Mae Dr. Nazan Colmekcioglu yn Athro Cyswllt (Uwch Ddarlithydd) mewn Marchnata a Strategaeth yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd. Cyn ymuno â Chaerdydd, bu'n gweithio ym Mhrifysgol Nottingham Trent fel darlithydd ac ym Mhrifysgol Hull fel tiwtor seminar a goruchwyliwr. Ar hyn o bryd mae Nazan yn arholwr allanol ym Mhrifysgol Nottingham Trent ac yn athro gwadd ym Mhrifysgol Busnes Rhyngwladol ac Economeg yn Beijing / China.
Mae diddordebau ymchwil Nazan yn rhychwantu maes ymddygiad defnyddwyr mewn amgylcheddau ar-lein ac all-lein. Mae'n canolbwyntio'n benodol ar ffactorau megis ideoleg foesegol, diwylliant, crefydd, ac emosiynau defnyddwyr i ddeall agweddau defnydd a gwrth-ddefnydd tuag at gynhyrchion a gwasanaethau mewn gwahanol ddiwydiannau. Mae ei herthyglau academaidd wedi ymddangos yn Journal of Business Research, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management yn ogystal ag mewn cyfnodolion academaidd a llyfrau eraill. Mae Nazan yn Olygydd Cyswllt International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management ac yn adolygydd gweithredol mewn amrywiol gylchgronau a llyfrau. Mae hi wedi dyfarnu grantiau ar gyfer ei phrosiectau ymchwil ac wedi derbyn y wobr papur cynhadledd orau yng Nghynhadledd yr Academi Farchnata, Hull yn 2017.
Nazan yw Cyfarwyddwr Cwrs y rhaglen MSc Strategaeth Busnes ac Entrepreneuriaeth ac mae ganddi statws Cymrawd yr AAU. Mae hi'n addysgu ac yn arwain modiwlau Prosiect Marchnata a Thraethawd Hir Rhyngwladol ar y rhaglenni MSc.
- Dedeoglu, B., Colmekcioglu, N. and Okumus, F. 2025. Do envy and consumer-generated content boost travel motivations?. Journal of Travel Research 64(2), pp. 267-283. (10.1177/00472875231214500)
- Tabari, S., Wei, C. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2024. Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism Contemporary Perspectives and Challenges. Routledge & Francis Group. (10.4324/9781032637778)
- Tabari, S., Chen, W. and Colmekcioglu, N. eds. 2024. Consumer behaviour in hospitality and tourism: Contemporary perspectives and challenges. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781032637778)
- Tabari, S. and Chen, W. 2024. Impact of health crisis (pandemic) on consumer buying intention: a lesson for future small businesses. In: Tabari, S., Chen, W. and Colmekcioglu, N. eds. Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism Contemporary Perspectives and Challenges. London: Routledge, pp. 207-225., (10.4324/9781032637778-12)
- Scanlon, E. J. and Tabari, S. 2024. Perceptions and reactions towards tipping from non-tipping cultures: employees’ expectations. In: Tabari, S., Chen, W. and Colmekcioglu, N. eds. Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism Contemporary Perspectives and Challenges. London: Routledge, (10.4324/9781032637778-10)
- Binbasioglu, H. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2024. The use of colours in tourism marketing: A systematic review. Presented at: Academy of Marketing 2024, Cardiff, UK, 1 - 4 July 2024Academy of Marketing Conference 2024 paper proceedings. Academy of Marketing pp. 244-245.
- Cox, E., Mills, S. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2024. Dismantling discomfort: How emotions deepen our understanding of troubles tourism in Northern Ireland. Presented at: Academy of Marketing 2024, Cardiff, UK, 1 - 4 July 2024Academy of Marketing Conference 2024 Paper Proceedings. Academy of Marketing pp. 48-49.
- Tabari, S., Colmekcioglu, N. and Chen, W. 2024. Emerging trends in consumer behaviour in the service sector. Goodfellow.
