Rwy'n gweithio ar gelfyddyd grefyddol a phensaernïaeth isgyfandir India sy'n dyddio o'r cyfnod hynafol i'r canol oesoedd cynnar (tua 2il ganrif CC i'r 10fed ganrif OC). Yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf rwyf wedi canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar ddehongli naratifau gweledol ac yn enwedig ar gynrychioliadau temlau o'r epig Rāmāyaṇa. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gwneud ymchwil ar India hynafol a'r byd naturiol.
- Greaves, L. R. 2024. Why label them: inscribed Rāmāyaṇa reliefs in early South Asia. Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 17(2)
- Greaves, L. R. 2022. The art of storytelling: scenes from the Ramayana on panels from a lost post-Gupta temple at Rajaona, Bihar. Religions of South Asia 16(2-3), pp. 249-295. (10.1558/rosa.24404)
- Greaves, L. 2020. The “best abode of virtue”: Sattra represented on a Gupta-Period frieze from Gaṛhwa,̄ Uttar Pradesh. In: Bisschop, P. C. and Cecil, E. A. eds. Primary Sources and Asian Pasts. Beyond Boundaries De Grutyer, pp. 64-105., (10.1515/9783110674088-004)
- Greaves, L. R. 2020. Śiva Dakṣiṇāmūrti or Sage Nārāyaṇa? Reconsidering an early terracotta panel from Ahichhatrā. Presented at: 22nd International Conference of the the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art (ESEAA 2014), Stockholm, Sweden, 30 June - 4 July 2014 Presented at Myrdal, E. and Abraham, S. A. eds.South Asian Archaeology and Art 2014: Papers Presented at the Twenty-Second International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art held at the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities/National Museums of World Culture, Stockholm. New Dehli: Dev Publishers & Distributors pp. 135-152.
- Greaves, L. R. 2020. The development of sacred stepped architecture in the Indian subcontinent with special focus on Hindu monuments. In: Greaves, L. R. and Hardy, A. eds. Bridging Heaven and Earth: Art and Architecture in South Asia, 3rd Century BCE-21st Century CE., Vol. 2. New Delhi: Dev Publications
- Greaves, L. R. and Hardy, A. eds. 2020. Religions, society, trade and kingship: archaeology and art in south Asia and along the silk road (research presented at the twenty-third conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Cardiff 2016). New Delhi: Dev Publications.
- Greaves, L. R. and Hardy, A. eds. 2020. Bridging heaven and earth: art and architecture in south Asia 5th-21st century CE (research presented at the twenty-third conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Cardiff 2016). New Delhi: Dev Publications.
- Greaves, L. 2019. Locating the lost Gupta Period Rāmāyaṇa Reliefs from Katingara, Uttar Pradesh. Religions of South Asia 12(2), pp. 117-153. (10.1558/rosa.38806)
- Greaves, L. R. 2019. The enigma of the centauress and her lover: investigating a fifth-century terracotta panel from Ahichhatra. In: Den Boer, L. and Cecil, E. A. eds. Framing Intellectual and Lived Spaces in Early South Asia: Sources and Boundaries. Confrontations in Context De Grutyer, (10.1515/9783110557176-002)
- Greaves, L. 2017. A report on a recently discovered ruined Gupta temple at Khanderia, Bundi District, Rajasthan. Indian Historical Review 44(2), pp. 313-326. (10.1177/0376983617726650)
- Greaves, L. 2015. Brick foundations: North Indian brick temple architecture and terracotta art of the fourth to sixth centuries CE. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Greaves, L. 2014. Pawāyā: An early terraced brick temple. South Asian Studies 30(2), pp. 181. (10.1080/02666030.2014.962311)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Greaves, L. 2020. The “best abode of virtue”: Sattra represented on a Gupta-Period frieze from Gaṛhwa,̄ Uttar Pradesh. In: Bisschop, P. C. and Cecil, E. A. eds. Primary Sources and Asian Pasts. Beyond Boundaries De Grutyer, pp. 64-105., (10.1515/9783110674088-004)
- Greaves, L. R. 2020. The development of sacred stepped architecture in the Indian subcontinent with special focus on Hindu monuments. In: Greaves, L. R. and Hardy, A. eds. Bridging Heaven and Earth: Art and Architecture in South Asia, 3rd Century BCE-21st Century CE., Vol. 2. New Delhi: Dev Publications
- Greaves, L. R. 2019. The enigma of the centauress and her lover: investigating a fifth-century terracotta panel from Ahichhatra. In: Den Boer, L. and Cecil, E. A. eds. Framing Intellectual and Lived Spaces in Early South Asia: Sources and Boundaries. Confrontations in Context De Grutyer, (10.1515/9783110557176-002)
- Greaves, L. R. 2020. Śiva Dakṣiṇāmūrti or Sage Nārāyaṇa? Reconsidering an early terracotta panel from Ahichhatrā. Presented at: 22nd International Conference of the the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art (ESEAA 2014), Stockholm, Sweden, 30 June - 4 July 2014 Presented at Myrdal, E. and Abraham, S. A. eds.South Asian Archaeology and Art 2014: Papers Presented at the Twenty-Second International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art held at the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities/National Museums of World Culture, Stockholm. New Dehli: Dev Publishers & Distributors pp. 135-152.
- Greaves, L. R. 2024. Why label them: inscribed Rāmāyaṇa reliefs in early South Asia. Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 17(2)
- Greaves, L. R. 2022. The art of storytelling: scenes from the Ramayana on panels from a lost post-Gupta temple at Rajaona, Bihar. Religions of South Asia 16(2-3), pp. 249-295. (10.1558/rosa.24404)
- Greaves, L. 2019. Locating the lost Gupta Period Rāmāyaṇa Reliefs from Katingara, Uttar Pradesh. Religions of South Asia 12(2), pp. 117-153. (10.1558/rosa.38806)
- Greaves, L. 2017. A report on a recently discovered ruined Gupta temple at Khanderia, Bundi District, Rajasthan. Indian Historical Review 44(2), pp. 313-326. (10.1177/0376983617726650)
- Greaves, L. 2014. Pawāyā: An early terraced brick temple. South Asian Studies 30(2), pp. 181. (10.1080/02666030.2014.962311)
- Greaves, L. 2015. Brick foundations: North Indian brick temple architecture and terracotta art of the fourth to sixth centuries CE. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Greaves, L. R. and Hardy, A. eds. 2020. Religions, society, trade and kingship: archaeology and art in south Asia and along the silk road (research presented at the twenty-third conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Cardiff 2016). New Delhi: Dev Publications.
- Greaves, L. R. and Hardy, A. eds. 2020. Bridging heaven and earth: art and architecture in south Asia 5th-21st century CE (research presented at the twenty-third conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Cardiff 2016). New Delhi: Dev Publications.
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Themâu a Materion yn yr Astudiaeth o Grefydd
Gwrthrychau Hynafol yna ac yn awr
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Y Valmiki Ramayana a'i ôl-fywyd
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