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Andreas Buerki

Dr Andreas Buerki


Welsh speaking
Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Andreas Buerki


I am a member of the Centre for Language and Communication Research.

I am principally a corpus linguist and phraseologist, looking at how language as used by speakers and writers in real contexts works. My work is of a broadly usage-based, cognitive linguistic outlook, employing a constructionist approach to linguistic structure.

My particular research interest is in the various aspects of formulaic language (common turns of phrase, phraseology) and in the social and cultural nature of language and how this shows in linguistic structure, language change and in other areas such as public discourses. During my current (2025) research leave, I am writing a monograph on Phraseology and Construction Grammar, to appear with Routledge.

Currently, I serve as the vice-president of EUROPHRAS, the European Society of Phraseology, and I am a founding member of the 'Cardiff Corpus Network' of corpus linguists at Cardiff. I am also a member of the Digital Cultures Network at Cardiff and a member of the Editorial Board of Cardiff University Press. I am also a Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, as well as a member of Cardiff University's Academi Gymraeg and former Subject Director of Postgraduate Research at the Centre for Language and Communication Research.

Before coming to Cardiff I taught at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and previously also at the University of the West of England, the University of Basel, as well as Korea University and Gwangju University.




  • Buerki, A. 2024. A phraseological grammar. Presented at: Lexical Studies Conference 2024, Swansea, Wales, UK, 15 January 2024.



















Adrannau llyfrau






My primary research interests include:

  • formulaic language, phraseology and constructionist approaches to grammar
  • corpus linguistic and quantitative approaches to linguistic research, including computational methods
  • recent and ongoing change and motivation in linguistic change
  • language, culture and society, particularly social and cultural aspects of linguistic structure
  • discourse analysis in particular in relation to phraseology and linguistic relativity

Currently, I am working on how societal discourses can be read via their phraseology (see interview here), change in linguistic constructions over short periods of time and authorship attribution, among other topics.

My work on social and cultural motivation of language change in the area of Formulaic Language has recently appeared in the monograph 'Formulaic Language and Linguistic Change: A data-led approach', published by Cambridge University Press.

Previously, I was the sole investigator of an SNSF-funded project on the universality of formulaic language. This project looked at how formulaic language manifests itself in languages of morphologically different type using a 30-million word corpus of Wikipedia texts.


At undergraduate level, most years I convene and teach the third year module 'Phraseology in Theory and Application' (SE1421) and/or I convene and teach on the modules 'How Language Works 1' (SE1113) and 'How Language Works 2' (SE1114) which are introductory modules to the study of language.

At postgraduate level, I teach the MA module on Quantitative Research Methods in linguistics (SET013), as well as occasionally blocks on forensic authorship attribution as part of the Forensic Linguistics 2 module (SET002).

Further, I have taught 'Introduction to UNIX/Linux' at Cardiff University's doctoral academy and the 'Introduction to Statistics Workshop' at the School of English, Commuication and Philosophy.

In the past, I have taught parts of a module on 'Reading and Writing in the Digital Age' (SE1112) as well as modules on Second Language Acquisition and various introductory and advanced linguistics courses on syntax, semantics, pragmatics, morphology, phonetics and phonology as well as workshops on corpus-linguistic, computational linguistic and statistics topics.


I received my BA from Brunel University and my MA in Linguistics from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London). Thereafter, I worked as a lecturer in English Language at Gwangju University and Korea University, both in the Republic of Korea, before starting my PhD research in 2008. I received my PhD in General Linguistics from the University of Basel in 2013. Subsequently, I was a part-time lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter) at the University of Basel and post-doctoral researcher and part-time lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, later teaching part-time at Cardiff University and the University of the West of England well as being a post-doc reseacher at Cardiff University. I was appointed a full-time lecturer at Cardiff University in 2015 and a Senior Lecturer in 2019.

Professional memberships


I welcome expressions of interest from prospective PhD students who are interested in working in the areas of:

  • Phraseology / Formulaic Language
  • Construction Grammar
  • Language and Culture, incl. linguistic relativity
  • Language change
  • other corpus linguistic topics with a quantitative element

I do not supervise work on purely applied topics without an important theoretical aspect, such as work proposing to investigate purely applied issues in language teaching. Because I supervise a number of projects, I may not be always be available to take on supervision of new projects even when they are within the areas outlined above.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 74504
Campuses John Percival Building, Room 3.29, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU