Dr Nicola Emmerson
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Nicola Emmerson
Darllenydd mewn Cadwraeth
Wedi fy hyfforddi yma yng Nghaerdydd mewn Cadwraeth ac Archaeoleg, rwyf bellach yn wyddonydd cyrydiad y mae ei ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar reoli treftadaeth fetelaidd. Rwy'n gweithio gydag amgueddfeydd, sefydliadau treftadaeth ddiwylliannol a grŵp rhyngwladol o ymchwilwyr cyrydiad gyda'r nod o wella cadwraeth metelau, o ddarganfyddiadau bach archeolegol i bontydd a llongau haearn gyr hanesyddol. Mae fy ffocws ar haearn a gyr hanesyddol wedi arwain at gydweithio'n agos ag ymarferwyr a chyrff gwaith haearn treftadaeth fel y Grŵp Gwaith Haearn Treftadaeth Genedlaethol a Chymdeithas Gof Artistiaid Prydain.
Rwy'n goruchwylio carfan o fyfyrwyr PhD ac yn addysgu cadwraeth, dulliau ymchwil gwyddor treftadaeth a thechnegau dadansoddol. Er mwyn cefnogi'r gweithgareddau hyn, datblygais a rheoli cyfres o labordai dadansoddol sy'n gysylltiedig ag efelychiadau hinsawdd, penderfyniad cyfraddau cyrydiad, microsgopeg, sbectrosgopeg FTIR a Raman a pharatoi samplau.
Y tu allan i'r brifysgol, fi yw Cydlynydd Gweithgor Metelau'r Cyngor Rhyngwladol dros Amgueddfeydd (ICOM-CC) a Chadeirydd Pwyllgor Metelau y Sefydliad Cadwraeth (Icon). Rwy'n gweithredu fel adolygydd ar gyfer cyfnodolion, cyrff cyllido ymchwil a thrafodion cynadleddau.
- Kennedy, C. et al. 2024. Beyond heritage science: A review. Heritage 7(3), pp. 1510-1538. (10.3390/heritage7030073)
- Smith, W., Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N., Lankester, P., Thickett, D. and Leins, I. 2023. Comparative assessment of paint systems for use on heritage artillery at coastal forts in England: experimental design and interim report. Conservar Patrimonio 44, pp. 174-186. (10.14568/cp29444)
- Thickett, D., Emmerson, N., Larsen, R., Odlyha, M. and Watkinson, D. 2022. Analysing objects to tailor environmental preventive conservation. Heritage 6(1), pp. 212-235. (10.3390/heritage6010011)
- Thunberg, J., Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N., Kis, Z., Harsanyi, I., Zsolt, K. and Lewis, M. 2022. The role of patina on archaeological copper alloy coins in the outbreak and progression of bronze disease. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Helsinki, Finland, 5-9 September 2022.
- Meehan, P., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2022. A comparison of the long-term outdoor performance of two modern paint coating systems and a traditional lead-based paint applied to historic wrought iron. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Helsinki, Finland, 5 - 9 September 2022.
- Emmerson, N., Watkinson, D., Roche, K., Seifert, J. and Thunberg, J. 2022. The effect of βFeOOH synthesis routes on its ability to corrode iron. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Helsinki, Finland, 5 - 9 September 2022.
- Emmerson, N. J., Seifert, J. H. and Watkinson, D. E. 2021. Refining the use of oxygen consumption as a proxy corrosion rate measure for archaeological and historic iron. European Physical Journal Plus 135, article number: 546. (10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01478-w)
- Thunberg, J., Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2021. Desiccated microclimates for heritage metals: creation and management. Studies in Conservation 66(3), pp. 127-153. (10.1080/00393630.2020.1799599)
- Emmerson, N., Thunberg, J. and Watkinson, D. 2020. New guidelines for the desiccated storage of archaeological metal artefacts. Presented at: 48th AIC/SPNHC Joint Virtual Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual, 21 May - 230 June 2021.
- Watkinson, D., Smith, W. and Emmerson, N. 2020. Removal of copper corrosion products from archaeological copper alloys using a Q-switch Nd:YAG 1064 laser: impact on selected corrosion products. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2020, Virtual, 7-11 September 2020.
- Thunberg, J., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2020. The role of relative humidity in the corrosion rate of copper in the presence of cuprous chloride: a risk-based approach. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2020, Virtual, 7-11 September 2020.
- Nasanen, L., Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2020. The impact of pH and temperature on copper corrosion products in subcritical conditions: delivering insight into the treatment of archaeological copper alloys. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2020, Virtual, 7-11 September 2020.
- Watkinson, D., Crepeau, M. and Emmerson, N. 2019. Evidencing risk to inform best practice: the limitations of detecting tinning layers by visual analysis during the removal of corrosion from archaeological iron. Presented at: Metal 2019: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2-6 September 2019.
- Emmerson, N., Watkinson, D. and Thunberg, J. 2019. Flame cleaning of historic wrought iron: practitioner methods and their impact on oxide morphologies and post-treatment corrosion rates. Presented at: Metal 2019: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2-6 September 2019.
- Watkinson, D. E., Rimmer, M. B. and Emmerson, N. J. 2019. The Influence of relative humidity and intrinsic chloride on post-excavation corrosion rates of archaeological wrought iron. Studies in Conservation 64(8), pp. 456-471. (10.1080/00393630.2018.1565006)
- Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2019. Desiccated corrosion control of the 324 feet long wrought iron hull of ss Great Britain: theory and operational realities 10 years on. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2019, Seville, Spain, 9-13 September 2019.
- Emmerson, N., Roche, K. and Watkinson, D. 2019. Synthesised and naturally formed Akaganéite: impact on the corrosion of iron. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2019, Seville, Spain, 9-13 September 2019.
- Thunberg, J., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2018. Evidencing best practice in post-excavation and long-term storage protocols for archaeological iron. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2018, Krakow, Poland, 9-13 September 2018.
- Emmerson, N., James, S., Thunberg, J. and Watkinson, D. 2018. Impact of NaOH (aq) short-term washing of βFeOOH on its ability to corrode iron. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2018, Krakow, Poland, 9-13 September 2018.
- Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N. and Seifert, J. 2017. Matching display relative humidity to corrosion rate: Quantitative evidence for marine cast iron cannon balls. Presented at: Metal 2016: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, New Dehli, India, 26-30 September 2016 Presented at Menon, R. ed.Metal 2016 Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group September 26-30, 2016 New Delhi India. ICOM-CC and IGNCA pp. 195-202.
- Watkinson, D. E. and Emmerson, N. J. 2017. The impact of aqueous washing on the ability of βFeOOH to corrode iron. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, pp. 2138-2149. (10.1007/s11356-016-6749-3)
- Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N. and Channell, I. 2017. Towards quantitatively assessing the success of dodecanoic acid as an inhibitor for the treatment of archaeological iron nails. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-7 September 2017.
- Emmerson, N., Watkinson, D. and Gkouma, A. 2017. Investigation of the natural plant extract Emblica officinalis for chloride release from βFeOOH. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-7 September 2017.
- Emmerson, N. J. and Watkinson, D. E. 2016. Surface preparation of historic wrought iron: evidencing the requirement for standardisation. Materials and Corrosion / Werkstoffe und Korrosion 67(2), pp. 176-189. (10.1002/maco.201408210)
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2016. Surface preparation of historic wrought iron. Materials and Corrosion 67(2), pp. 176-189. (10.1002/maco.201408210)
- Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N. and Seifert, J. 2016. Corrosion rates of marine archaeological cast iron as a function of relative humidity and treatment. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2016, Montpellier, France, 11-15 September 2016.
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2016. Impact of washed naturally formed and synthetic β-FeOOH on corrosion rate of iron as a function of relative humidity. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2016, Montpellier, France, 11-15 September 2016.
- Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2015. Using quantitative and qualitative analysis to inform management protocols for the preservation of archaeological ironwork. Presented at: EuroAnalysis 2015, Bordeaux, France, 6-10 September 2015.
- Lawson, A., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2015. Quantitative testing of corrosion rates of heritage steel coated with Paraloid B72™, Cosmolloid 80H™ and Siliglide 10™. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2015, Graz, Austria, 6-10 September 2015.
- Emmerson, N. 2015. Heritage wrought iron: towards the development of evidence based standards for coating. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2014. Preparing historic wrought iron for protective coatings: quantitative assessment to produce evidence-based protocols. Presented at: Metal 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland. Interim meeting of the international Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Metal Working Group, Edinburgh, UK, 16-20 September 2013 Presented at Hislop, E. et al. eds.Metal 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland. Interim meeting of the international Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Metal Working Group. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland pp. 119-127.
- Emmerson, N., Nordgren, E. and Watkinson, D. 2014. Mill scale on historic wrought iron: impact on corrosion and coating performance. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2014, Pisa, Italy, 8-12 September 2014.
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2014. Protective coatings for historic wrought iron: epoxy resins versus oil-based systems. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2014, Pisa, Italy, 8-12 September 2014.
- Thunberg, J., Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N., Kis, Z., Harsanyi, I., Zsolt, K. and Lewis, M. 2022. The role of patina on archaeological copper alloy coins in the outbreak and progression of bronze disease. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Helsinki, Finland, 5-9 September 2022.
- Meehan, P., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2022. A comparison of the long-term outdoor performance of two modern paint coating systems and a traditional lead-based paint applied to historic wrought iron. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Helsinki, Finland, 5 - 9 September 2022.
- Emmerson, N., Watkinson, D., Roche, K., Seifert, J. and Thunberg, J. 2022. The effect of βFeOOH synthesis routes on its ability to corrode iron. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Helsinki, Finland, 5 - 9 September 2022.
- Emmerson, N., Thunberg, J. and Watkinson, D. 2020. New guidelines for the desiccated storage of archaeological metal artefacts. Presented at: 48th AIC/SPNHC Joint Virtual Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual, 21 May - 230 June 2021.
- Watkinson, D., Smith, W. and Emmerson, N. 2020. Removal of copper corrosion products from archaeological copper alloys using a Q-switch Nd:YAG 1064 laser: impact on selected corrosion products. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2020, Virtual, 7-11 September 2020.
- Thunberg, J., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2020. The role of relative humidity in the corrosion rate of copper in the presence of cuprous chloride: a risk-based approach. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2020, Virtual, 7-11 September 2020.
- Nasanen, L., Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2020. The impact of pH and temperature on copper corrosion products in subcritical conditions: delivering insight into the treatment of archaeological copper alloys. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2020, Virtual, 7-11 September 2020.
- Watkinson, D., Crepeau, M. and Emmerson, N. 2019. Evidencing risk to inform best practice: the limitations of detecting tinning layers by visual analysis during the removal of corrosion from archaeological iron. Presented at: Metal 2019: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2-6 September 2019.
- Emmerson, N., Watkinson, D. and Thunberg, J. 2019. Flame cleaning of historic wrought iron: practitioner methods and their impact on oxide morphologies and post-treatment corrosion rates. Presented at: Metal 2019: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2-6 September 2019.
- Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2019. Desiccated corrosion control of the 324 feet long wrought iron hull of ss Great Britain: theory and operational realities 10 years on. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2019, Seville, Spain, 9-13 September 2019.
- Emmerson, N., Roche, K. and Watkinson, D. 2019. Synthesised and naturally formed Akaganéite: impact on the corrosion of iron. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2019, Seville, Spain, 9-13 September 2019.
- Thunberg, J., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2018. Evidencing best practice in post-excavation and long-term storage protocols for archaeological iron. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2018, Krakow, Poland, 9-13 September 2018.
- Emmerson, N., James, S., Thunberg, J. and Watkinson, D. 2018. Impact of NaOH (aq) short-term washing of βFeOOH on its ability to corrode iron. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2018, Krakow, Poland, 9-13 September 2018.
- Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N. and Seifert, J. 2017. Matching display relative humidity to corrosion rate: Quantitative evidence for marine cast iron cannon balls. Presented at: Metal 2016: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, New Dehli, India, 26-30 September 2016 Presented at Menon, R. ed.Metal 2016 Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group September 26-30, 2016 New Delhi India. ICOM-CC and IGNCA pp. 195-202.
- Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N. and Channell, I. 2017. Towards quantitatively assessing the success of dodecanoic acid as an inhibitor for the treatment of archaeological iron nails. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-7 September 2017.
- Emmerson, N., Watkinson, D. and Gkouma, A. 2017. Investigation of the natural plant extract Emblica officinalis for chloride release from βFeOOH. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-7 September 2017.
- Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N. and Seifert, J. 2016. Corrosion rates of marine archaeological cast iron as a function of relative humidity and treatment. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2016, Montpellier, France, 11-15 September 2016.
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2016. Impact of washed naturally formed and synthetic β-FeOOH on corrosion rate of iron as a function of relative humidity. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2016, Montpellier, France, 11-15 September 2016.
- Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2015. Using quantitative and qualitative analysis to inform management protocols for the preservation of archaeological ironwork. Presented at: EuroAnalysis 2015, Bordeaux, France, 6-10 September 2015.
- Lawson, A., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2015. Quantitative testing of corrosion rates of heritage steel coated with Paraloid B72™, Cosmolloid 80H™ and Siliglide 10™. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2015, Graz, Austria, 6-10 September 2015.
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2014. Preparing historic wrought iron for protective coatings: quantitative assessment to produce evidence-based protocols. Presented at: Metal 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland. Interim meeting of the international Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Metal Working Group, Edinburgh, UK, 16-20 September 2013 Presented at Hislop, E. et al. eds.Metal 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland. Interim meeting of the international Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Metal Working Group. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland pp. 119-127.
- Emmerson, N., Nordgren, E. and Watkinson, D. 2014. Mill scale on historic wrought iron: impact on corrosion and coating performance. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2014, Pisa, Italy, 8-12 September 2014.
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2014. Protective coatings for historic wrought iron: epoxy resins versus oil-based systems. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2014, Pisa, Italy, 8-12 September 2014.
- Kennedy, C. et al. 2024. Beyond heritage science: A review. Heritage 7(3), pp. 1510-1538. (10.3390/heritage7030073)
- Smith, W., Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N., Lankester, P., Thickett, D. and Leins, I. 2023. Comparative assessment of paint systems for use on heritage artillery at coastal forts in England: experimental design and interim report. Conservar Patrimonio 44, pp. 174-186. (10.14568/cp29444)
- Thickett, D., Emmerson, N., Larsen, R., Odlyha, M. and Watkinson, D. 2022. Analysing objects to tailor environmental preventive conservation. Heritage 6(1), pp. 212-235. (10.3390/heritage6010011)
- Emmerson, N. J., Seifert, J. H. and Watkinson, D. E. 2021. Refining the use of oxygen consumption as a proxy corrosion rate measure for archaeological and historic iron. European Physical Journal Plus 135, article number: 546. (10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01478-w)
- Thunberg, J., Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2021. Desiccated microclimates for heritage metals: creation and management. Studies in Conservation 66(3), pp. 127-153. (10.1080/00393630.2020.1799599)
- Watkinson, D. E., Rimmer, M. B. and Emmerson, N. J. 2019. The Influence of relative humidity and intrinsic chloride on post-excavation corrosion rates of archaeological wrought iron. Studies in Conservation 64(8), pp. 456-471. (10.1080/00393630.2018.1565006)
- Watkinson, D. E. and Emmerson, N. J. 2017. The impact of aqueous washing on the ability of βFeOOH to corrode iron. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, pp. 2138-2149. (10.1007/s11356-016-6749-3)
- Emmerson, N. J. and Watkinson, D. E. 2016. Surface preparation of historic wrought iron: evidencing the requirement for standardisation. Materials and Corrosion / Werkstoffe und Korrosion 67(2), pp. 176-189. (10.1002/maco.201408210)
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2016. Surface preparation of historic wrought iron. Materials and Corrosion 67(2), pp. 176-189. (10.1002/maco.201408210)
- Emmerson, N. 2015. Heritage wrought iron: towards the development of evidence based standards for coating. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Mae ein hecsbloetio o fetelau ar gyfer offer, addurno personol, darnau arian, pensaernïaeth, diwydiant a chymwysiadau eraill di-rif, yn ymestyn yn ôl i gynhanes ac yn gadael etifeddiaeth gyfoethog o arteffactau a strwythurau metelaidd treftadaeth. Nod fy ymchwil yw pennu'r dulliau mwyaf effeithiol ac ymarferol o gadw'r rhain er mwyn i genedlaethau'r dyfodol eu profi, eu mwynhau a'u dysgu. I wneud hyn, rwy'n cydweithio â gwarchodwyr, gofaint, amgueddfeydd, sefydliadau treftadaeth, unedau archaeoleg, gwyddonwyr cyrydiad a gweithgynhyrchwyr cotio. Rwy'n gweithio yn y maes a'r labordy lle mae gennym gyfres o offer dadansoddol (sbectrosgopeg Raman a FTIR, microsgopeg electron sganio, sbectrosgopeg rhwystriant electrocemegol, sbectroffotometreg, fflworoleuedd pelydr-X) a banc o siambrau hinsoddol i fodelu gwahanol amgylcheddau.
Themâu ymchwil cyfredol:
Storfa wedi'i neilltuo ar gyfer darganfyddiadau bach metel archeolegol
Mae'r prosiect hwn gyda Johanna Thunberg a David Watkinson yn cynhyrchu canllawiau arfer gorau ar gyfer creu microhinsoddau mewn blychau plastig ar gyfer storio gwrthrychau metel yn y tymor hir. Mae miliynau o arteffactau'n cael eu storio fel hyn ar draws y byd ond nid oes tystiolaeth o sut i gynhyrchu'r microhinsawdd mwyaf effeithiol i gynnig yr amddiffyniad gorau i'r gwrthrychau a lleihau amser staff neu wirfoddolwyr wrth gynnal y digalondid.
Haenau ar gyfer metelau fferrus allanol
Gan adeiladu ar brosiect blaenorol, mae'r myfyriwr PhD Peter Meehan yn cynnal asesiad amser real o haenau gwrth-cyrydu traddodiadol a modern ar gyfer haearn gyr hanesyddol. Mae'n defnyddio amrywiaeth o dechnegau, gan gynnwys penderfynu ar gyfradd cyrydiad defnydd ocsigen, sbectrosgopeg rhwystriant electrocemegol a sbectroffotometreg, i fesur perfformiad y haenau ar ddeunydd hanesyddol mewn amlygiad awyr agored. Yn y pen draw, bydd hyn yn llywio dewis haenau ar gyfer strwythurau megis gatiau hanesyddol, rheiliau, pontydd ac elfennau pensaernïol eraill.
Bydd Partneriaeth Ddoethurol Gydweithredol gyda English Heritage a ariennir gan AHRC yn dechrau ym mis Ionawr 2020 i archwilio dylanwad amgylchedd amlygiad awyr agored ar gyrydiad a chyflwr magnelau modern mewn safleoedd arfordirol. Bydd yn mynd ymlaen i ymchwilio i berfformiad haenau gwrth-cyrydu ar gyfer y duroedd a chydrannau eraill o'r darnau magnelau hyn i ganiatáu i English Heritage fireinio eu protocolau triniaeth.
Module convenor:
HS2330 Practical Projects 1 40 credits
HS2002 Investigative Techniques for Conservation 20 credits
HS2339 Essentials in Conservation 30 credits
HS2427 Conservation Research Project 20 credits
HST500 Postgraduate Skills in Archaeology and Conservation 20 credits
Team Teaching:
HS2331 Practical Projects 2 40 credits
HS2360 Inorganic Objects: Decay and Conservation 20 credits
HS2372 Structure and Decay of Inorganic Objects 20 credits
HST461 Method in Conservation 40 credits
HST592 Conservation Dissertation 60 credits
2016: PhD (Cadwraeth) Prifysgol Caerdydd, Caerdydd, UK
2011: PGCE: Gwyddoniaeth Uwchradd (Cemeg) Prifysgol Fetropolitan Manceinion, Manceinion, UK
2006: MA Neolithig Ewropeaidd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Caerdydd, UK
2005: BSc Cadwraeth Gwrthrychau mewn Amgueddfeydd ac Archaeoleg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Caerdydd, UK
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Member of the International Council of Museums UK
Honorary Ordinary Member of the Royal Archaeological Institute
Member of The Institute of Conservation
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
2021 - Presennol: Darllenydd mewn Cadwraeth, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2019 - 2021: Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Cadwraeth, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2014 - 2019: Darlithydd mewn Cadwraeth, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2012 - 2014: Tiwtor Seminar (Cadwraeth), Prifysgol Caerdydd
2012 - 2014: Tiwtor (Cemeg ar gyfer Cadwraethwyr), Prosiectau Academaidd Rhyngwladol
2012 - 2013: Cadwraethwr Gwrthrych, Gwasanaethau Cadwraeth Caerdydd
2011 - 2012: Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2008: Tiwtor mewn Cadwraeth, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2006 - 2008: Arddangoswr Labordy (Cadwraeth), Prifysgol Caerdydd
2006 - 2008: Cadwraethwr Gwrthrych, Gwasanaethau Cadwraeth Caerdydd
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
2023 - Yn bresennol: Cydlynydd Gweithgor Metelau'r Pwyllgor Cadwraeth Cyngor Rhyngwladol Amgueddfeydd (ICOM-CC)
2020 - 2023: Cydlynydd Cynorthwyol Gweithgor Metelau ICOM-CC
2018 - Yn bresennol: Aelod o Bwyllgor Technegol Gwyddonol Gweithgor Metelau ICOM-CC a golygydd
2013 - Yn bresennol: Cadeirydd Pwyllgor Grŵp y Sefydliad Metelau Cadwraeth
2013 - Yn bresennol: Aelod o Bwyllgor Cadeiryddion Grŵp Cadwraeth
Adolygydd cyfnodolion: Gwyddoniaeth Corydiad; Arloesiadau mewn Gwyddor Deunyddiau a Chorydiad; Journal of Heritage Science; Journal of the Institute of Conservation; Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance; Deunyddiau a Chyrydiad; Ymchwil Gwyddoniaeth a Llygredd Amgylcheddol.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Peter Meehan (PhD Rhan Amser 2018-2025)
Cymhariaeth o berfformiad awyr agored tymor hir dwy system cotio paent modern a phaent traddodiadol sy'n seiliedig ar blwm wedi'i gymhwyso i haearn gyr hanesyddol
Johanna Thunberg (PhD Rhan Amser 2018-2024 AHRC SWWDTP)
Rheoli aloion copr archeolegol yn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth: rhagweld cyrydiad, asesu llwyddiant triniaeth a nodi paramedrau storio
Will Smith (PhD 2020-2024 AHRC CDA English Heritage)
Cadwraeth darnau magnelau o ddiwedd y 19eg a'r 20fed ganrif
Bill Hawkes (PhD Rhan Amser 2020-2027)
Saponin fel triniaeth a gymeradwywyd gan gadwraeth wrth lanhau metelau gwerthfawr
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
Vasiliki Kontogianni (PhD Rhan Amser 2014-2021)
Haenau hydroffobig ac ychwanegion organig mewn morter Helenenistig-Rufeinig: astudiaeth achos Creta
Luca Hoare (PhD 2017-2021 Ysgoloriaeth Amgueddfa Tanc)
Rheoli treftadaeth tanciau (cadwraeth)
Sam Johnson (PhD 2016-2020 AHRC CDA)
Tanau swyddogaethol mewn tai hanesyddol: pa bris am brofiad ymwelwyr?
Jerrod Seifert (PhD 2016-2020)
Asesu llwyddiant triniaethau cloddio clorid ar gyfer haearn bwrw archeolegol o gyd-destunau morol
Ashley Lingle (PhD 2014-2020)
Cymhwyso polymerau dyfrllyd ar swbstradau earthen
Contact Details
+44 29208 74581
Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 3.13, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- Treftadaeth a chadwraeth ddiwylliannol
- Rheoli treftadaeth ddiwylliannol
- Metelau treftadaeth
- Cyrydiad a chadwraeth