Dr Rebecca Cannings-John
MSc BSc (Hons) PhD(Cardiff)
Prif Gymrawd Ymchwil - Ystadegau
- Siarad Cymraeg
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Brif Gymrawd Ymchwil yn y Ganolfan Ymchwil Treialon ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.
Mae fy nghefndir mewn Ystadegau Meddygol. Mae gen i arbenigedd helaeth mewn dylunio, cynnal, dadansoddi ac adrodd ar hapdreialon ac astudiaethau eraill sydd wedi'u cynllunio'n dda. Mae fy ymchwil hyd yma yn canolbwyntio ar feysydd menywod/mamau ac iechyd plant, pobl sy'n profi digartrefedd, a hefyd ynghylch defnyddio gwrthfiotigau mewn gofal sylfaenol. Mae gen i brofiad o ddatblygu a gwerthuso ymyriadau cymhleth. Cwblheais fy PhD yn 2013 ar "Archwilio'r rhyngberthynas rhwng presgripsiynu gwrthfiotigau, cymhlethdodau a gwrthiant mewn heintiau'r llwybr anadlol acíwt".
- Mantzourani, E. et al. 2025. Clinical outcomes following acute sore throat assessment at community pharmacy versus general practice: a retrospective, longitudinal, data linkage study. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 80(1), pp. 227-237. (10.1093/jac/dkae400)
- Sanders, J. et al. 2025. Authors' Reply. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 132(2), pp. 226-227. (10.1111/1471-0528.17960)
- Warner, N., Jing, Y., Scourfield, J., Cannings-John, R., Cheung, S. Y. and John, A. 2024. The inter-relationship between parental problems and ethnic background: How do they impact on entry into local authority care?. The British Journal of Social Work, article number: bcae201. (10.1093/bjsw/bcae201)
- Sanders, J. et al. 2024. Maternal and neonatal outcomes among spontaneous vaginal births occurring in or out of water following intrapartum water immersion: The POOL cohort study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 131(12), pp. 1650-1659. (10.1111/1471-0528.17878)
- Bowes, L. et al. 2024. The effects and costs of an anti-bullying programme (KiVa) in UK primary schools: a multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial. Psychological Medicine (10.1017/S0033291724002666)
- Hawkins, J. et al. 2024. Association of volatile substance, nitrous oxide and alkyl nitrate use with mental health 1 in UK adolescents. The British Journal of Psychiatry (10.1192/bjp.2024.128)
- Sanyaolu, L. et al. 2024. Recurrent urinary tract infections and prophylactic antibiotic use in women: a cross-sectional study in primary care. British Journal of General Practice 74(746), pp. e619-e627. (10.3399/BJGP.2024.0015)
- Hines, L. A. et al. 2024. Association between cannabis potency and mental health in adolescence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 261, article number: 111359. (10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2024.111359)
- Hughes, K. et al. 2024. Long-term consequences of urinary tract infection in childhood: an electronic population-based cohort study in Welsh primary and secondary care. British Journal of General Practice 74(743), pp. e371-e378. (10.3399/BJGP.2023.0174)
- Jones, H., Cummins, B., Cannings-John, R. and Ahmed, H. 2024. Adverse respiratory outcomes amongst patients with resolved asthma: matched retrospective cohort study. British Journal of General Practice 74(743), pp. e364-e370. (10.3399/BJGP.2023.0271)
- Clark, A. et al. 2024. Assessing acutely ill children in general practice using the National PEWS and LqSOFA clinical scores: a retrospective cohort study. British Journal of General Practice (10.3399/BJGP.2023.0638)
- Hasan, S. B. et al. 2024. Feasibility of daily pain measurement using text messages in Hidradenitis Suppurativa clinical trials; Data from THESEUS study. British Journal of Dermatology 190(5), pp. 775-777., article number: ljae057. (10.1093/bjd/ljae057)
- Warner, N. et al. 2024. Parental risk factors and children entering out-of-home care: The effects of cumulative risk and parent's sex. Children and Youth Services Review 160, article number: 107548. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2024.107548)
- Hawthorne, A. B., Arms-Williams, B., Cannings-John, R., Pollok, R. C. G., Berry, A., Harborne, P. and Trivedi, A. 2024. Impact of antitumour necrosis factor therapy on surgery in inflammatory bowel disease: a population-based study. BMJ Open Gastroenterology 11, article number: e001373. (10.1136/bmjgast-2024-001373)
- Ingram, J. R. et al. 2024. Treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa evaluation study (THESEUS): a prospective cohort study. British Journal of Dermatology 190(3), pp. 382-391. (10.1093/bjd/ljad388)
- Lifford, K. J. et al. 2024. Satisfaction with remote consultations in primary care during COVID-19: a population survey of UK adults. British Journal of General Practice 74(739), pp. e96-e103. (10.3399/BJGP.2023.0092)
- Mantzourani, E., Ahmed, H., Evans, A., Gunnarsson, R. and Cannings-John, R. 2024. A pharmacy-led sore throat test and treat (STTT) service: antigen testing and antibiotic supply rates during the period of heightened public awareness of Group A Streptococcus infections. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 79(2), pp. 354–359. (10.1093/jac/dkad388)
- Ingram, J. R. et al. 2023. Treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa evaluation study: the THESEUS prospective cohort study. Health Technology Assessment 27, article number: 30. (10.3310/HWNM2189)
- Hotham, J. et al. 2023. Association of cannabis, cannabidiol and synthetic cannabinoid use with mental health in UK adolescents. British Journal of Psychiatry 223(4), pp. 478-484. (10.1192/bjp.2023.91)
- Morgan, K. et al. 2023. A mixed-methods process evaluation of the feasibility and acceptability of involving community and peer role models within a physical activity intervention for primary-school-aged girls (the CHARMING study). BMC Public Health 23(1), article number: 1950. (10.1186/s12889-023-16826-x)
- Cutter, J., Cooper, M., Sanders, J., Cannings-John, R. and Strange, H. 2023. Scoping review protocol: exploration of the barriers and facilitators to the uptake of early postnatal contraception. BMJ Open 13(10), article number: e075264. (10.1136/bmjopen-2023-075264)
- Leighton, P. et al. 2023. Research priorities in the management of Hidradenitis Suppurativa [Research Letter]. British Journal of Dermatology 189(3), pp. 343-345. (10.1093/bjd/ljad152)
- Lugg-Widger, F. et al. 2023. The practicalities of adapting UK maternity clinical information systems for observational research: Experiences of the POOL study. International Journal of Population Data Science 8(1), article number: 18. (10.23889/ijpds.v8i1.2072.)
- Cannings-John, R. et al. 2023. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on domiciliary care workers in Wales, UK: a data linkage cohort study using the SAIL Databank. BMJ Open 13(6), article number: e070637. (10.1136/bmjopen-2022-070637)
- White, J. et al. 2023. Association between gender minority status and mental health in high schools. Journal of Adolescent Health 72(5), pp. 811-814. (10.1016/j.jadohealth.2022.12.028)
- Sanyaolu, L. N. et al. 2023. Patients’ and healthcare professionals’ experiences and views of recurrent urinary tract infections in women: qualitative evidence synthesis and meta-ethnography. Antibiotics 12(3), article number: 434. (10.3390/antibiotics12030434)
- Mantzourani, E., Wasag, D., Cannings-John, R., Ahmed, H. and Evans, A. 2023. Characteristics of the sore throat test and treat service in community pharmacies (STREP) in Wales: cross-sectional analysis of 11304 consultations using anonymized electronic pharmacy records,. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 78(1), pp. 84-92. (10.1093/jac/dkac358)
- Channon, S. et al. 2023. Acceptability and feasibility of a planned preconception weight loss intervention in women with long-acting reversible contraception: the Plan-it mixed-methods study. Health Technology Assessment 27(1) (10.3310/NKIX8285)
- Cavallaro, F. et al. 2023. Lessons learned from using linked administrative data to evaluate the Family Nurse Partnership in England and Scotland. International Journal of Population Data Science 8(1) (10.23889/ijpds.v8i1.2113)
- Phillips, R. et al. 2022. Perceived threat of COVID-19, attitudes towards vaccination, and vaccine hesitancy: A prospective longitudinal study in the UK. British Journal of Health Psychology 27(4), pp. 1354-1381. (10.1111/bjhp.12606)
- Prout, H. et al. 2022. “I don't mean to be rude, but could you put a mask on while I'm here?” A qualitative study of risks experienced by domiciliary care workers in Wales during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Health and Social Care in the Community 30(6), pp. e6601-e6612. (10.1111/hsc.14109)
- Channon, S. et al. 2022. The acceptability of asking women to delay removal of a long-acting reversible contraceptive to take part in a preconception weight loss programme: a mixed methods study using qualitative and routine data (Plan-it). BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 22, article number: 778. (10.1186/s12884-022-05077-0)
- Waters, C. S., Cannings-John, R., Channon, S., Lugg-Widger, F., Robling, M. and Paine, A. L. 2022. The impact of a specialist home-visiting intervention on the language outcomes of young mothers and their children: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychology 10, article number: 224. (10.1186/s40359-022-00926-1)
- Reeve, N. F. et al. 2022. Myocardial infarction and stroke subsequent to urinary tract infection (MISSOURI): protocol for a self-controlled case series using linked electronic health records. BMJ Open 12, article number: e064586. (10.1136/bmjopen-2022-064586)
- Turner, S., Ahmed, H., Akbari, A., Bethel, J., Cannings-John, R., Evans, A. and Mantzourani, E. 2022. Evaluation of a Sore throat Test and tReat servicE in community Pharmacies (STREP).. International Journal of Population Data Science 7(3), article number: 224. (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1999)
- Trubey, R., Thomas, I., Cannings-John, R. and Mackie, P. 2022. Linkage of people experiencing homeless using two consent models. International Journal of Population Data Science 7(3) (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1865)
- Anyanwu, P. et al. 2022. Health behaviour change among UK adults during the pandemic: findings from the COVID-19 Cancer Attitudes and Behaviours study. BMC Public Health 22, article number: 1437. (10.1186/s12889-022-13870-x)
- Wasag, D. R., Cannings-John, R., Hughes, K. and Ahmed, H. 2022. Antibiotic dispensing during the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis of Welsh primary care dispensing data. Family Practice 39(3), pp. 420-425., article number: cmab141. (10.1093/fampra/cmab141)
- Clark, A., Cannings-John, R., Blyth, M., Hay, A. D., Butler, C. C. and Hughes, K. 2022. Accuracy of the NICE Traffic Light system for detecting serious illness in acutely unwell children presenting to general practice: a retrospective cohort study. British Journal of General Practice 72(719), pp. e398-e404. (10.3399/BJGP.2021.0633)
- Blyth, M., Cannings-John, R., Hay, A. D., Butler, C. and Hughes, K. 2022. Is the NICE traffic light system fit-for-purpose for children presenting with undifferentiated acute illness in primary care?. Archives of Disease in Childhood 107(5), pp. 444-449. (10.1136/archdischild-2021-322768)
- Abbott, R. A. et al. 2022. Observational study to estimate the proportion of surgical site infection following excision of ulcerated skin tumours (OASIS study). Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 47(5), pp. 882-888. (10.1111/ced.15037)
- Bates, J. et al. 2022. Treatment of Hidradenitis Suppurativa Evaluation Study (THESEUS): protocol for a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open 12(4), article number: e060815. (10.1136/bmjopen-2022-060815)
- Clarkson, S. et al. 2022. The UK stand together trial: protocol for a multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of KiVa to reduce bullying in primary schools. BMC Public Health 22, article number: 608. (10.1186/s12889-022-12642-x)
- Robling, M. et al. 2022. A nurse-led home-visitation programme for first-time mothers in reducing maltreatment and improving child health and development (BB:2-6): longer-term outcomes from a randomised cohort using data-linkage. BMJ Open 12(2), article number: e049960. (10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049960)
- Randell, E. et al. 2022. Moving on trial: Protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial of models of housing and support to reduce risks of COVID-19 infection and homelessness.. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 8, article number: 23. (10.1186/s40814-022-00984-7)
- Mantzourani, E., Cannings-John, R., Evans, A. and Ahmed, H. 2022. To swab or not to swab? Using point-of-care tests to detect Group A Streptococcus infections as part of a Sore Throat Test and Treat service in community pharmacy. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (10.1093/jac/dkab470)
- Pell, B. et al. 2022. CHoosing Active Role Models to INspire Girls(CHARMING): protocol for a cluster randomised feasibility trial of a school-based, community linked programme to increase physical activity levels in 9–10-year-old girls. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 8, article number: 2. (10.1186/s40814-021-00961-6)
- Moody, G., Cannings-John, R., Hood, K. and Robling, M. 2022. Attitudes towards the collection and linkage of maltreatment data for research:A qualitative study. International Journal of Population Data Science 7(1), article number: 1693. (10.23889/ijpds.v7i1.1693)
- Cannings-John, R., Gale, C., Lugg-Widger, F. V., Milton, R., Robling, M. and Sanders, J. 2022. Protocol and statistical analysis plan for the POOL study: establishing the safety of waterbirth for mothers and babies: a cohort study with nested qualitative component. British Medical Journal
- Smith, P. et al. 2022. Protocol for a feasibility study of a cancer symptom awareness campaign to support the rapid diagnostic centre referral pathway in a socioeconomically deprived area: Targeted Intensive Community-based campaign To Optimise Cancer awareness (TIC-TOC). BMJ Open 12(10), article number: e063280. (10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063280)
- Wilson, R. et al. 2021. Intentions to participate in cervical and colorectal cancer screening during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods study. Preventive Medicine 153, article number: 106826. (10.1016/j.ypmed.2021.106826)
- Phillips, R. et al. 2021. Cohort profile: The UK COVID-19 Public Experiences (COPE) prospective longitudinal mixed-methods study of health and well-being during the SARSCoV2 coronavirus pandemic. PLoS ONE 16(10), article number: e0258484. (10.1371/journal.pone.0258484)
- Quinn-Scoggins, H. et al. 2021. Cancer symptom experience and help-seeking behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom: a cross-sectional population survey. BMJ Open 11(9), article number: e053095. (10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053095)
- Lugg-Widger, F. et al. 2021. Establishing the impact of COVID-19 on the health outcomes of domiciliary care workers in Wales using routine data: a protocol for the OSCAR study. International Journal of Population Data Science 5(4), article number: 8. (10.23889/ijpds.v5i4.1656)
- Sanders, J. et al. 2021. Childbirth related labial trauma management in the UK: a brief report. Midwifery 97, article number: 102950. (10.1016/j.midw.2021.102950)
- Mantzourani, E. et al. 2021. Understanding the impact of a new pharmacy sore throat test and treat service on patient experience: a survey study. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 17(5), pp. 969-977. (10.1016/j.sapharm.2020.07.034)
- Moore, A., Cannings-John, R., Butler, C. C., McNulty, C. A. M. and Francis, N. A. 2021. Alternative approaches to managing respiratory tract infections: a survey of public perceptions. British Journal of General Practice Open 5(2), article number: 124. (10.3399/BJGPO.2020.0124)
- Moody, G. et al. 2021. What are the challenges when recruiting to a trial in children’s social care? A qualitative evaluation of a trial of foster carer training. Trials 22, article number: 241. (10.1186/s13063-021-05186-9)
- Robling, M. et al. 2021. The Family Nurse Partnership to reduce maltreatment and improve child health and development in young children: the BB:2 6 routine data-linkage follow-up to earlier RCT. Public Health Research 9, article number: 2. (10.3310/phr09020)
- Coulman, E. et al. 2021. The acceptability and feasibility of a planned pre-pregnancy weight loss intervention (the Plan-it Study): A Protocol Paper. Clinical Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine 7(1) (10.15761/COGRM.1000325)
- Edwards, L., Cannings-John, R., Butler, C. and Francis, N. 2021. Identifying factors associated with spontaneous restoration of hearing in children with otitis media with effusion. Clinical Otolaryngology 46(1), pp. 243-248. (10.1111/coa.13654)
- Milton, R. et al. 2021. Establishing the safety of waterbirth for mothers and babies: a cohort study with nested qualitative component: The protocol for the POOL study.. BMJ Open 11(1), article number: e040684. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040684)
- Channon, S. et al. 2020. Qualitative process evaluation of the Fostering Changes program for foster carers as part of the Confidence in Care randomized controlled trial. Child Abuse and Neglect 109, article number: 104768. (10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104768)
- Buchanan, E., Cannings-John, R., Lugg-Widger, F., Hood, K., Butler, C. and Robling, M. 2020. Assessing predictors of respiratory tract infections in infants born to teenage mothers; secondary analysis of the Building Blocks trial data. Family Practice 37(5), pp. 623-630. (10.1093/fampra/cmaa037)
- Moody, G. et al. 2020. A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the fostering changes programme. Child Abuse and Neglect 108, article number: 104646. (10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104646)
- Paine, A. L., Cannings-John, R., Channon, S., Lugg-Widger, F., Waters, C. S. and Robling, M. 2020. Assessing the impact of a family nurse-led intervention on young mothers’ references to internal states. Infant Mental Health Journal 41(4), pp. 463-476. (10.1002/imhj.21849)
- Allen, L. A. et al. 2020. Pregnancy in teenagers diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus in childhood: a national population based e-cohort study. Diabetologia 63, pp. 799-810. (10.1007/s00125-019-05063-w)
- Sanyaolu, L., Cannings-John, R., Butler, C. and Francis, N. 2020. The effect of ventilation tube insertion on quality of life in children with persistent otitis media with effusion. Clinical Otolaryngology 45(2), pp. 239-247. (10.1111/coa.13502)
- Mantzourani, E. et al. 2020. Impact of a pilot NHS-funded sore throat test and treat service in community pharmacies on provision and quality of patient care. BMJ Open Quality 9(1), pp. e000833. (10.1136/bmjoq-2019-000833)
- Lugg-Widger, F. V. et al. 2020. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Family Nurse Partnership home visiting programme in first time young mothers in Scotland: a protocol for a natural experiment. International Journal of Population Data Science 5(1), article number: 12. (10.23889/ijpds.v5i1.1154)
- Huang, C., Roberts, Z., Cannings-John, R., Sanders, J., Pickett, K., Montgomery, A. and Robling, M. 2019. A validation and calibration process for self-reported tobacco use with participants’ cotinine levels: an example from the Building Blocks trial. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 21(12), pp. 1660-1654. (10.1093/ntr/nty232)
- Moody, G., Addison, K., Cannings-John, R., Sanders, J., Wallace, C. and Robling, M. 2019. Monitoring adverse social and medical events in public health trials: assessing predictors and interpretation against a proposed model of adverse event reporting. Trials 20(1), article number: 804. (10.1186/s13063-019-3961-8)
- Moore, A., Francis, N. and Cannings-John, R. 2019. Public perceptions about non-traditional primary care consultations, back-up prescriptions and point-of-care testing in respiratory tract infections. The British Student Doctor Journal 3(3), pp. 25-27. (10.18573/bsdj.127)
- Townson, J., Cannings-John, R., Francis, N., Thayer, D. and Gregory, J. 2019. Presentation to primary care during the prodrome of type 1 diabetes in childhood: A case‐control study using record data linkage. Pediatric Diabetes 20(3), pp. 330-338. (10.1111/pedi.12829)
- Lugg-Widger, F. V. et al. 2019. Long-term outcomes of urinary tract infection (UTI) in Childhood (LUCI): protocol for an electronic record-linked cohort study. BMJ Open 9, article number: e024210. (10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024210)
- Francis, N. A. et al. 2018. Oral steroids for hearing loss associated with otitis media with effusion in children aged 2 8 years: the OSTRICH RCT. Health Technology Assessment 22(61) (10.3310/hta22610)
- Moody, G., Cannings-John, R., Hood, K., Kemp, A. and Robling, M. 2018. Establishing the international prevalence of self-reported child maltreatment: a systematic review by maltreatment type and gender. BMC Public Health 18(1), article number: 1164. (10.1186/s12889-018-6044-y)
- Lugg-Widger, F., Angel, L., Cannings-John, R., Hood, K., Hughes, K., Moody, G. and Robling, M. 2018. Challenges in accessing routinely collected data from multiple providers in the UK for primary studies: Managing the morass. International Journal of Population Data Science 3(3), article number: 2. (10.23889/ijpds.v3i3.432)
- Sanders, J., Pell, J., White, J., Paranjothy, S., Robling, M., Lugg-Widger, F. and Cannings-John, R. 2018. Evaluating the Family Nurse Partnership Programme in Scotland: a natural experiment approach. International Journal of Population Data Science 3(4), article number: 994. (10.23889/ijpds.v3i4.994)
- Francis, N. A. et al. 2018. Oral steroids for resolution of otitis media with effusion in children (OSTRICH): a double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomised trial. Lancet 392(10147), pp. 557-568. (10.1016/S0140-6736(18)31490-9)
- Lugg-Widger, F., Cannings-John, R., Angel, L., Moody, G., Segrott, J., Kenkre, J. and Robling, M. 2018. Assessing the impact of specialist home visiting upon maltreatment in England: a feasibility study of data linkage from a public health trial to routine health and social care data. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 4, article number: 98. (10.1186/s40814-018-0294-4)
- Robling, M., Cannings-John, R., Channon, S., Hood, K., Moody, G., Poole, R. and Sanders, J. 2018. What is usual care for teenagers expecting their first child in England? A process evaluation using key informant mapping and participant survey as part of the Building Blocks randomised controlled trial of specialist home visiting. BMJ Open 8, article number: e020152. (10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020152)
- Gobat, N. et al. 2018. “Focusing” in motivational interviewing: development of a training tool for practitioners. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 6(1), pp. 37-49.
- Ingram, J. R., Jenkins-Jones, S., Knipe, D. W., Morgan, C. L. I., Cannings-John, R. and Piguet, V. 2018. Population-based Clinical Practice Research Datalink study using algorithm modelling to identify the true burden of hidradenitis suppurativa. British Journal of Dermatology 178(4), pp. 917-924. (10.1111/bjd.16101)
- Ingram, J. et al. 2018. Levels of wound calprotectin and other inflammatory biomarkers aid in deciding which patients with a diabetic foot ulcer need antibiotic therapy (INDUCE study). Diabetic Medicine 35(2), pp. 255-261. (10.1111/dme.13431)
- Gobat, N. et al. 2018. 'Focusing' in motivational interviewing: development of a training tool for practitioners. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 6(1), pp. 37-49. (10.5750/ejpch.v6i1.1389)
- Moody, G. et al. 2018. Evaluating the long-term impact of the Fostering Changes training programme for foster carers in Wales, the Confidence in Care trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 19, article number: 34. (10.1186/s13063-017-2424-3)
- Collins, P. W. et al. 2017. Viscoelastometry guided fresh frozen plasma infusion for postpartum haemorrhage: OBS2, an observational study. British Journal of Anaesthesia 119(3), pp. 422-434. (10.1093/bja/aex245)
- Collins, P. W. et al. 2017. Viscoelastometric-guided early fibrinogen concentrate replacement during postpartum haemorrhage: OBS2, a double-blind randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Anaesthesia 119(3), pp. 411-421. (10.1093/bja/aex181)
- Lugg-Widger, F. et al. 2017. Assessing the medium-term impact of a home-visiting programme on child maltreatment in England: protocol for a routine data linkage study. BMJ Open 7, article number: e015728. (10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015728)
- Channon, S. et al. 2016. Motivational interviewing competencies among UK family nurse partnership nurses: a process evaluation component of the building blocks trial. BMC Nursing 15, article number: 55. (10.1186/s12912-016-0176-0)
- Randell, E. et al. 2016. The use of everolimus in the treatment of neurocognitive problems in tuberous sclerosis (TRON): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 17, article number: 398. (10.1186/s13063-016-1446-6)
- Robling, M. et al. 2016. Effectiveness of a nurse-led intensive home-visitation program for first-time teenage mothers (building blocks). Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 71(5), pp. 263-265. (10.1097/OGX.0000000000000325)
- Waldron, C. et al. 2016. Oral Steroids for the Resolution of Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) in Children (OSTRICH): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 17, article number: 115. (10.1186/s13063-016-1236-1)
- Creamer, J., Attridge, M., Ramsden, M., Cannings-John, R. and Hawthorne, K. 2016. Culturally appropriate health education for Type 2 diabetes in ethnic minority groups: an updated Cochrane review of randomized controlled trials. Diabetic Medicine 33(2), pp. 169-183. (10.1111/dme.12865)
- Robling, M. et al. 2016. Effectiveness of a nurse-led intensive home-visitation programme for first-time teenage mothers (Building Blocks): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Lancet 387(10014), pp. 146-155. (10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00392-X)
- Cannings-John, R., Lugg, F., Robling, M. and Moody, G. 2015. Are we getting the whole picture? Measuring outcomes using routinely collected data in long term follow-up: an example from BB:2-6. Trials 16(S2), article number: O69. (10.1186/1745-6215-16-S2-O69)
- Lugg, F., Cannings-John, R., Moody, G. and Robling, M. 2015. Managing the morass. Lessons learned from establishing a data linkage model for long-term follow up of a trial cohort using routine health and education data. Trials 16(S2), article number: O70. (10.1186/1745-6215-16-S2-O70)
- Aawar, N. et al. 2015. Fibrinogen concentrate versus placebo for treatment of postpartum haemorrhage: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 16(1), pp. 1-11. (10.1186/s13063-015-0670-9)
- Collins, P. W. et al. 2014. Fibrin-based clot formation as an early and rapid biomarker for progression of postpartum hemorrhage: a prospective study. Blood 124(11), pp. 1727-1736. (10.1182/blood-2014-04-567891)
- Owen-Jones, C. E. et al. 2013. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Family Nurse Partnership home visiting programme for first time teenage mothers in England: a protocol for the Building Blocks randomised controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics 13(114) (10.1186/1471-2431-13-114)
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- Robling, M. et al. 2016. Effectiveness of a nurse-led intensive home-visitation program for first-time teenage mothers (building blocks). Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 71(5), pp. 263-265. (10.1097/OGX.0000000000000325)
- Waldron, C. et al. 2016. Oral Steroids for the Resolution of Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) in Children (OSTRICH): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 17, article number: 115. (10.1186/s13063-016-1236-1)
- Creamer, J., Attridge, M., Ramsden, M., Cannings-John, R. and Hawthorne, K. 2016. Culturally appropriate health education for Type 2 diabetes in ethnic minority groups: an updated Cochrane review of randomized controlled trials. Diabetic Medicine 33(2), pp. 169-183. (10.1111/dme.12865)
- Robling, M. et al. 2016. Effectiveness of a nurse-led intensive home-visitation programme for first-time teenage mothers (Building Blocks): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Lancet 387(10014), pp. 146-155. (10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00392-X)
- Cannings-John, R., Lugg, F., Robling, M. and Moody, G. 2015. Are we getting the whole picture? Measuring outcomes using routinely collected data in long term follow-up: an example from BB:2-6. Trials 16(S2), article number: O69. (10.1186/1745-6215-16-S2-O69)
- Lugg, F., Cannings-John, R., Moody, G. and Robling, M. 2015. Managing the morass. Lessons learned from establishing a data linkage model for long-term follow up of a trial cohort using routine health and education data. Trials 16(S2), article number: O70. (10.1186/1745-6215-16-S2-O70)
- Aawar, N. et al. 2015. Fibrinogen concentrate versus placebo for treatment of postpartum haemorrhage: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 16(1), pp. 1-11. (10.1186/s13063-015-0670-9)
- Collins, P. W. et al. 2014. Fibrin-based clot formation as an early and rapid biomarker for progression of postpartum hemorrhage: a prospective study. Blood 124(11), pp. 1727-1736. (10.1182/blood-2014-04-567891)
- Owen-Jones, C. E. et al. 2013. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Family Nurse Partnership home visiting programme for first time teenage mothers in England: a protocol for the Building Blocks randomised controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics 13(114) (10.1186/1471-2431-13-114)
- Brain, K. E., Parsons, E. P., Bennett, P., Cannings-John, R. L. and Hood, K. 2011. The evolution of worry after breast cancer risk assessment: 6-year follow-up of the TRACE study cohort. Psycho-Oncology 20(9), pp. 984-991. (10.1002/pon.1807)
- Hawthorne, K., Robles, Y., Cannings-John, R. L. and Edwards, A. G. 2010. Culturally appropriate health education for Type 2 diabetes in ethnic minority groups: a systematic and narrative review of randomized controlled trials. Diabetic Medicine 27(6), pp. 613-623. (10.1111/j.1464-5491.2010.02954.x)
- Shaw, C. et al. 2009. Systematic review of respite care in the frail elderly. Health Technology Assessment 13(20), pp. 1-246. (10.3310/hta13200)
- Neal, R. D., Cannings-John, R. L., Hood, K., Sowden, J., Lawrence, H., Jones, C. and Jones, J. 2008. Excision of malignant melanomas in North Wales: effect of location and surgeon on time to diagnosis and quality of excision. Family Practice 25(4), pp. 221-227. (10.1093/fampra/cmn036)
- Bolton, C. E. et al. 2008. What community measurements can be used to predict bone disease in patients with COPD?. Respiratory Medicine 102(5), pp. 651-657. (10.1016/j.rmed.2007.12.027)
- Cannings-John, R. et al. 2007. A case-controlled study of presentations in general practice before diagnosis of coeliac disease. British journal of general practice 57(541), pp. 636-642.
- Channon, S. J., Huws-Thomas, M. V., Rollnick, S., Hood, K., Cannings-John, R. L., Rogers, C. and Gregory, J. W. 2007. A multicenter randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing in teenagers with diabetes. Diabetes Care 30(6), pp. 1390-1395. (10.2337/dc06-2260)
- Hawthorne, K., Wood, F., Hood, K., Cannings-John, R. and Houston, H. 2006. Learning to mark: a qualitative study of the experiences and concerns of medical markers. BMC Medical Education 6(April), article number: 25. (10.1186/1472-6920-6-25)
- Lindbaek, M., Francis, N., Cannings-John, R. L., Butler, C. C. and Hjortdahl, P. 2006. Clinical course of suspected viral sore throat in young adults: cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 24(2), pp. 93-97. (10.1080/02813430600638227)
- Butler, C. C. et al. 2006. Oral vitamin B12 versus intramuscular vitamin B12 for vitamin B12 deficiency: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Family Practice 23(3), pp. 279-285. (10.1093/fampra/cml008)
- Wood, F. C., Hawthorne, K., Hood, K. and Cannings-John, R. L. 2005. Can peer review help the marking experience?. Medical Education 39(11), pp. 1156-1157. (10.1111/j.1365-2929.2005.02298.x)
- Cannings-John, R. L., Hawthorne, K., Hood, K. and Houston, H. 2005. Putting double marking to the test: a framework to assess if it is worth the trouble. Medical Education 39(3), pp. 299-308. (10.1111/j.1365-2929.2005.02093.x)
- Vidal-Alaball, J. et al. 2005. Oral vitamin B12 versus intramuscular vitamin B12 for vitamin B12 deficiency. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005(3), article number: CD004655. (10.1002/14651858.CD004655.pub2)
- Hand, S., Edwards, S., Campbell, I. A. and Cannings-John, R. L. 2002. Controlled trial of three weeks nicotine replacement treatment in hospital patients also given advice and support. Thorax 57(8), pp. 715-718. (10.1136/thorax.57.8.715)
- Hand, S., Edwards, S., Cannings-John, R. L. and Campbell, I. A. 2000. Do nicotine patches plus nicotine inhaler improve cessation rates in hospital patients also given advice and support?. Thorax 55(supp3), pp. A46-A46.
- Cannings-John, R. 2013. Examining the inter-relationships between antibiotic prescribing, complications and resistance in acute respiratory tract infections. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Ar y lefel genedlaethol, rwy'n arwain y treial rheoledig ar hap cyntaf a gynhaliwyd gyda phobl ddigartref yn y DU, gan archwilio effaith tai pobl sy'n cysgu allan ar COVID-19. Rwyf hefyd yn arwain astudiaeth "data mawr" sy'n cysylltu data Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru â setiau data Iechyd o fewn Banc Data SAIL, i archwilio effeithiau iechyd COVID-19 ar weithwyr gofal cartref. Fi yw'r arweinydd ystadegol ar gyfer dwy astudiaeth ymateb gyflym COVID-19 sy'n archwilio effaith ymateb pandemig llywodraethau'r DU i COVID-19 ar agweddau, credoau ac ymddygiadau sy'n gysylltiedig â chanser. Mae'r astudiaethau hyn ar effaith pandemig COVID-19 yn bwysig wrth ddeall effaith ymateb pandemig y firws a llywodraethau. Byddant yn helpu i lywio'r ymateb cenedlaethol i adfer o'r pandemig a chynllunio ar gyfer tonnau ychwanegol o'r haint a phandemigau newydd.
Gan ddefnyddio data arferol, rwy'n arwain gwerthusiad sy'n archwilio effeithiau iechyd ymweliadau nyrsys â mamau yn eu harddegau (Rhaglen Partneriaeth Nyrsys Teulu yn yr Alban), ac rwy'n gyd-ymchwilydd ar nifer o astudiaethau arferol sy'n seiliedig ar ddata i archwilio effaith UTIs ar ddigwyddiadau cardiaidd ac ar ddefnydd gwrthfiotig proffylactig ar gyfer heintiau'r llwybr wrinol rheolaidd.
Yn flaenorol, rwyf wedi goruchwylio myfyrwyr israddedig ac ôl-raddedig yn yr Ysgol Feddygaeth, a Mathemateg.
Addysg a chymwysterau:
2006 - 2013: Prifysgol Caerdydd: PhD Archwilio'r rhyngberthynas rhwng presgripsiynu gwrthfiotigau, cymhlethdodau a gwrthsefyll heintiau'r llwybr anadlol acíwt.
1996 - 1997: Prifysgol Southampton: MSc. Ystadegau gyda Cheisiadau mewn Meddygaeth. Traethawd hir "Time Trends in Cancer Mortality in England and Wales 1950-94".
1993 - 1996: Coleg Prifysgol Cymru Caerdydd: BSc.(Anrh) Mathemateg Pur – Anrhydedd Uwch yr 2il ddosbarth
Trosolwg gyrfa:
Awst 2021 – presennol: Prif Gymrawd Ymchwil mewn Ystadegau, Canolfan Ymchwil Treialon Prifysgol Caerdydd
Awst 2020 – Gorffennaf 21: Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil mewn Ystadegau, Canolfan Ymchwil Treialon Prifysgol Caerdydd
Ionawr 2011 – Gorffennaf 19: Cymrawd Ymchwil mewn Ystadegau, Canolfan Treialon Ymchwil, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Ionawr 2006 – Mawrth 13: Cymrodoriaeth PhD, Canolfan Ymchwil Gwyddorau Iechyd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Hydref 2002 – Ionawr 06: Ystadegydd, Adran Gofal Sylfaenol ac Iechyd y Cyhoedd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Ebr 2001 – Hyd 02: Ystadegydd Cynorthwyol, Uned Ddata Llywodraeth Leol – Cymru, Caerdydd.
Ionawr 1999 - Ebr 01: Ystadegydd, Uned Cudd-wybodaeth a Gwyliadwriaeth Canser Cymru a Rhwydwaith Treialon Canser Cymru
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Cyrhaeddodd rownd derfynol Gwobr Dathlu Rhagoriaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd yng nghategori Rhagoriaeth mewn Ymchwil (2023)
- Gwobr y Gwarcheidwad gwrthfiotig. Stiwardiaeth Ddiagnostig - enillydd: Gwerthusiad o brawf gwddf tost a gwasanaeth trin mewn fferyllfeydd cymunedol: stori dau ddull (2023)
- Enwebwyd ar gyfer Gwobr Dathlu Rhagoriaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd yng nghategori "Rising Star" (2022)
- Enwebwyd ar gyfer gwobr Menter Canser Moondance yng nghategori Ymwybyddiaeth ac Ymgysylltu Cyhoeddus (astudiaeth CABS) (2022)
- Tystysgrif gwerthfawrogiad a ddyfarnwyd ar gyfer addysgu gan Brifysgol Caerdydd (2019)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Pwyllgorau allanol
- Pwyllgor Llywio Treial Annibynnol Cyfredol / Aelod Pwyllgor Monitro Data Annibynnol ar gyfer: FSM, NEPTUNE, DiGEST, CADET, DIFFINIO, CASNET2 , a CHYNORTHWYO
- Aelod presennolGweithgor Gwybodeg Iechyd Partneriaeth Ymchwil Aelodaeth Treialon (TMRP)
Grŵp Pwnc Data Arferol - Aelod presennol o'r bwrdd cynghori : Gwerthusiad o'r Bartneriaeth Nyrsys Teulu (FNP) yn Norwy
- Aelod blaenorol o'r bwrdd cyswllt ar gyfer NIHR HTA (2018 i 2021)
- Aelod annibynnol blaenorol ar gyfer nifer o TSCs ac IDMCs
- Aelod blaenorol o'r Panel Cynghori Arbenigol Rhyngwladol ar gyfer gwerthuso Rhaglen Partneriaeth Nyrsys-Teulu Awstralia (2020-2021)
- Aelod o'r grŵp cynghori blaenorol: Gwerthusiad o'r Bartneriaeth Nyrsys Teulu (FNP) yn Lloegr
adolygydd cymheiriaid
- Rwy'n adolygu cyflwyniadau i The Lancet, BMJ, BMJ Open, British Journal of General Practice a'r International Journal of Population Data Science. Rwyf hefyd yn adolygu ceisiadau am gyllid ac adroddiadau terfynol ar gyfer NIHR a HCRW.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n goruchwylio tri phrosiect PhD:
- Judith Cutter "Archwilio'r rhwystrau a'r hwyluswyr i dderbyn atal cenhedlu ôl-enedigol cynnar" (Ysgol Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd).
- Torrwr J, Cooper M, Sanders J, Cannings-John R, Strange H. Cwmpasu protocol adolygu: archwilio'r rhwystrau a'r hwyluswyr i dderbyn atal cenhedlu cynnar ar ôl geni. BMJ agored. 2023 Hyd 4; 13(10):e075264. doi: 10.1136 / bmjopen-2023-075264. PMID: 37793924; PMCID: PMC10551968.
