Dr Leanne Chung
Director of International Exchange
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Dr. Leanne Chung is currently the Director and Academic Lead of International Exchange at the Cardiff Business School. She is a Reader (Associate Professor) in International Business and Management. She has a cross-disciplinary background. Her initial training was in Organizational Psychology in Taiwan and Hong Kong. She then studied for her PhD in International Business and Management at the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, investigating the transfer of organizational practices from Hong Kong firms to Mainland China. Leanne has extensive university teaching and research experience in Greater China.
Leanne’s current research interests are in the fields of international business and business organization. She currently focuses on innovation management in emerging economies, headquarter-subsidiary relationships, and managerial control, with particular reference to Chinese multinational corporations. She has published in high-impact international journals including the Journal of International Business Studies, British Journal of Management, Management International Review, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Operations and Production Management,and Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
- Liu, H., Tan, K. H., Chung, L., Yoshie, O. and Ieiri, Y. 2025. Examining viewers' impulsive buying behaviour in sports livestreaming commerce. Operations Management Research (10.1007/s12063-024-00536-7)
- Ali, M. H., Chung, L., Tan, K. H., Makhbul, Z. M., Zhan, Y. and Tseng, M. 2024. Investigating blockchain technology adoption intention model in halal food small and medium enterprises: moderating role of supply chain integration. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 27(12), pp. 2753-2777. (10.1080/13675567.2023.2217772)
- Liu, H., Tan, K. H., Kumar, A., Kumar Singh, S. and Chung, L. 2024. Value co-creation in sports live streaming platforms: a microfoundations perspective. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 71, pp. 12674-12685. (10.1109/TEM.2022.3204451)
- Liu, H., Chung, L., Tan, K. H. and Peng, B. 2024. I want to view it my way! How viewer engagement shapes the value co-creation on sports live streaming platform. Journal of Business Research 170, article number: 114331. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114331)
- Tan, C. L., Tei, Z., Yeo, S. F., Lai, K., Kumar, A. and Chung, L. 2022. Nexus among blockchain visibility, supply chain integration and supply chain performance in the digital transformation era. Industrial Management and Data Systems (10.1108/IMDS-12-2021-0784)
- Ali, M. H., Chung, L., Kumar, A., Zailani, S. and Tan, K. H. 2021. A sustainable Blockchain framework for the halal food supply chain: lessons from Malaysia. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 170, article number: 120870. (10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120870)
- Zhan, Y., Chung, L., Lim, M. K., Ye, F., Kumar, A. and Tan, K. H. 2021. The impact of sustainability on supplier selection: a behavioural study. International Journal of Production Economics 236, article number: 108118. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2021.108118)
- Chen, K., Chung, L. and Chang, T. 2021. Developing a quality-based supplier selection model from the buying company perspective. Quality Technology and Quantitative Management 18(3), pp. 267-284. (10.1080/16843703.2020.1787307)
- Zhan, Y., Tan, K. H., Chung, L., Chen, L. and Xing, X. 2020. Leveraging social media in new product development: organisational learning processes, mechanisms and evidence from China. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 40(5), pp. 671-695. (10.1108/IJOPM-04-2019-0318)
- Tan, K. H., Ji, G., Chung, L., Wang, C., Chiu, A. and Tseng, M. 2019. Riding the wave of belt and road initiative in sensitization: Lessons from China. International Journal of Production Economics 211, pp. 15-21. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.01.027)
- Liu, Y., Lu, S., Kao, C., Chung, L. and Tan, K. H. 2019. Comparison of AR and physical experiential learning environment in supporting product innovation. International Journal of Engineering Business Management 11, pp. 1-10. (10.1177/1847979019839578)
- Meier, M., Tan, K. H., Lim, M. K. and Chung, L. 2019. Unlocking innovation in the sport industry through additive manufacturing. Business Process Management Journal 25(3), pp. 456-475. (10.1108/BPMJ-10-2017-0285)
- Zhan, Y. Z., Tan, K. H., Ji, G., Chung, L. and Chiu, A. 2018. Green and lean sustainable development path in China: Guanxi, practices and performance. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 128, pp. 240-249. (10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.02.006)
- Chung, L. and Tan, K. H. 2017. The unique Chinese innovation pathways: lessons from Chinese small and medium sized manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics 190, pp. 80-87. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.09.004)
- Hughes, M., Powell, T. H., Chung, L. and Mellahi, K. 2017. Institutional and resource-based explanations for subsidiary performance. British Journal of Management 28(3), pp. 407-424. (10.1111/1467-8551.12169)
- Tan, K. H., Chung, L., Shi, L. and Chiu, A. 2017. Unpacking the indirect effects and consequences of environmental regulation. International Journal of Production Economics 186, pp. 46-54. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.01.017)
- Zhan, Y. Z., Tan, K. H., Ji, G., Chung, L. and Tseng, M. L. 2017. A big data framework for facilitating product innovation processes. Business Process Management Journal 23(3), pp. 518-536. (10.1108/BPMJ-11-2015-0157)
- Chung, L., Lo, C. W. and Li, P. H. Y. 2016. The interaction effects of institutional constraints on managerial intentions and sustainable performance. International Journal of Production Economics 181(Part B), pp. 374-383. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.01.001)
- Tan, K. H., Wong, W. P. and Chung, L. 2016. Information and knowledge leakage in supply chain. Information Systems Frontiers 18(3), pp. 621-638. (10.1007/s10796-015-9553-6)
- Chung, L. 2014. Headquarters' managerial intentionality and reverse transfer of practices. Management International Review 54(2), pp. 225-252. (10.1007/s11575-013-0192-1)
- Tan, K. H., Denton, P., Rae, R. and Chung, L. 2013. Managing lean capabilities through flexible workforce development: a process and framework. Production Planning & Control 24(12), pp. 1066-1076. (10.1080/09537287.2011.646013)
- Chung, L. 2011. Contextual and contingency impacts to organizational practices in MNC: an analysis of cognitive and behavioural. Presented at: Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting 2011, Nagoya, Japan, 24-28 June 2011.
- Tan, K. H., Tse, Y. K. and Chung, L. 2010. A plug and play pathway approach for operations management games development. Computers & Education 55(1), pp. 109-117. (10.1016/j.compedu.2009.12.008)
- Chung, L. 2008. Can we enhance the effectiveness of lectures by reinforcing learning through post-lecture quizzes?. Presented at: SAGSET 2008 – 38th Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK, 17-18 July 2008.
- Chung, L. 2008. Institutional entrepreneurship and cross-border innovation in China. Presented at: 1st ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Singapore, 14th-17th December 2008 Presented at Huizingh, K. R. E. et al. eds.Managing innovation in a connected world: proceedings of the first ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Singapore, 14th-17th December 2008. SMU Press
- Chung, L. 2007. Factors affecting reverse diffusion of organizational practices of Hong Kong firms affiliates in China. Presented at: 18th Chinese Economics Association (CEA) (UK) Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK, 16-17 April 2007.
- Chung, L. 2006. The formation of practice in affiliates of Hong Kong firms in China. Presented at: 5th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 19-21 December 2006.
- Chung, L. 2005. Transforming or conforming? Factors affecting institutional entrepreneurship and co-evolutional processes of practice transfer management in China. Presented at: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference - BAM 2005, Oxford, UK, 13-15 September 2005.
- Chung, L. 2005. Co-evolution and reverse transfer of organizational practices from cross-border affiliates of multinational corporations. Presented at: EURAM 2005 5th Annual Conference: Responsible Management in an Uncertain World, Munich, Germany, 4-7 May 2005.
- Child, J. and Chung, L. 2004. Creating actionable knowledge through the cross-border transfer of practices: the case of Hong Kong firms in mainland China. Presented at: 64th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 6-11 August 2004.
- Child, J., Chung, L. and Davies, H. 2003. The performance of cross-border units in China: a test of natural selection, strategic choice and contingency theories. Journal of International Business Studies 34(3), pp. 242-254. (10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400033)
- Liu, H., Tan, K. H., Chung, L., Yoshie, O. and Ieiri, Y. 2025. Examining viewers' impulsive buying behaviour in sports livestreaming commerce. Operations Management Research (10.1007/s12063-024-00536-7)
- Ali, M. H., Chung, L., Tan, K. H., Makhbul, Z. M., Zhan, Y. and Tseng, M. 2024. Investigating blockchain technology adoption intention model in halal food small and medium enterprises: moderating role of supply chain integration. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 27(12), pp. 2753-2777. (10.1080/13675567.2023.2217772)
- Liu, H., Tan, K. H., Kumar, A., Kumar Singh, S. and Chung, L. 2024. Value co-creation in sports live streaming platforms: a microfoundations perspective. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 71, pp. 12674-12685. (10.1109/TEM.2022.3204451)
- Liu, H., Chung, L., Tan, K. H. and Peng, B. 2024. I want to view it my way! How viewer engagement shapes the value co-creation on sports live streaming platform. Journal of Business Research 170, article number: 114331. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114331)
- Tan, C. L., Tei, Z., Yeo, S. F., Lai, K., Kumar, A. and Chung, L. 2022. Nexus among blockchain visibility, supply chain integration and supply chain performance in the digital transformation era. Industrial Management and Data Systems (10.1108/IMDS-12-2021-0784)
- Ali, M. H., Chung, L., Kumar, A., Zailani, S. and Tan, K. H. 2021. A sustainable Blockchain framework for the halal food supply chain: lessons from Malaysia. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 170, article number: 120870. (10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120870)
- Zhan, Y., Chung, L., Lim, M. K., Ye, F., Kumar, A. and Tan, K. H. 2021. The impact of sustainability on supplier selection: a behavioural study. International Journal of Production Economics 236, article number: 108118. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2021.108118)
- Chen, K., Chung, L. and Chang, T. 2021. Developing a quality-based supplier selection model from the buying company perspective. Quality Technology and Quantitative Management 18(3), pp. 267-284. (10.1080/16843703.2020.1787307)
- Zhan, Y., Tan, K. H., Chung, L., Chen, L. and Xing, X. 2020. Leveraging social media in new product development: organisational learning processes, mechanisms and evidence from China. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 40(5), pp. 671-695. (10.1108/IJOPM-04-2019-0318)
- Tan, K. H., Ji, G., Chung, L., Wang, C., Chiu, A. and Tseng, M. 2019. Riding the wave of belt and road initiative in sensitization: Lessons from China. International Journal of Production Economics 211, pp. 15-21. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.01.027)
- Liu, Y., Lu, S., Kao, C., Chung, L. and Tan, K. H. 2019. Comparison of AR and physical experiential learning environment in supporting product innovation. International Journal of Engineering Business Management 11, pp. 1-10. (10.1177/1847979019839578)
- Meier, M., Tan, K. H., Lim, M. K. and Chung, L. 2019. Unlocking innovation in the sport industry through additive manufacturing. Business Process Management Journal 25(3), pp. 456-475. (10.1108/BPMJ-10-2017-0285)
- Zhan, Y. Z., Tan, K. H., Ji, G., Chung, L. and Chiu, A. 2018. Green and lean sustainable development path in China: Guanxi, practices and performance. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 128, pp. 240-249. (10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.02.006)
- Chung, L. and Tan, K. H. 2017. The unique Chinese innovation pathways: lessons from Chinese small and medium sized manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics 190, pp. 80-87. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.09.004)
- Hughes, M., Powell, T. H., Chung, L. and Mellahi, K. 2017. Institutional and resource-based explanations for subsidiary performance. British Journal of Management 28(3), pp. 407-424. (10.1111/1467-8551.12169)
- Tan, K. H., Chung, L., Shi, L. and Chiu, A. 2017. Unpacking the indirect effects and consequences of environmental regulation. International Journal of Production Economics 186, pp. 46-54. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.01.017)
- Zhan, Y. Z., Tan, K. H., Ji, G., Chung, L. and Tseng, M. L. 2017. A big data framework for facilitating product innovation processes. Business Process Management Journal 23(3), pp. 518-536. (10.1108/BPMJ-11-2015-0157)
- Chung, L., Lo, C. W. and Li, P. H. Y. 2016. The interaction effects of institutional constraints on managerial intentions and sustainable performance. International Journal of Production Economics 181(Part B), pp. 374-383. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.01.001)
- Tan, K. H., Wong, W. P. and Chung, L. 2016. Information and knowledge leakage in supply chain. Information Systems Frontiers 18(3), pp. 621-638. (10.1007/s10796-015-9553-6)
- Chung, L. 2014. Headquarters' managerial intentionality and reverse transfer of practices. Management International Review 54(2), pp. 225-252. (10.1007/s11575-013-0192-1)
- Tan, K. H., Denton, P., Rae, R. and Chung, L. 2013. Managing lean capabilities through flexible workforce development: a process and framework. Production Planning & Control 24(12), pp. 1066-1076. (10.1080/09537287.2011.646013)
- Tan, K. H., Tse, Y. K. and Chung, L. 2010. A plug and play pathway approach for operations management games development. Computers & Education 55(1), pp. 109-117. (10.1016/j.compedu.2009.12.008)
- Child, J., Chung, L. and Davies, H. 2003. The performance of cross-border units in China: a test of natural selection, strategic choice and contingency theories. Journal of International Business Studies 34(3), pp. 242-254. (10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400033)
- Chung, L. 2011. Contextual and contingency impacts to organizational practices in MNC: an analysis of cognitive and behavioural. Presented at: Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting 2011, Nagoya, Japan, 24-28 June 2011.
- Chung, L. 2008. Can we enhance the effectiveness of lectures by reinforcing learning through post-lecture quizzes?. Presented at: SAGSET 2008 – 38th Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK, 17-18 July 2008.
- Chung, L. 2008. Institutional entrepreneurship and cross-border innovation in China. Presented at: 1st ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Singapore, 14th-17th December 2008 Presented at Huizingh, K. R. E. et al. eds.Managing innovation in a connected world: proceedings of the first ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Singapore, 14th-17th December 2008. SMU Press
- Chung, L. 2007. Factors affecting reverse diffusion of organizational practices of Hong Kong firms affiliates in China. Presented at: 18th Chinese Economics Association (CEA) (UK) Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK, 16-17 April 2007.
- Chung, L. 2006. The formation of practice in affiliates of Hong Kong firms in China. Presented at: 5th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 19-21 December 2006.
- Chung, L. 2005. Transforming or conforming? Factors affecting institutional entrepreneurship and co-evolutional processes of practice transfer management in China. Presented at: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference - BAM 2005, Oxford, UK, 13-15 September 2005.
- Chung, L. 2005. Co-evolution and reverse transfer of organizational practices from cross-border affiliates of multinational corporations. Presented at: EURAM 2005 5th Annual Conference: Responsible Management in an Uncertain World, Munich, Germany, 4-7 May 2005.
- Child, J. and Chung, L. 2004. Creating actionable knowledge through the cross-border transfer of practices: the case of Hong Kong firms in mainland China. Presented at: 64th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 6-11 August 2004.
Research interests
- International and cross-cultural management
- Knowledge management
- Personnel psychology
- China business
- Trust
- Personality
- Creativity
- Leadership
- Human resource management
- Gender studies
PhD supervision research interests
- Co-evolution perspective of management and organization studies
- Cross-border management
- International management
- Management and economic reform in China
- Practice and knowledge management
Teaching commitments
- MBA Management in Emerging Economies
- MBA Human Resource Management
- Year 2 International Management
- MSc Entrepreneurship: Reflective Practices and Perspectives
- MSc Asian Management Systems
- Ph.D. International Management and Business Studies, University of Cambridge, Judge Business School, UK
- MPhil. Organizational Psychology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- BSc. Psychology, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Innovation Management
- Knowledge transfer
- International Management
- Organization Studies
- Entrepreneurship
Contact Details
+44 29208 75250
Aberconway Building, Room S22, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU