Dr Maria Galvez Trigo
BEng, MSc, PhD
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Maria Galvez Trigo
Darlithydd (Athro Cynorthwyol)
Fy enw i yw Maria Jose Galvez Trigo, er bod y rhan fwyaf o bobl yn fy ngalw Marisé (mah-rees-eh),
ac rwy'n Ddarlithydd (Athro Cynorthwyol) yn yr Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg a Gwybodeg ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, ac yn rhan o'r Adran Ymchwil Cyfrifiadura sy'n Canolbwyntio ar Bobl (HCC) a'i Is-grŵp mewn Roboteg Cyfrifiaduriannol ac sy'n Canolbwyntio ar Bobl.
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn Roboteg, Rhyngweithio Dynol-Robot, Rhyngweithio Dynol-Gyfrifiadurol a chymwysiadau Dysgu Peiriant a Deallusrwydd Artiffisial (AI) yn y meysydd hynny, gyda hygyrchedd a chyd-ddylunio/ymchwil gyfranogol fel agweddau allweddol ar fy ymchwil.
Rwy'n rhan o'r Academi Meddalwedd Genedlaethol (NSA), lle fi yw arweinydd y modiwl MSc Datblygu Meddalwedd Ystwyth, ac rwy'n Ddirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant Cydraddoldeb (EDI) yn yr Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg a Gwybodeg.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n Gyd-ymchwilydd ac yn aelod o'r bwrdd Gweithredol yn rhwydwaith Roboteg a Systemau Ymreolaethol y DU (UK-RAS) ac yn rhan o'r tîm rheoli EMPOWER®, rhwydwaith cymorth ar gyfer Prif Ymchwilwyr presennol ac uchelgeisiol sy'n uniaethu fel menywod ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.
- Reyes-Cruz, G. et al. 2025. Please follow me to the next stop: a case study of planning, deploying and researching a robot-guided tour in a museum in the uk. Presented at: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’25), Yokohama, Japan, 26 April - 1 May 2025n Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’25), April 26-May 1, 2025, Yokohama, Japan. , (https://doi.org/10.1145/3706599.3706660)
- Elias, A., Galvez Trigo, M. and Camacho-Villa, C. 2025. Analyzing previous human-robot interaction implementation in agriculture: What can we learn from the past?. Presented at: 2025 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2025), Melbourne, Australia, 4-6 March 2025.
- Elias, A., Camacho-Villa, C., Moncur, B. A. and Galvez Trigo, M. J. 2024. Challenges and opportunities for the adoption and integration of Human-Robot Interaction technologies. Presented at: 12th International Conference in Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2024), Swansea, UK, 24-27 November 2024 Presented at Imtiaz, A. M. et al. eds.HAI '24: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction. Association for Computing Machinery pp. 465-467., (10.1145/3687272.3691359)
- Elias, A. and Galvez Trigo, M. 2024. Unveiling trust dynamics with a mobile service robot: Exploring various interaction styles for an agricultural task. Presented at: 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2024, Pasadena, CA, USA, 26-30 August 20242024 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN). IEEE pp. 638-645., (10.1109/RO-MAN60168.2024.10731301)
- Clark, J. R. et al. 2024. Identifying interaction types and functionality for automated vehicle virtual assistants: An exploratory study using speech acts cluster analysis. Applied Ergonomics: Human Factors in Technology and Society 114, article number: 104152. (10.1016/j.apergo.2023.104152)
- Galvez Trigo, M. J. et al. 2023. "They’re not going to do all the tasks we do": Understanding trust and reassurance towards a UV-C disinfection robot. Presented at: 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2023, Busan, South Korea, 28-31 August 20232023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). IEEE pp. 2140-2147., (10.1109/ro-man57019.2023.10309364)
- Förster, F., Romeo, M., Holthaus, P., Nesset, B., Galvez Trigo, M. J., Dondrup, C. and Fischer, J. E. 2023. Working with troubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots. Presented at: CUI '23: ACM conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 19-21 July 2023CUI '23: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 1-4., (10.1145/3571884.3597437)
- Reyes-Cruz, G. et al. 2023. Augmented robotic telepresence (ART): A prototype for enhancing remote interaction and participation. Presented at: First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, Edinburgh, UK, 11-12 July 2023TAS '23: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems. New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 1-6., (10.1145/3597512.3597532)
- Moncur, B., Galvez Trigo, M. and Mortara, L. 2023. Augmented reality to reduce cognitive load in operational decision-making. Presented at: HCI International 2023, 23-28 July 2023Augmented Cognition. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 14019. Springer, (10.1007/978-3-031-35017-7_21)
- Cameron, H., Story, M., Reyes-Cruz, G. and Galvez Trigo, M. J. 2023. Co-creating museum robots with people that are autistic and/or have learning disabilities. Presented at: First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, Edinburgh, UK, 11-12 July 2023Proceedings of TAS ’23. ACM, (10.1145/3597512.3597525)
- Jestin, I., Fischer, J., Galvez Trigo, M. J., Large, D. and Burnett, G. 2022. Effects of wording and gendered voices on acceptability of voice assistants in future autonomous vehicles. Presented at: 4th Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 26-28 July 2022CUI'22 Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. ACM pp. 1-11., (10.1145/3543829.3543836)
- Parnell, K. J. et al. 2022. Trustworthy UAV relationships: applying the schema action world taxonomy to UAVsand UAV swarm operations. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (10.1080/10447318.2022.2108961)
- Galvez Trigo, M. J., Standen, P. J. and Cobb, S. V. G. 2022. Educational Robots and Their Control Interfaces: How Can We Make Them More Accessible for Special Education?. Presented at: 16th International Conference, UAHCI 2022, Held as Part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022 Proceedings, Part II, Virtual, 24 June - 01 July 2022Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. User and Context Diversity, Vol. 13309. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer pp. 15-34., (10.1007/978-3-031-05039-8_2)
- Egede, J. O. et al. 2021. Design and evaluation of virtual human mediated tasks for assessment of depression and anxiety. Presented at: IVA '21: ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Virtual Event Japan, 14-17 September 2021Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. ACM pp. 52-59., (10.1145/3472306.3478361)
- Galvez Trigo, M. J. et al. 2021. ALTCAI: Enabling the Use of Embodied Conversational Agents to Deliver Informal Health Advice during Wizard of Oz Studies. Presented at: CUI '21: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 27-29 July 2021CUI '21: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. ACM, (10.1145/3469595.3469621)
- Standen, P. J. et al. 2021. Teachers? Perspectives on the Adoption of an Adaptive Learning System Based on Multimodal Affect Recognition for Students with Learning Disabilities and Autism. Presented at: Third International Conference, AIS 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference, HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 24–29, 2021, Proceedings, Part I, Virtual, 24-29 July 2021Adaptive Instructional Systems. Design and Evaluation, Vol. 12792. Springer, (10.1007/978-3-030-77857-6_31)
- Standen, P. J. et al. 2020. An evaluation of an adaptive learning system based on multimodal affect recognition for learners with intellectual disabilities. British Journal of Educational Technology 51(5), pp. 1748-1765. (10.1111/bjet.13010)
- Galvez Trigo, M. J., Standen, P. J. and Cobb, S. V. G. 2019. Robots in special education: reasons for low uptake. Journal of Enabling Technologies 13(2), pp. 59-69. (10.1108/JET-12-2018-0070)
- Standen, P. J., Brown, D. J., Hedgecock, J., Roscoe, J., Galvez Trigo, M. and Elgajiji, E. 2016. Adapting a humanoid robot for use with children with profound and multiple disabilities. Presented at: Proceedings 10th Internationall Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies, Gothenberg, Sweden, 2-4 September 2014Proceedings 10th Internationall Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies, Vol. 9.
- Galvez Trigo, M. J. and Brown, D. J. 2014. Remote operation of robots via mobile devices to help people with intellectual disabilities. Presented at: 2014 International Conference on Interactive Technologies and Games, Nottingham, UK, 16 - 17 October 2014Proceedings 2014 International Conference on Interactive Technologies and Games. IEEE pp. 1-8., (10.1109/itag.2014.10)
- Standen, P., Brown, D., Roscoe, J., Hedgecock, J., Stewart, D., Galvez Trigo, M. J. and Elgajiji, E. 2014. Engaging students with profound and multiple disabilities using humanoid robots. Presented at: 8th International Conference, UAHCI 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Greece, 22-27 June 2014Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Universal Access to Information and Knowledge, Vol. 8514. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer, (10.1007/978-3-319-07440-5_39)
- Reyes-Cruz, G. et al. 2025. Please follow me to the next stop: a case study of planning, deploying and researching a robot-guided tour in a museum in the uk. Presented at: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’25), Yokohama, Japan, 26 April - 1 May 2025n Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’25), April 26-May 1, 2025, Yokohama, Japan. , (https://doi.org/10.1145/3706599.3706660)
- Elias, A., Galvez Trigo, M. and Camacho-Villa, C. 2025. Analyzing previous human-robot interaction implementation in agriculture: What can we learn from the past?. Presented at: 2025 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2025), Melbourne, Australia, 4-6 March 2025.
- Elias, A., Camacho-Villa, C., Moncur, B. A. and Galvez Trigo, M. J. 2024. Challenges and opportunities for the adoption and integration of Human-Robot Interaction technologies. Presented at: 12th International Conference in Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2024), Swansea, UK, 24-27 November 2024 Presented at Imtiaz, A. M. et al. eds.HAI '24: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction. Association for Computing Machinery pp. 465-467., (10.1145/3687272.3691359)
- Elias, A. and Galvez Trigo, M. 2024. Unveiling trust dynamics with a mobile service robot: Exploring various interaction styles for an agricultural task. Presented at: 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2024, Pasadena, CA, USA, 26-30 August 20242024 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN). IEEE pp. 638-645., (10.1109/RO-MAN60168.2024.10731301)
- Galvez Trigo, M. J. et al. 2023. "They’re not going to do all the tasks we do": Understanding trust and reassurance towards a UV-C disinfection robot. Presented at: 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2023, Busan, South Korea, 28-31 August 20232023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). IEEE pp. 2140-2147., (10.1109/ro-man57019.2023.10309364)
- Förster, F., Romeo, M., Holthaus, P., Nesset, B., Galvez Trigo, M. J., Dondrup, C. and Fischer, J. E. 2023. Working with troubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots. Presented at: CUI '23: ACM conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 19-21 July 2023CUI '23: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 1-4., (10.1145/3571884.3597437)
- Reyes-Cruz, G. et al. 2023. Augmented robotic telepresence (ART): A prototype for enhancing remote interaction and participation. Presented at: First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, Edinburgh, UK, 11-12 July 2023TAS '23: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems. New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 1-6., (10.1145/3597512.3597532)
- Moncur, B., Galvez Trigo, M. and Mortara, L. 2023. Augmented reality to reduce cognitive load in operational decision-making. Presented at: HCI International 2023, 23-28 July 2023Augmented Cognition. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 14019. Springer, (10.1007/978-3-031-35017-7_21)
- Cameron, H., Story, M., Reyes-Cruz, G. and Galvez Trigo, M. J. 2023. Co-creating museum robots with people that are autistic and/or have learning disabilities. Presented at: First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, Edinburgh, UK, 11-12 July 2023Proceedings of TAS ’23. ACM, (10.1145/3597512.3597525)
- Jestin, I., Fischer, J., Galvez Trigo, M. J., Large, D. and Burnett, G. 2022. Effects of wording and gendered voices on acceptability of voice assistants in future autonomous vehicles. Presented at: 4th Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 26-28 July 2022CUI'22 Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. ACM pp. 1-11., (10.1145/3543829.3543836)
- Galvez Trigo, M. J., Standen, P. J. and Cobb, S. V. G. 2022. Educational Robots and Their Control Interfaces: How Can We Make Them More Accessible for Special Education?. Presented at: 16th International Conference, UAHCI 2022, Held as Part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022 Proceedings, Part II, Virtual, 24 June - 01 July 2022Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. User and Context Diversity, Vol. 13309. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer pp. 15-34., (10.1007/978-3-031-05039-8_2)
- Egede, J. O. et al. 2021. Design and evaluation of virtual human mediated tasks for assessment of depression and anxiety. Presented at: IVA '21: ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Virtual Event Japan, 14-17 September 2021Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. ACM pp. 52-59., (10.1145/3472306.3478361)
- Galvez Trigo, M. J. et al. 2021. ALTCAI: Enabling the Use of Embodied Conversational Agents to Deliver Informal Health Advice during Wizard of Oz Studies. Presented at: CUI '21: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 27-29 July 2021CUI '21: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. ACM, (10.1145/3469595.3469621)
- Standen, P. J. et al. 2021. Teachers? Perspectives on the Adoption of an Adaptive Learning System Based on Multimodal Affect Recognition for Students with Learning Disabilities and Autism. Presented at: Third International Conference, AIS 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference, HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 24–29, 2021, Proceedings, Part I, Virtual, 24-29 July 2021Adaptive Instructional Systems. Design and Evaluation, Vol. 12792. Springer, (10.1007/978-3-030-77857-6_31)
- Standen, P. J., Brown, D. J., Hedgecock, J., Roscoe, J., Galvez Trigo, M. and Elgajiji, E. 2016. Adapting a humanoid robot for use with children with profound and multiple disabilities. Presented at: Proceedings 10th Internationall Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies, Gothenberg, Sweden, 2-4 September 2014Proceedings 10th Internationall Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies, Vol. 9.
- Galvez Trigo, M. J. and Brown, D. J. 2014. Remote operation of robots via mobile devices to help people with intellectual disabilities. Presented at: 2014 International Conference on Interactive Technologies and Games, Nottingham, UK, 16 - 17 October 2014Proceedings 2014 International Conference on Interactive Technologies and Games. IEEE pp. 1-8., (10.1109/itag.2014.10)
- Standen, P., Brown, D., Roscoe, J., Hedgecock, J., Stewart, D., Galvez Trigo, M. J. and Elgajiji, E. 2014. Engaging students with profound and multiple disabilities using humanoid robots. Presented at: 8th International Conference, UAHCI 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Greece, 22-27 June 2014Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Universal Access to Information and Knowledge, Vol. 8514. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer, (10.1007/978-3-319-07440-5_39)
- Clark, J. R. et al. 2024. Identifying interaction types and functionality for automated vehicle virtual assistants: An exploratory study using speech acts cluster analysis. Applied Ergonomics: Human Factors in Technology and Society 114, article number: 104152. (10.1016/j.apergo.2023.104152)
- Parnell, K. J. et al. 2022. Trustworthy UAV relationships: applying the schema action world taxonomy to UAVsand UAV swarm operations. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (10.1080/10447318.2022.2108961)
- Standen, P. J. et al. 2020. An evaluation of an adaptive learning system based on multimodal affect recognition for learners with intellectual disabilities. British Journal of Educational Technology 51(5), pp. 1748-1765. (10.1111/bjet.13010)
- Galvez Trigo, M. J., Standen, P. J. and Cobb, S. V. G. 2019. Robots in special education: reasons for low uptake. Journal of Enabling Technologies 13(2), pp. 59-69. (10.1108/JET-12-2018-0070)
Prosiectau Ymchwil Cyfredol a Diweddar
- Cydgynllunio algorithm Deallusrwydd Artiffisial ar gyfer fideos ymarfer corff personol i wella adsefydlu yn y gymuned ar gyfer pobl â strôc
- Rôl: Co-I
- Dyddiadau: Ebr 2025 - Ebr 2026
- fEC: £91,101
- Y Sefydliad Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal (NIHR), Rhaglen Dyfeisio ar gyfer Arloesi (i4i), UK
- Gwreiddio gwytnwch: Cyd-ddylunio rhaglen ymarfer telepresenoldeb robotig i gefnogi rheolaeth eiddilwch mewn cymunedau cartref
- Rôl: Co-I
- Dyddiad: Medi 2024 - Ionawr 2025
- fEC: £31,152
- EMERGENCE Network Plus, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
- NETWORKPLUS: Roboteg y DU a Systemau Ymreolaethol Plus (UK-RAS +)
- Rôl: Co-I
- Dyddiadau: Chw 2024 - Chwef 2027
- fEC: £671,487.44
- Cyngor Ymchwil Peirianneg a'r Gwyddorau Ffisegol (EPSRC), UK
- TAS CELF: Telepresence Robotig Estynedig
- Rôl: Cyd-PI
- Dyddiad: Medi 2022 - Medi 2023
- fEC: £43,484
- Canolfan Systemau Ymreolaethol Ddibynadwy UKRI, Rhaglen Integreiddwyr, UK
- Verifiably Human-Centric Robot Cynorthwyo Gwisgo
- Rôl: Co-I
- Dyddiad: Medi 2022 - Medi 2023
- fEC: £20,000
- UKRI Hyb Systemau Ymreolaethol Dibynadwy, Rhaglen Cydgrynhoi, UK
- EMRECRN - Digwyddiad Rhwydwaith ECR Roboteg Dwyrain Canolbarth Lloegr
- Rôl: Cyd-PI
- Dyddiadau: Jul 2022 - Tach 2022
- fEC: £3,500
- Connected Everything II: Cyflymu Cydweithrediad Ymchwil Gweithgynhyrchu Digidol ac Arloesi
- TARICS: Robotiaid Hygyrch Dibynadwy ar gyfer Profiad Diwylliannol Cynhwysol
- Rôl: PI
- Dyddiadau: Ebrill 2022 - Ebr 2023
- fEC: £186,014
- UKRI Hyb Systemau Ymreolaethol Dibynadwy, Rhaglen Priming Pwmp, UK
- TASA: Tuag at Gynorthwywyr Smart Hygyrch
- Rôl: PI
- Dyddiadau: Chw 2022 - Awst 2022
- fEC: £5,000
- Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Lincoln, UK
- Deall Rhyngweithio a Chanfyddiad mewn Gwaith Cydweithredol trwy Cobots
- Rôl: Co-I
- Dyddiadau: Ebrill 2021 - Medi 2022
- fEC: £12,000
- Sefydliad Ymchwil Economi Ddigidol Horizon, Prifysgol Nottingham, UK
Gweithio fel Ymchwilydd ar brosiectau eraill
- Chatty Car
- Rôl: Cymrawd Ymchwil
- Dyddiadau: Chwefror 2021 - Chwef 2022
- Hyb Systemau Ymreolaethol Dibynadwy, Rhaglen Ystwyth, UK
- Timau Dynol-Robot dibynadwy
- Rôl: Cymrawd Ymchwil
- Dyddiadau: Chwefror 2021 - Chwef 2022
- Hyb Systemau Ymreolaethol Dibynadwy, Rhaglen Ystwyth, UK
- Partneriaethau Dynol-Haid Dibynadwy mewn Amgylcheddau Eithafol
- Rôl: Cymrawd Ymchwil
- Dyddiadau: Chwefror 2021 - Chwef 2022
- Hyb Systemau Ymreolaethol Dibynadwy, Rhaglen Ystwyth, UK
- Asiantau Rhyngweithiol gyda Llythrennedd, Ymddiriedolaeth, a Deallusrwydd Artiffisial sy'n ymwybodol o Gynhwysiant
- Rôl: Ymchwilydd ac arweinydd Datblygwr Meddalwedd
- Dyddiadau: Ebr 2019 - Ebr 2021
- Adran Datblygu Rhyngwladol (DFID), UK
- Tasgau dan arweiniad Rhithwir Dynol ar gyfer dadansoddiad awtomatig o iselder a phryder
- Rôl: Ymchwilydd ac arweinydd Datblygwr Meddalwedd
- Dyddiadau: Mai 2019 - Ebr 2021
- Sefydliad Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymchwil Iechyd, y DU
- ICUBE: Cyd-bots Diwydiannol Deall Ymddygiad
- Rôl: Ymchwilydd
- Dyddiadau: Ebrill 2019 - Chwef 2022
- Smart-Products Beacon ym Mhrifysgol Nottingham a Horizon Ymchwil Economi Ddigidol, UK
- MaTHiSiS: Rheoli Affective- dysgu Atomau deallus THrough a Rhyngweithio Smart
- Rôl: Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil
- Dyddiadau: Awst 2016 - Ebrill 2019
- Rhaglen H2020 yr UE, ID cytundeb grant: 687772
- EDUROB: Roboteg Addysgol ar gyfer Myfyrwyr ag Anableddau Dysgu
- Rôl: Cydymaith Ymchwil
- Dyddiadau: Hydref 2013 - Tachwedd 2014
- PAC y CE, cytundeb grant: 543577-LLP-1-2013-1-UK-KA3-KA3MP
Addysgu cyfredol
Rwy'n rhan o'r Academi Meddalwedd Genedlaethol (NSA), lle fi yw arweinydd modiwl Datblygu Meddalwedd Hyblyg (MSc mewn Peirianneg Meddalwedd). Rwyf hefyd yn goruchwylio myfyrwyr israddedig blwyddyn olaf a myfyrwyr MSc ar gyfer eu prosiectau traethawd hir.
Dysgu blaenorol
Ar wahân i oruchwyliaeth israddedig ac ôl-raddedig, mewn sefydliadau blaenorol rwyf wedi bod yn arwain ar gyfer modiwlau ar Ddylunio Profiad Defnyddwyr.
Rwyf hefyd wedi dysgu mewn amrywiaeth o fodiwlau, gan gynnwys Datblygu Cysyniad ar gyfer rhaglen gyfrifiadura gemau, ac Astudio Perfformiad Dynol a Dulliau Ergonomeg ar gyfer ffactorau dynol a rhaglenni rhyngweithio rhwng pobl a chyfrifiaduron.
Rwy'n Ddarlithydd (Athro Cynorthwyol) yn yr Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg a Gwybodeg ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, ac yn rhan o'r Adran Ymchwil Cyfrifiadura sy'n Canolbwyntio ar Bobl (HCC) a'i Is-grŵp mewn Roboteg Gyfrifiadurol a Dynol-ganolog.
Cyn hynny bûm yn gweithio fel Darlithydd (Athro Cynorthwyol) mewn Cyfrifiadureg ym Mhrifysgol Lincoln, lle rwyf ar hyn o bryd yn aelod Cyswllt o'r Lab Technolegau Rhyngweithiol (IntLab), Canolfan Systemau Ymreolaethol Lincoln (L-CAS) a'r Ganolfan Arloesi Ymchwil Awtistiaeth (ARIC). Cyn hyn, gweithiais fel Ymchwilydd yn y Lab Realiti Cymysg a'r Hyb Systemau Ymreolaethol Dibynadwy (TAS) ym Mhrifysgol Nottingham.
Mae gen i broffil amlddisgyblaethol gyda chefndir mewn Cyfrifiadureg, Peirianneg a Ffactorau Dynol. Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn roboteg, Rhyngweithio Dynol-Cyfrifiadurol (HCI), Rhyngweithio Dynol-Robot (HRI) a chymwysiadau Dysgu Peiriant (ML) yn y meysydd hynny.
Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'm hymchwil yn rhyngddisgyblaethol, ac mae'n cynnwys robotiaid addysgol, robotiaid diwydiannol, a Systemau Ymreolaethol eraill, sydd wedi'u hymgorffori yn bennaf, gan archwilio'r defnydd o'r systemau hyn ac ymddiried ynddynt, yn ogystal â rhyngwynebau rheoli a ffyrdd newydd o ryngweithio a allai wella hygyrchedd a chynhwysiant y technolegau hyn. Ar gyfer hyn, mae gen i ffocws cryf ar gyd-ymchwil uniongyrchol (a elwir hefyd yn Ymchwil Gyfranogol) a chyd-ddylunio gyda defnyddwyr terfynol.
Rwy'n wreiddiol o Toledo, Sbaen, er fy mod i wedi byw mewn gwahanol rannau o Sbaen, yr Iseldiroedd, Denmarc, a'r Deyrnas Unedig. Ar wahân i fy swydd rwyf wrth fy modd yn dawnsio (arddulliau dawns amrywiol), chwaraeon dŵr (syrffio barcud, hwylfyrddio) a cherddoriaeth (canu, piano, gitâr a drymiau).
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- 2023: Sôn anrhydeddus - Poster, Symposiwm Rhyngwladol Cyntaf ar Systemau Ymreolaethol Dibynadwy (TAS'23)
- 2022: Gwobr Papur Gorau, Cynhadledd Ryngwladol ACM mewn Rhyngwynebau Defnyddiwr Sgyrsiol (CUI 2022)
- 2021: Gwobr Dewis Myfyrwyr yn y Digwyddiad Cyflwyniad Sue Watson, Prifysgol Nottingham
- 2021: Gwobr 1af yn Nigwyddiad Cyflwyno Sue Watson, Prifysgol Nottingham
- 2021: Enillydd Cystadleuaeth 3MT, Grŵp Ymchwil Ffactorau Dynol, Prifysgol Nottingham
- 2019: Gwobr Papur Myfyrwyr Gorau - yn ail, Sioe Arddangos Ymchwil Peirianneg, Prifysgol Nottingham
- 2018: Gwobr Poster Effaith Gorau, Fforwm Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig Gwyddorau Meddygaeth ac Iechyd, Prifysgol Nottingham
- 2018: Gwobr Poster Ymchwil Gorau ar Ansawdd Ymchwil - yn ail, Arddangos Ymchwil Peirianneg, Prifysgol Nottingham
- 2018: Gwobr Poster Gorau, cystadleuaeth poster Grŵp Ymchwil Ffactorau Dynol, Prifysgol Nottingham
- 2017: Gwobr Sleid Ymchwil Gorau - yn ail, Arddangos Ymchwil Peirianneg, Prifysgol Nottingham
- 2017: Arddangos gyda'r Cyfraniad Mwyaf i Ffactorau Dynol - Gwobr a Rennir, Arddangos Grŵp Ymchwil Ffactorau Dynol, Prifysgol Nottingham
- 2017: Gwobr Poster Gorau - Cystadleuaeth poster Grŵp Ymchwil Ffactorau Dynol, Prifysgol Nottingham
- 2014: Gwobr Papur Myfyrwyr Gorau, Cynhadledd Ryngwladol mewn Technolegau a Gemau Rhyngweithiol
- 2014: Gwobr Papur Gorau, Cynhadledd Ryngwladol ar Anabledd, Realiti Rhithwir a Thechnolegau Cysylltiedig
- 2014: Gwobr Cátedra Indra i'r Prosiect Terfynol gorau - Rownd Derfynol, Indra a Phrifysgol Castilla la Mancha, Sbaen
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Aelod o IEEE
- Aelod o Gymdeithas Roboteg ac Awtomeiddio IEEE
- Aelod Proffesiynol o ACM
- Uwch aelod o Gymdeithas Ymchwilwyr Sbaen yn y Deyrnas Unedig (SRUK)
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2023 - presennol: Darlithydd (Athro Cynorthwyol), Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg a Gwybodeg, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2022 - 2023: Darlithydd (Athro Cynorthwyol) mewn Cyfrifiadureg, Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Lincoln
- 2019 - 2022: Ymchwilydd, Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Nottingham
- 2016 - 2019: Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil, Cyfadran Meddygaeth, Prifysgol Nottingham
- 2013 - 2014: Cyswllt Ymchwil, Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Nottingham Trent
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Cyd-gadeirydd Fforwm Gyrfa Cynnar UK-RAS
- Aelod o Bwyllgor Ymchwil ac Ecwiti Wom = n Cymdeithas Ymchwilwyr Sbaen yn y Deyrnas Unedig (CERU/SRUK)
Adolygu Cyllid
- Aelod o Goleg Adolygu Cymheiriaid EPSRC
- Adolygydd grant, UKRI a TAS Hub
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gennyf ddiddordeb arbennig mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr ymchwil ôl-raddedig ym meysydd:
- Rhyngweithio Dynol-Robot / Cydweithrediad Dynol-Robot
- Rhyngweithio dynol-cyfrifiadur ar gyfer Systemau Ymreolaethol
- Roboteg a Thechnolegau Rhyngweithiol ar gyfer Hygyrchedd
- Roboteg Adsefydlu
- Roboteg gynorthwyol (yn gymdeithasol neu'n gorfforol)
- Roboteg Addysgol
- Ymchwil cyfranogol neu gyd-ymchwil
- Cyd-ddylunio
- Hygyrchedd roboteg a Thechnolegau Rhyngweithiol eraill
Goruchwylio Presennol
Goruchwylio PhD cyfredol mewn cydweithrediad â Phrifysgol Lincoln:
- Thomas Davies: "Archwilio gwahaniaethau cymdeithasol rhwng robotiaid cymdeithasol cynorthwyol a bodau dynol mewn awtistiaeth"
Goruchwyliaeth PhD gyfredol mewn cydweithrediad â Phrifysgol Lincoln a Phrifysgol Caergrawnt:
- Alex Elias: "Nodi cysylltiadau cynnar mewn llwyddiant mabwysiadu robotiaid cydweithredol o fewn diwydiant"
- Bethan Moncur: "Penderfynu gweithredu technolegau sy'n dod i'r amlwg: cymorth technolegau digidol wrth gynllunio ar gyfer gweithredu roboteg a systemau ymreolaethol mewn cwmnïau gweithgynhyrchu bwyd"
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Cyfrifiadura hygyrch
- Rhyngweithio rhwng pobl a chyfrifiaduron
- Robotiaid a thechnoleg gynorthwyol
- Rhyngweithio dynol-robot
- AI cymhwysol