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Fay Glinister

Dr Fay Glinister

Teams and roles for Fay Glinister


Research interests

My PhD was on the kings of Rome in the Sixth Century BC and early Rome remains a strong interest of mine. I now undertake research on Roman and Italic religion, and am writing a book on the goddess Diana. I am also interested in colonisation and cultural change, especially in the religious context, in Roman Republican Italy.

I also work on the Roman historical tradition and antiquarian writers, particularly Verrius Flaccus and Sextus Pompeius Festus.



  • Glinister, F. 2019. Getting to know Diana. In: Bispham, E. and Miano, D. eds. Gods and Goddesses in Ancient Italy. London: Routledge, pp. 47-62.






  • Bradley, G. J. and Glinister, F. 2013. Italic religion. In: Bredholt Christensen, L., Hammer, O. and Warburton, D. eds. The Handbook of Religions in Ancient Europe. European History of Religions Durham: Acumen, pp. 173-191.





  • Glinister, F. 2007. Constructing the past. In: Glinister, F. et al. eds. Verrius, Festus, and Paul: Lexicography, Scholarship and Society. London: Institute of Classical Studies, pp. 11-32.






Book sections



My research interests include:

* Roman religion

* The votive tradition in the Hellenistic world

* Ancient goddesses (especially the goddess Diana)

* Cultural change in Roman Italy

* The history and archaeology of archaic Rome

* Antiquarians and the Roman historical tradition (particularly Festus and Paul the Deacon)

* Women in Rome and Italy


I am module convenor for HS3202 Second Year Independent Study and HS3206 Life in Rome.

I co-teach other Ancient History undergraduate modules, including HS3204 From the Hellenistic World to the Roman Empire, HS3207 Gender and Sexuality, HS3107 Ancient Objects, HS0001 A World Full of Gods, HS3201 Past and Present, and the MA module HST091 Doing Ancient History.

I also supervise Independent Study and Final Year Dissertation students.


Education and qualifications

1987-1990 BA Hons in Ancient and Medieval History, University College London

1990-1995 PhD, University College London (The Roman Kingship in the Sixth Century BC)

Career overview

1995-1998 British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, University College London

1998-2000 Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentship (held at the British School at Rome)

2000-2007 Research Fellow, Festus Lexion Project, University College London

2012 Research Associate, Wellcome Trust Generation to Reproduction Project, HPS, Cambridge University

I have been teaching at Cardiff since 2007.

Professional memberships

Roman Society

Academic positions

Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University

Lecturer, Cardiff University

Research Fellow, University College London

Speaking engagements

I will be speaking at the Archaeological Institute of America annual meeting in January 2024.

Committees and reviewing

Roman Studies Committee (2022-present)

European Research Council Reviewer

Roman Society Council Member (2003-2006)

Peer reviewer for journals including Classical Quarterly, Acta Classica and Eugesta.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29225 14581
Campuses John Percival Building, Floor 5, Room 5.49a, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU

Research themes


  • Roman Religion
  • Ancient history
  • Archaeology of Europe, the Mediterranean and the Levant