Dr Richard Caddell
Darllenydd yn y Gyfraith
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae Dr Richard Caddell yn Ddarllenydd mewn Cyfraith Forol ac Amgylcheddol yn Ysgol y Gyfraith a Gwleidyddiaeth Caerdydd, yn gyd-gyfarwyddwr Canolfan Cyfraith a Pholisi Amgylcheddol ac yn aelod o Ganolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru. Cyn hynny, roedd Richard yn Uwch Gymrawd Cyswllt Ymchwil ac Uwch Gymrawd Nereus Sefydliad Nippon yn Sefydliad Cyfraith y Môr yr Iseldiroedd, Prifysgol Utrecht ac mae hefyd wedi dal swyddi academaidd ym Mhrifysgolion Abertawe a Bangor. Cafodd ei addysg ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, gan gwblhau PhD ar gadwraeth mamaliaid morol yn 2009.
Mae prif ddiddordebau ymchwil Richard yng nghyfraith y môr a chyfraith amgylcheddol, gyda phwyslais arbennig ar gyfraith cadwraeth bywyd gwyllt, rheoli pysgodfeydd, mamaliaid morol, cyfraith polar a chyfraith amgylcheddol morol ar y lefelau rhyngwladol, yr UE, y DU a'r rhai datganoledig, yn ogystal ag arfer hawliau lleferydd a phrotest rhydd. Mae'n Brif Ymchwilydd yng Nghanolfan Nexus Cefnfor Sefydliad Nippon, gan arwain prosiect ar 'Brexit, Datganoli a'r Môr: Ail-fwrw Llywodraethu Morol yn Nyfroedd y DU', sy'n archwilio rheoleiddio morol gan y gweinyddiaethau datganoledig ac effeithiau parhaus Brexit ar amgylchedd morol y DU. Mae Richard hefyd yn gynghorydd technegol gyda Conservation Without Borders, y sefydliad cadwraeth blaenllaw sy'n hyrwyddo gwarchod bywyd gwyllt mudol.
Ar hyn o bryd mae Richard yn ysgrifennu Rhywogaethau Mudol a Chyfraith Ryngwladol: Challenges of Transboundary Conservation, y gwaith mawr cyntaf ar y materion cyfreithiol a godwyd gan fywyd gwyllt mudol, a gyhoeddir yn 2025 gan Edward Elgar. Ef yw cyd-olygydd Gwlyptiroedd a Chyfraith Amgylcheddol Ryngwladol: The Evolution and Impact of the Ramsar Convention (Edward Elgard, 2025, gyda Royal C. Gardner ac Erin Okuno), Llawlyfr Ymchwil ar Newid yn yr Hinsawdd a Chyfraith Bioamrywiaeth (Edward Elgar, 2024, gyda Phillipa McCormack), Cryfhau Cyfraith Pysgodfeydd Rhyngwladol mewn Cyfnod o Gefnforoedd Newidiol (Hart, 2024). 2019, gydag Erik J. Molenaar), Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain (Lawtext, 2013, gyda D. Rhidian Thomas) a phedwar argraffiad o Statudau ar Gyfraith Cyfryngau Blackstone ( Gwasg Prifysgol Rhydychen, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2013, gyda Howard Johnson). Richard yw Prif Olygydd y Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, mae'n gwasanaethu ar Fyrddau Golygyddol y Yearbook of International Environmental Law, the Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law and Communications Law ac mae'n gyd-olygydd (gyda Malgosia Fitzmaurice ac Agnes Rydberg) o Egwyddorion Cyfraith Amgylcheddol Ryngwladol Edward Elgar Cyfres lyfrau. Mae'n gweithredu'n rheolaidd fel cynghorydd cyfreithiol i lywodraethau cenedlaethol, cyrff rhynglywodraethol a chyrff anllywodraethol ar faterion amgylcheddol a morol ac mae hefyd yn aelod academaidd o Adeilad Francis Taylor, Inner Temple, Llundain, set bargyfreithwyr mwyaf blaenllaw y DU ar gyfer Cynllunio a'r Amgylchedd.
- Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. eds. 2025. Wetlands and international environmental law: The evolution and impact of the Ramsar Convention. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (10.4337/9781802203028)
- Caddell, R. 2025. Chapter 12: ‘Within and without’: EU nature conservation law and the protection of wetlands. In: Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. eds. Wetlands and International Environmental Law. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 319–360., (10.4337/9781802203028.00022)
- Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. 2025. Introduction to wetlands and international environmental law. In: Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. eds. Wetlands and International Environmental Law. Elgar Publishing, pp. 1-17., (10.4337/9781802203028.00008)
- McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. 2024. Research handbook on climate change and biodiversity law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (10.4337/9781800370296)
- Caddell, R. 2024. Climate change and the international regulation of migratory species. In: McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 47-71., (10.4337/9781800370296.00010)
- Caddell, R. and McCormack, P. C. 2024. Climate change and biodiversity law: Quo Vadis?. In: McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 2-24., (10.4337/9781800370296.00008)
- Caddell, R. 2023. Marine mammals and migratory species. In: Rayfuse, R., Jaeckel, A. and Klein, N. eds. Research Handbook on International Marine Environmental Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Series Elgar Online, pp. 333-359., (10.4337/9781789909081.00024)
- Caddell, R. 2022. Strength in numbers? The nordic ministerial and parliamentary groupings as observers in the arctic council. In: Sellheim, N. and Menezes, D. eds. Non-state Actors in the Arctic Region. Spriner, pp. 133-152., (10.1007/978-3-031-12459-4_7)
- Caddell, R. 2022. The law of the sea and the exercise of free speech and protest rights. In: Matz-Luck, N., Jensen, O. and Johansen, E. eds. The Law of the Sea: Normative Context and Interactions with other Legal Regimes. Routledge, pp. 202-225., (10.4324/9781003091196-9)
- Caddell, R. 2021. Where's the catch? Shifting stocks, international fisheries management and the climate change conundrum. In: Hartmann, J. and Khaliq, U. eds. The Achievements of International Law: Essays in Honour of Robin Churchill. Hart, pp. 283-313.
- Caddell, R. 2020. Deep-sea bottom fisheries and the protection of seabed ecosystems: problems, progress and prospects. In: Banet, C. ed. The Law of the Seabed: Access, Uses, and Protection of Seabed Resources. Brill, pp. 255-284., (10.1163/9789004391567_014)
- Caddell, R. 2020. Marine mammals at the poles. In: Scott, K. N. and VanderZwaag, D. L. eds. Research Handbook on Polar Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Edward Elgar, pp. 217-248.
- Caddell, R., Leloudas, G. and Soyer, B. 2019. Emerging regulatory responses to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. In: Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. eds. Strenghthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans. Hart, pp. 393-420.
- Dunn, D. C., Crespo, G. O. and Caddell, R. 2019. Area-based fisheries management. In: Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. eds. Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans. Hart, pp. 189-217.
- Caddell, R. 2019. International fisheries law and interactions with global regimes and processes. In: Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. eds. Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans. Hart, pp. 133-163.
- Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. 2019. Strengthening international fisheries law in an era of changing oceans. Hart.
- Teh, L. C. L., Caddell, R., Allison, E. H., Finkbeiner, E. M., Kittinger, J. N., Nakamura, K. and Ota, Y. 2019. The role of human rights in implementing socially responsible seafood. PLoS ONE 14(1), article number: e0210241. (10.1371/journal.pone.0210241)
- Koivurova, T. and Caddell, R. 2018. Managing biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction in the changing Arctic. AJIL Unbound 112, pp. 134-138. (10.1017/aju.2018.44)
- Pinsky, M. L., Reygondeau, G., Caddell, R., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Spijkers, J. and Cheung, W. W. L. 2018. Preparing ocean governance for species on the move. Science 360(6394), pp. 1189-1191. (10.1126/science.aat2360)
- Caddell, R. 2018. Precautionary management and the development of future fishing opportunities: The international regulation of new and exploratory fisheries. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 33(1), pp. 199-260. (10.1163/15718085-13310013)
- Hennig, M. and Caddell, R. 2017. On thin ice? Arctic indigenous communities, the European Union and the sustainable use of marine mammals. In: Liu, N., Kirk, E. A. and Henriksen, T. eds. The European Union and The Arctic., Vol. 85. Publications on Ocean Development Netherlands: Brill Nijhoff, pp. 296-341., (10.1163/9789004349179_012)
- Trouwborst, A. et al. 2017. International Wildlife Law: understanding and enhancing its role in conservation. BioScience 67(9), pp. 784-790. (10.1093/biosci/bix086)
- Caddell, R. 2017. Uncharted waters: strategic environmental assessment in the UK offshore area. In: Jones, G. and Scotford, E. eds. The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: A Plan for Success?. Hart, pp. 283-309.
- Caddell, R. 2017. Annex VIII Special Arbitration. In: Proelss, A. ed. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Commentary. CH Beck, pp. 2491-2511.
- Caddell, R. 2016. International environmental governance and the final frontier: The protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in deep-sea areas beyond national jurisdiction. Yearbook of International Environmental Law 27(1), pp. 28-63. (10.1093/yiel/yvy002)
- Caddell, R. 2016. Third party internet liability and the European Court of Human Rights, again: MTE v Hungary. Communications Law 21(3), pp. 88-91.
- Caddell, R. 2016. Dispute resolution and scientific whaling in the Antarctic. The story continues. Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy 1(1), pp. 139-145. (10.1163/24519391-00101011)
- Caddell, R. 2016. Uncharted waters: strategic environmental assessment in the UK offshore area. In: Jones, G. and Scotford, E. eds. The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: A Plan for Success?. Hart
- Caddell, R. 2016. ‘Only connect’? Regime interaction and global biodiversity conservation. In: Bowman, M., Davies, P. and Goodwin, E. eds. Research Handbook on Biodiversity and Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 437-472., (10.4337/9781781004791.00026)
- Caddell, R. 2016. Wilderness protection in Estonia. In: Bastmeijer, K. ed. Wilderness Protection in Europe: The Role of International, European and National Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 287-313., (10.1017/CBO9781107415287.013)
- Caddell, R. 2016. The last post? Third party internet liability and the grand chamber of the European Court of Human Rights: Delfi v Estonia revisited. Communications Law 21(2), pp. 49-52.
- Caddell, R. 2016. 'Only connect'? Regime interaction and global biodiversity conservation. In: Bowman, M., Davies, P. and Goodwin, E. eds. Research Handbook on Biodiversity and Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 437-471.
- Caddell, R. 2015. Regulating the Whale Wars: freedom of protest, navigational safety and the law of the sea in the Polar Regions. Yearbook of Polar Law 6(1), pp. 497-544. (10.1163/1876-8814_018)
- Caddell, R. 2015. So long, and thanks for all the tangible objects: defining "fish" in the US Supreme Court. Journal of International Maritime Law 21(3), pp. 175-178.
- Caddell, R. 2015. Militant environmental protest, maritime torts and the UK Supreme Court. Journal of International Maritime Law 21(2), pp. 91-93.
- Caddell, R. 2014. Science friction: Antarctic research whaling and the International Court of Justice. Journal of Environmental Law 26(2), pp. 331-340. (10.1093/jel/equ018)
- Caddell, R. 2014. Pursuing the northern rights: the emergent Arctic policy of the UK. Environmental Law Review 16(2), pp. 122-128. (10.1350/enlr.2014.16.2.210)
- Caddell, R. 2014. Platforms, protestors and provisional measures: the Arctic Sunrise dispute and environmental activism at sea. In: Ambrus, M. and Wessel, R. A. eds. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2014: Between Pragmatism and Predictability: Temporariness in International Law., Vol. 45. Springer, pp. 359-384., (10.1007/978-94-6265-060-2_14)
- Caddell, J. R. 2014. C. Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (CMS). Yearbook of International Environmental Law 25(1), pp. 269-274. (10.1093/yiel/yvv016)
- Caddell, J. 2013. Inter-Treaty Cooperation, Biodiversity Conservation and the Trade in Endangered Species. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law 22(3), pp. 264-280. (10.1111/reel.12039)
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. eds. 2013. Blackstone's statutes on media law. Blackstone's Statute Series. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. 2013. Shipping and the conservation of marine biodiversity: legal responses to vessel-strikes of marine mammals. In: Thomas, R. and Caddell, R. eds. Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities. Lawtext Publishing Ltd, pp. 89-136.
- Trouwborst, A., Caddell, J. and Couzens, E. 2013. To Free or Not to Free? State Obligations and the Rescue and Release of Marine Mammals: A Case Study of 'Morgan the Orca'. Transnational Environmental Law 2(1), pp. 117-144. (10.1017/S2047102512000222)
- Caddell, R. 2013. Shipping and the conservation of marine biodiversity: legal responses to vessel-strikes of marine mammals. In: Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. eds. Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities. Lawtext Publishing, pp. 106-153.
- Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. eds. 2013. Shipping, law and the marine environment in the 21st century: Emerging challenges for the law of the sea - legal implications and liabilities. Lawtext Publishing.
- Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. 2013. Introduction. In: Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. eds. Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities. Lawtext Publishing
- Caddell, R. 2013. C. Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (CMS). Yearbook of International Environmental Law 24(1), pp. 313-321. (10.1093/yiel/yvu003)
- Caddell, R. 2013. C. Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). Yearbook of International Environmental Law 22(1), pp. 273-279. (10.1093/yiel/yvs087)
- Caddell, R. 2013. Militant environmental protest and maritime torts. Journal of International Maritime Law 19(2), pp. 101-104.
- Caddell, J. 2012. The Integration of Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Lessons from the Biodiversity-Related Conventions. Yearbook of International Environmental Law 22(1), pp. 37-75. (10.1093/yiel/yvs066)
- Caddell, R. 2012. The maritime dimensions of the habitats directive: past challenges and future opportunities. In: Jones, Q. G. ed. The Habitats Directive: A Developer's Obstacle Course?. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, pp. 183-207.
- Caddell, R. 2012. The integration of multilateral environmental agreements: Herding cats or building bridges?. In: Sancin, V. ed. International Environmental Law: Contemporary Concerns and Challenges. Ljubljana: GV Zalozba, pp. 301-3277.
- Caddell, R. 2010. Caught in the net: driftnet fishing restrictions and the European Court of Justice. Journal of Environmental Law 22(2), pp. 301-314. (10.1093/jel/eqq008)
- Caddell, R. 2010. Presumed malice and the protection of confidential sources. Tottels Communications Law 15(2), pp. 56-58.
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. eds. 2010. Blackstone's statutes on media law: third edition. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. 2009. Of mussels and marinas: the Menai mussels. Environmental Law Review 11(4), pp. 286-290. (10.1350/enlr.2009.11.4.067)
- Caddell, R. 2009. Nature conservation in Estonia: from Soviet Union to European Union. Journal of Baltic Studies 40(3), pp. 307-332. (10.1080/01629770903086228)
- Caddell, R. 2009. Public interest speech and investigative journalism: Latvia, the Diena case and the European Court of Human Rights. In: Charles, A. ed. Media in the Enlarged Europe: Politics, Policy and Industry. Intellect, pp. 177-186.
- Caddell, R., Bang, H. S., Tinline, K., Wang, H. and Morgera, E. 2009. IV. Oceans. Yearbook of International Environmental Law 19(1), pp. 255-279. (10.1093/yiel/19.1.255)
- Caddell, R. 2009. Expanding the ambit of liability for oil pollution from tankers: The charterer's position under EU Law. Journal of International Maritime Law 15(3), pp. 219-223.
- Caddell, R. and Burns, W. L. 2009. Exploring the limits of freedom of speech and the independence of the judiciary: Kudeshkina v Russia. Tottels Communications Law 14(4), pp. 123-125.
- Caddell, J. 2008. Biodiversity Loss and the Prospects for International Cooperation: EU Law and the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. In: Etty, T. and Somsen, H. eds. Yearbook of European Environmental Law., Vol. 8. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 218-264.
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. 2008. Blackstone's statutes on media law: second edition. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. 2008. A further liberalising of intentions: Seaga v. Harper. Communications Law 13(3), pp. 96-99.
- Caddell, R. 2007. Privacy and confidential documents: the "secret" diary of Prince Charles. Communications Law 12(2), pp. 68-71.
- Caddell, R. 2007. The prohibition of driftnet fishing in European Community waters: problems, progress and prospects. The Journal of International Maritime Law 13(4), pp. 265-288.
- Caddell, R. 2006. “Directly relevant background context” and defamation damages. The Cambridge Law Journal 65(3), pp. 493-496. (10.1017/S0008197306287208)
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. 2006. Blackstone's statutes on media law: first edition. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. 2006. Success fees and freedom of speech. The Cambridge Law Journal 65(1), pp. 45-48. (10.1017/S0008197306367037)
- Caddell, R. 2006. Whale of a time. New Law Journal 156(7217), pp. 480-481.
- Caddell, R. 2005. Freedom of commercial speech and the UK courts. The Cambridge Law Journal 64(2), pp. 274-276. (10.1017/S0008197305236863)
- Caddell, R. 2005. By-catch mitigation and the protection of cetaceans: recent developments in EC law. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 8(2), pp. 241-259. (10.1080/13880290590965302)
- Caddell, R. 2005. Prior restraint and the privacy of vulnerable children. Communications Law 10(3), pp. 96-98.
- Caddell, R. 2005. International law and the protection of migratory wildlife: an appraisal of twenty-five years of the Bonn Convention. Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy 16(1), pp. 113-156.
- Caddell, R. 2005. The referee's liability for catastrophic sports injuries - a UK perspective. Marquette Sports Law Review 15(2), pp. 415-424., article number: 5.
- Caddell, R. 2005. Drunken doctors, protesting politicians and the reporter's duty to verify facts. Communications Law 10(1), pp. 25-28.
- Caddell, R. 2005. Collective responsibility for doping offences in international sports law: Football Association of Wales v Union des Associations Europeennes de Football. Wales Journal of Law and Policy 4(2), pp. 232-240.
- Caddell, R. 2004. At the wider end of the margin: Freedom of commercial speech and Article 10. Tottels Communications Law 9(6), pp. 206-212.
- Caddell, R. and Aile, S. 2004. Defamation of public officials: Latvia and the European Court of Human Rights. Tottels Communications Law 9(4), pp. 142-144.
- Caddell, R. and Morgan, R. 2003. Red card for the Welsh Rugby Union: Vowles v Evans and Welsh Rugby Union Ltd. Wales Law Journal 2(3), pp. 262-268.
- Teh, L. C. L., Caddell, R., Allison, E. H., Finkbeiner, E. M., Kittinger, J. N., Nakamura, K. and Ota, Y. 2019. The role of human rights in implementing socially responsible seafood. PLoS ONE 14(1), article number: e0210241. (10.1371/journal.pone.0210241)
- Koivurova, T. and Caddell, R. 2018. Managing biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction in the changing Arctic. AJIL Unbound 112, pp. 134-138. (10.1017/aju.2018.44)
- Pinsky, M. L., Reygondeau, G., Caddell, R., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Spijkers, J. and Cheung, W. W. L. 2018. Preparing ocean governance for species on the move. Science 360(6394), pp. 1189-1191. (10.1126/science.aat2360)
- Caddell, R. 2018. Precautionary management and the development of future fishing opportunities: The international regulation of new and exploratory fisheries. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 33(1), pp. 199-260. (10.1163/15718085-13310013)
- Trouwborst, A. et al. 2017. International Wildlife Law: understanding and enhancing its role in conservation. BioScience 67(9), pp. 784-790. (10.1093/biosci/bix086)
- Caddell, R. 2016. International environmental governance and the final frontier: The protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in deep-sea areas beyond national jurisdiction. Yearbook of International Environmental Law 27(1), pp. 28-63. (10.1093/yiel/yvy002)
- Caddell, R. 2016. Third party internet liability and the European Court of Human Rights, again: MTE v Hungary. Communications Law 21(3), pp. 88-91.
- Caddell, R. 2016. Dispute resolution and scientific whaling in the Antarctic. The story continues. Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy 1(1), pp. 139-145. (10.1163/24519391-00101011)
- Caddell, R. 2016. The last post? Third party internet liability and the grand chamber of the European Court of Human Rights: Delfi v Estonia revisited. Communications Law 21(2), pp. 49-52.
- Caddell, R. 2015. Regulating the Whale Wars: freedom of protest, navigational safety and the law of the sea in the Polar Regions. Yearbook of Polar Law 6(1), pp. 497-544. (10.1163/1876-8814_018)
- Caddell, R. 2015. So long, and thanks for all the tangible objects: defining "fish" in the US Supreme Court. Journal of International Maritime Law 21(3), pp. 175-178.
- Caddell, R. 2015. Militant environmental protest, maritime torts and the UK Supreme Court. Journal of International Maritime Law 21(2), pp. 91-93.
- Caddell, R. 2014. Science friction: Antarctic research whaling and the International Court of Justice. Journal of Environmental Law 26(2), pp. 331-340. (10.1093/jel/equ018)
- Caddell, R. 2014. Pursuing the northern rights: the emergent Arctic policy of the UK. Environmental Law Review 16(2), pp. 122-128. (10.1350/enlr.2014.16.2.210)
- Caddell, J. R. 2014. C. Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (CMS). Yearbook of International Environmental Law 25(1), pp. 269-274. (10.1093/yiel/yvv016)
- Caddell, J. 2013. Inter-Treaty Cooperation, Biodiversity Conservation and the Trade in Endangered Species. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law 22(3), pp. 264-280. (10.1111/reel.12039)
- Trouwborst, A., Caddell, J. and Couzens, E. 2013. To Free or Not to Free? State Obligations and the Rescue and Release of Marine Mammals: A Case Study of 'Morgan the Orca'. Transnational Environmental Law 2(1), pp. 117-144. (10.1017/S2047102512000222)
- Caddell, R. 2013. C. Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (CMS). Yearbook of International Environmental Law 24(1), pp. 313-321. (10.1093/yiel/yvu003)
- Caddell, R. 2013. C. Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). Yearbook of International Environmental Law 22(1), pp. 273-279. (10.1093/yiel/yvs087)
- Caddell, R. 2013. Militant environmental protest and maritime torts. Journal of International Maritime Law 19(2), pp. 101-104.
- Caddell, J. 2012. The Integration of Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Lessons from the Biodiversity-Related Conventions. Yearbook of International Environmental Law 22(1), pp. 37-75. (10.1093/yiel/yvs066)
- Caddell, R. 2010. Caught in the net: driftnet fishing restrictions and the European Court of Justice. Journal of Environmental Law 22(2), pp. 301-314. (10.1093/jel/eqq008)
- Caddell, R. 2010. Presumed malice and the protection of confidential sources. Tottels Communications Law 15(2), pp. 56-58.
- Caddell, R. 2009. Of mussels and marinas: the Menai mussels. Environmental Law Review 11(4), pp. 286-290. (10.1350/enlr.2009.11.4.067)
- Caddell, R. 2009. Nature conservation in Estonia: from Soviet Union to European Union. Journal of Baltic Studies 40(3), pp. 307-332. (10.1080/01629770903086228)
- Caddell, R., Bang, H. S., Tinline, K., Wang, H. and Morgera, E. 2009. IV. Oceans. Yearbook of International Environmental Law 19(1), pp. 255-279. (10.1093/yiel/19.1.255)
- Caddell, R. 2009. Expanding the ambit of liability for oil pollution from tankers: The charterer's position under EU Law. Journal of International Maritime Law 15(3), pp. 219-223.
- Caddell, R. and Burns, W. L. 2009. Exploring the limits of freedom of speech and the independence of the judiciary: Kudeshkina v Russia. Tottels Communications Law 14(4), pp. 123-125.
- Caddell, R. 2008. A further liberalising of intentions: Seaga v. Harper. Communications Law 13(3), pp. 96-99.
- Caddell, R. 2007. Privacy and confidential documents: the "secret" diary of Prince Charles. Communications Law 12(2), pp. 68-71.
- Caddell, R. 2007. The prohibition of driftnet fishing in European Community waters: problems, progress and prospects. The Journal of International Maritime Law 13(4), pp. 265-288.
- Caddell, R. 2006. “Directly relevant background context” and defamation damages. The Cambridge Law Journal 65(3), pp. 493-496. (10.1017/S0008197306287208)
- Caddell, R. 2006. Success fees and freedom of speech. The Cambridge Law Journal 65(1), pp. 45-48. (10.1017/S0008197306367037)
- Caddell, R. 2006. Whale of a time. New Law Journal 156(7217), pp. 480-481.
- Caddell, R. 2005. Freedom of commercial speech and the UK courts. The Cambridge Law Journal 64(2), pp. 274-276. (10.1017/S0008197305236863)
- Caddell, R. 2005. By-catch mitigation and the protection of cetaceans: recent developments in EC law. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 8(2), pp. 241-259. (10.1080/13880290590965302)
- Caddell, R. 2005. Prior restraint and the privacy of vulnerable children. Communications Law 10(3), pp. 96-98.
- Caddell, R. 2005. International law and the protection of migratory wildlife: an appraisal of twenty-five years of the Bonn Convention. Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy 16(1), pp. 113-156.
- Caddell, R. 2005. The referee's liability for catastrophic sports injuries - a UK perspective. Marquette Sports Law Review 15(2), pp. 415-424., article number: 5.
- Caddell, R. 2005. Drunken doctors, protesting politicians and the reporter's duty to verify facts. Communications Law 10(1), pp. 25-28.
- Caddell, R. 2005. Collective responsibility for doping offences in international sports law: Football Association of Wales v Union des Associations Europeennes de Football. Wales Journal of Law and Policy 4(2), pp. 232-240.
- Caddell, R. 2004. At the wider end of the margin: Freedom of commercial speech and Article 10. Tottels Communications Law 9(6), pp. 206-212.
- Caddell, R. and Aile, S. 2004. Defamation of public officials: Latvia and the European Court of Human Rights. Tottels Communications Law 9(4), pp. 142-144.
- Caddell, R. and Morgan, R. 2003. Red card for the Welsh Rugby Union: Vowles v Evans and Welsh Rugby Union Ltd. Wales Law Journal 2(3), pp. 262-268.
Book sections
- Caddell, R. 2025. Chapter 12: ‘Within and without’: EU nature conservation law and the protection of wetlands. In: Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. eds. Wetlands and International Environmental Law. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 319–360., (10.4337/9781802203028.00022)
- Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. 2025. Introduction to wetlands and international environmental law. In: Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. eds. Wetlands and International Environmental Law. Elgar Publishing, pp. 1-17., (10.4337/9781802203028.00008)
- Caddell, R. 2024. Climate change and the international regulation of migratory species. In: McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 47-71., (10.4337/9781800370296.00010)
- Caddell, R. and McCormack, P. C. 2024. Climate change and biodiversity law: Quo Vadis?. In: McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 2-24., (10.4337/9781800370296.00008)
- Caddell, R. 2023. Marine mammals and migratory species. In: Rayfuse, R., Jaeckel, A. and Klein, N. eds. Research Handbook on International Marine Environmental Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Series Elgar Online, pp. 333-359., (10.4337/9781789909081.00024)
- Caddell, R. 2022. Strength in numbers? The nordic ministerial and parliamentary groupings as observers in the arctic council. In: Sellheim, N. and Menezes, D. eds. Non-state Actors in the Arctic Region. Spriner, pp. 133-152., (10.1007/978-3-031-12459-4_7)
- Caddell, R. 2022. The law of the sea and the exercise of free speech and protest rights. In: Matz-Luck, N., Jensen, O. and Johansen, E. eds. The Law of the Sea: Normative Context and Interactions with other Legal Regimes. Routledge, pp. 202-225., (10.4324/9781003091196-9)
- Caddell, R. 2021. Where's the catch? Shifting stocks, international fisheries management and the climate change conundrum. In: Hartmann, J. and Khaliq, U. eds. The Achievements of International Law: Essays in Honour of Robin Churchill. Hart, pp. 283-313.
- Caddell, R. 2020. Deep-sea bottom fisheries and the protection of seabed ecosystems: problems, progress and prospects. In: Banet, C. ed. The Law of the Seabed: Access, Uses, and Protection of Seabed Resources. Brill, pp. 255-284., (10.1163/9789004391567_014)
- Caddell, R. 2020. Marine mammals at the poles. In: Scott, K. N. and VanderZwaag, D. L. eds. Research Handbook on Polar Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Edward Elgar, pp. 217-248.
- Caddell, R., Leloudas, G. and Soyer, B. 2019. Emerging regulatory responses to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. In: Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. eds. Strenghthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans. Hart, pp. 393-420.
- Dunn, D. C., Crespo, G. O. and Caddell, R. 2019. Area-based fisheries management. In: Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. eds. Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans. Hart, pp. 189-217.
- Caddell, R. 2019. International fisheries law and interactions with global regimes and processes. In: Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. eds. Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans. Hart, pp. 133-163.
- Hennig, M. and Caddell, R. 2017. On thin ice? Arctic indigenous communities, the European Union and the sustainable use of marine mammals. In: Liu, N., Kirk, E. A. and Henriksen, T. eds. The European Union and The Arctic., Vol. 85. Publications on Ocean Development Netherlands: Brill Nijhoff, pp. 296-341., (10.1163/9789004349179_012)
- Caddell, R. 2017. Uncharted waters: strategic environmental assessment in the UK offshore area. In: Jones, G. and Scotford, E. eds. The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: A Plan for Success?. Hart, pp. 283-309.
- Caddell, R. 2017. Annex VIII Special Arbitration. In: Proelss, A. ed. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Commentary. CH Beck, pp. 2491-2511.
- Caddell, R. 2016. Uncharted waters: strategic environmental assessment in the UK offshore area. In: Jones, G. and Scotford, E. eds. The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: A Plan for Success?. Hart
- Caddell, R. 2016. ‘Only connect’? Regime interaction and global biodiversity conservation. In: Bowman, M., Davies, P. and Goodwin, E. eds. Research Handbook on Biodiversity and Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 437-472., (10.4337/9781781004791.00026)
- Caddell, R. 2016. Wilderness protection in Estonia. In: Bastmeijer, K. ed. Wilderness Protection in Europe: The Role of International, European and National Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 287-313., (10.1017/CBO9781107415287.013)
- Caddell, R. 2016. 'Only connect'? Regime interaction and global biodiversity conservation. In: Bowman, M., Davies, P. and Goodwin, E. eds. Research Handbook on Biodiversity and Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 437-471.
- Caddell, R. 2014. Platforms, protestors and provisional measures: the Arctic Sunrise dispute and environmental activism at sea. In: Ambrus, M. and Wessel, R. A. eds. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2014: Between Pragmatism and Predictability: Temporariness in International Law., Vol. 45. Springer, pp. 359-384., (10.1007/978-94-6265-060-2_14)
- Caddell, R. 2013. Shipping and the conservation of marine biodiversity: legal responses to vessel-strikes of marine mammals. In: Thomas, R. and Caddell, R. eds. Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities. Lawtext Publishing Ltd, pp. 89-136.
- Caddell, R. 2013. Shipping and the conservation of marine biodiversity: legal responses to vessel-strikes of marine mammals. In: Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. eds. Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities. Lawtext Publishing, pp. 106-153.
- Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. 2013. Introduction. In: Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. eds. Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities. Lawtext Publishing
- Caddell, R. 2012. The maritime dimensions of the habitats directive: past challenges and future opportunities. In: Jones, Q. G. ed. The Habitats Directive: A Developer's Obstacle Course?. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, pp. 183-207.
- Caddell, R. 2012. The integration of multilateral environmental agreements: Herding cats or building bridges?. In: Sancin, V. ed. International Environmental Law: Contemporary Concerns and Challenges. Ljubljana: GV Zalozba, pp. 301-3277.
- Caddell, R. 2009. Public interest speech and investigative journalism: Latvia, the Diena case and the European Court of Human Rights. In: Charles, A. ed. Media in the Enlarged Europe: Politics, Policy and Industry. Intellect, pp. 177-186.
- Caddell, J. 2008. Biodiversity Loss and the Prospects for International Cooperation: EU Law and the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. In: Etty, T. and Somsen, H. eds. Yearbook of European Environmental Law., Vol. 8. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 218-264.
- Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. eds. 2025. Wetlands and international environmental law: The evolution and impact of the Ramsar Convention. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (10.4337/9781802203028)
- McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. 2024. Research handbook on climate change and biodiversity law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (10.4337/9781800370296)
- Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. 2019. Strengthening international fisheries law in an era of changing oceans. Hart.
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. eds. 2013. Blackstone's statutes on media law. Blackstone's Statute Series. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. eds. 2013. Shipping, law and the marine environment in the 21st century: Emerging challenges for the law of the sea - legal implications and liabilities. Lawtext Publishing.
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. eds. 2010. Blackstone's statutes on media law: third edition. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. 2008. Blackstone's statutes on media law: second edition. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. 2006. Blackstone's statutes on media law: first edition. Oxford University Press.
My research interests lie predominantly in the Law of the Sea and Environmental Law, with a particular interest in biodiversity law, natural resources, ecosystem management and legal issues of climate change. I have a particular interest in willdife conservation law, especially concerning migratory species, marine mammals and fisheries, as well as the protection of particular habitats, notably wetlands, mountain ecosystems and ice-covered areas. I am the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy and have written and consulted extensively on wildlife law and marine environmental protection.
I am currently leading a research project entitled 'Brexit, Devolution and the Sea', funded under the Nippon Foundation's Ocean Nexus Center, where I am investigating the protection of marine ecosystems and species by the devolved administrations in the context of the repatriation of powers as a result of the Brexit process. In particular, I am currently researching issues related to marine plastic, especially in Wales, which has been cited in the House of Lords' debate on the Environment Bill (https://hansard.parliament.uk/lords/2021-06-30/debates/AAF704F9-AD60-40CA-94E6-9E7A3C6E4655/EnvironmentBill#contribution-CA6F6E27-16BC-42C1-832B-824647671BC5). More broadly I am currently finalising the first major book on the international protection of migratory species and the legal issues raised by transfrontier wildlife conservation.
Cyfraith y Môr (LLM, Arweinydd Modiwl)
Cyfraith y Cyfryngau (LLB, Arweinydd Modiwl)
Cyfraith Contract (LLB, Tiwtor Cwrs)
Cyfraith Ryngwladol a Heriau Trawswladol (LLB, Tiwtor Cwrs - Cyfraith Amgylcheddol Ryngwladol)
Cyfraith Ddyngarol Ryngwladol (LLM, Tiwtor Cwrs - Rhyfel a'r Amgylchedd Naturiol)
Cyfraith Droseddol Ryngwladol (LLM, Tiwtor Cwrs - Troseddau Amgylcheddol Rhyngwladol, Troseddau Cyfundrefnol Trawswladol)
Amlochrogiaeth a Chyfraith Ryngwladol (MA, Tiwtor Cwrs - Amlochrogiaeth a'r Amgylchedd)
- LLB yn y Gyfraith a Sbaeneg (Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd -1999)
- LLM mewn Cyfraith Fasnachol (Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd - 2001)
- PhD mewn Cyfraith Ryngwladol (Prifysgol Caerdydd - 2009)
Swyddi Academaidd
- 2021 - presennol: Darllenydd yn y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2022 - 2023: Pennaeth y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2019 - 2021: Uwch Ddarlithydd yn y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2015 - 2019: Darlithydd yn y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2014 - 2017: Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil a Sefydliad Nippon Uwch Nereus Fellow, Sefydliad yr Iseldiroedd ar gyfer Cyfraith y Môr, Prifysgol Utrecht
- 2013 - 2014: Uwch Ddarlithydd yn y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Abertawe
- 2007 - 2013: Darlithydd yn y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Abertawe
- 2004 - 2007: Darlithydd yn y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Bangor
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- The international law of the sea (especially protection of the marine environment, marine mammals, fisheries and natural resources law)
- Wildlife conservation law
- International and EU environmental law
- Polar Law
- Devolution and environmental protection
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
+44 29208 75098
Adeilad y Gyfraith, Ystafell 3.05, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX
Themâu ymchwil
- Cyfraith y Môr
- Cyfraith Amgylcheddol Ryngwladol
- Cyfraith amgylcheddol
- Cyfraith bywyd gwyllt
- Cyfraith forwrol