Dr Stephen Gordon
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Stephen Gordon
Rwy'n ddarlithydd mewn llenyddiaeth ganoloesol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig yn y mynegiant llenyddol o'r gred yn y goruwchnaturiol yn y byd canoloesol, gyda ffocws penodol ar ysbrydion, demonoleg, hud a'r meirw cerdded. Cyhoeddwyd fy monograff diweddaraf, Supernatural Encounters: Demons and the Restless Dead in Medieval England, c.1050-1450, yn 2020.
Yn ddiweddar, cyd-olygais rifyn arbennig o'r Journal of Medieval History gyda'r Athro Scott Bruce (Prifysgol Fordham), o'r enw Vigor Mortis: The Vitality of the Dead in Medieval Cultures. Cyhoeddwyd y rhifyn arbennig hwn yn ddiweddar fel cyfrol wedi'i golygu drwy Routledge
- Bruce, S. and Gordon, S. eds. 2024. Vigor mortis: The vitality of the dead in Medieval societies. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003538042)
- Gordon, S. 2024. ‘Agite, agite et uenite!’ corrupted breath, corrupted speech and encounters with the restless dead in Geoffrey of Burton’s Vita sancte Moduenne virginis'. In: Bruce, S. G. and Gordon, S. eds. Vigor Mortis The Vitality of the Dead in Medieval Cultures. London: Routledge
- Gordon, S. 2024. 'Introduction: the vitality of the dead in medieval cultures'. In: Bruce, S. G. and Gordon, S. eds. Vigor Mortis The Vitality of the Dead in Medieval Cultures. London: Routledge
- Gordon, S. 2024. Sexual sin and the walking dead in the Chronicle of Lanercost. Viator
- Gordon, S. 2023. 'This carpenter wende he were in despeir': Misinterpretation and the Nightmare in Chaucer’s Miller’s Tale. Journal of English and Germanic Philology 122(4), pp. 482-506. (10.5406/1945662x.122.4.03)
- Gordon, S. 2022. "Ayenst trauelynge fendys by nyghte": Simple medicines, practical innovation, and the premodern conceptualization of the nightmare. Preternature 11(2), pp. 225–257. (10.5325/preternature.11.2.0225)
- Gordon, S. 2022. 'Agite, agite et uenite!' Corrupted breath, corrupted speech and encounters with the restless dead in Geoffrey of Burton's Vita sancte Moduenne virginis. Journal of Medieval History 48(2), pp. 183-198. (10.1080/03044181.2022.2060485)
- Gordon, S. 2022. The vitality of the dead in medieval cultures. Journal of Medieval History 48(2), pp. 155-165. (10.1080/03044181.2022.2049516)
- Gordon, S. 2021. Sensory satires and the virtues of herbs in Sir Thopas's Fair Forest. Studies in Philology 119(2), pp. 191-208. (10.1353/sip.2021.0033)
- Gordon, S. 2019. Supernatural encounters: Demons and the restless dead in Medieval England c.1050-1450. Routledge.
- Gordon, S. 2019. Joshua Byron Smith, Walter Map and the Matter of Britain [Book Review]. Journal of English and Germanic Philology 118(3), pp. 428–430. (10.5406/jenglgermphil.118.3.0428)
- Gordon, S. 2019. Claire Trenery, madness, medicine and miracle in twelfth-century England [Book Review]. Social History of Medicine 32(4), pp. 872–873. (10.1093/shm/hkz064)
- Gordon, S. 2018. The three living and the three dead in the Horaeof Galiot de Genouillac (Rylands Latin MS 38). Source: Notes in the History of Art 37(2), pp. 97-107. (10.1086/697230)
- Gordon, S. 2018. Espectros: Ghostly hauntings in contemporary transhispanic narratives [Book Review]. Folklore 129(3), pp. 319-320. (10.1080/0015587x.2017.1376955)
- Gordon, S. 2018. Cas gan gythraul: demonology, witchcraft and popular magic in eighteenth-century Wales [Book Review]. Folklore 129(2), pp. 215-217. (10.1080/0015587X.2017.1376954)
- Gordon, S. 2018. Death in the Middle Ages and Early Modern times: The material and spiritual conditions of the culture of death ed. by Albrecht Classen [Book Review]. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 13(1), pp. 125-127. (10.1353/mrw.2018.0005)
- Gordon, S. 2018. 4 Dealing with the Undead in the Later Middle Ages. In: Dealing With The Dead: Mortality and Community in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Explorations in Medieval Culture, Volume: 5 Brill, pp. 97-128., (10.1163/9789004358331_006)
- Gordon, S. 2018. Necromancy for the masses? A printed version of the compendium magiae innaturalis nigrae. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 13(3), pp. 340-380. (10.1353/mrw.2018.0045)
- Gordon, S. 2017. Helen Parish (ed.), superstition and magic in early modern Europe: a reader [Book Review]. Journal of Religious History 41(4), pp. 559-561. (10.1111/1467-9809.12477)
- Gordon, S. 2017. Emotional practice and bodily performance in early modern vampire literature. Preternature 6(1), pp. 93-124. (10.5325/preternature.6.1.0093)
- Gordon, S. 2017. Parody, Sarcasm, and Invective in the Nugae of Walter Map. Journal of English and Germanic Philology 116(1), pp. 82-107. (10.5406/jenglgermphil.116.1.0082)
- Gordon, S. 2016. Matthew M. Mesley and Louise E. Wilson, contextualising miracles in the Christian West, 1100−1500 [Book Review]. Social History of Medicine 29(3), pp. 633–634. (10.1093/shm/hkw022)
- Spinks, J., Handley, S. and Gordon, S. 2016. Magic, witches and devils in the early modern world: exhibition catalogue. John Rylands Library, University of Manchester.
- Gordon, S. 2016. Necromancy and the Magical Reputation of Michael Scot: John Rylands Library, Latin MS 105. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 92(1) (10.7227/BJRL.92.1.4)
- Spinks, J., Handley, S. and Gordon, S. 2016. Curating magic at the John Rylands Library: The 2016 exhibition magic, witches and devils in the early modern world. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 92(1), pp. 105-114. (10.7227/BJRL.92.1.5)
- Gordon, S. 2015. Social monsters and the walking dead in William of Newburgh's Historia rerum Anglicarum. Journal of Medieval History 41(4), pp. 446-465. (10.1080/03044181.2015.1078255)
- Gordon, S. 2015. Monstrous words, monstrous bodies: irony and the walking dead in Walter Map's De Nugis Curialium. English Studies 96(4), pp. 379-402. (10.1080/0013838X.2015.1011891)
- Gordon, S. 2015. Medical condition, demon or undead corpse? Sleep paralysis and the nightmare in medieval Europe. Social History of Medicine 28(3), pp. 425-444. (10.1093/shm/hkv005)
- Gordon, S. 2015. Domestic magic and the walking dead in Medieval England: A diachronic approach. In: Houlbrook, C. and Armitage, N. eds. The Materiality of Magic: An Artifactual Investigation into Ritual Practices and Popular Beliefs. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 65-84.
- Gemi-Iordanou, E. et al. eds. 2014. Medicine, healing and performance. Oxbow.
- Gordon, S. 2014. Disease, sin and the walking dead in Medieval England, c.1100-1350: A note on the documentary and archaeological evidence. In: Gemi-Iordanou, E. et al. eds. Medicine, Healing and Performance. Oxford, UK: Oxbow, pp. 55-70.
- Gordon, S. 2024. Sexual sin and the walking dead in the Chronicle of Lanercost. Viator
- Gordon, S. 2023. 'This carpenter wende he were in despeir': Misinterpretation and the Nightmare in Chaucer’s Miller’s Tale. Journal of English and Germanic Philology 122(4), pp. 482-506. (10.5406/1945662x.122.4.03)
- Gordon, S. 2022. "Ayenst trauelynge fendys by nyghte": Simple medicines, practical innovation, and the premodern conceptualization of the nightmare. Preternature 11(2), pp. 225–257. (10.5325/preternature.11.2.0225)
- Gordon, S. 2022. 'Agite, agite et uenite!' Corrupted breath, corrupted speech and encounters with the restless dead in Geoffrey of Burton's Vita sancte Moduenne virginis. Journal of Medieval History 48(2), pp. 183-198. (10.1080/03044181.2022.2060485)
- Gordon, S. 2022. The vitality of the dead in medieval cultures. Journal of Medieval History 48(2), pp. 155-165. (10.1080/03044181.2022.2049516)
- Gordon, S. 2021. Sensory satires and the virtues of herbs in Sir Thopas's Fair Forest. Studies in Philology 119(2), pp. 191-208. (10.1353/sip.2021.0033)
- Gordon, S. 2019. Joshua Byron Smith, Walter Map and the Matter of Britain [Book Review]. Journal of English and Germanic Philology 118(3), pp. 428–430. (10.5406/jenglgermphil.118.3.0428)
- Gordon, S. 2019. Claire Trenery, madness, medicine and miracle in twelfth-century England [Book Review]. Social History of Medicine 32(4), pp. 872–873. (10.1093/shm/hkz064)
- Gordon, S. 2018. The three living and the three dead in the Horaeof Galiot de Genouillac (Rylands Latin MS 38). Source: Notes in the History of Art 37(2), pp. 97-107. (10.1086/697230)
- Gordon, S. 2018. Espectros: Ghostly hauntings in contemporary transhispanic narratives [Book Review]. Folklore 129(3), pp. 319-320. (10.1080/0015587x.2017.1376955)
- Gordon, S. 2018. Cas gan gythraul: demonology, witchcraft and popular magic in eighteenth-century Wales [Book Review]. Folklore 129(2), pp. 215-217. (10.1080/0015587X.2017.1376954)
- Gordon, S. 2018. Death in the Middle Ages and Early Modern times: The material and spiritual conditions of the culture of death ed. by Albrecht Classen [Book Review]. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 13(1), pp. 125-127. (10.1353/mrw.2018.0005)
- Gordon, S. 2018. Necromancy for the masses? A printed version of the compendium magiae innaturalis nigrae. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 13(3), pp. 340-380. (10.1353/mrw.2018.0045)
- Gordon, S. 2017. Helen Parish (ed.), superstition and magic in early modern Europe: a reader [Book Review]. Journal of Religious History 41(4), pp. 559-561. (10.1111/1467-9809.12477)
- Gordon, S. 2017. Emotional practice and bodily performance in early modern vampire literature. Preternature 6(1), pp. 93-124. (10.5325/preternature.6.1.0093)
- Gordon, S. 2017. Parody, Sarcasm, and Invective in the Nugae of Walter Map. Journal of English and Germanic Philology 116(1), pp. 82-107. (10.5406/jenglgermphil.116.1.0082)
- Gordon, S. 2016. Matthew M. Mesley and Louise E. Wilson, contextualising miracles in the Christian West, 1100−1500 [Book Review]. Social History of Medicine 29(3), pp. 633–634. (10.1093/shm/hkw022)
- Gordon, S. 2016. Necromancy and the Magical Reputation of Michael Scot: John Rylands Library, Latin MS 105. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 92(1) (10.7227/BJRL.92.1.4)
- Spinks, J., Handley, S. and Gordon, S. 2016. Curating magic at the John Rylands Library: The 2016 exhibition magic, witches and devils in the early modern world. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 92(1), pp. 105-114. (10.7227/BJRL.92.1.5)
- Gordon, S. 2015. Social monsters and the walking dead in William of Newburgh's Historia rerum Anglicarum. Journal of Medieval History 41(4), pp. 446-465. (10.1080/03044181.2015.1078255)
- Gordon, S. 2015. Monstrous words, monstrous bodies: irony and the walking dead in Walter Map's De Nugis Curialium. English Studies 96(4), pp. 379-402. (10.1080/0013838X.2015.1011891)
- Gordon, S. 2015. Medical condition, demon or undead corpse? Sleep paralysis and the nightmare in medieval Europe. Social History of Medicine 28(3), pp. 425-444. (10.1093/shm/hkv005)
Book sections
- Gordon, S. 2024. ‘Agite, agite et uenite!’ corrupted breath, corrupted speech and encounters with the restless dead in Geoffrey of Burton’s Vita sancte Moduenne virginis'. In: Bruce, S. G. and Gordon, S. eds. Vigor Mortis The Vitality of the Dead in Medieval Cultures. London: Routledge
- Gordon, S. 2024. 'Introduction: the vitality of the dead in medieval cultures'. In: Bruce, S. G. and Gordon, S. eds. Vigor Mortis The Vitality of the Dead in Medieval Cultures. London: Routledge
- Gordon, S. 2018. 4 Dealing with the Undead in the Later Middle Ages. In: Dealing With The Dead: Mortality and Community in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Explorations in Medieval Culture, Volume: 5 Brill, pp. 97-128., (10.1163/9789004358331_006)
- Gordon, S. 2015. Domestic magic and the walking dead in Medieval England: A diachronic approach. In: Houlbrook, C. and Armitage, N. eds. The Materiality of Magic: An Artifactual Investigation into Ritual Practices and Popular Beliefs. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 65-84.
- Gordon, S. 2014. Disease, sin and the walking dead in Medieval England, c.1100-1350: A note on the documentary and archaeological evidence. In: Gemi-Iordanou, E. et al. eds. Medicine, Healing and Performance. Oxford, UK: Oxbow, pp. 55-70.
- Bruce, S. and Gordon, S. eds. 2024. Vigor mortis: The vitality of the dead in Medieval societies. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003538042)
- Gordon, S. 2019. Supernatural encounters: Demons and the restless dead in Medieval England c.1050-1450. Routledge.
- Spinks, J., Handley, S. and Gordon, S. 2016. Magic, witches and devils in the early modern world: exhibition catalogue. John Rylands Library, University of Manchester.
- Gemi-Iordanou, E. et al. eds. 2014. Medicine, healing and performance. Oxbow.
- Ffydd Ysbrydol ac Adfywio
- Dyniaethau Meddygol
- Eironi a dychan
- Chaucer
- Arthuriana
- Hanesyddiaeth a Hagiography
- Magic and Witchcraft
- Methodolegau rhyngddisgyblaethol
Mae fy mhrif ffocws reseach yn ymwneud â chysyniadau canoloesol a modern cynnar o'r goruwchnaturiol. Archwiliodd fy monograff cyntaf , Supernatural Encounters: Demons and the Restless Dead in Medeival England, c.1050-1450 (Routledge, 2020), y ffyrdd y deallwyd a mynegwyd syniadau anghyson am fwriad ac asiantaeth cyrff cerdded ('dialwyr') mewn gwahanol gyd-destunau cymdeithasol a llenyddol.
Mae'r gwaith hwn yn bwydo i mewn i'm diddordebau parhaus yn y berthynas rhwng cred feddygol a goruwchnaturiol yn y byd canoloesol, yn benodol mynegiadau llenyddol o'r profiad hunllefus (parlys cwsg) ac etioleg contagion. Mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn damcaniaeth ryngddisgyblaethol a'r berthynas rhwng 'testunau' ysgrifenedig a materol, yn benodol sut y gellir defnyddio'r dystiolaeth lenyddol ar gyfer cred goruwchnaturiol i lywio ein dealltwriaeth o ddata archeolegol amwys.
Ym mlwyddyn academaidd 2024/25 byddaf yn dysgu ar y modiwlau canlynol:
- Llenyddiaeth Arthuraidd Ganoloesol (cynullydd)
- Diffygion Canoloesol (cynullydd)
- Cyrff Gwrthryfelgar mewn Llenyddiaeth Ganoloesol (cynullydd)
- Arwyr a Dihirod: Chaucer to Shakespeare (cynullydd)
- Modiwl Traethawd Hir (cynullydd)
Ymunais â Phrifysgol Caerdydd yn 2022, ar ôl dysgu yn flaenorol yn Royal Holloway a Phrifysgol Manceinion.
Aelodaeth Proffesiynol
2020: Academi Addysg Uwch – Cymrodoriaeth (FHEA),
2017: Academi Addysg Uwch – Cymrodoriaeth Gyswllt (AFHEA)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwy'n croesawu ymholiadau gan ddarpar fyfyrwyr PhD am wneud ymchwil ar unrhyw un o'r pynciau canoloesol canlynol:
- Ffydd ysbryd a dial
- Magic a'r goruwchnaturiol
- Llenyddiaeth a diwylliant marwolaeth
- Y Dyniaethau Meddygol
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
+44 29208 75615
Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell Room 2.39, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- Llenyddiaeth ganoloesol
- Hanes canoloesol