Rwy'n ffisiotherapydd cofrestredig a methodolegydd treialon yn y Ganolfan Ymchwil Treialon ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd lle rydym yn ffurfio partneriaethau gydag ymchwilwyr ac yn meithrin perthnasoedd parhaol â'r cyhoedd i fynd i'r afael â chlefydau mawr a phryderon iechyd ein hoes. Ein nod yw atal afiechyd, diogelu ac ymestyn bywyd trwy ddylunio, datblygu a phrofi ymyriadau i wella iechyd a lles ac yn bwysig gweithio i ddeall achosion biolegol, amgylcheddol a chymdeithasol clefydau a salwch. Rwyf hefyd yn Gyfarwyddwr Cyfadran Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru (, piler craidd llwybr gyrfa ymchwil cenedlaethol Cymru Gyfan, a sefydlwyd yn 2022.
Cwblheais fy astudiaethau israddedig mewn Ffisiotherapi yn Ne Affrica ac es ymlaen i gwblhau cymwysterau ôl-raddedig pellach mewn Ergonomeg a Biomecaneg. Mae gen i ddiddordeb hir mewn dulliau ymchwil iechyd cymhwysol ac mae gen i Ddiploma mewn Treialon Clinigol o Ysgol Hylendid a Meddygaeth Drofannol Llundain. Rwy'n gwasanaethu ar Banel Cymrodoriaethau Clinigol y Cyngor Ymchwil Feddygol, Panel Asesu Technoleg Iechyd NIHR Panel Cymrodoriaeth Uwch NIHR. Rwy'n gymrawd o'r Academi Addysg Uwch, yn gymrawd etholedig o Gymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru, Academi Genedlaethol y Celfyddydau a'r Gwyddorau yng Nghymru ac yn hyfforddwr gweithredol cymwys Lefel 7 ac yn Ymarferydd Mewnwelediad achrededig.
Yn ystod fy astudiaethau PhD, defnyddiais gipio cynnig 3D, EMG wyneb a thracwyr gweithgaredd gwisgadwy i archwilio gwendid cyhyrau a gweithredu mewn ystod o anhwylderau niwrolegol a thrwy gydol fy ngyrfa ymchwil rwyf wedi parhau i ddatblygu'r dulliau hyn mewn ystod o astudiaethau arsylwadol, mecanistig ac ymyriadol aml-ganolfan ac mewn labordai a lleoliadau cymunedol. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb arbennig mewn datblygu a gwerthuso ymyriadau anffarmacolegol cymhleth i bobl sy'n byw gyda chyflyrau iechyd cymhleth tymor hir ac archwilio'r cydadwaith rhwng ffactorau addasadwy ac anaddasadwy sy'n gysylltiedig â chynnydd clefydau. Rwyf wedi arwain rhaglen ymchwil sy'n archwilio symudedd, hyfforddiant corfforol a gwybyddol a dulliau o fyw yn Clefyd Huntington, a hysbysodd llawer ohonynt y cyhoeddiad yn 2020 o'r canllawiau clinigol ffisiotherapi rhyngwladol cyntaf ar sail tystiolaeth ar gyfer clefyd Huntington.
Rwy'n mentora clinigwyr ac ymchwilwyr gyrfa gynnar mewn lleoliadau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol amrywiol ac yn arwain ystod o astudiaethau clinigol a threialon gyda thimau ymchwil cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol, er enghraifft consortiwm DOMINO-HD a ariennir trwy brosiectau ymchwil JPND Amlwladol ar Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ar gyfer Clefydau Niwroddirywiol, y treial LISTEN a ariennir gan NIHR, sy'n gwerthuso ymyrraeth cymorth hunanreoli wedi'i gynllunio ar y cyd ar gyfer Covid hir a threial TIPTOE a ariennir gan NIHR. Canolbwyntio ar bobl hŷn ag osteoarthritis ac aml-afiachedd. Mae gen i ymrwymiad hirsefydlog i gynnwys a chydgynllunio cleifion a chyhoeddus mewn ymchwil ac mae BRAIN Involve sefydledig, cangen ymwneud â'r cyhoedd yn uned Ymennydd Cymru. Mae gen i gydweithrediadau gweithredol gydag ymchwilwyr a chlinigwyr sy'n gweithio ar draws amrywiaeth o leoliadau gwasanaeth iechyd (er enghraifft orthopaedeg, gofal critigol ac anhwylder ar y sbectrwm awtistiaeth). Mae fy Mynegai H (Scopus) yn 28 oed ac mae fy incwm grant gydol oes oddeutu £28,000 000.00.
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- Bennasar, M., Hicks, Y. A., Clinch, S. P., Jones, P., Holt, C., Rosser, A. and Busse-Morris, M. 2018. Automated assessment of movement impairment in Huntington's disease. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 26(10), pp. 2062-2069. (10.1109/TNSRE.2018.2868170)
- Polgar, S., Karimi, L., Buultjens, M., Morris, M. E. and Busse-Morris, M. 2018. Assessing the efficacy of cell transplantation for Parkinson's Disease: a patient-centered approach. Journal of Parkinson's Disease 8(3), pp. 375-383. (10.3233/JPD-181309)
- Mestre, T. et al. 2018. Quality of life measures in Huntington’s Disease: critique and recommendations for measures assessing patient health‐related quality of life and caregiver quality of life. Movement Disorders 33(5), pp. 742-749. (10.1002/mds.27317)
- Yhnell, E. et al. 2018. Exploring computerised cognitive training as a therapeutic intervention for people with Huntington's disease (CogTrainHD): protocol for a randomised feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 4, article number: 45. (10.1186/s40814-018-0237-0)
- Button, K., Nicholas, K., Busse-Morris, M., Collins, M. and Spasic, I. 2018. Integrating self-management support for knee injuries into routine clinical practice: TRAK intervention design and delivery. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 33, pp. 53-60. (10.1016/j.msksp.2017.11.002)
- Fritz, N. et al. 2017. Physical therapy and exercise interventions in Huntington's disease: a mixed methods systematic review. Journal of Huntington's Disease 6(3), pp. 217-235. (10.3233/JHD-170260)
- Fritz, N., Busse-Morris, M., Jones, K., Khalil, H. and Quinn, L. 2017. A classification system to guide physical therapy management in Huntington’s disease: a case series. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 41(3), pp. 156-163. (10.1097/NPT.0000000000000188)
- Quinn, L. et al. 2017. Physical therapy and exercise interventions in Huntington's disease: a mixed methods systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports 15(7), pp. 1783-4433. (10.11124/JBISRIR-2016-003274)
- Busse, M. et al. 2017. Physical activity self-management and coaching compared to social interaction in Huntington’s disease: Results from the ENGAGE-HD randomized, controlled, pilot feasibility trial. Physical Therapy 97(6), pp. 625-639. (10.1093/ptj/pzx031)
- Khalil, H., Busse-Morris, M. and Quinn, L. 2017. A pilot study of a minimally supervised home exercise and walking program for people with Parkinson’s disease in Jordan. Neurodegenerative Disease Management 7(1) (10.2217/nmt-2016-0041)
- Drew, C. et al. 2016. Integrating technology into complex intervention trial processes: a case study. Trials 17(1), article number: 551. (10.1186/s13063-016-1674-9)
- Mestre, T. A. et al. 2016. Rating scales for behavioural symptoms in Huntington's Disease: critique and recommendations. Movement Disorders 31(10), pp. 1466-1478. (10.1002/mds.26675)
- Jones, C. et al. 2016. The societal cost of Huntington’s disease: are we underestimating the burden?. European Journal of Neurology 23(10), pp. 1588-1590. (10.1111/ene.13107)
- Jones, U. F., Busse, M., Enright, S. and Rosser, A. E. 2016. Respiratory decline is integral to disease progression in Huntington's disease [Letter]. European Respiratory Journal 48(2), pp. 585-588. (10.1183/13993003.02215-2015)
- Townhill, J. et al. 2016. Using Actiwatch to monitor circadian rhythm disturbance in Huntington' disease: A cautionary note. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 265, pp. 13-18. (10.1016/j.jneumeth.2016.01.009)
- Quinn, L. et al. 2016. Development and delivery of a physical activity intervention for people with Huntington Disease. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 40(2), pp. 71-80. (10.1097/NPT.0000000000000119)
- Bennasar, M., Hicks, Y. A., Clinch, S., Jones, P., Rosser, A. E., Busse, M. and Holt, C. A. 2016. Huntington's Disease assessment using tri axis accelerometers. Procedia Computer Science 96, pp. 1193-1201. (10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.163)
- Dawes, H. et al. 2015. Exercise testing and training in people with Huntington's diseas. Clinical Rehabilitation 29(2), pp. 196-206. (10.1177/0269215514540921)
- Busse, M., Quinn, L., Khalil, H. and McEwan, K. 2014. Optimising mobility outcome measures in Huntington's disease. Journal of Huntington's Disease 3(2), pp. 175-188. (10.3233/JHD-140091)
- Jones, U. F., Busse, M., Enright, S. and Rosser, A. E. 2014. Respiratory function decreases with progression of Huntington's Disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 85(Suppl), pp. A61-A62. (10.1136/jnnp-2014-309032.173)
- Jones, K., Hamana, K., Quinn, L., Rosser, A. and Busse, M. 2014. Physiotherapy task orientated approach: A case report. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry 85(1), article number: A68. (10.1136/jnnp-2014-309032.192)
- Busse, M. et al. 2014. Supporting physical activity engagement in people with Huntington's disease (ENGAGE-HD): study protocol for a randomized controlled feasibility trial. Trials 15(1), article number: 487. (10.1186/1745-6215-15-487)
- Busse, M. et al. 2013. A randomized feasibility study of a 12-week community-based exercise program for people with Huntington's Disease. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 37(4), pp. 149-158., article number: 1557-0576/13/3704-0149. (10.1097/NPT.0000000000000016)
- Khalil, H., Quinn, L., Van Deursen, R. W. M., Dawes, H., Playle, R. A., Rosser, A. E. and Busse, M. 2013. What effect does a structured home-based exercise programme have on people with Huntington's disease? A randomized, controlled pilot study. Clinical Rehabilitation 27(7), pp. 646-658. (10.1177/0269215512473762)
- Quinn, L. et al. 2013. Reliability and minimal detectable change of physical performance measures in individuals with pre-manifest and manifest Huntington disease. Physical Therapy 93(7), pp. 942-956. (10.2522/ptj.20130032)
- Dalton, A., Khalil, H., Busse, M., Rosser, A. E., Van Deursen, R. W. M. and ÓLaighin, G. 2013. Analysis of gait and balance through a single triaxial accelerometer in presymptomatic and symptomatic Huntington's disease. Gait & Posture 37(1), pp. 49-64. (10.1016/j.gaitpost.2012.05.028)
- Quinn, L., Busse, M. and Dal Bello-Haas, V. 2013. Management of upper extremity dysfunction in people with Parkinson disease and Huntington disease: facilitating outcomes across the disease lifespan. Journal of Hand Therapy 26(2), pp. 148-155. (10.1016/j.jht.2012.11.001)
- Harrison, D. J., Busse, M., Openshaw, R., Rosser, A. E., Dunnett, S. B. and Brooks, S. P. 2013. Exercise attenuates neuropathology and has greater benefit on cognitive than motor deficits in the R6/1 Huntington's disease mouse model. Experimental Neurology 248, pp. 457-469. (10.1016/j.expneurol.2013.07.014)
- Quinn, L., Busse, M. and Rosser, A. E. 2013. Critical features in the development of exercise-based interventions for people with Huntington's disease. European Neurological Review 8(1), pp. 10-13.
- Quinn, L. and Busse, M. 2012. Physiotherapy clinical guidelines for Huntington’s disease. Neurodegenerative Disease Management 2(1), pp. 21-31. (10.2217/nmt.11.86)
- Jones, U. F., Enright, S. and Busse, M. 2012. Management of respiratory problems in people with neurodegenerative conditions: a narrative review. Physiotherapy 98(1), pp. 1-12. (10.1016/
- Busse, M. et al. 2012. Q12 A randomised feasibility study of a 12-week exercise programme in Huntington's disease (HD) [Abstract]. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 83(S1), pp. A58-A59. (10.1136/jnnp-2012-303524.182)
- Hamana, K. et al. 2012. Q13 Perspectives of participating in a 12-week exercise programme for people with early -mid stage Huntington's disease [Abstract]. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 83(S1), pp. A59. (10.1136/jnnp-2012-303524.183)
- Khalil, H., Quinn, L., Van Deursen, R. W. M., Dawes, H., Playle, R., Rosser, A. E. and Busse, M. 2012. Q15 A pilot study of an exercise intervention to improve motor function in people with Huntington's disease (HD) [Abstract]. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 83(S1), pp. A59. (10.1136/jnnp-2012-303524.185)
- Read, J. et al. 2012. I03 Evaluation of life time physical activity levels in Huntington's disease [Abstract]. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 83(S1), pp. A33. (10.1136/jnnp-2012-303524.102)
- Jones, K. et al. 2012. Q14 Sub maximal exercise testing in people with early stage Huntington's disease [Abstract]. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 83(S1), pp. A59. (10.1136/jnnp-2012-303524.184)
- Busse, M., Khalil, H., Quinn, L., Brooks, S. P. and Rosser, A. E. 2012. Practice, progress and future directions for physical therapies in Huntington's Disease. Journal of Huntington's Disease 1(2), pp. 175-185. (10.3233/JHD-120025)
- Jones, K. et al. 2012. Sub maximal exercise testing in people with early stage Huntington’s Disease [Abstract]. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 83(S. 1), article number: A59. (10.1136/jnnp-2012-303524.184)
- Jones, U. F., Busse, M., Enright, S. and Rosser, A. E. 2011. A pilot study of influences on physical activity level and exercise capacity in people with Huntington's disease [Abstract]. Physiotherapy 97(s1), pp. eS570., article number: RR-PL-1276. (10.1016/
- Sheeran, L., Sparkes, V., Busse-Morris, M. and Van Deursen, R. 2010. Preliminary study: reliability of the spinal wheel. A novel device to measure spinal postures applied to sitting and standing. European Spine Journal 19(6), pp. 995-1003. (10.1007/s00586-009-1241-0)
- Sheeran, L., Sparkes, V., Busse, M. and Van Deursen, R. W. M. 2010. Preliminary study: reliability of the spinal wheel. A novel device to measure spinal postures applied to sitting and standing. European Spine Journal 19(6), pp. 995-1003. (10.1007/s00586-009-1241-0)
- Pickering, D. and Busse, M. 2010. An Audit of disabled children’s services – what value is MPOC-SP?. Clinical Audit 2010(2), pp. 13-22. (10.2147/CA.S8073)
- Pickering, D. and Busse, M. 2010. Disabled children's services: how do we measure family-centred care?. Journal of Child Health Care 14(2), pp. 200-207. (10.1177/1367493509360207)
- Busse, M., Al-Madfai, H., Kenkre, J., Landwehrmeyer, G. B., Bentivoglio, A. and Rosser, A. E. 2010. Utilisation of Healthcare and Associated Services in Huntington's disease: a data mining study. PLoS Currents 3, article number: RRN1206. (10.1371/currents.RRN1206)
- Cooper, A., Alghamdi, G. A., Alghamdi, M. A., Busse, M. and Richardson, S. 2009. The relationship of lower limb muscle strength and joint kinematics during the stance phase of gait in hemiparetic stroke patients [Abstract]. International Journal of Stroke 4(S2), pp. 36-36. (10.1111/j.1747-4949.2009.00354.x)
- Tyson, S. F., Connell, L., Busse, M. and Lennon, S. 2009. What do acute stroke physiotherapists do to treat postural control and mobility? An exploration of the content of therapy in the UK. Clinical Rehabilitation 23(11), pp. 1051-1055. (10.1177/0269215509334837)
- Busse, M., Wiles, C. M. and Rosser, A. E. 2009. Mobility and falls in people with Huntington's disease. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 80(1), pp. 88-90. (10.1136/jnnp.2008.147793)
- Busse, M. and Tyson, S. F. 2009. How many body locations need to be tested when assessing sensation after stroke? An investigation of redundancy in the Rivermead Assessment of Somatosensory Performance. Clinical Rehabilitation 23(1), pp. 91-95. (10.1177/0269215508097296)
- Busse, M., Van Deursen, R. W. M. and Wiles, C. M. 2009. Real-life step and activity measurement: reliability and validity. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology 33(1), pp. 33-41. (10.1080/03091900701682606)
- Tyson, S. F., Connell, L. A., Busse, M. and Lennon, S. 2009. What is Bobath? A survey of UK stroke physiotherapists' perceptions of the content of the Bobath concept to treat postural control and mobility problems after stroke. Disability & Rehabilitation 31(6), pp. 448-457. (10.1080/09638280802103621)
- Tyson, S. F., Connell, L. A., Lennon, S. and Busse, M. 2009. What treatment packages do UK physiotherapists use to treat postural control and mobility problems after stroke?. Disability & Rehabilitation 31(18), pp. 1494-1500. (10.1080/09638280802627686)
- Busse, M., Khalil, H., Quinn, L. and Rosser, A. E. 2008. Physical therapy intervention for people with Huntington disease. Physical Therapy 88(7), pp. 820-31. (10.2522/ptj.20070346)
- Meaney, A., Busse, M., Dawes, H. and Rosser, A. E. 2008. Response to a structured exercise programme for Huntington's Disease [Abstract]. Journal of Sport Science 26(S2), pp. 125-126. (10.1080/02640410802306202)
- Busse, M. and Tyson, S. F. 2007. Functional balance and mobility tests in healthy participants: reliability, error and influencing factors. Physiotherapy Research International 12(4), pp. 242-250. (10.1002/pri.383)
- Sparkes, V., Smith, M. and Busse, M. 2007. Scapular taping in the therapeutic management of subacromial impingement symptoms - exploration of a clinical theory. Physiotherapy Research International 12(4), pp. 203-204. (10.1002/pri.387)
- Busse, M., Wiles, C. M. and Van Deursen, R. W. M. 2006. Co-activation: its association with weakness and specific neurological pathology. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 3(1), pp. 26-33. (10.1186/1743-0003-3-26)
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- Vaughan, C. L., Subramanian, N. and Busse, M. 1998. Selective dorsal rhizotomy as a treatment option for children with spastic cerebral palsy. Gait and Posture 8(1), pp. 43-59.
Book sections
- Drew, C. J. and Busse, M. 2022. Considerations for clinical trial design and conduct in the evaluation of novel advanced therapeutics in neurodegenerative disease. In: Lane, E., Cheney, D. and Lelos, M. eds. Current Challenges in Cell Therapy for Neurodegenerative Diseases. International Review of Neurobiology Elsevier, pp. 235-279., (10.1016/bs.irn.2022.09.006)
- Quinn, L. and Busse, M. 2017. The role of rehabilitation therapy in Huntington disease. In: Feigen, A. S. and Anderson, K. E. eds. Handbook of Clinical Neurology: Huntington Disease., Vol. 144. Elsevier: Monograph Series, pp. 151-165., (10.1016/B978-0-12-801893-4.00013-4)
- Clinch, S., Busse-Morris, M., Döbrössy, M. D. and Dunnett, S. B. 2017. Rehabilitation training in neural restitution. In: Dunnett, S. B. and Bjorklund, A. eds. Progress in Brain Research., Vol. 230. Elsevier, pp. 305-329., (10.1016/bs.pbr.2016.12.006)
- Metzler-Baddeley, C., Busse, M. E., Drew, C. J., Pallmann, P., Jones, D. K. and Rosser, A. 2022. HD-DRUM – a novel computerised drumming training for movement and cognitive abilities in people with Huntington’s disease – app development and protocol of a randomised controlled feasibility study. Presented at: EHDN 2022 Plenary Meeting, Bologna, Italy, 16-18 September 2022, Vol. 93. Vol. S1. pp. A100-A101., (10.1136/jnnp-2022-ehdn.267)
- Markoulidakis, A., Busse, M., Doheny, E., Drew, C., Kirby, N. and Pallmann, P. 2022. Lifestyle index for individuals with HD (LifeHD): an aggregated measure that characterises the lifestyle habits of individuals with HD. Presented at: EHDN 2022 Plenary Meeting, Bologna, Italy, 16-18 September, Vol. 93. Vol. S1., (10.1136/jnnp-2022-ehdn.111)
- Fahed, V. S. et al. 2022. F52 Acoustic voice features in Huntington's disease in native English, Spanish and Polish speakers. Presented at: EHDN 2022 Plenary Meeting, 16-18 September 2022, Vol. 93. BMJ Publishing Group, (10.1136/jnnp-2022-ehdn.143)
- Drew, C. J., Munnery, K., Wood, F. and Busse, M. 2022. F21 Co-design of a lifestyle intervention to improve quality of life in Huntington's disease. Presented at: EHDN 2022 Plenary Meeting, Bologna, Italy, 16-18 September 2022, Vol. 93. BMJ Publishing Group, (10.1136/jnnp-2022-ehdn.112)
- Lozano-García, M., Doheny, E., Mann, E., Drew, C., Busse, M. and Lowery, M. 2022. F61 Validation of a gait event detection algorithm during overground walking in Huntington's disease. Presented at: EHDN 2022 Plenary Meeting, Bologna, Italy, 16-18 September 2022, Vol. 93. BMJ Publishing Group, (10.1136/jnnp-2022-ehdn.152)
- Mann, E., Drew, C. J., Busse, M., Doheny, E. and Lowery, M. 2022. F62 Validation of digital assessment of physical activity in Huntington’s disease: comparing fitbit charge 4 step count with research-grade accelerometers. Presented at: EHDN 2022 Plenary Meeting, Bologna, Italy, 16-18 September 2022. BMJ Publishing Group pp. A58-A59., (10.1136/jnnp-2022-ehdn.153)
- Button, K., Nicholas, K., Busse-Morris, M., Collins, M. and Spasic, I. 2018. An evaluation of TRAK physiotherapy self management intervention development and delivery for knee conditions. Presented at: OARSI 2018 World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Liverpool, 26-29 April 2018. pp. -.
- Griffiths, A., Busse, M. and Sarin, B. 2012. Do the understanding, knowledge and fears of the caregivers of first time stroke survivors accurately reflect the difficulties faced after discharge from hospital?. Presented at: Welsh Stroke Conference 2012, Newport, Wales, 22nd June 2012.
- Pickering, D. and Busse, M. 2011. What value does the MPOC-SP have for physiotherapists working with children? Focus group results about family centred care.. Presented at: World Confederation of Physical Therapy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 21-24 June 2011.
- Ioakeimidis, V. et al. 2023. Protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial of HD-DRUM, a rhythmic movement training application for cognitive and motor symptoms in people with Huntington's disease. [Online]. medRxiv: medRxiv. (10.1101/2023.11.15.23298581) Available at:
- Metzler-Baddeley, C., Busse, M., Drew, C., Pallmann, P., Cantera Gomez, J., Ioakeimidis, V. and Rosser, A. E. 2023. Applying an integrated knowledge translation framework approach to develop a tablet-based rhythmic movement training intervention for people with Huntington’s disease. [Online]. JMIR Preprints. (10.2196/preprints.48395) Available at:
- Markoulidakis, A., Taiyari, K., Holmans, P., Pallmann, P., Busse-Morris, M. and Griffin, B. A. 2020. A tutorial comparing different covariate balancing methods with an application evaluating the causal effect of exercise on the progression of Huntington’s disease. [Online]. arXiv. Available at:
Grantiau Ymchwil
Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru Ymchwil Iechyd. £217,426. Datblygu ymyriad sy'n seiliedig ar symudiadau dan arweiniad cymheiriaid i wella canlyniadau corfforol a seicolegol i oroeswyr artaith a thrawma yng Nghymru a thu hwnt (cyfoedion-MIST).
Cronfa Generadur GW4. £19,643.00. GW4 cymuned sy'n astudio blinder mewn pobl â chyflyrau tymor hir lluosog.
Gwobr Catalydd UKRI Zinc. £62,550.00. Catalysing ymyriad hunanreolaeth TIPTOE ar gyfer oedolion hŷn ag osteoarthritis a chyflyrau lluosog hirdymor ar waith.
NIHR HTA. £1,715,355.77. MulTI-barth Hunanreolaeth mewn Pobl Hŷn wiTh OstEoarthritis ac Aml-Morbidities.
Wellcome Trust – Cynllun Cyfieithu Cysyniad (Gwobr Partneriaeth Drosiadol Sefydliadol (ITPA). £24,137. AcceSSIbleSofTware i gyflymu treialon anfasnachol ar gyfer effaith gyflym ar gleifion.
GBHI, Cymdeithas Alzheimer a Gwobr Peilotiaid Cymdeithas Alzheimer's UK. £19,000. Datblygu adnoddau i gefnogi'r gwaith o gyflawni ymyrraeth ffisiotherapi o bell mewn ffoaduriaid trawmatig yn yr Iorddonen.
Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru ar gyfer Budd-dal Cyhoeddus a Chleifion. £227317.00. Dichonoldeb TRAK-MSK, ymyriad ffisiotherapi hunanreoli digidol, ar gyfer pobl â chyflyrau cyhyrysgerbydol.
Arloesi i bawb. £24016.00. Cyd-ddylunio llyfr gwaith hunan-reoli a hyfforddiant ar gyfer pobl hŷn neu oedolion ag aml-afiacheddau ac osteoarthritis.
Arloesi i bawb. £20113.50. Creu'r genhedlaeth nesaf o hyrwyddwyr gweithgarwch corfforol clefyd Huntington.
NIHR Long COVID mewn unigolion nad ydynt yn yr ysbyty Galwad £1,055,520.00. Hir Covid Personol Cefnogaeth hunan-reolimenT - cyd-ddylunio a EvaluatioN.
Wellcome Trust – Cyfieithu Cynllun Cysyniad (Gwobr Partneriaeth Drosiadol Sefydliadol (ITPA). £19,648. Ymyrraeth hunangymorth sy'n seiliedig ar symudiadau dan arweiniad i wella canlyniadau corfforol a seicolegol i oroeswyr artaith a thrawma yng Nghymru a thu hwnt.
Gwobr Cydgynhyrchu Ymgysylltu â'r Cyhoedd Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome. £14825.00. Byddwch yn greadigol – gan ddefnyddio'r celfyddydau creadigol i archwilio heriau i weithgarwch corfforol i bobl â dysplasia'r glun.
JPND Prosiectau ymchwil rhyngwladol ar Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ar gyfer Clefydau Niwroddirywiol. € 2,049,523.75. Targedau Ffordd o Fyw Aml-Parth ar gyfer Gwella ProgNOsis yng Nghlwy'r Huntington
Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru. £2,470,489.00. Canolfan Treialon Adnewyddu Seilwaith Ymchwil.
Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru. Cymrodoriaeth Gofal Cymdeithasol. £392,912.00. Cynadleddau, Bwyta ac Yfed mewn Gofal Niwrolegol: Rhannu Ymarfer i Drawsnewid Gofal (mentor).
Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru. Cymrodoriaeth Gofal Cymdeithasol. £414,349.00. Ymchwiliad hydredol i gynorthwywyr personol newydd 'Siaradwr Clyfar' i wella annibyniaeth a lles mewn lleoliadau gofal cymdeithasol (mentor).
ROCHE Pharmaceuticals BN 40422. Astudiaeth Hanes Naturiol. Prif Ymchwilydd. £58,766.00.
ROCHE Pharmaceuticals BN 40423. Treial Canolog. Is-ymchwilydd. £64,701.00.
ROCHE Pharmaceuticals £42,020.00. GenExtend. Is-ymchwilydd. BN40955.
Cyngor Ymchwil Peirianneg a Gwyddorau Ffisegol. £29,986. PrioRiteiddio Automated a categorIsation of SAfety and PharmacoviGilance Events in CTIMPs.
Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru ar gyfer Budd-dal Cyhoeddus a Chleifion. £229866.00. Trin Pryder i Ymlacio PrevEnt yn Schizophrenia - treial dichonoldeb.
NIHR PGfAR. £99889.00. Grant Datblygu Rhaglen. PARC: Ymyrraeth hunanreoli i gefnogi Gweithgarwch Corfforol i bobl â Chyflyrau niwrolegol Prin
NIHR HTA. £2 144 709.00. Hapdreial rheoledig aml-ganolfan diffiniol a gwerthusiad economaidd o becyn adsefydlu yn y gymuned yn dilyn torri clun.
Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru. £1,733,333. Cyllid Seilwaith Ymchwil Uned Dreialu De-ddwyrain Cymru/ Centre for Trials Infrastructure.
Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru. £806,983. Cyllid isadeiledd uned BRAIN.
NIHR HTA. £1,193 miliwn. Treial Rheoledig Pragmatig o Therapi Integreiddio Synhwyraidd yn erbyn gofal arferol ar gyfer anawsterau prosesu synhwyraidd mewn Anhwylder Sbectrwm Awtistiaeth mewn plant: effaith ar anawsterau ymddygiad, sgiliau addasol a chymdeithasu
Cymdeithas Sglerosis Ymledol. £298509.00. Pecyn Bywyd, Ymarfer Corff a Gweithgareddau i Bobl sy'n byw gyda Sglerosis Ymledol Cynyddol.
Grantiau Ymchwil Sefydliad Jacques a Gloria Gossweiler ym maes niwroleg. £411 00.00. Canlyniadau gweithgarwch corfforol ac ymarfer corff mewn clefyd Huntington.