- Leigh Sanyaolu, "IMtesting Prophylactic Defnydd gwrthfiotig ar gyfer haint Llwybr wrinol Rheolaidd (IMPART): astudiaeth dulliau cymysg i fynd i'r afael â bylchau tystiolaeth a datblygu cymorth penderfyniad." (Cymrodoriaeth NIHR; Div. Meddygaeth Boblogaeth).
- Sanyaolu LN, Hayes CV, Lecky DM, Ahmed H, Cannings-John R, Weightman A, Edwards A, Wood F. Profiadau a Gweithwyr Gofal Iechyd Proffesiynol a Barn Heintiau Llwybr Wrinol Rheolaidd mewn Menywod: Synthesis Tystiolaeth ansoddol a meta-ethnograffeg. gwrthfiotigau (Basel) 2023 Chwef 22; 12(3):434. doi: 10.3390 / gwrthfiotigau 12030434. PMID: 36978301; PMCID: PMC10044648.
- Robert Maddison "Defnyddio cysylltiad data i ymchwilio i effaith iechyd statws cludwr ar gyfer anhwylderau genetig cyffredin" (HCRW fellowship)
Rwyf hefyd yn goruchwylio ac yn mentora myfyrwyr, cymrodoriaethau ôl-raddedig a dyfarniadau amser ymchwil y GIG.
Myfyrwyr PhD blaenorol
Rwyf wedi gweld pedwar myfyriwr PhD hyd at gwblhau.
BSc Rhyng-gyfrifedig blaenorol mewn Myfyrwyr ac Allbynnau Epidemioleg Clinigol
Emily Buchanan, Effaith Partneriaeth Nyrsys y Teulu a ffactorau eraill ar heintiau mewn babanod a anwyd i famau yn eu harddegau, gan gyflwyno mewn practis cyffredinol a lleoliad ysbyty (Dyfarnwyd 2016). Buchanan E, Cannings-John R, Lugg-Widger F, Hood K, Butler C, Robling M. Asesu rhagfynegiadau o heintiau'r llwybr anadlol mewn babanod a anwyd i famau yn eu harddegau: dadansoddiad eilaidd o ddata treial y Blociau Adeiladu. Fam Pract. 2020 Hyd 19; 37(5):623-630. doi: 10.1093 / fampra / cmaa037. llanwydd: 32319514.
Emma Kirby, Dylanwad ffactorau demograffig a chymdeithasol ar arferion bwydo babanod ymhlith mamau yn eu harddegau yn Lloegr - astudiaeth arsylwadol (Dyfarnwyd 2017).
Lowri Edwards, Rhagfynegiwyr dychwelyd gwrandawiad derbyniol mewn plant ag OME: dadansoddiad eilaidd o dreial rheoledig ar hap (Dyfarnwyd 2018). Edwards L, Cannings-John R, Butler C, Francis N. Nodi ffactorau sy'n gysylltiedig ag adfer clyw yn ddigymell mewn plant sydd â chyfryngau otitis gydag effusion. Clin Otolaryngol Ionawr 2021; 46(1):243-248. doi: 10.1111 / coa.13654. Epub 2020 Hyd 20. llanwydd: 33012126.
Alex Moore, modiwl Gofal ar gyfer peswch ac annwyd (Dyfarnwyd 2019). Moore A, Cannings-John R, Butler CC, McNulty CA, Francis NA. Dulliau lternative o reoli heintiau'r llwybr anadlol: arolwg o ganfyddiadau'r cyhoedd. BJGP agored. 2021 Ebr 26; 5(2):BJGPO.2020.0124. doi: 10.3399/BJGPO.2020.0124. PMID: 33293410; PMCID: PMC8170598.
Haf Mackey, Ffactorau risg ar gyfer UTIs mewn plant sy'n cael diagnosis mewn ymarfer cyffredinol (Dyfarnwyd 2019)
Bethan Cumins, Mynychder, rheoli a phrognosis unigolion ag asthma wedi'i ddatrys (Dyfarnwyd 2020) Jones H, Cumins B, Cannings-John R, Ahmed H. Canlyniadau anadlol niweidiol ymhlith cleifion ag asthma wedi'i ddatrys: astudiaeth garfan ôl-weithredol cyfatebol. Br J Gen Pract. 2024 Ion 19:BJGP.2023.0271. doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2023.0271. Epub o flaen print. llanwydd: 38242713.
Amy Clark, Dilysu System Golau Traffig NICE ar gyfer plant o dan bump oed (Dyfarnwyd 2021). Clark A, Cannings-John R, Blyth M, Hay AD, Butler CC, Hughes K. Cywirdeb system goleuadau traffig NICE mewn plant sy'n cyflwyno i ymarfer cyffredinol: astudiaeth garfan ôl-weithredol. Br J Gen Pract. 2022 Mai 26; 72(719):e398-e404. doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2021.0633. PMID: 35577588; PMCID: PMC9119811. BJGP Papur Darllen Mwyaf 2022.
Eddy Hughes, Profiadau a chredoau sy'n ymwneud â chysylltiadau gofal iechyd yn ystod pandemig COVID-19 yn y DU (Dyfarnwyd 2022).
Bismah Kazi, Sut mae nodweddion cleifion yn effeithio ar y llwybr at ddiagnosis canser yn ystod pandemig COVID-19? Astudiaeth gyswllt data gan ddefnyddio data cofnodion iechyd electronig Cymru a data o arolwg CABs (Dyfarnwyd 2023).
Rhian Cockwell, Effeithiolrwydd strategaethau samplu wrin mewn plant ifanc (Dyfarnwyd 2023).
Contact Details
+44 29206 87248
Neuadd Meirionnydd, Ystafell 506, Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru, Parc y Mynydd Bychan, Caerdydd, CF14 4YS