Angela Casbard
Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr yr Is-adran Ganser ac Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil - Ystadegau
Rwy'n Ddirprwy Gyfarwyddwr yr Is-adran Ganser ac yn Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil mewn ystadegau yn y Ganolfan Treialon Ymchwil. Mae fy mhortffolio ymchwil yn cynnwys treialon mewn ystod eang o safleoedd canser, gan gynnwys canser y croen (SCC-AFTER), lewcemia myeloid acíwt (OPTIMISE), metstases peritoneal o ganser y colon, yr ofari a'r stumog (PICCOS), canser y fron (ZICE, FAKTION, FURVA), canser yr ysgyfaint a mesothelioma (QuicDNA, PIN, VIM, SKOPOS), canser y bledren (TOUCAN, SUCCINCT) a chanserau gynaecolgical (CEBOC, COPELIA). Mae fy niddordebau yn cynnwys dylunio platfform mwy effeithlon ac addasol a basged / ymbarél protocol meistr dyluniadau nad ydynt o reidrwydd yn canolbwyntio ar un safle canser penodol. Mae rhai o'm treialon diweddar wedi cyflogi methodoleg grŵp-ddilyniannol ac aml-gymal.
Mae llawer o'm gwaith yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu syniadau cynllunio treialon gyda chlinigwyr, o'r cysyniad cychwynnol i'r ceisiadau cyllido, ac yna goruchwylio agweddau gwyddonol ac ystadegol treialon a ariennir, hyd at y cyfnod cyhoeddi.
- Kohn, C. et al. 2024. Remotely delivered video interaction guidance for families of children with an intellectual disability referred to specialist mental health services: protocol for a feasibility randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols 13, article number: e54619. (10.2196/54619)
- Randell, E. et al. 2024. Watch Me Play! A pilot feasibility study of a remotely- delivered intervention to promote mental health resilience for children (aged 0-8) across UK early years and children's services.. Project Report. Foundations.
- Ajakaiye, A. et al. 2024. Pressurised intraperitoneal aerosolised chemotherapy in the management of cancer of the colon, ovary and stomach: phase II randomised controlled trial of efficacy in peritoneal metastases. Presented at: International Society of Gynecologic Cancer 2024 Annual Global Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 October 2024, Vol. 34. BMJ Publishing Group pp. A350-A351., (10.1136/ijgc-2024-IGCS.611)
- Totsika, V. et al. 2024. Mapping the pathway and support offered to children with an intellectual disability referred to specialist mental health services in the UK.. BJPsych Bulletin (10.1192/bjb.2024.63)
- Murphy, A. D. et al. 2024. Once daily cediranib and weekly paclitaxel to prevent malignant bowel obstruction in at-risk patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer (CEBOC): a single-arm, phase II safety trial. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 34, pp. 1034-1040. (10.1136/ijgc-2024-005455)
- Randell, E. et al. 2024. Watch Me Play!: protocol for a feasibility study of a remotely delivered intervention to promote mental health resilience for children (ages 0–8) across UK early years and children’s services. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 10(1), article number: 55. (10.1186/s40814-024-01491-7)
- Jones, S. E. F. et al. 2023. Launching the PICCOS trial: PIPAC in cancers of the colon, ovary and stomach. Presented at: European Society of Gynaecological Society Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 28 September - 01 October 2023. BMJ Publishing Group, (10.1136/ijgc-2023-ESGO.690)
- Beresford, M. et al. 2023. Fulvestrant plus vandetanib versus placebo for the treatment of patients with metastatic breast cancer resistant to aromatase inhibitor therapy (FURVA): a multicentre, Phase 2, randomised controlled trial. BJC Reports 1(1), article number: 13. (10.1038/s44276-023-00016-8)
- Kitson, T. et al. 2023. HIDDEN2: Study protocol for the hospital deep vein thrombosis detection study in patients with cancer receiving palliative care. BMJ Open 13(9), article number: e073049. (10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073049)
- Fennell, D. A. et al. 2022. Olaparib maintenance versus placebo monotherapy in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (PIN): A multicentre, randomised, controlled, phase 2 trial. EClinicalMedicine 52, article number: 101595. (10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101595)
- Howell, S. J. et al. 2022. Fulvestrant plus capivasertib versus placebo after relapse or progression on an aromatase inhibitor in metastatic, oestrogen receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer (FAKTION): overall survival, updated progression-free survival, and expanded biomarker analysis from a randomised, phase 2 trial. The Lancet Oncology 23(7), pp. 851-864. (10.1016/s1470-2045(22)00284-4)
- Fennell, D. A. et al. 2022. Active symptom control with or without oral vinorelbine in patients with relapsed malignant pleural mesothelioma (VIM): A randomised, phase 2 trial. eClinicalMedicine 48, article number: 101432. (10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101432)
- Jones, R. et al. 2020. A randomised phase II trial of carboplatin and gemcitabine +/- vandetanib in first line treatment of advanced urothelial cell cancer patients not suitable to receive cisplatin. BJU International 126(2), pp. 292-299. (10.1111/bju.15096)
- Jones, R. H. et al. 2020. Fulvestrant plus capivasertib versus placebo after relapse or progression on an aromatase inhibitor in metastatic, oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancer (FAKTION): a multicentre, randomised, controlled, phase 2 trial. Lancet Oncology 21(3), pp. 345-347. (10.1016/S1470-2045(19)30817-4)
- Lester, J. F. et al. 2018. A single centre phase II trial to assess the immunological activity of TroVax® plus pemetrexed/cisplatin in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma - the SKOPOS trial. OncoImmunology 7(12), article number: e1457597. (10.1080/2162402X.2018.1457597)
- Gillespie, D. et al. 2017. The use of randomisation-based efficacy estimators in non-inferiority trials. Trials 18(1), article number: 117. (10.1186/s13063-017-1837-3)
- Harrop, E., Kelly, J., Griffiths, G., Casbard, A. C. and Nelson, A. 2016. Why do patients decline surgical trials? Findings from a qualitative interview study embedded in the Cancer Research UK BOLERO trial (Bladder cancer: Open versus Lapararoscopic or RObotic cystectomy). Trials 17, article number: 35. (10.1186/s13063-016-1173-z)
- Jones, R. J. et al. 2016. TOUCAN: A randomised phase II trial of carboplatin and gemcitabine plus /- vandetanib in first line treatment of advanced urothelial cell cancer in patients who are not suitable to receive cisplatin [Abstract]. American Journal of Clinical Oncology 34(S25), article number: 448.
- Gillespie, D. et al. 2015. The use of randomisation-based efficacy estimators in non-inferiority trials [Poster Presentation]. Trials 16(Suppl), pp. P129. (10.1186/1745-6215-16-S2-P129)
- Noble, S. I. et al. 2015. A feasibility study to inform the design of a randomised controlled trial to identify the most clinically effective and cost-effective length of Anticoagulation with Low-molecular-weight heparin In the treatment of Cancer-Associated Thrombosis (ALICAT). Health Technology Assessment 19(83), pp. 1-94. (10.3310/hta19830)
- Geldart, T. et al. 2015. SUCCINCT: an open-label, single-arm, non-randomised, phase 2 trial of gemcitabine and cisplatin chemotherapy in combination with sunitinib as first-line treatment for patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma. European Urology 67(4), pp. 599-602. (10.1016/j.eururo.2014.11.003)
- Noble, S. et al. 2014. ALICAT: Anticoagulation length in cancer associated thrombosis - a mixed-methods feasibility study. Thrombosis Research 133(Supp 2), pp. S220-S220. (10.1016/S0049-3848(14)50032-1)
- Barrett-Lee, P. et al. 2014. Oral ibandronic acid versus intravenous zoledronic acid in treatment of bone metastases from breast cancer: a randomised, open label, non-inferiority phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncology 15(1), pp. 114-122. (10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70539-4)
- Smith, J. D. et al. 2014. A feasibility study to inform the design of a randomized controlled trial to identify the most clinically and cost effective Anticoagulation Length with low molecular weight heparin In the treatment of Cancer Associated Thrombosis (ALICAT): study protocol for a mixed-methods study. Trials 15(1), article number: 122. (10.1186/1745-6215-15-122)
- Noble, S. I. R. et al. 2014. Anticoagulation length in cancer associated thrombosis: a mixed-methods feasibility study. Presented at: International Conference on Thrombosis and Hemostasis Issues in Cancer, Bergamo, Italy, 9-11 May 2014.
- Harrop, E. et al. 2013. ‘Once I knew there was a choice, I wanted to exercise that choice': using qualitative methods to understand why patients decline surgical trials.. Trials 14(S1), article number: P9 (2013). (10.1186/1745-6215-14-s1-p9)
- Powell, J. R. et al. 2013. Prognostic significance of hypoxia inducible factor-1α and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treated with rituximab.. Leukemia & Lymphoma 54(5), pp. 959-966. (10.3109/10428194.2012.733875)
- Nixon, L. S., Wills, L., Staffurth, J. N., Crosby, T. D. L., Casbard, A. C. and Griffiths, G. 2009. Implementation of a QA RT substudy for SCOPE 1; Preliminary results for test cases [Abstract]. Clinical Oncology 21(3), pp. 255-255. (10.1016/j.clon.2009.01.001,)
- Llewelyn, C. A. et al. 2009. The EASTR study: a new approach to determine the reasons for transfusion in epidemiological studies. Transfusion Medicine 19(2), pp. 89-98. (10.1111/j.1365-3148.2009.00911.x)
- Wells, A. W. et al. 2009. The EASTR Study: indications for transfusion and estimates of transfusion recipient numbers in hospitals supplied by the National Blood Service. Transfusion Medicine 19(6), pp. 315-328. (10.1111/j.1365-3148.2009.00933.x)
- Cooke, D. et al. 2009. Randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of continuous glucose monitoring on HbA1cin insulin-treated diabetes (MITRE Study). Diabetic Medicine 26(5), pp. 540-547. (10.1111/j.1464-5491.2009.02723.x)
- Morgan, M. A. et al. 2009. Stage-for-stage comparison of definitive chemoradiotherapy, surgery alone and neoadjuvant chemotherapy for oesophageal carcinoma. British Journal of Surgery 96(11), pp. 1300-1307. (10.1002/bjs.6705)
- Williamson, L. M. et al. 2007. The impact of universal leukodepletion of the blood supply on hemovigilance reports of posttransfusion purpura and transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease. Transfusion 47(8), pp. 1455-1467. (10.1111/j.1537-2995.2007.01281.x)
- Ghevaert, C. et al. 2007. HPA-1a antibody potency and bioactivity do not predict severity of fetomaternal alloimmune thrombocytopenia. Transfusion 47(7), pp. 1296-1305. (10.1111/j.1537-2995.2007.01273.x)
- Williamson, M., Stainsby, D., Jones, H., Love, E., Chapman, C., Casbard, A. and Cohen, H. 2006. Haemovigilance reports of post-transfusion purpura and transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease before and after implementation of universal leucocyte depletion in the UK. Vox Sanguinis 91(Supp 3), pp. 15-15. (10.1111/j.0042-9007.2006.vox_v91_is3_mondaysessions.x)
- Stanworth, S. J., Dyer, C., Casbard, A. C. and Murphy, M. F. 2006. Feasibility and usefulness of self-assessment of bleeding in patients with haematological malignancies, and the association between platelet count and bleeding. Vox Sanguinis 91(1), pp. 63-69. (10.1111/j.1423-0410.2006.00785.x)
- Davies, A., Staves, J., Kay, J., Casbard, A. C. and Murphy, M. F. 2006. End-to-end electronic control of the hospital transfusion process to increase the safety of blood transfusion: strengths and weaknesses. Transfusion 46(3), pp. 352-364. (10.1111/j.1537-2995.2006.00729.x)
- Grover, M. et al. 2006. Silent myocardial ischaemia and haemoglobin concentration: a randomized controlled trial of transfusion strategy in lower limb arthroplasty. Vox Sanguinis 90(2), pp. 105-112. (10.1111/j.1423-0410.2006.00730.x)
- Buck, J., Casbard, A. C., Llewelyn, C., Johnson, T., Davies, S. and Williamson, L. 2005. Preoperative transfusion in sickle cell disease: a survey of practice in England. European Journal of Haematology 75(1), pp. 14-21. (10.1111/j.1600-0609.2005.00412.x)
- Segal, H. C., Briggs, C., Kunka, S., Casbard, A. C., Harrison, P., Machin, S. J. and Murphy, M. F. 2005. Accuracy of platelet counting haematology analysers in severe thrombocytopenia and potential impact on platelet transfusion. British Journal of Haematology 128(4), pp. 520-525. (10.1111/j.1365-2141.2004.05352.x)
- Allain, J., Anokwa, M., Casbard, A. C., Owusu-Ofori, S. and Dennis-Antwi, J. 2004. Sociology and behaviour of West African blood donors: the impact of religion on human immunodeficiency virus infection. Vox Sanguinis 87(4), pp. 233-240. (10.1111/j.1423-0410.2004.00578.x)
- McPherson, K. et al. 2004. Severe complications of hysterectomy: the VALUE study. BJOG - an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 111(7), pp. 688-694. (10.1111/j.1471-0528.2004.00174.x)
- Boralessa, H., Cockburn, H., Casbard, A. C. and Contreras, M. 2004. Review of transfusion practice in orthopaedic surgery. Current Orthopaedics 18(2), pp. 126-134. (10.1016/j.cuor.2003.11.001)
- Strang, J. I. G., Nunn, A. J., Johnson, D. A., Casbard, A. C., Gibson, D. G. and Girling, D. J. 2004. Management of tuberculous constrictive pericarditis and tuberculous pericardial effusion in Transkei: results at 10 years follow-up. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 97(8), pp. 525-535. (10.1093/qjmed/hch086)
- Selden, C., Casbard, A., Themis, M. and Hodgson, H. J. 2003. Characterization of long-term survival of syngeneic hepatocytes in rat peritoneum. Cell Transplantation 12(6), pp. 569-578.
- Maresh, M. J. A. et al. 2002. The VALUE national hysterectomy study: description of the patients and their surgery. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 109(3), pp. 302-312. (10.1016/S1470-0328(02)01282-X)
- Ajakaiye, A. et al. 2024. Pressurised intraperitoneal aerosolised chemotherapy in the management of cancer of the colon, ovary and stomach: phase II randomised controlled trial of efficacy in peritoneal metastases. Presented at: International Society of Gynecologic Cancer 2024 Annual Global Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 October 2024, Vol. 34. BMJ Publishing Group pp. A350-A351., (10.1136/ijgc-2024-IGCS.611)
- Jones, S. E. F. et al. 2023. Launching the PICCOS trial: PIPAC in cancers of the colon, ovary and stomach. Presented at: European Society of Gynaecological Society Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 28 September - 01 October 2023. BMJ Publishing Group, (10.1136/ijgc-2023-ESGO.690)
- Noble, S. I. R. et al. 2014. Anticoagulation length in cancer associated thrombosis: a mixed-methods feasibility study. Presented at: International Conference on Thrombosis and Hemostasis Issues in Cancer, Bergamo, Italy, 9-11 May 2014.
- Kohn, C. et al. 2024. Remotely delivered video interaction guidance for families of children with an intellectual disability referred to specialist mental health services: protocol for a feasibility randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols 13, article number: e54619. (10.2196/54619)
- Totsika, V. et al. 2024. Mapping the pathway and support offered to children with an intellectual disability referred to specialist mental health services in the UK.. BJPsych Bulletin (10.1192/bjb.2024.63)
- Murphy, A. D. et al. 2024. Once daily cediranib and weekly paclitaxel to prevent malignant bowel obstruction in at-risk patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer (CEBOC): a single-arm, phase II safety trial. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 34, pp. 1034-1040. (10.1136/ijgc-2024-005455)
- Randell, E. et al. 2024. Watch Me Play!: protocol for a feasibility study of a remotely delivered intervention to promote mental health resilience for children (ages 0–8) across UK early years and children’s services. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 10(1), article number: 55. (10.1186/s40814-024-01491-7)
- Beresford, M. et al. 2023. Fulvestrant plus vandetanib versus placebo for the treatment of patients with metastatic breast cancer resistant to aromatase inhibitor therapy (FURVA): a multicentre, Phase 2, randomised controlled trial. BJC Reports 1(1), article number: 13. (10.1038/s44276-023-00016-8)
- Kitson, T. et al. 2023. HIDDEN2: Study protocol for the hospital deep vein thrombosis detection study in patients with cancer receiving palliative care. BMJ Open 13(9), article number: e073049. (10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073049)
- Fennell, D. A. et al. 2022. Olaparib maintenance versus placebo monotherapy in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (PIN): A multicentre, randomised, controlled, phase 2 trial. EClinicalMedicine 52, article number: 101595. (10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101595)
- Howell, S. J. et al. 2022. Fulvestrant plus capivasertib versus placebo after relapse or progression on an aromatase inhibitor in metastatic, oestrogen receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer (FAKTION): overall survival, updated progression-free survival, and expanded biomarker analysis from a randomised, phase 2 trial. The Lancet Oncology 23(7), pp. 851-864. (10.1016/s1470-2045(22)00284-4)
- Fennell, D. A. et al. 2022. Active symptom control with or without oral vinorelbine in patients with relapsed malignant pleural mesothelioma (VIM): A randomised, phase 2 trial. eClinicalMedicine 48, article number: 101432. (10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101432)
- Jones, R. et al. 2020. A randomised phase II trial of carboplatin and gemcitabine +/- vandetanib in first line treatment of advanced urothelial cell cancer patients not suitable to receive cisplatin. BJU International 126(2), pp. 292-299. (10.1111/bju.15096)
- Jones, R. H. et al. 2020. Fulvestrant plus capivasertib versus placebo after relapse or progression on an aromatase inhibitor in metastatic, oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancer (FAKTION): a multicentre, randomised, controlled, phase 2 trial. Lancet Oncology 21(3), pp. 345-347. (10.1016/S1470-2045(19)30817-4)
- Lester, J. F. et al. 2018. A single centre phase II trial to assess the immunological activity of TroVax® plus pemetrexed/cisplatin in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma - the SKOPOS trial. OncoImmunology 7(12), article number: e1457597. (10.1080/2162402X.2018.1457597)
- Gillespie, D. et al. 2017. The use of randomisation-based efficacy estimators in non-inferiority trials. Trials 18(1), article number: 117. (10.1186/s13063-017-1837-3)
- Harrop, E., Kelly, J., Griffiths, G., Casbard, A. C. and Nelson, A. 2016. Why do patients decline surgical trials? Findings from a qualitative interview study embedded in the Cancer Research UK BOLERO trial (Bladder cancer: Open versus Lapararoscopic or RObotic cystectomy). Trials 17, article number: 35. (10.1186/s13063-016-1173-z)
- Jones, R. J. et al. 2016. TOUCAN: A randomised phase II trial of carboplatin and gemcitabine plus /- vandetanib in first line treatment of advanced urothelial cell cancer in patients who are not suitable to receive cisplatin [Abstract]. American Journal of Clinical Oncology 34(S25), article number: 448.
- Gillespie, D. et al. 2015. The use of randomisation-based efficacy estimators in non-inferiority trials [Poster Presentation]. Trials 16(Suppl), pp. P129. (10.1186/1745-6215-16-S2-P129)
- Noble, S. I. et al. 2015. A feasibility study to inform the design of a randomised controlled trial to identify the most clinically effective and cost-effective length of Anticoagulation with Low-molecular-weight heparin In the treatment of Cancer-Associated Thrombosis (ALICAT). Health Technology Assessment 19(83), pp. 1-94. (10.3310/hta19830)
- Geldart, T. et al. 2015. SUCCINCT: an open-label, single-arm, non-randomised, phase 2 trial of gemcitabine and cisplatin chemotherapy in combination with sunitinib as first-line treatment for patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma. European Urology 67(4), pp. 599-602. (10.1016/j.eururo.2014.11.003)
- Noble, S. et al. 2014. ALICAT: Anticoagulation length in cancer associated thrombosis - a mixed-methods feasibility study. Thrombosis Research 133(Supp 2), pp. S220-S220. (10.1016/S0049-3848(14)50032-1)
- Barrett-Lee, P. et al. 2014. Oral ibandronic acid versus intravenous zoledronic acid in treatment of bone metastases from breast cancer: a randomised, open label, non-inferiority phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncology 15(1), pp. 114-122. (10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70539-4)
- Smith, J. D. et al. 2014. A feasibility study to inform the design of a randomized controlled trial to identify the most clinically and cost effective Anticoagulation Length with low molecular weight heparin In the treatment of Cancer Associated Thrombosis (ALICAT): study protocol for a mixed-methods study. Trials 15(1), article number: 122. (10.1186/1745-6215-15-122)
- Harrop, E. et al. 2013. ‘Once I knew there was a choice, I wanted to exercise that choice': using qualitative methods to understand why patients decline surgical trials.. Trials 14(S1), article number: P9 (2013). (10.1186/1745-6215-14-s1-p9)
- Powell, J. R. et al. 2013. Prognostic significance of hypoxia inducible factor-1α and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treated with rituximab.. Leukemia & Lymphoma 54(5), pp. 959-966. (10.3109/10428194.2012.733875)
- Nixon, L. S., Wills, L., Staffurth, J. N., Crosby, T. D. L., Casbard, A. C. and Griffiths, G. 2009. Implementation of a QA RT substudy for SCOPE 1; Preliminary results for test cases [Abstract]. Clinical Oncology 21(3), pp. 255-255. (10.1016/j.clon.2009.01.001,)
- Llewelyn, C. A. et al. 2009. The EASTR study: a new approach to determine the reasons for transfusion in epidemiological studies. Transfusion Medicine 19(2), pp. 89-98. (10.1111/j.1365-3148.2009.00911.x)
- Wells, A. W. et al. 2009. The EASTR Study: indications for transfusion and estimates of transfusion recipient numbers in hospitals supplied by the National Blood Service. Transfusion Medicine 19(6), pp. 315-328. (10.1111/j.1365-3148.2009.00933.x)
- Cooke, D. et al. 2009. Randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of continuous glucose monitoring on HbA1cin insulin-treated diabetes (MITRE Study). Diabetic Medicine 26(5), pp. 540-547. (10.1111/j.1464-5491.2009.02723.x)
- Morgan, M. A. et al. 2009. Stage-for-stage comparison of definitive chemoradiotherapy, surgery alone and neoadjuvant chemotherapy for oesophageal carcinoma. British Journal of Surgery 96(11), pp. 1300-1307. (10.1002/bjs.6705)
- Williamson, L. M. et al. 2007. The impact of universal leukodepletion of the blood supply on hemovigilance reports of posttransfusion purpura and transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease. Transfusion 47(8), pp. 1455-1467. (10.1111/j.1537-2995.2007.01281.x)
- Ghevaert, C. et al. 2007. HPA-1a antibody potency and bioactivity do not predict severity of fetomaternal alloimmune thrombocytopenia. Transfusion 47(7), pp. 1296-1305. (10.1111/j.1537-2995.2007.01273.x)
- Williamson, M., Stainsby, D., Jones, H., Love, E., Chapman, C., Casbard, A. and Cohen, H. 2006. Haemovigilance reports of post-transfusion purpura and transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease before and after implementation of universal leucocyte depletion in the UK. Vox Sanguinis 91(Supp 3), pp. 15-15. (10.1111/j.0042-9007.2006.vox_v91_is3_mondaysessions.x)
- Stanworth, S. J., Dyer, C., Casbard, A. C. and Murphy, M. F. 2006. Feasibility and usefulness of self-assessment of bleeding in patients with haematological malignancies, and the association between platelet count and bleeding. Vox Sanguinis 91(1), pp. 63-69. (10.1111/j.1423-0410.2006.00785.x)
- Davies, A., Staves, J., Kay, J., Casbard, A. C. and Murphy, M. F. 2006. End-to-end electronic control of the hospital transfusion process to increase the safety of blood transfusion: strengths and weaknesses. Transfusion 46(3), pp. 352-364. (10.1111/j.1537-2995.2006.00729.x)
- Grover, M. et al. 2006. Silent myocardial ischaemia and haemoglobin concentration: a randomized controlled trial of transfusion strategy in lower limb arthroplasty. Vox Sanguinis 90(2), pp. 105-112. (10.1111/j.1423-0410.2006.00730.x)
- Buck, J., Casbard, A. C., Llewelyn, C., Johnson, T., Davies, S. and Williamson, L. 2005. Preoperative transfusion in sickle cell disease: a survey of practice in England. European Journal of Haematology 75(1), pp. 14-21. (10.1111/j.1600-0609.2005.00412.x)
- Segal, H. C., Briggs, C., Kunka, S., Casbard, A. C., Harrison, P., Machin, S. J. and Murphy, M. F. 2005. Accuracy of platelet counting haematology analysers in severe thrombocytopenia and potential impact on platelet transfusion. British Journal of Haematology 128(4), pp. 520-525. (10.1111/j.1365-2141.2004.05352.x)
- Allain, J., Anokwa, M., Casbard, A. C., Owusu-Ofori, S. and Dennis-Antwi, J. 2004. Sociology and behaviour of West African blood donors: the impact of religion on human immunodeficiency virus infection. Vox Sanguinis 87(4), pp. 233-240. (10.1111/j.1423-0410.2004.00578.x)
- McPherson, K. et al. 2004. Severe complications of hysterectomy: the VALUE study. BJOG - an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 111(7), pp. 688-694. (10.1111/j.1471-0528.2004.00174.x)
- Boralessa, H., Cockburn, H., Casbard, A. C. and Contreras, M. 2004. Review of transfusion practice in orthopaedic surgery. Current Orthopaedics 18(2), pp. 126-134. (10.1016/j.cuor.2003.11.001)
- Strang, J. I. G., Nunn, A. J., Johnson, D. A., Casbard, A. C., Gibson, D. G. and Girling, D. J. 2004. Management of tuberculous constrictive pericarditis and tuberculous pericardial effusion in Transkei: results at 10 years follow-up. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 97(8), pp. 525-535. (10.1093/qjmed/hch086)
- Selden, C., Casbard, A., Themis, M. and Hodgson, H. J. 2003. Characterization of long-term survival of syngeneic hepatocytes in rat peritoneum. Cell Transplantation 12(6), pp. 569-578.
- Maresh, M. J. A. et al. 2002. The VALUE national hysterectomy study: description of the patients and their surgery. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 109(3), pp. 302-312. (10.1016/S1470-0328(02)01282-X)
- Randell, E. et al. 2024. Watch Me Play! A pilot feasibility study of a remotely- delivered intervention to promote mental health resilience for children (aged 0-8) across UK early years and children's services.. Project Report. Foundations.
Fy niddordebau yw dylunio a dadansoddi amrywiaeth o dreialon oncoleg. Mae gen i ddiddordeb rhannol mewn dyluniadau treial effeithlon a threialon llwyfan.
Yn ddiweddar, rwyf wedi bod yn rhan o dreialon lewcemia myeloid acíwt, gydag un treial a ariannwyd yn ddiweddar, o'r enw OPTIMISE, yn edrych ar y driniaeth orau ar gyfer cleifion sydd newydd gael diagnosis o'r mwtaniad FLT3. Mae OPTIMISE yn defnyddio dyluniad aml-gam aml-fraich, gan gymharu
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gweithio ar ddau dreial gynaecolegol gweithredol: mae treial COPELIA yn gwerthuso a all cediranib ac olaparib wella amser i gynnydd canser mewn canser endometriaidd; Mae treial CEBOC yn ymchwilio i ddiogelwch trin cleifion canser yr ofari sydd mewn perygl uchel o rwystro'r coluddyn gyda cediranib. Rwyf hefyd yn goruchwylio agweddau ystadegol treial CORINTH, sef treial cam cynnar sy'n asesu diogelwch pembrolizumab mewn canser rhefrol sy'n gysylltiedig â HPV, a'r astudiaeth ADVANCE sy'n gwerthuso'r defnydd o beiriant y gellir ei ddefnyddio mewn clinig i wirio cyfrif gwaed cleifion cemotherapi a chwilio am arwyddion o sepsis niwtropenig.
Mae fy niddordebau hefyd yn cynnwys canser y fron, treial ZICE oedd treial cam 3 mawr a werthusodd a oedd tabledi ibandronate llafar yn israddol i zoledronate IV wrth drin metastases esgyrn mewn cleifion canser y fron. Nid oeddem yn gallu dod i'r casgliad nad oedd yn israddol, a IV zoledronate oedd y driniaeth a ffefrir, ond gellid ystyried ibandronate llafar o hyd ar gyfer cleifion oedd am osgoi trwythiadau IV. Mae'r treial FAKTION yn dreial cam 2 yn ER positif cleifion canser y fron yn gwerthuso a allai capivasertib triniaeth newydd wella amser i gynnydd clefyd pan gaiff ei ychwanegu at therapi hormon fulvestrant, dangosodd y prif ganlyniadau a gyhoeddwyd yn 2020 fod yr amser i symud clefydau yn hirach yn y cleifion hynny sy'n derbyn capivasertib. Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn edrych ar ddata dilynol tymor hwy cleifion FAKTION i weld a yw'r capivasertib hefyd yn gwella goroesiad cyffredinol, ac a yw cleifion sydd â threigladau genynnau penodol yn y tiwmor, sy'n gysylltiedig â llwybr signalau AKT, yn fwy tebygol o elwa o driniaeth. Cynhaliwyd treial tebyg FURVA, sy'n edrych ar a all ychwanegu vandetanib i therapi hormonau fulvestrant wella amser i ddilyniant clefydau hefyd mewn cleifion â chanser positif y fron ER ac rydym yn bwriadu cyhoeddi'r canlyniadau eleni. Cynhaliwyd treialon FAKTION a FURVA mewn cydweithrediad ag AstraZeneca, ac fe'u hariannwyd a'u cymeradwyo gan CRUK.
Trosolwg gyrfa: Canolfan Ymchwil Treialon Prifysgol Caerdydd Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr - Adran Ganser Tachwedd 2020 – Cyfredol Canolfan Ymchwil Treialon Prifysgol Caerdydd Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil (Ystadegau) Chwefror 2007 – Cyfredol
Uned Treialon Clinigol MRC, Llundain Ystadegydd Ionawr 2002 – Ionawr 2007
Ysgol Hylendid a Meddygaeth Drofannol Llundain Ystadegydd Hydref 2000 – Rhagfyr 2001 Coleg Imperial, Ysbyty Hammersmith Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil Rhagfyr 1997 – Medi 1999
Cyfreithiau: MSc Ystadegau Meddygol Ysgol Hylendid a Meddygaeth Drofannol Llundain, 1999-2000 BSc Biocemeg (Meddygol) Royal Holloway, Prifysgol Llundain 1994-1997 |
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Aelod annibynnol cyfredol (ystadegydd) ar Bwyllgor Llywio Treialon Ymbarél Glasgow CTU Glasgow 2
Aelod annibynnol presennol o Bwyllgor Llywio C-ProMeta 1 Treial
Aelod presennol o Bwyllgor Adolygu Treialon Clinigol Blood Cancer UK
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwyf wedi goruchwylio prosiectau BSc ac MSc rhyng-gyfrifedig, lle dadansoddodd myfyrwyr ansawdd bywyd a data genetig o'n treialon a'i gysylltu â chronfeydd data clinigol y treial.
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Themâu ymchwil
- Treialon clinigol
- Oncoleg a charsinogenesis
- Ystadegau