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Theresa Federici  BA, MA, MSc, PGCE, FHEA, GMBPsS

Theresa Federici



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I joined the University in 2014 as the coordinating language teacher for German, Japanese, and Italian for the Languages for All programme.

My current role is Coordinator for Japanese, German, and Italian in the Languages for All (IWLP) programme at Cardiff University. I am responsible for all aspects of the design and implementation of the Italian provision for this programme. I oversee and coordinate the design and implementation of materials for Japanese and German courses. We currently run Italian and Japanese courses ranging from ab initio up to A2 in the CEFR and we will be introducing a CEFR B1 course in 2016/17. We currently run German courses ranging from ab initio up to CEFR B2. Each CEFR level is split into three sections each worth 10 credits allowing students to learn flexibly with either weekly or intensive modules available.

I am working on introducing virtual language courses to our language teaching provision. These courses will allow students to access our language provision even if they are away for some or all of the semester on placements.

I am University-wide Academic Lead for Virtual Classrooms.







Book sections




My research interests are in the fields of language pedagogy, particularly in learner motivation, process-driven approaches to language learning and enquiry-based learning in language teaching. I have also undertaken research into medieval literature.

I am a professional translator from Italian into English specialising in academic, literary, and historical texts, including manuscript transcription and translation.

Selected Publications

Single authored books

Developing Writing Skills in Italian, London and New York, Routledge, 2008. ISBN10 0415432610 ISBN13 978-0415432610

Developing Writing Skills in Italian companion website, 2008

The website can be found at http://www.routledge.com/textbooks/9780415432610/

Jointly authored books

Essential Italian Verbs: Teach Yourself, Revised Edition, Hodder Education, 2010. ISBN-13: 978-1444103663

Articles and chapters in peer-reviewed publications

‘Dante’s Davidic Journey: from Sinner to Psalmist’, in Dante’s Commedia: Theology as Poetry, V. Montemaggi and M. Treherne eds., William and Katherine Devers Series in Dante Studies, Notre Dame Press, 2010.

Selected Translations

Don Camillo and Peppone, Piers Dudgeon ed., Pilot Productions, 2016

ISBN-13: 978-1900064262

Translation of the following short stories:

Gina and Mariolino

Victory for the Proletariat

The Legend of Santa Lucia

Don Camillo and his flock, Piers Dudgeon ed., Pilot Productions, 2015

ISBN13: 978-1900064187

Translation of the following short stories:

The Circle is broken

The Big Day

The Spirits

The Ring

The Ghost with a Green Hat

A companion to Late Medieval and Early Modern Milan, Andrea Gamberini ed.,Leiden, B.J. Brill, 2014.

ISBN13: 9789004284098

Translation of the following contributions:

Giuliana Albini ‘People, Groups, and Institutions: Charity and Assistance in the Duchy of Milan from the 15th to the 17th Century’

Federico Del Tredici ‘Nobility in Lombardy between the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age’

Claudia Di Filippo ‘The Reformation and the Catholic Revival in the Borromeo’s Age’

Germano Maifreda ‘The Jews: Institutions, Economy, and Society’

Alessandro Morandotti ‘The Arts Under the Spanish Rulers (1535–1706)’

Giovanna Tonelli ‘The Economy in the 16th and 17th Centuries’

Massimo Zaggia ‘Culture in Lombardy, ca. 1350–1535’

Massimo Zaggia ‘Culture in Lombardy, 1535–1706’

The Italian Renaissance State,A. Gamberini,I. Lazzarinieds.,Cambridge University Press, 2012.ISBN-13: 978-1107010123.

Translation of the following contributions:

Federico Del Tredici 'Lombardy under the Visconti and the Sforza ', pp. 156-176

Federica Cengarle, 'Lordships, fiefs and 'small states', pp. 284-304

Massimo Della Misericordia, 'The rural communities ', pp. 261-283

The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine, K. Pollmann and W. Otten eds., Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN13: 9780199299164.

Translation of the following lemmata:

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim

Alfonso Maria de’ Liguori

Francisco Macedo

Contra Gaudentium

Breviculus collationis cum Donatistis

Contra Cresconium

Hrabanus Maurus

Italian Studies Library Group Bulletin, British Library, 2013.

Translation of: Simonetta Agnello Hornby, ‘Federico De Roberto’s I Viceré’.

Italy and the Classical Tradition, C. Caruso, A. Laird eds., London, Duckworth Publishing, 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0715637371.

Translation of the following contributions:

Claudia Villa, ‘Unicuique suum: annotations on Dante as a reader of the pagan authors’.

Stefano Carrai, ‘The canzoniere and the liber carminum: two models for poetry collections in the Renaissance’.


On the Languages for All programme, I am responsible for designing the Italian language provision and teaching on Italian language courses.


I completed my undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Modern Languages at the University of Reading (BA French and Italian 1997; MA Italian Literature 2000). I have taught Italian language, literature, and culture in higher education institutions since 2000. I hold a number of teaching qualifications (CTFLA, CELTA, PGCert in HE) and I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. I am also a professional translator and I have taught translation from Italian into English at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I am a Siena-trained CILS administrator and examiner.

Over the past 18 years I have taught Italian in a number of Higher Education contexts including teaching adult learner programmes, degree courses, and in other IWLP programmes.

Throughout my teaching career I have placed an emphasis on training and development in order to remain at the forefront of innovation and methodological approaches in language teaching and deliver an outstanding student experience. I have four teaching qualifications, including a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education, and I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. My commitment to innovation and enhancement of the student learning experience is paramount in my approach to learning and teaching and I have used my knowledge of developments in learning technologies and expertise in language pedagogy to create innovative courses that fulfil institutional assessment procedures and academic standards and map to the CEFR. In addition to my long-standing record of teaching excellence, I continue to maintain visibility within the Higher Education language teaching discipline through publications and conference papers.

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CEI seed-corn funds: together with colleagues in the LfA programme we were successful in obtaining funding for an ongoing project centred around learning technologies in teaching.

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Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Society of Italian Studies Member

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2014 - present: Coordinator, Languages for All, Cardiff University

2006 - 2014: Italian and Translation tutor, Durham University

2007 - 2012: Associate Lecturer, The Open University

2005 - 2006: Italian language and medieval literature tutor, University of Leeds

2001 - 2004: Italian language and literature tutor, University of Reading

1999 - 2003: Italian Lecturer, Buckinghamshire County Council

1998 - 2002: Italian Lecturer, East Berkshire College

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2016 - 2018: Aelod Bwrdd Golygyddol ar gyfer Canolfan Ddysgu CEI

2016 - 2018: Arweinydd Academaidd ar gyfer Ystafelloedd Dosbarth Rhithwir

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2023 - presennol: Arweinydd Asesu ac Adborth

2022 - presennol: Rôl Datblygu Adnoddau Dysgu ac Addysgu

2019 - presennol: Cyswllt Urddas a Lles

2016 - 2018: Aelod o Bwyllgor Athena Swan

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I would be happy to supervise or co-supervise projects concerning language teaching pedagogy, curriculum design, learner motivation and identity. I am available to supervise students working on translation from Italian to English.

Contact Details

Email FedericiT@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29208 74291
Campuses 66a Plas y Parc, Ystafell 1.34, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3AS