Dr Leon Gooberman
- Siarad Cymraeg
Timau a rolau for Leon Gooberman
Darllenydd mewn Cysylltiadau Cyflogaeth a Hanes Busnes
Rwy'n Ddarllenydd mewn Cysylltiadau Cyflogaeth a Hanes Busnes yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd. Archwiliodd fy ndoethuriaeth (2013) ymyrraeth y llywodraeth yn economi Cymru drwy gydol diwedd yr ugeinfed ganrif. Yna ymunais â'r ysgol fusnes fel ymchwilydd ôl-ddoethurol yn gweithio ar brosiect a ariennir gan ESRC yn archwilio gweithredu ar y cyd cyflogwyr yn y DU. Cyn cael fy ndoethuriaeth, gweithiais ar ymchwil a pholisi datblygu economaidd ar gyfer sefydliadau gan gynnwys PwC a Chyngor Caerdydd.
Rwy'n ymchwilio i ddau faes. Un yw sut a pham mae cyflogwyr yn trefnu ac yn gweithredu gyda'i gilydd. Y llall yw'r berthynas rhwng economi a gwladwriaeth yn y Gymru fodern. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi'n eang mewn cyfnodolion cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol a ddyfarnwyd gan gymheiriaid gan gynnwys Gwaith, Cyflogaeth a Chymdeithas, Journal of Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management Journal, Business History, Enterprise and Society, a Labor History. Rwyf hefyd wedi gwneud ymchwil ar gyfer sefydliadau fel Llywodraeth Cymru a Sefydliad Hans Böckler.
Fi yw Arweinydd Academaidd Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd ar gyfer y Gymraeg. Rwyf wedi gweithio gyda chydweithwyr i greu darpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg (lle rwy'n rhan o'r tîm addysgu) ac wedi galluogi prosesau sy'n caniatáu i'n myfyrwyr gofrestru mewn modiwlau cyfrwng Cymraeg dethol a gynigir gan ysgolion eraill yn y Brifysgol.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2024. Building bridges: forming a union coalition to improve working conditions for agricultural workers in Wales. In: Laroche, M. and Murray, G. eds. Experimenting for Union Renewal: Challenges, Illustrations and Lessons. European Trade Union Institute, pp. 75-81.
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2024. Beyond liberalization: Employers' organizations' varied responses to employment law. Employee Relations 46(7), pp. 1550-1565. (10.1108/ER-06-2023-0285)
- Gooberman, L. 2024. ‘A state of almost surreal vice versa’: the devolution referendums in Wales, 1979 and 1997. Contemporary British History 38(2), pp. 299-320. (10.1080/13619462.2023.2239157)
- Gooberman, L. 2024. Public governance of private munitions businesses in regional Britain, the case of Wales, 1938 to 1945. Business History 66(1), pp. 201-220. (10.1080/00076791.2021.1979520)
- Gooberman, L. 2023. The emergence of regional industrial policy in Britain, the case of Wales, 1939 to 1947. Enterprise & Society: The International Journal of Business History (10.1017/eso.2023.44)
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2023. Union coalitions and strategic framing: The case of the Agricultural Advisory Panel for Wales. Work, Employment and Society 37(5), pp. 1226-1243. (10.1177/09500170211069787)
- Aranea, M., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2022. Beyond social dialogue: the varied activities of European employers' organizations. In: Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. Contemporary Employers' Organizations Adaptation and Resilience. Routledge, pp. 263-276.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2022. Employers' organizations and the territorial divergence of employment relations in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. In: Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. Contemporary Employers' Organizations Adaptation and Resilience. Routledge, pp. 213-228.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2022. The adaptation and resilience of employers' organizations. In: Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. Contemporary Employers' Organizations Adaptation and Resilience. Routledge, pp. 1-20.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. 2022. Contemporary employers' organizations: Adaptation and resilience. Routledge Research in Employment Relations. New York: Routledge.
- Gooberman, L. 2022. 'Revolution in the coalfields': industrial relations in wartime south Wales, 1939-45. Labor History 63(1), pp. 55-72. (10.1080/0023656X.2022.2056585)
- Demougin, P., Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2021. Revisiting voluntarism: private voluntary regulation by employer forums in the United Kingdom. Journal of Industrial Relations 63(5), pp. 684-705. (10.1177/00221856211038308)
- , M., , P., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2021. Handbook of European employers' organisations. Working paper. Hans Böckler Foundation. Available at: https://www.boeckler.de/en/faust-detail.htm?sync_id=HBS-008096
- Aranea, M., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2021. What do European Employers` Organisations do?. Working paper. Hans Böckler Foundation. Available at: https://www.boeckler.de/en/faust-detail.htm?sync_id=HBS-008113
- Gooberman, L. 2020. ‘It’s déjà vu all over again’ : looking back at the Welsh Development Agency. Welsh Economic Review 27, pp. 1-5. (10.18573/wer.252)
- Gooberman, L. 2020. Business failure in an age of globalisation: interpreting the rise and fall of the LG project in Wales, 1995-2006. Business History 62(2), pp. 240-260. (10.1080/00076791.2018.1426748)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2020. A typology of employers' organisations in the United Kingdom. Economic and Industrial Democracy 41(1), pp. 229-248. (10.1177/0143831X17704499)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2020. The decay and revival of sub-UK employer organisation: a response to Dr. Ritson. Labor History 61(5-6), pp. 417-422. (10.1080/0023656X.2020.1830958)
- Gooberman, L. and Curtis, B. 2019. The age of factories: the rise and fall of manufacturing in south Wales, 1945-1985. In: Miskell, L. ed. New Perspectives on Welsh Industrial History. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
- Gooberman, L. 2019. 'A very modern kind of English loneliness': John Redwood, the Welsh Office and devolution. Cylchgrawn Hanes Cymru / Welsh History Review 29(4), pp. 641-651. (10.16922/whr.29.4.5)
- Gooberman, L. and Boyns, T. 2019. Public venture capital in a regional economy: The Welsh Development Agency 1976-1994. Enterprise and Society 20(4), pp. 978-1006. (10.1017/eso.2019.15)
- Gooberman, L. and Boyns, T. 2019. The Welsh Development Agency: activities and impact, 1976 to 2006. In: Miskell, L. ed. New Perspectives on Welsh Industrial History. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
- Demougin, P., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2019. The unexpected survival of employer collective action in the UK. Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations 74(2), pp. 353-376. (10.7202/1062087ar)
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2019. Employers' organisations and public value. In: Lindgreen, A. et al. eds. Public Value: Deepening, Enriching, and Broadening the Theory and Practice. Routledge, pp. 236-251.
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2019. The decline of Employers' Associations in the UK, 1976 to 2014. Journal of Industrial Relations 61(1), pp. 11-32. (10.1177/0022185617750418)
- Demougin, P., Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2019. Employer organisations transformed. Human Resource Management Journal 29(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1111/1748-8583.12222)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2019. The evolution of employers' organisations in the United Kingdom: extending countervailing power. Human Resource Management Journal 29(1), pp. 82-96. (10.1111/1748-8583.12193)
- Gooberman, L. 2018. The state and post-industrial urban regeneration: the reinvention of south Cardiff. Urban History 45(3), pp. 504-523. (10.1017/S0963926817000384)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2018. Contemporary employer interest representation in the United Kingdom. Work, Employment and Society 32(1), pp. 114-132. (10.1177/0950017017701074)
- Heery, E., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2017. The petroleum driver passport scheme: a case study in reregulation. Industrial Relations Journal 48(3), pp. 274-291. (10.1111/irj.12179)
- Gooberman, L. 2017. From depression to devolution: economy and government in Wales, 1934 to 2006. University of Wales Press.
- Gooberman, L. 2016. Welsh Office exceptionalism, economic development and devolution, 1979 to 1997. Contemporary British History 30(4), pp. 563-583. (10.1080/13619462.2016.1208567)
- Gooberman, L. 2015. Moving mountains: The reclamation of derelict industrial land in post-war Wales. The Welsh History Review 27(3), pp. 528-551.
- Gooberman, L. 2014. Recession and recovery: The Welsh Office and job creation in the 1980s. Llafur 11(3), pp. 115-127.
- Gooberman, L. 2013. Government intervention in the Welsh economy: 1974 to 1997. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2024. Building bridges: forming a union coalition to improve working conditions for agricultural workers in Wales. In: Laroche, M. and Murray, G. eds. Experimenting for Union Renewal: Challenges, Illustrations and Lessons. European Trade Union Institute, pp. 75-81.
- Aranea, M., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2022. Beyond social dialogue: the varied activities of European employers' organizations. In: Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. Contemporary Employers' Organizations Adaptation and Resilience. Routledge, pp. 263-276.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2022. Employers' organizations and the territorial divergence of employment relations in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. In: Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. Contemporary Employers' Organizations Adaptation and Resilience. Routledge, pp. 213-228.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2022. The adaptation and resilience of employers' organizations. In: Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. Contemporary Employers' Organizations Adaptation and Resilience. Routledge, pp. 1-20.
- Gooberman, L. and Curtis, B. 2019. The age of factories: the rise and fall of manufacturing in south Wales, 1945-1985. In: Miskell, L. ed. New Perspectives on Welsh Industrial History. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
- Gooberman, L. and Boyns, T. 2019. The Welsh Development Agency: activities and impact, 1976 to 2006. In: Miskell, L. ed. New Perspectives on Welsh Industrial History. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2019. Employers' organisations and public value. In: Lindgreen, A. et al. eds. Public Value: Deepening, Enriching, and Broadening the Theory and Practice. Routledge, pp. 236-251.
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2024. Beyond liberalization: Employers' organizations' varied responses to employment law. Employee Relations 46(7), pp. 1550-1565. (10.1108/ER-06-2023-0285)
- Gooberman, L. 2024. ‘A state of almost surreal vice versa’: the devolution referendums in Wales, 1979 and 1997. Contemporary British History 38(2), pp. 299-320. (10.1080/13619462.2023.2239157)
- Gooberman, L. 2024. Public governance of private munitions businesses in regional Britain, the case of Wales, 1938 to 1945. Business History 66(1), pp. 201-220. (10.1080/00076791.2021.1979520)
- Gooberman, L. 2023. The emergence of regional industrial policy in Britain, the case of Wales, 1939 to 1947. Enterprise & Society: The International Journal of Business History (10.1017/eso.2023.44)
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2023. Union coalitions and strategic framing: The case of the Agricultural Advisory Panel for Wales. Work, Employment and Society 37(5), pp. 1226-1243. (10.1177/09500170211069787)
- Gooberman, L. 2022. 'Revolution in the coalfields': industrial relations in wartime south Wales, 1939-45. Labor History 63(1), pp. 55-72. (10.1080/0023656X.2022.2056585)
- Demougin, P., Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2021. Revisiting voluntarism: private voluntary regulation by employer forums in the United Kingdom. Journal of Industrial Relations 63(5), pp. 684-705. (10.1177/00221856211038308)
- Gooberman, L. 2020. ‘It’s déjà vu all over again’ : looking back at the Welsh Development Agency. Welsh Economic Review 27, pp. 1-5. (10.18573/wer.252)
- Gooberman, L. 2020. Business failure in an age of globalisation: interpreting the rise and fall of the LG project in Wales, 1995-2006. Business History 62(2), pp. 240-260. (10.1080/00076791.2018.1426748)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2020. A typology of employers' organisations in the United Kingdom. Economic and Industrial Democracy 41(1), pp. 229-248. (10.1177/0143831X17704499)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2020. The decay and revival of sub-UK employer organisation: a response to Dr. Ritson. Labor History 61(5-6), pp. 417-422. (10.1080/0023656X.2020.1830958)
- Gooberman, L. 2019. 'A very modern kind of English loneliness': John Redwood, the Welsh Office and devolution. Cylchgrawn Hanes Cymru / Welsh History Review 29(4), pp. 641-651. (10.16922/whr.29.4.5)
- Gooberman, L. and Boyns, T. 2019. Public venture capital in a regional economy: The Welsh Development Agency 1976-1994. Enterprise and Society 20(4), pp. 978-1006. (10.1017/eso.2019.15)
- Demougin, P., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2019. The unexpected survival of employer collective action in the UK. Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations 74(2), pp. 353-376. (10.7202/1062087ar)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2019. The decline of Employers' Associations in the UK, 1976 to 2014. Journal of Industrial Relations 61(1), pp. 11-32. (10.1177/0022185617750418)
- Demougin, P., Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2019. Employer organisations transformed. Human Resource Management Journal 29(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1111/1748-8583.12222)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2019. The evolution of employers' organisations in the United Kingdom: extending countervailing power. Human Resource Management Journal 29(1), pp. 82-96. (10.1111/1748-8583.12193)
- Gooberman, L. 2018. The state and post-industrial urban regeneration: the reinvention of south Cardiff. Urban History 45(3), pp. 504-523. (10.1017/S0963926817000384)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2018. Contemporary employer interest representation in the United Kingdom. Work, Employment and Society 32(1), pp. 114-132. (10.1177/0950017017701074)
- Heery, E., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2017. The petroleum driver passport scheme: a case study in reregulation. Industrial Relations Journal 48(3), pp. 274-291. (10.1111/irj.12179)
- Gooberman, L. 2016. Welsh Office exceptionalism, economic development and devolution, 1979 to 1997. Contemporary British History 30(4), pp. 563-583. (10.1080/13619462.2016.1208567)
- Gooberman, L. 2015. Moving mountains: The reclamation of derelict industrial land in post-war Wales. The Welsh History Review 27(3), pp. 528-551.
- Gooberman, L. 2014. Recession and recovery: The Welsh Office and job creation in the 1980s. Llafur 11(3), pp. 115-127.
- Gooberman, L. 2013. Government intervention in the Welsh economy: 1974 to 1997. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. 2022. Contemporary employers' organizations: Adaptation and resilience. Routledge Research in Employment Relations. New York: Routledge.
- Gooberman, L. 2017. From depression to devolution: economy and government in Wales, 1934 to 2006. University of Wales Press.
- , M., , P., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2021. Handbook of European employers' organisations. Working paper. Hans Böckler Foundation. Available at: https://www.boeckler.de/en/faust-detail.htm?sync_id=HBS-008096
- Aranea, M., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2021. What do European Employers` Organisations do?. Working paper. Hans Böckler Foundation. Available at: https://www.boeckler.de/en/faust-detail.htm?sync_id=HBS-008113
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys:
Gweithredu ar y cyd gan gyflogwyr
Cysylltiadau Cyflogaeth / Economi Wleidyddol
Datblygu economaidd rhanbarthol
Rwyf wedi arwain a chyflwyno amrywiol fodiwlau israddedig ac ôl-raddedig, ac wedi datblygu a darparu darpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n dysgu:
BS2534, Cysylltiadau Cyflogaeth
BS3594, Amgylchedd Busnes Ewrop
BS3024, Rheoli Busnes Bach
- PhD: Cardiff University, ‘Government intervention in the Welsh economy, 1974 to 1997’.
- MPA: University of Liverpool
- B.A (Hons): University of Aberystwyth
Contact Details
+44 29208 76563
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell Ystafell R34, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU