Dr Aline Bompas
Darllenydd, Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Crynodeb ymchwil
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar benderfyniadau visuo-motor, megis ymateb yn gyflym gyda symudiadau llygaid neu law i newidiadau mewn signalau gweledol. Fy nod yw datgelu sut mae'r ymennydd dynol yn gwneud y penderfyniadau cyflym hyn, ac am hyn rwy'n dibynnu ar ddadansoddiad soffistigedig o ymddygiad, modelu cyfrifiannol o benderfyniadau ac electroffisioleg (EEG, MEG). Rwy'n cymhwyso'r ymchwil hon i ddeall amrywiadau mewn perfformiad o fewn unigolion yn well, yn ogystal â gwahaniaethau unigol yn y boblogaeth iach a chyflyrau clinigol fel clefyd Alzheimer. Mae fy niddordeb am amrywioldeb mewnwythiol mewn perfformiad dynol yn ymestyn i bynciau fel metawybyddiaeth, iselder, byrbwylltra neu ADHD. Rwy'n gysylltiedig â CUBRIC, canolfan delweddu'r ymennydd Prifysgol Caerdydd, ac yn rhan o'r grŵp Niwrowyddoniaeth Gwybyddol.
- Bompas, A., Sumner, P. and Hedge, C. 2024. Non-decision time: the Higgs Boson of decision. Psychological Review (10.1037/rev0000487)
- Perquin, M. N., van Vugt, M. K., Hedge, C. and Bompas, A. 2023. Temporal structure in sensorimotor variability: a stable trait, but what for?. Computational Brain & Behavior (10.1007/s42113-022-00162-1)
- Hedge, C., Powell, G., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2022. Strategy and processing speed eclipse individual differences in control ability in conflict tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 48(10), pp. 1448-1469. (10.1037/xlm0001028)
- Hedge, C., Powell, G., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2020. Self-reported impulsivity does not predict response caution. Personality and Individual Differences 167, article number: 110257. (10.1016/j.paid.2020.110257)
- Hedge, C., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2020. Task reliability considerations in computational psychiatry. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 5(9), pp. 837-839. (10.1016/j.bpsc.2020.05.004)
- Bompas, A., Campbell, A. E. and Sumner, P. 2020. Cognitive control and automatic interference in mind and brain: A unified model of saccadic inhibition and countermanding. Psychological Review 127(4), pp. 524-561. (10.1037/rev0000181)
- Szul, M. J., Bompas, A., Sumner, P. and Zhang, J. 2020. The validity and consistency of continuous joystick response in perceptual decision-making. Behavior Research Methods 52, pp. 681-693. (10.3758/s13428-019-01269-3)
- Perquin, M. N., Yang, J., Teufel, C., Sumner, P., Hedge, C. and Bompas, A. 2020. Inability to improve performance with control shows limited access to inner states. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 149(2), pp. 249–274. (10.1037/xge0000641)
- Morgan, P., Macken, W., Toet, A., Bompas, A., Bray, M., Rushton, S. and Jones, D. 2020. Distraction for the eye and ear. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 21(6), pp. 633-657. (10.1080/1463922X.2020.1712493)
- Hedge, C., Vivian-Griffiths, S., Powell, G., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2019. Slow and steady? Strategic adjustments in response caution are moderately reliable and correlate across tasks. Consciousness and Cognition 75, article number: 102797. (10.1016/j.concog.2019.102797)
- Nicolas, J. et al. 2019. Saccadic Adaptation Boosts Ongoing Gamma Activity in a Subsequent Visuoattentional Task. Cerebral Cortex 29(9), pp. 3606-3617., article number: bhy241. (10.1093/cercor/bhy241)
- Koelewijn, L. et al. 2019. Oscillatory hyperactivity and hyperconnectivity in young APOE-ɛ4 carriers and hypoconnectivity in Alzheimer's disease. eLife 8, article number: e36011. (10.7554/eLife.36011)
- Perquin, M. and Bompas, A. 2019. Reliability and correlates of intra-individual variability in the oculomotor system. Journal of Eye Movement Research 12(6), article number: 11. (10.16910/jemr.12.6.11)
- Hedge, C., Powell, G., Bompas, A., Vivian-Griffiths, S. and Sumner, P. 2018. Low and variable correlation between reaction time costs and accuracy costs explained by accumulation models: Meta-analysis and simulations. Psychological Bulletin 144(11), pp. 1200-1227. (10.1037/bul0000164)
- Koelewijn, L., Bompas, A., Tales, A., Brookes, M. J., Muthukumaraswamy, S. D., Bayer, A. and Singh, K. D. 2017. Alzheimer's disease disrupts alpha and beta-band resting-state oscillatory network connectivity. Clinical Neurophysiology 128(11), pp. 2347-2357. (10.1016/j.clinph.2017.04.018)
- Bompas, A., Hedge, C. and Sumner, P. 2017. Speeded saccadic and manual visuo-motor decisions: Distinct processes but same principles. Cognitive Psychology 94, pp. 26-52. (10.1016/j.cogpsych.2017.02.002)
- Powell, G., Sumner, P., Harrison, J. J. and Bompas, A. 2016. Interaction between contours and eye movements in the perception of afterimages: A test of the signal ambiguity theory. Journal of Vision 16(7), article number: 16. (10.1167/16.7.16)
- Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2015. Saccadic inhibition and the remote distractor effect: One mechanism or two?. Journal of Vision 15(6), pp. 516-525., article number: 15. (10.1167/15.6.15)
- Powell, G., Sumner, P. and Bompas, A. 2015. The effect of eye movements and blinks on afterimage appearance and duration. Journal of Vision 15(3), pp. 1-15., article number: 20. (10.1167/15.3.20)
- Bompas, A., Sumner, P., Muthumumaraswamy, S. D., Singh, K. D. and Gilchrist, I. D. 2015. The contribution of pre-stimulus neural oscillatory activity to spontaneous response time variability. NeuroImage 107, pp. 34-45. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.11.057)
- Bayer, A., Phillips, M., Porter, G., Leonards, U., Bompas, A. and Tales, A. 2014. Abnormal inhibition of return in mild cognitive impairment: is it specific to the presence of prodromal dementia?. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 40(1), pp. 177-189. (10.3233/JAD-131934)
- Sanchez, G., Daunizeau, J., Maby, E., Bertrand, O., Bompas, A. and Mattout, J. 2014. Toward a new application of real-time electrophysiology: online optimization of cognitive neurosciences hypothesis testing. Brain Sciences 4(1), pp. 49-72. (10.3390/brainsci4010049)
- Budnik, U., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2013. Perceptual strength is different from sensorimotor strength: Evidence from the centre-periphery asymmetry in masked priming. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66(1), pp. 15-22. (10.1080/17470218.2012.741605)
- Bompas, A., Kendall, G. E. and Sumner, P. 2013. Spotting fruit versus picking fruit as the selective advantage of human colour vision. Perception 4(2), pp. 84-94. (10.1068/i0564)
- Bompas, A., Powell, G. and Sumner, P. 2013. Systematic biases in adult color perception persist despite lifelong information sufficient to calibrate them. Journal of Vision 13(1), article number: 19. (10.1167/13.1.19)
- Powell, G., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2012. Making the incredible credible: Afterimages are modulated by contextual edges more than real stimuli. Journal of Vision 12(10), article number: 17. (10.1167/12.10.17)
- Powell, G., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2012. In pursuit of afterimage perception: Interactions with eye movements and contours. Perception 41(S), pp. 177-177. (10.1068/v120280)
- Tales, A. et al. 2012. Intra-individual reaction time variability in aMCI: A precursor to dementia?. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 32(2), pp. 457-466. (10.3233/JAD-2012-120505)
- Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2011. Saccadic inhibition reveals the timing of automatic and voluntary signals in the human brain. The Journal of Neuroscience 31(35), pp. 12501-12512. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2234-11.2011)
- Powell, G., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2011. Hues being framed and the nulling of the afterimage [Abstract]. Perception 40(S), pp. 199-199. (10.1068/v110629)
- Bompas, A., Powell, G. and Sumner, P. 2011. Colour perception across the visual field: No mastery of sensorimotor contingencies [Abstract]. Perception 40(S), pp. 10-10. (10.1068/v110403)
- Sumner, P., Edden, R. A. E., Bompas, A., Evans, C. J. and Singh, K. D. 2010. More GABA, less distraction: a neurochemical predictor of motor decision speed. Nature Neuroscience 13(7), pp. 825-827. (10.1038/nn.2559)
- Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2009. Temporal dynamics of saccadic distraction. Journal of Vision 9(9), article number: 17. (10.1167/9.9.17)
- Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2009. Oculomotor Distraction by Signals Invisible to the Retinotectal and Magnocellular Pathways. Journal of Neurophysiology 102(4), pp. 2387-2395. (10.1152/jn.00359.2009)
- Bompas, A., Sterling, T., Rafal, R. D. and Sumner, P. 2008. Naso-temporal asymmetry for signals invisible to the retinotectal pathway. Journal of Neurophysiology 100(1), pp. 412-421. (10.1152/jn.90312.2008)
- Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2008. Sensory sluggishness dissociates saccadic, manual, and perceptual responses: An S-cone study. Journal of Vision 8(8), pp. 1-13. (10.1167/8.8.10)
- Bompas, A. and O'Regan, J. K. 2006. More evidence for sensorimotor adaptation in color perception. Journal of Vision 6(2), article number: 5. (10.1167/6.2.5)
- Bompas, A. and O'Regan, J. K. 2006. Evidence for a role of action in colour perception. Perception -London- 35(1), pp. 65-78. (10.1068/p5356)
- Wolfe, J. M., Oliva, A., Horowitz, T. S., Butcher, S. J. and Bompas, A. 2002. Segmentation of objects from backgrounds in visual search tasks. Vision Research 42(28), pp. 2985-3004. (10.1016/S0042-6989(02)00388-7)
- Bompas, A., Sumner, P. and Hedge, C. 2024. Non-decision time: the Higgs Boson of decision. Psychological Review (10.1037/rev0000487)
- Perquin, M. N., van Vugt, M. K., Hedge, C. and Bompas, A. 2023. Temporal structure in sensorimotor variability: a stable trait, but what for?. Computational Brain & Behavior (10.1007/s42113-022-00162-1)
- Hedge, C., Powell, G., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2022. Strategy and processing speed eclipse individual differences in control ability in conflict tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 48(10), pp. 1448-1469. (10.1037/xlm0001028)
- Hedge, C., Powell, G., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2020. Self-reported impulsivity does not predict response caution. Personality and Individual Differences 167, article number: 110257. (10.1016/j.paid.2020.110257)
- Hedge, C., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2020. Task reliability considerations in computational psychiatry. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 5(9), pp. 837-839. (10.1016/j.bpsc.2020.05.004)
- Bompas, A., Campbell, A. E. and Sumner, P. 2020. Cognitive control and automatic interference in mind and brain: A unified model of saccadic inhibition and countermanding. Psychological Review 127(4), pp. 524-561. (10.1037/rev0000181)
- Szul, M. J., Bompas, A., Sumner, P. and Zhang, J. 2020. The validity and consistency of continuous joystick response in perceptual decision-making. Behavior Research Methods 52, pp. 681-693. (10.3758/s13428-019-01269-3)
- Perquin, M. N., Yang, J., Teufel, C., Sumner, P., Hedge, C. and Bompas, A. 2020. Inability to improve performance with control shows limited access to inner states. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 149(2), pp. 249–274. (10.1037/xge0000641)
- Morgan, P., Macken, W., Toet, A., Bompas, A., Bray, M., Rushton, S. and Jones, D. 2020. Distraction for the eye and ear. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 21(6), pp. 633-657. (10.1080/1463922X.2020.1712493)
- Hedge, C., Vivian-Griffiths, S., Powell, G., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2019. Slow and steady? Strategic adjustments in response caution are moderately reliable and correlate across tasks. Consciousness and Cognition 75, article number: 102797. (10.1016/j.concog.2019.102797)
- Nicolas, J. et al. 2019. Saccadic Adaptation Boosts Ongoing Gamma Activity in a Subsequent Visuoattentional Task. Cerebral Cortex 29(9), pp. 3606-3617., article number: bhy241. (10.1093/cercor/bhy241)
- Koelewijn, L. et al. 2019. Oscillatory hyperactivity and hyperconnectivity in young APOE-ɛ4 carriers and hypoconnectivity in Alzheimer's disease. eLife 8, article number: e36011. (10.7554/eLife.36011)
- Perquin, M. and Bompas, A. 2019. Reliability and correlates of intra-individual variability in the oculomotor system. Journal of Eye Movement Research 12(6), article number: 11. (10.16910/jemr.12.6.11)
- Hedge, C., Powell, G., Bompas, A., Vivian-Griffiths, S. and Sumner, P. 2018. Low and variable correlation between reaction time costs and accuracy costs explained by accumulation models: Meta-analysis and simulations. Psychological Bulletin 144(11), pp. 1200-1227. (10.1037/bul0000164)
- Koelewijn, L., Bompas, A., Tales, A., Brookes, M. J., Muthukumaraswamy, S. D., Bayer, A. and Singh, K. D. 2017. Alzheimer's disease disrupts alpha and beta-band resting-state oscillatory network connectivity. Clinical Neurophysiology 128(11), pp. 2347-2357. (10.1016/j.clinph.2017.04.018)
- Bompas, A., Hedge, C. and Sumner, P. 2017. Speeded saccadic and manual visuo-motor decisions: Distinct processes but same principles. Cognitive Psychology 94, pp. 26-52. (10.1016/j.cogpsych.2017.02.002)
- Powell, G., Sumner, P., Harrison, J. J. and Bompas, A. 2016. Interaction between contours and eye movements in the perception of afterimages: A test of the signal ambiguity theory. Journal of Vision 16(7), article number: 16. (10.1167/16.7.16)
- Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2015. Saccadic inhibition and the remote distractor effect: One mechanism or two?. Journal of Vision 15(6), pp. 516-525., article number: 15. (10.1167/15.6.15)
- Powell, G., Sumner, P. and Bompas, A. 2015. The effect of eye movements and blinks on afterimage appearance and duration. Journal of Vision 15(3), pp. 1-15., article number: 20. (10.1167/15.3.20)
- Bompas, A., Sumner, P., Muthumumaraswamy, S. D., Singh, K. D. and Gilchrist, I. D. 2015. The contribution of pre-stimulus neural oscillatory activity to spontaneous response time variability. NeuroImage 107, pp. 34-45. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.11.057)
- Bayer, A., Phillips, M., Porter, G., Leonards, U., Bompas, A. and Tales, A. 2014. Abnormal inhibition of return in mild cognitive impairment: is it specific to the presence of prodromal dementia?. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 40(1), pp. 177-189. (10.3233/JAD-131934)
- Sanchez, G., Daunizeau, J., Maby, E., Bertrand, O., Bompas, A. and Mattout, J. 2014. Toward a new application of real-time electrophysiology: online optimization of cognitive neurosciences hypothesis testing. Brain Sciences 4(1), pp. 49-72. (10.3390/brainsci4010049)
- Budnik, U., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2013. Perceptual strength is different from sensorimotor strength: Evidence from the centre-periphery asymmetry in masked priming. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66(1), pp. 15-22. (10.1080/17470218.2012.741605)
- Bompas, A., Kendall, G. E. and Sumner, P. 2013. Spotting fruit versus picking fruit as the selective advantage of human colour vision. Perception 4(2), pp. 84-94. (10.1068/i0564)
- Bompas, A., Powell, G. and Sumner, P. 2013. Systematic biases in adult color perception persist despite lifelong information sufficient to calibrate them. Journal of Vision 13(1), article number: 19. (10.1167/13.1.19)
- Powell, G., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2012. Making the incredible credible: Afterimages are modulated by contextual edges more than real stimuli. Journal of Vision 12(10), article number: 17. (10.1167/12.10.17)
- Powell, G., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2012. In pursuit of afterimage perception: Interactions with eye movements and contours. Perception 41(S), pp. 177-177. (10.1068/v120280)
- Tales, A. et al. 2012. Intra-individual reaction time variability in aMCI: A precursor to dementia?. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 32(2), pp. 457-466. (10.3233/JAD-2012-120505)
- Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2011. Saccadic inhibition reveals the timing of automatic and voluntary signals in the human brain. The Journal of Neuroscience 31(35), pp. 12501-12512. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2234-11.2011)
- Powell, G., Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2011. Hues being framed and the nulling of the afterimage [Abstract]. Perception 40(S), pp. 199-199. (10.1068/v110629)
- Bompas, A., Powell, G. and Sumner, P. 2011. Colour perception across the visual field: No mastery of sensorimotor contingencies [Abstract]. Perception 40(S), pp. 10-10. (10.1068/v110403)
- Sumner, P., Edden, R. A. E., Bompas, A., Evans, C. J. and Singh, K. D. 2010. More GABA, less distraction: a neurochemical predictor of motor decision speed. Nature Neuroscience 13(7), pp. 825-827. (10.1038/nn.2559)
- Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2009. Temporal dynamics of saccadic distraction. Journal of Vision 9(9), article number: 17. (10.1167/9.9.17)
- Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2009. Oculomotor Distraction by Signals Invisible to the Retinotectal and Magnocellular Pathways. Journal of Neurophysiology 102(4), pp. 2387-2395. (10.1152/jn.00359.2009)
- Bompas, A., Sterling, T., Rafal, R. D. and Sumner, P. 2008. Naso-temporal asymmetry for signals invisible to the retinotectal pathway. Journal of Neurophysiology 100(1), pp. 412-421. (10.1152/jn.90312.2008)
- Bompas, A. and Sumner, P. 2008. Sensory sluggishness dissociates saccadic, manual, and perceptual responses: An S-cone study. Journal of Vision 8(8), pp. 1-13. (10.1167/8.8.10)
- Bompas, A. and O'Regan, J. K. 2006. More evidence for sensorimotor adaptation in color perception. Journal of Vision 6(2), article number: 5. (10.1167/6.2.5)
- Bompas, A. and O'Regan, J. K. 2006. Evidence for a role of action in colour perception. Perception -London- 35(1), pp. 65-78. (10.1068/p5356)
- Wolfe, J. M., Oliva, A., Horowitz, T. S., Butcher, S. J. and Bompas, A. 2002. Segmentation of objects from backgrounds in visual search tasks. Vision Research 42(28), pp. 2985-3004. (10.1016/S0042-6989(02)00388-7)
Mae fy nhîm yn defnyddio cyfuniad o dechnegau ymddygiadol, ffisiolegol a niwrolegol i ddeall perfformiad visuo-motor yn well, ei sail fiolegol a sut y gall fod yn wahanol o fewn ac ar draws pobl.
Dyma rai o fy mhrif brosiectau a phapurau cysylltiedig mwyaf perthnasol:
Penderfyniadau gweithredu cyflym a'u modelu. Mae fy nhîm yn datblygu ac yn defnyddio ystod o dechnegau i fesur ymddygiad visuo-motor (seicoffiseg weledol, olrhain llygaid) ynghyd â modelau (modelau maes niwral, cronnwyr llinol, model trylediad drifft) i gynnig dulliau meintiol o ymddygiad a chysylltiadau penodol â gweithgarwch yr ymennydd.
- Bompas, A., Sumner, P. a Hedge, C. 2024. Amser nad yw'n penderfynu: Boson Higgs o benderfyniad. Adolygiad Seicolegol (10.1037/rev0000487)
- Bompas, A., Campbell, A.E., and Sumner, P. (2020). Rheolaeth wybyddol ac ymyrraeth awtomatig mewn meddwl ac ymennydd: Model unedig o ataliad a gwrth-osod saccadig. Adolygiad Seicolegol. http://orca.cf.ac.uk/126614/
- Bompas, A., Perth, C. a Sumner, P. 2017. Penderfyniadau saccadig cyflym a gludiog-modur â llaw: prosesau gwahanol ond yr un egwyddorion. Seicoleg Gwybyddol 94, tt. 26-52. (10.1016/j.cogpsych.2017.02.002)
- Bompas, A., and Sumner, P. 2011. Mae ataliad saccadig yn datgelu amseriad signalau awtomatig a gwirfoddol yn yr ymennydd dynol. Y Journal of Neuroscience 31(35), tt. 12501-12512. (10.1523 / JNEUROSCI.2234-11.2011)
Mae prosiectau parhaus ar y thema hon yn cynnwys
- Dylunio a dilysu gwell offer i fesur rheolaeth weithredol yn ystod tasgau visuomotor (gyda myfyrwyr Petroc Sumner a PhD Phil Schmid a Heather Statham)
- Cysylltu gwahaniaethau unigol mewn cyflymder gweledol a modur â chynnwys myelin o draethodau mater gwyn fel yr ymbelydredd optig, y corpus callosum a'r llwybr cortico-asgwrn cefn (gyda'r myfyriwr PhD Phil Schmid)
Amrywioldeb mewn ymddygiad visuo-modur, ei seiliau niwral ac effaith oedran a chlefyd Alzheimer. Rydym yn defnyddio tasgau ymddygiadol, modelu cyfres amser, recordiadau metawybyddiaeth a magnetoenceffalograffi (MEG) i ddeall yn well pam mae perfformiad yn amrywio dros amser, a sut mae'r amrywiadau hyn yn cael eu heffeithio gan oedran a dementia.
- Perquin, M. N., van Vugt, M. K., Perth, C. and Bompas, A. (2023) . Strwythur tymhorol mewn amrywioldeb sensorimotor: nodwedd sefydlog, ond beth ar gyfer? Ymennydd ac Ymddygiad Cyfrifiannol. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42113-022-00162-1
- Perquin, M. N., Yang, J., Teufel, C., Sumner, P., Perth, C. a Bompas, A. 2020. Mae anallu i wella perfformiad gyda rheolaeth yn dangos mynediad cyfyngedig i wladwriaethau mewnol. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 149(2), tt. 249–274. (10.1037/xge0000641)
- Koelewijn, L. et al. 2019. Gorfywiogrwydd oscillatory a hypergysylltedd mewn cludwyr ifanc APOE-ɛ4 a hypoconnectivity mewn clefyd Alzheimer. eLife 8, rhif erthygl: e36011. (10.7554/eLife.36011)
- Koelewijn, L. Bompas, A., Tales, A., Brookes, M., Muthukumaraswamy, SD, Bayer, A. & Singh, KD (2017). Mae clefyd Alzheimer yn tarfu ar gysylltedd rhwydwaith oscillatory wladwriaeth alffa a beta-band. Niwroffisioleg glinigol 128(11), tt. 2347-2357. PMC5674981. http://orca.cf.ac.uk/100080/
- Bompas, A., et al. 2015. Cyfraniad gweithgaredd oscillatory niwral cyn-ysgogol i amrywioldeb amser ymateb digymell. NeuroImage 107, tt. 34-45. (10.1016 / j.neuroimage.2014.11.057)
Mae prosiectau parhaus yn y thema hon yn cynnwys
- Cyfraniadau gweledol, penderfynol a motor at amrywioldeb ymddygiadol mewn penderfyniad visuomotor cyflym a thasgau stopio detholus, gan ddefnyddio Electroretinogramau, Magnetoenceffalograffeg ac Electromyograffeg (gyda'r myfyriwr PhD Heather Statham)
- Y berthynas rhwng amrywiadau digymell mewn perfformiad ymddygiadol, ffocws sylw goddrychol a gweithgaredd yr ymennydd (gyda Dr Marlou Perquin)
Canfyddiad gweledol: Sut rydyn ni'n dysgu sut i ganfod? Sut ydyn ni'n gwahaniaethu rhwng y gwir a'r rhith? Sut mae dysgu'n effeithio ar ymwybyddiaeth?
- Powell, G.et al. 2016. Rhyngweithio rhwng cyfuchliniau a symudiadau llygaid yn y canfyddiad o ôl-ddelweddau: Prawf o'r theori amwysedd signal. Journal of Vision 16(7), rhif erthygl: 16. (10.1167/16.7.16)
- Powell, G., Sumner, P. a Bompas, A. E. D. 2015. Effaith symudiadau llygaid a blink ar ymddangosiad a hyd ôl-ddelwedd. Journal of Vision 15(3), tt. 1-15, rhif erthygl: 20. (10.1167/15.3.20)
- Bompas, A., Powell, G. a Sumner, P. 2013. Mae rhagfarnau systematig mewn canfyddiad lliw oedolion yn parhau er gwaethaf gwybodaeth gydol oes sy'n ddigonol i'w graddnodi. Journal of Vision 13(1), rhif erthygl: 19. (10.1167/13.19)
- Powell, G., Bompas, A., and Sumner, t. 2012. Gwneud y credadwy anhygoel: Mae ôl-ddelweddau yn cael eu modiwleiddio gan ymylon cyd-destunol yn fwy na ysgogiadau go iawn. Journal of Vision 12(10), rhif erthygl: 17. (10.1167/12.10.17)
- Bompas, A., ac O'Regan, JK 2006. Mwy o dystiolaeth ar gyfer addasu sensorimotor mewn canfyddiad lliw. Journal of Vision 6(2), rhif erthygl: 5. (10.1167/6.2.5)
- Bompas, A., ac O'Regan, JK 2006. Tystiolaeth ar gyfer rôl gweithredu mewn canfyddiad lliw. Canfyddiad -London- 35(1), tt. 65-78. (10.1068/t5356)
Mae prosiectau parhaus yn y thema hon yn cynnwys:
- Halchin, A., Teufel, C. Bompas, A. (derbyniwyd adroddiad cofrestredig mewn egwyddor). A all profiad anymwybodol ysgogi dysgu canfyddiadol?
Pa lwybrau niwronau sy'n cyfrannu at reoli visuo-oculomotor?
- Sumner, P.et al. 2010. Mwy o GABA, llai o dynnu sylw: rhagfynegydd niwrocemegol o gyflymder penderfyniad echddygol. Natur Niwrowyddoniaeth 13(7), tt. 825-827. (10.1038/nn.2559)
- Bompas, A. E. D. a Sumner, t. 2009. Tynnu sylw oculomotor gan signalau anweledig i'r llwybrau retinotectal a Magnocellog. Journal of Neurophysiology 102(4), tt. 2387-2395. (10.1152/jn.00359.2009)
- Bompas, A. E. D. a Sumner, t. 2009. Dynameg amserol o dynnu sylw saccadig. Journal of Vision 9(9), rhif erthygl: 17. (10.1167/9.9.17)
- Bompas, A.et al. 2008 anghymesuredd Naso-amserol ar gyfer signalau sy'n anweledig i'r llwybr retinotectal. Journal of Neurophysiology 100(1), tt. 412-421. (10.1152/jn.90312.2008)
- Bompas, A. E. D. a Sumner, t. 2008. Mae arafwch synhwyraidd yn datgysylltu ymatebion cyflym, llaw, a chanfyddiadol: Astudiaeth S-côn. Journal of Vision 8(8), tt. 1-13. (10.1167/8.8.10)
2013-2016: Grant ESRC (£633,613) "Fframwaith a phecyn cymorth ar gyfer deall camau byrbwyll", a ysgrifennwyd ar y cyd â Petroc Sumner (PI), Chris Chambers, Casimir Ludwig, Frederick Verbruggen a Fred Boy.
Cydweithredwyr ymchwil
Mewnol: Ysgol Seicoleg: Petroc Sumner, Georgie Powell, Christoph Teufel, Krish Singh,
Adran Niwrowyddoniaeth Glinigol, Prifysgol Caergrawnt: Dr Marlou Perquin
Ysgol Seicoleg, Prifysgol Aston: Dr Craig Hedge
- Cyfrannwr modiwl Blwyddyn 2 "Meddwl, Emosiynau ac Ymwybyddiaeth" (PS2023)
- Arweinydd ymarferol Blwyddyn 2 yn y modiwl Canfyddiad a Gweithredu (PS2021)
- Tiwtor personol
- Goruchwyliwr lleoliad
- Goruchwyliwr prosiect blwyddyn olaf
Addysg israddedig
1995-1998: Scientifique Baccalauréat ac ysgol baratoadol mewn bioleg, mathemateg, ffiseg a chemeg yn Lycée Chaptal (Paris).
1998-2001: gradd meistr mewn bioleg o Agronomique Cenedlaethol Institut de Paris.
Addysg ôl-raddedig
2000-2001: gradd meistr uwch mewn gwyddorau gwybyddol (DEA de gwyddorau gwybyddol de Paris).
2001-2005: myfyriwr PhD yn y Laboratoire de Psychologie Expérimentale, CNRS, Université Paris 5 (UMR8581), dan oruchwyliaeth Kevin O'Regan a Joelle Proust (Institut Jean Nicod). Grant gan y Weinyddiaeth Ymchwil a Thechnoleg Ffrangeg. Traethawd ymchwil ar "Cymhwyso'r dull sensorimotor o ganfyddiad lliw".
2024-presennol: Darllenydd yn yr Ysgol Seicoleg, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2020-2024: Uwch Ddarlithydd yn yr Ysgol Seicoleg, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2015-2020: Darlithydd yn yr Ysgol Seicoleg, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2012-2015: Cyswllt Ymchwil yng Nghanolfan Ymchwil Niwrowyddoniaeth Lyon, yn y tîm DYCOG, "monitro EEG ar gyfer rhagweld perfformiad", a ariennir gan weinyddiaeth amddiffyn Ffrainc
2006-2012: Cydymaith Ymchwil yn yr Ysgol Seicoleg, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2005-2006: cymrodoriaeth ymchwil yn Sefydliad Max Planck ar gyfer Seiberneteg Fiolegol, Adran Seicoffiseg Gyfrifiadurol, Tübingen, yr Almaen, gwobr gan y Fyssen Fondation.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Seicoleg Mathemategol
- Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Weledigaeth Gymhwysol, pwyllgor trefnu cynhadledd AVA
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Golygydd y Journal of Mathematical Psychology
- Aelod o fwrdd ymgynghorol menywod Seicoleg Fathemategol
- Adolygydd ar gyfer BBSRC, Cronfa Ymchwil Gwlad yr Iâ, Cronfa Wyddoniaeth Awstria FWF, PNAS, Seiciatreg Fiolegol, Bwletin ac Adolygiad Seiconomig, Journal of Neuroscience, Gwyddoniaeth Seicolegol, Adolygiadau Natur Niwrowyddoniaeth, Journal of Experimental Psychology - Cyffredinol, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, NeuroImage, Journal of Neurophysiology, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Cortecs, Cyfathrebu Natur, Adroddiadau Gwyddonol, Ymchwil Ymennydd Ymddygiadol, Journal of Vision, Ymchwil Gweledigaeth, PlosOne, Perception, Journal of the Optical Society of America, European Journal of Neuroscience, Ymchwil Arbrofol i'r Ymennydd, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Ymchwil Seicolegol Ymchwil Amlsynhwyraidd, Anhwylderau Symud, Gwyddoniaeth Symudiad Dynol, Gwybyddiaeth ac Emosiwn, Ymennydd ac Ymddygiad Cyfrifiadurol, Cyfrifiant Gwybyddol, Niwroseicologia, Dulliau Ymchwil Ymddygiadol
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Diddordebau ymchwil ôl-raddedig
Mae'r holl benderfyniadau gweithredu yn ddarostyngedig i amrywiadau digymell, gan arwain at amrywioldeb mawr mewn cyflymder a chywirdeb dros amser. Mae fy ymagwedd yn canolbwyntio ar benderfyniadau visuo-motor cyflym ac mae gennyf ddiddordeb penodol yn y cwestiynau canlynol:
- Beth yw cydbwysedd stochasticity a phenderfyniaeth mewn penderfyniadau syml, gan gynnwys dewis rhydd?
- Beth yw'r strwythur amserol a chydberthyn electroffisiolegol amrywiant endogenous?
- I ba raddau y gellir rhagweld penderfyniadau yn y dyfodol o ymddygiad diweddar a gweithgarwch yr ymennydd?
- Beth yw'r cydberthyniad metawybyddol o berfformiad gwael?
- Beth sy'n tanseilio hypervariability mewn anhwylderau sylw, gorfywiogrwydd neu ddementia?
- Pam mae pobl yn wahanol o ran cyflymder a chysondeb a sut mae hyn yn berthnasol i strwythur neu swyddogaeth eu hymennydd
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwneud cais am PhD, neu am ragor o wybodaeth am fy ymchwil ôl-raddedig, cysylltwch â mi'n uniongyrchol (manylion cyswllt ar gael ar y dudalen 'Trosolwg'), neu gyflwyno cais ffurfiol.
Mae myfyrwyr PhD cyfredol eraill yn cynnwys Heather Statham
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Phil Schmid
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
- Dr Adelina Halchin
- Dr Marlou N. Perquin
- Dr Maciej Szul
- Dr Georgie Powell
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- seicoleg ymddygiadol a niwrowyddoniaeth