Ymchwil ar gyfer budd y cyhoedd a chleifion. £223132.00. Dyluniadau treial ar gyfer Darparu Therapïau Newydd ar gyfer Niwroddirywiad
Huntington's Disease Association of England and Wales. £10 300.00. Hyrwyddo gweithgarwch corfforol yng nghlinigïau clefyd Huntington.
Hyder MRC mewn Cysyniad. £39,490. Defnyddio technoleg y gellir ei gwisgo i ragweld canlyniadau cleifion risg uchel perioperative.
Hyder MRC mewn Cysyniad. £49,902.00. Datblygu cymwysiadau clinigol ar gyfer asesiad swyddogaethol aml-dasg newydd.
Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome ISSF Cross dyfarniadau disgyblaeth. £8,935. Astudiaeth beilot o anhwylder cydsymud modur yn syndrom dileu 22q11.2.
Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome ISSF Cross dyfarniadau disgyblaeth. £47,945. Asesiad awtomatig o amseru a llofnodion symud yn Clefyd Huntington.
Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome ISSF ISSF gwobrau peilot poblogaethau. £28,414. Dichonoldeb defnyddio monitorau gweithgarwch wedi'u targedu gan ddefnyddwyr wrth gasglu data gweithgarwch corfforol yng ngharfan HealthWise Cymru: astudiaeth beilot bragmatig.
Grantiau Ymchwil Sefydliad Jacques a Gloria Gossweiler ym maes niwroleg. £94,071. Archwilio hyfforddiant gwybyddol fel ymyriad anfferyllol ar gyfer pobl â chlefyd Huntingtons (mentor).
Is-adran Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru. £1.2m. Atgyweirio Ymennydd A Niwrotherapiwteg Mewnwranol- Uned BRAIN Cymru.
FP7-IECHYD-2013-ARLOESI-1. £1,705,800. REPAIR-HD Gwahaniaethu bôn-gelloedd pluripotent dynol, diogelwch a pharatoi ar gyfer trawsblannu therapiwtig mewn clefyd Huntington.
Jacques and Gloria Gossweiler Foundation £172,805. Treial Adsefydlu Ymarfer Ymarfer HD ExeRT-HD yn Clefyd Huntington.
Sefydliad Cenedlaethol Ymchwil Gofal Cymdeithasol ac Iechyd / Sefydliad Cenedlaethol Ymchwil Iechyd. £687,362. Symud i Ymarfer Corff: Ymarfer yn y cartref ar gyfer pobl â chlefyd Huntington.
Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome ISSF Seedcorn £45,000. Amser real niwroadborth fMRI fel triniaeth ar gyfer clefyd Parkinson.
Cymdeithas Clefyd Neil Glendinning Grant Huntington. £99,230. Hyfforddiant Tasg mewn Clefyd Huntington.
Rhwydwaith Clefyd Huntington Ewropeaidd £38,384. Dichonoldeb a budd hyfforddiant cyhyrau anadlol mewn pobl â chlefyd Huntington.
Y Sefydliad Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gofal Cymdeithasol ac Ymchwil Iechyd Cynllun Ariannu Ymchwil Iechyd £122,720. A all ymarfer corff a gefnogir gan y gymuned fod o fudd i les goddrychol, lefelau gweithgarwch corfforol a galluoedd mewn pobl â chlefyd Huntington? Astudiaeth ddichonoldeb ar hap a gwerthuso prosesau.
Cyngor Ymchwil Meddygol. Menter Ymchwil Atal Cenedlaethol. £1,041,422.Bwyta a Ffordd o Fyw Iechyd mewn Astudiaeth Beichiogrwydd (HELP).
Rhwydwaith Clefyd Huntington Ewropeaidd £36,000. Dibynadwyedd a newid lleiaf posibl o fesurau cyfranogi, gweithgareddau swyddogaethol a namau mewn unigolion â chlefyd Huntington.
Cynllun Sylfaen Ymchwil Ffisiotherapi B. £6,500.Swyddogaeth Resbiradol mewn pobl â chlefyd Huntington: astudiaeth drawsdoriadol
Ysgoloriaeth PhD Consortiwm Adeiladu Capasiti Ymchwil. £51,558. Swyddogaeth Resbiradol mewn pobl â chlefyd Huntington: astudiaeth drawsdoriadol
Cyllideb Ymchwil Prif Swyddog Meddygol Cymru. £9,938. Datblygu a gwerthuso adnodd DVD ar gyfer pobl â chlefyd niwroddirywiol a allai fod mewn perygl o syrthio.
Cronfa Gymynrodd Dyfroedd Paul Jeffries i gefnogi ymchwil mewn clefyd Huntington. £2,820.
Cymdeithas Ymchwil Ffisiotherapi. £500. Symudedd ac yn syrthio mewn clefyd Huntington.
I am in possession of a Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, a Certificate in Teaching Statistics in Higher Education (Royal Statistical Society) and a Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Trials (LSHTM). My research has a clear focus on physical activity and development and evaluation of complex interventions for people with Long Term Neurological Conditions (LTNCs). I collaborate closely with colleagues working in engineering and biosciences to achieve a translational focus to my work. I also have a particular interest in innovative methods for teaching research and statistics and the use of reliability analyses and mixed methods in healthcare research that has developed as a direct result of application in my research area.
BSc Physiotherapy (University of Stellenbosch), December 1993
BSc (Med) Hons. Ergonomics (first class) (University of Cape Town), December 1996
MSc (Med) Biomedical Sciences (distinction) (University of Cape Town), December 2001
PhD (University of Wales College of Medicine), July 2005
Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning (Kingston University), July 2001
Diploma in Research Methods (University of Wales College of Medicine), May 2003
Certificate in Teaching Statistics in Higher Education (Royal Statistical Society), February 2005
I am in possession of both a Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning and a Certificate in Teaching Statistics in Higher Education (Royal Statistical Society). My teaching interests and professional development is aligned with my research work and has a clear focus on physiotherapy provision for people with Long Term Neurological Conditions (LTNCs). I also have a particular interest in innovative methods for teaching research and statistics and the use of reliability analyses and mixed methods in healthcare research which has developed as a direct result of application in my research area. I contribute to teaching on the Research Methods of Health and Social Care, Experimental Designs, Neuroscience and Neurorehabilitation modules. I also collaborate with clinicians and researchers based both in other schools within Cardiff University and other academic institutions in the United Kingdom and regularly review grants submitted for funding and manuscripts submitted for publication in the field of physiotherapy, neurology and rehabilitation.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Fellow of Learned Society of Wales April 2021
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Registered Physiotherapist Health Professions Council PH 53577 January 1998
Member of Chartered Society of Physiotherapy January 1998
Fellow of Higher Education Institute July 2001
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
2022 ongoing Director Health and Care Research Wales Faculty.
2016 to 2022 Director Mind Brain Neuroscience Trials, Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University, UK.
2015 to 2016 Deputy Head of School of Healthcare Sciences: Research and Innovation, Cardiff University UK
2014 to 2016 Professor of Healthcare Sciences, Associate Director South East Wales Trials Unit
2010 to 2014 Senior Lecturer: School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University, UK
2005 to 2010 Lecturer: School of Healthcare Studies, Cardiff University, UK
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Future Leaders Fellows Development Networks’ Mentor 2021/22 cycle
Member of the STEMM1 (Medicine and Medical Sciences) Learned Society Scrutiny committee
Member of Cardiff University peer review college RWIF Innovation for All Funding Programme
Invited member DHSC/UKRI COVID-19 rapid response rolling call – College of Experts
Invited member of Wellcome Trust Translation-of Concept (ToC) funding panel
Member MRC Clinical Fellowships Panel
Member of NIHR HTA Commissioning Funding panel
Advisory board for Health and Care Economics Cymru
I regularly review manuscripts submitted for publication in Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, European Journal of Neurology, Journal of Huntington’s Disease, Trials, Clinical Science, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Physiotherapy, Physical Therapy, Neuromuscular Disorders, Clinical Biomechanics, Movement Disorders, Clinical Genetics and Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. I am a grant reviewer for Health and Care Research Wales (RfPPB) and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) RfPB, HSDR and NIHR Post-Doctoral Fellowship programme and Advanced Fellowship programme, The Multiple Sclerosis Society, Parkinson’s Disease-UK, Huntington Disease Association, BIG Lottery fund, Canadian Frailty Network, Stroke Association, Medical Research Council, National Institute of Health Research, Wellcome Trust, Multiple Sclerosis Society, CSO Scotland and the Clinical Research, Global Brain Health Institute and Academic Committee of the ABN Clinical Training Fellowships. I have reviewed final reports submitted to NIHR funding panels.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising projects in:
- Clinical Evaluation of Physical Activity and Sleep in neurodegenerative disease
- Complex interventions and self-management support
- Digital health interventions applied to long term conditions
- Mixed methods applied health research
Current supervision.
- Eleni Glarou. PhD; School of Medicine. Understanding multi-party communication in therapy sessions for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Sensory Processing (SP) difficulties - the value of interaction analysis (start 1 October 2018).
- Andreas Markoulidakis. PhD, School of Medicine (start 1 October 2019). Identification and modelling of causal genetic and environmental factors for HD severity and progression.
Previous PGR projects.
- Movement Deficits and Physiotherapy Huntington’s disease. Awarded 2013. Hanan Khalil
- A comparative analysis of physiotherapy services in different health environments. Awarded 2014. Abdulrahman Altowaijri.
- Respiratory Function in people with Huntington’s disease: a cross sectional study. Awarded 2014. Una Jones
- Training the Brain in Huntington's Disease. Awarded 2017
- An exploration of Exercise Experiences in People with Huntington’s disease: Who makes the time? Awarded 2019. Katy Hamana
- Exploring clinical applications for a novel multi-task functional assessment: matching appropriate technology to clinical need. Awarded 2021. Samuel Woodgate.
- Bethan Mair Edwards. 2A Window of Opportunity”: Describing and Developing an Evidence, Theory, and Practice-Informed Occupational Therapy Intervention for People Living with Early-Stage Dementia. Awarded 2022.