- Ma, M., Tabari, S. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2024. Understanding product returns after impulse purchases of fast fashion by millennial. Presented at: Academy of Marketing 2024 Annual Conference and Doctoral Colloquium, Cardiff, UK, 1-4 July 2024 Presented at Strong, C. et al. eds.Proceedings of Academy of Marketing 2024 Annual Conference and Doctoral Colloquium.
- Tian, Q., Stylos, N., Colmekcioglu, N. and Andronoudis, D. 2023. Digital and marketing transformation in relation to brand value: The video game industry. In: Cuomo, M. T. and Foroudi, P. eds. Digital Transformation and Corporate Branding, Opportunities and Pitfalls for Identity and Reputation Management. Routledge Studies in Marketing Routledge, pp. 81-96., (10.4324/9781003263784-6)
- Hayder, S. A., Durrani, B. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2023. Religion, social media networks and marketing opportunities: The case of British Muslim entrepreneurs. In: Foroudi, P. and Cuomo, M. T. eds. Business Digitalization Corporate Identity and Reputation. Routledge, pp. 29-43., (10.4324/9781003401285-3)
- Colmekcioglu, N., Sridhar, S., Kumar, S., Ren, S. and Iszatt-White, M. 2023. Meet the editors. Presented at: 7th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy, Newcastle University, UK, 21-23 June 2023.
- Danaye, N., Kian, R. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2023. An agent-based modeling approach for understanding drivers of consumer decisions on foreign versus domestic products: case study of a local refrigerator market. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 22(3), pp. 1107-1134. (10.1142/S021962202250064X)
- Colmekcioglu, N., Dedeoglu, B. B. and Okumus, F. 2023. Resolving the complexity in Gen z's envy occurrence: a cross-cultural perspective. Psychology & Marketing 40(1), pp. 48-72. (10.1002/mar.21745)
- Szromek, A. R., Puciato, D., Markiewicz-Patkowska, J. I. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2023. Health tourism enterprises and adaptation for sustainable development. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 35(1), pp. 1-25. (10.1108/IJCHM-01-2022-0060)
- Foroudi, P., Marvi, R. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2022. Antecedents and consequences of co-creation value with a resolution of complex P2P relationships. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 34(12), pp. 4355-4388. (10.1108/IJCHM-10-2021-1278)
- Colmekcioglu, N. 2022. Out-group reaction towards religiously endorsed products (rlps) and response of brand managers. In: Foroudi, P., Nguyen, B. and Melewar, T. eds. The Emerald Handbook of Multi-Stakeholder Communication. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 51-68., (10.1108/978-1-80071-897-520221007)
- Colmekcioglu, N., Marvi, R., Foroundi, P. and Okumus, F. 2022. Generation, susceptibility, and response regarding negativity: An in-depth analysis on negative online reviews. Journal of Business Research 153, pp. 235-250. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.08.033)
- Colmekcioglu, N. and Okumud, F. 2022. Islamic marketing. In: Buhalis, D. ed. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. [n/a].
- Iyanna, S., Jabeen, F., Colmekcioglu, N. and Lari, L. 2022. Service quality, customer delight, and theme park loyalty of tourists visiting the UAE: the moderating role of Islamic religiosity. Presented at: 3rd Forum for Women in Research, UAE, 25 August 2022.
- Colmekcioglu, N., Dineva, D. and Lu, X. 2022. “Building back better”: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the resilience of the hospitality and tourism industries. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (10.1108/IJCHM-12-2021-1509)
- Huang, L., Yang, L., Thị Tuyến, N., Colmekcioglu, N. and Liu, J. 2022. Identifying and analysing the factors influencing the livelihood strategy choices of rural households. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 30(4), pp. 875-896. (10.1080/09669582.2021.1903015)
- Okumus, F., Dedeoglu, B. B. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2022. Travel envy: scale development and validation. Presented at: Academy for Global Business Advancement’s 17th World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-4 August 2021.
- Colmekcioglu, N., Dedeoglu, B. B. and Okumus, F. 2022. Resolution of complexity in envy occurrence towards hedonic consumption: a cross cultural study. Presented at: AMA Global Marketing SIG 2022 Conference, Crete, Greece, 31 May - 03 June 2022.
- Okumus, F., Cotton, E., Jones, P. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2021. Meet the editors. Presented at: 4th Advances in Management and Innovation Conference (AMI 2020), Virtual, 20-21 May 2021. Cardiff Metropolitan Universtiy
- Okumus, F., Colmekcioglu, N., Donthu, N. and Dougles, M. 2021. Meet the Editors. Presented at: 5th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy, Newcastle, UK, 8-9 September.
- Colmekcioglu, N. 2021. Paper development workshop. Presented at: 4th Advances in Management and Innovation Conference (AMI 2020), Virtual, 20-21 May 2021.
- Agag, G. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2020. Understanding guests' behavior to visit green hotels: The role of ethical ideology and religiosity. International Journal of Hospitality Management 91, article number: 102679. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102679)
- Agag, G. M. et al. 2020. Converting hotels website visitors into buyers: How online hotel web assurance seals services decrease consumers? concerns and increase online booking intentions. Information, Technology and People 33(1), pp. 129-159. (10.1108/ITP-12-2017-0446)
- Shabbir, H. A., Maalouf, H., Griessmair, M., Colmekcioglu, N. and Akhtar, P. 2019. Exploring perceptions of advertising ethics: An informant-derived approach. Journal of Business Ethics 159, pp. 727-744. (10.1007/s10551-018-3784-7)
- Dedeoglu, B., Colmekcioglu, N. and Okumus, F. 2025. Do envy and consumer-generated content boost travel motivations?. Journal of Travel Research 64(2), pp. 267-283. (10.1177/00472875231214500)
- Danaye, N., Kian, R. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2023. An agent-based modeling approach for understanding drivers of consumer decisions on foreign versus domestic products: case study of a local refrigerator market. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 22(3), pp. 1107-1134. (10.1142/S021962202250064X)
- Colmekcioglu, N., Dedeoglu, B. B. and Okumus, F. 2023. Resolving the complexity in Gen z's envy occurrence: a cross-cultural perspective. Psychology & Marketing 40(1), pp. 48-72. (10.1002/mar.21745)
- Szromek, A. R., Puciato, D., Markiewicz-Patkowska, J. I. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2023. Health tourism enterprises and adaptation for sustainable development. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 35(1), pp. 1-25. (10.1108/IJCHM-01-2022-0060)
- Foroudi, P., Marvi, R. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2022. Antecedents and consequences of co-creation value with a resolution of complex P2P relationships. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 34(12), pp. 4355-4388. (10.1108/IJCHM-10-2021-1278)
- Colmekcioglu, N., Marvi, R., Foroundi, P. and Okumus, F. 2022. Generation, susceptibility, and response regarding negativity: An in-depth analysis on negative online reviews. Journal of Business Research 153, pp. 235-250. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.08.033)
- Colmekcioglu, N., Dineva, D. and Lu, X. 2022. “Building back better”: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the resilience of the hospitality and tourism industries. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (10.1108/IJCHM-12-2021-1509)
- Huang, L., Yang, L., Thị Tuyến, N., Colmekcioglu, N. and Liu, J. 2022. Identifying and analysing the factors influencing the livelihood strategy choices of rural households. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 30(4), pp. 875-896. (10.1080/09669582.2021.1903015)
- Agag, G. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2020. Understanding guests' behavior to visit green hotels: The role of ethical ideology and religiosity. International Journal of Hospitality Management 91, article number: 102679. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102679)
- Agag, G. M. et al. 2020. Converting hotels website visitors into buyers: How online hotel web assurance seals services decrease consumers? concerns and increase online booking intentions. Information, Technology and People 33(1), pp. 129-159. (10.1108/ITP-12-2017-0446)
- Shabbir, H. A., Maalouf, H., Griessmair, M., Colmekcioglu, N. and Akhtar, P. 2019. Exploring perceptions of advertising ethics: An informant-derived approach. Journal of Business Ethics 159, pp. 727-744. (10.1007/s10551-018-3784-7)
Book sections
