Dr Mandy Brimble
Darllenydd mewn Nyrsio Plant a Phobl Ifanc
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Awst 2024 - Darllenydd mewn Nyrsio Plant a Phobl Ifanc, Ysgol y Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd.
Medi 2018 - Gorffennaf 2024 Uwch Ddarlithydd, Nyrsio Plant a Phobl Ifanc, Ysgol y Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Medi 2017 - Awst 2018 Uwch Ddarlithydd a Chyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau Israddedig, Ysgol y Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Medi 2016 - Medi 2017 Darlithydd a Chyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau Israddedig, Ysgol y Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Awst 2015 - Medi 2016 Darlithydd gofal sylfaenol a nyrsio iechyd cyhoeddus Ysgol Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Tachwedd 2012 – Gorffennaf 2015 Ymarferydd Arweiniol Addysg ac Ymchwil yn Hosbis Plant Tŷ Hafan, Bro Morgannwg
Mehefin 2003 – Tachwedd 2012 Darlithydd mewn Tiwtor Nyrsio a Derbyn i blant, Ysgol Nyrsio ac Astudiaethau Bydwreigiaeth, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Medi 1999 – Mehefin 2003 Ymwelydd Iechyd, Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Caerdydd a'r Fro, Cyfarwyddiaeth Gofal Sylfaenol
Medi 1998- Medi 1999 Myfyriwr Ôl-gofrestru (Nyrsio Iechyd y Cyhoedd/Ymweld ag Iechyd) yn Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio Coleg Meddygaeth Prifysgol Cymru
Gorffennaf 1997 – Medi 1999 Uwch Nyrs Staff, Canolfan Blant (Cleifion Allanol), Ysbyty Llandochau, Bro Morgannwg
Ebrill 1996 – Mehefin 1997 Nyrs Staff, Pediatreg, Ysbyty Llandochau, Bro Morgannwg.
- Brimble, M. ed. 2025. Emotional labour in the nursing care of children, young people and their families: Theory and practice.. Oxfordshire: Routledge.
- Eridani-Ball, B. and Brimble, M. 2024. Care of an infant born with a cleft palate: a case study. Nursing Children and Young People 36(6) (10.7748/ncyp.2024.e1514)
- Brimble, M., Anstey, S., Davies, J. and Dunn, C. 2024. An exploration of managing emotional labour and maintaining professional integrity in children's hospice nursing. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 30(4), pp. 180-188. (10.12968/ijpn.2024.30.4.180)
- Brimble, M. and Reddington Bowes, S. 2024. Universal screening and the role of the health visitor. In: Price, J., McAlinden, O. and Veal, Z. eds. Essentials of nursing children and young people (2nd edition).. London: Sage, pp. 204-215.
- Brimble, M. 2023. Children’s hospice nurses’ management of emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents. (Invited webinar). [Video]. YouTube: International Children's Palliative Care Network. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGE37LhVRkk
- Watts, T. et al. 2023. ASSISTANCE (Addressing moral distress among nurses after the COVID-19 emergency): co-creation of evidence-based guidance to ameliorate moral distress.. Presented at: Chief Nursing Office Wales Conference, Cardiff, 13 October 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2023. Published Abstract (From Palliative Care Congress 16-17 March 2023) How do children’s nurse working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Palliative Care Congress, 16-17 March 2023, Vol. 13. Vol. Supp 3. BMJ Publishing Group, (10.1136/spcare-2023-PCC.52)
- Kelly, D. and Brimble, M. 2023. The scream: the emotional dimensions of nursing in children's palliative care [Editorial]. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 29(1), pp. 3-4. (10.12968/ijpn.2023.29.1.3)
- Brimble, M. 2023. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Palliative Care Congress ‘Growing together, sustaining each other’., Edinburgh, 16-17 March 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2023. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: International Family Nursing Association: 16th International Family Nursing Conference ‘Global Innovations in Family Nursing: Advancing Family Health’., Dublin City University, Dublin, Republic of Ireland., 20th June - 23rd June 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2023. Managing emotional labour in challenging environments. Presented at: Wellbeing Matters – supporting the nursing and midwifery professions. Chief Nursing Officer for Wales Conference, All Nations Centre, Cardiff, 13 October 2023.
- Watts, T. et al. 2023. Co-creation of evidence-based moral distress guidance for nurses: The ASSISTANCE (Addressing moral distress among nurses after the COVID-19 emergency) Study -Phase 3. Presented at: Chief Nurse Conference, Cardiff, UK, 13 October 2023.
- Johns, R. and Brimble, M. 2022. Barriers to health promotion with overweight or obese children, young people and their families: a literature review. Nursing Children and Young People 34(6), pp. 29-35., article number: https://doi.org/10.7748/ncyp.2022.e1429. (10.7748/ncyp.2022.e1429)
- Brimble, M. 2022. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Together for Short Lives UK Conference ‘Unlocking Potential: The key to quality children’s palliative care., Manchester, 7-8 September 2022.
- Brimble, M. J., Anstey, S., Davies, J., Dunn, C. and Jones, A. 2022. Using mobile phones, WhatsApp and phone interviews to explore how children?s hospice nurses manage long-term relationships with parents: a feasibility pilot. Nurse Researcher 30(3) (10.7748/nr.2022.e1849)
- Brimble, M. 2022. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing (RCN) International Nursing Research Conference, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cathays Park, Cardiff., 5-6 September 2022.
- Brimble, M. 2021. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Martin House Research Centre and University of York Virtual Research Conference., Virtual, 16 April 2021.
- Daniel, D. and Brimble, M. 2021. Impact on the child and parents. In: Brimble, M. and McNee, P. eds. Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Long Term Conditions. [Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Chronic Illness]. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 55-75.
- Brimble, M. 2021. Empowering children, young people and their families. In: Brimble, M. and McNee, P. eds. Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Long-Term Conditions. 2nd ed.. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 121-140.
- Brimble, M. and McNee, P. eds. 2021. Nursing care of children and young people with long term conditions (2nd Edition). Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
- Brimble, M. 2021. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. , Cardiff University.
- Brimble, M., Anstey, S. and Davies, J. 2020. Long-term nurse–parent relationships in paediatric palliative care: a narrative literature review. In: Synopsis International digest of children’s palliative care research abstract., Vol. 14. Bristol: Together for Short Lives
- Smith, A. and Brimble, M. 2020. Use of subcutaneous fluids in paediatric palliative care: a case study. Nursing Children and Young People 32(4) (10.7748/ncyp.2020.e1277)
- Brimble, M. 2020. Long-term nurse-parent relationships in the children’s hospice setting: A pilot study. Bristol: Together for Short Lives.
- Smith, A. and Brimble, M. 2020. Use of subcutaneous fluids in paediatric palliative care: A case study. Presented at: Together for Short Lives Conference: Time for change: A new vision for children's palliative care, 2020Together for Short Lives Conference Time for change: A new vision for children's palliative care.
- Brimble, M., Anstey, S. and Davies, J. 2019. Long term nurse – parent relationships in paediatric palliative care: A narrative literature review. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 25(11) (10.12968/ijpn.2019.25.11.542)
- Brimble, M. 2019. Long term nurse-parent relationships in the children’s hospice: a pilot study.. Presented at: Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Research and Development Conference: How Research Can Deliver Clinical Futures, Newport, 11th June 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2019. Does prolonged emotional labour lead to blurred boundaries between nurses and parents in the children’s hospice setting? Protocol for a systematic review.. Presented at: Joanna Briggs Institute Symposium - Think Globally, Act Locally,, Cardiff, 3rd May 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2019. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity?. Presented at: Optimising Healthcare Research Quality: Post Graduate Research Symposium., Cardiff, 10 April 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2019. Using new technologies to collect data. Presented at: Optimising Healthcare Research Quality: Post Graduate Research Symposium., Cardiff, 10th April 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2018. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity?. Presented at: The Martin House Research Centre 1st Biennial Research conference., York, 21st September 2018.
- Brimble, M. and Reddington Bowes, S. 2018. Universal screening and the role of the health visitor. In: Price, J. and McAlinden, O. eds. Essentials of Nursing Children and Young People. London: Sage, pp. 210-221.
- Brimble, M. and Jones, A. 2017. Using systems thinking in patient safety: a case study on medicines management. Nursing Management 24(4) (10.7748/nm.2017.e1621)
- Brimble, M. 2017. Does prolonged emotional labour lead to blurred boundaries between nurses and parents in the children’s hospice setting? Protocol for a systematic review.. Presented at: Joanna Briggs Collaboration European Symposium,, Aberdeen, 19 May 2017.
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2016. ‘Out of the wilderness’: An exploration of the value and meaning of a group for fathers of children with life-limiting conditions. Presented at: Hospice UK Conference: People Partnerships and Potential,, Liverpool, 18 November 2016.
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2016. ‘Out of the wilderness’: exploring the value and meaning of the Tŷ Hafan dads group.. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 6(1), article number: A8. (10.1136/bmjspcare-2016-001245.21)
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2016. Out of the Wilderness’: the value and meaning of a group for fathers of children with life-limiting conditions. Presented at: Hospice UK Conference, Liverpool, 2016, Vol. 6. BMJ Publishing Group, (10.1136/bmjspcare-2016-001245.21)
- Brimble, M. 2015. The role of the lead practitioner for education and research: using the advanced practitioner framework to evaluate the impact of the role.. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Education Forum national conference and exhibition: Partners in Practice, Nottingham, 20-22 April 2015.
- Brimble, M. 2015. Does entry route really affect academic outcome? Academic achievement of traditional versus non traditional entrants to BN(Hons) pre-registration nursing programmes. Journal of Further and Higher Education 39(3), pp. 379-398. (10.1080/0309877X.2013.858675)
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2014. Out of the wilderness: an exploration and evaluation of a Dads group. Presented at: Tŷ Hafan and Cardiff University Conference. Journeys and Destinations: Research and innovation in caring for children and young people with life limiting and life-threatening illness., Cardiff, 14 October 2014.
- Fisher, P. and Brimble, M. 2014. Tŷ Hafan dad’s group.. Insight: Sharing best practice in paediatric palliative care 1(1), pp. 6-9.
- Brimble, M. 2014. The role of the lead practitioner for education and research in a children’s hospice: using the advanced practitioner framework to evaluate impact.. Presented at: Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, Cambridge, 2-4 September 2014.
- Brimble, M. 2014. Duchenne muscular dystrophy: should newborn screening be reintroduced?. Insight: Sharing Best Practice in Paediatric Palliative Care. 1(1), pp. 4-5.
- Fisher, P. and Brimble, M. 2013. Ty Hafan Dads' Group. Relay : A practice magazine for Together for Short Lives members(2), pp. 5-7.
- Brimble, M. J. and Benbow, J. A. 2013. The Recruit Retain Employ Group- An intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives.. Presented at: The Wales Chief Nursing Officer's Showcase Conference, Cardiff, May 2013 Presented at Andrews, J. et al. eds.Compendium of Effective Practice in Higher Education, Vol. 2. Higher Education Academy pp. 181-184.
- Howell, R. and Brimble, M. 2013. Dental health management for children with special healthcare needs. Nursing Children and Young People 25(5), pp. 19-22. (10.7748/ncyp2013.
- Brimble, M., Benbow, J. and Bill, S. 2013. ‘The recruit, retain and employ group - an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives’. Presented at: Chief Nursing Officer Wales Showcase Conference - Together for Care- Pushing the Boundaries, Cardiff, 20th May 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. The recruit, retain, employ group: an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives. In: Clark, R. et al. eds. Compendium of effective practice in higher education: volume 2. Higher Education Academy, pp. 181-184.
- Tucker, A. and Brimble, M. 2013. ‘Using M technique to manage symptoms in a child with Sanfilippo syndrome: a case study’. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Congress (RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum), Liverpool, 21st–25th April 2013.
- Malpiedi, E., Thompson, C. and Brimble, M. 2013. Pharmacological interventions for chronic muscle pain in children receiving palliative care: a literature review. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Congress (RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum), Liverpool, 21st–25th April 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. ‘The recruit, retain and employ group - an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives’. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Education Forum Conference – Beyond the Borders, Glasgow, June 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. Success in undergraduate nurses and midwives in one school of nursing in the UK: the recruit, retain and employ group. Presented at: Higher Education Academy Conference - What can higher education contribute to improving social mobility in the UK?, Manchester, July 2013.
- Brimble, M. J. 2009. Diagnosis and managment of ADHD: a new way forward?. Community Practitioner 82(10), pp. 34-37.
- Brimble, M. J. 2008. Skills assessment using video analysis in a simulated environment: an evaluation. Paediatric Nursing 20(7), pp. 26-31.
- Brimble, M. 2007. The use of video analysis in simulated skills teaching.’. Presented at: New Challenges, New Horizons: The Emergence of Simulated Clinical Skills Teaching in Children and Young People’s Nursing,, Cardiff, 2 September 2007.
- Brimble, M. 2007. Empowering children, young people and their families. In: Valentine, F. and Lowes, L. eds. Nursing care of children and young people with chronic illness. Blackwell, pp. 107-130., (10.1002/9780470692103.ch5)
- Brimble, M. 2006. Using video to assess competency in the Paediatric clinical skills laboratory – student and lecturers’ views. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Joint Education Forum conference – Partners in Practice, Cardiff, 6th February 2006.
- Brimble, M. 2006. Using video equipment to assess competency in the Children’s Nursing Clinical Skills Laboratory – Student and Lecturers’ views.. Presented at: Fitting the pieces together: Meeting the holistic needs of children and young people with chronic, physical and mental illness and complex health care needs., Cardiff, 2006.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Brimble, M. and Reddington Bowes, S. 2024. Universal screening and the role of the health visitor. In: Price, J., McAlinden, O. and Veal, Z. eds. Essentials of nursing children and young people (2nd edition).. London: Sage, pp. 204-215.
- Daniel, D. and Brimble, M. 2021. Impact on the child and parents. In: Brimble, M. and McNee, P. eds. Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Long Term Conditions. [Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Chronic Illness]. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 55-75.
- Brimble, M. 2021. Empowering children, young people and their families. In: Brimble, M. and McNee, P. eds. Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Long-Term Conditions. 2nd ed.. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 121-140.
- Brimble, M., Anstey, S. and Davies, J. 2020. Long-term nurse–parent relationships in paediatric palliative care: a narrative literature review. In: Synopsis International digest of children’s palliative care research abstract., Vol. 14. Bristol: Together for Short Lives
- Brimble, M. and Reddington Bowes, S. 2018. Universal screening and the role of the health visitor. In: Price, J. and McAlinden, O. eds. Essentials of Nursing Children and Young People. London: Sage, pp. 210-221.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. The recruit, retain, employ group: an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives. In: Clark, R. et al. eds. Compendium of effective practice in higher education: volume 2. Higher Education Academy, pp. 181-184.
- Brimble, M. 2007. Empowering children, young people and their families. In: Valentine, F. and Lowes, L. eds. Nursing care of children and young people with chronic illness. Blackwell, pp. 107-130., (10.1002/9780470692103.ch5)
- Brimble, M. 2020. Long-term nurse-parent relationships in the children’s hospice setting: A pilot study. Bristol: Together for Short Lives.
- Watts, T. et al. 2023. ASSISTANCE (Addressing moral distress among nurses after the COVID-19 emergency): co-creation of evidence-based guidance to ameliorate moral distress.. Presented at: Chief Nursing Office Wales Conference, Cardiff, 13 October 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2023. Published Abstract (From Palliative Care Congress 16-17 March 2023) How do children’s nurse working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Palliative Care Congress, 16-17 March 2023, Vol. 13. Vol. Supp 3. BMJ Publishing Group, (10.1136/spcare-2023-PCC.52)
- Brimble, M. 2023. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Palliative Care Congress ‘Growing together, sustaining each other’., Edinburgh, 16-17 March 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2023. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: International Family Nursing Association: 16th International Family Nursing Conference ‘Global Innovations in Family Nursing: Advancing Family Health’., Dublin City University, Dublin, Republic of Ireland., 20th June - 23rd June 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2023. Managing emotional labour in challenging environments. Presented at: Wellbeing Matters – supporting the nursing and midwifery professions. Chief Nursing Officer for Wales Conference, All Nations Centre, Cardiff, 13 October 2023.
- Watts, T. et al. 2023. Co-creation of evidence-based moral distress guidance for nurses: The ASSISTANCE (Addressing moral distress among nurses after the COVID-19 emergency) Study -Phase 3. Presented at: Chief Nurse Conference, Cardiff, UK, 13 October 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2022. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Together for Short Lives UK Conference ‘Unlocking Potential: The key to quality children’s palliative care., Manchester, 7-8 September 2022.
- Brimble, M. 2022. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing (RCN) International Nursing Research Conference, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cathays Park, Cardiff., 5-6 September 2022.
- Brimble, M. 2021. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Martin House Research Centre and University of York Virtual Research Conference., Virtual, 16 April 2021.
- Smith, A. and Brimble, M. 2020. Use of subcutaneous fluids in paediatric palliative care: A case study. Presented at: Together for Short Lives Conference: Time for change: A new vision for children's palliative care, 2020Together for Short Lives Conference Time for change: A new vision for children's palliative care.
- Brimble, M. 2019. Long term nurse-parent relationships in the children’s hospice: a pilot study.. Presented at: Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Research and Development Conference: How Research Can Deliver Clinical Futures, Newport, 11th June 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2019. Does prolonged emotional labour lead to blurred boundaries between nurses and parents in the children’s hospice setting? Protocol for a systematic review.. Presented at: Joanna Briggs Institute Symposium - Think Globally, Act Locally,, Cardiff, 3rd May 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2019. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity?. Presented at: Optimising Healthcare Research Quality: Post Graduate Research Symposium., Cardiff, 10 April 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2019. Using new technologies to collect data. Presented at: Optimising Healthcare Research Quality: Post Graduate Research Symposium., Cardiff, 10th April 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2018. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity?. Presented at: The Martin House Research Centre 1st Biennial Research conference., York, 21st September 2018.
- Brimble, M. 2017. Does prolonged emotional labour lead to blurred boundaries between nurses and parents in the children’s hospice setting? Protocol for a systematic review.. Presented at: Joanna Briggs Collaboration European Symposium,, Aberdeen, 19 May 2017.
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2016. ‘Out of the wilderness’: An exploration of the value and meaning of a group for fathers of children with life-limiting conditions. Presented at: Hospice UK Conference: People Partnerships and Potential,, Liverpool, 18 November 2016.
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2016. Out of the Wilderness’: the value and meaning of a group for fathers of children with life-limiting conditions. Presented at: Hospice UK Conference, Liverpool, 2016, Vol. 6. BMJ Publishing Group, (10.1136/bmjspcare-2016-001245.21)
- Brimble, M. 2015. The role of the lead practitioner for education and research: using the advanced practitioner framework to evaluate the impact of the role.. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Education Forum national conference and exhibition: Partners in Practice, Nottingham, 20-22 April 2015.
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2014. Out of the wilderness: an exploration and evaluation of a Dads group. Presented at: Tŷ Hafan and Cardiff University Conference. Journeys and Destinations: Research and innovation in caring for children and young people with life limiting and life-threatening illness., Cardiff, 14 October 2014.
- Brimble, M. 2014. The role of the lead practitioner for education and research in a children’s hospice: using the advanced practitioner framework to evaluate impact.. Presented at: Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, Cambridge, 2-4 September 2014.
- Brimble, M. J. and Benbow, J. A. 2013. The Recruit Retain Employ Group- An intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives.. Presented at: The Wales Chief Nursing Officer's Showcase Conference, Cardiff, May 2013 Presented at Andrews, J. et al. eds.Compendium of Effective Practice in Higher Education, Vol. 2. Higher Education Academy pp. 181-184.
- Brimble, M., Benbow, J. and Bill, S. 2013. ‘The recruit, retain and employ group - an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives’. Presented at: Chief Nursing Officer Wales Showcase Conference - Together for Care- Pushing the Boundaries, Cardiff, 20th May 2013.
- Tucker, A. and Brimble, M. 2013. ‘Using M technique to manage symptoms in a child with Sanfilippo syndrome: a case study’. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Congress (RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum), Liverpool, 21st–25th April 2013.
- Malpiedi, E., Thompson, C. and Brimble, M. 2013. Pharmacological interventions for chronic muscle pain in children receiving palliative care: a literature review. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Congress (RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum), Liverpool, 21st–25th April 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. ‘The recruit, retain and employ group - an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives’. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Education Forum Conference – Beyond the Borders, Glasgow, June 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. Success in undergraduate nurses and midwives in one school of nursing in the UK: the recruit, retain and employ group. Presented at: Higher Education Academy Conference - What can higher education contribute to improving social mobility in the UK?, Manchester, July 2013.
- Brimble, M. 2007. The use of video analysis in simulated skills teaching.’. Presented at: New Challenges, New Horizons: The Emergence of Simulated Clinical Skills Teaching in Children and Young People’s Nursing,, Cardiff, 2 September 2007.
- Brimble, M. 2006. Using video to assess competency in the Paediatric clinical skills laboratory – student and lecturers’ views. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Joint Education Forum conference – Partners in Practice, Cardiff, 6th February 2006.
- Brimble, M. 2006. Using video equipment to assess competency in the Children’s Nursing Clinical Skills Laboratory – Student and Lecturers’ views.. Presented at: Fitting the pieces together: Meeting the holistic needs of children and young people with chronic, physical and mental illness and complex health care needs., Cardiff, 2006.
- Eridani-Ball, B. and Brimble, M. 2024. Care of an infant born with a cleft palate: a case study. Nursing Children and Young People 36(6) (10.7748/ncyp.2024.e1514)
- Brimble, M., Anstey, S., Davies, J. and Dunn, C. 2024. An exploration of managing emotional labour and maintaining professional integrity in children's hospice nursing. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 30(4), pp. 180-188. (10.12968/ijpn.2024.30.4.180)
- Kelly, D. and Brimble, M. 2023. The scream: the emotional dimensions of nursing in children's palliative care [Editorial]. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 29(1), pp. 3-4. (10.12968/ijpn.2023.29.1.3)
- Johns, R. and Brimble, M. 2022. Barriers to health promotion with overweight or obese children, young people and their families: a literature review. Nursing Children and Young People 34(6), pp. 29-35., article number: https://doi.org/10.7748/ncyp.2022.e1429. (10.7748/ncyp.2022.e1429)
- Brimble, M. J., Anstey, S., Davies, J., Dunn, C. and Jones, A. 2022. Using mobile phones, WhatsApp and phone interviews to explore how children?s hospice nurses manage long-term relationships with parents: a feasibility pilot. Nurse Researcher 30(3) (10.7748/nr.2022.e1849)
- Smith, A. and Brimble, M. 2020. Use of subcutaneous fluids in paediatric palliative care: a case study. Nursing Children and Young People 32(4) (10.7748/ncyp.2020.e1277)
- Brimble, M., Anstey, S. and Davies, J. 2019. Long term nurse – parent relationships in paediatric palliative care: A narrative literature review. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 25(11) (10.12968/ijpn.2019.25.11.542)
- Brimble, M. and Jones, A. 2017. Using systems thinking in patient safety: a case study on medicines management. Nursing Management 24(4) (10.7748/nm.2017.e1621)
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2016. ‘Out of the wilderness’: exploring the value and meaning of the Tŷ Hafan dads group.. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 6(1), article number: A8. (10.1136/bmjspcare-2016-001245.21)
- Brimble, M. 2015. Does entry route really affect academic outcome? Academic achievement of traditional versus non traditional entrants to BN(Hons) pre-registration nursing programmes. Journal of Further and Higher Education 39(3), pp. 379-398. (10.1080/0309877X.2013.858675)
- Fisher, P. and Brimble, M. 2014. Tŷ Hafan dad’s group.. Insight: Sharing best practice in paediatric palliative care 1(1), pp. 6-9.
- Brimble, M. 2014. Duchenne muscular dystrophy: should newborn screening be reintroduced?. Insight: Sharing Best Practice in Paediatric Palliative Care. 1(1), pp. 4-5.
- Fisher, P. and Brimble, M. 2013. Ty Hafan Dads' Group. Relay : A practice magazine for Together for Short Lives members(2), pp. 5-7.
- Howell, R. and Brimble, M. 2013. Dental health management for children with special healthcare needs. Nursing Children and Young People 25(5), pp. 19-22. (10.7748/ncyp2013.
- Brimble, M. J. 2009. Diagnosis and managment of ADHD: a new way forward?. Community Practitioner 82(10), pp. 34-37.
- Brimble, M. J. 2008. Skills assessment using video analysis in a simulated environment: an evaluation. Paediatric Nursing 20(7), pp. 26-31.
- Brimble, M. 2023. Children’s hospice nurses’ management of emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents. (Invited webinar). [Video]. YouTube: International Children's Palliative Care Network. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGE37LhVRkk
- Brimble, M. 2021. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. , Cardiff University.
- Brimble, M. ed. 2025. Emotional labour in the nursing care of children, young people and their families: Theory and practice.. Oxfordshire: Routledge.
- Brimble, M. and McNee, P. eds. 2021. Nursing care of children and young people with long term conditions (2nd Edition). Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
Doethuriaeth Proffesiynol Thesis: Sut mae nyrsys plant sy'n gweithio mewn hosbisau yn rheoli llafur emosiynol ac uniondeb proffesiynol mewn perthynas hirdymor â rhieni https://orca.cardiff.ac.uk/144529/
Rwy'n aelod o ddwy thema ymchwil yn yr Ysgol Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd:
Darparu gwasanaethau a threfnu
Amodau tymor hir cymhleth
Rwy'n aelod o'r Rhwydwaith Grymuso: Rhwydwaith cefnogi trawsddisgyblaethol i Brif Ymchwilwyr benywaidd presennol ac uchelgeisiol ddatblygu fel arweinwyr ymchwil llwyddiannus yng Nghaerdydd, yn unol ag agenda EDI y Brifysgol.
Rwyf hefyd yn aelod o bwyllgor y Gymdeithas Ymchwil Gofal Lliniarol.
Brimble, M. and McNee, P.(eds) (2021) Gofal nyrsio plant a phobl ifanc â chyflyrau hirdymor. Llundain. Wiley. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781119653134
Penodau Llyfrau
Brimble MJ (2007) Pennod 5: Grymuso Plant, Pobl Ifanc a'u Teuluoedd, In Lowes, L & Valentine, F (2007). Gofal nyrsio plant a phobl ifanc â salwch cronig. Rhydychen. Blackwell.
Brimble, MJ and Reddington-Bowes, S (2017) Pennod 14: sgrinio cyffredinol a rôl yr Ymwelydd Iechyd yn Price, J and McAlinden, O (2017) Hanfodion Plant a Phobl Ifanc Nyrsio. Llundain. Saets.
Daniel, D and Brimble, M. (2021) Effaith ar y plentyn a'r rhieni. Yn: Brimble, M and McNee, P. (eds) Gofal nyrsio plant a phobl ifanc â chyflyrau tymor hir (2nd Edition). Llundain. Wiley. tt. 55-75.
Brimble, M. (2021) Grymuso Plant, Pobl Ifanc a'u Teuluoedd. Yn: Brimble, M and McNee, P. (eds) Gofal nyrsio plant a phobl ifanc â chyflyrau hirdymor. Llundain. Wiley. P.P. 121-140.
Brimble MJ (2008) Asesiad sgiliau gan ddefnyddio dadansoddiad fideo mewn amgylchedd efelychiadol : gwerthusiad. Nyrsio pediatrig, Cyf 20, Rhif 7, t26-31.
Brimble MJ (2009) Diagnosis a rheoli ADHD: ffordd newydd ymlaen? Ymarferydd Cymunedol, Cyf 82, Rhif 10, t34-37.
Brimble, MJ (2012) Recriwtio, Cadw a Chyflogi Grŵp Prosiect (Astudiaeth Achos C2, Tudalen 115) yn yr Academi Addysg Uwch (2012) Cyfeiriadau'r Dyfodol ar gyfer Addysg Uwch yng Nghymru: Dysgu ar gyfer Cyflogaeth. Caerdydd. Academi Addysg Uwch Cymru.
Howell, R & Brimble, M (2013) Rheoli iechyd deintyddol ar gyfer plant ag anghenion gofal iechyd arbennig. Plant a Phobl Ifanc Nyrsio, Cyf 25, Rhif 5, t19-22.
Brimble, MJ & Benbow, JA (2013) Mae'r Recruit Retain Employ Group:
Ymyrraeth i wella recriwtio, cadw a chyflogi myfyrwyr israddedig nyrsio a bydwragedd (tudalennau 181-184) yn yr Academi Addysg Uwch (2013) Compendium of Effective Practice in Higher Education: Volume 2. York. Academi Addysg Uwch.
Fisher, P & Brimble, MJ (2013) Tŷ Hafan Dads Group. RELAY:Cylchgrawn ymarfer ar gyfer aelodau Together for Short Life. Rhifyn 2, t5-7.
Brimble, MJ (2013) Ydy llwybr mynediad yn effeithio ar ganlyniadau academaidd mewn gwirionedd? Cyflawniad academaidd ymgeiswyr traddodiadol yn erbyn anhraddodiadol i raglenni nyrsio cyn-gofrestru BN (Anrh). Cyfnodolyn Addysg Bellach ac Uwch. DOI: 10.1080/030987XX.2013.858675.
Brimble, MJ (2014) Dystroffi cyhyrol Duchenne: a ddylid ailgyflwyno sgrinio newydd-anedig? Mewnwelediad:Rhannu arfer gorau mewn gofal lliniarol pediatrig. Cyfrol 1, Rhifyn 1, t4-5
Brimble, MJ and Williams, H (2016) 'Out of the wilderness: The value and meaning of a group for fathers of children with life-limiting conditions. BMJ Gofal Cefnogol a Lliniarol, Tachwedd 2016, Cyfrol 6, Atodiad 1, p A8.
Brimble, M and Jones, A (2017) Defnyddio meddwl systemau mewn diogelwch cleifion: astudiaeth achos ar reoli meddyginiaethau. Rheoli Nyrsio, 24, Rhif 4, tt. 28 – 33.
Moseley, M, Taylor, J, Haycock Stuart, E, Brimble, M, Powell, J, Toner, S, Dacey, S. (2019). Canllaw Goroesi Cyfweld. Ymarferydd Cymunedol, Mai 2019, tt. 32-33.
Brimble, MJ, Anstey, S, and Davies, J. (2019) Perthynas rhiant-nyrsio tymor hir mewn gofal lliniarol pediatrig: adolygiad llenyddiaeth naratif. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 25 (11), tt. 542-550.
Smith, A. and Brimble, M. (2020) Defnyddio hylifau isgroenol mewn gofal lliniarol gyda phlant: astudiaeth achos. Plant a Phobl Ifanc Nyrsio, doi: 10.7748/ncyp.2020.e1277
Johns, R. and Brimble M.J. (2022). Rhwystrau i hyrwyddo iechyd gyda phlant, pobl ifanc dros bwysau neu'n ordew a'u teuluoedd: adolygiad llenyddiaeth. Plant a Phobl Ifanc Nyrsio. doi: 10.7748 / ncyp.2022.e1429.
Brimble, MJ, Anstey, S, Davies, J. et al. (2022) . Defnyddio WhatsApp, ffonau symudol a chyfweliadau ffôn i archwilio sut mae nyrsys hosbis plant yn rheoli perthnasoedd tymor hir gyda rhieni: Peilot dichonoldeb. Nyrs Ymchwilydd. doi:10.7748/nr.2022.e1849.
Kelly, D. and Brimble, M.J. (2023) Y sgrechian: dimensiynau emosiynol nyrsio mewn gofal lliniarol plant. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 29(1), tt. 3-4.
Eridani-Ball B, Brimble MJ (2024) Gofal o faban a anwyd gyda daflod hollt: astudiaeth achos. Plant a Phobl Ifanc Nyrsio. doi: 10.7748 / ncyp.2024.e1514
Brimble, MJ, Anstey, S, Davies, J. et al.(2024) Archwiliad o reoli llafur emosiynol a chynnal uniondeb proffesiynol ym maes nyrsio hosbis plant. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 30(4), tt. 180-188. doi:https://doi.org/10.12968/ijpn.2024.30.4.180
Cyflwyniadau Cynhadledd
23 Chwefror 2006 : 'Defnyddio fideo i asesu cymhwysedd yn y Labordy Sgiliau Clinigol Pediatrig – Barn Myfyrwyr a Darlithwyr yn 8fed Cynhadledd Fforymau Addysg ar y Cyd RCN – Partneriaid mewn Ymarfer, Caerdydd.
20 Mehefin 2007: 'Defnyddio dadansoddi fideo mewn addysgu sgiliau efelychiadol' yn New Challenges, New Horizons: Ymddangosiad Addysgu Sgiliau Clinigol Efelychedig mewn Nyrsio Plant a Phobl Ifanc, Caerllion, Gwent.
2 Medi 2014 : Rôl yr Ymarferydd Arweiniol ar gyfer Addysg ac Ymchwil mewn hosbis i blant: Defnyddio'r Fframwaith Ymarferwyr Uwch i werthuso effaith y rôl. Yng Nghynhadledd Rhwydweithio ar gyfer Addysg Gofal Iechyd, Coleg Churchill, Caergrawnt.
14 Hydref 2014: 'Out of the wilderness: An exploration and evaluation of Tŷ Hafan Dads group' yn Teithiau a Chyrchfannau: Ymchwil ac arloesedd wrth ofalu am blant a phobl ifanc sydd â salwch sy'n cyfyngu ar fywyd ac sy'n peryglu bywyd. (Tŷ Hafan mewn partneriaeth â Phrifysgol Caerdydd) Vale Hotel and Resort, Hensol, Bro Morgannwg. (Ar y cyd â Hannah Williams, Arweinydd Tîm Gwasanaethau Gofal Cymunedol Tŷ Hafan).
18 Tachwedd 2016: Allan o'r anialwch: Gwerth ac ystyr grŵp ar gyfer tadau plant â chyflyrau sy'n cyfyngu ar fywyd' yng Nghynhadledd Hospice UK: Pobl, Partneriaethau a Photensial 16-18 Tachwedd 2016, ACC, Lerpwl. (Ar y cyd â Hannah Williams, Arweinydd Tîm Gwasanaethau Gofal Cymunedol, Tŷ Hafan)
10 Ebrill 2019: Defnyddio technolegau newydd i gasglu data yn Optimeiddio Ansawdd Ymchwil Gofal Iechyd: Symposiwm Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig. Ysgol Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd, Tŷ Dewi Sant, Parc y Mynydd Bychan, Caerdydd.
16 Ebrill 2021: Sut mae nyrsys plant sy'n gweithio mewn hosbisau yn rheoli llafur emosiynol ac uniondeb proffesiynol mewn perthynas hirdymor â rhieni? Yng Nghanolfan Ymchwil Martin House a Chynhadledd Ymchwil Rithwir Prifysgol Efrog.
6 Medi 2022: Sut mae nyrsys plant sy'n gweithio mewn hosbisau yn rheoli llafur emosiynol ac uniondeb proffesiynol mewn perthynas hirdymor â rhieni? Yng Nghynhadledd Ymchwil Nyrsio Rhyngwladol y Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol, Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru, Parc Cathays, Caerdydd.
8 Medi 2022: Sut mae nyrsys plant sy'n gweithio mewn hosbisau yn rheoli llafur emosiynol ac uniondeb proffesiynol mewn perthynas hirdymor â rhieni? Cynhadledd Together for Short Lives UK 'Datgloi Potensial: Yr allwedd i ofal lliniarol plant o safon. Manchester, UK.
23 Mehefin 2023: Sut mae nyrsys plant sy'n gweithio mewn hosbisau yn rheoli llafur emosiynol ac uniondeb proffesiynol mewn perthynas hirdymor â rhieni? Cynhadledd Cymdeithas Ryngwladol Nyrsio Teuluol 'Arloesi Byd-eang mewn Nyrsio Teulu: Hyrwyddo Iechyd Teuluol. 20 - 23 Mehefin 2023, Prifysgol Dinas Dulyn.
13 Hydref 2023: Rheoli Llafur Emosiynol mewn Amgylcheddau Heriol. Materion Lles – cefnogi'r proffesiynau nyrsio a bydwreigiaeth. Cynhadledd Prif Swyddog Nyrsio Cymru , Canolfan yr Holl Genhedloedd, Caerdydd.
CyflwyniadauPoster Confer ence
19Mehefin 2006: Brimble, MJ Defnyddio offer fideo i asesu cymhwysedd yn y Labordy Sgiliau Clinigol Nyrsio Plant – Barn Myfyrwyr a Darlithwyr yn Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Caerdydd a'r Fro ac Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd Cynhadledd Genedlaethol Plant a Phobl Ifanc, "Ffitio'r darnau gyda'i gilydd: Cwrdd ag anghenion cyfannol plant a phobl ifanc gyda chronig, salwch corfforol a meddyliol ac anghenion gofal iechyd cymhleth". Caerdydd.
26Mawrth 2013: Brimble MJ a Benbow JA. Llwyddiant mewn nyrsys israddedig a bydwragedd mewn un Ysgol Nyrsio yn y DU: Y Grŵp Recriwtio, Cadw a Chyflogi yng Nghynhadledd yr Academi Addysg Uwch 26 a 27 Mawrth 2013: Beth all addysg uwch ei gyfrannu at wella symudedd cymdeithasol yn y DU? Manceinion.
23Ebrill 2013: Malpiedi E, Brimble MJ a Thompson C. Ymyriadau ffarmacolegol ar gyfer poen cronig yn y cyhyrau mewn plant sy'n derbyn gofal lliniarol: Adolygiad Llenyddiaeth. Fforwm Poen a Gofal Lliniarol RCN yng Nghyngres RCN 2013. Lerpwl. (Gwobr1af yn y categori poen cronig)
23Ebrill 2013: Tucker A & Brimble MJ. Defnyddio techneg M i reoli symptomau mewn plentyn â syndrom Sanfilippo: Astudiaeth achos. Fforwm Poen a Gofal Lliniarol RCN yng Nghyngres RCN 2013. Lerpwl.
20Mai 2013: Brimble MJ, Benbow JA a Bill S. Y Grŵp Recriwtio, Cadw a Chyflogi - Ymyrraeth i wella recriwtio, cadw a chyflogi myfyrwyr israddedig nyrsio a bydwragedd. Cynhadledd Prif Swyddog Nyrsio Cymru 2013: Law yn Llaw at Ofal - Gwthio'r Ffiniau. Caerdydd.
10fed – 11Mawrth 2015: Brimble MJ. Rôl yr ymarferydd arweiniol ar gyfer addysg ac ymchwil: defnyddio'r fframwaith ymarferwyr uwch i werthuso effaith y rôl. Cynhadledd ac arddangosfa genedlaethol Fforwm Addysg RCN: Partneriaid mewn Ymarfer. Nottingham.
19 Mai 2017: Brimble MJ. A yw llafur emosiynol hir yn arwain at ffiniau aneglur rhwng nyrsys a rhieni yn yr hosbis plant? Protocol ar gyfer adolygiad systematig. Cydweithrediad Joanna Briggs Symposiwm Ewropeaidd, Prifysgol Robert Gordon, Aberdeen.
21 Medi 2018: Brimble MJ. Sut mae nyrsys plant sy'n gweithio mewn hosbisau yn rheoli llafur emosiynol ac uniondeb proffesiynol? Cynhadledd Ymchwil 1af Biennial Canolfan Ymchwil Martin House. Prifysgol Efrog, Efrog.
10th Ebrill 2019: Brimble MJ. Sut mae nyrsys plant sy'n gweithio mewn hosbisau yn rheoli llafur emosiynol ac uniondeb proffesiynol? Prifysgol Caerdydd, Ysgol Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd, Symposiwm Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig, Tŷ Dewi Sant, Parc y Mynydd Bychan Caerdydd.
3ydd Mai 2019: Brimble MJ. A yw llafur emosiynol hir yn arwain at ffiniau aneglur rhwng nyrsys a rhieni yn yr hosbis plant? Protocol ar gyfer adolygiad systematig. Symposiwm Sefydliad Joanna Briggs - Meddwl yn Fyd-eang, Gweithredu'n Lleol, Caerdydd, y DU
11th Mehefin 2019. Brimble MJ. Perthynas mam-riant tymor hir yn yr hosbis i blant: Astudiaeth beilot. Cynhadledd Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan, Ymchwil a Datblygu: Sut y gall ymchwil ddarparu Dyfodol Clinigol, Casnewydd, De Cymru.
13 Hydref 2023. Watts, T, Whybrow, D, Sydor, A, Pattinson, R, Hewitt, R, Temeng, E, Bundy, C, Brimble, M, Dale C, Kyle, R, Jones, B. CYMORTH (Addre ssingistmoesol d ress among nurses ar ôl y COVID-19 emergency): cyd-greu canllawiau sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth i leddfu trallod moesol. Cynhadledd Prif Swyddfa Nyrsio Cymru, Canolfan yr Holl Genhedloedd, Caerdydd.
19 Hydref 2023. Gweminar gwahoddedig. Rheolaeth nyrsys hosbis i blant o lafur emosiynol ac uniondeb proffesiynol mewn perthynas hirdymor â rhieni. Rhwydwaith Gofal Lliniarol Plant Rhyngwladol (ICPCN)
Rwy'n Uwch-ddarlithydd ac yn Uwch Gymrawd Addysg Uwch. Rwyf wedi gweithio ym maes addysg nyrsio cyn ac ar ôl cofrestru ers 2003, i ddechrau ym maes nyrsio plant cyn-gofrestru a'r rhaglen Nyrs Iechyd Ymarferydd Cymunedol Arbenigol (Ymweld ag Iechyd). Yn ddiweddarach mewn ystod o weithgareddau addysgu a dysgu cyn ac ar ôl cofrestru a goruchwyliaeth ddoethurol. Rwyf hefyd wedi gweithio fel arweinydd addysg ac ymchwil yn hosbis leol i blant 'Tŷ Hafan' ac ar hyn o bryd rwy'n aelod cyfetholedig o'u Pwyllgor Llywodraethu Clinigol. Mae gen i ddiddordeb ym mhob mater sy'n ymwneud â nyrsio plant, Addysg nyrsio, arweinyddiaeth nyrsio. Rwy'n aelod o'r International Family Nursing Association a'r International Children's Palliative Care Network. Rwy'n Olygydd Cyswllt i'r Journal of Child Health Care https://journals.sagepub.com/home/chc ac yn aelod o bwyllgor y Gymdeithas Ymchwil Gofal Lliniarol.
Teitl fy nhraethawd ymchwil Doethuriaeth Broffesiynol oedd: Sut mae nyrsys plant sy'n gweithio mewn hosbisau yn rheoli llafur emosiynol ac uniondeb proffesiynol mewn perthynas hirdymor â rhieni? Mae ar gael ar ystorfa y brifysgol yma https://orca.cardiff.ac.uk/144529/
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn ymchwilio i bob maes nyrsio a materion gofal iechyd ehangach.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Uwch Gymrawd Ymlaen AU
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Cofrestrydd Cyngor Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth
Coleg Brenhinol Nyrsio (RCN)
Cymdeithas Ymchwil Gofal Lliniarol
Cymdeithas Ryngwladol Nyrsio Teulu
Rhwydwaith Gofal Lliniarol Plant Rhyngwladol
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Aelod o'r Pwyllgor ar gyfer y Gymdeithas Ymchwil Gofal Lliniarol
Golygydd Cyswllt y Journal of Child Health Care
adolygydd cymheiriaid ar gyfer International Journal of Palliative Nursing; Journal of Further and Higher Education and
Ø Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Cyn Olygydd a sylfaenydd Insight: Rhannu arfer gorau mewn gofal lliniarol pediatrig
Cyn Aelod o'r Bwrdd Cynghori Golygyddol ar gyfer Cyfnodolyn Ymarferydd Cymunedol
Cyn Aelod o'r Pwyllgor Gwaith Cenedlaethol (Cadeirydd Cymru) Cymdeithas Ymarferwyr Cymunedol ac Ymwelwyr Iechyd CPHVA
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Children and Young People's Nursing
Children's palliative care
Children's hospices
Nurse - parent/client relationships
Health Visiting (SCPHN)
Public Health
Health Promotion
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Essa Alanazi

Sam Clements
Contact Details
+44 29206 87701
Heath Park West (formerly Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)), Ystafell 0.38 Ty'r Wyddfa , St Agnes Rd, Caerdydd, CF14 4US
Themâu ymchwil
- Iechyd plant cymunedol
- Gofal lliniarol plant
- Nyrsio plant
- llafur emosiynol
- deallusrwydd emosiynol