Dr Richard Caddell
Reader in Law
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Dr Richard Caddell is a Reader in Marine and Environmental Law at Cardiff School of Law and Politics, co-director of the Centre for Environmental Law and Policy and a member of the Wales Governance Centre. Richard was previously a Senior Research Associate and Nippon Foundation Senior Nereus Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea, Utrecht University and has also held academic positions at the Universities of Swansea and Bangor. He was educated at Cardiff University, completing a PhD on the conservation of marine mammals in 2009.
Richard's primary research interests lie in the law of the sea and environmental law, with a particular emphasis on wildlife conservation law, fisheries management, marine mammals, Polar law and marine environmental law at the international, EU, UK and devolved levels, as well as the exercise of free speech and protest rights. He is a Principal Investigator within the Nippon Foundation's Ocean Nexus Center, leading a project on ‘Brexit, Devolution and the Sea: Recasting Marine Governance in UK Waters’, which examines marine regulation by the devolved administrations and the ongoing impacts of Brexit on the marine environment of the UK. Richard is also a technical advisor with Conservation Without Borders, the leading conservation organisation promoting the protection of migratory wildlife.
Richard is currently writing Migratory Species and International Law: Challenges of Transboundary Conservation, the first major work on the legal issues raised by migratory wildlife, which will be published in 2025 by Edward Elgar. He is the co-editor of Wetlands and International Environmental Law: The Evolution and Impact of the Ramsar Convention (Edward Elgard, 2025, with Royal C. Gardner and Erin Okuno), Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law (Edward Elgar, 2024, with Phillipa McCormack), Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans (Hart, 2019, with Erik J. Molenaar), Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the Twenty-First Century (Lawtext, 2013, with D. Rhidian Thomas) and four editions of Blackstone's Statutes on Media Law (Oxford University Press, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2013, with Howard Johnson). Richard is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, serves on the Editorial Boards of the Yearbook of International Environmental Law, the Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law and Communications Law and is co-editor (with Malgosia Fitzmaurice and Agnes Rydberg) of Edward Elgar's Principles of International Environmental Law book series. He regularly acts as a legal advisor to national governments, inter-governmental bodies and NGOs on environmental and marine issues and is also an academic member of Francis Taylor Building, Inner Temple, London, the UK's foremost Planning and Environmental Law set of barristers.
- Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. eds. 2025. Wetlands and international environmental law: The evolution and impact of the Ramsar Convention. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (10.4337/9781802203028)
- Caddell, R. 2025. Chapter 12: ‘Within and without’: EU nature conservation law and the protection of wetlands. In: Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. eds. Wetlands and International Environmental Law. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 319–360., (10.4337/9781802203028.00022)
- Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. 2025. Introduction to wetlands and international environmental law. In: Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. eds. Wetlands and International Environmental Law. Elgar Publishing, pp. 1-17., (10.4337/9781802203028.00008)
- McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. 2024. Research handbook on climate change and biodiversity law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (10.4337/9781800370296)
- Caddell, R. 2024. Climate change and the international regulation of migratory species. In: McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 47-71., (10.4337/9781800370296.00010)
- Caddell, R. and McCormack, P. C. 2024. Climate change and biodiversity law: Quo Vadis?. In: McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 2-24., (10.4337/9781800370296.00008)
- Caddell, R. 2023. Marine mammals and migratory species. In: Rayfuse, R., Jaeckel, A. and Klein, N. eds. Research Handbook on International Marine Environmental Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Series Elgar Online, pp. 333-359., (10.4337/9781789909081.00024)
- Caddell, R. 2022. Strength in numbers? The nordic ministerial and parliamentary groupings as observers in the arctic council. In: Sellheim, N. and Menezes, D. eds. Non-state Actors in the Arctic Region. Spriner, pp. 133-152., (10.1007/978-3-031-12459-4_7)
- Caddell, R. 2022. The law of the sea and the exercise of free speech and protest rights. In: Matz-Luck, N., Jensen, O. and Johansen, E. eds. The Law of the Sea: Normative Context and Interactions with other Legal Regimes. Routledge, pp. 202-225., (10.4324/9781003091196-9)
- Caddell, R. 2021. Where's the catch? Shifting stocks, international fisheries management and the climate change conundrum. In: Hartmann, J. and Khaliq, U. eds. The Achievements of International Law: Essays in Honour of Robin Churchill. Hart, pp. 283-313.
- Caddell, R. 2020. Deep-sea bottom fisheries and the protection of seabed ecosystems: problems, progress and prospects. In: Banet, C. ed. The Law of the Seabed: Access, Uses, and Protection of Seabed Resources. Brill, pp. 255-284., (10.1163/9789004391567_014)
- Caddell, R. 2020. Marine mammals at the poles. In: Scott, K. N. and VanderZwaag, D. L. eds. Research Handbook on Polar Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Edward Elgar, pp. 217-248.
- Caddell, R., Leloudas, G. and Soyer, B. 2019. Emerging regulatory responses to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. In: Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. eds. Strenghthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans. Hart, pp. 393-420.
- Dunn, D. C., Crespo, G. O. and Caddell, R. 2019. Area-based fisheries management. In: Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. eds. Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans. Hart, pp. 189-217.
- Caddell, R. 2019. International fisheries law and interactions with global regimes and processes. In: Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. eds. Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans. Hart, pp. 133-163.
- Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. 2019. Strengthening international fisheries law in an era of changing oceans. Hart.
- Teh, L. C. L., Caddell, R., Allison, E. H., Finkbeiner, E. M., Kittinger, J. N., Nakamura, K. and Ota, Y. 2019. The role of human rights in implementing socially responsible seafood. PLoS ONE 14(1), article number: e0210241. (10.1371/journal.pone.0210241)
- Koivurova, T. and Caddell, R. 2018. Managing biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction in the changing Arctic. AJIL Unbound 112, pp. 134-138. (10.1017/aju.2018.44)
- Pinsky, M. L., Reygondeau, G., Caddell, R., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Spijkers, J. and Cheung, W. W. L. 2018. Preparing ocean governance for species on the move. Science 360(6394), pp. 1189-1191. (10.1126/science.aat2360)
- Caddell, R. 2018. Precautionary management and the development of future fishing opportunities: The international regulation of new and exploratory fisheries. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 33(1), pp. 199-260. (10.1163/15718085-13310013)
- Hennig, M. and Caddell, R. 2017. On thin ice? Arctic indigenous communities, the European Union and the sustainable use of marine mammals. In: Liu, N., Kirk, E. A. and Henriksen, T. eds. The European Union and The Arctic., Vol. 85. Publications on Ocean Development Netherlands: Brill Nijhoff, pp. 296-341., (10.1163/9789004349179_012)
- Trouwborst, A. et al. 2017. International Wildlife Law: understanding and enhancing its role in conservation. BioScience 67(9), pp. 784-790. (10.1093/biosci/bix086)
- Caddell, R. 2017. Uncharted waters: strategic environmental assessment in the UK offshore area. In: Jones, G. and Scotford, E. eds. The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: A Plan for Success?. Hart, pp. 283-309.
- Caddell, R. 2017. Annex VIII Special Arbitration. In: Proelss, A. ed. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Commentary. CH Beck, pp. 2491-2511.
- Caddell, R. 2016. International environmental governance and the final frontier: The protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in deep-sea areas beyond national jurisdiction. Yearbook of International Environmental Law 27(1), pp. 28-63. (10.1093/yiel/yvy002)
- Caddell, R. 2016. Third party internet liability and the European Court of Human Rights, again: MTE v Hungary. Communications Law 21(3), pp. 88-91.
- Caddell, R. 2016. Dispute resolution and scientific whaling in the Antarctic. The story continues. Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy 1(1), pp. 139-145. (10.1163/24519391-00101011)
- Caddell, R. 2016. Uncharted waters: strategic environmental assessment in the UK offshore area. In: Jones, G. and Scotford, E. eds. The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: A Plan for Success?. Hart
- Caddell, R. 2016. ‘Only connect’? Regime interaction and global biodiversity conservation. In: Bowman, M., Davies, P. and Goodwin, E. eds. Research Handbook on Biodiversity and Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 437-472., (10.4337/9781781004791.00026)
- Caddell, R. 2016. Wilderness protection in Estonia. In: Bastmeijer, K. ed. Wilderness Protection in Europe: The Role of International, European and National Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 287-313., (10.1017/CBO9781107415287.013)
- Caddell, R. 2016. The last post? Third party internet liability and the grand chamber of the European Court of Human Rights: Delfi v Estonia revisited. Communications Law 21(2), pp. 49-52.
- Caddell, R. 2016. 'Only connect'? Regime interaction and global biodiversity conservation. In: Bowman, M., Davies, P. and Goodwin, E. eds. Research Handbook on Biodiversity and Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 437-471.
- Caddell, R. 2015. Regulating the Whale Wars: freedom of protest, navigational safety and the law of the sea in the Polar Regions. Yearbook of Polar Law 6(1), pp. 497-544. (10.1163/1876-8814_018)
- Caddell, R. 2015. So long, and thanks for all the tangible objects: defining "fish" in the US Supreme Court. Journal of International Maritime Law 21(3), pp. 175-178.
- Caddell, R. 2015. Militant environmental protest, maritime torts and the UK Supreme Court. Journal of International Maritime Law 21(2), pp. 91-93.
- Caddell, R. 2014. Science friction: Antarctic research whaling and the International Court of Justice. Journal of Environmental Law 26(2), pp. 331-340. (10.1093/jel/equ018)
- Caddell, R. 2014. Pursuing the northern rights: the emergent Arctic policy of the UK. Environmental Law Review 16(2), pp. 122-128. (10.1350/enlr.2014.16.2.210)
- Caddell, R. 2014. Platforms, protestors and provisional measures: the Arctic Sunrise dispute and environmental activism at sea. In: Ambrus, M. and Wessel, R. A. eds. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2014: Between Pragmatism and Predictability: Temporariness in International Law., Vol. 45. Springer, pp. 359-384., (10.1007/978-94-6265-060-2_14)
- Caddell, J. R. 2014. C. Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (CMS). Yearbook of International Environmental Law 25(1), pp. 269-274. (10.1093/yiel/yvv016)
- Caddell, J. 2013. Inter-Treaty Cooperation, Biodiversity Conservation and the Trade in Endangered Species. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law 22(3), pp. 264-280. (10.1111/reel.12039)
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. eds. 2013. Blackstone's statutes on media law. Blackstone's Statute Series. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. 2013. Shipping and the conservation of marine biodiversity: legal responses to vessel-strikes of marine mammals. In: Thomas, R. and Caddell, R. eds. Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities. Lawtext Publishing Ltd, pp. 89-136.
- Trouwborst, A., Caddell, J. and Couzens, E. 2013. To Free or Not to Free? State Obligations and the Rescue and Release of Marine Mammals: A Case Study of 'Morgan the Orca'. Transnational Environmental Law 2(1), pp. 117-144. (10.1017/S2047102512000222)
- Caddell, R. 2013. Shipping and the conservation of marine biodiversity: legal responses to vessel-strikes of marine mammals. In: Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. eds. Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities. Lawtext Publishing, pp. 106-153.
- Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. eds. 2013. Shipping, law and the marine environment in the 21st century: Emerging challenges for the law of the sea - legal implications and liabilities. Lawtext Publishing.
- Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. 2013. Introduction. In: Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. eds. Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities. Lawtext Publishing
- Caddell, R. 2013. C. Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (CMS). Yearbook of International Environmental Law 24(1), pp. 313-321. (10.1093/yiel/yvu003)
- Caddell, R. 2013. C. Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). Yearbook of International Environmental Law 22(1), pp. 273-279. (10.1093/yiel/yvs087)
- Caddell, R. 2013. Militant environmental protest and maritime torts. Journal of International Maritime Law 19(2), pp. 101-104.
- Caddell, J. 2012. The Integration of Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Lessons from the Biodiversity-Related Conventions. Yearbook of International Environmental Law 22(1), pp. 37-75. (10.1093/yiel/yvs066)
- Caddell, R. 2012. The maritime dimensions of the habitats directive: past challenges and future opportunities. In: Jones, Q. G. ed. The Habitats Directive: A Developer's Obstacle Course?. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, pp. 183-207.
- Caddell, R. 2012. The integration of multilateral environmental agreements: Herding cats or building bridges?. In: Sancin, V. ed. International Environmental Law: Contemporary Concerns and Challenges. Ljubljana: GV Zalozba, pp. 301-3277.
- Caddell, R. 2010. Caught in the net: driftnet fishing restrictions and the European Court of Justice. Journal of Environmental Law 22(2), pp. 301-314. (10.1093/jel/eqq008)
- Caddell, R. 2010. Presumed malice and the protection of confidential sources. Tottels Communications Law 15(2), pp. 56-58.
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. eds. 2010. Blackstone's statutes on media law: third edition. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. 2009. Of mussels and marinas: the Menai mussels. Environmental Law Review 11(4), pp. 286-290. (10.1350/enlr.2009.11.4.067)
- Caddell, R. 2009. Nature conservation in Estonia: from Soviet Union to European Union. Journal of Baltic Studies 40(3), pp. 307-332. (10.1080/01629770903086228)
- Caddell, R. 2009. Public interest speech and investigative journalism: Latvia, the Diena case and the European Court of Human Rights. In: Charles, A. ed. Media in the Enlarged Europe: Politics, Policy and Industry. Intellect, pp. 177-186.
- Caddell, R., Bang, H. S., Tinline, K., Wang, H. and Morgera, E. 2009. IV. Oceans. Yearbook of International Environmental Law 19(1), pp. 255-279. (10.1093/yiel/19.1.255)
- Caddell, R. 2009. Expanding the ambit of liability for oil pollution from tankers: The charterer's position under EU Law. Journal of International Maritime Law 15(3), pp. 219-223.
- Caddell, R. and Burns, W. L. 2009. Exploring the limits of freedom of speech and the independence of the judiciary: Kudeshkina v Russia. Tottels Communications Law 14(4), pp. 123-125.
- Caddell, J. 2008. Biodiversity Loss and the Prospects for International Cooperation: EU Law and the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. In: Etty, T. and Somsen, H. eds. Yearbook of European Environmental Law., Vol. 8. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 218-264.
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. 2008. Blackstone's statutes on media law: second edition. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. 2008. A further liberalising of intentions: Seaga v. Harper. Communications Law 13(3), pp. 96-99.
- Caddell, R. 2007. Privacy and confidential documents: the "secret" diary of Prince Charles. Communications Law 12(2), pp. 68-71.
- Caddell, R. 2007. The prohibition of driftnet fishing in European Community waters: problems, progress and prospects. The Journal of International Maritime Law 13(4), pp. 265-288.
- Caddell, R. 2006. “Directly relevant background context” and defamation damages. The Cambridge Law Journal 65(3), pp. 493-496. (10.1017/S0008197306287208)
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. 2006. Blackstone's statutes on media law: first edition. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. 2006. Success fees and freedom of speech. The Cambridge Law Journal 65(1), pp. 45-48. (10.1017/S0008197306367037)
- Caddell, R. 2006. Whale of a time. New Law Journal 156(7217), pp. 480-481.
- Caddell, R. 2005. Freedom of commercial speech and the UK courts. The Cambridge Law Journal 64(2), pp. 274-276. (10.1017/S0008197305236863)
- Caddell, R. 2005. By-catch mitigation and the protection of cetaceans: recent developments in EC law. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 8(2), pp. 241-259. (10.1080/13880290590965302)
- Caddell, R. 2005. Prior restraint and the privacy of vulnerable children. Communications Law 10(3), pp. 96-98.
- Caddell, R. 2005. International law and the protection of migratory wildlife: an appraisal of twenty-five years of the Bonn Convention. Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy 16(1), pp. 113-156.
- Caddell, R. 2005. The referee's liability for catastrophic sports injuries - a UK perspective. Marquette Sports Law Review 15(2), pp. 415-424., article number: 5.
- Caddell, R. 2005. Drunken doctors, protesting politicians and the reporter's duty to verify facts. Communications Law 10(1), pp. 25-28.
- Caddell, R. 2005. Collective responsibility for doping offences in international sports law: Football Association of Wales v Union des Associations Europeennes de Football. Wales Journal of Law and Policy 4(2), pp. 232-240.
- Caddell, R. 2004. At the wider end of the margin: Freedom of commercial speech and Article 10. Tottels Communications Law 9(6), pp. 206-212.
- Caddell, R. and Aile, S. 2004. Defamation of public officials: Latvia and the European Court of Human Rights. Tottels Communications Law 9(4), pp. 142-144.
- Caddell, R. and Morgan, R. 2003. Red card for the Welsh Rugby Union: Vowles v Evans and Welsh Rugby Union Ltd. Wales Law Journal 2(3), pp. 262-268.
- Teh, L. C. L., Caddell, R., Allison, E. H., Finkbeiner, E. M., Kittinger, J. N., Nakamura, K. and Ota, Y. 2019. The role of human rights in implementing socially responsible seafood. PLoS ONE 14(1), article number: e0210241. (10.1371/journal.pone.0210241)
- Koivurova, T. and Caddell, R. 2018. Managing biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction in the changing Arctic. AJIL Unbound 112, pp. 134-138. (10.1017/aju.2018.44)
- Pinsky, M. L., Reygondeau, G., Caddell, R., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Spijkers, J. and Cheung, W. W. L. 2018. Preparing ocean governance for species on the move. Science 360(6394), pp. 1189-1191. (10.1126/science.aat2360)
- Caddell, R. 2018. Precautionary management and the development of future fishing opportunities: The international regulation of new and exploratory fisheries. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 33(1), pp. 199-260. (10.1163/15718085-13310013)
- Trouwborst, A. et al. 2017. International Wildlife Law: understanding and enhancing its role in conservation. BioScience 67(9), pp. 784-790. (10.1093/biosci/bix086)
- Caddell, R. 2016. International environmental governance and the final frontier: The protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in deep-sea areas beyond national jurisdiction. Yearbook of International Environmental Law 27(1), pp. 28-63. (10.1093/yiel/yvy002)
- Caddell, R. 2016. Third party internet liability and the European Court of Human Rights, again: MTE v Hungary. Communications Law 21(3), pp. 88-91.
- Caddell, R. 2016. Dispute resolution and scientific whaling in the Antarctic. The story continues. Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy 1(1), pp. 139-145. (10.1163/24519391-00101011)
- Caddell, R. 2016. The last post? Third party internet liability and the grand chamber of the European Court of Human Rights: Delfi v Estonia revisited. Communications Law 21(2), pp. 49-52.
- Caddell, R. 2015. Regulating the Whale Wars: freedom of protest, navigational safety and the law of the sea in the Polar Regions. Yearbook of Polar Law 6(1), pp. 497-544. (10.1163/1876-8814_018)
- Caddell, R. 2015. So long, and thanks for all the tangible objects: defining "fish" in the US Supreme Court. Journal of International Maritime Law 21(3), pp. 175-178.
- Caddell, R. 2015. Militant environmental protest, maritime torts and the UK Supreme Court. Journal of International Maritime Law 21(2), pp. 91-93.
- Caddell, R. 2014. Science friction: Antarctic research whaling and the International Court of Justice. Journal of Environmental Law 26(2), pp. 331-340. (10.1093/jel/equ018)
- Caddell, R. 2014. Pursuing the northern rights: the emergent Arctic policy of the UK. Environmental Law Review 16(2), pp. 122-128. (10.1350/enlr.2014.16.2.210)
- Caddell, J. R. 2014. C. Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (CMS). Yearbook of International Environmental Law 25(1), pp. 269-274. (10.1093/yiel/yvv016)
- Caddell, J. 2013. Inter-Treaty Cooperation, Biodiversity Conservation and the Trade in Endangered Species. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law 22(3), pp. 264-280. (10.1111/reel.12039)
- Trouwborst, A., Caddell, J. and Couzens, E. 2013. To Free or Not to Free? State Obligations and the Rescue and Release of Marine Mammals: A Case Study of 'Morgan the Orca'. Transnational Environmental Law 2(1), pp. 117-144. (10.1017/S2047102512000222)
- Caddell, R. 2013. C. Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (CMS). Yearbook of International Environmental Law 24(1), pp. 313-321. (10.1093/yiel/yvu003)
- Caddell, R. 2013. C. Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). Yearbook of International Environmental Law 22(1), pp. 273-279. (10.1093/yiel/yvs087)
- Caddell, R. 2013. Militant environmental protest and maritime torts. Journal of International Maritime Law 19(2), pp. 101-104.
- Caddell, J. 2012. The Integration of Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Lessons from the Biodiversity-Related Conventions. Yearbook of International Environmental Law 22(1), pp. 37-75. (10.1093/yiel/yvs066)
- Caddell, R. 2010. Caught in the net: driftnet fishing restrictions and the European Court of Justice. Journal of Environmental Law 22(2), pp. 301-314. (10.1093/jel/eqq008)
- Caddell, R. 2010. Presumed malice and the protection of confidential sources. Tottels Communications Law 15(2), pp. 56-58.
- Caddell, R. 2009. Of mussels and marinas: the Menai mussels. Environmental Law Review 11(4), pp. 286-290. (10.1350/enlr.2009.11.4.067)
- Caddell, R. 2009. Nature conservation in Estonia: from Soviet Union to European Union. Journal of Baltic Studies 40(3), pp. 307-332. (10.1080/01629770903086228)
- Caddell, R., Bang, H. S., Tinline, K., Wang, H. and Morgera, E. 2009. IV. Oceans. Yearbook of International Environmental Law 19(1), pp. 255-279. (10.1093/yiel/19.1.255)
- Caddell, R. 2009. Expanding the ambit of liability for oil pollution from tankers: The charterer's position under EU Law. Journal of International Maritime Law 15(3), pp. 219-223.
- Caddell, R. and Burns, W. L. 2009. Exploring the limits of freedom of speech and the independence of the judiciary: Kudeshkina v Russia. Tottels Communications Law 14(4), pp. 123-125.
- Caddell, R. 2008. A further liberalising of intentions: Seaga v. Harper. Communications Law 13(3), pp. 96-99.
- Caddell, R. 2007. Privacy and confidential documents: the "secret" diary of Prince Charles. Communications Law 12(2), pp. 68-71.
- Caddell, R. 2007. The prohibition of driftnet fishing in European Community waters: problems, progress and prospects. The Journal of International Maritime Law 13(4), pp. 265-288.
- Caddell, R. 2006. “Directly relevant background context” and defamation damages. The Cambridge Law Journal 65(3), pp. 493-496. (10.1017/S0008197306287208)
- Caddell, R. 2006. Success fees and freedom of speech. The Cambridge Law Journal 65(1), pp. 45-48. (10.1017/S0008197306367037)
- Caddell, R. 2006. Whale of a time. New Law Journal 156(7217), pp. 480-481.
- Caddell, R. 2005. Freedom of commercial speech and the UK courts. The Cambridge Law Journal 64(2), pp. 274-276. (10.1017/S0008197305236863)
- Caddell, R. 2005. By-catch mitigation and the protection of cetaceans: recent developments in EC law. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 8(2), pp. 241-259. (10.1080/13880290590965302)
- Caddell, R. 2005. Prior restraint and the privacy of vulnerable children. Communications Law 10(3), pp. 96-98.
- Caddell, R. 2005. International law and the protection of migratory wildlife: an appraisal of twenty-five years of the Bonn Convention. Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy 16(1), pp. 113-156.
- Caddell, R. 2005. The referee's liability for catastrophic sports injuries - a UK perspective. Marquette Sports Law Review 15(2), pp. 415-424., article number: 5.
- Caddell, R. 2005. Drunken doctors, protesting politicians and the reporter's duty to verify facts. Communications Law 10(1), pp. 25-28.
- Caddell, R. 2005. Collective responsibility for doping offences in international sports law: Football Association of Wales v Union des Associations Europeennes de Football. Wales Journal of Law and Policy 4(2), pp. 232-240.
- Caddell, R. 2004. At the wider end of the margin: Freedom of commercial speech and Article 10. Tottels Communications Law 9(6), pp. 206-212.
- Caddell, R. and Aile, S. 2004. Defamation of public officials: Latvia and the European Court of Human Rights. Tottels Communications Law 9(4), pp. 142-144.
- Caddell, R. and Morgan, R. 2003. Red card for the Welsh Rugby Union: Vowles v Evans and Welsh Rugby Union Ltd. Wales Law Journal 2(3), pp. 262-268.
Book sections
- Caddell, R. 2025. Chapter 12: ‘Within and without’: EU nature conservation law and the protection of wetlands. In: Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. eds. Wetlands and International Environmental Law. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 319–360., (10.4337/9781802203028.00022)
- Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. 2025. Introduction to wetlands and international environmental law. In: Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. eds. Wetlands and International Environmental Law. Elgar Publishing, pp. 1-17., (10.4337/9781802203028.00008)
- Caddell, R. 2024. Climate change and the international regulation of migratory species. In: McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 47-71., (10.4337/9781800370296.00010)
- Caddell, R. and McCormack, P. C. 2024. Climate change and biodiversity law: Quo Vadis?. In: McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 2-24., (10.4337/9781800370296.00008)
- Caddell, R. 2023. Marine mammals and migratory species. In: Rayfuse, R., Jaeckel, A. and Klein, N. eds. Research Handbook on International Marine Environmental Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Series Elgar Online, pp. 333-359., (10.4337/9781789909081.00024)
- Caddell, R. 2022. Strength in numbers? The nordic ministerial and parliamentary groupings as observers in the arctic council. In: Sellheim, N. and Menezes, D. eds. Non-state Actors in the Arctic Region. Spriner, pp. 133-152., (10.1007/978-3-031-12459-4_7)
- Caddell, R. 2022. The law of the sea and the exercise of free speech and protest rights. In: Matz-Luck, N., Jensen, O. and Johansen, E. eds. The Law of the Sea: Normative Context and Interactions with other Legal Regimes. Routledge, pp. 202-225., (10.4324/9781003091196-9)
- Caddell, R. 2021. Where's the catch? Shifting stocks, international fisheries management and the climate change conundrum. In: Hartmann, J. and Khaliq, U. eds. The Achievements of International Law: Essays in Honour of Robin Churchill. Hart, pp. 283-313.
- Caddell, R. 2020. Deep-sea bottom fisheries and the protection of seabed ecosystems: problems, progress and prospects. In: Banet, C. ed. The Law of the Seabed: Access, Uses, and Protection of Seabed Resources. Brill, pp. 255-284., (10.1163/9789004391567_014)
- Caddell, R. 2020. Marine mammals at the poles. In: Scott, K. N. and VanderZwaag, D. L. eds. Research Handbook on Polar Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Edward Elgar, pp. 217-248.
- Caddell, R., Leloudas, G. and Soyer, B. 2019. Emerging regulatory responses to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. In: Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. eds. Strenghthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans. Hart, pp. 393-420.
- Dunn, D. C., Crespo, G. O. and Caddell, R. 2019. Area-based fisheries management. In: Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. eds. Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans. Hart, pp. 189-217.
- Caddell, R. 2019. International fisheries law and interactions with global regimes and processes. In: Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. eds. Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans. Hart, pp. 133-163.
- Hennig, M. and Caddell, R. 2017. On thin ice? Arctic indigenous communities, the European Union and the sustainable use of marine mammals. In: Liu, N., Kirk, E. A. and Henriksen, T. eds. The European Union and The Arctic., Vol. 85. Publications on Ocean Development Netherlands: Brill Nijhoff, pp. 296-341., (10.1163/9789004349179_012)
- Caddell, R. 2017. Uncharted waters: strategic environmental assessment in the UK offshore area. In: Jones, G. and Scotford, E. eds. The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: A Plan for Success?. Hart, pp. 283-309.
- Caddell, R. 2017. Annex VIII Special Arbitration. In: Proelss, A. ed. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Commentary. CH Beck, pp. 2491-2511.
- Caddell, R. 2016. Uncharted waters: strategic environmental assessment in the UK offshore area. In: Jones, G. and Scotford, E. eds. The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: A Plan for Success?. Hart
- Caddell, R. 2016. ‘Only connect’? Regime interaction and global biodiversity conservation. In: Bowman, M., Davies, P. and Goodwin, E. eds. Research Handbook on Biodiversity and Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 437-472., (10.4337/9781781004791.00026)
- Caddell, R. 2016. Wilderness protection in Estonia. In: Bastmeijer, K. ed. Wilderness Protection in Europe: The Role of International, European and National Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 287-313., (10.1017/CBO9781107415287.013)
- Caddell, R. 2016. 'Only connect'? Regime interaction and global biodiversity conservation. In: Bowman, M., Davies, P. and Goodwin, E. eds. Research Handbook on Biodiversity and Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 437-471.
- Caddell, R. 2014. Platforms, protestors and provisional measures: the Arctic Sunrise dispute and environmental activism at sea. In: Ambrus, M. and Wessel, R. A. eds. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2014: Between Pragmatism and Predictability: Temporariness in International Law., Vol. 45. Springer, pp. 359-384., (10.1007/978-94-6265-060-2_14)
- Caddell, R. 2013. Shipping and the conservation of marine biodiversity: legal responses to vessel-strikes of marine mammals. In: Thomas, R. and Caddell, R. eds. Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities. Lawtext Publishing Ltd, pp. 89-136.
- Caddell, R. 2013. Shipping and the conservation of marine biodiversity: legal responses to vessel-strikes of marine mammals. In: Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. eds. Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities. Lawtext Publishing, pp. 106-153.
- Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. 2013. Introduction. In: Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. eds. Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities. Lawtext Publishing
- Caddell, R. 2012. The maritime dimensions of the habitats directive: past challenges and future opportunities. In: Jones, Q. G. ed. The Habitats Directive: A Developer's Obstacle Course?. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, pp. 183-207.
- Caddell, R. 2012. The integration of multilateral environmental agreements: Herding cats or building bridges?. In: Sancin, V. ed. International Environmental Law: Contemporary Concerns and Challenges. Ljubljana: GV Zalozba, pp. 301-3277.
- Caddell, R. 2009. Public interest speech and investigative journalism: Latvia, the Diena case and the European Court of Human Rights. In: Charles, A. ed. Media in the Enlarged Europe: Politics, Policy and Industry. Intellect, pp. 177-186.
- Caddell, J. 2008. Biodiversity Loss and the Prospects for International Cooperation: EU Law and the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. In: Etty, T. and Somsen, H. eds. Yearbook of European Environmental Law., Vol. 8. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 218-264.
- Gardner, R. C., Caddell, R. and Okuno, E. eds. 2025. Wetlands and international environmental law: The evolution and impact of the Ramsar Convention. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (10.4337/9781802203028)
- McCormack, P. C. and Caddell, R. eds. 2024. Research handbook on climate change and biodiversity law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (10.4337/9781800370296)
- Caddell, R. and Molenaar, E. J. 2019. Strengthening international fisheries law in an era of changing oceans. Hart.
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. eds. 2013. Blackstone's statutes on media law. Blackstone's Statute Series. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. and Thomas, R. eds. 2013. Shipping, law and the marine environment in the 21st century: Emerging challenges for the law of the sea - legal implications and liabilities. Lawtext Publishing.
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. eds. 2010. Blackstone's statutes on media law: third edition. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. 2008. Blackstone's statutes on media law: second edition. Oxford University Press.
- Caddell, R. and Johnson, H. 2006. Blackstone's statutes on media law: first edition. Oxford University Press.
My research interests lie predominantly in the Law of the Sea and Environmental Law, with a particular interest in biodiversity law, natural resources, ecosystem management and legal issues of climate change. I have a particular interest in willdife conservation law, especially concerning migratory species, marine mammals and fisheries, as well as the protection of particular habitats, notably wetlands, mountain ecosystems and ice-covered areas. I am the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy and have written and consulted extensively on wildlife law and marine environmental protection.
I am currently leading a research project entitled 'Brexit, Devolution and the Sea', funded under the Nippon Foundation's Ocean Nexus Center, where I am investigating the protection of marine ecosystems and species by the devolved administrations in the context of the repatriation of powers as a result of the Brexit process. In particular, I am currently researching issues related to marine plastic, especially in Wales, which has been cited in the House of Lords' debate on the Environment Bill (https://hansard.parliament.uk/lords/2021-06-30/debates/AAF704F9-AD60-40CA-94E6-9E7A3C6E4655/EnvironmentBill#contribution-CA6F6E27-16BC-42C1-832B-824647671BC5). More broadly I am currently finalising the first major book on the international protection of migratory species and the legal issues raised by transfrontier wildlife conservation.
Law of the Sea (LLM, Module Leader)
Media Law (LLB, Module Leader)
Contract Law (LLB, Course Tutor)
International Law and Transnational Challenges (LLB, Course Tutor - International Environmental Law)
International Humanitarian Law (LLM, Course Tutor - War and the Natural Environment)
International Criminal Law (LLM, Course Tutor - International Environmental Crimes, Transnational Organised Crime)
Multilateralism and International Law (MA, Course Tutor - Multilateralism and the Environment)
- LLB in Law and Spanish (University of Wales, Cardiff -1999)
- LLM in Commercial Law (University of Wales, Cardiff - 2001)
- PhD in International Law (Cardiff University - 2009)
Academic Positions
- 2021 - present: Reader in Law, Cardiff University
- 2022 - 2023: Head of Law, Cardiff University
- 2019 - 2021: Senior Lecturer in Law, Cardiff University
- 2015 - 2019: Lecturer in Law, Cardiff University
- 2014 - 2017: Senior Research Associate and Nippon Foundation Senior Nereus Fellow, Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea, Utrecht University
- 2013 - 2014: Senior Lecturer in Law, Swansea University
- 2007 - 2013: Lecturer in Law, Swansea University
- 2004 - 2007: Lecturer in Law, Bangor University
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- The international law of the sea (especially protection of the marine environment, marine mammals, fisheries and natural resources law)
- Wildlife conservation law
- International and EU environmental law
- Polar Law
- Devolution and environmental protection
Current supervision
Contact Details
Research themes
- Law of the sea
- International Environmental Law
- Environmental law
- Wildlife law
- maritime law