I enjoy teaching students in every year of the Optometry course over a wide range of modules. I teach by delivering lectures, supervising practical classes and clinics and giving tutorials. The modules I cover are listed below:
- OP0203 - Year 0 - Module leader for Biochemistry for Optometry module.
- OP0205 - Year 0 - Deliver Dispensing part of Optometry module.
- OP1202 - 1st Year - Supervise Dispensing practical classes.
- OP1205 - 1st Year - Lecture Biochemistry part of Cells to Systems module.
- OP2201 - 2nd Year - Supervise Dispensing practical classes.
- OP3101 - 3rd Year - Supervise Dispensing clinics.
- OP3205 - 3rd Year - Lecture on Occupational Optometry, Law and Business
The Wales Optometry Postgraduate Education Centre (WOPEC) have also employed me to deliver lectures and practical classes on Dispensing for the MSc Postgraduate Course (Learning Disabilities and Paediatric Optometry Modules). I also teach practical dispensing on the Doctors$acirc; Course for WOPEC 3 times per year.
1996-2002: PhD, Metallothionein mediated resistance of astrocytomas to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, Cardiff University 1993-1996: BSc (2:1 Hons.), Biochemistry with Medical Biochemistry, Cardiff University 2004-2007: FBDO, Association of British Dispensing Opticians, Kent 2013 - present: Teacher, School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Cardiff University 2008 - present: Dispensing Optician, School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Cardiff University 2002 - 2003: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, University of Zurich 2000 - 2001: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff 2008 - present: Member of Exam Board 2009 - present: Member of Clinic Committee 2010 - present: Member of Strategic Planning Committee 2010 - present: Member of the Health and Wellbeing Committee (Cardiff University) I have published the following articles in optometric publications: Dispensing spectacles for children, Hughes, E. Optometry Today June 15, 2012 I have given talks entitled Paediatric Dispensing to the All Wales Association of Teachers of Visual Impairment group (Llandrindod Wells, 2012) and to specialist teachers responsible for visual impairment (Cardiff, 2012).Educational and Professional Qualifications:
Academic Positions:
School Roles and Committees:
External Committees/Memberships:
Innovation and Engagement:
Maximising lens appearance, Hughes, E. Optometry Today August 17, 2012
Aspheric lenses. Hughes, E. Optometry Today September 21, 2012
Occupational dispensing, Hughes, E. Optometry Today October 19, 2012
Vocational dispensing, Hughes, E. Optometry Today November 16, 2012
Don$acirc; t speculate - communicate, Hughes, E. Optometry Today November 30, 2012
Key considerations when dispensing children$acirc; s spectacles, Hughes, E. Dispensing Optics January 2014
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2013 - present- Teacher, School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Cardiff University
- 2008 - present- Dispensing Optician, School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Cardiff University
- 2002 - 2003- Postdoctoral Research Scientist, University of Zurich
- 2000 - 2001- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- 2008 - present- Member of Exam Board
- 2009 - present- Member of Clinic Committee
- 2010 - present- Member of Strategic Planning Committee
External Committees/Memberships
- 2010 - present- Member of the Health and Wellbeing Committee (Cardiff University)