Dr Andreas Buerki
Uwch Ddarlithydd
- Siarad Cymraeg
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n aelod o'r Ganolfan Ymchwil Iaith a Chyfathrebu.
Rwy'n ieithydd ac yn ieithydd corpws yn bennaf, yn edrych ar sut mae iaith fel y'i defnyddir gan siaradwyr ac awduron mewn cyd-destunau go iawn yn gweithio. Mae fy ngwaith yn ddamcaniaethol yn bennaf ac o safbwynt ieithyddol, gwybyddol sy'n seiliedig ar ddefnydd yn fras , gan ddefnyddio dull adeiladu o ymdrin â strwythur ieithyddol.
Fy niddordeb ymchwil penodol yw agweddau amrywiol ar iaith fformiwlaidd (troeon ymadrodd cyffredin, ymadroddeg) ac yn natur gymdeithasol a diwylliannol iaith a sut mae hyn yn dangos mewn strwythur ieithyddol, newid iaith ac mewn meysydd eraill megis trafodaethau cyhoeddus.
Ar hyn o bryd, rwy'n is-lywydd EUROPHRAS, Cymdeithas Ymadroddeg Ewrop, ac rwy'n un o sylfaenwyr 'Rhwydwaith Corpus Caerdydd' ieithyddion corpws yng Nghaerdydd. Rwyf hefyd yn aelod o'r Rhwydwaith Diwylliannau Digidol yng Nghaerdydd ac yn aelod o Fwrdd Golygyddol Gwasg Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Fi yw Cyfarwyddwr Pwnc Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig y Ganolfan Ymchwil Iaith a Chyfathrebu ac yn Uwch Gymrawd o Academi Addysg Uwch y DU, yn ogystal ag aelod o Academi Gymraeg Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Cyn dod i Gaerdydd, bues i'n dysgu yn Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin a chyn hynny hefyd ym Mhrifysgol Gorllewin Lloegr, Prifysgol Basel, yn ogystal â Phrifysgol Corea a Phrifysgol Gwangju.
- Buerki, A. 2025. Corpus Analysis of Phraseology. In: Chapelle, C. A. ed. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (2nd ed). Wiley
- Buerki, A. 2024. A phraseological grammar. Presented at: Lexical Studies Conference 2024, Swansea, Wales, UK, 15 January 2024.
- Buerki, A. 2023. Sonja Poulsen, Collocations as a language resource: A functional and cognitive study in English phraseology (Human Cognitive Processing 71). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2022. Pp. xvi + 348. ISBN 9789027210838. [Book Review]. English Language and Linguistics 27(4), pp. 871-878. (10.1017/S1360674323000138)
- Buerki, A. 2023. Inheritance as a useful notion in a usage-based constructicon. Presented at: 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, 7-11 August 2023.
- Buerki, A. 2023. Phraseological expressions as substantive constructions: Lessons arising from difficulties with their inter-subjective identification. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2023: New Trends in Phraseology: Languages and Cultures in Comparison, Milano, Italy, 29 May - 1 June 2023.
- Buerki, A. 2022. Towards progressive-reflective digital practices in Higher Education. Presented at: TechHighEd Pakistan 2022, Islamabad, Pakistan, 23 - 24 February 2022.
- Buerki, A. 2021. Reading discourses through their phraseology: The case of Brexit. In: Trklja, A. and Grabowski, ?. eds. Formulaic Language: Theories and Methods. Berlin: Language Science Press, pp. 141-170., (10.5281/zenodo.4727671)
- Buerki, A. 2021. Pro-tem phraseology: what is it and what does it mean for phraseological theory?. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2021, Virtual, 6-9 September 2021.
- Buerki, A. 2021. What genre is Wikipedia?. Presented at: Corpus Linguistics International Conference 2021 (CL2021), Limerick, Ireland, 13-16 July 2021.
- Buerki, A. 2020. How Brexit Changed the English language. The Conversation 2020, article number: 30 Dec.
- Spasic, I., Williams, L. and Buerki, A. 2020. Idiom–based features in sentiment analysis: cutting the Gordian knot. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 11(2) (10.1109/TAFFC.2017.2777842)
- Buerki, A. 2020. Formulaic language and linguistic change: A data-led approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (10.1017/9781108769976)
- Buerki, A. 2020. (How) is formulaic language universal? Insights from Korean, German and English. In: Piirainen, E. et al. eds. Formulaic Language and New Data: Theoretical and Methodological Implications. Formulaic Language Vol. 2. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 103-134., (10.1515/9783110669824-005)
- Buerki, A. 2019. Furiously fast: on the speed of change in formulaic language. Yearbook of Phraseology 10(1), pp. 5-38. (10.1515/phras-2019-0003)
- Buerki, A. 2019. Formulaic sequences: a drop in the ocean of constructions or something more significant?. In: MacKenzie, I. and Kayman, M. eds. Formulaicity and creativity in language and literature. London: Routledge, pp. 15-36.
- Buerki, A. 2019. Brexit phraseology. Presented at: CL2019: International Corpus Linguistics Conference, Cardiff, Wales, 22-26 July 2019.
- Buerki, A. 2018. Rate of change in phraseological expressions. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2018, Białystok, Poland, 10-12 September 2018.
- Spasic, I., Corcoran, P., Gagarin, A. and Buerki, A. 2018. Head to head: Semantic similarity of multi-word terms. IEEE Access 6, pp. 20545-20557. (10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2826224)
- Buerki, A. 2017. Using big diachronic language data to feel the pulse of cultural change. Presented at: Digital Cultures Network Symposium on Investigating (with) Big Data, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 24 May 2017.
- Buerki, A. 2017. Statistical computing: descriptive statistics with R. Presented at: CLCR Software Training Workshops, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 29 March 2017.
- Buerki, A. 2017. Measuring and matching corpus size cross-linguistically. Presented at: Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies Annual Symposium, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 4 March 2017.
- Buerki, A. 2017. Computational workshop: N-Gram processor. Presented at: Research Symposium on Methods and Applications of Computational (and other) Identification of Formulaicity, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 27 February 2017.
- Buerki, A. 2017. Methods and applications of computational identification of formulaicity – an overview. Presented at: Research Symposium on Methods and Applications of Computational (and other) Identification of Formulaicity, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 27 February 2017.
- Buerki, A. 2017. Frequency consolidation among word N-grams: A practical procedure. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2017: Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology, London, UK, 13-14 November 2017.
- Buerki, A. 2017. Frequency consolidation among word N-grams: a practical procedure. In: Mitkov, R. ed. Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology. Lecture notes in Computer Science Vol. 10596. Cham: Springer, pp. 432-446., (10.1007/978-3-319-69805-2)
- Buerki, A., Wray, A. and Fitzpatrick, T. 2016. Linguistic markers and risk of Alzheimer's Disease. Presented at: BRACE Annual Celebration 2016, Filton, UK, 6 June 2016.
- Buerki, A. 2016. Feeling the pulse of cultural change using common phraseology. Presented at: HiSoN Conference on Historical Sociolinguistics and Socio-Cultural Change, Helsinki University, Helsinki, Finland, 9 - 11 March 2016.
- Buerki, A. 2016. Automatic identification of formulaic sequences in (fairly) big data: practical introduction to a procedure. Presented at: Advances in Identifying Formulaic Sequences:A Methodological Workshop, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, 22 January 2016.
- Buerki, A. 2016. Formulaic sequences: a drop in the ocean of constructions or something more significant?. European Journal of English Studies 20(1), pp. 15-34. (10.1080/13825577.2015.1136158)
- Buerki, A. 2016. Formal and functional equivalence across typological diversity: insights from formulaic sequences in Korean, German and English. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2016, Trier, Germany, 1 August 2016.
- Buerki, A. 2015. Phraseological fingerprints: using habitual wordings to aid authorship attribution. Presented at: Corpus Linguistics in the South (CLS) 10: Corpus approaches to public and professional discourse, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 28 November 2015.
- Buerki, A. 2015. An introduction to R. Presented at: CLCR Software Training Workshops, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 25 November 2015.
- Buerki, A. 2015. Mein Diplom und unser Diplom [on individual and societal aspects of a university degree]. Presented at: Graduation Ceremony of the Philosophical-Historical Faculty of the University of Basel, Basel University, Basel, Switzerland, 28 March 2015.
- Buerki, A. 2015. Word Association Data Processor. GitHub.
- Buerki, A. 2014. Approaches to formulaic language as a universal phenomenon. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2014, Université Paris Sorbonne, Paris, France, 10 September 2014.
- Buerki, A. 2014. Motivation in recent and ongoing language change: it’s not all in the system. Presented at: 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 29 July 2014.
- Buerki, A. 2014. Formulaic sequences: a drop in the ocean of constructions or something more significant?. Presented at: FLaRN 2014, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, 14 July 2014.
- Buerki, A. 2014. Good and bad reasons for using and not using quantitative methods in linguistic research: a personal view. Presented at: CLCR Postgraduate Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 29 May 2014.
- Buerki, A. 2014. Language Shaped by Culture (and Culture by Language) – One Way to Get a Handle on it. Presented at: CLCR Research Seminar, Cardiff University, 19 March 2014.
- Buerki, A. 2013. Towards a cross-linguistic concept of formulaic language: Introduction to a project. Presented at: Formulaic Language Research Seminar, Cardiff, 5 December 2013.
- Buerki, A. 2013. Automatically identifying instances of change in diachronic corpus data. Presented at: Corpus Linguistics 2013, Lancaster University, UK, 22 - 26 July 2013.
- Buerki, A. 2013. Multiword expressions – (how) are they universal?. Presented at: Korpuslinguistik Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 24 April 2013.
- Buerki, A. 2013. N-Gram Processor. GitHub. (10.5281/zenodo.18064)
- Buerki, A. 2012. Identifying relevant change in diachronic corpora: a perspective from research into formulaic language. Presented at: Korpuslinguistik Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2 May 2012.
- Buerki, A. 2012. Great or small, fast or slow: assessing extent and speed of change in multiword sequences. Presented at: FLaRN 2012, Tilburg, 30 March 2012.
- Buerki, A. 2012. Korpusgeleitete Extraktion von Mehrwortsequenzen aus (diachronen) Korpora: Vorgehenswege für deutschsprachige Daten [‘Corpus-led extraction of multiword sequences from (diachronic) corpora: procedures for work on German-language data’]. In: Aspekte der historischen Phraseologie und Phraseographie. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter
- Buerki, A. 2011. Ausmass des Sprachwandels quantitativ messen: zur Veränderung von Mehrwortsequenzen im Schweizer Text Korpus’ [Measuring the extent of language change quantitatively: on change in multi-word sequences in the Swiss Text Corpus]. Presented at: Korpuslinguistik Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 23 November 2011.
- Buerki, A. 2011. Sociocultural change and multi-word sequences: perspectives from the Swiss Text Corpus. Presented at: Language as a Social and Cultural Practice, Basel, 8 -10 June 2011.
- Buerki, A. 2011. Substring reduction and frequency consolidation among word N-Grams: suggestion for a procedure. Presented at: 6th International Newcastle Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics, Newcastle, 7 April 2011.
- Buerki, A. 2011. SubString. GitHub. (10.5281/zenodo.18164)
- Buerki, A. 2010. Lexis that rings a bell: on the influence of auditory support in vocabulary acquisition. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 20(2), pp. 206-231. (10.1111/j.1473-4192.2009.00246.x)
- Buerki, A. 2010. (How) Are Multi-word Sequences Universal? On the nature and degree of universality of multi-word sequences from the perspective of Korean, German and English. Presented at: Seoul International Conference on Linguistics, Korea, 23 - 25 June 2010.
- Buerki, A. 2010. Korpus-geleitete Extraktion von Mehrworteinheiten – Probleme und Lösungen aus dem Umgang mit Deutschen Daten [Corpus-led extraction of multi-word units – problems and solutions in working with German data]. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2010, Universidad de Granada, 30 June -2 July 2010.
- Buerki, A. 2010. All sorts of change: a preliminary typology of change in multi-word sequences in the Swiss Text Corpus. Presented at: FLaRN 2010, Paderborn, Germany, 26 March 2010.
- Buerki, A. 2010. Using corpora in ELT. In: KOTESOL Proceedings 2006. Seoul: Myeongjinsa, pp. 37-48.
- Buerki, A. 2009. Multi-word sequences in motion. Presented at: Corpus Linguistics 2009, Liverpool, 22 July 2009.
- Buerki, A. 2007. Fostering learner independence in the area of lexico-grammar. Presented at: Departmental seminar, Institute of Foreign Language Studies (IFLS), Korea, 31 October 2007.
- Buerki, A. 2006. Using Corpora in ELT: A few ideas. Presented at: 14th Annual KOTESOL International Conference, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 28-29 October 2006. pp. 37-48.
- Buerki, A. 2006. Review of Gavioli, Laura 'Exploring corpora for ESP Learning'. English Teaching Professional 47, pp. 40-41.
- Buerki, A. 2004. English hearts and what they tell us about language and mind. SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics 13, pp. 247-267.
- Buerki, A. 2023. Sonja Poulsen, Collocations as a language resource: A functional and cognitive study in English phraseology (Human Cognitive Processing 71). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2022. Pp. xvi + 348. ISBN 9789027210838. [Book Review]. English Language and Linguistics 27(4), pp. 871-878. (10.1017/S1360674323000138)
- Buerki, A. 2020. How Brexit Changed the English language. The Conversation 2020, article number: 30 Dec.
- Spasic, I., Williams, L. and Buerki, A. 2020. Idiom–based features in sentiment analysis: cutting the Gordian knot. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 11(2) (10.1109/TAFFC.2017.2777842)
- Buerki, A. 2019. Furiously fast: on the speed of change in formulaic language. Yearbook of Phraseology 10(1), pp. 5-38. (10.1515/phras-2019-0003)
- Spasic, I., Corcoran, P., Gagarin, A. and Buerki, A. 2018. Head to head: Semantic similarity of multi-word terms. IEEE Access 6, pp. 20545-20557. (10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2826224)
- Buerki, A. 2016. Formulaic sequences: a drop in the ocean of constructions or something more significant?. European Journal of English Studies 20(1), pp. 15-34. (10.1080/13825577.2015.1136158)
- Buerki, A. 2010. Lexis that rings a bell: on the influence of auditory support in vocabulary acquisition. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 20(2), pp. 206-231. (10.1111/j.1473-4192.2009.00246.x)
- Buerki, A. 2006. Review of Gavioli, Laura 'Exploring corpora for ESP Learning'. English Teaching Professional 47, pp. 40-41.
- Buerki, A. 2004. English hearts and what they tell us about language and mind. SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics 13, pp. 247-267.
Book sections
- Buerki, A. 2025. Corpus Analysis of Phraseology. In: Chapelle, C. A. ed. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (2nd ed). Wiley
- Buerki, A. 2021. Reading discourses through their phraseology: The case of Brexit. In: Trklja, A. and Grabowski, ?. eds. Formulaic Language: Theories and Methods. Berlin: Language Science Press, pp. 141-170., (10.5281/zenodo.4727671)
- Buerki, A. 2020. (How) is formulaic language universal? Insights from Korean, German and English. In: Piirainen, E. et al. eds. Formulaic Language and New Data: Theoretical and Methodological Implications. Formulaic Language Vol. 2. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 103-134., (10.1515/9783110669824-005)
- Buerki, A. 2019. Formulaic sequences: a drop in the ocean of constructions or something more significant?. In: MacKenzie, I. and Kayman, M. eds. Formulaicity and creativity in language and literature. London: Routledge, pp. 15-36.
- Buerki, A. 2017. Frequency consolidation among word N-grams: a practical procedure. In: Mitkov, R. ed. Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology. Lecture notes in Computer Science Vol. 10596. Cham: Springer, pp. 432-446., (10.1007/978-3-319-69805-2)
- Buerki, A. 2012. Korpusgeleitete Extraktion von Mehrwortsequenzen aus (diachronen) Korpora: Vorgehenswege für deutschsprachige Daten [‘Corpus-led extraction of multiword sequences from (diachronic) corpora: procedures for work on German-language data’]. In: Aspekte der historischen Phraseologie und Phraseographie. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter
- Buerki, A. 2010. Using corpora in ELT. In: KOTESOL Proceedings 2006. Seoul: Myeongjinsa, pp. 37-48.
- Buerki, A. 2020. Formulaic language and linguistic change: A data-led approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (10.1017/9781108769976)
- Buerki, A. 2024. A phraseological grammar. Presented at: Lexical Studies Conference 2024, Swansea, Wales, UK, 15 January 2024.
- Buerki, A. 2023. Inheritance as a useful notion in a usage-based constructicon. Presented at: 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, 7-11 August 2023.
- Buerki, A. 2023. Phraseological expressions as substantive constructions: Lessons arising from difficulties with their inter-subjective identification. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2023: New Trends in Phraseology: Languages and Cultures in Comparison, Milano, Italy, 29 May - 1 June 2023.
- Buerki, A. 2022. Towards progressive-reflective digital practices in Higher Education. Presented at: TechHighEd Pakistan 2022, Islamabad, Pakistan, 23 - 24 February 2022.
- Buerki, A. 2021. Pro-tem phraseology: what is it and what does it mean for phraseological theory?. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2021, Virtual, 6-9 September 2021.
- Buerki, A. 2021. What genre is Wikipedia?. Presented at: Corpus Linguistics International Conference 2021 (CL2021), Limerick, Ireland, 13-16 July 2021.
- Buerki, A. 2019. Brexit phraseology. Presented at: CL2019: International Corpus Linguistics Conference, Cardiff, Wales, 22-26 July 2019.
- Buerki, A. 2018. Rate of change in phraseological expressions. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2018, Białystok, Poland, 10-12 September 2018.
- Buerki, A. 2017. Using big diachronic language data to feel the pulse of cultural change. Presented at: Digital Cultures Network Symposium on Investigating (with) Big Data, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 24 May 2017.
- Buerki, A. 2017. Statistical computing: descriptive statistics with R. Presented at: CLCR Software Training Workshops, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 29 March 2017.
- Buerki, A. 2017. Measuring and matching corpus size cross-linguistically. Presented at: Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies Annual Symposium, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 4 March 2017.
- Buerki, A. 2017. Computational workshop: N-Gram processor. Presented at: Research Symposium on Methods and Applications of Computational (and other) Identification of Formulaicity, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 27 February 2017.
- Buerki, A. 2017. Methods and applications of computational identification of formulaicity – an overview. Presented at: Research Symposium on Methods and Applications of Computational (and other) Identification of Formulaicity, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 27 February 2017.
- Buerki, A. 2017. Frequency consolidation among word N-grams: A practical procedure. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2017: Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology, London, UK, 13-14 November 2017.
- Buerki, A., Wray, A. and Fitzpatrick, T. 2016. Linguistic markers and risk of Alzheimer's Disease. Presented at: BRACE Annual Celebration 2016, Filton, UK, 6 June 2016.
- Buerki, A. 2016. Feeling the pulse of cultural change using common phraseology. Presented at: HiSoN Conference on Historical Sociolinguistics and Socio-Cultural Change, Helsinki University, Helsinki, Finland, 9 - 11 March 2016.
- Buerki, A. 2016. Automatic identification of formulaic sequences in (fairly) big data: practical introduction to a procedure. Presented at: Advances in Identifying Formulaic Sequences:A Methodological Workshop, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, 22 January 2016.
- Buerki, A. 2016. Formal and functional equivalence across typological diversity: insights from formulaic sequences in Korean, German and English. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2016, Trier, Germany, 1 August 2016.
- Buerki, A. 2015. Phraseological fingerprints: using habitual wordings to aid authorship attribution. Presented at: Corpus Linguistics in the South (CLS) 10: Corpus approaches to public and professional discourse, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 28 November 2015.
- Buerki, A. 2015. An introduction to R. Presented at: CLCR Software Training Workshops, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 25 November 2015.
- Buerki, A. 2015. Mein Diplom und unser Diplom [on individual and societal aspects of a university degree]. Presented at: Graduation Ceremony of the Philosophical-Historical Faculty of the University of Basel, Basel University, Basel, Switzerland, 28 March 2015.
- Buerki, A. 2014. Approaches to formulaic language as a universal phenomenon. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2014, Université Paris Sorbonne, Paris, France, 10 September 2014.
- Buerki, A. 2014. Motivation in recent and ongoing language change: it’s not all in the system. Presented at: 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 29 July 2014.
- Buerki, A. 2014. Formulaic sequences: a drop in the ocean of constructions or something more significant?. Presented at: FLaRN 2014, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, 14 July 2014.
- Buerki, A. 2014. Good and bad reasons for using and not using quantitative methods in linguistic research: a personal view. Presented at: CLCR Postgraduate Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 29 May 2014.
- Buerki, A. 2014. Language Shaped by Culture (and Culture by Language) – One Way to Get a Handle on it. Presented at: CLCR Research Seminar, Cardiff University, 19 March 2014.
- Buerki, A. 2013. Towards a cross-linguistic concept of formulaic language: Introduction to a project. Presented at: Formulaic Language Research Seminar, Cardiff, 5 December 2013.
- Buerki, A. 2013. Automatically identifying instances of change in diachronic corpus data. Presented at: Corpus Linguistics 2013, Lancaster University, UK, 22 - 26 July 2013.
- Buerki, A. 2013. Multiword expressions – (how) are they universal?. Presented at: Korpuslinguistik Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 24 April 2013.
- Buerki, A. 2012. Identifying relevant change in diachronic corpora: a perspective from research into formulaic language. Presented at: Korpuslinguistik Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2 May 2012.
- Buerki, A. 2012. Great or small, fast or slow: assessing extent and speed of change in multiword sequences. Presented at: FLaRN 2012, Tilburg, 30 March 2012.
- Buerki, A. 2011. Ausmass des Sprachwandels quantitativ messen: zur Veränderung von Mehrwortsequenzen im Schweizer Text Korpus’ [Measuring the extent of language change quantitatively: on change in multi-word sequences in the Swiss Text Corpus]. Presented at: Korpuslinguistik Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 23 November 2011.
- Buerki, A. 2011. Sociocultural change and multi-word sequences: perspectives from the Swiss Text Corpus. Presented at: Language as a Social and Cultural Practice, Basel, 8 -10 June 2011.
- Buerki, A. 2011. Substring reduction and frequency consolidation among word N-Grams: suggestion for a procedure. Presented at: 6th International Newcastle Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics, Newcastle, 7 April 2011.
- Buerki, A. 2010. (How) Are Multi-word Sequences Universal? On the nature and degree of universality of multi-word sequences from the perspective of Korean, German and English. Presented at: Seoul International Conference on Linguistics, Korea, 23 - 25 June 2010.
- Buerki, A. 2010. Korpus-geleitete Extraktion von Mehrworteinheiten – Probleme und Lösungen aus dem Umgang mit Deutschen Daten [Corpus-led extraction of multi-word units – problems and solutions in working with German data]. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2010, Universidad de Granada, 30 June -2 July 2010.
- Buerki, A. 2010. All sorts of change: a preliminary typology of change in multi-word sequences in the Swiss Text Corpus. Presented at: FLaRN 2010, Paderborn, Germany, 26 March 2010.
- Buerki, A. 2009. Multi-word sequences in motion. Presented at: Corpus Linguistics 2009, Liverpool, 22 July 2009.
- Buerki, A. 2007. Fostering learner independence in the area of lexico-grammar. Presented at: Departmental seminar, Institute of Foreign Language Studies (IFLS), Korea, 31 October 2007.
- Buerki, A. 2006. Using Corpora in ELT: A few ideas. Presented at: 14th Annual KOTESOL International Conference, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 28-29 October 2006. pp. 37-48.
- Buerki, A. 2015. Word Association Data Processor. GitHub.
- Buerki, A. 2013. N-Gram Processor. GitHub. (10.5281/zenodo.18064)
- Buerki, A. 2011. SubString. GitHub. (10.5281/zenodo.18164)
My primary research interests include:
- formulaic language and constructionist approaches to grammar
- corpus linguistic and quantitative approaches to linguistic research, including computational methods
- historical linguistics, particularly recent and ongoing change and motivation in linguistic change
- language, culture and society, particularly social and cultural aspects of linguistic structure
Currently, I am working on a monograph on formulaic language, linguistic change and socio-cultural change. I am also currently a co-investigator on a Wellcome Trust funded project investigating linguistic precursors of dementia where I am involved principally in automating and deriving various linguistic metrics from large amounts of texts written by participants in the study.
From 2013 to 2014, I was the sole investigator of an SNSF-funded project on the universality of formulaic language. This project looked at how formulaic language manifests itself in languages of morphologically different type using a 30-million word corpus of Wikipedia texts.
Ar lefel israddedig, y rhan fwyaf o flynyddoedd, byddaf yn ymgynnull ac yn addysgu'r modiwl trydedd flwyddyn 'Ymadroddion mewn Theori a Chymhwyso' (SE1421) a/neu rwy'n cynnull ac yn addysgu ar y modiwlau 'How Language Works 1' (SE1113) a 'How Language Works 2' (SE1114) sy'n fodiwlau rhagarweiniol i astudio iaith.
Ar lefel ôl-raddedig, rwy'n addysgu'r modiwl MA ar Ddulliau Ymchwil Meintiol mewn ieithyddiaeth (SET013), yn ogystal â blociau achlysurol ar briodoli awduriaeth fforensig fel rhan o'r modiwl Ieithyddiaeth Fforensig 2 (SET002).
Ymhellach, rwyf wedi dysgu 'Cyflwyniad i UNIX/Linux' yn academi ddoethurol Prifysgol Caerdydd a'r 'Gweithdy Cyflwyniad i Ystadegau' yn yr Ysgol Saesneg, Cydlynu ac Athroniaeth.
Yn y gorffennol, rwyf wedi dysgu rhannau o fodiwl ar 'Darllen ac Ysgrifennu yn yr Oes Ddigidol' (SE1112) yn ogystal â modiwlau ar Gaffael Ail Iaith ac amryw gyrsiau ieithyddiaeth rhagarweiniol ac uwch ar gystrawen, semanteg, pragmateg, morffoleg, seineg a ffonoleg yn ogystal â gweithdai ar bynciau ieithyddol ac ystadegau corpws-ieithyddol, cyfrifiadol.
Derbyniais fy ngradd BA o Brifysgol Brunel a'm MA mewn Ieithyddiaeth o'r Ysgol Astudiaethau Dwyreiniol ac Affricanaidd (SOAS, Prifysgol Llundain). Wedi hynny, gweithiais fel darlithydd mewn Iaith Saesneg ym Mhrifysgol Gwangju a Phrifysgol Corea, y ddau yng Ngweriniaeth Korea, cyn dechrau fy ymchwil PhD yn 2008. Derbyniais fy PhD mewn Ieithyddiaeth Gyffredinol o Brifysgol Basel yn 2013. Yn dilyn hynny, roeddwn i'n ddarlithydd rhan-amser (Lehrbeauftragter) ym Mhrifysgol Basel ac yn ymchwilydd ôl-ddoethurol ac yn ddarlithydd rhan-amser (Lehrbeauftragter) yn Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, ac yn ddiweddarach yn dysgu'n rhan-amser ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Gorllewin Lloegr yn ogystal â bod yn uchelgyhuddydd ôl-ddoethurol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Deuthum yn ddarlithydd llawn amser ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yn 2015 ac yn Uwch Ddarlithydd yn 2019.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Formulaic Language Research Network (FLaRN)
- International Cognitive Linguistics Association
- European Society of Phraseology (EUROPHRAS)
- Société Suisse de Linguistique (Swiss Linguistics Society)
I am a member of the scientific advisory council of the European Society of Phraseology.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwy'n croesawu datganiadau o ddiddordeb gan ddarpar fyfyrwyr PhD sydd â diddordeb mewn gweithio ym meysydd:
- Ymadroddeg / Iaith Fformiwlaidd
- Gramadeg Adeiladu
- Iaith a Diwylliant, gan gynnwys perthnasedd ieithyddol
- Newid iaith
- pynciau ieithyddol corpws eraill gydag elfen feintiol
Nid wyf yn goruchwylio gwaith ar bynciau cymhwysol yn unig heb agwedd ddamcaniaethol bwysig, fel gwaith sy'n cynnig ymchwilio i faterion cymhwysol yn unig mewn addysgu iaith. Oherwydd fy mod yn goruchwylio nifer o brosiectau, efallai na fyddaf bob amser ar gael i ymgymryd â goruchwylio prosiectau newydd hyd yn oed pan fyddant o fewn yr ardaloedd a amlinellir uchod.
Contact Details
+44 29208 74504
Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 3.29, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU