Dr Leanne Chung
Cyfarwyddwr Cyfnewid Rhyngwladol
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Dr Leanne Chung yw Cyfarwyddwr ac Arweinydd Academaidd Cyfnewid Rhyngwladol Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd ar hyn o bryd. Mae hi'n Ddarllenydd (Athro Cyswllt) mewn Busnes a Rheolaeth Ryngwladol. Mae ganddi gefndir traws-ddisgyblaethol. Roedd ei hyfforddiant cychwynnol mewn Seicoleg Sefydliadol yn Taiwan a Hong Kong. Yna astudiodd am ei PhD mewn Busnes a Rheolaeth Ryngwladol yn Ysgol Fusnes y Barnwr, Prifysgol Caergrawnt, gan ymchwilio i drosglwyddo arferion sefydliadol o gwmnïau Hong Kong i Mainland China. Mae gan Leanne brofiad helaeth o addysgu ac ymchwil prifysgolion yn Tsieina Fwyaf.
Mae diddordebau ymchwil cyfredol Leanne ym meysydd busnes a busnes rhyngwladol. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n canolbwyntio ar reoli arloesi mewn economïau sy'n dod i'r amlwg, perthnasoedd penchwarter-is-is-gwmni, a rheolaeth reolaethol, gan gyfeirio'n benodol at gorfforaethau rhyngwladol Tsieineaidd. Mae hi wedi cyhoeddi mewn cyfnodolion rhyngwladol effaith uchel gan gynnwys y Journal of International Business Studies, British Journal of Management, Management International Review, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, a Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
- Liu, H., Tan, K. H., Chung, L., Yoshie, O. and Ieiri, Y. 2025. Examining viewers' impulsive buying behaviour in sports livestreaming commerce. Operations Management Research (10.1007/s12063-024-00536-7)
- Ali, M. H., Chung, L., Tan, K. H., Makhbul, Z. M., Zhan, Y. and Tseng, M. 2024. Investigating blockchain technology adoption intention model in halal food small and medium enterprises: moderating role of supply chain integration. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 27(12), pp. 2753-2777. (10.1080/13675567.2023.2217772)
- Liu, H., Tan, K. H., Kumar, A., Kumar Singh, S. and Chung, L. 2024. Value co-creation in sports live streaming platforms: a microfoundations perspective. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 71, pp. 12674-12685. (10.1109/TEM.2022.3204451)
- Liu, H., Chung, L., Tan, K. H. and Peng, B. 2024. I want to view it my way! How viewer engagement shapes the value co-creation on sports live streaming platform. Journal of Business Research 170, article number: 114331. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114331)
- Tan, C. L., Tei, Z., Yeo, S. F., Lai, K., Kumar, A. and Chung, L. 2022. Nexus among blockchain visibility, supply chain integration and supply chain performance in the digital transformation era. Industrial Management and Data Systems (10.1108/IMDS-12-2021-0784)
- Ali, M. H., Chung, L., Kumar, A., Zailani, S. and Tan, K. H. 2021. A sustainable Blockchain framework for the halal food supply chain: lessons from Malaysia. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 170, article number: 120870. (10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120870)
- Zhan, Y., Chung, L., Lim, M. K., Ye, F., Kumar, A. and Tan, K. H. 2021. The impact of sustainability on supplier selection: a behavioural study. International Journal of Production Economics 236, article number: 108118. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2021.108118)
- Chen, K., Chung, L. and Chang, T. 2021. Developing a quality-based supplier selection model from the buying company perspective. Quality Technology and Quantitative Management 18(3), pp. 267-284. (10.1080/16843703.2020.1787307)
- Zhan, Y., Tan, K. H., Chung, L., Chen, L. and Xing, X. 2020. Leveraging social media in new product development: organisational learning processes, mechanisms and evidence from China. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 40(5), pp. 671-695. (10.1108/IJOPM-04-2019-0318)
- Tan, K. H., Ji, G., Chung, L., Wang, C., Chiu, A. and Tseng, M. 2019. Riding the wave of belt and road initiative in sensitization: Lessons from China. International Journal of Production Economics 211, pp. 15-21. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.01.027)
- Liu, Y., Lu, S., Kao, C., Chung, L. and Tan, K. H. 2019. Comparison of AR and physical experiential learning environment in supporting product innovation. International Journal of Engineering Business Management 11, pp. 1-10. (10.1177/1847979019839578)
- Meier, M., Tan, K. H., Lim, M. K. and Chung, L. 2019. Unlocking innovation in the sport industry through additive manufacturing. Business Process Management Journal 25(3), pp. 456-475. (10.1108/BPMJ-10-2017-0285)
- Zhan, Y. Z., Tan, K. H., Ji, G., Chung, L. and Chiu, A. 2018. Green and lean sustainable development path in China: Guanxi, practices and performance. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 128, pp. 240-249. (10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.02.006)
- Chung, L. and Tan, K. H. 2017. The unique Chinese innovation pathways: lessons from Chinese small and medium sized manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics 190, pp. 80-87. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.09.004)
- Hughes, M., Powell, T. H., Chung, L. and Mellahi, K. 2017. Institutional and resource-based explanations for subsidiary performance. British Journal of Management 28(3), pp. 407-424. (10.1111/1467-8551.12169)
- Tan, K. H., Chung, L., Shi, L. and Chiu, A. 2017. Unpacking the indirect effects and consequences of environmental regulation. International Journal of Production Economics 186, pp. 46-54. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.01.017)
- Zhan, Y. Z., Tan, K. H., Ji, G., Chung, L. and Tseng, M. L. 2017. A big data framework for facilitating product innovation processes. Business Process Management Journal 23(3), pp. 518-536. (10.1108/BPMJ-11-2015-0157)
- Chung, L., Lo, C. W. and Li, P. H. Y. 2016. The interaction effects of institutional constraints on managerial intentions and sustainable performance. International Journal of Production Economics 181(Part B), pp. 374-383. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.01.001)
- Tan, K. H., Wong, W. P. and Chung, L. 2016. Information and knowledge leakage in supply chain. Information Systems Frontiers 18(3), pp. 621-638. (10.1007/s10796-015-9553-6)
- Chung, L. 2014. Headquarters' managerial intentionality and reverse transfer of practices. Management International Review 54(2), pp. 225-252. (10.1007/s11575-013-0192-1)
- Tan, K. H., Denton, P., Rae, R. and Chung, L. 2013. Managing lean capabilities through flexible workforce development: a process and framework. Production Planning & Control 24(12), pp. 1066-1076. (10.1080/09537287.2011.646013)
- Chung, L. 2011. Contextual and contingency impacts to organizational practices in MNC: an analysis of cognitive and behavioural. Presented at: Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting 2011, Nagoya, Japan, 24-28 June 2011.
- Tan, K. H., Tse, Y. K. and Chung, L. 2010. A plug and play pathway approach for operations management games development. Computers & Education 55(1), pp. 109-117. (10.1016/j.compedu.2009.12.008)
- Chung, L. 2008. Can we enhance the effectiveness of lectures by reinforcing learning through post-lecture quizzes?. Presented at: SAGSET 2008 – 38th Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK, 17-18 July 2008.
- Chung, L. 2008. Institutional entrepreneurship and cross-border innovation in China. Presented at: 1st ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Singapore, 14th-17th December 2008 Presented at Huizingh, K. R. E. et al. eds.Managing innovation in a connected world: proceedings of the first ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Singapore, 14th-17th December 2008. SMU Press
- Chung, L. 2007. Factors affecting reverse diffusion of organizational practices of Hong Kong firms affiliates in China. Presented at: 18th Chinese Economics Association (CEA) (UK) Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK, 16-17 April 2007.
- Chung, L. 2006. The formation of practice in affiliates of Hong Kong firms in China. Presented at: 5th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 19-21 December 2006.
- Chung, L. 2005. Transforming or conforming? Factors affecting institutional entrepreneurship and co-evolutional processes of practice transfer management in China. Presented at: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference - BAM 2005, Oxford, UK, 13-15 September 2005.
- Chung, L. 2005. Co-evolution and reverse transfer of organizational practices from cross-border affiliates of multinational corporations. Presented at: EURAM 2005 5th Annual Conference: Responsible Management in an Uncertain World, Munich, Germany, 4-7 May 2005.
- Child, J. and Chung, L. 2004. Creating actionable knowledge through the cross-border transfer of practices: the case of Hong Kong firms in mainland China. Presented at: 64th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 6-11 August 2004.
