Dr Olga Eyre
Clinical Research Fellow, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences
Currently on maternity leave.
I am a child and adolescent psychiatry trainee, currently undertaking a PhD as part of the Wales Clinical Academic Track (WCAT) scheme.
- Brown, R. et al. 2025. A qualitative exploration of contextual factors within schools impacting the introduction of the new statutory 'Framework on Embedding a Whole School Approach to Emotional and Mental Wellbeing' in Wales. School Mental Health (10.1007/s12310-024-09740-z)
- Dennison, C. A., Shakeshaft, A., Eyre, O., Tilling, K., Rice, F. and Thapar, A. 2024. Investigating the neurodevelopmental correlates of early adolescent-onset emotional problems. Journal of Affective Disorders 364, pp. 212-220. (10.1016/j.jad.2024.08.008)
- Armitage, J. M. et al. 2023. Validation of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) emotional subscale in assessing depression and anxiety across development. PLoS ONE 18(7), article number: e0288882. (10.1371/journal.pone.0288882)
- Stephens, A. et al. 2023. Developing and validating a prediction model of adolescent major depressive disorder in the offspring of depressed parents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 64(3), pp. 367-375. (10.1111/jcpp.13704)
- Eyre, O., Patel, V., Brent, D. and Thapar, A. 2023. Latent bipolar depression – Authors' reply. The Lancet 401(10372), pp. 191-192. (10.1016/S0140-6736(22)02598-3)
- Thapar, A., Eyre, O., Patel, V. and Brent, D. 2022. Depression in young people. The Lancet 400, article number: 10352.
- Niina, A., Eyre, O., Wooton, R., Stergiakouli, E., Thapar, A. and Riglin, L. 2022. Exploring ADHD symptoms and associated impairment across development. Journal of Attention Disorders 26(6), pp. 822-830. (10.1177/10870547211025612)
- Colonna, S., Eyre, O., Agha, S. S., Thapar, A., van Goozen, S. and Langley, K. 2022. Investigating the associations between irritability and hot and cool executive functioning in those with ADHD. BMC Psychiatry 22, article number: 166. (10.1186/s12888-022-03818-1)
- Powell, V. et al. 2021. ADHD in adults with recurrent depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 295, pp. 1153-1160. (10.1016/j.jad.2021.09.010)
- Weavers, B. et al. 2021. The antecedents and outcomes of persistent and remitting adolescent depressive symptom trajectories: a longitudinal, population-based English study. The Lancet Psychiatry 8(12), pp. 1053-1061. (10.1016/S2215-0366(21)00281-9)
- Eyre, O. et al. 2021. Validation of the short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire in young adulthood. Journal of Affective Disorders 294, pp. 883-888. (10.1016/j.jad.2021.07.090)
- Martin, J. et al. 2021. Sex differences in anxiety and depression in children with ADHD investigating genetic liability and comorbidity. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 186(7), pp. 412-422. (10.1002/ajmg.b.32842)
- Riglin, L. et al. 2021. Investigating the validity of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire to assess ADHD in young adulthood. Psychiatry Research 301, article number: 113984. (10.1016/j.psychres.2021.113984)
- Powell, V. et al. 2020. What explains the link between childhood ADHD and adolescent depression? Investigating the role of peer relationships and academic attainment. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29, pp. 1581-1591. (10.1007/s00787-019-01463-w)
- Selous, C., Kelly-Irving, M., Maughan, B., Eyre, O., Rice, F. and Collishaw, S. 2020. Adverse childhood experiences and adult mood problems: evidence from a five-decade prospective birth cohort. Psychological Medicine 50(14), pp. 2444-2451. (10.1017/S003329171900271X)
- Eyre, O., Riglin, L., Stringaris, A., Collishaw, S. and Thapar, A. 2019. Irritability in ADHD: association with later depression symptoms. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 28(10), pp. 1375-1384. (10.1007/s00787-019-01303-x)
- Riglin, L. et al. 2019. Identifying novel types of irritability using a developmental genetic approach. American Journal of Psychiatry 176(8), pp. 635-642. (10.1176/appi.ajp.2019.18101134)
- Eyre, O. et al. 2019. Childhood neurodevelopmental difficulties and risk for adolescent depression: the role of irritability. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 60(8), pp. 866-874. (10.1111/jcpp.13053)
- Fraser, A., Cooper, M., Agha, S. S., Collishaw, S., Rice, F., Thapar, A. and Eyre, O. 2018. The presentation of depression symptoms in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: comparing child and parent reports. Child and Adolescent Mental Health 23(3), pp. 243-250. (10.1111/camh.12253)
- Martin, J. et al. 2018. Sex-specific manifestation of genetic risk for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in the general population. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 59(8), pp. 908-916. (10.1111/jcpp.12874)
- Riglin, L. et al. 2017. Investigating the genetic underpinnings of early-life irritability. Translational Psychiatry 7, article number: e1241. (10.1038/tp.2017.212)
- Eyre, O., Langley, K., Stringaris, A., Leibenluft, E., Collishaw, S. and Thapar, A. 2017. Irritability in ADHD: Associations with depression liability. Journal of Affective Disorders 215, pp. 281-287. (10.1016/j.jad.2017.03.050)
- Rice, F. et al. 2017. Antecedents of new-onset major depressive disorder in children and adolescents at high familial risk. JAMA Psychiatry 74(2), pp. 153-160. (10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2016.3140)
- Rice, F., Eyre, O., Riglin, L. and Potter, R. 2017. Adolescent depression and the treatment gap. The Lancet Psychiatry 4(2), pp. 86-87. (10.1016/S2215-0366(17)30004-4)
- Cooper, M., Eyre, O., Doherty, J. L. and Bevan-Jones, R. 2016. Gaining approvals for mental health research in the NHS. BJPscyh Advances 22(1), pp. 64-72. (10.1192/apt.bp.114.014035)
- Eyre, O. et al. 2014. Reported child awareness of parental depression. Psychiatric Bulletin 38(3), pp. 122-127. (10.1192/pb.bp.113.044198)
- Eyre, O. and Thapar, A. 2014. Common adolescent mental disorders: transition to adulthood. The Lancet 383(9926), pp. 1366. (10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62633-1)
- Eyre, O. 2013. Clinical and functional outcomes worse in adults diagnosed with ADHD as children. Evidence-Based Mental Health 16(3), pp. 66. (10.1136/eb-2013-101309)
- Thapar, A., Cooper, M., Eyre, O. and Langley, K. 2013. Practitioner review: what have we learnt about the causes of ADHD?. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54(1), pp. 3-16. (10.1111/j.1469-7610.2012.02611.x)
- Potter, R. et al. 2012. Missed opportunities: mental disorder in children of parents with depression. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP) 62(600), pp. e487-e493. (10.3399/bjgp12X652355)
- Brown, R. et al. 2025. A qualitative exploration of contextual factors within schools impacting the introduction of the new statutory 'Framework on Embedding a Whole School Approach to Emotional and Mental Wellbeing' in Wales. School Mental Health (10.1007/s12310-024-09740-z)
- Dennison, C. A., Shakeshaft, A., Eyre, O., Tilling, K., Rice, F. and Thapar, A. 2024. Investigating the neurodevelopmental correlates of early adolescent-onset emotional problems. Journal of Affective Disorders 364, pp. 212-220. (10.1016/j.jad.2024.08.008)
- Armitage, J. M. et al. 2023. Validation of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) emotional subscale in assessing depression and anxiety across development. PLoS ONE 18(7), article number: e0288882. (10.1371/journal.pone.0288882)
- Stephens, A. et al. 2023. Developing and validating a prediction model of adolescent major depressive disorder in the offspring of depressed parents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 64(3), pp. 367-375. (10.1111/jcpp.13704)
- Eyre, O., Patel, V., Brent, D. and Thapar, A. 2023. Latent bipolar depression – Authors' reply. The Lancet 401(10372), pp. 191-192. (10.1016/S0140-6736(22)02598-3)
- Thapar, A., Eyre, O., Patel, V. and Brent, D. 2022. Depression in young people. The Lancet 400, article number: 10352.
- Niina, A., Eyre, O., Wooton, R., Stergiakouli, E., Thapar, A. and Riglin, L. 2022. Exploring ADHD symptoms and associated impairment across development. Journal of Attention Disorders 26(6), pp. 822-830. (10.1177/10870547211025612)
- Colonna, S., Eyre, O., Agha, S. S., Thapar, A., van Goozen, S. and Langley, K. 2022. Investigating the associations between irritability and hot and cool executive functioning in those with ADHD. BMC Psychiatry 22, article number: 166. (10.1186/s12888-022-03818-1)
- Powell, V. et al. 2021. ADHD in adults with recurrent depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 295, pp. 1153-1160. (10.1016/j.jad.2021.09.010)
- Weavers, B. et al. 2021. The antecedents and outcomes of persistent and remitting adolescent depressive symptom trajectories: a longitudinal, population-based English study. The Lancet Psychiatry 8(12), pp. 1053-1061. (10.1016/S2215-0366(21)00281-9)
- Eyre, O. et al. 2021. Validation of the short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire in young adulthood. Journal of Affective Disorders 294, pp. 883-888. (10.1016/j.jad.2021.07.090)
- Martin, J. et al. 2021. Sex differences in anxiety and depression in children with ADHD investigating genetic liability and comorbidity. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 186(7), pp. 412-422. (10.1002/ajmg.b.32842)
- Riglin, L. et al. 2021. Investigating the validity of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire to assess ADHD in young adulthood. Psychiatry Research 301, article number: 113984. (10.1016/j.psychres.2021.113984)
- Powell, V. et al. 2020. What explains the link between childhood ADHD and adolescent depression? Investigating the role of peer relationships and academic attainment. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29, pp. 1581-1591. (10.1007/s00787-019-01463-w)
- Selous, C., Kelly-Irving, M., Maughan, B., Eyre, O., Rice, F. and Collishaw, S. 2020. Adverse childhood experiences and adult mood problems: evidence from a five-decade prospective birth cohort. Psychological Medicine 50(14), pp. 2444-2451. (10.1017/S003329171900271X)
- Eyre, O., Riglin, L., Stringaris, A., Collishaw, S. and Thapar, A. 2019. Irritability in ADHD: association with later depression symptoms. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 28(10), pp. 1375-1384. (10.1007/s00787-019-01303-x)
- Riglin, L. et al. 2019. Identifying novel types of irritability using a developmental genetic approach. American Journal of Psychiatry 176(8), pp. 635-642. (10.1176/appi.ajp.2019.18101134)
- Eyre, O. et al. 2019. Childhood neurodevelopmental difficulties and risk for adolescent depression: the role of irritability. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 60(8), pp. 866-874. (10.1111/jcpp.13053)
- Fraser, A., Cooper, M., Agha, S. S., Collishaw, S., Rice, F., Thapar, A. and Eyre, O. 2018. The presentation of depression symptoms in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: comparing child and parent reports. Child and Adolescent Mental Health 23(3), pp. 243-250. (10.1111/camh.12253)
- Martin, J. et al. 2018. Sex-specific manifestation of genetic risk for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in the general population. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 59(8), pp. 908-916. (10.1111/jcpp.12874)
- Riglin, L. et al. 2017. Investigating the genetic underpinnings of early-life irritability. Translational Psychiatry 7, article number: e1241. (10.1038/tp.2017.212)
- Eyre, O., Langley, K., Stringaris, A., Leibenluft, E., Collishaw, S. and Thapar, A. 2017. Irritability in ADHD: Associations with depression liability. Journal of Affective Disorders 215, pp. 281-287. (10.1016/j.jad.2017.03.050)
- Rice, F. et al. 2017. Antecedents of new-onset major depressive disorder in children and adolescents at high familial risk. JAMA Psychiatry 74(2), pp. 153-160. (10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2016.3140)
- Rice, F., Eyre, O., Riglin, L. and Potter, R. 2017. Adolescent depression and the treatment gap. The Lancet Psychiatry 4(2), pp. 86-87. (10.1016/S2215-0366(17)30004-4)
- Cooper, M., Eyre, O., Doherty, J. L. and Bevan-Jones, R. 2016. Gaining approvals for mental health research in the NHS. BJPscyh Advances 22(1), pp. 64-72. (10.1192/apt.bp.114.014035)
- Eyre, O. et al. 2014. Reported child awareness of parental depression. Psychiatric Bulletin 38(3), pp. 122-127. (10.1192/pb.bp.113.044198)
- Eyre, O. and Thapar, A. 2014. Common adolescent mental disorders: transition to adulthood. The Lancet 383(9926), pp. 1366. (10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62633-1)
- Eyre, O. 2013. Clinical and functional outcomes worse in adults diagnosed with ADHD as children. Evidence-Based Mental Health 16(3), pp. 66. (10.1136/eb-2013-101309)
- Thapar, A., Cooper, M., Eyre, O. and Langley, K. 2013. Practitioner review: what have we learnt about the causes of ADHD?. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54(1), pp. 3-16. (10.1111/j.1469-7610.2012.02611.x)
- Potter, R. et al. 2012. Missed opportunities: mental disorder in children of parents with depression. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP) 62(600), pp. e487-e493. (10.3399/bjgp12X652355)
Contact Details
+44 29206 88452
Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, Ystafell 2.27, Heol Maendy, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ
+44 29206 88452
Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, Ystafell 2.27, Heol Maendy, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