Dr Mandy Brimble
Reader in Children and Young People's Nursing
- Available for postgraduate supervision
August 2024 - present Reader in Children and Young People's Nursing, School of Healthcare Sciences.
September 2018 - July 2024 Senior Lecturer, Children and Young People's Nursing, School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University
September 2017 - August 2018 Senior Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies, School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University
September 2016 - September 2017 Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies, School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University
August 2015 - September 2016 Lecturer primary care and public health nursing School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University
November 2012 – July 2015 Lead Practitioner for Education and Research at Ty Hafan Children’s Hospice, Vale of Glamorgan
June 2003 – November 2012 Lecturer in children’s nursing and Admissions Tutor, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Cardiff University
September 1999 – June 2003 Health Visitor, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust, Primary Care Directorate
September 1998- September 1999 Post Registration Student (Public Health Nursing/Health Visiting) at University of Wales College of Medicine School of Nursing Studies
July 1997 – September 1999 Senior Staff Nurse, Children’s Centre (Outpatients), Llandough Hospital, Vale of Glamorgan
April 1996 – June 1997 Staff Nurse, Paediatrics, Llandough Hospital, Vale of Glamorgan.
- Brimble, M. ed. 2025. Emotional labour in the nursing care of children, young people and their families: Theory and practice.. Oxfordshire: Routledge.
- Eridani-Ball, B. and Brimble, M. 2024. Care of an infant born with a cleft palate: a case study. Nursing Children and Young People 36(6) (10.7748/ncyp.2024.e1514)
- Brimble, M., Anstey, S., Davies, J. and Dunn, C. 2024. An exploration of managing emotional labour and maintaining professional integrity in children's hospice nursing. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 30(4), pp. 180-188. (10.12968/ijpn.2024.30.4.180)
- Brimble, M. and Reddington Bowes, S. 2024. Universal screening and the role of the health visitor. In: Price, J., McAlinden, O. and Veal, Z. eds. Essentials of nursing children and young people (2nd edition).. London: Sage, pp. 204-215.
- Brimble, M. 2023. Children’s hospice nurses’ management of emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents. (Invited webinar). [Video]. YouTube: International Children's Palliative Care Network. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGE37LhVRkk
- Watts, T. et al. 2023. ASSISTANCE (Addressing moral distress among nurses after the COVID-19 emergency): co-creation of evidence-based guidance to ameliorate moral distress.. Presented at: Chief Nursing Office Wales Conference, Cardiff, 13 October 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2023. Published Abstract (From Palliative Care Congress 16-17 March 2023) How do children’s nurse working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Palliative Care Congress, 16-17 March 2023, Vol. 13. Vol. Supp 3. BMJ Publishing Group, (10.1136/spcare-2023-PCC.52)
- Kelly, D. and Brimble, M. 2023. The scream: the emotional dimensions of nursing in children's palliative care [Editorial]. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 29(1), pp. 3-4. (10.12968/ijpn.2023.29.1.3)
- Brimble, M. 2023. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Palliative Care Congress ‘Growing together, sustaining each other’., Edinburgh, 16-17 March 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2023. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: International Family Nursing Association: 16th International Family Nursing Conference ‘Global Innovations in Family Nursing: Advancing Family Health’., Dublin City University, Dublin, Republic of Ireland., 20th June - 23rd June 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2023. Managing emotional labour in challenging environments. Presented at: Wellbeing Matters – supporting the nursing and midwifery professions. Chief Nursing Officer for Wales Conference, All Nations Centre, Cardiff, 13 October 2023.
- Watts, T. et al. 2023. Co-creation of evidence-based moral distress guidance for nurses: The ASSISTANCE (Addressing moral distress among nurses after the COVID-19 emergency) Study -Phase 3. Presented at: Chief Nurse Conference, Cardiff, UK, 13 October 2023.
- Johns, R. and Brimble, M. 2022. Barriers to health promotion with overweight or obese children, young people and their families: a literature review. Nursing Children and Young People 34(6), pp. 29-35., article number: https://doi.org/10.7748/ncyp.2022.e1429. (10.7748/ncyp.2022.e1429)
- Brimble, M. 2022. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Together for Short Lives UK Conference ‘Unlocking Potential: The key to quality children’s palliative care., Manchester, 7-8 September 2022.
- Brimble, M. J., Anstey, S., Davies, J., Dunn, C. and Jones, A. 2022. Using mobile phones, WhatsApp and phone interviews to explore how children?s hospice nurses manage long-term relationships with parents: a feasibility pilot. Nurse Researcher 30(3) (10.7748/nr.2022.e1849)
- Brimble, M. 2022. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing (RCN) International Nursing Research Conference, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cathays Park, Cardiff., 5-6 September 2022.