- Tabari, S. and Chen, W. 2024. Impact of health crisis (pandemic) on consumer buying intention: a lesson for future small businesses. In: Tabari, S., Chen, W. and Colmekcioglu, N. eds. Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism Contemporary Perspectives and Challenges. London: Routledge, pp. 207-225., (10.4324/9781032637778-12)
- Scanlon, E. J. and Tabari, S. 2024. Perceptions and reactions towards tipping from non-tipping cultures: employees’ expectations. In: Tabari, S., Chen, W. and Colmekcioglu, N. eds. Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism Contemporary Perspectives and Challenges. London: Routledge, (10.4324/9781032637778-10)
- Tian, Q., Stylos, N., Colmekcioglu, N. and Andronoudis, D. 2023. Digital and marketing transformation in relation to brand value: The video game industry. In: Cuomo, M. T. and Foroudi, P. eds. Digital Transformation and Corporate Branding, Opportunities and Pitfalls for Identity and Reputation Management. Routledge Studies in Marketing Routledge, pp. 81-96., (10.4324/9781003263784-6)
- Hayder, S. A., Durrani, B. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2023. Religion, social media networks and marketing opportunities: The case of British Muslim entrepreneurs. In: Foroudi, P. and Cuomo, M. T. eds. Business Digitalization Corporate Identity and Reputation. Routledge, pp. 29-43., (10.4324/9781003401285-3)
- Colmekcioglu, N. 2022. Out-group reaction towards religiously endorsed products (rlps) and response of brand managers. In: Foroudi, P., Nguyen, B. and Melewar, T. eds. The Emerald Handbook of Multi-Stakeholder Communication. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 51-68., (10.1108/978-1-80071-897-520221007)
- Colmekcioglu, N. and Okumud, F. 2022. Islamic marketing. In: Buhalis, D. ed. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. [n/a].
- Tabari, S., Wei, C. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2024. Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism Contemporary Perspectives and Challenges. Routledge & Francis Group. (10.4324/9781032637778)
- Tabari, S., Chen, W. and Colmekcioglu, N. eds. 2024. Consumer behaviour in hospitality and tourism: Contemporary perspectives and challenges. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781032637778)
- Tabari, S., Colmekcioglu, N. and Chen, W. 2024. Emerging trends in consumer behaviour in the service sector. Goodfellow.
- Binbasioglu, H. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2024. The use of colours in tourism marketing: A systematic review. Presented at: Academy of Marketing 2024, Cardiff, UK, 1 - 4 July 2024Academy of Marketing Conference 2024 paper proceedings. Academy of Marketing pp. 244-245.
- Cox, E., Mills, S. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2024. Dismantling discomfort: How emotions deepen our understanding of troubles tourism in Northern Ireland. Presented at: Academy of Marketing 2024, Cardiff, UK, 1 - 4 July 2024Academy of Marketing Conference 2024 Paper Proceedings. Academy of Marketing pp. 48-49.
- Ma, M., Tabari, S. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2024. Understanding product returns after impulse purchases of fast fashion by millennial. Presented at: Academy of Marketing 2024 Annual Conference and Doctoral Colloquium, Cardiff, UK, 1-4 July 2024 Presented at Strong, C. et al. eds.Proceedings of Academy of Marketing 2024 Annual Conference and Doctoral Colloquium.
- Colmekcioglu, N., Sridhar, S., Kumar, S., Ren, S. and Iszatt-White, M. 2023. Meet the editors. Presented at: 7th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy, Newcastle University, UK, 21-23 June 2023.
- Iyanna, S., Jabeen, F., Colmekcioglu, N. and Lari, L. 2022. Service quality, customer delight, and theme park loyalty of tourists visiting the UAE: the moderating role of Islamic religiosity. Presented at: 3rd Forum for Women in Research, UAE, 25 August 2022.
- Okumus, F., Dedeoglu, B. B. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2022. Travel envy: scale development and validation. Presented at: Academy for Global Business Advancement’s 17th World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-4 August 2021.
- Colmekcioglu, N., Dedeoglu, B. B. and Okumus, F. 2022. Resolution of complexity in envy occurrence towards hedonic consumption: a cross cultural study. Presented at: AMA Global Marketing SIG 2022 Conference, Crete, Greece, 31 May - 03 June 2022.
- Okumus, F., Cotton, E., Jones, P. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2021. Meet the editors. Presented at: 4th Advances in Management and Innovation Conference (AMI 2020), Virtual, 20-21 May 2021. Cardiff Metropolitan Universtiy
- Okumus, F., Colmekcioglu, N., Donthu, N. and Dougles, M. 2021. Meet the Editors. Presented at: 5th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy, Newcastle, UK, 8-9 September.
- Colmekcioglu, N. 2021. Paper development workshop. Presented at: 4th Advances in Management and Innovation Conference (AMI 2020), Virtual, 20-21 May 2021.
- Huang, L., Yang, L., Thị Tuyến, N., Colmekcioglu, N. and Liu, J. 2022. Identifying and analysing the factors influencing the livelihood strategy choices of rural households. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 30(4), pp. 875-896. (10.1080/09669582.2021.1903015)
Diddordebau Ymchwil:
- Dylanwad diwylliant, moeseg ac emosiynau ar agweddau defnydd a gwrth-ddefnydd.
- Cynaliadwyedd mewn ymddygiad a marchnata defnyddwyr.
- Cynnwys a gynhyrchir gan ddefnyddwyr (yn enwedig adolygiadau ar-lein negyddol), canlyniadau a strategaethau.
- Cymhellion defnyddwyr cynhenid a chynhenid mewn trawsddiwylliannau.
Nazan is currently the module leader for the following modules:
- BST248 International Marketing (MSc Strategic Marketing)
- BST360 Marketing Project (MSc Marketing)
Nazan is also a supervisor for other MSc project modules.
- Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (FHEA), 2019
- PhD mewn Marchnata, Prifysgol Hull, 2017
- Diploma a Thystysgrif Hyfforddiant Ymchwil, Prifysgol Hull, 2016
- MA mewn Marchnata, Prifysgol Sunderland, 2013
- BSc (Anrh) mewn Masnach Ryngwladol, Prifysgol Baskent, Twrci, 2012
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Academi Marchnata
- Cymdeithas Marchnata America (AMA)
- Addysg Uwch Academi.
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- Awst 2023 - presennol: Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Marchnata a Strategaeth, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- Ebrill 2021- yn bresennol: Arholwr / Goruchwylydd Allanol, Prifysgol Nottingham Trent
- Mai 2021 - Awst 2023: Darlithydd mewn Marchnata a Strategaeth, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- Gorffennaf 2020- yn bresennol: Athro Gwadd , Prifysgol Busnes Rhyngwladol ac Economeg, Beijing / Tsieina
- Medi 2019 - Mai 2021: Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Marchnata, Prifysgol Nottingham Trent
- Medi 2017 - Medi 2019: Darlithydd mewn Marchnata, Prifysgol Nottingham Trent
- Tachwedd 2015 - Medi 2018: Tiwtor / Goruchwyliwr Seminar, Prifysgol Hull
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Assistant Editor, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
- Ad-hoc reviewer for Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Information, Technology & People, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Routledge, Emerald, and Independent Research Fund Denmark.
- Member of AHSS research grant peer review college.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn clywed gan fyfyrwyr PhD sy'n dymuno ymchwilio yn y meysydd canlynol:
- Dylanwad diwylliant, moeseg ac emosiynau ar agweddau defnydd a gwrth-ddefnydd.
- Cynaliadwyedd mewn ymddygiad a marchnata defnyddwyr.
- Cynnwys a gynhyrchir gan ddefnyddwyr ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol, canlyniadau a strategaethau.
- Cymhellion defnyddwyr cynhenid a chynhenid mewn trawsddiwylliannau.
- Emosiynau, agweddau, gwerthoedd ac ymddygiadau mewn cyd-destun trawsddiwylliannol
Anogir darpar ymgeiswyr PhD i anfon cynnig ymchwil i Nazan yn amlinellu eu pwnc ymchwil a'u methodoleg a ffefrir.
Contact Details
+44 29208 76811
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell S33, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU