Yr Athro Oleg Golubchikov
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Oleg Golubchikov
Athro Daearyddiaeth Ddynol, Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig
Mae Oleg Golubchikov yn Athro Daearyddiaeth Ddynol sydd â diddordebau mewn astudiaethau trefol a chynaliadwyedd. Mae ei ymchwil a'i gyhoeddiadau yn canolbwyntio ar lywodraethu trefol a rhanbarthol; trawsnewidiadau ynni a digidol; ac economïau gwyrdd. Mae ganddo ddiddordebau ymchwil hirsefydlog yn croestoriad trawsnewidiadau gofodol, cymdeithasol a gwleidyddol a brofir o dan drawsnewidiadau yn y farchnad. Mae ei waith ar gynaliadwyedd yn cwmpasu beirniadaeth cyfiawnder gofodol o drawsnewidiadau ynni, dinasoedd craff, ac amgylcheddau adeiledig cynaliadwy. Mae'n cymryd rhan weithredol yn llywio polisi. Fel ymgynghorydd amser hir i'r Cenhedloedd Unedig, mae wedi ysgrifennu adroddiadau a chanllawiau allweddol y Cenhedloedd Unedig gan ddarparu mewnwelediadau strategol sy'n llunio polisïau cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol.
- Wang, S., Bleil de Souza, C. and Golubchikov, O. 2025. Recent advances in decarbonising heating in rural China: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 210, article number: 115282. (10.1016/j.rser.2024.115282)
- Golubchikov, O., Pittini, A., Grimsley, C. K. and Lakatos, E. 2024. Country profiles on urban development, housing and land management: Albania. Geneva: United Nations. (10.18356/9789213587935)
- Thornbush, M. and Golubchikov, O. 2024. Street lighting as a dimension of smart energy cities.. In: Golubchikov, O. and Yenneti, K. eds. Smart Cities, Energy and Climate: Governing Cities for a Low-Carbon Future.. Wiley, (10.1002/9781118641156.ch21)
- Golubchikov, O. and Yenneti, K. 2024. Introduction: cities in the twin net-zero and digital transition.. In: Golubchikov, O. and Yenneti, K. eds. Smart Cities, Energy and Climate: Governing Cities for a Low-Carbon Future.. Wiley, (10.1002/9781118641156.ch1)
- Golubchikov, O. and Yenneti, K. eds. 2024. Smart cities, energy and climate: Governing cities for a low-carbon future. Wiley. (10.1002/9781118641156)
- Bleil de Souza, C., Badyina, A. and Golubchikov, O. 2024. OntoAgency: An agency-based ontology for tracing control, ownership and decision-making in smart buildings. Building and Environment 256, article number: 111489. (10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.111489)
- Smirnova, V. and Golubchikov, O. 2023. More-than-state ontologies of territory: commoning, assembling, peopling. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 113(6), pp. 1444-1460. (10.1080/24694452.2023.2184765)
- Badyina, A. and Golubchikov, O. 2023. Seeing like an Arctic city: The lived politics of just transition at Norway's oil and gas frontier. In: Wood-Donnelly, C. and Ohlsson, J. eds. Arctic Justice: Environment, Society and Governance. Spaces and Practices of Justice Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 168-182., (10.51952/9781529224832.ch012)
- Wang, S., Bleil De Souza, C., Perisoglou, E. and Golubchikov, O. 2023. Keeping warm in northern China: Do rural households benefit from government clean heating policies?. Presented at: Healthy Buildings Europe 2023, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 11-14 June 2023 Presented at Schweiker, M. et al. eds.Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2023 Europe. Aachen, Germany: pp. 392-399.
- Golubchikov, O. and Thornbush, M. J. 2022. Smart cities as hybrid spaces of governance: beyond the hard/soft dichotomy in cyber-urbanization. Sustainability 14(16), article number: e10080. (10.3390/su141610080)
- Nowak, M. J., James, V. U. and Golubchikov, O. 2022. The role of spatial policy tools in renewable energy investment. Energies 15(7), article number: 2393. (10.3390/en15072393)
- DeVerteuil, G., Golubchikov, O. and Sheridan, Z. 2021. Disaster and the lived politics of the resilient city. Geoforum 125, pp. 78-86. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2021.07.004)
- Chen, W., Golubchikov, O. and Liu, Z. 2021. Measuring polycentric structures of megaregions in China: linking morphological and functional dimensions. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 48(8), pp. 2272-2288. (10.1177/2399808320974687)
- Thornbush, M. and Golubchikov, O. 2021. Smart energy cities: the evolution of the city-energy-sustainability nexus. Environmental Development 39, article number: 100626. (10.1016/j.envdev.2021.100626)
- Golubchikov, O. and Deverteuil, G. 2021. Urban inequalities and the lived politics of resilience. In: Filion, P., Doucet, B. and van Melik, R. eds. Volume 4: Policy and Planning. Global Reflections on COVID-19 and Urban Inequalities., Vol. 4. Global Reflections on COVID-19 and Urban Inequalities Bristol University Press, pp. 69-78.
- Golubchikov, O. and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, . 2021. Социально-Умные Устойчивые Города. United Nations Publications. Geneva: United Nations. (10.18356/9789210052665c003)
- Klusáček, P. et al. 2021. Planning for the future of derelict farm premises: from abandonment to regeneration.. Land Use Policy 102, article number: 105248. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.105248)
- Yenneti, K., Golubchikov, O. and Lamberts, R. eds. 2021. Special issue: energy poverty varieties. Energy and Buildings. Elsevier.
- Golubchikov, O. and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, . 2021. People-smart sustainable cities. Geneva: United Nations. (10.18356/9789210052658)
- Golubchikov, O. and Thornbush, M. 2020. Artificial intelligence and robotics in smart city strategies and planned smart development. Smart Cities 3(4), pp. 1133-1144. (10.3390/smartcities3040056)
- Wang, N., Golubchikov, O., Chen, W. and Liu, Z. 2020. The hybrid spatialities of post-industrial Beijing: communism, neoliberalism, and brownfield redevelopment. Sustainability 12(12), article number: 5029. (10.3390/su12125029)
- Golubchikov, O. and Wolfe, S. D. 2020. Russia and the politics of extraverted urbanism in the 2014 Winter Olympics and the 2018 World Cup. In: Rojo-Labaien, E., Rodríguez Díaz, ?. and Rookwood, J. eds. Sport, Statehood and Transition in Europe: Comparative Perspectives from Post-Soviet and Post-Socialist Societies. Routledge, pp. 214-232., (10.4324/9780429325847-13)
- O'Sullivan, K., Golubchikov, O. and Mehmood, A. 2020. Uneven energy transitions: Understanding continued energy peripheralization in rural communities. Energy Policy 138, article number: 111288. (10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111288)
- Golubchikov, O. and O'Sullivan, K. 2020. Energy periphery: uneven development and the precarious geographies of low-carbon transition. Energy and Buildings 211, article number: 109818. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.109818)
- Thornbush, M. and Golubchikov, O. 2020. Sustainable urbanism in digital transitions: From low carbon to smart sustainable cities.. SpringerBriefs in Geography. Springer. (10.1007/978-3-030-25947-1)
- Golubchikov, Y., Golubchikov, M. and Golubchikov, O. 2020. The concept of a high-speed railway between the Indian Ocean and Alaska in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative. Area Development and Policy 5(3), pp. 269-282. (10.1080/23792949.2020.1736591)
- Liu, Z., Zhang, J. and Golubchikov, O. 2019. Edge -urbanization: land policy, development zones, and urban expansion in Tianjin. Sustainability 11(9), article number: 2538. (10.3390/su11092538)
- Lyasheva, A. and Golubchikov, O. 2019. 'Постсоветский город должен стать отправной точкой для переосмысления пространства и общества’ [The Post-Soviet city should help rethink space and society]. [Online]. commons.com.ua: Available at: http://commons.com.ua/ru/holubchikov-interview/
- Büdenbender, M. and Golubchikov, O. 2018. The geopolitics of real estate: assembling soft power via property markets. In: Rogers, D. and Koh, S. eds. The Globalisation of Real Estate: The Politics and Practice of Foreign Real Estate Investment. London: Routledge, pp. 75-96.
- Golubchikov, O. and Makhrova, A. 2017. Suburban housing. In: Brade, I. and Neugebauer, C. eds. Urban Eurasia: Cities in Transformation. Berlin: DOM Publishers, pp. 154-179.
- Golubchikov, O., Badyna, A. and Makhrova, A. 2017. Inner-city housing. In: Brade, I. and Neugebauer, C. eds. Urban Eurasia: Cities in Transformation. Berlin: DOM Publishers, pp. 74-107.
- Golubchikov, O. 2017. Robert Argenbright 2016: Moscow under Construction. City Building, Place-Based Protest, and Civil Society. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books [Book Review]. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 41(4), pp. 701-703. (10.1111/1468-2427.12539)
- Golubchikov, O. 2017. The post-socialist city: insights from the spaces of radical societal change. In: Short, J. R. ed. A Research Agenda for Cities. Elgar Research Agendas Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, (10.4337/9781785363429.00030)
- Golubchikov, O. 2017. From a sports mega-event to a regional mega-project: The Sochi Winter Olympics and the return of geography in state development priorities. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics 9(2), pp. 237-255. (10.1080/19406940.2016.1272620)
- Büdenbender, M. and Golubchikov, O. 2017. The geopolitics of real estate: assembling soft power via property markets. International Journal of Housing Policy 17(1), pp. 75-96. (10.1080/14616718.2016.1248646)
- Yenneti, K., Day, R. and Golubchikov, O. 2016. Spatial justice and the land politics of renewables: Dispossessing vulnerable communities through solar energy mega-projects. Geoforum 76, pp. 90-99. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2016.09.004)
- Andres, L. and Golubchikov, O. 2016. The limits to artist-led regeneration: creative brownfields in the cities of high culture. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40(4), pp. 757-775. (10.1111/1468-2427.12412)
- Evans, B. et al. 2016. HABITAT III regional report on housing and urban development for the UNECE region: Towards a city-focused, people-centred and integrated approach to the new urban agenda. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
- Salukvadze, J. and Golubchikov, O. 2016. City as a geopolitics: Tbilisi, Georgia — A globalizing metropolis in a turbulent region. Cities 52, pp. 39-54. (10.1016/j.cities.2015.11.013)
- Deverteuil, G. and Golubchikov, O. 2016. Can resilience be redeemed? Resilience as a metaphor for change, not against change. City 20(1), pp. 143-151. (10.1080/13604813.2015.1125714)
- Golubchikov, O. and Badyina, A. 2016. Makroregionalnye tendentsii razvitiya gorodov byvshego SSSR [The macro-regional trends in the development of cities in the ex-USSR states]. Regionalnye Issledovaniya 52(2), pp. 31-43.
- Golubchikov, O. 2016. The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics: who stands to gain?. In: Transparency International, . ed. Global Corruption Report: Sport. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 183-191., (10.4324/9781315695709-41)
- Golubchikov, O. 2016. The urbanization of transition: ideology and the urban experience. Eurasian Geography and Economics 57(4-5), pp. 607-623. (10.1080/15387216.2016.1248461)
- Golubchikov, O., Makhrova, A., Badyina, A. and Brade, I. 2015. Uneven urban resilience: the economic adjustment and polarization of Russia's cities. In: Lang, T. et al. eds. Understanding Geographies of Polarization and Peripheralization: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 270-284., (10.1057/9781137415080_15)
- Golubchikov, O. 2015. Negotiating critical geographies through a “feel-trip”: experiential, affective and critical learning in engaged fieldwork. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 39(1), pp. 143-157. (10.1080/03098265.2014.1003800)
- Golubchikov, O., Badyina, A. and Makhrova, A. 2014. The hybrid spatialities of transition: Capitalism, legacy and uneven urban economic restructuring. Urban Studies 51(4), pp. 617-633. (10.1177/0042098013493022)
- Golubchikov, O. and Slepukhina, I. 2014. Russia: showcasing a "re-emerging" state?. In: Grix, J. ed. Leveraging Legacies from Sports Mega-Events: Concepts and Cases. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 166-177., (10.1057/9781137371188_15)
- Thornbush, M., Golubchikov, O. and Bouzarovski, S. 2013. Sustainable cities targeted by combined mitigation-adaptation efforts for future-proofing. Sustainable Cities and Society 9, pp. 1-9. (10.1016/j.scs.2013.01.003)
- Golubchikov, O. and Makhrova, A. 2013. Faktory neravnomernogo razvitiya rossiyskikh gorodov [Factors of unequal development of Russian cities]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Seriya 5 Geografiya(2), pp. 54-60.
- Golubchikov, O. and Badyina, A. 2013. 'Rol' zhilischnogo khozyaystva v klimaticheskoy i energeticheskoy politike [The role of housing in climate and energy policy]. Klimat i Priroda [Climate and Nature] 4(9), pp. 3-13.
- Golubchikov, O. and Deda, P. 2012. Governance, technology, and equity: an integrated policy framework for energy efficient housing. Energy Policy 41, pp. 733-741. (10.1016/j.enpol.2011.11.039)
- Golubchikov, Y. and Golubchikov, O. 2012. Transformatsii i trayektorii russkoy antropogeograficheskoy shkoly [Transformations and trajectories of the Russian anthropo-geographical school]. Izvestiya Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obschestva 2012(4), pp. 16-21.
- Golubchikov, O. 2012. Green homes: towards energy efficient housing in the UNECE region (reprint). New York and Geneva: United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/documents/Publications/green.homes.rev1.eng.pdf
- Makhrova, A. and Golubchikov, O. 2012. Rossiyskiy gorod v usloviyakh kapitalisma: sotsialnaya tranformatsiya vnutrigorodskogo prostranstva [Russian town under capitalism: social transformation of intraurban space]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Seriya 5 Geografiya 2012(2), pp. 26-31.
- Golubchikov, O. and Badyina, A. 2012. Sustainable housing for sustainable cities: policy framework for developing countries. Nairobi,: UN-HABITAT.
- Golubchikov, O., Phelps, N. A. and Makhrova, A. 2011. Khimki in Moscow City-region: From “closed city” to “edge city"?. In: Phelps, N. A. and Wu, F. eds. International Perspectives on Suburbanization: A Post-Suburban World?. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 177-191., (10.1057/9780230308626_10)
- Golubchikov, O. and Phelps, N. A. 2011. The political economy of place at the post-socialist urban periphery: governing growth on the edge of Moscow. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36(3), pp. 425-440. (10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00427.x)
- Golubchikov, O. 2011. Климатически нейтральные города: Как добиться снижения энергоемкости и углеродоемкости в городах и сделать их более устойчивыми к изменению климата. New York and Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/documents/Publications/CNC_r.pdf
- Golubchikov, O. 2011. Action plan for energy-efficient housing in the UNECE region. New York and Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/documents/Publications/action.plan.eehousing.pdf
- Golubchikov, O. 2011. Potentsial zhilischnogo khozaystva dlya povysheniya energoeffektivnosti ekonomiki [The potential of housing for the improved energy efficiency of the economy]. Energiya: Ekonomika, Tekhnika, Ekologiya 9, pp. 60-68.
- Golubchikov, O. 2011. Climate neutral cities: How to make cities less energy and carbon intensive and more resilient to climatic challenges. New York and Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/documents/Publications/climate.neutral.cities_e.pdf
- Golubchikov, O., Makhrova, A. and Phelps, N. 2010. Primeneniye kontseptsii “okrainnogo goroda” dlya analiza sovremennykh protsessov urbanizatsii v RF (na primere goroda Khimki) [The application of the concept of edge city for the analysis of the contemporary processes of urbanisation in Russia (the case of Khimki)]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Seriya 5 Geografiya 2010(3), pp. 48-54.
- Golubchikov, O. 2010. World-city-entrepreneurialism: globalist imaginaries, neoliberal geographies, and the production of new St Petersburg. Environment and Planning A 42(3), pp. 626-643. (10.1068/a39367)
- Golubchikov, O., Phelps, N. and Makhrova, A. 2010. Post-socialist post-suburbia: growth machine and the emergence of “edge city” in the metropolitan context of Moscow. Geography, Environment, Sustainability 1(3), pp. 44-55. (10.24057/2071-9388-2010-3-1-44-55)
- Thornbush, M. J. and Golubchikov, O. 2009. On shaky ground: Arctic communities in uneasy transition to a new climatic order. In: Ferrari, D. M. and Guiseppi, A. R. eds. Geomorphology and Plate Tectonics. New York: Nova Science, pp. 85-96.
- Golubchikov, O. 2009. Green homes: towards energy efficient housing in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe region. New York and Geneva: United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/publications/oes/greenhomes.e.pdf
- Golubchikov, O. 2009. Зеленые дома: Обеспечение энергоэффективности жилья в регионе Европейской экономической комиссии Организации Объединенных Наций. New York and Geneva: United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/documents/Publications/greenhomes.r.pdf
- Golubchikov, O. 2007. Re-scaling the debate on Russian economic growth: Regional restructuring and development asynchronies. Europe-Asia Studies 59(2), pp. 191-215. (10.1080/09668130601125510)
- Golubchikov, O. 2006. Interurban development and economic disparities in a Russian province. Eurasian Geography and Economics 47(4), pp. 478-495. (10.2747/1538-7216.47.4.478)
- Golubchikov, O. and Badyina, A. 2006. Conquering the inner-city: urban redevelopment and gentrification in Moscow. In: Tsenkova, S. and Nedović-Budić, Z. eds. The Urban Mosaic of Post-Socialist Europe: Space, Institutions and Policy. Heidelberg and New York: Springer, pp. 195-212., (10.1007/3-7908-1727-9_10)
- Badyina, A. and Golubchikov, O. 2005. Gentrification in central Moscow - A market process or a deliberate policy? Money, power and people in housing regeneration in Ostozhenka. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 87(2), pp. 113-129. (10.1111/j.0435-3684.2005.00186.x)
- Golubchikov, O. 2004. Urban planning in Russia: Towards the market. European Planning Studies 12(2), pp. 229-247. (10.1080/0965431042000183950)
- Wang, S., Bleil de Souza, C. and Golubchikov, O. 2025. Recent advances in decarbonising heating in rural China: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 210, article number: 115282. (10.1016/j.rser.2024.115282)
- Bleil de Souza, C., Badyina, A. and Golubchikov, O. 2024. OntoAgency: An agency-based ontology for tracing control, ownership and decision-making in smart buildings. Building and Environment 256, article number: 111489. (10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.111489)
- Smirnova, V. and Golubchikov, O. 2023. More-than-state ontologies of territory: commoning, assembling, peopling. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 113(6), pp. 1444-1460. (10.1080/24694452.2023.2184765)
- Golubchikov, O. and Thornbush, M. J. 2022. Smart cities as hybrid spaces of governance: beyond the hard/soft dichotomy in cyber-urbanization. Sustainability 14(16), article number: e10080. (10.3390/su141610080)
- Nowak, M. J., James, V. U. and Golubchikov, O. 2022. The role of spatial policy tools in renewable energy investment. Energies 15(7), article number: 2393. (10.3390/en15072393)
- DeVerteuil, G., Golubchikov, O. and Sheridan, Z. 2021. Disaster and the lived politics of the resilient city. Geoforum 125, pp. 78-86. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2021.07.004)
- Chen, W., Golubchikov, O. and Liu, Z. 2021. Measuring polycentric structures of megaregions in China: linking morphological and functional dimensions. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 48(8), pp. 2272-2288. (10.1177/2399808320974687)
- Thornbush, M. and Golubchikov, O. 2021. Smart energy cities: the evolution of the city-energy-sustainability nexus. Environmental Development 39, article number: 100626. (10.1016/j.envdev.2021.100626)
- Klusáček, P. et al. 2021. Planning for the future of derelict farm premises: from abandonment to regeneration.. Land Use Policy 102, article number: 105248. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.105248)
- Golubchikov, O. and Thornbush, M. 2020. Artificial intelligence and robotics in smart city strategies and planned smart development. Smart Cities 3(4), pp. 1133-1144. (10.3390/smartcities3040056)
- Wang, N., Golubchikov, O., Chen, W. and Liu, Z. 2020. The hybrid spatialities of post-industrial Beijing: communism, neoliberalism, and brownfield redevelopment. Sustainability 12(12), article number: 5029. (10.3390/su12125029)
- O'Sullivan, K., Golubchikov, O. and Mehmood, A. 2020. Uneven energy transitions: Understanding continued energy peripheralization in rural communities. Energy Policy 138, article number: 111288. (10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111288)
- Golubchikov, O. and O'Sullivan, K. 2020. Energy periphery: uneven development and the precarious geographies of low-carbon transition. Energy and Buildings 211, article number: 109818. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.109818)
- Golubchikov, Y., Golubchikov, M. and Golubchikov, O. 2020. The concept of a high-speed railway between the Indian Ocean and Alaska in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative. Area Development and Policy 5(3), pp. 269-282. (10.1080/23792949.2020.1736591)
- Liu, Z., Zhang, J. and Golubchikov, O. 2019. Edge -urbanization: land policy, development zones, and urban expansion in Tianjin. Sustainability 11(9), article number: 2538. (10.3390/su11092538)
- Golubchikov, O. 2017. Robert Argenbright 2016: Moscow under Construction. City Building, Place-Based Protest, and Civil Society. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books [Book Review]. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 41(4), pp. 701-703. (10.1111/1468-2427.12539)
- Golubchikov, O. 2017. From a sports mega-event to a regional mega-project: The Sochi Winter Olympics and the return of geography in state development priorities. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics 9(2), pp. 237-255. (10.1080/19406940.2016.1272620)
- Büdenbender, M. and Golubchikov, O. 2017. The geopolitics of real estate: assembling soft power via property markets. International Journal of Housing Policy 17(1), pp. 75-96. (10.1080/14616718.2016.1248646)
- Yenneti, K., Day, R. and Golubchikov, O. 2016. Spatial justice and the land politics of renewables: Dispossessing vulnerable communities through solar energy mega-projects. Geoforum 76, pp. 90-99. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2016.09.004)
- Andres, L. and Golubchikov, O. 2016. The limits to artist-led regeneration: creative brownfields in the cities of high culture. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40(4), pp. 757-775. (10.1111/1468-2427.12412)
- Salukvadze, J. and Golubchikov, O. 2016. City as a geopolitics: Tbilisi, Georgia — A globalizing metropolis in a turbulent region. Cities 52, pp. 39-54. (10.1016/j.cities.2015.11.013)
- Deverteuil, G. and Golubchikov, O. 2016. Can resilience be redeemed? Resilience as a metaphor for change, not against change. City 20(1), pp. 143-151. (10.1080/13604813.2015.1125714)
- Golubchikov, O. and Badyina, A. 2016. Makroregionalnye tendentsii razvitiya gorodov byvshego SSSR [The macro-regional trends in the development of cities in the ex-USSR states]. Regionalnye Issledovaniya 52(2), pp. 31-43.
- Golubchikov, O. 2016. The urbanization of transition: ideology and the urban experience. Eurasian Geography and Economics 57(4-5), pp. 607-623. (10.1080/15387216.2016.1248461)
- Golubchikov, O. 2015. Negotiating critical geographies through a “feel-trip”: experiential, affective and critical learning in engaged fieldwork. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 39(1), pp. 143-157. (10.1080/03098265.2014.1003800)
- Golubchikov, O., Badyina, A. and Makhrova, A. 2014. The hybrid spatialities of transition: Capitalism, legacy and uneven urban economic restructuring. Urban Studies 51(4), pp. 617-633. (10.1177/0042098013493022)
- Thornbush, M., Golubchikov, O. and Bouzarovski, S. 2013. Sustainable cities targeted by combined mitigation-adaptation efforts for future-proofing. Sustainable Cities and Society 9, pp. 1-9. (10.1016/j.scs.2013.01.003)
- Golubchikov, O. and Makhrova, A. 2013. Faktory neravnomernogo razvitiya rossiyskikh gorodov [Factors of unequal development of Russian cities]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Seriya 5 Geografiya(2), pp. 54-60.
- Golubchikov, O. and Badyina, A. 2013. 'Rol' zhilischnogo khozyaystva v klimaticheskoy i energeticheskoy politike [The role of housing in climate and energy policy]. Klimat i Priroda [Climate and Nature] 4(9), pp. 3-13.
- Golubchikov, O. and Deda, P. 2012. Governance, technology, and equity: an integrated policy framework for energy efficient housing. Energy Policy 41, pp. 733-741. (10.1016/j.enpol.2011.11.039)
- Golubchikov, Y. and Golubchikov, O. 2012. Transformatsii i trayektorii russkoy antropogeograficheskoy shkoly [Transformations and trajectories of the Russian anthropo-geographical school]. Izvestiya Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obschestva 2012(4), pp. 16-21.
- Makhrova, A. and Golubchikov, O. 2012. Rossiyskiy gorod v usloviyakh kapitalisma: sotsialnaya tranformatsiya vnutrigorodskogo prostranstva [Russian town under capitalism: social transformation of intraurban space]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Seriya 5 Geografiya 2012(2), pp. 26-31.
- Golubchikov, O. and Phelps, N. A. 2011. The political economy of place at the post-socialist urban periphery: governing growth on the edge of Moscow. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36(3), pp. 425-440. (10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00427.x)
- Golubchikov, O. 2011. Potentsial zhilischnogo khozaystva dlya povysheniya energoeffektivnosti ekonomiki [The potential of housing for the improved energy efficiency of the economy]. Energiya: Ekonomika, Tekhnika, Ekologiya 9, pp. 60-68.
- Golubchikov, O., Makhrova, A. and Phelps, N. 2010. Primeneniye kontseptsii “okrainnogo goroda” dlya analiza sovremennykh protsessov urbanizatsii v RF (na primere goroda Khimki) [The application of the concept of edge city for the analysis of the contemporary processes of urbanisation in Russia (the case of Khimki)]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Seriya 5 Geografiya 2010(3), pp. 48-54.
- Golubchikov, O. 2010. World-city-entrepreneurialism: globalist imaginaries, neoliberal geographies, and the production of new St Petersburg. Environment and Planning A 42(3), pp. 626-643. (10.1068/a39367)
- Golubchikov, O., Phelps, N. and Makhrova, A. 2010. Post-socialist post-suburbia: growth machine and the emergence of “edge city” in the metropolitan context of Moscow. Geography, Environment, Sustainability 1(3), pp. 44-55. (10.24057/2071-9388-2010-3-1-44-55)
- Golubchikov, O. 2007. Re-scaling the debate on Russian economic growth: Regional restructuring and development asynchronies. Europe-Asia Studies 59(2), pp. 191-215. (10.1080/09668130601125510)
- Golubchikov, O. 2006. Interurban development and economic disparities in a Russian province. Eurasian Geography and Economics 47(4), pp. 478-495. (10.2747/1538-7216.47.4.478)
- Badyina, A. and Golubchikov, O. 2005. Gentrification in central Moscow - A market process or a deliberate policy? Money, power and people in housing regeneration in Ostozhenka. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 87(2), pp. 113-129. (10.1111/j.0435-3684.2005.00186.x)
- Golubchikov, O. 2004. Urban planning in Russia: Towards the market. European Planning Studies 12(2), pp. 229-247. (10.1080/0965431042000183950)
Book sections
- Thornbush, M. and Golubchikov, O. 2024. Street lighting as a dimension of smart energy cities.. In: Golubchikov, O. and Yenneti, K. eds. Smart Cities, Energy and Climate: Governing Cities for a Low-Carbon Future.. Wiley, (10.1002/9781118641156.ch21)
- Golubchikov, O. and Yenneti, K. 2024. Introduction: cities in the twin net-zero and digital transition.. In: Golubchikov, O. and Yenneti, K. eds. Smart Cities, Energy and Climate: Governing Cities for a Low-Carbon Future.. Wiley, (10.1002/9781118641156.ch1)
- Badyina, A. and Golubchikov, O. 2023. Seeing like an Arctic city: The lived politics of just transition at Norway's oil and gas frontier. In: Wood-Donnelly, C. and Ohlsson, J. eds. Arctic Justice: Environment, Society and Governance. Spaces and Practices of Justice Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 168-182., (10.51952/9781529224832.ch012)
- Golubchikov, O. and Deverteuil, G. 2021. Urban inequalities and the lived politics of resilience. In: Filion, P., Doucet, B. and van Melik, R. eds. Volume 4: Policy and Planning. Global Reflections on COVID-19 and Urban Inequalities., Vol. 4. Global Reflections on COVID-19 and Urban Inequalities Bristol University Press, pp. 69-78.
- Golubchikov, O. and Wolfe, S. D. 2020. Russia and the politics of extraverted urbanism in the 2014 Winter Olympics and the 2018 World Cup. In: Rojo-Labaien, E., Rodríguez Díaz, ?. and Rookwood, J. eds. Sport, Statehood and Transition in Europe: Comparative Perspectives from Post-Soviet and Post-Socialist Societies. Routledge, pp. 214-232., (10.4324/9780429325847-13)
- Büdenbender, M. and Golubchikov, O. 2018. The geopolitics of real estate: assembling soft power via property markets. In: Rogers, D. and Koh, S. eds. The Globalisation of Real Estate: The Politics and Practice of Foreign Real Estate Investment. London: Routledge, pp. 75-96.
- Golubchikov, O. and Makhrova, A. 2017. Suburban housing. In: Brade, I. and Neugebauer, C. eds. Urban Eurasia: Cities in Transformation. Berlin: DOM Publishers, pp. 154-179.
- Golubchikov, O., Badyna, A. and Makhrova, A. 2017. Inner-city housing. In: Brade, I. and Neugebauer, C. eds. Urban Eurasia: Cities in Transformation. Berlin: DOM Publishers, pp. 74-107.
- Golubchikov, O. 2017. The post-socialist city: insights from the spaces of radical societal change. In: Short, J. R. ed. A Research Agenda for Cities. Elgar Research Agendas Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, (10.4337/9781785363429.00030)
- Golubchikov, O. 2016. The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics: who stands to gain?. In: Transparency International, . ed. Global Corruption Report: Sport. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 183-191., (10.4324/9781315695709-41)
- Golubchikov, O., Makhrova, A., Badyina, A. and Brade, I. 2015. Uneven urban resilience: the economic adjustment and polarization of Russia's cities. In: Lang, T. et al. eds. Understanding Geographies of Polarization and Peripheralization: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 270-284., (10.1057/9781137415080_15)
- Golubchikov, O. and Slepukhina, I. 2014. Russia: showcasing a "re-emerging" state?. In: Grix, J. ed. Leveraging Legacies from Sports Mega-Events: Concepts and Cases. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 166-177., (10.1057/9781137371188_15)
- Golubchikov, O., Phelps, N. A. and Makhrova, A. 2011. Khimki in Moscow City-region: From “closed city” to “edge city"?. In: Phelps, N. A. and Wu, F. eds. International Perspectives on Suburbanization: A Post-Suburban World?. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 177-191., (10.1057/9780230308626_10)
- Thornbush, M. J. and Golubchikov, O. 2009. On shaky ground: Arctic communities in uneasy transition to a new climatic order. In: Ferrari, D. M. and Guiseppi, A. R. eds. Geomorphology and Plate Tectonics. New York: Nova Science, pp. 85-96.
- Golubchikov, O. and Badyina, A. 2006. Conquering the inner-city: urban redevelopment and gentrification in Moscow. In: Tsenkova, S. and Nedović-Budić, Z. eds. The Urban Mosaic of Post-Socialist Europe: Space, Institutions and Policy. Heidelberg and New York: Springer, pp. 195-212., (10.1007/3-7908-1727-9_10)
- Golubchikov, O., Pittini, A., Grimsley, C. K. and Lakatos, E. 2024. Country profiles on urban development, housing and land management: Albania. Geneva: United Nations. (10.18356/9789213587935)
- Golubchikov, O. and Yenneti, K. eds. 2024. Smart cities, energy and climate: Governing cities for a low-carbon future. Wiley. (10.1002/9781118641156)
- Golubchikov, O. and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, . 2021. Социально-Умные Устойчивые Города. United Nations Publications. Geneva: United Nations. (10.18356/9789210052665c003)
- Yenneti, K., Golubchikov, O. and Lamberts, R. eds. 2021. Special issue: energy poverty varieties. Energy and Buildings. Elsevier.
- Golubchikov, O. and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, . 2021. People-smart sustainable cities. Geneva: United Nations. (10.18356/9789210052658)
- Thornbush, M. and Golubchikov, O. 2020. Sustainable urbanism in digital transitions: From low carbon to smart sustainable cities.. SpringerBriefs in Geography. Springer. (10.1007/978-3-030-25947-1)
- Golubchikov, O. and Badyina, A. 2012. Sustainable housing for sustainable cities: policy framework for developing countries. Nairobi,: UN-HABITAT.
- Wang, S., Bleil De Souza, C., Perisoglou, E. and Golubchikov, O. 2023. Keeping warm in northern China: Do rural households benefit from government clean heating policies?. Presented at: Healthy Buildings Europe 2023, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 11-14 June 2023 Presented at Schweiker, M. et al. eds.Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2023 Europe. Aachen, Germany: pp. 392-399.
- Evans, B. et al. 2016. HABITAT III regional report on housing and urban development for the UNECE region: Towards a city-focused, people-centred and integrated approach to the new urban agenda. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
- Golubchikov, O. 2012. Green homes: towards energy efficient housing in the UNECE region (reprint). New York and Geneva: United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/documents/Publications/green.homes.rev1.eng.pdf
- Golubchikov, O. 2011. Климатически нейтральные города: Как добиться снижения энергоемкости и углеродоемкости в городах и сделать их более устойчивыми к изменению климата. New York and Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/documents/Publications/CNC_r.pdf
- Golubchikov, O. 2011. Action plan for energy-efficient housing in the UNECE region. New York and Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/documents/Publications/action.plan.eehousing.pdf
- Golubchikov, O. 2011. Climate neutral cities: How to make cities less energy and carbon intensive and more resilient to climatic challenges. New York and Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/documents/Publications/climate.neutral.cities_e.pdf
- Golubchikov, O. 2009. Green homes: towards energy efficient housing in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe region. New York and Geneva: United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/publications/oes/greenhomes.e.pdf
- Golubchikov, O. 2009. Зеленые дома: Обеспечение энергоэффективности жилья в регионе Европейской экономической комиссии Организации Объединенных Наций. New York and Geneva: United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/documents/Publications/greenhomes.r.pdf
- Lyasheva, A. and Golubchikov, O. 2019. 'Постсоветский город должен стать отправной точкой для переосмысления пространства и общества’ [The Post-Soviet city should help rethink space and society]. [Online]. commons.com.ua: Available at: http://commons.com.ua/ru/holubchikov-interview/
Prosiectau a ariannwyd yn ddiweddar
- Arloeswyr hinsawdd annhebygol: camau gweithredu sero net llywodraethau lleol yn y DU a'r Almaen, yr Academi Brydeinig, 2024-2026.
- SMARTUP: Smart(ening up the modern) home: Ail-ddylunio dynameg pŵer trwy ddigideiddio gofod domestig, ESRC / CHANSE - Cydweithrediad y Dyniaethau a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol yn Ewrop, 2022-2025.
- Daearyddiaethau llywodraethu ar gyfer trawsnewidiadau economaidd-gymdeithasol cynaliadwy a chynhwysol, Grant Rhwydweithio ESRC-NSTC, 2023-2024.
Astudiaethau Comisiynedig Diweddar
- Proffil gwlad ar ddatblygu trefol, tai a rheoli tir Armenia, UN-HABITAT - Rhaglen Aneddiadau Dynol y Cenhedloedd Unedig, 2024.
- Adolygu'r canllawiau rhanbarthol ar gyfer Adolygiadau Lleol Gwirfoddol SDG, Comisiwn Economaidd y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar gyfer Ewrop, 2023.
- Proffil gwlad ar ddatblygu trefol, tai a rheoli tir Albania, Comisiwn Economaidd y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar gyfer Ewrop, 2022-2023.
Diddordebau Ymchwil
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn ymwneud â llywodraethu a gwleidyddiaeth datblygu trefol a rhanbarthol, polisi ac arfer trefolaeth gynaliadwy, yn ogystal â beirniadaeth ofodol o ynni a thrawsnewidiadau digidol. Mae fy ymchwil yn datblygu'n benodol y ddealltwriaeth o groesffordd trefoli a thrawsnewidiadau – neu newidiadau systemig mawr mewn cymdeithas, gan roi sylw arbennig i ganlyniadau anwastad y trawsnewidiadau hyn ar gyfer gofod a chymdeithas. Mae'r diddordebau hyn wedi datblygu'n ddiweddar fel tri llinyn o weithgaredd ymchwil sy'n llywio fy safbwyntiau damcaniaethol, empirig ac ymarferol: (a) ailstrwythuro trefol a gofodol o dan drawsnewidiadau yn y farchnad, (b) trefoli cynaliadwy mewn trawsnewidiadau carbon isel a digidol, a (c) datblygu trefol a thai cynaliadwy mewn polisi ac ymarfer.
Llywodraethu ailstrwythuro trefol a gofodol. Ar gyfer y maes ymchwil cyntaf, rwy'n archwilio sut mae dychymyg gwleidyddol ac economaidd yn llunio llwybrau trefol a chyda pha oblygiadau ehangach ar gyfer newid cymdeithasol a gofodol. Rwy'n ymchwilio i'r berthynas rhwng y wladwriaeth, strwythurau economaidd, ac arloesiadau wrth gynhyrchu gofodau anwastad ar wahanol raddfeydd. Rwy'n archwilio'r prosesau hyn yn enwedig yng nghyd-destun pontio'r farchnad, sy'n gysylltiedig ag ailstrwythuro cymdeithasol, economaidd a gwleidyddol cyflym. Yma, mae fy ymchwil yn ceisio deall esblygiad sefydliadau polisi tai, cynllunio trefol a llywodraethu trefol; y rôl y mae dinasoedd yn ei chwarae wrth sefydlu'r economi wleidyddol newydd a ffurfio gwahaniaethau ac anghydraddoldebau cymdeithasol-ofodol newydd; ffactorau sy'n sail i anghyfartaledd daearyddol a galluoedd anwastad a gwytnwch dinasoedd wrth addasu i'r economi newydd. At ei gilydd, mae'r maes ymchwil hwn yn datblygu'r ddealltwriaeth o esblygiad, ffurfiau amrywiol, hybridedd, a gwrthddywediadau cyfalafiaeth yn ei ddylanwadau hir-eang ar gynhyrchu gofod.
Trefolaeth gynaliadwy mewn trawsnewidiadau carbon isel a digidol. Mae ail elfen fy ymchwil yn cwmpasu safbwyntiau rhyngddisgyblaethol ar drefolaeth gynaliadwy, polisi ynni a chynaliadwyedd yn ehangach. Mae'r ymchwil hon wedi'i lleoli'n arbennig yng nghyd-destun ynni a thrawsnewidiadau digidol, sydd wedi dod yn etholwyr allweddol mewn polisïau cynaliadwyedd. Rwy'n archwilio'r berthynas rhwng llywodraethu, technoleg ac ecwiti o ran dinasoedd niwtral yn yr hinsawdd ac ynni-effeithlon, dinasoedd craff a chartrefi craff, a'u goblygiadau cymdeithasol, economaidd a gofodol. Mae'r ymchwil hon yn cynnig beirniadaeth o drefolaeth gynaliadwy a thrawsnewidiadau ynni ac yn pwysleisio pwysigrwydd mynd i'r afael â chyd-destunau daearyddol a gwendidau seiliedig ar le wrth ddyfeisio polisïau ar gyfer pontio'n fwy cyfiawn. Archwiliwyd y pynciau hyn, er enghraifft, yn y llyfr a olygais ar gyfer Wiley (Dinasoedd Clyfar, Ynni a Hinsawdd: Dinasoedd Llywodraethol ar gyfer Dyfodol Carbon Isel).
Datblygiad trefol a thai mewn polisi ac ymarfer. Mae trydedd elfen fy ngweithgarwch academaidd yn ymestyn fy ymchwil academaidd i fyd polisi ac ymgysylltu. Rwy'n cymryd rhan mewn deialogau lefel uchel ar gyfer datblygu polisïau a deddfwriaeth ryngwladol a chenedlaethol mewn datblygu trefol cynaliadwy. Comisiynwyd rhan o'm hymchwil gan, a'i gynnal yn uniongyrchol mewn cydweithrediad â'r Cenhedloedd Unedig. Mae hyn wedi arwain at amrywiaeth o gyhoeddiadau mawr sy'n cadarnhau gwaith y Cenhedloedd Unedig ac yn llywio llywodraethau a rhanddeiliaid eraill ledled y byd. Mae fy ymchwil yn helpu i nodi pwyntiau pwysau allweddol, cyfyng-gyngor a blaenoriaethau ar gyfer trefoli cynaliadwy trwy ddarparu sylfaen wybodaeth ar gyfer deall fectorau allweddol newid a'r heriau sy'n wynebu dinasoedd. Rwy'n eirioli dros ffurfiau mwy cynhwysol yn gymdeithasol ac yn ofodol o ddatblygu trefol a llywodraethu ac yn cysoni gofynion cyfalaf a dinasyddion wrth ddarparu gwasanaethau trefol a thai. Mae enghreifftiau o'm gwaith ysgrifennu polisi ar gyfer y Cenhedloedd Unedig yn cynnwys:
Addysgu cyfredol
- Datblygu Trefol a Rhanbarthol mewn Ymarfer, MSc (cyfrannwr)
Rolau addysgu ac arwain blaenorol
- Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglen MSc Datblygu Trefol a Rhanbarthol
- Cyfarwyddwr rhaglen MSc mewn Cynllunio Gofodol Ewropeaidd a Pholisi Amgylcheddol (Planet Europe)
- Datblygu Trefol a Rhanbarthol mewn Ymarfer, MSc (arweinydd modiwl)
- Cynllunio Dyfodol y Ddinas, MSc (cyfrannwr)
- Bydoedd ôl-garbon: Daearyddiaeth Ynni, Blwyddyn 2 (arweinydd modiwl)
- Daearyddiaeth Ddynol mewn Ymarfer, Blwyddyn 3 (cyfrannwr)
- Datblygiad Proffesiynol, MSc (arweinydd modiwl)
- Lle a Lle: Ymarfer Cynllunio Rhyngwladol, MSc (cyfrannwr)
- Y Cwestiynau Mawr mewn Daearyddiaeth Ddynol, Blwyddyn 1 (cyfranwr)
- Cynllunio, Marchnadoedd a Tir, Blwyddyn 2 (arweinydd modiwl)
- Newid Economaidd a Pholisi Gofodol, Blwyddyn 3 (arweinydd modiwl)
- Rheolaeth Amgylcheddol, MSc (cyfrannwr)
- Egwyddorion Economaidd ar gyfer Astudiaethau Trefol a Rhanbarthol, Blwyddyn 1 (cyfrannwr)
- Mannau Cynhyrchu: Daearyddiaeth Economaidd, Blwyddyn 2 (cyfrannwr)
Gyrfa Academaidd
- Uwch Ddarlithydd/Darllenydd/Athro, Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio, Prifysgol Caerdydd (2013 - )
- Darlithydd mewn Gwydnwch Trefol, Ysgol Daearyddiaeth, Gwyddorau'r Ddaear a'r Amgylchedd, Prifysgol Birmingham (2010-2013)
- Cymrawd Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol, Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a'r Amgylchedd, Prifysgol Rhydychen (2009-2010)
- Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil, Bartlett Ysgol Gynllunio, Coleg Prifysgol Llundain (2008-2009)
- DPhil (PhD) mewn Daearyddiaeth Ddynol, Prifysgol Rhydychen (2007)
Profiad ymgynghori
Mae gan yr Athro Golubchikov flynyddoedd lawer o brofiad ymgynghori, gan gynghori'r Cenhedloedd Unedig a sefydliadau a chorfforaethau rhyngwladol a chenedlaethol eraill ar agweddau ar ddatblygu trefol a rhanbarthol, dinasoedd a thai cynaliadwy, a pholisïau ynni. Mae wedi bod yn Ymgynghorydd i Ysgrifenyddiaeth Comisiwn Economaidd y Cenhedloedd Unedig dros Ewrop (UNECE), un o bum comisiwn rhanbarthol y Cenhedloedd Unedig. Mae hefyd wedi ymgynghori â UN-HABITAT ar dai cynaliadwy a dinasoedd cynaliadwy.
Rolau Ymgynghorol a Golygyddol
- Golygydd Datblygu Ardal a Pholisi
- Aelod o Goleg Adolygu Cymheiriaid ESRC, ers 2010
- Ymgynghorydd i Gomisiwn Economaidd y Cenhedloedd Unedig dros Ewrop (UNECE), ers 2008
- Ymgynghorydd i Raglen Aneddiadau Dynol y Cenhedloedd Unedig (UN-HABITAT), ers 2011
- Aelod o'r Panel Arbenigol ar baratoi Cynhadledd HABITAT III y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Dai a Datblygu Trefol Cynaliadwy, Polisi Uned 5: Cyllid Trefol a'r System Gyllidol Leol, 2015-2016
Adolygydd ar gyfer Cynghorau Ymchwil
- Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
- Cyngor Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a'r Dyniaethau (AHRC)
- Cyngor Ymchwil Peirianneg a Gwyddorau Ffisegol (EPSRC)
- Cronfa ar gyfer Ymchwil Gwyddonol – FNRS - FNRS – Gwlad Belg
- Academi Brydeinig
- Cyngor Grant Ymchwil Hong Kong (RGC)
- Hinsawdd JPI
- Cyngor Ymchwil Estonia (ETAg)
- Sefydliad Gwyddoniaeth Cenedlaethol yr Unol Daleithiau (NSF)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy
- Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers)
- Member of the Association of American Geographers
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae croeso i ymgeiswyr addas ar gyfer prosiect PhD gysylltu â mi a thrafod eu syniadau. Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ym meysydd eang fy niddordebau a chyhoeddiadau ymchwil. Mae prosiectau enghreifftiol yn cynnwys:
- Datblygiad trefol a rhanbarthol anwastad (gwydnwch anwastad, neoryddfrydiaeth drefol, cyfiawnder gofodol)
- Daearyddiaeth y wladwriaeth, trefolaeth wladwriaethol, mega-brosiectau, datblygu rhanbarthol dan arweiniad y wladwriaeth
- Hen ranbarthau diwydiannol a dinasoedd a rhanbarthau troi / aildyfu
- Pontio trefol ôl-sosialaidd ac ailstrwythuro
- Pontio ynni a dim ond trawsnewid
- Trawsnewidiadau carbon isel mewn mannau carbon uchel neu ymylol
- Daearyddiaethau digideiddio, trawsnewidiadau digidol
- Dinasoedd clyfar, cartrefi smart (gwleidyddiaeth a llywodraethu)
- Rôl digideiddio mewn strategaethau diwydiannol a gofodol
- Perifferi Metropolitan, dinas ymyl
- Dinasoedd cynaliadwy a thai cynaliadwy
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
Mae enghreifftiau o brosiectau PhD blaenorol yn cynnwys:
Wang, Shuye (2024) Micro-ddaearyddiaeth arferion gwresogi cartrefi yng nghefn gwlad Gogledd Tsieina: dull cymunedol o archwilio bregusrwydd ynni mewn trawsnewidiad carbon isel. PhD Thesis, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
O'Sullivan, Kate (2019) Daearyddiaethau anwastad o drawsnewid carbon isel: archwilio gwendidau ynni mewn cymunedau ymylol. PhD Thesis, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Pustelnik, Pawel (2016) Brwydrau Ewropeaidd a gwrthwynebiad Americanaidd: cynnwys hedfan i mewn i ETS yr UE. PhD Thesis, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Contact Details
+44 29208 79310
Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell Room 1.54, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA