engagement with the live music experience. Presented at: Transforming Audiences 3, London, 1-2 September 2011.
- Bennett, L. 2011. Transformations through Twitter: Television viewership and negotiations of power through media convergence. Presented at: COST Action Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies, London, 31 August 2011.
- Bennett, L. 2011. Log on and Freak Out: Twitter and online fan engagement with the live music experience. Presented at: The Business of Live Music, Edinburgh, 31 March – 2 April 2011.
- Bennett, L. 2011. Conference Reports. International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) UK and Ireland Branch, Biennial Conference, 2–4 September 2010, Cardiff, UK: Experience, Engagement, Meaning. Popular Music -Cambridge- 30(1), pp. 145-147. (10.1017/S0261143010000632)
- Bennett, L. 2011. Delegitimizing strategic power: normative identity and governance in online R.E.M. fandom. Transformative Works and Cultures 7(2011) (doi:10.3983/twc.2011.0281.)
- Bennett, L. 2010. Drooling R.E.M. fans as “matter out of place". Presented at: International Association for the Study of Popular Music-UK / Ireland, Cardiff, 2 – 4 September 2010.
- Bennett, L. 2010. Triskaidekaphobics: R.E.M. fans in pursuit of the ultimate first listen. Presented at: Popular Music Fandom Symposium, Chester, 25 June 2010.
- Bennett, L. K. 2009. Thinking fan's rock band : R.E.M. fandom and negotiations of normativity in Murmurs.com.. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Bennett, L. 2008. Normative identity and governance of R.E.M. fans in Murmurs.com. Presented at: MeCCSA, Cardiff, 9-11 January 2008.
- Lewis, J. M. W., Cushion, S., Groves, C., Bennett, L., Reardon, S., Wilkins, E. and Williams, R. 2008. Four Nations Impartiality Review: An analysis of reporting devolution. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/assets/files/pdf/review_report_research/impartiality/appendix_a_cardiff_u_analysis.pdf
Adrannau llyfrau
- Bennett, L. 2019. 'Someone is someone's father!': An autoethnography of a non-Star Wars viewer. In: Proctor, W. and McCollough, R. eds. Disney's Star Wars: Forces of Production, Promotion, and Reception. University of Iowa Press, pp. 278-288.
- Bennett, L. 2018. Remembering R.E.M.: social media, memories and endings within music fandom. In: Williams, R. ed. Everybody Hurts: Transitions, Endings, and Resurrections in Fan Cultures. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, pp. 19-30.
- Bennett, L. 2018. Surveying fandom: the ethics, design and use of surveys in fan studies. In: Scott, M. A. and Click, S. eds. The Routledge Companion to Media Fandom. Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions Routledge, pp. 36-44.
- Bennett, L. 2018. Representations of fans and fandom in the British newspaper media. In: Booth, P. ed. Companion to Media Fandom and Fan Studies. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 107-122.
- Bennett, L. 2017. 7. Resisting technology in music fandom: nostalgia, authenticity, and Kate Bush's "before the dawn". In: Gray, J., Sandvoss, C. and Harrington, C. L. eds. Fandom, Second Edition: Identities and Communities in a Mediated World. New York: New York University Press, pp. 127-142., (10.18574/nyu/9781479845453.003.0010)
- Bennett, L. 2016. Fandom, liveness and technology at Tori Amos music concerts: examining the movement of meaning within social media use. In: Experiencing Liveness in Contemporary Performance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Routledge, pp. 48-59., (10.4324/9781315659701-10)
- Bennett, L. 2016. Singer-songwriters and fandom in the digital age. In: Williams, K. and Williams, J. A. eds. The Cambridge Companion to the Singer-Songwriter. Cambridge Companions to Music Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 329-340.
- Bennett, L., Chin, B. and Jones, B. 2016. Between privacy, ethics, fandom and social media: new trajectories that challenge media producer/fan relations. In: Davisson, A. and Booth, P. eds. Controversies in Digital Ethics. Llandysul: Bloomsbury, pp. 107-122.
- Bennett, L. 2014. Fan/celebrity interactions and social media: connectivity and engagement in Lady Gaga fandom. In: Duits, L., Zwann, K. and Reijnders, S. eds. The Ashgate Research Companion to Fan Cultures. Ashgate, pp. 109-120.
- Bennett, L. 2014. Texting and tweeting at live music concerts: flow, fandom and connecting with other audiences through mobile phone technology. In: Burland, K. and Pitts, S. eds. Coughing and Clapping: Investigating Audience Experience. SEMPRE Studies in The Psychology of Music Ashgate, pp. 89-100.
- Bennett, L. 2012. Lost in time: Lost fan engagement with temporal play. In: Ames, M. ed. Time in Television Narrative: Exploring Temporality in Twenty-First-Century Programming. University Press of Mississippi, pp. 297-309.
- Doughty, M., Lawson, S., Linehan, C., Rowland, D. and Bennett, L. 2014. Disinhibited abuse of othered communities by second-screening audiences. Presented at: 2014 ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 25-27 June 2014Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video. New York, NY: ACM pp. 55-62., (10.1145/2602299.2602311)
- Jamison-Powell, S., Bennett, L., Mahoney, J. and Lawson, S. 2014. Understanding in-situ social media use at music festivals. Presented at: 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing, Baltimore, MD, 15–19 February 2014Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing. New York, NY,: ACM pp. 177-180., (10.1145/2556420.2556503)
- Bennett, L. 2011. Listening Through Social Media: Online fan engagement with the live music experience. Presented at: Transforming Audiences 3, London, 1-2 September 2011.
- Bennett, L. 2011. Transformations through Twitter: Television viewership and negotiations of power through media convergence. Presented at: COST Action Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies, London, 31 August 2011.
- Bennett, L. 2011. Log on and Freak Out: Twitter and online fan engagement with the live music experience. Presented at: The Business of Live Music, Edinburgh, 31 March – 2 April 2011.
- Bennett, L. 2010. Drooling R.E.M. fans as “matter out of place". Presented at: International Association for the Study of Popular Music-UK / Ireland, Cardiff, 2 – 4 September 2010.
- Bennett, L. 2010. Triskaidekaphobics: R.E.M. fans in pursuit of the ultimate first listen. Presented at: Popular Music Fandom Symposium, Chester, 25 June 2010.
- Bennett, L. 2008. Normative identity and governance of R.E.M. fans in Murmurs.com. Presented at: MeCCSA, Cardiff, 9-11 January 2008.
- Zaborowski, R. and Bennett, L. 2025. #RunningUpThatHill, revival and popular music fandom on TikTok. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies
- Williams, R. and Bennett, L. 2022. Editorial: fandom and controversy. American Behavioral Scientist 66(8), pp. 1035-1043. (10.1177/00027642211042290)
- Garcia-Blanco, I. and Bennett, L. 2022. "Stop giving us the negatives of the other side's aims": The EU referendum through letters to the editor. Journalism Studies 23, pp. 207-223. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.2017792)
- Garcia-Blanco, I. and Bennett, L. 2021. Between a 'media circus' and 'seeing justice being done': metajournalistic discourse and the transparency of justice in the debate on filming trials in British newspapers. Journalism 22(1), pp. 176-195. (10.1177/1464884918760025)
- Berry, M., Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Garcia-Blanco, I., Bennett, L. and Cable, J. 2021. British public service broadcasting, the EU and Brexit. Journalism Studies 22(15), pp. 2082-2102. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.1981154)
- Bennett, L., Berry, M. and Allan, S. 2018. Introduction. Journalism Studies 19(13), pp. 1849-1853. (10.1080/1461670X.2018.1502922)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Berry, M., Garcia-Blanco, I., Bennett, L. and Cable, J. 2017. Rethinking balance and impartiality in journalism? How the BBC attempted and failed to change the paradigm. Journalism 18(7), pp. 781-800. (10.1177/1464884916648094)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Bennett, L. K. and Cable, J. 2017. Surveillance normalization and critique: News coverage and journalists’ discourses around the Snowden revelations. Digital Journalism 5(3), pp. 386-403. (10.1080/21670811.2016.1250607)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Hintz, A., Dencik, L. and Bennett, L. 2017. Journalism, citizenship and surveillance - introduction. Digital Journalism 5(3), pp. 256-261. (10.1080/21670811.2016.1266134)
- Bennett, L. and Kidd, J. 2017. Myths about media studies: the construction of media studies education in the British press. Continuum 31(2), pp. 163-176. (10.1080/10304312.2016.1265096)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Bennett, L. and Taylor, G. 2017. The normalization of surveillance and the invisibility of digital citizenship: media debates after the Snowden revelations. International Journal of Communication 11, pp. 740-762.
- Booth, P. J. and Bennett, L. 2015. Exploring fandom and the performance paradigm: An interview with Kurt Lancaster, author of 'Interacting with "Babylon 5"'. Transformative Works and Cultures 18, article number: 638. (10.3983/twc.2015.0638)
- Bennett, L. and Chin, B. 2014. Exploring fandom, social media, and producer/fan interactions: An interview with Sleepy Hollow's Orlando Jones. Transformative Works and Cultures 17(2014) (10.3983/twc.2014.0601)
- Bennett, L. 2014. Popular music fandom: Identities, roles, and practices, edited by Mark Duffett [Book Review]. Transformative Works and Cultures 17 (10.3983/twc.2014.0604.)
- Bennett, L. 2014. Tracing textual poachers: reflections on the development of fan studies and digital fandom. The Journal of Fandom Studies 2(1), pp. 5-20. (10.1386/jfs.2.1.5_1)
- Kelsey, D. and Bennett, L. 2014. Discipline and resistance on social media: Discourse, power and context in the Paul Chambers 'Twitter Joke Trial'. Discourse, Context & Media 3, pp. 37-45. (10.1016/j.dcm.2013.12.001)
- Bennett, L. 2013. Discourses of order and rationality: drooling R.E.M. fans as 'matter out of place'. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 27(2), pp. 214-227. (10.1080/10304312.2013.766313)
- Bennett, L. and Phillips, T. 2013. An introduction: The Fan Studies Network – new connections, new research. Participations: The International Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 10(1), pp. 52-55.
- Bennett, L. 2013. Researching online fandom. Cinema Journal 52(4), pp. 129-134. (10.1353/cj.2013.0033)
- Bennett, L. 2013. 'If we stick together we can do anything': Lady Gaga fandom, philanthropy and activism through social media. Celebrity Studies 5(1-2), pp. 138-152. (10.1080/19392397.2013.813778)
- Jones, B. and Bennett, L. 2013. Blurring boundaries, crossing divides: An interview with Will Brooker. Participations: The International Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 10(1), pp. 335-350.
- Bennett, L. 2012. Music fandom online: R.E.M. fans in pursuit of the ultimate first listen. New Media & Society 14(5), pp. 748-763. (10.1177/1461444811422895)
- Bennett, L. 2012. Music audiences: An introduction. Participations: The International Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 9(2), pp. 200-205.
- Bennett, L. 2012. Fan activism for social mobilization: A critical review of the literature. Transformative Works and Cultures 10 (10.3983/twc.2012.0346)
- Bennett, L. 2012. Transformations through Twitter: The England riots, television viewership and negotiations of power through media convergence. Participations: The International Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 9(2), pp. 511-525.
- Bennett, L. 2012. Patterns of listening through social media: online fan engagement with the live music experience. Social Semiotics 22(5), pp. 545-557. (10.1080/10350330.2012.731897)
- Bennett, L. 2011. Conference Reports. International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) UK and Ireland Branch, Biennial Conference, 2–4 September 2010, Cardiff, UK: Experience, Engagement, Meaning. Popular Music -Cambridge- 30(1), pp. 145-147. (10.1017/S0261143010000632)
- Bennett, L. 2011. Delegitimizing strategic power: normative identity and governance in online R.E.M. fandom. Transformative Works and Cultures 7(2011) (doi:10.3983/twc.2011.0281.)
- Bennett, L. K. 2009. Thinking fan's rock band : R.E.M. fandom and negotiations of normativity in Murmurs.com.. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Bennett, L. 2015. A shift of responsibility?: Public inclusion and the implications of crowdfunding academic research. [Online]. Media Commons. Available at: http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/question/what-are-potential-implications-crowdfunding-academic-research-and-teaching/response/shift-
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- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. eds. 2020. Journalism, citizenship and surveillance society. Routledge.
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- Bennett, L. 2013. Fan power [radio interview]. [BBC Radio 4]. 11 November 2013.
- Cerddoriaeth Fyw Fandom a chynulleidfaoedd: O fewn y maes ymchwil hwn rwyf wedi bod yn archwilio: a) defnyddio technoleg, cyfryngau cymdeithasol a chyfryngau digidol yn ystod cyngherddau byw gan gefnogwyr, b) diwylliant gwersylla gan gefnogwyr y tu allan i'r cyngherddau, a'r ystyr a'r effaith y gall hyn ei gael, c) etiquette cyngerdd byw gan gefnogwyr - gyda chynnydd aelodau'r gynulleidfa yn taflu gwrthrychau at gerddorion, a ch) y cysylltiadau rhwng cerddorion a chefnogwyr mewn cyngherddau byw. Rwyf wedi bod yn sylwebydd rheolaidd yn y cyfryngau am y pynciau hyn, yn cael fy nghyfweld a'm sylwadau mewn cwmnïau cyfryngau allweddol fel NBC News, BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat, BBC Jersey, BBC News Worldwide, The Guardian a llawer mwy yn rhyngwladol.
- Cerddoriaeth boblogaidd: Maes allweddol arall yn fy ymchwil yw cerddoriaeth boblogaidd a sut mae'n rhyngweithio â'r cyfryngau a diwylliant. Rwy'n addysgu modiwl mawr yn y drydedd flwyddyn ar y pwnc hwn ac yn goruchwylio myfyrwyr BA, MA, a PhD mewn JOMEC yn y maes hwn. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi ymchwil academaidd ar wyliau cerdd, presenoldeb cerddorion ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol, cyngherddau cerddoriaeth fyw, ffandom cerddoriaeth ddigidol a diwylliannau cerddoriaeth ar-lein.
- Newyddiaduraeth Cerddoriaeth: Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n ymgymryd â phrosiect sy'n archwilio rolau ac effeithiau newyddiaduraeth cerddoriaeth. Rwyf hefyd yn gweithio ar adegau fel newyddiadurwr cerddoriaeth, mae ysgrifennu ar gyfer Duw ar y teledu.
- Ffanyddol Cerddoriaeth: Rwyf wedi bod yn ymchwilio i sut mae technoleg yn effeithio ar ffandom a chynulleidfaoedd cerddoriaeth a'r goblygiadau sy'n deillio o hyn. Roedd fy nhraethawd PhD yn canolbwyntio ar gymuned ar-lein o gefnogwyr R.E.M. a'u ffantom ar-lein. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi ymhellach ar bynciau fel defnyddio technoleg yn ystod cyngherddau cerddoriaeth fyw, defnyddio a goblygiadau Twitter gan gefnogwyr, enwogion a chynhyrchwyr, a Lady Gaga, cyfryngau cymdeithasol a gweithrediaeth. Yn ogystal â'm herthyglau a llyfrau jorunal cyhoeddedig yn y maes hwn, rwyf ar fwrdd golygyddol y Journal of Fandom Studies a Transformative Works and Cultures.
- Cymru, cerddoriaeth a hunaniaeth: Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n archwilio'r cysylltiadau rhwng cerddoriaeth, lle a hunaniaeth, gan ganolbwyntio ar gerddoriaeth Gymreig a'r gerddoriaeth yng Nghymru.
- Diwydiant cerddoriaeth: Mae fy ngwaith hefyd yn archwilio effeithiau ar elfennau allweddol o'r diwydiant cerddoriaeth. Rwy'n cydweithio'n llwyr ar brosiect sy'n canolbwyntio ar Patreon a'r profiadau byw a'r effaith ar gerddorion sy'n defnyddio'r platfform.
Rwy'n addysgu ac yn dylunio'r modiwlau gradd israddedig canlynol:
Cerddoriaeth boblogaidd, Cyfryngau a Diwylliant
Ffantom Cyfryngau
Rwyf hefyd yn addysgu ar fodiwl BA blwyddyn gyntaf graidd Hanes Cyfathrebu Torfol a Diwylliant , gan ganolbwyntio ar y Diwydiant Cerddoriaeth Boblogaidd ddoe a heddiw.
Rwyf hefyd wedi bod yn gyd-odinator modiwl ar gyfer y Traethawd Hir, a'r Modiwlau Cyfryngau a Rhywedd .
Rwy'n ddarlithydd yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, gyda diddordebau ymchwil ac arbenigedd mewnCerddoriaeth opular P aF andom a Fan Cultures. Rwyf hefyd yn gyfarwyddwr cwrs ar gyfer y radd BA yn y Cyfryngau, Newyddiaduraeth a Diwylliant.
Rwy'n addysgu a chynllunio'r modiwlau gradd israddedig sy'n rhedeg yn JOMEC, Prifysgol Caerdydd:
Cerddoriaeth boblogaidd, Cyfryngau a Diwylliant
Ffantom Cyfryngau
Rwyf hefyd yn addysgu ar fodiwl BA blwyddyn gyntaf graidd Hanes Cyfathrebu Torfol a Diwylliant , gan ganolbwyntio ar y Diwydiant Cerddoriaeth Boblogaidd ddoe a heddiw.
Rwyf wedi gwneud gwaith ymgynghori ar gyfer YouTube yng Nghaliffornia, gan gynghori a chynhyrchu ymchwil ar gefnogwyr a ffans digidol. Rwyf wedi ymddangos ar BBC Radio 4 yn siarad am fy ymchwil ar ffandom cerddoriaeth boblogaidd ac wedi rhoi mewnbwn i'r Academi Recordio/The Grammies ar gerddoriaeth boblogaidd, cyfryngau cymdeithasol a dilysrwydd.
Rwy'n sylwebydd rheolaidd yn y cyfryngau cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol am fandom cerddoriaeth a cherddoriaeth boblogaidd yn ehangach, yn cael fy nghyfweld am bynciau fel gigs cerddoriaeth fyw, diwylliant gwersylla, ffandom cerddoriaeth ac arferion ar-lein, ac artistiaid fel Taylor Swift a Chappell Roan. Mae fy sylwadau ar gerddoriaeth a ffandom wedi ymddangos ar BBC UK News, BBC World News, NBC News, CNN, BBC Radio One Newsbeat, BBC One Points of View, BBC Radio Four, The Washington Post, The Washington Informer, The Guardian, Dazed Media, The Economist, Newsweek, The Daily Beast, Inside Hook, BBC Radio Jersey, Architectural Digest, 20 Minutes, La Repubblica D Magazine, a llawer mwy.
Gweithiais gyda'r platfform diwylliannol a cherddoriaeth Cymraeg AC ar ymchwil ar eu cynulleidfaoedd, yn ogystal â PYST®, hyrwyddwr label cerddoriaeth blaenllaw a dosbarthwr cerddoriaeth yng Nghymru. Yn ogystal, rwy'n gwneud ymchwil ar gerddorion a thrawsnewid digidol yn yr economi greadigol, cerddoriaeth Gymraeg a'r sîn gerddoriaeth Gymraeg ac yn cynnal dadansoddiad o gerddoriaeth a diwylliant ffan ar TikTok.
Rwyf hefyd yn ymwneud â newyddiaduraeth gerddoriaeth, yn cynnal cyfweliadau gyda bandiau a cherddorion, ar gyfer cyhoeddi cerddoriaeth ar-lein God is in the TV.
Rwyf ar fwrdd golygyddol y cylchgronau New Media & Society, The Journal of Fandom Studies, a Transformative Works and Cultures, Ar lefel fwy lleol, rwy'n angerddol am y sîn gerddoriaeth yng Nghaerdydd/Cymru ac rwyf ar reithgor Gwobr Gerddoriaeth Cymru, ac ar banel beirniadu The Forte Project - cynllun mentoriaeth i gerddorion yng Nghymru.
Cyd-sefydlais a chyd-gadeirio (gyda Dr Tom Phillips) y Rhwydwaith Astudiaethau Fan (https://fanstudies.org/). Gan gynnwys cannoedd o aelodau ledled y byd, ers ei lansio yn 2012 mae'r rhwydwaith wedi meithrin cysylltiadau a chydweithrediadau newydd ffrwythlon rhwng academyddion yn y maes.
Fe wnes i guradu rhestr chwarae fideo addysgol ar Gerddoriaeth Boblogaidd, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant ar gyfer Dysgu ar y Sgrin, y gallwch ei gyrchu yma: https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/bob-curated-playlists/popular-music-media-and-culture/
Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi dau lyfr Crowdfunding the Future: Media Industries, Ethics and Digital Society (golygwyd gyda Bertha Chin a Bethan Jones, Peter Lang, 2015) a Seeing Fans: Representations of Fandom in Media and Popular Culture (golygwyd gyda Paul Booth, Bloomsbury, 2016). Mae fy ngwaith ar gerddoriaeth boblogaidd, diwylliant digidol a'r cyfryngau yn ymddangos mewn cyfnodolion fel New Media & Society, Transformative Works and Cultures, Celebrity Studies, The Journal of Fandom Studies, Social Semiotics, Discourse, Context & Media, Cinema Journal, Participations and Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies.
Yn 2013 cefais fy amlygu fel un o bum 'llais newydd' mewn astudiaethau cyfryngau a diwylliannol gan Cinema Journal, cyfnodolyn y Society for Cinema and Media Studies.
Rwyf wedi gweithio ar amrywiaeth o brosiectau ymchwil yn y cyfryngau, gan gynnwys prosiect a ariannwyd gan GW4 yn archwilio camerâu mewn ystafelloedd llysoedd, ac roeddwn yn gynorthwyydd ymchwil ar y llinyn cyfryngau ar gyfer prosiect ymchwil ESRC Digital Citizenship and Surveillance Society: UK State-Media-Citizen Relations after the Snowden Leaks. Cyn hyn, roeddwn hefyd yn gydymaith ymchwil ar brosiect a ariannwyd gan UNHCR yn archwilio cynrychioliadau cyfryngau o ffoaduriaid yn y wasg Brydeinig, a chynhaliais ymchwil ar ail-osod astudiaethau'r cyfryngau. Bûm yn gweithio fel ymchwilydd ar nifer o brosiectau gwahanol yn yr ysgol, gan gynnwys pedwar adolygiad gan Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC, gan gynnwys adolygiad didueddrwydd amlwg Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC yn 2012 gan ganolbwyntio ar ehangder barn, y cyfrannais ohono at yr adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd terfynol. Cyn fy rôl bresennol yn JOMEC, yn ystod 2014 bûm yn arwain ac yn dylunio'r modiwl 'Deall Diwylliant' ar yr MSc yn yr Ysgol Cymdeithaseg, Gwleidyddiaeth ac Astudiaethau Rhyngwladol, Prifysgol Bryste.
Yn 2020 deuthum yn gymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Byddai gennyf ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ym meysydd:
- Cerddoriaeth boblogaidd
- Cerddoriaeth a thechnoleg boblogaidd - fel ffrydio a TikTok
- Newyddiaduraeth cerddoriaeth
- Cyngherddau ac arferion cerddoriaeth fyw, fel diwylliant gwersylla
- Cerddoriaeth a Chymru/hunaniaeth Gymreig
- Cefnogwyr cerddoriaeth a ffandom
- Ffanyddol cyfryngau yn fwy eang
Goruchwyliodd pynciau cyfredol myfyrwyr MPhil a PhD:
- Trwy strategaethau traws-gyfryngol, sut mae cyfres ffilm a theledu Danmei wedi'i haddasu gan lenyddiaeth yn Tsieina yn ymateb i ffandom?
- "Peppa Pig: 'Dadi druan yn gorfod gweithio. Lwcus Mam, gallwch chi chwarae gartref trwy'r dydd!' Ymchwiliad i gynrychiolaeth rolau rhianta rhywedd mewn cyn-ysgol a theledu plant"
Goruchwylio prosiectau wedi'u cwblhau:
- Henry Morgan: Cerddoriaeth, llwyfannau a'r hunan digidol: trafod hunaniaeth mewn diwylliannau cerddoriaeth ar-lein yn y 2010au.
- [19] Bethan Jones: Fandom is beautiful (ac eithrio pan nad yw'n): casineb, cas a gwenwyndra ar-lein
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Laura Marie Sinclair
ArrayContact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Cerddoriaeth
- Cefnogwyr
- Fandom cerddoriaeth