- Child, J., Chung, L. and Davies, H. 2003. The performance of cross-border units in China: a test of natural selection, strategic choice and contingency theories. Journal of International Business Studies 34(3), pp. 242-254. (10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400033)
- Liu, H., Tan, K. H., Chung, L., Yoshie, O. and Ieiri, Y. 2025. Examining viewers' impulsive buying behaviour in sports livestreaming commerce. Operations Management Research (10.1007/s12063-024-00536-7)
- Ali, M. H., Chung, L., Tan, K. H., Makhbul, Z. M., Zhan, Y. and Tseng, M. 2024. Investigating blockchain technology adoption intention model in halal food small and medium enterprises: moderating role of supply chain integration. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 27(12), pp. 2753-2777. (10.1080/13675567.2023.2217772)
- Liu, H., Tan, K. H., Kumar, A., Kumar Singh, S. and Chung, L. 2024. Value co-creation in sports live streaming platforms: a microfoundations perspective. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 71, pp. 12674-12685. (10.1109/TEM.2022.3204451)
- Liu, H., Chung, L., Tan, K. H. and Peng, B. 2024. I want to view it my way! How viewer engagement shapes the value co-creation on sports live streaming platform. Journal of Business Research 170, article number: 114331. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114331)
- Tan, C. L., Tei, Z., Yeo, S. F., Lai, K., Kumar, A. and Chung, L. 2022. Nexus among blockchain visibility, supply chain integration and supply chain performance in the digital transformation era. Industrial Management and Data Systems (10.1108/IMDS-12-2021-0784)
- Ali, M. H., Chung, L., Kumar, A., Zailani, S. and Tan, K. H. 2021. A sustainable Blockchain framework for the halal food supply chain: lessons from Malaysia. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 170, article number: 120870. (10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120870)
- Zhan, Y., Chung, L., Lim, M. K., Ye, F., Kumar, A. and Tan, K. H. 2021. The impact of sustainability on supplier selection: a behavioural study. International Journal of Production Economics 236, article number: 108118. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2021.108118)
- Chen, K., Chung, L. and Chang, T. 2021. Developing a quality-based supplier selection model from the buying company perspective. Quality Technology and Quantitative Management 18(3), pp. 267-284. (10.1080/16843703.2020.1787307)
- Zhan, Y., Tan, K. H., Chung, L., Chen, L. and Xing, X. 2020. Leveraging social media in new product development: organisational learning processes, mechanisms and evidence from China. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 40(5), pp. 671-695. (10.1108/IJOPM-04-2019-0318)
- Tan, K. H., Ji, G., Chung, L., Wang, C., Chiu, A. and Tseng, M. 2019. Riding the wave of belt and road initiative in sensitization: Lessons from China. International Journal of Production Economics 211, pp. 15-21. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.01.027)
- Liu, Y., Lu, S., Kao, C., Chung, L. and Tan, K. H. 2019. Comparison of AR and physical experiential learning environment in supporting product innovation. International Journal of Engineering Business Management 11, pp. 1-10. (10.1177/1847979019839578)
- Meier, M., Tan, K. H., Lim, M. K. and Chung, L. 2019. Unlocking innovation in the sport industry through additive manufacturing. Business Process Management Journal 25(3), pp. 456-475. (10.1108/BPMJ-10-2017-0285)
- Zhan, Y. Z., Tan, K. H., Ji, G., Chung, L. and Chiu, A. 2018. Green and lean sustainable development path in China: Guanxi, practices and performance. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 128, pp. 240-249. (10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.02.006)
- Chung, L. and Tan, K. H. 2017. The unique Chinese innovation pathways: lessons from Chinese small and medium sized manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics 190, pp. 80-87. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.09.004)
- Hughes, M., Powell, T. H., Chung, L. and Mellahi, K. 2017. Institutional and resource-based explanations for subsidiary performance. British Journal of Management 28(3), pp. 407-424. (10.1111/1467-8551.12169)
- Tan, K. H., Chung, L., Shi, L. and Chiu, A. 2017. Unpacking the indirect effects and consequences of environmental regulation. International Journal of Production Economics 186, pp. 46-54. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.01.017)
- Zhan, Y. Z., Tan, K. H., Ji, G., Chung, L. and Tseng, M. L. 2017. A big data framework for facilitating product innovation processes. Business Process Management Journal 23(3), pp. 518-536. (10.1108/BPMJ-11-2015-0157)
- Chung, L., Lo, C. W. and Li, P. H. Y. 2016. The interaction effects of institutional constraints on managerial intentions and sustainable performance. International Journal of Production Economics 181(Part B), pp. 374-383. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.01.001)
- Tan, K. H., Wong, W. P. and Chung, L. 2016. Information and knowledge leakage in supply chain. Information Systems Frontiers 18(3), pp. 621-638. (10.1007/s10796-015-9553-6)
- Chung, L. 2014. Headquarters' managerial intentionality and reverse transfer of practices. Management International Review 54(2), pp. 225-252. (10.1007/s11575-013-0192-1)
- Tan, K. H., Denton, P., Rae, R. and Chung, L. 2013. Managing lean capabilities through flexible workforce development: a process and framework. Production Planning & Control 24(12), pp. 1066-1076. (10.1080/09537287.2011.646013)
- Tan, K. H., Tse, Y. K. and Chung, L. 2010. A plug and play pathway approach for operations management games development. Computers & Education 55(1), pp. 109-117. (10.1016/j.compedu.2009.12.008)
- Child, J., Chung, L. and Davies, H. 2003. The performance of cross-border units in China: a test of natural selection, strategic choice and contingency theories. Journal of International Business Studies 34(3), pp. 242-254. (10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400033)
- Chung, L. 2011. Contextual and contingency impacts to organizational practices in MNC: an analysis of cognitive and behavioural. Presented at: Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting 2011, Nagoya, Japan, 24-28 June 2011.
- Chung, L. 2008. Can we enhance the effectiveness of lectures by reinforcing learning through post-lecture quizzes?. Presented at: SAGSET 2008 – 38th Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK, 17-18 July 2008.
- Chung, L. 2008. Institutional entrepreneurship and cross-border innovation in China. Presented at: 1st ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Singapore, 14th-17th December 2008 Presented at Huizingh, K. R. E. et al. eds.Managing innovation in a connected world: proceedings of the first ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Singapore, 14th-17th December 2008. SMU Press
- Chung, L. 2007. Factors affecting reverse diffusion of organizational practices of Hong Kong firms affiliates in China. Presented at: 18th Chinese Economics Association (CEA) (UK) Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK, 16-17 April 2007.
- Chung, L. 2006. The formation of practice in affiliates of Hong Kong firms in China. Presented at: 5th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 19-21 December 2006.
- Chung, L. 2005. Transforming or conforming? Factors affecting institutional entrepreneurship and co-evolutional processes of practice transfer management in China. Presented at: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference - BAM 2005, Oxford, UK, 13-15 September 2005.
- Chung, L. 2005. Co-evolution and reverse transfer of organizational practices from cross-border affiliates of multinational corporations. Presented at: EURAM 2005 5th Annual Conference: Responsible Management in an Uncertain World, Munich, Germany, 4-7 May 2005.
- Child, J. and Chung, L. 2004. Creating actionable knowledge through the cross-border transfer of practices: the case of Hong Kong firms in mainland China. Presented at: 64th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 6-11 August 2004.
Diddordebau ymchwil
- Rheolaeth ryngwladol a thrawsddiwylliannol
- Rheoli gwybodaeth
- Seicoleg personél
- Busnes Tsieina
- Ymddiried
- Personoliaeth
- Creadigrwydd
- Arweinyddiaeth
- Rheoli adnoddau dynol
- Astudiaethau rhywedd
Diddordebau ymchwil goruchwylio PhD
- Persbectif cyd-esblygiad astudiaethau rheoli a threfnu
- Rheolaeth trawsffiniol
- Rheolaeth ryngwladol
- Rheolaeth a diwygiadau economaidd yn Tsieina
- Rheoli ymarfer a gwybodaeth
Teaching commitments
- MBA Management in Emerging Economies
- MBA Human Resource Management
- Year 2 International Management
- Ph.D. Rheolaeth Ryngwladol ac Astudiaethau Busnes, Prifysgol Caergrawnt, Ysgol Fusnes y Barnwr, UK
- Mphil. Seicoleg Sefydliadol, Prifysgol Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- BSc. Seicoleg, Prifysgol Genedlaethol Chengchi, Taipei, Taiwan
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ym meysydd:
- Rheoli Arloesi
- Trosglwyddo gwybodaeth
- Rheolaeth Ryngwladol
- Astudiaethau Sefydliad
- Entrepreneuriaeth
Contact Details
+44 29208 75250
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell S22, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU