Yr Athro Rick Delbridge
Athro Dadansoddiad Sefydliadol
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rick is the Dean of Research, Innovation and Engagement at Cardiff University. He is also academic lead for the Social Science Research Park (SPARK).
He is co author of the Nesta paper Social Science Parks - society's new super-labs. A discussion between Rick and co author Adam Price is available on the Cardiff University YouTube channel.
- Henderson, D., Morgan, K. and Delbridge, R. 2024. Mundane innovation in the periphery: the foundational economy in a less developed region. Regional Studies 58(11), pp. 2146-2157. (10.1080/00343404.2024.2320769)
- Helfen, M., Delbridge, R., Pekarek, A. (. and Purser, G. 2024. Essential work, inessential workers?. In: Helfen, M. et al. eds. Essentiality of Work., Vol. 36. Research in the Sociology of Work, pp. 1-10., (10.1108/S0277-283320240000036001)
- Parsons, K., Delbridge, R., Uyarra, E., Waite, D., Huggins, R. and Morgan, K. 2024. Advancing inclusive innovation policy in the UK’s second-tier city-regions. Review of Regional Research 44, pp. 313-336. (10.1007/s10037-024-00209-9)
- Henderson, D., Morgan, K. and Delbridge, R. 2024. Delivering micro-missions in public food transitions: Harnessing tensions for creative outcomes. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 52, article number: 100873. (10.1016/j.eist.2024.100873)
- Delbridge, R., Helfen, M., Pekarek, A., Schuessler, E. and Zietsma, C. 2024. Organizing sustainably: Introduction to the special issue. Organization Studies 45(1), pp. 7-29. (10.1177/01708406231217143)
- Henderson, D., Morgan, K. and Delbridge, R. 2024. Putting missions in their place: micro missions and the role of universities in delivering challenge-led innovation. Regional Studies 58(1), pp. 208-219. (10.1080/00343404.2023.2176840)
- Jandric, J., Delbridge, R. and Quattrone, P. 2023. Sustaining a collegiate environment: colleagueship, community and choice at an anonymous business school. In: Sahlin, K. and Eriksson-Zetterquist, U. eds. Revitalizing Collegiality: Restoring Faculty Authority in Universities. Research in the Sociology of Organizations Emerald, pp. 51-73., (10.1108/S0733-558X20230000087003)
- Cloete, N. et al. 2023. "Outroduction": A research agenda on collegiality in university settings*. In: Sahlin, K. and Eriksson-Zetterquist, U. eds. Revitalizing Collegiality: Restoring Faculty Authority in Universities., Vol. 87. Research in the Sociology of Organizations Emerald, pp. 181-211., (10.1108/S0733-558X20230000087008)
- Soehardjojo, J., Delbridge, R. and Meardi, G. 2023. The hidden layers of resistance to dominant HRM transfer: evidence from Japanese management practice adoption in Indonesia. Economic and Industrial Democracy 44(3), pp. 679-702. (10.1177/0143831X221086019)
- Soehardjojo, J. and Delbridge, R. 2023. Dominance and societal effects in HR practice transfer: the role of meso-level actors in diffusing and adapting the Japanese model in Indonesia. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 34(17), pp. 3368-3400. (10.1080/09585192.2022.2122729)
- Doheny, S., Delbridge, R., Morgan, K. and Henderson, D. 2023. City and growth deals innovation challenge funds: Advice and guidance for Northern Ireland. Technical Report.
- Oufan, S., De Luca, L., Morgan, R. and Delbridge, R. 2023. Realising Value from Big Data Technology Adoption: Understanding the Role of Organisational Capabilities in the Affordance Actualization Process. Presented at: International Conference on Information Systems 2023, 10-13 December 2023Rising like a Phoenix: Emerging from the Pandemic and Reshaping Human Endeavors with Digital Technologies: ICIS 2023, Vol. 14. Association of Information Systems
- Zhu, J. and Delbridge, R. 2022. The management of second-generation migrant workers in China: a case study of centrifugal paternalism. Human Relations 75(12), pp. 2272-2299. (10.1177/00187267211032948)
- Parsons, K., Courpasson, D. and Delbridge, R. 2022. Futures of organizational ethnography: (Post)pandemic reflections and new possibilities. In: Pandeli, J. and Sutherland, N. eds. Organizational Ethnography: An Experiential and Practical Guide. London: Routledge, pp. 213-226., (10.4324/9781003021582-18)
- Morris, J., Hassard, J., Delbridge, R. and Endo, T. 2021. Understanding managerial work in the modern Japanese firm: The influence of new organizational forms and changing human resource management practices. Economic and Industrial Democracy 42(4), pp. 1378-1406. (10.1177/0143831X19875785)
- Delbridge, R., Henderson, D. and Morgan, K. 2021. Scoping the future of innovation policy in Wales. Project Report.
- Morgan, K., Henderson, D. and Delbridge, R. 2021. Exploring the innovation prospects for Carmarthenshire: A Report prepared for Carmarthenshire County Council. Technical Report.
- Vincent, S., Bamber, G., Delbridge, R., Doellgast, V., Grady, J. and Grugulis, I. 2020. Situating human resource management in the political economy: multilevel theorising and opportunities for kaleidoscopic imagination. Human Resource Management Journal 30(4), pp. 461-477. (10.1111/1748-8583.12328)
- Kitchener, M. and Delbridge, R. 2020. Lessons from creating a business school for public good: obliquity, waysetting and wayfinding in substantively rational change. Academy of Management Learning and Education 19, pp. 307-322., article number: 3. (10.5465/amle.2019.0195)
- Crawley, A., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. 2020. Selling the region: The problems of a multi-agency approach in promoting regional economies. Regional Science Policy and Practice 12(3), pp. 397-412. (10.1111/rsp3.12268)
- Jenkins, S. and Delbridge, R. 2020. Exploring organizational deception: Agency, context and social relations. Organization Theory 1(2), pp. 1-24. (10.1177/2631787720919436)
- Delbridge, R., Endo, T. and Morris, J. 2019. Entrepreneurs or employees? The emergence of "disciplining entrepreneurialism" in subsidiary organizations at cyberagent. In: Sydow, J. and Berends, H. eds. Managing Inter-organizational Collaborations: Process Views., Vol. 64. Research in the Sociology of Organizations Emerald, pp. 163-183., (10.1108/S0733-558X20190000064012)
- Morris, J., Delbridge, R. and Endo, T. 2018. The layering of meso-level institutional effects on employment systems in Japan. British Journal of Industrial Relations 56(3), pp. 603-630. (10.1111/bjir.12296)
- Jenkins, S. and Delbridge, R. 2017. Neo-normative control and value discretion in interactive service work: a case study. In: Vallas, S. P. ed. Emerging Conceptions of Work, Management and the Labor Market., Vol. 30. Research in the Sociology of Work Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 59-85.
- Courpasson, D., Dany, F. and Delbridge, R. 2017. Politics of place: the meaningfulness of resisting places. Human Relations 70(2), pp. 237-259. (10.1177/0018726716641748)
- Jenkins, S. and Delbridge, R. 2017. Trusted to deceive: A case study of 'strategic deception' and the normalization of lying at work. Organization Studies 38(1), pp. 53-76. (10.1177/0170840616655481)
- Barin Cruz, L., Aquino Alves, M. and Delbridge, R. 2017. Next steps in organizing alternatives to capitalism: toward a relational research agenda. M@n@gement 20(4), pp. 322-335.
- Delbridge, R. and Sallaz, J. J. 2015. Work: four worlds and ways of seeing. Organization Studies 36(11), pp. 1449-1462. (10.1177/0170840615612021)
- Vidal, M., Adler, P. and Delbridge, R. 2015. When organization studies turns to societal problems: the contribution of Marxist grand theory. Organization Studies 36(4), pp. 405-422. (10.1177/0170840615575948)
- Jennings, J. E., Edwards, T., Jennings, P. D. and Delbridge, R. 2015. Emotional arousal and entrepreneurial outcomes: Combining qualitative methods to elaborate theory. Journal of Business Venturing 30(1), pp. 113-130. (10.1016/j.jbusvent.2014.06.005)
- Endo, T., Delbridge, R. and Morris, J. 2015. Does Japan still matter? Past tendencies and future opportunities in the study of Japanese firms. International Journal of Management Reviews 17(1), pp. 101-123. (10.1111/ijmr.12039)
- Delbridge, R. 2013. Promising futures: CMS, post-disciplinarity, and the new public social science. Journal of Management Studies n/a (10.1111/joms.12052)
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2013. Inhabiting institutions: Critical realist refinements to understanding institutional complexity and change. Organization Studies 34(7), pp. 927-947. (10.1177/0170840613483805)
- Jenkins, S. L. and Delbridge, R. 2013. In pursuit of happiness: A sociological examination of employee identifications amongst a 'happy' call-centre workforce. Organization n/a (10.1177/1350508413491444)
- Truss, C., Shantz, A., Soane, E., Alfes, K. and Delbridge, R. 2013. Employee engagement, organisational performance and individual well-being: exploring the evidence, developing the theory. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24(14), pp. 2657-2669. (10.1080/09585192.2013.798921)
- Jenkins, S. L. and Delbridge, R. 2013. Context matters: Examining 'soft' and 'hard' approaches to employee engagement in two workplaces. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24(14), pp. 2670-2691. (10.1080/09585192.2013.770780)
- Aoki, K., Delbridge, R. and Endo, T. 2012. 'Japanese human resource management' in post-bubble Japan. The International Journal of Human Resource Management n/a (10.1080/09585192.2012.722118)
- Jennings, J., Edwards, T., Jennings, D. and Delbridge, R. 2012. Affect in collaborative entrepreneurial projects: insights from innovators in the superyacht industry. Presented at: Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 3-7 August 2012Academy of Management Proceedings. pp. 1-59.
- Mariotti, F. and Delbridge, R. 2012. Overcoming network overload and redundancy in interorganizational networks: the roles of potential and latent ties. Organization Science 23(2), pp. 511-528. (10.1287/orsc.1100.0634)
- Kaizer, A., Umemura, M., Delbridge, R. and Morgan, G. 2012. Japanese management twenty years on: The contemporary relevance of Japanese management practices. Project Report. [Online]. London: Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/file/Publications/Executive%20Briefings%202/AIM_Japan_EB_FINAL.pdf
- Delbridge, R., Hauptmeier, M. and Sengupta, S. 2011. Beyond the enterprise: broadening the horizons of International HRM. Human Relations 64(4), pp. 483-505. (10.1177/0018726710396388)
- Delbridge, R. 2010. The critical future of HRM. In: Blyton, P. R., Heery, E. J. and Turnbull, P. J. eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship. Management, Work and Organisations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 21-40.
- Jenkins, S. L., Delbridge, R. and Roberts, A. J. 2010. Emotional management in a mass customised call centre: examining skill and knowledgeability in interactive service work. Work Employment & Society 24(3), pp. 546-564. (10.1177/0950017010371665)
- Delbridge, R. and Keenoy, T. 2010. Beyond managerialism?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 21(6), pp. 799-817. (10.1080/09585191003729309)
- Delbridge, R. and Jenkins, S. L. 2009. Theorizing discretion in service work: value discretion in a high performance call-centre. Presented at: European Organisation Studies Conference (EGOS), Barcelona, July 2009.
- Jenkins, S. L. and Delbridge, R. 2009. Multiple identities and identifications in the high commitment call-centre examining connections in a complex organization. Presented at: Employment Research Unit Conference (ERU), Cardiff, September 2009.
- Calas, M. et al. 2009. After the fall: saving management knowledge from itself?. Presented at: 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, 7-11 August 2009.
- Jenkins, S. L. and Delbridge, R. 2009. Exploring multiple identities in the high performance call-centre: A recipe for success?. Presented at: International Industrial Relations Conference (IIRA), Sydney, Australia, Monday 24 - Thursday 28 August 2009.
- Ashworth, R. E., Boyne, G. A. and Delbridge, R. 2009. Escape from the iron cage? Organizational change and isomorphic pressures in the public sector. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 19(1), pp. 165-187. (10.1093/jopart/mum038)
- Delbridge, R. 2008. HRM and contemporary manufacturing. In: Boxall, P., Purcell, J. and Wright, P. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management. Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 405-427., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199547029.003.0020)
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2008. Challenging conventions: roles and processes during non-isomorphic institutional change. Human Relations 61(3), pp. 299-325. (10.1177/0018726708088996)
- Kasabov, E. and Delbridge, R. 2008. Innovation, embeddedness and policy: evidence from life sciences in three UK regions. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 20(2), pp. 185-200. (10.1080/09537320801931671)
- Delbridge, R. 2008. Patterns of engagement: understanding institutional complexes as negotiated orders. Presented at: 24th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 10-12 July 2008.
- Delbridge, R. and Whitfield, K. L. 2007. More than mere fragments? The use of the Workplace Employment Relations Survey data in HRM research. International Journal of Human Resource Management 18(12), pp. 2166-2181. (10.1080/09585190701695317)
- Neely, A. and Delbridge, R. 2007. Effective business models: What do they mean for Whitehall?. Discussion Paper. Ascot: Sunningdale Institute.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. A critical assessment of the evaluation of EU Interventions for Innovation in the SME sector in Wales. Urban Studies 44(12), pp. 2429-2448. (10.1080/00420980701540960)
- Delbridge, R. 2007. Explaining conflicted collaboration: A critical realist approach to hegemony. Organization Studies 28(9), pp. 1347-1357. (10.1177/0170840607080744)
- Delbridge, R. 2007. The future of HRM research?. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference 2007; Plenary session for HRM track, Warwick, UK, 10-13 September 2007.
- Delbridge, R. and Mariotti, F. 2007. Types of tie, interorganizational tie dynamics and innovation networks. Presented at: Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2007, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 3-8 August 2007.
- Edwards, T. J. and Delbridge, R. 2007. Reflections on developments in institutional theory: Toward a relational approach. Scandinavian Journal of Management 23(2), pp. 191-205. (10.1016/j.scaman.2007.02.003)
- Delbridge, R., Bessant, J. and Birkinshaw, J. 2007. Finding, forming, and performing: Creating networks for discontinuous innovation. California Management Review 49(3), pp. 67-84.
- Jenkins, S. L. and Delbridge, R. 2007. Disconnected workplaces: interests and identities in the 'high performance' factory. In: Bolton, S. C. and Houlihan, M. eds. Searching for the Human in Human Resource Management: Theory, Practice and Workplace Contexts.. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 195-218.
- Delbridge, R., Edwards, P., Forth, J., Miskell, P. and Payne, J. 2006. The organization of productivity: Re-thinking skills and work organization. Working paper. London: Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/File/Publications/Academic%20Publications%202/Organisation_of_Productivity.pdf
- Mutch, A., Delbridge, R. and Ventresca, M. 2006. Situating organizational action: The relational sociology of organizations. Organization 13(5), pp. 607-625. (10.1177/1350508406067006)
- Delbridge, R. 2006. Extended review: The vitality of labour process analysis [Book reviews]. Organization Studies 27(8), pp. 1209-1219. (10.1177/0170840606069145)
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2006. The relational pragmatics of institutional entrepreneurship and field re-composition. Presented at: EGOS 2006 - European Group for Organizational Studies, Bergen, Norway, 6-8 July 2006.
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2006. Understanding field reproduction: the interconnection between agency, social position and stuctural context. Presented at: Workshop on the Present and Future Status of Institutional Theory, Alberta, Canada, 2-3 June 2006.
- Kasabov, E. and Delbridge, R. 2006. Biotech clusters in the UK: Challenges and opportunities. Working paper. London: AIM Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/File/pdf/Executive%20Briefing/AIM%20Biotech%20Clusters%20FINAL%20-%20March%202006.pdf
- Delbridge, R., Johnson, G. and Gratton, L. 2006. The exceptional manager: making the difference. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2006. Delivering the "learning factory"?: Evidence on HR roles in contemporary manufacturing. Journal of European Industrial Training 30(5), pp. 385-395. (10.1108/03090590610677935)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Understanding innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: a process manifest. Technovation 25(10), pp. 1119-1127. (10.1016/j.technovation.2004.04.005)
- Delbridge, R. and Ezzamel, M. 2005. The strength of difference: Contemporary conceptions of control. Organization 12(5), pp. 603-618. (10.1177/1350508405055937)
- Ashworth, R. E., Boyne, G. A. and Delbridge, R. 2005. Escape from the iron cage? Organizational change and isomorphic pressures in the public sector. Presented at: 20th Employment Relations Unit Conference, Cardiff, UK, 6 September 2005.
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2005. Managing HR in the 'learning factory'. Reality or rhetoric?. Presented at: 8th Conference on International Human Resource Management, Cairns, Australia, 14-17 June 2005.
- Ashworth, R. E., Boyne, G. and Delbridge, R. 2005. Institutional pressures on public sector organizations: An empirical test of isomorphism. Presented at: 21st European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Berlin, Germany, 30 June - 2 July 2005.
- Andriani, P. et al. 2005. Challenging clusters: The prospects and pitfalls of clustering for innovation and economic development: Summary report from an AIM management research forum in cooperation with the Welsh Economy Research Unit. Project Report. [Online]. London: AIM Research. Available at: http://wi1.uni-erlangen.de/sites/wi1.uni-erlangen.de/files/CLUSTERS20-20MRF20Version20-20FINAL201620June2020051.pdf
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2004. 'Feeding the beast': worker and supervisor views on their changing roles in first tier automotive component suppliers within the US and UK. In: Stewart, P. ed. Employment, Trade Union Renewal and the Future of Work: Organisational Change and the Future of Work: The Experience of Work and Organisational Change. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 110-129.
- Heery, E. J., Simms, M. and Delbridge, R. 2004. Union organising in Britain: a survey of recent developments. In: Healy, G. et al. eds. The Future of Worker Representation. Future of Work Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-36.
- Heery, E. J., Conley, H., Delbridge, R. and Stewart, P. 2004. Beyond the enterprise: trade union representation of freelances in the UK. Human Resource Management Journal 14(2), pp. 20-35. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.2004.tb00117.x)
- Delbridge, R. and Barton, H. 2004. HRM in support of the learning factory: evidence from the US and UK automotive components industries. International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(2), pp. 331-345. (10.1080/0958519032000158545)
- Delbridge, R. and Biggart, N. 2004. Systems of exchange. Academy of Management Review 29(1), pp. 28-49.
- Heery, E. J., Conley, H., Delbridge, R. and Stewart, P. 2004. Seeking partnership for the contingent workforce. In: Stuart, M. and Martinez Lucio, M. eds. Partnership and Modernisation in Employment Relations. Routledge Research in Employment Relations Vol. 9. London: Routledge, pp. 150-163.
- Mariotti, F., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. M. 2004. Networks of learning: How motorsport companies collaborate and share knowledge. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/pdf/Academic%20Publications/Non%20AIM/networksoflearning.pdf
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2003. The changing role of HR managers in US and UK automotive manufacturing. Presented at: 3rd Conference on Innovation within HRM, Enschede, Netherlands, 7-8 November 2003.
- Heery, E., Delbridge, R., Simms, M., Salmon, J. and Simpson, D. 2003. Organising for renewal: a case study of the TUC's Organising Academy. In: Cornfield, D. and McCammon, H. eds. Labor Revitalization: Global Perspectives and New Initiatives. Research in the Sociology of Work Vol. 11. JAI Press, pp. 79-110.
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2003. Actors and roles in processes of de- and re-Institutionalization. Presented at: 19th EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3-5 July 2003.
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2003. Frustration's the name, HRM's my game: A perspective on the role of HR managers in contemporary manufacturing. Presented at: 7th Conference on International Human Resource Management, Limerick, Ireland, 4-6 June 2003.
- Delbridge, R. 2003. Knowledge, Innovation and Institutional Change. Work, Employment and Society 17(1), pp. 187-196. (10.1177/0950017003017001279)
- Heery, E. J., Simms, M., Delbridge, R., Salmon, J. and Simpson, D. 2003. Trade union recruitment policy in Britain: form and effects. In: Gall, G. ed. Union Organising: Campaigning for Trade Union Recognition. Routledge Studies in Employment Relations London: Routledge, pp. 56-78.
- Delbridge, R. 2002. Workers under lean manufacturing. In: Holman, D. et al. eds. The New Workplace: A Guide to the Human Impact of Modern Working Practices. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 19-36.
- Budhwar, P. et al. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: Developments in organization theory and practice. Management Research News 25(8/9/10), pp. 1-193. (10.1108/01409170210783368)
- Oliver, N., Delbridge, R. and Barton, H. 2002. Lean production and manufacturing performance improvement in Japan, the US and UK 1994-2001. Working paper. Cambridge: University of Cambridge. Available at: http://www.cbr.cam.ac.uk/pdf/WP232.pdf
- Heery, E. J., Conley, H., Delbridge, R., Stewart, P. and Simms, M. 2002. Trade unions and the flexible workforce: A survey analysis of union policy and practice. Working paper. Leeds: Economic and Social Research Council. Available at: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/esrcfutureofwork/downloads/workingpaperdownloads/Paper22.pdf
- Whitfield, K. L. and Delbridge, R. 2002. Perceptions of job influence under varying forms of employee participation. Presented at: 12th IIRA World Congress, Tokyo, Japan, 29 May - 2 June 2000 Presented at Hanami, T. ed.Universal Wisdom Through Globalization: Selected Papers from the 12th IIRA World Congress, Tokyo. Tokyo: Japan Institute of Labour pp. 17.
- Delbridge, R. and Barton, H. 2002. Organizing for continuous improvement: structures and roles in automotive components plants. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 22(6), pp. 680-692. (10.1108/01443570210427686)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. M. 2002. Learning companies: Innovative potential of Welsh manufacturing SMEs. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School.
- Delbridge, R., Heery, E. J., Salmon, J., Simms, M. and Simpson, D. 2001. Global labour? The transfer of the organising model to the United Kingdom. In: Debrah, Y. A. and Smith, I. G. eds. Globalization, Employment and the Workplace: Diverse Impacts. Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy London and New York: Routledge, pp. 41-68.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. Linking innovative potential to SME performance: an assessment of enterprises in industrial South Wales. Presented at: 41st European Regional Science Association conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 29 August - 1 September 2001.
- Delbridge, R. and Whitfield, K. L. 2001. Employee perceptions of job influence and organizational participation Employee Perceptions. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy & Society 40(3), pp. 472-489. (10.1111/0019-8676.00220)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. Learning companies: future challenges for small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises. Presented at: Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester, UK, 11-13 July 2001.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. 2001. Innovation in small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises: issues and future directions. Presented at: Managing Knowledge: Conversations and Critiques, Leicester, UK, 10 -11 April 2001.
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2001. Development in the learning factory: training human capital. Journal of European Industrial Training 25(9), pp. 465-472. (10.1108/03090590110410313)
- Edwards, T. J. and Delbridge, R. 2001. Assessing the innovative potential of small and medium sized enterprises: a working model of innovation in manufacturing. Presented at: 2nd Managing Knowledge Conference, Leicester, UK, 10-11 April 2001.
- Oliver, N. and Delbridge, R. 2000. The characteristics of high performing supply chains. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 2(1-7), pp. 532-545. (10.1504/IJMTM.2000.001363)
- Delbridge, R. 1998. Life on the line in contemporary manufacturing: The workplace experience of Lean production and the `Japanese' model. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Whitfield, K., Brown, W. and Delbridge, R. 1998. International comparison by means of workplace surveys. In: Whitfield, K. and Strauss, G. eds. Researching the World of Work: Strategies and Methods in Studying Industrial Relations. UK: ILR Press, pp. 193-207.
- Henderson, D., Morgan, K. and Delbridge, R. 2024. Mundane innovation in the periphery: the foundational economy in a less developed region. Regional Studies 58(11), pp. 2146-2157. (10.1080/00343404.2024.2320769)
- Parsons, K., Delbridge, R., Uyarra, E., Waite, D., Huggins, R. and Morgan, K. 2024. Advancing inclusive innovation policy in the UK’s second-tier city-regions. Review of Regional Research 44, pp. 313-336. (10.1007/s10037-024-00209-9)
- Henderson, D., Morgan, K. and Delbridge, R. 2024. Delivering micro-missions in public food transitions: Harnessing tensions for creative outcomes. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 52, article number: 100873. (10.1016/j.eist.2024.100873)
- Delbridge, R., Helfen, M., Pekarek, A., Schuessler, E. and Zietsma, C. 2024. Organizing sustainably: Introduction to the special issue. Organization Studies 45(1), pp. 7-29. (10.1177/01708406231217143)
- Henderson, D., Morgan, K. and Delbridge, R. 2024. Putting missions in their place: micro missions and the role of universities in delivering challenge-led innovation. Regional Studies 58(1), pp. 208-219. (10.1080/00343404.2023.2176840)
- Soehardjojo, J., Delbridge, R. and Meardi, G. 2023. The hidden layers of resistance to dominant HRM transfer: evidence from Japanese management practice adoption in Indonesia. Economic and Industrial Democracy 44(3), pp. 679-702. (10.1177/0143831X221086019)
- Soehardjojo, J. and Delbridge, R. 2023. Dominance and societal effects in HR practice transfer: the role of meso-level actors in diffusing and adapting the Japanese model in Indonesia. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 34(17), pp. 3368-3400. (10.1080/09585192.2022.2122729)
- Zhu, J. and Delbridge, R. 2022. The management of second-generation migrant workers in China: a case study of centrifugal paternalism. Human Relations 75(12), pp. 2272-2299. (10.1177/00187267211032948)
- Morris, J., Hassard, J., Delbridge, R. and Endo, T. 2021. Understanding managerial work in the modern Japanese firm: The influence of new organizational forms and changing human resource management practices. Economic and Industrial Democracy 42(4), pp. 1378-1406. (10.1177/0143831X19875785)
- Vincent, S., Bamber, G., Delbridge, R., Doellgast, V., Grady, J. and Grugulis, I. 2020. Situating human resource management in the political economy: multilevel theorising and opportunities for kaleidoscopic imagination. Human Resource Management Journal 30(4), pp. 461-477. (10.1111/1748-8583.12328)
- Kitchener, M. and Delbridge, R. 2020. Lessons from creating a business school for public good: obliquity, waysetting and wayfinding in substantively rational change. Academy of Management Learning and Education 19, pp. 307-322., article number: 3. (10.5465/amle.2019.0195)
- Crawley, A., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. 2020. Selling the region: The problems of a multi-agency approach in promoting regional economies. Regional Science Policy and Practice 12(3), pp. 397-412. (10.1111/rsp3.12268)
- Jenkins, S. and Delbridge, R. 2020. Exploring organizational deception: Agency, context and social relations. Organization Theory 1(2), pp. 1-24. (10.1177/2631787720919436)
- Morris, J., Delbridge, R. and Endo, T. 2018. The layering of meso-level institutional effects on employment systems in Japan. British Journal of Industrial Relations 56(3), pp. 603-630. (10.1111/bjir.12296)
- Courpasson, D., Dany, F. and Delbridge, R. 2017. Politics of place: the meaningfulness of resisting places. Human Relations 70(2), pp. 237-259. (10.1177/0018726716641748)
- Jenkins, S. and Delbridge, R. 2017. Trusted to deceive: A case study of 'strategic deception' and the normalization of lying at work. Organization Studies 38(1), pp. 53-76. (10.1177/0170840616655481)
- Barin Cruz, L., Aquino Alves, M. and Delbridge, R. 2017. Next steps in organizing alternatives to capitalism: toward a relational research agenda. M@n@gement 20(4), pp. 322-335.
- Delbridge, R. and Sallaz, J. J. 2015. Work: four worlds and ways of seeing. Organization Studies 36(11), pp. 1449-1462. (10.1177/0170840615612021)
- Vidal, M., Adler, P. and Delbridge, R. 2015. When organization studies turns to societal problems: the contribution of Marxist grand theory. Organization Studies 36(4), pp. 405-422. (10.1177/0170840615575948)
- Jennings, J. E., Edwards, T., Jennings, P. D. and Delbridge, R. 2015. Emotional arousal and entrepreneurial outcomes: Combining qualitative methods to elaborate theory. Journal of Business Venturing 30(1), pp. 113-130. (10.1016/j.jbusvent.2014.06.005)
- Endo, T., Delbridge, R. and Morris, J. 2015. Does Japan still matter? Past tendencies and future opportunities in the study of Japanese firms. International Journal of Management Reviews 17(1), pp. 101-123. (10.1111/ijmr.12039)
- Delbridge, R. 2013. Promising futures: CMS, post-disciplinarity, and the new public social science. Journal of Management Studies n/a (10.1111/joms.12052)
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2013. Inhabiting institutions: Critical realist refinements to understanding institutional complexity and change. Organization Studies 34(7), pp. 927-947. (10.1177/0170840613483805)
- Jenkins, S. L. and Delbridge, R. 2013. In pursuit of happiness: A sociological examination of employee identifications amongst a 'happy' call-centre workforce. Organization n/a (10.1177/1350508413491444)
- Truss, C., Shantz, A., Soane, E., Alfes, K. and Delbridge, R. 2013. Employee engagement, organisational performance and individual well-being: exploring the evidence, developing the theory. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24(14), pp. 2657-2669. (10.1080/09585192.2013.798921)
- Jenkins, S. L. and Delbridge, R. 2013. Context matters: Examining 'soft' and 'hard' approaches to employee engagement in two workplaces. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24(14), pp. 2670-2691. (10.1080/09585192.2013.770780)
- Aoki, K., Delbridge, R. and Endo, T. 2012. 'Japanese human resource management' in post-bubble Japan. The International Journal of Human Resource Management n/a (10.1080/09585192.2012.722118)
- Mariotti, F. and Delbridge, R. 2012. Overcoming network overload and redundancy in interorganizational networks: the roles of potential and latent ties. Organization Science 23(2), pp. 511-528. (10.1287/orsc.1100.0634)
- Delbridge, R., Hauptmeier, M. and Sengupta, S. 2011. Beyond the enterprise: broadening the horizons of International HRM. Human Relations 64(4), pp. 483-505. (10.1177/0018726710396388)
- Jenkins, S. L., Delbridge, R. and Roberts, A. J. 2010. Emotional management in a mass customised call centre: examining skill and knowledgeability in interactive service work. Work Employment & Society 24(3), pp. 546-564. (10.1177/0950017010371665)
- Delbridge, R. and Keenoy, T. 2010. Beyond managerialism?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 21(6), pp. 799-817. (10.1080/09585191003729309)
- Ashworth, R. E., Boyne, G. A. and Delbridge, R. 2009. Escape from the iron cage? Organizational change and isomorphic pressures in the public sector. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 19(1), pp. 165-187. (10.1093/jopart/mum038)
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2008. Challenging conventions: roles and processes during non-isomorphic institutional change. Human Relations 61(3), pp. 299-325. (10.1177/0018726708088996)
- Kasabov, E. and Delbridge, R. 2008. Innovation, embeddedness and policy: evidence from life sciences in three UK regions. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 20(2), pp. 185-200. (10.1080/09537320801931671)
- Delbridge, R. and Whitfield, K. L. 2007. More than mere fragments? The use of the Workplace Employment Relations Survey data in HRM research. International Journal of Human Resource Management 18(12), pp. 2166-2181. (10.1080/09585190701695317)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. A critical assessment of the evaluation of EU Interventions for Innovation in the SME sector in Wales. Urban Studies 44(12), pp. 2429-2448. (10.1080/00420980701540960)
- Delbridge, R. 2007. Explaining conflicted collaboration: A critical realist approach to hegemony. Organization Studies 28(9), pp. 1347-1357. (10.1177/0170840607080744)
- Edwards, T. J. and Delbridge, R. 2007. Reflections on developments in institutional theory: Toward a relational approach. Scandinavian Journal of Management 23(2), pp. 191-205. (10.1016/j.scaman.2007.02.003)
- Delbridge, R., Bessant, J. and Birkinshaw, J. 2007. Finding, forming, and performing: Creating networks for discontinuous innovation. California Management Review 49(3), pp. 67-84.
- Mutch, A., Delbridge, R. and Ventresca, M. 2006. Situating organizational action: The relational sociology of organizations. Organization 13(5), pp. 607-625. (10.1177/1350508406067006)
- Delbridge, R. 2006. Extended review: The vitality of labour process analysis [Book reviews]. Organization Studies 27(8), pp. 1209-1219. (10.1177/0170840606069145)
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2006. Delivering the "learning factory"?: Evidence on HR roles in contemporary manufacturing. Journal of European Industrial Training 30(5), pp. 385-395. (10.1108/03090590610677935)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Understanding innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: a process manifest. Technovation 25(10), pp. 1119-1127. (10.1016/j.technovation.2004.04.005)
- Delbridge, R. and Ezzamel, M. 2005. The strength of difference: Contemporary conceptions of control. Organization 12(5), pp. 603-618. (10.1177/1350508405055937)
- Heery, E. J., Conley, H., Delbridge, R. and Stewart, P. 2004. Beyond the enterprise: trade union representation of freelances in the UK. Human Resource Management Journal 14(2), pp. 20-35. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.2004.tb00117.x)
- Delbridge, R. and Barton, H. 2004. HRM in support of the learning factory: evidence from the US and UK automotive components industries. International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(2), pp. 331-345. (10.1080/0958519032000158545)
- Delbridge, R. and Biggart, N. 2004. Systems of exchange. Academy of Management Review 29(1), pp. 28-49.
- Delbridge, R. 2003. Knowledge, Innovation and Institutional Change. Work, Employment and Society 17(1), pp. 187-196. (10.1177/0950017003017001279)
- Budhwar, P. et al. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: Developments in organization theory and practice. Management Research News 25(8/9/10), pp. 1-193. (10.1108/01409170210783368)
- Delbridge, R. and Barton, H. 2002. Organizing for continuous improvement: structures and roles in automotive components plants. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 22(6), pp. 680-692. (10.1108/01443570210427686)
- Delbridge, R. and Whitfield, K. L. 2001. Employee perceptions of job influence and organizational participation Employee Perceptions. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy & Society 40(3), pp. 472-489. (10.1111/0019-8676.00220)
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2001. Development in the learning factory: training human capital. Journal of European Industrial Training 25(9), pp. 465-472. (10.1108/03090590110410313)
- Oliver, N. and Delbridge, R. 2000. The characteristics of high performing supply chains. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 2(1-7), pp. 532-545. (10.1504/IJMTM.2000.001363)
Book sections
- Helfen, M., Delbridge, R., Pekarek, A. (. and Purser, G. 2024. Essential work, inessential workers?. In: Helfen, M. et al. eds. Essentiality of Work., Vol. 36. Research in the Sociology of Work, pp. 1-10., (10.1108/S0277-283320240000036001)
- Jandric, J., Delbridge, R. and Quattrone, P. 2023. Sustaining a collegiate environment: colleagueship, community and choice at an anonymous business school. In: Sahlin, K. and Eriksson-Zetterquist, U. eds. Revitalizing Collegiality: Restoring Faculty Authority in Universities. Research in the Sociology of Organizations Emerald, pp. 51-73., (10.1108/S0733-558X20230000087003)
- Cloete, N. et al. 2023. "Outroduction": A research agenda on collegiality in university settings*. In: Sahlin, K. and Eriksson-Zetterquist, U. eds. Revitalizing Collegiality: Restoring Faculty Authority in Universities., Vol. 87. Research in the Sociology of Organizations Emerald, pp. 181-211., (10.1108/S0733-558X20230000087008)
- Parsons, K., Courpasson, D. and Delbridge, R. 2022. Futures of organizational ethnography: (Post)pandemic reflections and new possibilities. In: Pandeli, J. and Sutherland, N. eds. Organizational Ethnography: An Experiential and Practical Guide. London: Routledge, pp. 213-226., (10.4324/9781003021582-18)
- Delbridge, R., Endo, T. and Morris, J. 2019. Entrepreneurs or employees? The emergence of "disciplining entrepreneurialism" in subsidiary organizations at cyberagent. In: Sydow, J. and Berends, H. eds. Managing Inter-organizational Collaborations: Process Views., Vol. 64. Research in the Sociology of Organizations Emerald, pp. 163-183., (10.1108/S0733-558X20190000064012)
- Jenkins, S. and Delbridge, R. 2017. Neo-normative control and value discretion in interactive service work: a case study. In: Vallas, S. P. ed. Emerging Conceptions of Work, Management and the Labor Market., Vol. 30. Research in the Sociology of Work Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 59-85.
- Delbridge, R. 2010. The critical future of HRM. In: Blyton, P. R., Heery, E. J. and Turnbull, P. J. eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship. Management, Work and Organisations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 21-40.
- Delbridge, R. 2008. HRM and contemporary manufacturing. In: Boxall, P., Purcell, J. and Wright, P. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management. Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 405-427., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199547029.003.0020)
- Jenkins, S. L. and Delbridge, R. 2007. Disconnected workplaces: interests and identities in the 'high performance' factory. In: Bolton, S. C. and Houlihan, M. eds. Searching for the Human in Human Resource Management: Theory, Practice and Workplace Contexts.. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 195-218.
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2004. 'Feeding the beast': worker and supervisor views on their changing roles in first tier automotive component suppliers within the US and UK. In: Stewart, P. ed. Employment, Trade Union Renewal and the Future of Work: Organisational Change and the Future of Work: The Experience of Work and Organisational Change. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 110-129.
- Heery, E. J., Simms, M. and Delbridge, R. 2004. Union organising in Britain: a survey of recent developments. In: Healy, G. et al. eds. The Future of Worker Representation. Future of Work Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-36.
- Heery, E. J., Conley, H., Delbridge, R. and Stewart, P. 2004. Seeking partnership for the contingent workforce. In: Stuart, M. and Martinez Lucio, M. eds. Partnership and Modernisation in Employment Relations. Routledge Research in Employment Relations Vol. 9. London: Routledge, pp. 150-163.
- Heery, E., Delbridge, R., Simms, M., Salmon, J. and Simpson, D. 2003. Organising for renewal: a case study of the TUC's Organising Academy. In: Cornfield, D. and McCammon, H. eds. Labor Revitalization: Global Perspectives and New Initiatives. Research in the Sociology of Work Vol. 11. JAI Press, pp. 79-110.
- Heery, E. J., Simms, M., Delbridge, R., Salmon, J. and Simpson, D. 2003. Trade union recruitment policy in Britain: form and effects. In: Gall, G. ed. Union Organising: Campaigning for Trade Union Recognition. Routledge Studies in Employment Relations London: Routledge, pp. 56-78.
- Delbridge, R. 2002. Workers under lean manufacturing. In: Holman, D. et al. eds. The New Workplace: A Guide to the Human Impact of Modern Working Practices. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 19-36.
- Delbridge, R., Heery, E. J., Salmon, J., Simms, M. and Simpson, D. 2001. Global labour? The transfer of the organising model to the United Kingdom. In: Debrah, Y. A. and Smith, I. G. eds. Globalization, Employment and the Workplace: Diverse Impacts. Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy London and New York: Routledge, pp. 41-68.
- Whitfield, K., Brown, W. and Delbridge, R. 1998. International comparison by means of workplace surveys. In: Whitfield, K. and Strauss, G. eds. Researching the World of Work: Strategies and Methods in Studying Industrial Relations. UK: ILR Press, pp. 193-207.
- Delbridge, R., Johnson, G. and Gratton, L. 2006. The exceptional manager: making the difference. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Delbridge, R. 1998. Life on the line in contemporary manufacturing: The workplace experience of Lean production and the `Japanese' model. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Oufan, S., De Luca, L., Morgan, R. and Delbridge, R. 2023. Realising Value from Big Data Technology Adoption: Understanding the Role of Organisational Capabilities in the Affordance Actualization Process. Presented at: International Conference on Information Systems 2023, 10-13 December 2023Rising like a Phoenix: Emerging from the Pandemic and Reshaping Human Endeavors with Digital Technologies: ICIS 2023, Vol. 14. Association of Information Systems
- Jennings, J., Edwards, T., Jennings, D. and Delbridge, R. 2012. Affect in collaborative entrepreneurial projects: insights from innovators in the superyacht industry. Presented at: Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 3-7 August 2012Academy of Management Proceedings. pp. 1-59.
- Delbridge, R. and Jenkins, S. L. 2009. Theorizing discretion in service work: value discretion in a high performance call-centre. Presented at: European Organisation Studies Conference (EGOS), Barcelona, July 2009.
- Jenkins, S. L. and Delbridge, R. 2009. Multiple identities and identifications in the high commitment call-centre examining connections in a complex organization. Presented at: Employment Research Unit Conference (ERU), Cardiff, September 2009.
- Calas, M. et al. 2009. After the fall: saving management knowledge from itself?. Presented at: 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, 7-11 August 2009.
- Jenkins, S. L. and Delbridge, R. 2009. Exploring multiple identities in the high performance call-centre: A recipe for success?. Presented at: International Industrial Relations Conference (IIRA), Sydney, Australia, Monday 24 - Thursday 28 August 2009.
- Delbridge, R. 2008. Patterns of engagement: understanding institutional complexes as negotiated orders. Presented at: 24th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 10-12 July 2008.
- Delbridge, R. 2007. The future of HRM research?. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference 2007; Plenary session for HRM track, Warwick, UK, 10-13 September 2007.
- Delbridge, R. and Mariotti, F. 2007. Types of tie, interorganizational tie dynamics and innovation networks. Presented at: Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2007, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 3-8 August 2007.
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2006. The relational pragmatics of institutional entrepreneurship and field re-composition. Presented at: EGOS 2006 - European Group for Organizational Studies, Bergen, Norway, 6-8 July 2006.
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2006. Understanding field reproduction: the interconnection between agency, social position and stuctural context. Presented at: Workshop on the Present and Future Status of Institutional Theory, Alberta, Canada, 2-3 June 2006.
- Ashworth, R. E., Boyne, G. A. and Delbridge, R. 2005. Escape from the iron cage? Organizational change and isomorphic pressures in the public sector. Presented at: 20th Employment Relations Unit Conference, Cardiff, UK, 6 September 2005.
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2005. Managing HR in the 'learning factory'. Reality or rhetoric?. Presented at: 8th Conference on International Human Resource Management, Cairns, Australia, 14-17 June 2005.
- Ashworth, R. E., Boyne, G. and Delbridge, R. 2005. Institutional pressures on public sector organizations: An empirical test of isomorphism. Presented at: 21st European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Berlin, Germany, 30 June - 2 July 2005.
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2003. The changing role of HR managers in US and UK automotive manufacturing. Presented at: 3rd Conference on Innovation within HRM, Enschede, Netherlands, 7-8 November 2003.
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2003. Actors and roles in processes of de- and re-Institutionalization. Presented at: 19th EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3-5 July 2003.
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2003. Frustration's the name, HRM's my game: A perspective on the role of HR managers in contemporary manufacturing. Presented at: 7th Conference on International Human Resource Management, Limerick, Ireland, 4-6 June 2003.
- Whitfield, K. L. and Delbridge, R. 2002. Perceptions of job influence under varying forms of employee participation. Presented at: 12th IIRA World Congress, Tokyo, Japan, 29 May - 2 June 2000 Presented at Hanami, T. ed.Universal Wisdom Through Globalization: Selected Papers from the 12th IIRA World Congress, Tokyo. Tokyo: Japan Institute of Labour pp. 17.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. Linking innovative potential to SME performance: an assessment of enterprises in industrial South Wales. Presented at: 41st European Regional Science Association conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 29 August - 1 September 2001.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. Learning companies: future challenges for small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises. Presented at: Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester, UK, 11-13 July 2001.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. 2001. Innovation in small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises: issues and future directions. Presented at: Managing Knowledge: Conversations and Critiques, Leicester, UK, 10 -11 April 2001.
- Edwards, T. J. and Delbridge, R. 2001. Assessing the innovative potential of small and medium sized enterprises: a working model of innovation in manufacturing. Presented at: 2nd Managing Knowledge Conference, Leicester, UK, 10-11 April 2001.
- Doheny, S., Delbridge, R., Morgan, K. and Henderson, D. 2023. City and growth deals innovation challenge funds: Advice and guidance for Northern Ireland. Technical Report.
- Delbridge, R., Henderson, D. and Morgan, K. 2021. Scoping the future of innovation policy in Wales. Project Report.
- Morgan, K., Henderson, D. and Delbridge, R. 2021. Exploring the innovation prospects for Carmarthenshire: A Report prepared for Carmarthenshire County Council. Technical Report.
- Kaizer, A., Umemura, M., Delbridge, R. and Morgan, G. 2012. Japanese management twenty years on: The contemporary relevance of Japanese management practices. Project Report. [Online]. London: Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/file/Publications/Executive%20Briefings%202/AIM_Japan_EB_FINAL.pdf
- Neely, A. and Delbridge, R. 2007. Effective business models: What do they mean for Whitehall?. Discussion Paper. Ascot: Sunningdale Institute.
- Delbridge, R., Edwards, P., Forth, J., Miskell, P. and Payne, J. 2006. The organization of productivity: Re-thinking skills and work organization. Working paper. London: Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/File/Publications/Academic%20Publications%202/Organisation_of_Productivity.pdf
- Kasabov, E. and Delbridge, R. 2006. Biotech clusters in the UK: Challenges and opportunities. Working paper. London: AIM Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/File/pdf/Executive%20Briefing/AIM%20Biotech%20Clusters%20FINAL%20-%20March%202006.pdf
- Andriani, P. et al. 2005. Challenging clusters: The prospects and pitfalls of clustering for innovation and economic development: Summary report from an AIM management research forum in cooperation with the Welsh Economy Research Unit. Project Report. [Online]. London: AIM Research. Available at: http://wi1.uni-erlangen.de/sites/wi1.uni-erlangen.de/files/CLUSTERS20-20MRF20Version20-20FINAL201620June2020051.pdf
- Mariotti, F., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. M. 2004. Networks of learning: How motorsport companies collaborate and share knowledge. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/pdf/Academic%20Publications/Non%20AIM/networksoflearning.pdf
- Oliver, N., Delbridge, R. and Barton, H. 2002. Lean production and manufacturing performance improvement in Japan, the US and UK 1994-2001. Working paper. Cambridge: University of Cambridge. Available at: http://www.cbr.cam.ac.uk/pdf/WP232.pdf
- Heery, E. J., Conley, H., Delbridge, R., Stewart, P. and Simms, M. 2002. Trade unions and the flexible workforce: A survey analysis of union policy and practice. Working paper. Leeds: Economic and Social Research Council. Available at: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/esrcfutureofwork/downloads/workingpaperdownloads/Paper22.pdf
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. M. 2002. Learning companies: Innovative potential of Welsh manufacturing SMEs. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School.
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2013. Inhabiting institutions: Critical realist refinements to understanding institutional complexity and change. Organization Studies 34(7), pp. 927-947. (10.1177/0170840613483805)
- Jenkins, S. L. and Delbridge, R. 2013. In pursuit of happiness: A sociological examination of employee identifications amongst a 'happy' call-centre workforce. Organization n/a (10.1177/1350508413491444)
- Truss, C., Shantz, A., Soane, E., Alfes, K. and Delbridge, R. 2013. Employee engagement, organisational performance and individual well-being: exploring the evidence, developing the theory. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24(14), pp. 2657-2669. (10.1080/09585192.2013.798921)
- Jenkins, S. L. and Delbridge, R. 2013. Context matters: Examining 'soft' and 'hard' approaches to employee engagement in two workplaces. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24(14), pp. 2670-2691. (10.1080/09585192.2013.770780)
- Aoki, K., Delbridge, R. and Endo, T. 2012. 'Japanese human resource management' in post-bubble Japan. The International Journal of Human Resource Management n/a (10.1080/09585192.2012.722118)
- Mariotti, F. and Delbridge, R. 2012. Overcoming network overload and redundancy in interorganizational networks: the roles of potential and latent ties. Organization Science 23(2), pp. 511-528. (10.1287/orsc.1100.0634)
- Delbridge, R., Hauptmeier, M. and Sengupta, S. 2011. Beyond the enterprise: broadening the horizons of International HRM. Human Relations 64(4), pp. 483-505. (10.1177/0018726710396388)
- Jenkins, S. L., Delbridge, R. and Roberts, A. J. 2010. Emotional management in a mass customised call centre: examining skill and knowledgeability in interactive service work. Work Employment & Society 24(3), pp. 546-564. (10.1177/0950017010371665)
- Delbridge, R. and Keenoy, T. 2010. Beyond managerialism?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 21(6), pp. 799-817. (10.1080/09585191003729309)
- Ashworth, R. E., Boyne, G. A. and Delbridge, R. 2009. Escape from the iron cage? Organizational change and isomorphic pressures in the public sector. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 19(1), pp. 165-187. (10.1093/jopart/mum038)
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2008. Challenging conventions: roles and processes during non-isomorphic institutional change. Human Relations 61(3), pp. 299-325. (10.1177/0018726708088996)
- Kasabov, E. and Delbridge, R. 2008. Innovation, embeddedness and policy: evidence from life sciences in three UK regions. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 20(2), pp. 185-200. (10.1080/09537320801931671)
- Delbridge, R. and Whitfield, K. L. 2007. More than mere fragments? The use of the Workplace Employment Relations Survey data in HRM research. International Journal of Human Resource Management 18(12), pp. 2166-2181. (10.1080/09585190701695317)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. A critical assessment of the evaluation of EU Interventions for Innovation in the SME sector in Wales. Urban Studies 44(12), pp. 2429-2448. (10.1080/00420980701540960)
- Delbridge, R. 2007. Explaining conflicted collaboration: A critical realist approach to hegemony. Organization Studies 28(9), pp. 1347-1357. (10.1177/0170840607080744)
- Edwards, T. J. and Delbridge, R. 2007. Reflections on developments in institutional theory: Toward a relational approach. Scandinavian Journal of Management 23(2), pp. 191-205. (10.1016/j.scaman.2007.02.003)
- Delbridge, R., Bessant, J. and Birkinshaw, J. 2007. Finding, forming, and performing: Creating networks for discontinuous innovation. California Management Review 49(3), pp. 67-84.
- Mutch, A., Delbridge, R. and Ventresca, M. 2006. Situating organizational action: The relational sociology of organizations. Organization 13(5), pp. 607-625. (10.1177/1350508406067006)
- Delbridge, R. 2006. Extended review: The vitality of labour process analysis [Book reviews]. Organization Studies 27(8), pp. 1209-1219. (10.1177/0170840606069145)
- Delbridge, R., Johnson, G. and Gratton, L. 2006. The exceptional manager: making the difference. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2006. Delivering the "learning factory"?: Evidence on HR roles in contemporary manufacturing. Journal of European Industrial Training 30(5), pp. 385-395. (10.1108/03090590610677935)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Understanding innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: a process manifest. Technovation 25(10), pp. 1119-1127. (10.1016/j.technovation.2004.04.005)
- Delbridge, R. and Ezzamel, M. 2005. The strength of difference: Contemporary conceptions of control. Organization 12(5), pp. 603-618. (10.1177/1350508405055937)
- Heery, E. J., Conley, H., Delbridge, R. and Stewart, P. 2004. Beyond the enterprise: trade union representation of freelances in the UK. Human Resource Management Journal 14(2), pp. 20-35. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.2004.tb00117.x)
- Delbridge, R. and Barton, H. 2004. HRM in support of the learning factory: evidence from the US and UK automotive components industries. International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(2), pp. 331-345. (10.1080/0958519032000158545)
- Delbridge, R. and Biggart, N. 2004. Systems of exchange. Academy of Management Review 29(1), pp. 28-49.
- Delbridge, R. and Barton, H. 2002. Organizing for continuous improvement: structures and roles in automotive components plants. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 22(6), pp. 680-692. (10.1108/01443570210427686)
- Delbridge, R. and Whitfield, K. L. 2001. Employee perceptions of job influence and organizational participation Employee Perceptions. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy & Society 40(3), pp. 472-489. (10.1111/0019-8676.00220)
- Barton, H. and Delbridge, R. 2001. Development in the learning factory: training human capital. Journal of European Industrial Training 25(9), pp. 465-472. (10.1108/03090590110410313)
- Oliver, N. and Delbridge, R. 2000. The characteristics of high performing supply chains. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 2(1-7), pp. 532-545. (10.1504/IJMTM.2000.001363)
Research interests
- organisation
- Innovation
- Organization
- Work
- Employment Relations
- Japanese Management
- Systems of Exchange - a resource for social science and management researchers, instructors, and students. It provides an introduction to an analytical framework for thinking about economic action and decision-making from a sociological perspective
- Projects completed for Advanced Institute of Management Research
PhD supervision research interests
- Organisation in theory and practice
- Organization in theory and practice
- Workplace employment relations
Teaching commitments
- Doctoral programme teaching and supervision
- PhD
- BSc (Econ)
Editorial work
- Associate editor, Academy of Management Review
Editorial board member
- International Journal of Human Resource Management
- Journal of Management Studies
- Organisation Studies
Media contributions
Professor Delbridge giving a presentation on management practices for a Advanced Institute of Management and Chartered Institute of Management event.
He was also involved in putting together Making the Case for Management for the Academy of Social Sciences.
Further information about Professor Delbridge's media work can be found on his expertise page.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Gwobr Calori Roland am y Papur Gorau a gyhoeddwyd yn Astudiaethau Sefydliad yn 2017 a 2018
- Acade, y of Management Review Gwobr Papur Gorau 2005
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Academician, Academy of Social Sciences
- Academy of Management
- Association of Business Schools Research Committee
- British Academy of Management
- Council of Society for the Advancement of Management Studies
- European Group for organisation Studies
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
2012-2019 Deon Ymchwil, Arloesi a Mentergarwch, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Contact Details
+44 29208 76644
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell F42, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU