Yr Athro Katy Greenland
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
I am an applied social psychologist. At the core of my research is an emphasis on applying substantive social psychological theory to the social sciences. I work with theories and methods from experimental social psychology and apply them to everyday practice and experience. My research has employed a range of designs through experimental and quantitative surveys, to discourse and dialogical analysis. I remain committed to both quantitative and qualitative methods as and when they are most appropriate to the research question.
The themes that run through my work are emotions and social justice. I am interested in anxiety and distress, and how these emotions are central to the experiences and practices of stigma, inequality, and discrimination. My research explores how we fear particular groups of people (e.g., people with schizophrenia, children who are HIV+), and how these fears impact on actual interactions. Importantly, this analysis considers how fear is recognised and understood, but also how it is embodied in physiological and behavioural responses.
- Greenland, K., West, K. and Van Laar, C. 2022. Definitional boundaries of discrimination: Tools for deciding what constitutes discrimination (and what doesn’t). Journal of Applied Social Psychology 52(10), pp. 945-964. (10.1111/jasp.12902)
- West, K., Greenland, K., van Laar, C. and Barnoth, D. 2022. It’s only discrimination when they do it to us: When white men use ingroup-serving double standards in definitional boundaries of discrimination. European Journal of Social Psychology 52(4), pp. 735-747. (10.1002/ejsp.2849)
- West, K., Greenland, K. and van Laar, C. 2021. Implicit racism, colour-blindness, and narrow definitions of discrimination: Why some White people prefer “All Lives Matter” to “Black Lives Matter”. British Journal of Social Psychology 60(4), pp. 1136-1153. (10.1111/bjso.12458)
- Greenland, K. 2021. Discrimination and intergroup contact. In: Tileagă, C., Augoustinos, . and Durrheim, K. eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotyping. Routledge, pp. 153-166.
- West, K., Borras Guevara, M. L., Morton, T. A. and Greenland, K. 2021. Fragile heterosexuality. Social Psychology 52(3), pp. 143-161. (10.1027/1864-9335/a000444)
- Greenland, K., Augoustinos, M., Andreouli, E. and Taulke-Johnson, R. 2020. Cross-group friendships, the irony of harmony, and the social construction of ‘discrimination’. Ethnic and Racial Studies 43(7), pp. 1169-1188. (10.1080/01419870.2019.1648845)
- Andreouli, E., Greenland, K. and Figgou, L. 2020. Lay discourses about Brexit and prejudice: ‘ideological creativity’ and its limits in Brexit debates. European Journal of Social Psychology 50(2), pp. 309-322. (10.1002/ejsp.2625)
- Greenland, K., Andreouli, E., Augoustinos, M. and Taulke-Johnson, R. 2018. What constitutes 'discrimination' in everyday talk? Argumentative lines and the social representations of discrimination. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 37(5), pp. 541-561. (10.1177/0261927X18762588)
- Moore, K. and Greenland, K. 2018. Racism as a crime in Britain's right-wing press. In: Bhatia, M., Poynting, S. and Tufail, W. eds. Media, Crime and Racism. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 213-233.
- Greenland, K. and Taulke-Johnson, R. 2017. Gay men's identity work and the social construction of discrimination. Psychology and Sexuality 8(1-2), pp. 81-95. (10.1080/19419899.2017.1311934)
- Greenland, K., Xenias, D. and Maio, G. R. 2017. Effects of promotion and compunction interventions on real intergroup interactions: promotion helps but high compunction hurts. Frontiers in Psychology 8, article number: 528. (10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00528)
- West, K. and Greenland, K. 2016. Beware of "reducing prejudice": imagined contact may backfire if applied with a prevention focus. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 46(10), pp. 583-592. (10.1111/jasp.12387)
- Andreouli, E., Greenland, K. and Howarth, C. 2016. 'I don't think racism is that bad any more': Exploring the 'end of racism' discourse among students in English schools. European Journal of Social Psychology 46(2), pp. 171-184. (10.1002/ejsp.2143)
- Slater, T., Scourfield, J. and Greenland, K. 2015. Suicide attempts and social worker contact: secondary analysis of a general population study. British Journal of Social Work 45(1), pp. 378-394. (10.1093/bjsw/bct112)
- Greenland, K., Xenias, D. and Maio, G. R. 2012. Intergroup anxiety from the self and other: evidence from self-report, physiological effects, and real interactions. European Journal of Social Psychology 42(2), pp. 150-163. (10.1002/ejsp.867)
- Xenias, D., Greenland, K. and Maio, G. R. 2010. An investigation on promotion focus intervention for intergroup anxiety. Presented at: BPS Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, Winchester, UK, 7-9 September 2010.
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2010. Measuring patient anxiety in primary care: Rasch analysis of the 6-item Spielberger State Anxiety Scale. Value In Health 13(6), pp. 813-819. (10.1111/j.1524-4733.2010.00758.x)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2009. Predicting state anxiety in optometric practice. Optometry and Vision Science 86(11), pp. 1295-1302. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e3181bb4212)
- Greenland, K., Scourfield, J. B., Maxwell, N., Prior, L. and Scourfield, J. 2009. Theoretical antecedents of distress disclosure in a community sample of young people. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 39(9), pp. 2045-2068. (10.1111/j.1559-1816.2009.00515.x)
- Court, H. J., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2009. Evaluating the association between anxiety and satisfaction. Optometry and Vision Science 86(3), pp. 216-221. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e318196cf59)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2008. Evaluating patient anxiety levels during contact lens fitting. Optometry and Vision Science 85(7), pp. 574-580. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e31817dad7a)
- Xenias, D., Greenland, K. and Maio, G. R. 2008. Psychophysiological correlates of intergroup anxiety. Presented at: 15th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP), Opatija, Croatia, 10-14 June 2008.
- Greenland, K. and Nunney, R. 2008. The repeal of Section 28: it ain't over 'til it's over. Pastoral Care in Education 26(4), pp. 243-251. (10.1080/02643940802472171)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2007. Content development of the optometric patient anxiety scale. Optometry and Vision Science 84(8), pp. 729-744. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e31812f7361)
- Scourfield, J. B., Jacob, N. K., Smalley, N., Prior, L. and Greenland, K. 2007. Young people's gendered interpretations of suicide and attempted suicide. Child & Family Social Work 12(3), pp. 248-257. (10.1111/j.1365-2206.2007.00498.x)
- Greenland, K. and Brown, R. 2005. Acculturation and contact in Japanese students studying in the United Kingdom. The Journal of Social Psychology 145(4), pp. 373-390. (10.3200/SOCP.145.4.373-390)
- Smalley, N., Scourfield, J. B. and Greenland, K. 2005. Young people, gender and suicide: A review of research on the social context. Journal of Social Work 5(2), pp. 133-154. (10.1177/1468017305054953)
- Margrain, T. H., Court, H. and Greenland, K. 2004. Content development of the optometric patient anxiety scale. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 23(5), pp. 523-531.
- Smalley, N., Scourfield, J. B., Greenland, K. and Prior, L. 2004. Services for suicidal young people: qualitative research on lay and professional perspectives. Youth & Policy:The Journal of Critical Analysis 83, pp. 1-18.
- Margrain, T. H., Greenland, K. and Anderson, J. 2003. Evaluating anxiety in patients attending optometric practice. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 23(4), pp. 287-293. (10.1046/j.1475-1313.2003.00118.x)
- Greenland, K., Maser, B. and Prentice, T. 2001. "They're Scared of It": Intergroup determinants of attitudes towards children with HIV. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 31(10), pp. 2127-2148. (10.1111/j.1559-1816.2001.tb00166.x)
- Maio, G. R., Greenland, K., Bernard, M. and Esses, V. M. 2001. Effects of intergroup ambivalence on information processing: The role of physiological arousal. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 4(4), pp. 355-372. (10.1177/1368430201004004005)
- Hewstone, M. and Greenland, K. 2000. Intergroup conflict. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 35(2), pp. 136-144. (10.1080/002075900399439)
- Greenland, K. and Brown, R. 1999. Categorization and intergroup anxiety in contact between British and Japanese nationals. European Journal of Social Psychology 29(4), pp. 503-521. (10.1002/(SICI)1099-0992(199906)29:4<503::AID-EJSP941>3.0.CO;2-Y)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Greenland, K. 2021. Discrimination and intergroup contact. In: Tileagă, C., Augoustinos, . and Durrheim, K. eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotyping. Routledge, pp. 153-166.
- Moore, K. and Greenland, K. 2018. Racism as a crime in Britain's right-wing press. In: Bhatia, M., Poynting, S. and Tufail, W. eds. Media, Crime and Racism. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 213-233.
- Xenias, D., Greenland, K. and Maio, G. R. 2010. An investigation on promotion focus intervention for intergroup anxiety. Presented at: BPS Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, Winchester, UK, 7-9 September 2010.
- Xenias, D., Greenland, K. and Maio, G. R. 2008. Psychophysiological correlates of intergroup anxiety. Presented at: 15th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP), Opatija, Croatia, 10-14 June 2008.
- Greenland, K., West, K. and Van Laar, C. 2022. Definitional boundaries of discrimination: Tools for deciding what constitutes discrimination (and what doesn’t). Journal of Applied Social Psychology 52(10), pp. 945-964. (10.1111/jasp.12902)
- West, K., Greenland, K., van Laar, C. and Barnoth, D. 2022. It’s only discrimination when they do it to us: When white men use ingroup-serving double standards in definitional boundaries of discrimination. European Journal of Social Psychology 52(4), pp. 735-747. (10.1002/ejsp.2849)
- West, K., Greenland, K. and van Laar, C. 2021. Implicit racism, colour-blindness, and narrow definitions of discrimination: Why some White people prefer “All Lives Matter” to “Black Lives Matter”. British Journal of Social Psychology 60(4), pp. 1136-1153. (10.1111/bjso.12458)
- West, K., Borras Guevara, M. L., Morton, T. A. and Greenland, K. 2021. Fragile heterosexuality. Social Psychology 52(3), pp. 143-161. (10.1027/1864-9335/a000444)
- Greenland, K., Augoustinos, M., Andreouli, E. and Taulke-Johnson, R. 2020. Cross-group friendships, the irony of harmony, and the social construction of ‘discrimination’. Ethnic and Racial Studies 43(7), pp. 1169-1188. (10.1080/01419870.2019.1648845)
- Andreouli, E., Greenland, K. and Figgou, L. 2020. Lay discourses about Brexit and prejudice: ‘ideological creativity’ and its limits in Brexit debates. European Journal of Social Psychology 50(2), pp. 309-322. (10.1002/ejsp.2625)
- Greenland, K., Andreouli, E., Augoustinos, M. and Taulke-Johnson, R. 2018. What constitutes 'discrimination' in everyday talk? Argumentative lines and the social representations of discrimination. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 37(5), pp. 541-561. (10.1177/0261927X18762588)
- Greenland, K. and Taulke-Johnson, R. 2017. Gay men's identity work and the social construction of discrimination. Psychology and Sexuality 8(1-2), pp. 81-95. (10.1080/19419899.2017.1311934)
- Greenland, K., Xenias, D. and Maio, G. R. 2017. Effects of promotion and compunction interventions on real intergroup interactions: promotion helps but high compunction hurts. Frontiers in Psychology 8, article number: 528. (10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00528)
- West, K. and Greenland, K. 2016. Beware of "reducing prejudice": imagined contact may backfire if applied with a prevention focus. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 46(10), pp. 583-592. (10.1111/jasp.12387)
- Andreouli, E., Greenland, K. and Howarth, C. 2016. 'I don't think racism is that bad any more': Exploring the 'end of racism' discourse among students in English schools. European Journal of Social Psychology 46(2), pp. 171-184. (10.1002/ejsp.2143)
- Slater, T., Scourfield, J. and Greenland, K. 2015. Suicide attempts and social worker contact: secondary analysis of a general population study. British Journal of Social Work 45(1), pp. 378-394. (10.1093/bjsw/bct112)
- Greenland, K., Xenias, D. and Maio, G. R. 2012. Intergroup anxiety from the self and other: evidence from self-report, physiological effects, and real interactions. European Journal of Social Psychology 42(2), pp. 150-163. (10.1002/ejsp.867)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2010. Measuring patient anxiety in primary care: Rasch analysis of the 6-item Spielberger State Anxiety Scale. Value In Health 13(6), pp. 813-819. (10.1111/j.1524-4733.2010.00758.x)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2009. Predicting state anxiety in optometric practice. Optometry and Vision Science 86(11), pp. 1295-1302. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e3181bb4212)
- Greenland, K., Scourfield, J. B., Maxwell, N., Prior, L. and Scourfield, J. 2009. Theoretical antecedents of distress disclosure in a community sample of young people. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 39(9), pp. 2045-2068. (10.1111/j.1559-1816.2009.00515.x)
- Court, H. J., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2009. Evaluating the association between anxiety and satisfaction. Optometry and Vision Science 86(3), pp. 216-221. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e318196cf59)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2008. Evaluating patient anxiety levels during contact lens fitting. Optometry and Vision Science 85(7), pp. 574-580. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e31817dad7a)
- Greenland, K. and Nunney, R. 2008. The repeal of Section 28: it ain't over 'til it's over. Pastoral Care in Education 26(4), pp. 243-251. (10.1080/02643940802472171)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2007. Content development of the optometric patient anxiety scale. Optometry and Vision Science 84(8), pp. 729-744. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e31812f7361)
- Scourfield, J. B., Jacob, N. K., Smalley, N., Prior, L. and Greenland, K. 2007. Young people's gendered interpretations of suicide and attempted suicide. Child & Family Social Work 12(3), pp. 248-257. (10.1111/j.1365-2206.2007.00498.x)
- Greenland, K. and Brown, R. 2005. Acculturation and contact in Japanese students studying in the United Kingdom. The Journal of Social Psychology 145(4), pp. 373-390. (10.3200/SOCP.145.4.373-390)
- Smalley, N., Scourfield, J. B. and Greenland, K. 2005. Young people, gender and suicide: A review of research on the social context. Journal of Social Work 5(2), pp. 133-154. (10.1177/1468017305054953)
- Margrain, T. H., Court, H. and Greenland, K. 2004. Content development of the optometric patient anxiety scale. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 23(5), pp. 523-531.
- Smalley, N., Scourfield, J. B., Greenland, K. and Prior, L. 2004. Services for suicidal young people: qualitative research on lay and professional perspectives. Youth & Policy:The Journal of Critical Analysis 83, pp. 1-18.
- Margrain, T. H., Greenland, K. and Anderson, J. 2003. Evaluating anxiety in patients attending optometric practice. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 23(4), pp. 287-293. (10.1046/j.1475-1313.2003.00118.x)
- Greenland, K., Maser, B. and Prentice, T. 2001. "They're Scared of It": Intergroup determinants of attitudes towards children with HIV. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 31(10), pp. 2127-2148. (10.1111/j.1559-1816.2001.tb00166.x)
- Maio, G. R., Greenland, K., Bernard, M. and Esses, V. M. 2001. Effects of intergroup ambivalence on information processing: The role of physiological arousal. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 4(4), pp. 355-372. (10.1177/1368430201004004005)
- Hewstone, M. and Greenland, K. 2000. Intergroup conflict. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 35(2), pp. 136-144. (10.1080/002075900399439)
- Greenland, K. and Brown, R. 1999. Categorization and intergroup anxiety in contact between British and Japanese nationals. European Journal of Social Psychology 29(4), pp. 503-521. (10.1002/(SICI)1099-0992(199906)29:4<503::AID-EJSP941>3.0.CO;2-Y)
I am an applied social psychologist. At the core of my research is an emphasis on applying substantive social psychological theory to the social sciences. I work with theories and methods from experimental social psychology and apply them to everyday practice and experience. My research has employed a range of designs through experimental and quantitative surveys, to discourse and dialogical analysis. I remain committed to both quantitative and qualitative methods as and when they are most appropriate to the research question.
The themes that run through my work are emotions and social justice. I am interested in anxiety and distress, and how these emotions are central to the experiences and practices of stigma, inequality, and discrimination. My research explores how we fear particular groups of people (e.g., people with schizophrenia, children who are HIV+), and how these fears impact on actual interactions. Importantly, this analysis considers how fear is recognised and understood, but also how it is embodied in physiological and behavioural responses.
Undergraduate Teaching
- Year one Introduction to Social Psychology
- Year two Social Research Methods
- Year two Psychology and Social Behaviour
- Year three Dissertation
Postgraduate Teaching
- PGCE/ Cert Ed (FE): Foundations of Learning and Teaching
- Masters Social Work
Doctoral Students
- Constantino Dumangane (2010- ). African/Caribbean Boys$acirc; Experiences of Secondary Education. Co-supervised with David James and Debbie Epstein.
- Susanne Spooner (2010- ). Resilience and Volunteering by Looked After Children. Co-supervised with Sally Holland
- Tom Slater (2010- ). Evaluating the role of social workers in suicide prevention. Co-supervised with Jonathan Scourfield
- Richard Taulke- Johnson (2005- 2009) Living Differently: The Experiences of Gay Male University Students. Co-supervised with Debbie Epstein.
- Hannah Gee (2004- 2009) Identity Negotiation and the Equality Agenda in Universities. Co-supervised with Debbie Epstein.
- Helen Court (2004- 2007). Anxiety and the Optometric Patient. Co-supervised with Tom Margrain.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Reviewer for: British Journal of Psychology; Economic and Social Research Council; European Journal of Social Psychology; Gender and Education; Journal of Homosexuality; Leverhulme Trust.
- Member of: British Psychological Society; European Association of Social Psychology; Society for Personality and Social Psychology; Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.
Recent Research Grants
- Wales Office of Research & Development April 2010- March 2013 ( £55,650) Project title: The role of statutory social workers in suicide prevention. With Jonathan Scourfield.
- Economic and Social Research Council December 2005- December 2008 ( £154, 477). The role of physiological arousal and intergroup anxiety in prejudice. With Greg Maio.
- Bausch & Lomb Europe: February 2004- February 2007 ( £18,653) Reducing contact lens related patient anxiety. With Tom Margrain.
- Welsh Office of Research and Development: Nov 2001 ( £96, 803). Young people, gender, and suicide prevention. With Jonathan Scourfield, Lindsay Prior, and Jane Scourfield.
- Japanese Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture: 1998 $acirc; 2000. Project title: A comparative study on the contextual and social identity. With Toshikatsu Kakimoto.
- Nuffield Foundation Bursary: 1998 ( £1,300). Project title: Intergroup anxiety and outgroup perception.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ym meysydd:
- Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth
- Stigma a Gwahaniaethu