Dr Fay Glinister
Timau a rolau for Fay Glinister
Darlithydd mewn Hanes Rhufeinig
Diddordebau ymchwil
Roedd fy PhD ar frenhinoedd Rhufain yn y Chweched Ganrif CC ac mae Rhufain gynnar yn parhau i fod yn ddiddordeb mawr i mi. Rwyf bellach yn gwneud ymchwil ar grefydd Rufeinig ac Italig, ac yn ysgrifennu llyfr ar y dduwies Diana. Mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn gwladychu a newid diwylliannol, yn enwedig yn y cyd-destun crefyddol, yn yr Eidal Weriniaethol Rufeinig.
Rwyf hefyd yn gweithio ar y traddodiad hanesyddol Rhufeinig a'r ysgrifenwyr hynafiaethol, yn enwedig Verrius Flaccus a Sextus Pompeius Festus.
- Glinister, F. 2019. Getting to know Diana. In: Bispham, E. and Miano, D. eds. Gods and Goddesses in Ancient Italy. London: Routledge, pp. 47-62.
- Glinister, F. 2018. Exhibit 4 - A swaddled infant given to the gods. In: Hopwood, N., Flemming, R. and Kassell, L. eds. Reproduction: Antiquity to the Present Day. Cambridge University Press, (10.1017/9781107705647.056)
- Glinister, F. 2017. Politics, power, and the divine: the Rex Sacrorum and the transition from monarchy to Republic at Rome. Antichthon 51, pp. 59-76. (10.1017/ann.2017.6)
- Glinister, F. 2017. Ritual and meaning: Contextualising votive terracotta infants in Hellenistic Italy. In: Draycott, J. and Graham, E. eds. Bodies of Evidence: Ancient Anatomical Votives Past, Present and Future. London: Routledge, pp. 131-146., (10.4324/9781315096193)
- Glinister, F. 2017. Sextus Pompeius Festus. Oxford Bibliographies (10.1093/obo/9780195389661-0268)
- Glinister, F. 2015. Colonies and religious dynamism in mid-republican Italy. In: Stek, T. D. and Burgers, G. eds. The Impact of Rome on Cult Places and Religious Practices in Ancient Italy. London: Institute of Classical Studies, pp. 145-156.
- Glinister, F. 2014. Festus and ritual foodstuffs. Eruditio Antiqua 6, pp. 215-227.
- Bradley, G. J. and Glinister, F. 2013. Italic religion. In: Bredholt Christensen, L., Hammer, O. and Warburton, D. eds. The Handbook of Religions in Ancient Europe. European History of Religions Durham: Acumen, pp. 173-191.
- Glinister, F. 2012. Sextus Pompeius Festus. [Online]. The Literary Encyclopedia: The Literary Encyclopedia. Available at: https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=13009
- Glinister, F. 2012. De verborum significatu. [Online]. The Literary Encyclopedia: The Literary Encyclopedia. Available at: https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=33494
- Glinister, F. 2012. Egeria. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17133)
- Glinister, F. 2012. Tarquinius Superbus. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah20128)
- Glinister, F. 2012. Tarquinius Priscus. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah20127)
- Glinister, F. 2012. Camenae. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17078)
- Glinister, F. 2011. Bring on the dancing girls: Some thoughts on the Salian priesthood. In: Richardson, J. and Santangelo, F. eds. Priests and State in the Roman World. Potsdamer Altertumswissen-schaftliche Beiträge Vol. 33. Franz Steiner, pp. 107-136.
- Glinister, F. 2009. Burning boats and building bridges: Women and cult in Roman colonisation. In: Herring, E. and Lomas, K. eds. Gender Identities in Italy in the First Millennium BC. BAR International Series Vol. 1983. Archaeopress, pp. 117-126.
- Glinister, F. 2009. Veiled and unveiled: Uncovering Roman influence in Hellenistic Italy. In: Gleba, M. and Becker, H. eds. Votives, Places and Rituals in Etruscan Religion: tudies in Honor of Jean MacIntosh Turfa. Brill, pp. 193-216., (10.1163/ej.9789004170452.i-292.84)
- Glinister, F. 2007. Constructing the past. In: Glinister, F. et al. eds. Verrius, Festus, and Paul: Lexicography, Scholarship and Society. London: Institute of Classical Studies, pp. 11-32.
- Glinister, F. 2006. Women, colonisation and cult in Hellenistic central Italy. Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 8(1), pp. 89-104. (10.1515/9783110233834.89)
- Glinister, F. 2006. Reconsidering "religious Romanization". In: Schultz, C. E. and Schultz, P. B. eds. Religion in Republican Italy. Yale Classical Studies Vol. 33. Cambridge University Press, pp. 10-33., (10.1017/CBO9780511482816.002)
- Glinister, F. 2006. Kingship and tyranny in archaic Rome. In: Lewis, S. ed. Ancient Tyranny. Edinburgh Scholarship Online Edinburgh University Press, pp. 16., (10.3366/edinburgh/9780748621255.003.0013)
- Glinister, F. 2003. Gifts of the gods: sanctuary and society in archaic Tyrrhenian Italy. In: Wilkins, J. B. and Herring, E. eds. Inhabiting Symbols: Symbol and Image in the Ancient Mediterranean. London: Accordia Research Institute, pp. 137-147.
- Glinister, F. 2000. Sacred rubbish. In: Bispham, E. and Smith, C. J. eds. Religion in Archaic and Republican Italy. Routledge: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 54-70.
- Glinister, F. 2000. The Rapino Bronze, the Touta Marouca and the phenomenon of sacred prostitution in early Italy. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 44(73), pp. 19-38. (10.1111/j.2041-5370.2000.tb01937.x)
- Glinister, F. 1997. Women and power in archaic Rome. In: Cornell, T. and Lomas, K. eds. Gender and Ethnicity in Ancient Italy. London: Accordia, pp. 115-127.
- Glinister, F. 1997. What is a sanctuary?. Cahiers du Centre Gustave Glotz 8, pp. 61-80. (10.3406/ccgg.1997.1433)
- Glinister, F. 2017. Politics, power, and the divine: the Rex Sacrorum and the transition from monarchy to Republic at Rome. Antichthon 51, pp. 59-76. (10.1017/ann.2017.6)
- Glinister, F. 2017. Sextus Pompeius Festus. Oxford Bibliographies (10.1093/obo/9780195389661-0268)
- Glinister, F. 2014. Festus and ritual foodstuffs. Eruditio Antiqua 6, pp. 215-227.
- Glinister, F. 2006. Women, colonisation and cult in Hellenistic central Italy. Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 8(1), pp. 89-104. (10.1515/9783110233834.89)
- Glinister, F. 2000. The Rapino Bronze, the Touta Marouca and the phenomenon of sacred prostitution in early Italy. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 44(73), pp. 19-38. (10.1111/j.2041-5370.2000.tb01937.x)
- Glinister, F. 1997. What is a sanctuary?. Cahiers du Centre Gustave Glotz 8, pp. 61-80. (10.3406/ccgg.1997.1433)
Book sections
- Glinister, F. 2019. Getting to know Diana. In: Bispham, E. and Miano, D. eds. Gods and Goddesses in Ancient Italy. London: Routledge, pp. 47-62.
- Glinister, F. 2018. Exhibit 4 - A swaddled infant given to the gods. In: Hopwood, N., Flemming, R. and Kassell, L. eds. Reproduction: Antiquity to the Present Day. Cambridge University Press, (10.1017/9781107705647.056)
- Glinister, F. 2017. Ritual and meaning: Contextualising votive terracotta infants in Hellenistic Italy. In: Draycott, J. and Graham, E. eds. Bodies of Evidence: Ancient Anatomical Votives Past, Present and Future. London: Routledge, pp. 131-146., (10.4324/9781315096193)
- Glinister, F. 2015. Colonies and religious dynamism in mid-republican Italy. In: Stek, T. D. and Burgers, G. eds. The Impact of Rome on Cult Places and Religious Practices in Ancient Italy. London: Institute of Classical Studies, pp. 145-156.
- Bradley, G. J. and Glinister, F. 2013. Italic religion. In: Bredholt Christensen, L., Hammer, O. and Warburton, D. eds. The Handbook of Religions in Ancient Europe. European History of Religions Durham: Acumen, pp. 173-191.
- Glinister, F. 2012. Egeria. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17133)
- Glinister, F. 2012. Tarquinius Superbus. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah20128)
- Glinister, F. 2012. Tarquinius Priscus. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah20127)
- Glinister, F. 2012. Camenae. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17078)
- Glinister, F. 2011. Bring on the dancing girls: Some thoughts on the Salian priesthood. In: Richardson, J. and Santangelo, F. eds. Priests and State in the Roman World. Potsdamer Altertumswissen-schaftliche Beiträge Vol. 33. Franz Steiner, pp. 107-136.
- Glinister, F. 2009. Burning boats and building bridges: Women and cult in Roman colonisation. In: Herring, E. and Lomas, K. eds. Gender Identities in Italy in the First Millennium BC. BAR International Series Vol. 1983. Archaeopress, pp. 117-126.
- Glinister, F. 2009. Veiled and unveiled: Uncovering Roman influence in Hellenistic Italy. In: Gleba, M. and Becker, H. eds. Votives, Places and Rituals in Etruscan Religion: tudies in Honor of Jean MacIntosh Turfa. Brill, pp. 193-216., (10.1163/ej.9789004170452.i-292.84)
- Glinister, F. 2007. Constructing the past. In: Glinister, F. et al. eds. Verrius, Festus, and Paul: Lexicography, Scholarship and Society. London: Institute of Classical Studies, pp. 11-32.
- Glinister, F. 2006. Reconsidering "religious Romanization". In: Schultz, C. E. and Schultz, P. B. eds. Religion in Republican Italy. Yale Classical Studies Vol. 33. Cambridge University Press, pp. 10-33., (10.1017/CBO9780511482816.002)
- Glinister, F. 2006. Kingship and tyranny in archaic Rome. In: Lewis, S. ed. Ancient Tyranny. Edinburgh Scholarship Online Edinburgh University Press, pp. 16., (10.3366/edinburgh/9780748621255.003.0013)
- Glinister, F. 2003. Gifts of the gods: sanctuary and society in archaic Tyrrhenian Italy. In: Wilkins, J. B. and Herring, E. eds. Inhabiting Symbols: Symbol and Image in the Ancient Mediterranean. London: Accordia Research Institute, pp. 137-147.
- Glinister, F. 2000. Sacred rubbish. In: Bispham, E. and Smith, C. J. eds. Religion in Archaic and Republican Italy. Routledge: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 54-70.
- Glinister, F. 1997. Women and power in archaic Rome. In: Cornell, T. and Lomas, K. eds. Gender and Ethnicity in Ancient Italy. London: Accordia, pp. 115-127.
- Glinister, F. 2012. Sextus Pompeius Festus. [Online]. The Literary Encyclopedia: The Literary Encyclopedia. Available at: https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=13009
- Glinister, F. 2012. De verborum significatu. [Online]. The Literary Encyclopedia: The Literary Encyclopedia. Available at: https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=33494
- Bradley, G. J. and Glinister, F. 2013. Italic religion. In: Bredholt Christensen, L., Hammer, O. and Warburton, D. eds. The Handbook of Religions in Ancient Europe. European History of Religions Durham: Acumen, pp. 173-191.
- Glinister, F. 2012. Egeria. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17133)
- Glinister, F. 2012. Tarquinius Superbus. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah20128)
- Glinister, F. 2012. Tarquinius Priscus. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah20127)
- Glinister, F. 2012. Camenae. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17078)
- Glinister, F. 2009. Veiled and unveiled: Uncovering Roman influence in Hellenistic Italy. In: Gleba, M. and Becker, H. eds. Votives, Places and Rituals in Etruscan Religion: tudies in Honor of Jean MacIntosh Turfa. Brill, pp. 193-216., (10.1163/ej.9789004170452.i-292.84)
- Glinister, F. 2006. Women, colonisation and cult in Hellenistic central Italy. Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 8(1), pp. 89-104. (10.1515/9783110233834.89)
- Glinister, F. 2006. Reconsidering "religious Romanization". In: Schultz, C. E. and Schultz, P. B. eds. Religion in Republican Italy. Yale Classical Studies Vol. 33. Cambridge University Press, pp. 10-33., (10.1017/CBO9780511482816.002)
- Glinister, F. 2006. Kingship and tyranny in archaic Rome. In: Lewis, S. ed. Ancient Tyranny. Edinburgh Scholarship Online Edinburgh University Press, pp. 16., (10.3366/edinburgh/9780748621255.003.0013)
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys:
* Crefydd Rufeinig
* Y traddodiad crefyddol yn y byd Hellenistic
* Duwies hynafol (yn enwedig y dduwies Diana)
* Newid diwylliannol yn yr Eidal Rufeinig
* Hanes ac archaeoleg Rhufain hynafol
Hynafiaethwyr a'r traddodiad hanesyddol Rhufeinig (yn enwedig Ffestus a Paul y Diacones)
* Merched yn Rhufain a'r Eidal
Rwy'n gynullydd modiwlau ar gyfer Astudiaeth Annibynnol HS3202 yr Ail Flwyddyn a HS3206 Bywyd yn Rhufain.
Rwy'n cyd-addysgu modiwlau israddedig Hanes yr Henfyd eraill, gan gynnwys HS3204 O'r Byd Helenistaidd i'r Ymerodraeth Rufeinig, HS3207 Rhyw a Rhywioldeb, HS3107 Ancient Objects, HS0001 A World Full of Gods, HS3201 Past and Present, a'r modiwl MA HST091 Gwneud Hanes yr Henfyd.
Rwyf hefyd yn goruchwylio myfyrwyr Astudiaethau Annibynnol a Thraethawd Hir y Flwyddyn Olaf.
Education and qualifications
1987-1990 BA Hons in Ancient and Medieval History, University College London
1990-1995 PhD, University College London (The Roman Kingship in the Sixth Century BC)
Career overview
1995-1998 British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, University College London
1998-2000 Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentship (held at the British School at Rome)
2000-2007 Research Fellow, Festus Lexion Project, University College London
2012 Research Associate, Wellcome Trust Generation to Reproduction Project, HPS, Cambridge University
I have been teaching at Cardiff since 2007.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Cymdeithas Rufeinig
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
Uwch Ddarlithydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Darlithydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Cymrawd Ymchwil, Coleg Prifysgol Llundain
Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus
Byddaf yn siarad yng nghyfarfod blynyddol Sefydliad Archaeolegol America ym mis Ionawr 2024.
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Pwyllgor Astudiaethau Rhufeinig (2022-presennol)
Adolygydd y Cyngor Ymchwil Ewropeaidd
Aelod o'r Cyngor Cymdeithas Rufeinig (2003-2006)
adolygydd cymheiriaid ar gyfer cyfnodolion gan gynnwys Classical Quarterly, Acta Classica ac Eugesta.
Contact Details
+44 29225 14581
Adeilad John Percival , Llawr 5, Ystafell 5.49a, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- Crefydd Rufeinig
- Hanes hynafol
- Archaeoleg Ewrop, y Môr Canoldir a'r Lefant