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Aline Bompas

Dr Aline Bompas


Reader, Director of Research

School of Psychology

Available for postgraduate supervision


Research summary

My research focuses mainly on visuo-motor decisions, such as rapidly responding with eye or hand movements to changes in visual signals. My aim is to uncover how the human brain takes these rapid decisions, and for this I rely on sophisticated analysis of behaviour, computational modelling of decision and electrophysiology (EEG, MEG). I apply this research to better understand fluctuations in performance within individuals, as well as individual differences in the healthy population and clinical conditions such Alzheimer’s disease. My interest for intrisic variability in human performance extends to topics such as metacognition, depression, impulsivity or ADHD. I am affiliated to CUBRIC, the Cardiff University brain imaging centre, and part of the Cognitive Neuroscience group. 






















My team uses a combination of behavioural, physiological and neurological techniques to better understand visuo-motor performance, its biological underpinning and how it may differ within and across people

Here are some of my main projects and most relevant related papers:

Fast action decisions and their modelling. My team develops and uses a range of techniques to measure visuo-motor behaviour (visual psychophysics, eye-tracking) together with models (neural field models, linear accumulators, drift diffusion model) to offer quantitative approaches to behaviour and explicit links to brain activity. 

Ongoing projects on this theme include

  • Designing and validating better tools to measure executive control during visuomotor tasks (with Petroc Sumner and PhD students Phil Schmid and Heather Statham)
  • Linking individual differences in visual and motor speed with myelin content of white matter tracts like the optic radiations, the corpus callosum and the cortico-spinal tract (with PhD student Phil Schmid) 


Variability in visuo-motor behaviours, its neural bases and the effect of age and Alzheimer’s disease. We use behavioural tasks, time series modelling, metacognition and magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings to better understand why performance varies across time, and how these fluctuations are affected with age and dementia.

Ongoing projects in this theme includes

  • Visual, decisional and motor contributions to behavioural variability in fast visuomotor decision and selective stopping tasks, using Electroretinograms, Magnetoencephalography and Electromyography (with PhD student Heather Statham)
  • The relationship between spontaneous fluctuations in behavioural performance, subjective attention focus and brain activity (with Dr Marlou Perquin)


Visual Perception: How do we learn to perceive? How do we distinguish the real from the illusory? How learning affect consciousness?

Ongoing projects in this theme includes:

Which neuronal pathways contribute to visuo-oculomotor control?


2013-2016: ESRC grant (£633,613) “A framework and toolkit for understanding impulsive action”, co-written with Petroc Sumner (PI), Chris Chambers, Casimir Ludwig, Frederick Verbruggen and Fred Boy.

Research collaborators

Internal: School of Psychology: Petroc Sumner, Georgie Powell, Christoph Teufel, Krish Singh,

Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Cambridge University: Dr Marlou Perquin

School of Psychology, Aston University: Dr Craig Hedge



  • Year 2 module contributor "Thinking, Emotions and Consciousness" (PS2023)
  • Year 2 practical leader in the Perception and action module (PS2021)
  • Personal tutor
  • Placement supervisor
  • Final year project supervisor


Undergraduate education

1995-1998: Scientifique Baccalauréat and preparatory school  in biology, mathematics, physics and chemistry at Lycée Chaptal (Paris).

1998-2001: masters degree in biology from the Institut National Agronomique de Paris.

Postgraduate education

2000-2001: advanced masters degree in cognitive sciences (DEA de sciences cognitives de Paris).

2001-2005: PhD student at the Laboratoire de Psychologie Expérimentale, CNRS, Université  Paris 5 (UMR8581), supervised by Kevin O’Regan and Joelle Proust (Institut Jean  Nicod). Grant from the French Research and Technology Ministry. Thesis on “The  application of the sensorimotor approach to colour perception”.


2024-present: Reader at the School of Psychology, Cardiff University

2020-2024: Senior Lecturer at the School of Psychology, Cardiff University

2015-2020: Lecturer at the School of Psychology, Cardiff University

2012-2015: Research Associate at the Lyon Neuroscience  Research Center, in the DYCOG team, “EEG monitoring for the anticipation of  performance”, funded by the French ministry of defence

2006-2012: Research  Associate at the School of Psychology, Cardiff University

2005-2006: research fellowship at  the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Department of  Computational Psychophysics, Tübingen, Germany, award from the Fyssen  Fondation.

Professional memberships

  • Member of the Mathematical Psychology Society
  • Member of the Applied Vision Association, AVA conference organising committee

Committees and reviewing

  • Editor for the Journal of Mathematical Psychology
  • Advisory board member of women of Mathematical Psychology
  • Reviewer for BBSRC, Icelandic Research Fund, FWF Austrian Science Fund, PNAS, Biological Psychiatry, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Journal of Neuroscience, Psychological Science, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, NeuroImage, Journal of Neurophysiology, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Cortex, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Behavioural Brain Research, Journal of Vision, Vision Research, PlosOne, Perception, Journal of the Optical Society of America, European Journal of Neuroscience, Experimental Brain Research, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Multisensory Research Psychological Research, Movement Disorders, Human Movement Science, Cognition and Emotion, Computational Brain and Behaviour, Cognitive Computation, Neuropsychologia, Behavioural Research Methods 


Postgraduate research interests

All action decisions are subject to spontaneous fluctuations, resulting in large variability in speed and accuracy across time. My approach focuses on fast visuo-motor decisions and I am specifically interested in the following questions:

  • What is the balance of stochasticity and  determinism in simple decisions, including free-choice?
  • What is the temporal structure and  electrophysiological correlates of endogenous variance?
  • To what extent future decisions can be predicted  from recent behaviour and brain activity?
  • What are the metacognitive correlates of poor performance?
  • What  underlies hypervariability in attention disorders, hyperactivity or dementia?
  • Why people differ in speed and consistency and how this relates to their brain structure or function

If you are interested in applying for a PhD, or for further information  regarding my postgraduate research, please contact me directly (contact details available on the 'Overview' page), or submit a formal application.

Other current PhD students include Heather Statham

Current supervision

Phil Schmid

Phil Schmid

Research student

Past projects

  • Dr Adelina Halchin
  • Dr Marlou N. Perquin
  • Dr Maciej Szul
  • Dr Georgie Powell

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 70709
Campuses Tower Building, 70 Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT

Research themes


  • behavioural psychology and neuroscience