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Aikaterini Chatzivasileiadi  M.Arch, MSc, PhD

Dr Aikaterini Chatzivasileiadi

M.Arch, MSc, PhD

Senior Lecturer

Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a Senior Lecturer at the Welsh School of Architecture and Deputy Chair of BSc Year 2 with an expertise in electrical energy storage technologies in buildings. Over the past few years, my research has focused on the use of computational methods in architectural design, building performance simulation and digital fabrication using sustainable materials. I am Module leader/co-leader for Architectural Technology 2, Design Principles and Methods 2, Vertical Studio and dissertation supervisor on the Architecture Science Masters and March .

External activities

Sitting in the IET technical committee, I have been collaborating with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), contributing to the development of a Code of Practice on the integration of battery storage technologies in buildings, which was published in 2017. In addition, I was the editor of the 6th issue of the ArchiDOCT e-journal, devoted to Eco-Architecture.






















Research interests

My research interests span over the following areas:

  • Energy use in buildings
  • Renewable energy
  • Energy storage in the built environment
  • Building performance simulation
  • Use of digital methods in building design, BIM

Happy to supervise PhD students in the above areas.

Current and recent projects

  • Enhancing the representation of architectural space in 3D modelling environments (Research Associate, PI: Dr Wassim Jabi, Co-I: Dr Robert Aish, Co-I: Dr Simon Lannon). Funding: The Leverhulme Trust (~£300,000). Cardiff University and University College London.
  • Computing craft: manufacturing of cob structures using robotically controlled 3D printing (named Research Associate, PI: Dr Wassim Jabi, Co-I: Dr Alejandro Veliz-Reyes). Funding: Connected Everything (Industrial Systems in the Digital Age) - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council funding via University of Nottingham (~£73,000). Cardiff University and the University of Plymouth.
  • Smart Operation of Low Carbon Energy Regions (SOLCER) (Research Assistant, PI: Prof. Phil Jones, Co-I: Dr Jo Patterson)
  • Smart Grid Training and Application Resource Center (GridSTAR Center) (Visiting Researcher, PI: Prof. David Riley). PennState University.
  • The choice and architectural implications of battery storage technologies in residential buildings (PhD Thesis, Cardiff University).
  • Investigating the synergy of non-manifold topology and machine learning in BIM-based design development (Principal supervisor, funding received through the CUROP scheme).
  • Enhancing the representation of architectural entities through non-manifold topology (Principal supervisor, funding received through the CUROP scheme).
  • Modular cob bricks for small-scale robotic fabrication: design, manufacturing and testing (Principal supervisor, funding received through the CUROP scheme).
  • The potential of non-manifold topology applications in architectural design: applications in spatial reasoning and structural analysis (Principal supervisor, funding received through the CUROP scheme).

Additional information

I have contributed to the development of research funding proposals to EPSRC, British Council and Innovate UK. I have been successful in securing funding for the project titled “Computing craft: Manufacturing cob structures using robotically controlled 3D printing”, where I was a named researcher. I have also received funding from the British Council through the Newton Fund to participate in renewable energy and energy security related research workshops in Turkey and Kazakhstan. I have also been successful in receiving funding to support undergraduate students in pursuing research placements through the Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities scheme.


Currently leading/co-leading the following modules:

  • BSc Architectural Technology 2 (BSc Year 2)
  • BSc Design Principles and Methods 2 (BSc Year 2)
  • BSc Vertical Studio (BSc Years 1 and 2)

I am the Deputy Chair for BSc Year 2. I am also providing technical lectures at undergraduate and postgraduate level. My full list of teaching activities at present is as follows:

  • Tutor for the MSc Environmental Design of Buildings: Low Carbon Footprint and Passive Design modules
  • Tutor for the MSc Computational Methods in Architecture: Introduction to 3D Modelling and Parametric Design, and Design for Building Performance modules
  • Dissertation supervisor on the Architecture Science Masters and 5th year MArch
  • Tutor for the 4th year MArch Research Preparation module

Past teaching responsibilities include serving as a tutor in the MSc Sustainable Mega-Buildings course in 2015-16, leading Vertical Studio units, and co-organising/teaching at the Low Carbon Architecture Summer Programme (LCASP) in 2016. I have also served as a visiting lecturer for the MSt Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment (IDBE) at the University of Cambridge.


I am a Senior Lecturer at the Welsh School of Architecture (WSA), Cardiff University, UK. I hold a PhD in Architecture and an MSc in Environmental Design of Buildings, both from the WSA, Cardiff University, as well as an MArch from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. I have practiced architecture at A. Tombazis and Associates Architects in Greece and have worked on national and international projects.

Prior to becoming a Lecturer, I was a Research Associate at the WSA. My research there focussed on two projects; the first one was an inter-disciplinary project in collaboration with UCL on enhancing the representation of architectural space in 3D modelling environments. It was funded by the Leverhulme Trust and one of the outcomes of this research is a software development kit and plug-in that enables logical, hierarchical and topological representation of spaces and entities, called 'Topologic'. Check out the project's website here: The second project, in collaboration with the University of Plymouth, was on the 3D printing of sustainable earthen materials, namely cob, and was funded by the EPSRC.

My PhD research was on the integration of battery storage technologies in residential buildings. In line with my research and sitting in the IET technical committee, I have been collaborating with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), contributing to the development of a Code of Practice on the integration of battery storage technologies in buildings, which was published in 2017. During my PhD, I also worked in the Solcer project on the analysis of monitoring data from retrofitted dwellings with PV and integrated battery storage technologies. I also served as a visiting researcher at PennState University, US, where I investigated a demand response use case for the Li-ion battery in the zero net-energy research home of the GridSTAR Center.

Honours and awards

  • First prize in the Innovation Challenge competition, within Cardiff University and regionally, Cardiff University Enterprise (2013)
  • Regional finalist of Wales and South West of England, FameLab (2013)
  • First prize for the best waterwheel design, BRE PhD Open Days Conference (2012)

Professional memberships

  • Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers member
  • Institution of Engineering and Technology member
  • World Society of Sustainable Energy Technology member
  • Registered architect in the Technical Chamber of Greece

Academic positions

  • 2019 - present: Lecturer, WSA, Cardiff University
  • 2016-2019: Research Associate, WSA, Cardiff University
  • 2015 - 2016: Tutor, MSc Sustainable Mega-buildings, WSA, Cardiff University
  • 2014 - 2015: Research Assistant, WSA, Cardiff University
  • 2014: Visiting researcher, PennState University, US

Committees and reviewing

  • Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) technical committee member
  • Peer reviewer in Energy and Buildings
  • Peer reviewer in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
  • Peer reviewer in Architectural Science Review


I am interested in supervising PhD students in the following areas:

  • Energy use in buildings
  • Renewable energy
  • Energy storage
  • Building performance simulation
  • Use of digital methods in the building design process, BIM

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 70633
Campuses Bute Building, Room T.15, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB

External profiles