Miss Luyang Gao
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Myfyriwr Ymchwil/Tiwtor Graddedig
Myfyriwr ymchwil
Ar hyn o bryd mae Luyang (Luna) yn ymgeisydd PhD o fewn yr Adran Farchnata a Strategaeth yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd. Mae ei hymchwil ym maes marchnata a busnes rhyngwladol, gan ganolbwyntio ar fecanweithiau addasu cwmnïau allforio Tsieineaidd yn eu perthynas â phrynwyr tramor, ac effaith y strategaethau digidol. Mae ganddi radd Meistr mewn Gwyddoniaeth o'r Adran Gymdeithaseg ym Mhrifysgol Efrog. Ar ôl cwblhau ei gradd Meistr, cafodd brofiad gwaith gan Microsoft Shanghai a gweithiodd fel Cydymaith Ymchwil ym Mhrifysgol Shanghai Jiao Tong.
- Liu, G., Gao, L. and Wang, F. 2022. The impact and realization mechanism of financial inclusion on multidimensional poverty: Evidence from 426 national-level impoverished counties in China. Managerial and Decision Economics 43(8), pp. 3973-3986. (10.1002/mde.3640)
- Feifei, W., Jiong, W., Russo, M. and Gao, L. 2022. The influence of successor’s implicit power and explicit power on dual innovation———The mediating effect of board dissent. PLoS ONE 17(11), article number: e0275603. (10.1371/journal.pone.0275603)
- Feng, Z. and Gao, L. 2020. International University Consortia on the New Silk Road. In: van der Wende, M. et al. eds. China and Europe on the New Silk Road: Connecting Universities Across Eurasia. Oxford University Press, (10.1093/oso/9780198853022.003.0006)
- Liu, G., Gao, L. and Wang, F. 2022. The impact and realization mechanism of financial inclusion on multidimensional poverty: Evidence from 426 national-level impoverished counties in China. Managerial and Decision Economics 43(8), pp. 3973-3986. (10.1002/mde.3640)
- Feifei, W., Jiong, W., Russo, M. and Gao, L. 2022. The influence of successor’s implicit power and explicit power on dual innovation———The mediating effect of board dissent. PLoS ONE 17(11), article number: e0275603. (10.1371/journal.pone.0275603)
Book sections
- Feng, Z. and Gao, L. 2020. International University Consortia on the New Silk Road. In: van der Wende, M. et al. eds. China and Europe on the New Silk Road: Connecting Universities Across Eurasia. Oxford University Press, (10.1093/oso/9780198853022.003.0006)
- Strategaethau safoni ac addasu
- Perfformiad allforio
- Strategaethau digidol
BS2539 Ymchwil Marchnata
BST710 Deall Ozations rgania'r Amgylchedd Busnes
BST711 Marchnata Byd-eang
BS1532 Technoleg ac Oes Ddigidol