Dr Aikaterini Chatzivasileiadi
M.Arch, MSc, PhD
Uwch Ddarlithydd
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Uwch-ddarlithydd yn Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru ac yn Ddirprwy Gadeirydd BSc Blwyddyn 2 gydag arbenigedd mewn technolegau storio ynni trydanol mewn adeiladau. Dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf, mae fy ymchwil wedi canolbwyntio ar ddefnyddio dulliau cyfrifiadurol mewn dylunio pensaernïol, efelychu perfformiad adeiladu a saernïo digidol gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau cynaliadwy. Rwy'n arweinydd modiwl / cyd-arweinydd Technoleg Bensaernïol 2, Egwyddorion a Dulliau Dylunio 2, Stiwdio Fertigol a goruchwyliwr traethawd hir ar y Meistr Gwyddoniaeth Pensaernïaeth a mis Mawrth.
Gweithgareddau allanol
Wrth eistedd ym mhwyllgor technegol IET, rwyf wedi bod yn cydweithio â'r Sefydliad Peirianneg a Thechnoleg (IET), gan gyfrannu at ddatblygu Cod Ymarfer ar integreiddio technolegau storio batris mewn adeiladau, a gyhoeddwyd yn 2017. Yn ogystal, roeddwn yn olygydd y 6ed rhifyn o e-gylchgrawn ArchiDOCT, Wedi'i neilltuo ar gyfer Eco-Architecture.
- Tadrak, W., Patterson, J. and Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2023. Exploring the potential of scaling up Smart Local Energy Systems to transform clusters of housing: Insights from a case study in Wales, UK. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2600(2), article number: 22011. (10.1088/1742-6596/2600/2/022011)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2022. Electrical energy storage sizing and space requirements for sub-daily autonomy in residential buildings. Energies 15(3), article number: 1145. (10.3390/en15031145)
- Ntzani, D., Magill, S. and Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2021. Creative together: Fostering and displaying creativity in digital education. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University Centre for Education Support and Innovation. Available at: https://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/CESI/creative-together-fostering-and-displaying-creativity-in-digital-education/
- Jabi, W. and Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2021. Topologic: exploring spatial reasoning through geometry, topology, and semantics. Presented at: 5th International Symposium Formal Methods in Architecture (5FMA), Lisbon, Portugal, 13-16 October 2020 Presented at Eloy, S. et al. eds.Formal Methods in Architecture Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (5FMA), Lisbon 2020. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation Springer, Cham pp. 277-285., (10.1007/978-3-030-57509-0_25)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. P. 2019. The impact of battery storage technologies in residential buildings with sub-daily autonomy and EV contribution. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1343, article number: 12088. (10.1088/1742-6596/1343/1/012088)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Wardhana, N. M., Jabi, W., Aish, R. and Lannon, S. 2019. Characteristics of 3D solid modeling software libraries for non-manifold modeling. Computer-Aided Design and Applications 16(3), pp. 496-518. (10.14733/cadaps.2019.496-518)
- Wardhana, N. M., Chatzivasileiadi, A., Jabi, W., Aish, R. and Lannon, S. 2019. Bespoke geometric glazing design for building energy performance analysis. FME Transactions 47, pp. 370-378.
- Wardhana, N., Jabi, W., Chatzivasileiadi, A. and Petrova, N. 2019. A spatial reasoning framework based on non-manifold topology. Presented at: eCAADe (Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe) + SIGraDi (Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital) 2019 Conference, Porto, Portugal, 13-15 September 2019. pp. -.
- Jabi, W., Veliz-Reyes, A., Gomaa, M., Chatzivasileiadi, A. and Wardhana, N. 2019. Computing craft: development of a robotically-supported 3D printing system for cob structures ? Concluding remarks. Presented at: Connected Everything Conference 2019: Designing a Connected Futur, Nottingham, UK, 25-26 June 2019. pp. -.
- Veliz Reyes, A., Jabi, W., Gomaa, M., Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ahmad, L. and Wardhana, N. 2019. Negotiated matter: a robotic exploration of craft-driven innovation. Architectural Science Review 62(5), pp. 398-408. (10.1080/00038628.2019.1651688)
- Jabi, W., Chatzivasileiadi, A., Wardhana, N., Lannon, S. and Aish, R. 2019. The synergy of non-manifold topology and reinforcement learning for fire egress. Presented at: eCAADe (Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe) + SIGraDi (Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital) 2019 Conference, Porto, Portugal, 13-15 September 2019.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Hosney Lila, A. M., Lannon, S. and Jabi, W. 2018. The effect of reducing geometry complexity on energy simulation results. Presented at: eCAADe 2018: 36th Annual Conference, Lodz, Poland, 17-21 September 2018.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Wardhana, N., Jabi, W., Aish, R. and Lannon, S. 2018. A review of 3D solid modeling software libraries for non-manifold modeling. Presented at: CAD'18 Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France, 9-11 July 2018Proceedings of CAD’18, Paris, France, July 9-11, 2018.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Lannon, S., Jabi, W., Wardhana, N. and Aish, R. 2018. Addressing pathways to energy modelling through non-manifold topology. Presented at: SimAUD 2018, Delft, The Netherlands, 4-7 June 2018.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2018. The choice and architectural requirements of battery storage technologies in residential buildings. Presented at: Second International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment: Research in Practice (SDBE 2018), London, UK, 12-13 September 2018.
- Aish, R., Jabi, W., Lannon, S., Wardhana, N. and Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2018. Topologic: tools to explore architectural topology. Presented at: Advances in Architectural Geometry 2018, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 22-25 September 2018.
- Jabi, W., Chatzivasileiadi, A., Gomaa, M., Veliz-Reyes, A. and Wardhana, N. 2018. Computing craft: development of a robotically-supported 3D printing system for cob structures. Presented at: Connected Everything Conference 2018: Manufacturing a Brave World, Newcastle, UK, 26-27 June 2018.
- Veliz-Reyes, A., Gomaa, M., Chatzivasileiadi, A., Jabi, W. and Wardhana, N. 2018. Computing craft: development of a robotically-supported 3D printing system for cob structures. Presented at: 36th annual Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) 2018, Lodz, Poland, 17-21 September 2018.
- Jabi, W., Aish, R., Lannon, S., Chatzivasileiadi, A. and Wardhana, N. 2018. Topologic: enhancing the representation of space in 3D modelling environments through non-manifold topology. Presented at: 36th annual Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) 2018, Lodz, Poland, 17-21 September 2018.
- Wardhana, N., Chatzivasileiadi, A., Jabi, W., Aish, R. and Lannon, S. 2018. Bespoke geometric glazing design for building energy performance analysis. Presented at: Mongeometrija 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia, 7-9 June 2018 Presented at Stojakovic, V. and Tepavcecic, B. eds.Conference Proceedings, The 6th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics Mongeometrija 2018. Novi Sad, Serbia: Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics (SUGIG) and Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad pp. 503-513.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2017. The implications of demand response measures and electrification of transport on UK household energy demand and consumption. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Chania, Greece, 5-7 July 2017, Vol. 134. pp. 89-98., (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.530)
- Cotterell, M. et al. 2017. Code of practice for electrical energy storage systems. Stevenage, UK: The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. and Voyatzaki, M. 2016. Editorial. archi-DOCT 3(1), pp. 6-7.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2016. Design considerations for the integration of battery storage systems in UK communities. Presented at: Smart Energy Regions International Conference, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 February 2016.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2016. The choice and architectural implications of battery storage technologies in residential buildings. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Graham, K., IET Standards Technical Committee 3.3 Electrical Energy Storage, . and Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2016. Electrical energy storage: an introduction. Technical Report.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2015. How can batteries 'fuel' the built environment?. ArchiDOCT 3(1), pp. 31-45.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2013. Electricity storage technologies in the built environment. Presented at: Building Research Environment (BRE) Young Researchers Seminar, Watford, UK, 5 November 2013.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. P. 2013. Characteristics of electrical energy storage technologies and their applications in buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 25, pp. 814-830. (10.1016/j.rser.2013.05.023)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2012. Electrical energy storage technologies and the built environment. Presented at: 7th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference, Berlin, Germany, 12-14 November 2012.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2012. Towards a zero carbon energy system strategy for remote communities. Presented at: Building Research Establishment (BRE) PhD Open Days Conference, Watford, UK, 9-10 July 2012.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2012. What role for renewable energy systems in domestic energy use? Meeting the demands of the Mediterranean islands. Presented at: Postgraduate Symposium on Household Energy Consumption, Technology and Efficiency, Birmingham, UK, 6-7 June 2012.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2012. Optimization of a sustainable electricity supply system for the Mediterranean islands. Presented at: Welsh School of Architecture PGR Student Conference, Cardiff, UK, 30 May 2012.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2011. Distributed or centralised renewable energy systems? Meeting the demands of the Mediterranean islands. Presented at: NCEUB People and Buildings 2011 Conference, London, UK, 23 September 2011.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2010. Low-carbon design of school buildings integrating renewable energy technologies in combination with environmental education. Presented at: Technical Chamber of Greece Conference on Energy: Current picture, Planning, Prospects, Athens, Greece, 8-10 March 2010.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2009. Nursery school in Panorama, Thessaloniki, with bioclimatic techniques and integration of renewable energy technologies in combination with environmental education. Energy Point 26, pp. 78-81.
- Tadrak, W., Patterson, J. and Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2023. Exploring the potential of scaling up Smart Local Energy Systems to transform clusters of housing: Insights from a case study in Wales, UK. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2600(2), article number: 22011. (10.1088/1742-6596/2600/2/022011)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2022. Electrical energy storage sizing and space requirements for sub-daily autonomy in residential buildings. Energies 15(3), article number: 1145. (10.3390/en15031145)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. P. 2019. The impact of battery storage technologies in residential buildings with sub-daily autonomy and EV contribution. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1343, article number: 12088. (10.1088/1742-6596/1343/1/012088)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Wardhana, N. M., Jabi, W., Aish, R. and Lannon, S. 2019. Characteristics of 3D solid modeling software libraries for non-manifold modeling. Computer-Aided Design and Applications 16(3), pp. 496-518. (10.14733/cadaps.2019.496-518)
- Wardhana, N. M., Chatzivasileiadi, A., Jabi, W., Aish, R. and Lannon, S. 2019. Bespoke geometric glazing design for building energy performance analysis. FME Transactions 47, pp. 370-378.
- Veliz Reyes, A., Jabi, W., Gomaa, M., Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ahmad, L. and Wardhana, N. 2019. Negotiated matter: a robotic exploration of craft-driven innovation. Architectural Science Review 62(5), pp. 398-408. (10.1080/00038628.2019.1651688)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. and Voyatzaki, M. 2016. Editorial. archi-DOCT 3(1), pp. 6-7.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2015. How can batteries 'fuel' the built environment?. ArchiDOCT 3(1), pp. 31-45.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. P. 2013. Characteristics of electrical energy storage technologies and their applications in buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 25, pp. 814-830. (10.1016/j.rser.2013.05.023)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2009. Nursery school in Panorama, Thessaloniki, with bioclimatic techniques and integration of renewable energy technologies in combination with environmental education. Energy Point 26, pp. 78-81.
- Cotterell, M. et al. 2017. Code of practice for electrical energy storage systems. Stevenage, UK: The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Jabi, W. and Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2021. Topologic: exploring spatial reasoning through geometry, topology, and semantics. Presented at: 5th International Symposium Formal Methods in Architecture (5FMA), Lisbon, Portugal, 13-16 October 2020 Presented at Eloy, S. et al. eds.Formal Methods in Architecture Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (5FMA), Lisbon 2020. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation Springer, Cham pp. 277-285., (10.1007/978-3-030-57509-0_25)
- Wardhana, N., Jabi, W., Chatzivasileiadi, A. and Petrova, N. 2019. A spatial reasoning framework based on non-manifold topology. Presented at: eCAADe (Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe) + SIGraDi (Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital) 2019 Conference, Porto, Portugal, 13-15 September 2019. pp. -.
- Jabi, W., Veliz-Reyes, A., Gomaa, M., Chatzivasileiadi, A. and Wardhana, N. 2019. Computing craft: development of a robotically-supported 3D printing system for cob structures ? Concluding remarks. Presented at: Connected Everything Conference 2019: Designing a Connected Futur, Nottingham, UK, 25-26 June 2019. pp. -.
- Jabi, W., Chatzivasileiadi, A., Wardhana, N., Lannon, S. and Aish, R. 2019. The synergy of non-manifold topology and reinforcement learning for fire egress. Presented at: eCAADe (Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe) + SIGraDi (Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital) 2019 Conference, Porto, Portugal, 13-15 September 2019.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Hosney Lila, A. M., Lannon, S. and Jabi, W. 2018. The effect of reducing geometry complexity on energy simulation results. Presented at: eCAADe 2018: 36th Annual Conference, Lodz, Poland, 17-21 September 2018.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Wardhana, N., Jabi, W., Aish, R. and Lannon, S. 2018. A review of 3D solid modeling software libraries for non-manifold modeling. Presented at: CAD'18 Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France, 9-11 July 2018Proceedings of CAD’18, Paris, France, July 9-11, 2018.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Lannon, S., Jabi, W., Wardhana, N. and Aish, R. 2018. Addressing pathways to energy modelling through non-manifold topology. Presented at: SimAUD 2018, Delft, The Netherlands, 4-7 June 2018.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2018. The choice and architectural requirements of battery storage technologies in residential buildings. Presented at: Second International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment: Research in Practice (SDBE 2018), London, UK, 12-13 September 2018.
- Aish, R., Jabi, W., Lannon, S., Wardhana, N. and Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2018. Topologic: tools to explore architectural topology. Presented at: Advances in Architectural Geometry 2018, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 22-25 September 2018.
- Jabi, W., Chatzivasileiadi, A., Gomaa, M., Veliz-Reyes, A. and Wardhana, N. 2018. Computing craft: development of a robotically-supported 3D printing system for cob structures. Presented at: Connected Everything Conference 2018: Manufacturing a Brave World, Newcastle, UK, 26-27 June 2018.
- Veliz-Reyes, A., Gomaa, M., Chatzivasileiadi, A., Jabi, W. and Wardhana, N. 2018. Computing craft: development of a robotically-supported 3D printing system for cob structures. Presented at: 36th annual Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) 2018, Lodz, Poland, 17-21 September 2018.
- Jabi, W., Aish, R., Lannon, S., Chatzivasileiadi, A. and Wardhana, N. 2018. Topologic: enhancing the representation of space in 3D modelling environments through non-manifold topology. Presented at: 36th annual Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) 2018, Lodz, Poland, 17-21 September 2018.
- Wardhana, N., Chatzivasileiadi, A., Jabi, W., Aish, R. and Lannon, S. 2018. Bespoke geometric glazing design for building energy performance analysis. Presented at: Mongeometrija 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia, 7-9 June 2018 Presented at Stojakovic, V. and Tepavcecic, B. eds.Conference Proceedings, The 6th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics Mongeometrija 2018. Novi Sad, Serbia: Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics (SUGIG) and Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad pp. 503-513.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2017. The implications of demand response measures and electrification of transport on UK household energy demand and consumption. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Chania, Greece, 5-7 July 2017, Vol. 134. pp. 89-98., (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.530)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2016. Design considerations for the integration of battery storage systems in UK communities. Presented at: Smart Energy Regions International Conference, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 February 2016.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2013. Electricity storage technologies in the built environment. Presented at: Building Research Environment (BRE) Young Researchers Seminar, Watford, UK, 5 November 2013.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2012. Electrical energy storage technologies and the built environment. Presented at: 7th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference, Berlin, Germany, 12-14 November 2012.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2012. Towards a zero carbon energy system strategy for remote communities. Presented at: Building Research Establishment (BRE) PhD Open Days Conference, Watford, UK, 9-10 July 2012.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2012. What role for renewable energy systems in domestic energy use? Meeting the demands of the Mediterranean islands. Presented at: Postgraduate Symposium on Household Energy Consumption, Technology and Efficiency, Birmingham, UK, 6-7 June 2012.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2012. Optimization of a sustainable electricity supply system for the Mediterranean islands. Presented at: Welsh School of Architecture PGR Student Conference, Cardiff, UK, 30 May 2012.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2011. Distributed or centralised renewable energy systems? Meeting the demands of the Mediterranean islands. Presented at: NCEUB People and Buildings 2011 Conference, London, UK, 23 September 2011.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2010. Low-carbon design of school buildings integrating renewable energy technologies in combination with environmental education. Presented at: Technical Chamber of Greece Conference on Energy: Current picture, Planning, Prospects, Athens, Greece, 8-10 March 2010.
- Graham, K., IET Standards Technical Committee 3.3 Electrical Energy Storage, . and Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2016. Electrical energy storage: an introduction. Technical Report.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2016. The choice and architectural implications of battery storage technologies in residential buildings. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Ntzani, D., Magill, S. and Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2021. Creative together: Fostering and displaying creativity in digital education. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University Centre for Education Support and Innovation. Available at: https://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/CESI/creative-together-fostering-and-displaying-creativity-in-digital-education/
Diddordebau ymchwil
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn rhychwantu'r meysydd canlynol:
- Defnyddio ynni mewn adeiladau
- Ynni adnewyddadwy
- Storio ynni yn yr amgylchedd adeiledig
- Efelychiad perfformiad adeiladu
- Defnyddio dulliau digidol wrth ddylunio adeiladau, BIM
Yn hapus i oruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD yn y meysydd uchod.
Prosiectau cyfredol a diweddar
- Gwella cynrychiolaeth gofod pensaernïol mewn amgylcheddau modelu 3D (Cydymaith Ymchwil, PI: Dr Wassim Jabi, Cyd-I: Dr Robert Aish, Cyd-I: Dr Simon Lannon). Cyllid: Ymddiriedolaeth Leverhulme (~ £ 300,000). Prifysgol Caerdydd a Choleg Prifysgol Llundain.
- Crefft gyfrifiadurol: gweithgynhyrchu strwythurau cob gan ddefnyddio argraffu 3D a reolir yn robotig (a enwir yn Gydymaith Ymchwil, PI: Dr Wassim Jabi, Cyd-I: Dr Alejandro Veliz-Reyes). Cyllid: Popeth Cysylltiedig (Systemau Diwydiannol yn yr Oes Ddigidol) - Cyllid y Cyngor Ymchwil Peirianneg a'r Gwyddorau Ffisegol drwy Brifysgol Nottingham (~ £73,000). Prifysgol Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Plymouth.
- Gweithredu Smart Rhanbarthau Ynni Carbon Isel (SOLCER) (Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil, PI: Yr Athro Phil Jones, Cyd-I: Dr Jo Patterson)
- Canolfan Adnoddau Hyfforddiant a Chymhwyso Grid Smart (Canolfan GridSTAR) ( Ymchwilydd Ymweld, PI: Yr Athro David Riley). Prifysgol Pennwladwriaeth.
- Dewis a goblygiadau pensaernïol technolegau storio batri mewn adeiladau preswyl (PhD Thesis, Prifysgol Caerdydd).
- Ymchwilio i synergedd topoleg nad yw'n amrywiol a dysgu peirianyddol mewn datblygu dylunio yn BIM (Prif oruchwyliwr, cyllid a dderbyniwyd drwy'r cynllun CUROP ).
- Gwella cynrychiolaeth endidau pensaernïol trwy topoleg nad yw'n manifold (Prif oruchwyliwr, cyllid a dderbyniwyd drwy'r cynllun CUROP ).
- Brics cob modiwlaidd ar gyfer ffugio robotig ar raddfa fach: dylunio, gweithgynhyrchu a phrofi (Prif oruchwyliwr, cyllid a dderbyniwyd drwy'r cynllun CUROP ).
- Potensial cymwysiadau topoleg nad ydynt yn amrywiol mewn dylunio pensaernïol: ceisiadau mewn rhesymu gofodol a dadansoddiad strwythurol (Prif oruchwyliwr, cyllid a dderbyniwyd drwy'r cynllun CUROP ).
Gwybodaeth ychwanegol
Rwyf wedi cyfrannu at ddatblygu cynigion cyllid ymchwil i EPSRC, y British Council ac Innovate UK. Rwyf wedi llwyddo i sicrhau cyllid ar gyfer y prosiect o'r enw "Computing craft: Manufacturing cob structures using robotically controlled 3D printing", lle roeddwn i'n ymchwilydd a enwir. Rwyf hefyd wedi derbyn cyllid gan y British Council drwy Gronfa Newton i gymryd rhan mewn gweithdai ymchwil sy'n gysylltiedig ag ynni adnewyddadwy a diogelwch ynni yn Nhwrci a Kazakhstan. Rwyf hefyd wedi llwyddo i dderbyn cyllid i gefnogi myfyrwyr israddedig i fynd ar drywydd lleoliadau ymchwil drwy gynllun Cyfleoedd Ymchwil Israddedigion Caerdydd.
Ar hyn o bryd yn arwain/cyd-arwain y modiwlau canlynol:
- BSc Technoleg Bensaernïol 2 (BSc Blwyddyn 2)
- BSc Egwyddorion a Dulliau Dylunio 2 (BSc Blwyddyn 2)
- BSc Stiwdio Fertigol (BSc Blynyddoedd 1 a 2)
Fi yw'r Dirprwy Gadeirydd ar gyfer BSc Blwyddyn 2. Rwyf hefyd yn darparu darlithoedd technegol ar lefel israddedig ac ôl-raddedig. Mae fy rhestr lawn o weithgareddau addysgu ar hyn o bryd fel a ganlyn:
- Tiwtor ar gyfer MSc Dylunio Amgylcheddol Adeiladau: Ôl-troed Carbon Isel a modiwlau Dylunio Goddefol
- Tiwtor ar gyfer y MSc Dulliau Cyfrifiadurol mewn Pensaernïaeth: Cyflwyniad i Fodelu 3D a Dylunio Parametrig, a Dylunio ar gyfer modiwlau Perfformiad Adeiladu
- Goruchwyliwr traethawd hir ar y Meistr Gwyddoniaeth Pensaernïaeth a MArch 5ed flwyddyn
- Tiwtor ar gyfer modiwl Paratoi Ymchwil MArch 4 blynedd
Mae cyfrifoldebau addysgu blaenorol yn cynnwys gwasanaethu fel tiwtor yn y cwrs MSc Adeiladau Mega-Cynaliadwy yn 2015-16, arwain unedau Stiwdio Fertigol, a chyd-drefnu/addysgu yn Rhaglen Haf Pensaernïaeth Carbon Isel (LCASP) yn 2016. Rwyf hefyd wedi gwasanaethu fel darlithydd gwadd ar gyfer Dylunio Rhyngddisgyblaethol MSt ar gyfer yr Amgylchedd Adeiledig (IDBE) ym Mhrifysgol Caergrawnt.
Rwy'n Uwch-ddarlithydd yn Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru (WSA), Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU. Mae gennyf PhD mewn Pensaernïaeth ac MSc mewn Dylunio Amgylcheddol Adeiladau, o WSA, Prifysgol Caerdydd, yn ogystal ag MArch o Brifysgol Aristotle Thessaloniki, Gwlad Groeg. Rwyf wedi ymarfer pensaernïaeth yn A. Tombazis a Associates Architects yng Ngwlad Groeg ac wedi gweithio ar brosiectau cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol.
Cyn dod yn Ddarlithydd, roeddwn yn Gydymaith Ymchwil yn y WSA. Roedd fy ymchwil yno yn canolbwyntio ar ddau brosiect; Roedd yr un cyntaf yn brosiect rhyngddisgyblaethol mewn cydweithrediad ag UCL ar wella cynrychiolaeth gofod pensaernïol mewn amgylcheddau modelu 3D. Fe'i hariannwyd gan Ymddiriedolaeth Leverhulme ac un o ganlyniadau'r ymchwil hon yw pecyn datblygu meddalwedd a ategyn sy'n galluogi cynrychiolaeth rhesymegol, hierarchaidd a thopolegol o ofodau ac endidau, o'r enw 'Topologic'. Edrychwch ar wefan y prosiect yma: www.topologic.app. Roedd yr ail brosiect, mewn cydweithrediad â Phrifysgol Plymouth, ar argraffu 3D o ddeunyddiau pridd cynaliadwy, sef cob, ac fe'i ariannwyd gan yr EPSRC.
Roedd fy ymchwil PhD ar integreiddio technolegau storio batri mewn adeiladau preswyl. Yn unol â'm hymchwil ac eistedd yn y pwyllgor technegol IET, rwyf wedi bod yn cydweithio â'r Sefydliad Peirianneg a Thechnoleg (IET), gan gyfrannu at ddatblygu Cod Ymarfer ar integreiddio technolegau storio batri mewn adeiladau, a gyhoeddwyd yn 2017. Yn ystod fy PhD, gweithiais hefyd ym mhrosiect Solcer ar ddadansoddi data monitro o anheddau ôl-osod gyda PV a thechnolegau storio batri integredig. Gweithiais hefyd fel ymchwilydd gwadd ym Mhrifysgol PennState, UDA, lle ymchwiliais i achos defnydd ymateb galw ar gyfer batri Li-ion yng nghartref ymchwil ynni net sero'r Ganolfan GridSTAR.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Y wobr gyntaf yng nghystadleuaeth Her Arloesedd, o fewn Prifysgol Caerdydd ac yn rhanbarthol, Menter Prifysgol Caerdydd (2013)
- Rownd derfynol ranbarthol Cymru a De-orllewin Lloegr, FameLab (2013)
- Y wobr gyntaf am y dyluniad olwyn ddŵr gorau, Cynhadledd Dyddiau Agored BRE PhD (2012)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Cymrawd Cyswllt yr Academi Addysg Uwch
- Aelod o Sefydliad Siartredig y Peirianwyr Gwasanaethau Adeiladu
- Aelod o'r Sefydliad Peirianneg a Thechnoleg
- Aelod o Gymdeithas Technoleg Ynni Cynaliadwy y Byd
- Pensaer cofrestredig yn Siambr Dechnegol Gwlad Groeg
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2019 - presennol: Darlithydd, WSA, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2016-2019: Cydymaith Ymchwil, WSA, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2015 - 2016: Tiwtor, MSc Cynaliadwy Mega-adeiladau, WSA, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2014 - 2015: Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil, WSA, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2014: Ymchwilydd ymweliad, Prifysgol PennState, UDA
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Sefydliad Peirianneg a Thechnoleg (IET) Aelod Pwyllgor Technegol
- Adolygydd cymheiriaid mewn Ynni ac Adeiladau
- Adolygydd cymheiriaid mewn Adolygiadau Ynni Adnewyddadwy a Chynaliadwy
- adolygydd cymheiriaid yn Adolygiad Gwyddoniaeth Pensaernïol
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD yn y meysydd canlynol:
- Defnyddio ynni mewn adeiladau
- Ynni adnewyddadwy
- Storio ynni
- Efelychiad perfformiad adeiladu
- Defnyddio dulliau digidol yn y broses ddylunio adeiladu, BIM
Contact Details
+44 29208 70633
Adeilad Bute, Ystafell T.15, Rhodfa'r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3NB