- Brimble, M. 2021. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Martin House Research Centre and University of York Virtual Research Conference., Virtual, 16 April 2021.
- Daniel, D. and Brimble, M. 2021. Impact on the child and parents. In: Brimble, M. and McNee, P. eds. Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Long Term Conditions. [Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Chronic Illness]. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 55-75.
- Brimble, M. 2021. Empowering children, young people and their families. In: Brimble, M. and McNee, P. eds. Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Long-Term Conditions. 2nd ed.. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 121-140.
- Brimble, M. and McNee, P. eds. 2021. Nursing care of children and young people with long term conditions (2nd Edition). Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
- Brimble, M. 2021. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. , Cardiff University.
- Brimble, M., Anstey, S. and Davies, J. 2020. Long-term nurse–parent relationships in paediatric palliative care: a narrative literature review. In: Synopsis International digest of children’s palliative care research abstract., Vol. 14. Bristol: Together for Short Lives
- Smith, A. and Brimble, M. 2020. Use of subcutaneous fluids in paediatric palliative care: a case study. Nursing Children and Young People 32(4) (10.7748/ncyp.2020.e1277)
- Brimble, M. 2020. Long-term nurse-parent relationships in the children’s hospice setting: A pilot study. Bristol: Together for Short Lives.
- Smith, A. and Brimble, M. 2020. Use of subcutaneous fluids in paediatric palliative care: A case study. Presented at: Together for Short Lives Conference: Time for change: A new vision for children's palliative care, 2020Together for Short Lives Conference Time for change: A new vision for children's palliative care.
- Brimble, M., Anstey, S. and Davies, J. 2019. Long term nurse – parent relationships in paediatric palliative care: A narrative literature review. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 25(11) (10.12968/ijpn.2019.25.11.542)
- Brimble, M. 2019. Long term nurse-parent relationships in the children’s hospice: a pilot study.. Presented at: Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Research and Development Conference: How Research Can Deliver Clinical Futures, Newport, 11th June 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2019. Does prolonged emotional labour lead to blurred boundaries between nurses and parents in the children’s hospice setting? Protocol for a systematic review.. Presented at: Joanna Briggs Institute Symposium - Think Globally, Act Locally,, Cardiff, 3rd May 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2019. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity?. Presented at: Optimising Healthcare Research Quality: Post Graduate Research Symposium., Cardiff, 10 April 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2019. Using new technologies to collect data. Presented at: Optimising Healthcare Research Quality: Post Graduate Research Symposium., Cardiff, 10th April 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2018. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity?. Presented at: The Martin House Research Centre 1st Biennial Research conference., York, 21st September 2018.
- Brimble, M. and Reddington Bowes, S. 2018. Universal screening and the role of the health visitor. In: Price, J. and McAlinden, O. eds. Essentials of Nursing Children and Young People. London: Sage, pp. 210-221.
- Brimble, M. and Jones, A. 2017. Using systems thinking in patient safety: a case study on medicines management. Nursing Management 24(4) (10.7748/nm.2017.e1621)
- Brimble, M. 2017. Does prolonged emotional labour lead to blurred boundaries between nurses and parents in the children’s hospice setting? Protocol for a systematic review.. Presented at: Joanna Briggs Collaboration European Symposium,, Aberdeen, 19 May 2017.
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2016. ‘Out of the wilderness’: An exploration of the value and meaning of a group for fathers of children with life-limiting conditions. Presented at: Hospice UK Conference: People Partnerships and Potential,, Liverpool, 18 November 2016.
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2016. ‘Out of the wilderness’: exploring the value and meaning of the Tŷ Hafan dads group.. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 6(1), article number: A8. (10.1136/bmjspcare-2016-001245.21)
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2016. Out of the Wilderness’: the value and meaning of a group for fathers of children with life-limiting conditions. Presented at: Hospice UK Conference, Liverpool, 2016, Vol. 6. BMJ Publishing Group, (10.1136/bmjspcare-2016-001245.21)
- Brimble, M. 2015. The role of the lead practitioner for education and research: using the advanced practitioner framework to evaluate the impact of the role.. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Education Forum national conference and exhibition: Partners in Practice, Nottingham, 20-22 April 2015.
- Brimble, M. 2015. Does entry route really affect academic outcome? Academic achievement of traditional versus non traditional entrants to BN(Hons) pre-registration nursing programmes. Journal of Further and Higher Education 39(3), pp. 379-398. (10.1080/0309877X.2013.858675)
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2014. Out of the wilderness: an exploration and evaluation of a Dads group. Presented at: Tŷ Hafan and Cardiff University Conference. Journeys and Destinations: Research and innovation in caring for children and young people with life limiting and life-threatening illness., Cardiff, 14 October 2014.
- Fisher, P. and Brimble, M. 2014. Tŷ Hafan dad’s group.. Insight: Sharing best practice in paediatric palliative care 1(1), pp. 6-9.
- Brimble, M. 2014. The role of the lead practitioner for education and research in a children’s hospice: using the advanced practitioner framework to evaluate impact.. Presented at: Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, Cambridge, 2-4 September 2014.
- Brimble, M. 2014. Duchenne muscular dystrophy: should newborn screening be reintroduced?. Insight: Sharing Best Practice in Paediatric Palliative Care. 1(1), pp. 4-5.
- Fisher, P. and Brimble, M. 2013. Ty Hafan Dads' Group. Relay : A practice magazine for Together for Short Lives members(2), pp. 5-7.
- Brimble, M. J. and Benbow, J. A. 2013. The Recruit Retain Employ Group- An intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives.. Presented at: The Wales Chief Nursing Officer's Showcase Conference, Cardiff, May 2013 Presented at Andrews, J. et al. eds.Compendium of Effective Practice in Higher Education, Vol. 2. Higher Education Academy pp. 181-184.
- Howell, R. and Brimble, M. 2013. Dental health management for children with special healthcare needs. Nursing Children and Young People 25(5), pp. 19-22. (10.7748/ncyp2013.
- Brimble, M., Benbow, J. and Bill, S. 2013. ‘The recruit, retain and employ group - an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives’. Presented at: Chief Nursing Officer Wales Showcase Conference - Together for Care- Pushing the Boundaries, Cardiff, 20th May 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. The recruit, retain, employ group: an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives. In: Clark, R. et al. eds. Compendium of effective practice in higher education: volume 2. Higher Education Academy, pp. 181-184.
- Tucker, A. and Brimble, M. 2013. ‘Using M technique to manage symptoms in a child with Sanfilippo syndrome: a case study’. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Congress (RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum), Liverpool, 21st–25th April 2013.
- Malpiedi, E., Thompson, C. and Brimble, M. 2013. Pharmacological interventions for chronic muscle pain in children receiving palliative care: a literature review. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Congress (RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum), Liverpool, 21st–25th April 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. ‘The recruit, retain and employ group - an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives’. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Education Forum Conference – Beyond the Borders, Glasgow, June 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. Success in undergraduate nurses and midwives in one school of nursing in the UK: the recruit, retain and employ group. Presented at: Higher Education Academy Conference - What can higher education contribute to improving social mobility in the UK?, Manchester, July 2013.
- Brimble, M. J. 2009. Diagnosis and managment of ADHD: a new way forward?. Community Practitioner 82(10), pp. 34-37.
- Brimble, M. J. 2008. Skills assessment using video analysis in a simulated environment: an evaluation. Paediatric Nursing 20(7), pp. 26-31.
- Brimble, M. 2007. The use of video analysis in simulated skills teaching.’. Presented at: New Challenges, New Horizons: The Emergence of Simulated Clinical Skills Teaching in Children and Young People’s Nursing,, Cardiff, 2 September 2007.
- Brimble, M. 2007. Empowering children, young people and their families. In: Valentine, F. and Lowes, L. eds. Nursing care of children and young people with chronic illness. Blackwell, pp. 107-130., (10.1002/9780470692103.ch5)
- Brimble, M. 2006. Using video to assess competency in the Paediatric clinical skills laboratory – student and lecturers’ views. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Joint Education Forum conference – Partners in Practice, Cardiff, 6th February 2006.
- Brimble, M. 2006. Using video equipment to assess competency in the Children’s Nursing Clinical Skills Laboratory – Student and Lecturers’ views.. Presented at: Fitting the pieces together: Meeting the holistic needs of children and young people with chronic, physical and mental illness and complex health care needs., Cardiff, 2006.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Brimble, M. and Reddington Bowes, S. 2024. Universal screening and the role of the health visitor. In: Price, J., McAlinden, O. and Veal, Z. eds. Essentials of nursing children and young people (2nd edition).. London: Sage, pp. 204-215.
- Daniel, D. and Brimble, M. 2021. Impact on the child and parents. In: Brimble, M. and McNee, P. eds. Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Long Term Conditions. [Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Chronic Illness]. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 55-75.
- Brimble, M. 2021. Empowering children, young people and their families. In: Brimble, M. and McNee, P. eds. Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Long-Term Conditions. 2nd ed.. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 121-140.
- Brimble, M., Anstey, S. and Davies, J. 2020. Long-term nurse–parent relationships in paediatric palliative care: a narrative literature review. In: Synopsis International digest of children’s palliative care research abstract., Vol. 14. Bristol: Together for Short Lives
- Brimble, M. and Reddington Bowes, S. 2018. Universal screening and the role of the health visitor. In: Price, J. and McAlinden, O. eds. Essentials of Nursing Children and Young People. London: Sage, pp. 210-221.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. The recruit, retain, employ group: an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives. In: Clark, R. et al. eds. Compendium of effective practice in higher education: volume 2. Higher Education Academy, pp. 181-184.
- Brimble, M. 2007. Empowering children, young people and their families. In: Valentine, F. and Lowes, L. eds. Nursing care of children and young people with chronic illness. Blackwell, pp. 107-130., (10.1002/9780470692103.ch5)
- Brimble, M. 2020. Long-term nurse-parent relationships in the children’s hospice setting: A pilot study. Bristol: Together for Short Lives.
- Watts, T. et al. 2023. ASSISTANCE (Addressing moral distress among nurses after the COVID-19 emergency): co-creation of evidence-based guidance to ameliorate moral distress.. Presented at: Chief Nursing Office Wales Conference, Cardiff, 13 October 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2023. Published Abstract (From Palliative Care Congress 16-17 March 2023) How do children’s nurse working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Palliative Care Congress, 16-17 March 2023, Vol. 13. Vol. Supp 3. BMJ Publishing Group, (10.1136/spcare-2023-PCC.52)
- Brimble, M. 2023. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Palliative Care Congress ‘Growing together, sustaining each other’., Edinburgh, 16-17 March 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2023. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: International Family Nursing Association: 16th International Family Nursing Conference ‘Global Innovations in Family Nursing: Advancing Family Health’., Dublin City University, Dublin, Republic of Ireland., 20th June - 23rd June 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2023. Managing emotional labour in challenging environments. Presented at: Wellbeing Matters – supporting the nursing and midwifery professions. Chief Nursing Officer for Wales Conference, All Nations Centre, Cardiff, 13 October 2023.
- Watts, T. et al. 2023. Co-creation of evidence-based moral distress guidance for nurses: The ASSISTANCE (Addressing moral distress among nurses after the COVID-19 emergency) Study -Phase 3. Presented at: Chief Nurse Conference, Cardiff, UK, 13 October 2023.
- Brimble, M. 2022. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Together for Short Lives UK Conference ‘Unlocking Potential: The key to quality children’s palliative care., Manchester, 7-8 September 2022.
- Brimble, M. 2022. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing (RCN) International Nursing Research Conference, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cathays Park, Cardiff., 5-6 September 2022.
- Brimble, M. 2021. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. Presented at: Martin House Research Centre and University of York Virtual Research Conference., Virtual, 16 April 2021.
- Smith, A. and Brimble, M. 2020. Use of subcutaneous fluids in paediatric palliative care: A case study. Presented at: Together for Short Lives Conference: Time for change: A new vision for children's palliative care, 2020Together for Short Lives Conference Time for change: A new vision for children's palliative care.
- Brimble, M. 2019. Long term nurse-parent relationships in the children’s hospice: a pilot study.. Presented at: Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Research and Development Conference: How Research Can Deliver Clinical Futures, Newport, 11th June 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2019. Does prolonged emotional labour lead to blurred boundaries between nurses and parents in the children’s hospice setting? Protocol for a systematic review.. Presented at: Joanna Briggs Institute Symposium - Think Globally, Act Locally,, Cardiff, 3rd May 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2019. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity?. Presented at: Optimising Healthcare Research Quality: Post Graduate Research Symposium., Cardiff, 10 April 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2019. Using new technologies to collect data. Presented at: Optimising Healthcare Research Quality: Post Graduate Research Symposium., Cardiff, 10th April 2019.
- Brimble, M. 2018. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity?. Presented at: The Martin House Research Centre 1st Biennial Research conference., York, 21st September 2018.
- Brimble, M. 2017. Does prolonged emotional labour lead to blurred boundaries between nurses and parents in the children’s hospice setting? Protocol for a systematic review.. Presented at: Joanna Briggs Collaboration European Symposium,, Aberdeen, 19 May 2017.
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2016. ‘Out of the wilderness’: An exploration of the value and meaning of a group for fathers of children with life-limiting conditions. Presented at: Hospice UK Conference: People Partnerships and Potential,, Liverpool, 18 November 2016.
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2016. Out of the Wilderness’: the value and meaning of a group for fathers of children with life-limiting conditions. Presented at: Hospice UK Conference, Liverpool, 2016, Vol. 6. BMJ Publishing Group, (10.1136/bmjspcare-2016-001245.21)
- Brimble, M. 2015. The role of the lead practitioner for education and research: using the advanced practitioner framework to evaluate the impact of the role.. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Education Forum national conference and exhibition: Partners in Practice, Nottingham, 20-22 April 2015.
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2014. Out of the wilderness: an exploration and evaluation of a Dads group. Presented at: Tŷ Hafan and Cardiff University Conference. Journeys and Destinations: Research and innovation in caring for children and young people with life limiting and life-threatening illness., Cardiff, 14 October 2014.
- Brimble, M. 2014. The role of the lead practitioner for education and research in a children’s hospice: using the advanced practitioner framework to evaluate impact.. Presented at: Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, Cambridge, 2-4 September 2014.
- Brimble, M. J. and Benbow, J. A. 2013. The Recruit Retain Employ Group- An intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives.. Presented at: The Wales Chief Nursing Officer's Showcase Conference, Cardiff, May 2013 Presented at Andrews, J. et al. eds.Compendium of Effective Practice in Higher Education, Vol. 2. Higher Education Academy pp. 181-184.
- Brimble, M., Benbow, J. and Bill, S. 2013. ‘The recruit, retain and employ group - an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives’. Presented at: Chief Nursing Officer Wales Showcase Conference - Together for Care- Pushing the Boundaries, Cardiff, 20th May 2013.
- Tucker, A. and Brimble, M. 2013. ‘Using M technique to manage symptoms in a child with Sanfilippo syndrome: a case study’. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Congress (RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum), Liverpool, 21st–25th April 2013.
- Malpiedi, E., Thompson, C. and Brimble, M. 2013. Pharmacological interventions for chronic muscle pain in children receiving palliative care: a literature review. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Congress (RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum), Liverpool, 21st–25th April 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. ‘The recruit, retain and employ group - an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives’. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Education Forum Conference – Beyond the Borders, Glasgow, June 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. Success in undergraduate nurses and midwives in one school of nursing in the UK: the recruit, retain and employ group. Presented at: Higher Education Academy Conference - What can higher education contribute to improving social mobility in the UK?, Manchester, July 2013.
- Brimble, M. 2007. The use of video analysis in simulated skills teaching.’. Presented at: New Challenges, New Horizons: The Emergence of Simulated Clinical Skills Teaching in Children and Young People’s Nursing,, Cardiff, 2 September 2007.
- Brimble, M. 2006. Using video to assess competency in the Paediatric clinical skills laboratory – student and lecturers’ views. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Joint Education Forum conference – Partners in Practice, Cardiff, 6th February 2006.
- Brimble, M. 2006. Using video equipment to assess competency in the Children’s Nursing Clinical Skills Laboratory – Student and Lecturers’ views.. Presented at: Fitting the pieces together: Meeting the holistic needs of children and young people with chronic, physical and mental illness and complex health care needs., Cardiff, 2006.
- Eridani-Ball, B. and Brimble, M. 2024. Care of an infant born with a cleft palate: a case study. Nursing Children and Young People 36(6) (10.7748/ncyp.2024.e1514)
- Brimble, M., Anstey, S., Davies, J. and Dunn, C. 2024. An exploration of managing emotional labour and maintaining professional integrity in children's hospice nursing. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 30(4), pp. 180-188. (10.12968/ijpn.2024.30.4.180)
- Kelly, D. and Brimble, M. 2023. The scream: the emotional dimensions of nursing in children's palliative care [Editorial]. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 29(1), pp. 3-4. (10.12968/ijpn.2023.29.1.3)
- Johns, R. and Brimble, M. 2022. Barriers to health promotion with overweight or obese children, young people and their families: a literature review. Nursing Children and Young People 34(6), pp. 29-35., article number: https://doi.org/10.7748/ncyp.2022.e1429. (10.7748/ncyp.2022.e1429)
- Brimble, M. J., Anstey, S., Davies, J., Dunn, C. and Jones, A. 2022. Using mobile phones, WhatsApp and phone interviews to explore how children?s hospice nurses manage long-term relationships with parents: a feasibility pilot. Nurse Researcher 30(3) (10.7748/nr.2022.e1849)
- Smith, A. and Brimble, M. 2020. Use of subcutaneous fluids in paediatric palliative care: a case study. Nursing Children and Young People 32(4) (10.7748/ncyp.2020.e1277)
- Brimble, M., Anstey, S. and Davies, J. 2019. Long term nurse – parent relationships in paediatric palliative care: A narrative literature review. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 25(11) (10.12968/ijpn.2019.25.11.542)
- Brimble, M. and Jones, A. 2017. Using systems thinking in patient safety: a case study on medicines management. Nursing Management 24(4) (10.7748/nm.2017.e1621)
- Brimble, M. and Williams, H. 2016. ‘Out of the wilderness’: exploring the value and meaning of the Tŷ Hafan dads group.. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 6(1), article number: A8. (10.1136/bmjspcare-2016-001245.21)
- Brimble, M. 2015. Does entry route really affect academic outcome? Academic achievement of traditional versus non traditional entrants to BN(Hons) pre-registration nursing programmes. Journal of Further and Higher Education 39(3), pp. 379-398. (10.1080/0309877X.2013.858675)
- Fisher, P. and Brimble, M. 2014. Tŷ Hafan dad’s group.. Insight: Sharing best practice in paediatric palliative care 1(1), pp. 6-9.
- Brimble, M. 2014. Duchenne muscular dystrophy: should newborn screening be reintroduced?. Insight: Sharing Best Practice in Paediatric Palliative Care. 1(1), pp. 4-5.
- Fisher, P. and Brimble, M. 2013. Ty Hafan Dads' Group. Relay : A practice magazine for Together for Short Lives members(2), pp. 5-7.
- Howell, R. and Brimble, M. 2013. Dental health management for children with special healthcare needs. Nursing Children and Young People 25(5), pp. 19-22. (10.7748/ncyp2013.
- Brimble, M. J. 2009. Diagnosis and managment of ADHD: a new way forward?. Community Practitioner 82(10), pp. 34-37.
- Brimble, M. J. 2008. Skills assessment using video analysis in a simulated environment: an evaluation. Paediatric Nursing 20(7), pp. 26-31.
- Brimble, M. 2023. Children’s hospice nurses’ management of emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents. (Invited webinar). [Video]. YouTube: International Children's Palliative Care Network. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGE37LhVRkk
- Brimble, M. 2021. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?. , Cardiff University.
- Brimble, M. ed. 2025. Emotional labour in the nursing care of children, young people and their families: Theory and practice.. Oxfordshire: Routledge.
- Brimble, M. and McNee, P. eds. 2021. Nursing care of children and young people with long term conditions (2nd Edition). Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
Professional Doctorate Thesis: How do children's nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents https://orca.cardiff.ac.uk/144529/
I am a member of two research themes within the School of Healthcare Sciences:
Service delivery and organisation
Complex long term conditions
I am a member of the Empower Network: A cross-disciplinary support network for current and aspiring female Principal Investigators to develop as successful research leaders in Cardiff, in line with the University’s EDI agenda.
I am also a committee member for the Palliative Care Research Society.
Brimble, M. and McNee, P.(eds) (2021) Nursing care of children and young people with long term conditions. London. Wiley. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781119653134
Book Chapters
Brimble MJ (2007) Chapter 5:Empowering Children, Young People and their Families, in Lowes, L & Valentine, F (2007). Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Chronic Illness. Oxford. Blackwell.
Brimble, MJ and Reddington-Bowes, S (2017) Chapter 14: Universal screening and the role of the Health Visitor in Price, J and McAlinden, O (2017) Essentials of Nursing Children and Young People. London. Sage.
Daniel, D and Brimble, M. (2021) Impact upon the child and parents. In: Brimble, M and McNee, P. (eds) Nursing care of children and young people with long term conditions (2nd Edition). London. Wiley. pp. 55-75.
Brimble, M. (2021) Empowering Children, Young People and their Families. In: Brimble, M and McNee, P. (eds) Nursing care of children and young people with long term conditions. London. Wiley. p.p. 121-140.
Brimble MJ (2008) Skills assessment using video analysis in a simulated environment : an evaluation. Paediatric Nursing, Vol 20, No 7, p26-31.
Brimble MJ (2009) Diagnosis and management of ADHD: a new way forward? Community Practitioner, Vol 82, No 10, p34-37.
Brimble, MJ (2012) Recruit, Retain and Employ Project Group (Case Study C2, Page 115) in Higher Education Academy (2012) Future Directions for Higher Education in Wales: Learning for Employment. Cardiff. Higher Education Academy Wales.
Howell, R & Brimble, M (2013) Dental health management for children with special healthcare needs. Nursing Children and Young People, Vol 25, No 5, p19-22.
Brimble, MJ & Benbow, JA (2013) The Recruit Retain Employ Group:
An intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives (pages 181-184) in Higher Education Academy (2013) Compendium of Effective Practice in Higher Education: Volume 2. York. Higher Education Academy.
Fisher, P & Brimble, MJ (2013) Tŷ Hafan Dads’ Group. RELAY:A practice magazine for Together for Short Lives members. Issue 2, p5-7.
Brimble, MJ (2013) Does entry route really affect academic outcome? Academic achievement of traditional versus non traditional entrants to BN (Hons) pre-registration nursing programmes. Journal of Further and Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/030987XX.2013.858675.
Brimble, MJ (2014) Duchenne muscular dystrophy: should newborn screening be reintroduced? Insight:sharing best practice in paediatric palliative care. Volume 1, Issue 1, p4-5
Brimble, MJ and Williams, H (2016) ‘Out of the wilderness: The value and meaning of a group for fathers of children with life-limiting conditions. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, November 2016, Volume 6, Supplement 1, p A8.
Brimble, M and Jones, A (2017) Using systems thinking in patient safety: a case study on medicines management. Nursing Management, 24, No 4, pp. 28 – 33.
Moseley, M, Taylor, J, Haycock Stuart, E, Brimble, M, Powell, J, Toner, S, Dacey, S. (2019). Interview Survival Guide. Community Practitioner, May 2019, pp. 32-33.
Brimble, MJ, Anstey, S, and Davies, J. (2019) Long-term nurse–parent relationships in paediatric palliative care: a narrative literature review. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 25 (11), pp. 542-550.
Smith, A. and Brimble, M. (2020) Use of subcutaneous fluids in palliative care with children: a case study. Nursing Children and Young People, doi: 10.7748/ncyp.2020.e1277
Johns, R. and Brimble M.J. (2022). Barriers to health promotion with overweight or obese children, young people and their families: a literature review. Nursing Children and Young People. doi: 10.7748/ncyp.2022.e1429.
Brimble, MJ, Anstey, S, Davies, J. et al. (2022). Using WhatsApp, mobile phones and telephone interviews to explore how children’s hospice nurses manage long-term relationships with parents: A feasibility pilot. Nurse Researcher. doi:10.7748/nr.2022.e1849.
Kelly, D. and Brimble, M.J. (2023) The scream: the emotional dimensions of nursing in children’s palliative care. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 29(1), pp. 3-4.
Eridani-Ball B, Brimble MJ (2024) Care of an infant born with a cleft palate: a case study. Nursing Children and Young People. doi: 10.7748/ncyp.2024.e1514
Brimble, MJ, Anstey, S, Davies, J. et al.(2024) An exploration of managing emotional labour and maintaining professional integrity in children's hospice nursing. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 30(4), pp. 180-188. doi:https://doi.org/10.12968/ijpn.2024.30.4.180
Conference Presentations
23rd February 2006 : ‘Using video to assess competency in the Paediatric Clinical Skills Laboratory – Student and Lecturers’ views at 8th RCN Joint Education Forums’ conference – Partners in Practice, Cardiff.
20th June 2007 : ‘The use of video analysis in simulated skills teaching’ at New Challenges, New Horizons: The Emergence of Simulated Clinical Skills Teaching in Children and Young People’s Nursing, Caerleon, Gwent.
2nd September 2014 : The role of the Lead Practitioner for Education and Research in a children’s hospice: Using the Advanced Practitioner Framework to evaluate the impact of the role. At Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, Churchill College, Cambridge.
14th October 2014: ‘Out of the wilderness: An exploration and evaluation of Tŷ Hafan Dads group’ at Journeys and Destinations: Research and innovation in caring for children and young people with life limiting and life threatening illness. (Tŷ Hafan In partnership with Cardiff University) Vale Hotel and Resort, Hensol, Vale of Glamorgan. (Jointly with Hannah Williams, Community Care Services Team Leader Tŷ Hafan).
18th November 2016: Out of the wilderness: The value and meaning of a group for fathers of children with life-limiting conditions’ at Hospice UK Conference: People, Partnerships and Potential, 16th-18th November 2016, ACC, Liverpool. (Jointly with Hannah Williams, Community Care Services Team Leader, Tŷ Hafan)
10th April 2019: Using new technologies to collect data at Optimising Healthcare Research Quality: Post Graduate Research Symposium. Cardiff University School of Healthcare Sciences, Ty Dewi Sant, Heath Park, Cardiff.
16th April 2021: How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents? At Martin House Research Centre and University of York Virtual Research Conference.
6th September 2022: How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents? At the Royal College of Nursing International Nursing Research Conference, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cathays Park, Cardiff.
8th September 2022: How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents? At Together for Short Lives UK Conference ‘Unlocking Potential: The key to quality children’s palliative care. Manchester, UK.
23rd June 2023: How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents? International Family Nursing Association Conference 'Global Innovations in Family Nursing: Advancing Family Health. 20th - 23rd June 2023, Dublin City University.
13th October 2023: Managing Emotional Labour in Challenging Environments. Wellbeing Matters – supporting the nursing and midwifery professions. Chief Nursing Officer for Wales Conference, All Nations Centre, Cardiff.
Conference Poster Presentations
19th June 2006: Brimble, MJ Using video equipment to assess competency in the Children’s Nursing Clinical Skills Laboratory – Student and Lecturers Views at Cardiff & Vale NHS Trust and Cardiff University School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies National Children and Young People’s Conference, "Fitting the pieces together: Meeting the holistic needs of children and young people with chronic, physical and mental illness and complex health care needs". Cardiff.
26th March 2013: Brimble MJ & Benbow JA. Success in Undergraduate nurses and midwives in one School of Nursing in the UK: The Recruit, Retain and Employ Group at Higher Education Academy Conference 26 and 27 March 2013: What can higher education contribute to improving social mobility in the UK? Manchester.
23rd April 2013: Malpiedi E, Brimble MJ & Thompson C. Pharmacological Interventions for Chronic Muscle Pain in Children Receiving Palliative Care: A Literature Review. RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum at RCN Congress 2013. Liverpool. (1st prize in Chronic pain category)
23rd April 2013: Tucker A & Brimble MJ. Using M technique to manage symptoms in a child with Sanfilippo syndrome: A case study. RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum at RCN Congress 2013. Liverpool.
20th May 2013: Brimble MJ, Benbow JA & Bill S. The Recruit, Retain and Employ Group- An intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives. Chief Nursing Officer Wales Conference 2013: Together for Care- Pushing the Boundaries. Cardiff.
10th – 11th March 2015: Brimble MJ. The role of the lead practitioner for education and research: using the advanced practitioner framework to evaluate the impact of the role. RCN Education Forum national conference and exhibition: Partners in Practice. Nottingham.
19th May 2017: Brimble MJ. Does prolonged emotional labour lead to blurred boundaries between nurses and parents in the children’s hospice setting? Protocol for a systematic review. Joanna Briggs Collaboration European Symposium, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen.
21st September 2018: Brimble MJ. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity? The Martin House Research Centre 1st Biennial Research conference. York University, York.
10th April 2019: Brimble MJ. How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity? Cardiff University, School of Healthcare Sciences, Post Graduate Research Symposium, Ty Dewi Sant, Heath Park Cardiff.
3rd May 2019: Brimble MJ. Does prolonged emotional labour lead to blurred boundaries between nurses and parents in the children’s hospice setting? Protocol for a systematic review. Joanna Briggs Institute Symposium - Think Globally, Act Locally, Cardiff, U.K.
11th June 2019. Brimble MJ. Long term nurse-parent relationships in the children’s hospice: A pilot study. Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Research and Development Conference: How Research Can Deliver Clinical Futures, Newport, South Wales.
13th October 2023. Watts, T, Whybrow, D, Sydor, A, Pattinson, R, Hewitt, R, Temeng, E, Bundy, C, Brimble, M, Dale C, Kyle, R, Jones, B. ASSISTANCE (Addressing moral distress among nurses after the COVID-19 emergency): co-creation of evidence-based guidance to ameliorate moral distress. Chief Nursing Office Wales Conference, All Nations Centre, Cardiff.
19th October 2023. Invited webinar. Children's hospice nurses' management of emotional labour and professional integrity in long term relationships with parents. International Children's Palliative Care Network (ICPCN)
I am a research active Senior Lecturer and Senior Fellow of Advance HE. I have worked in pre and post registration nurse education since 2003, initially in pre-registration child nursing and the Specialist Community Practitioner Health Nurse (Health Visiting) programme. Latterly in a range of pre and post registration teaching and learning activities and doctoral supervision. I have also worked as the lead for education and research at the local children’s hospice ‘Ty Hafan’ and am currently a co-opted member of their Clinical Governance Committee. I am interested in all matters relating to children's nursing, nurse education, nurse leadership. I am a member of the International Family Nursing Association and the International Children's Palliative Care Network. I am an Associate Editor for the Journal of Child Health Care https://journals.sagepub.com/home/chc and a member of the Palliative Care Research Society committee.
My Professional Doctorate thesis was entitled: How do children's nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents? It is available on the university repository here https://orca.cardiff.ac.uk/144529/
I am interested in researching all areas of nursing and broader healthcare issues.
Honours and awards
Senior Fellow Advance HE
Professional memberships
Nursing and Midwifery Council Registrant
Royal College of Nursing (RCN)
Palliative Care Research Society
International Family Nursing Association
International Children's Palliative Care Network
Committees and reviewing
Committee member for the Palliative Care Research Society
Associate Editor for the Journal of Child Health Care
Peer reviewer for International Journal of Palliative Nursing; Journal of Further and Higher Education and
Ø Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Former Editor and founder of Insight: Sharing best practice in paediatric palliative care
Former Member of the Editoral Advisory Board for Community Practitioner Journal
Former National Executive Committee Member (Chair for Wales) Community Practitioner and Health Visitors Association CPHVA
Children and Young People's Nursing
Children's palliative care
Children's hospices
Nurse - parent/client relationships
Health Visiting (SCPHN)
Public Health
Health Promotion
Current supervision

Essa Alanazi

Sam Clements
Contact Details
+44 29206 87701
Heath Park West (formerly Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)), Room 0.38 Ty'r Wyddfa , St Agnes Rd, Cardiff, CF14 4US
Research themes
- Community child health
- children's palliative care
- children's nursing
- emotional labour
- emotional intelligence