Rwy'n academydd polisi cymdeithasol, ac mae fy arbenigedd yn dod o fewn maes plant, pobl ifanc, gofal cymdeithasol ac atal trais a niwed rhywiol. Mae fy niddordebau yn ymwneud ag agweddau sy'n gysylltiedig â dadansoddi polisi cymdeithasol, gofal, lles, plentyndod ac ieuenctid, ac mae fy ymagwedd fethodolegol at ymchwil yn ddadansoddol ansoddol, cyfranogol, ethnograffig a disgwrs .
Fy maes arbenigol yw camfanteisio'n rhywiol ar blant - pwnc sy'n adlewyrchu natur ryngddisgyblaethol fy ngwaith ac yr wyf wedi bod yn ymchwilio amdano ers dros 15 mlynedd. Mae fy arbenigedd yn deillio o fy ngwaith doethurol, a oedd yn archwilio camfanteisio rhywiol o safbwyntiau pobl ifanc a gweithwyr proffesiynol amlasiantaeth sy'n gweithio gyda nhw, ochr yn ochr â dadansoddiad o bolisi. Ers hynny, rwyf wedi bod yn cymryd rhan mewn prosiectau ymchwil ar y cyd i wella dealltwriaeth o gamfanteisio rhywiol a'r ffordd orau o ymateb, gan gynnwys pobl ifanc a'r gofalwyr a gweithwyr proffesiynol sy'n eu cefnogi. Mae fy ymagwedd at ymchwil yn un sy'n ceisio bod o fudd i blant a phobl ifanc drwy lywio polisi ac ymarfer proffesiynol.
Fy nod deallusol yw archwilio a deall y berthynas rhwng polisi ac ymarfer – rhwng disgwrs (disgwrs gyhoeddus), ideoleg, diwylliant a phrofiad byw, yng nghyd-destun arferion gofal a lles, o ran y rhai sy'n meddiannu categorïau rhyng-stitïol a mannau ymylol. Rwyf wedi ymrwymo i ymchwil wybodus, wedi'i yrru'n empirig yn ddamcaniaethol sy'n rhyngddisgyblaethol, sy'n arloesol yn fethodolegol wrth eistedd yn gadarn o fewn traddodiadau sefydledig.
Fy nod yw arwain mewn ymchwil sy'n creu trafodaeth gyhoeddus, yn archwilio gwerthoedd cymdeithasol, ei chategorïau a'i ragdybiaethau, ac sy'n dilyn gwybodaeth adlewyrchol a chyfochrog, gyda'r nod o wasanaethu cymdeithas a chyfrannu at newid cymdeithasol - yn bennaf trwy ddylanwadu ar bolisi gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ac ymarfer proffesiynol.
- Hallett, S. 2023. Responding to child sexual exploitation in Australia: Challenges and opportunities from the perspectives of case workers in a statutory care environment. Children and Youth Services Review 155, article number: 107273. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107273)
- Rees, A., Roberts, L., Mannay, D., Evans, R., Staples, E. and Hallett, S. 2022. Listening to the experts: Learning about relationships and their impact on educational experiences from children and young people in state care. Relational Social Work 6(2), pp. 36-57. (10.14605/RSW622202)
- Hallett, S., Deerfield, K. and Hudson, K. 2019. The same but different? Exploring the links between gender, trauma, sexual exploitation and harmful sexual behaviours. Child Abuse Review 28(6), pp. 442-454. (10.1002/car.2591)
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. and Andrews, D. 2019. Enabling talk and reframing messages: working creatively with care experienced children and young people to recount and re-represent their everyday experiences. Child Care in Practice 25(1), pp. 51-63. (10.1080/13575279.2018.1521375)
- Morrison, F., Cree, V., Ruch, G., Winter, K. M., Hadfield, M. and Hallett, S. 2019. Containment: exploring the concept of agency in children's statutory encounters with social workers. Childhood 26(1), pp. 98-112. (10.1177/0907568218810101)
- Winter, K., Morrison, F., Cree, V., Ruch, G., Hadfield, M. and Hallett, S. 2019. Emotional labour in social workers' encounters with children and their families. British Journal of Social Work 49(1), pp. 217-233. (10.1093/bjsw/bcy016)
- Staples, E., Roberts, L., Lyttleton-Smith, J. and Hallett, S. 2019. Enabling care-experienced young people’s participation in research: CASCADE Voices. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and Young People 'Looked After’? Education, Intervention and the Everyday Culture of Care in Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
- Hallett, S., Crowley, A., Deerfield, K., Staples, E. and Rees, A. 2017. Review of the Wales Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation (CSE) statutory guidance. Available at:
- Mannay, D., Evans, R., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A. and Andrews, D. 2017. The consequences of being labelled ‘looked-after’: Exploring the educational experiences of looked-after children and young people in Wales. British Educational Research Journal 43(4), pp. 683-699. (10.1002/berj.3283)
- Karen, W., Viviene, C., Hallett, S., Hadfield, M., Gillian, R., Fiona, M. and Holland, S. 2017. Exploring communication between social workers, children and young people. British Journal of Social Work 47(5), pp. 1427-1444. (10.1093/bjsw/bcw083)
- Ruch, G., Winter, K., Cree, V., Hallett, S., Morrison, F. and Hadfield, M. 2017. Making meaningful connections: using insights from social pedagogy for statutory social work practice. Child and Family Social Work 22(2), pp. 1015-1023. (10.1111/cfs.12321)
- Hallett, S. 2017. Making sense of child sexual exploitation: exchange, abuse and young people. Bristol: Policy Press. (10.2307/j.ctt1t895fv)
- Evans, R., Hallett, S., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. 2016. The acceptability of educational interventions: Qualitative evidence from children and young people in care. Children and Youth Services Review 71, pp. 68-76. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.10.030)
- Hallett, S. 2016. ‘An uncomfortable comfortableness’: ‘care’, child protection and child sexual exploitation. British Journal of Social Work 46(7), pp. 2137-2152. (10.1093/bjsw/bcv136)
- Hickle, K. and Hallett, S. 2016. Mitigating harm: considering harm reduction principles in work with sexually exploited young people. Children & Society 30(4), pp. 302-313. (10.1111/chso.12145)
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. and Andrews, D. 2016. Exploring the educational experiences and aspirations of Looked After Children and Young People (LACYP) in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Children's Social Care and Research and Development Centre (CASCADE).
- Mannay, D. and Hallett, S. 2016. Reflecting on the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales. Presented at: Looked After Children In Education: National Strategic Group (NSG), Cardiff, UK, 9 March 2016.
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. E. and Andrews, D. 2015. Executive summary: Understanding the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales.. Technical Report.
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. E. and Andrews, D. 2015. Understanding the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Hallett, S. 2013. Child sexual exploitation in South East Wales: problems and solutions from the perspectives of young people and professionals. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Staples, E., Roberts, L., Lyttleton-Smith, J. and Hallett, S. 2019. Enabling care-experienced young people’s participation in research: CASCADE Voices. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and Young People 'Looked After’? Education, Intervention and the Everyday Culture of Care in Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
- Mannay, D. and Hallett, S. 2016. Reflecting on the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales. Presented at: Looked After Children In Education: National Strategic Group (NSG), Cardiff, UK, 9 March 2016.
- Hallett, S. 2023. Responding to child sexual exploitation in Australia: Challenges and opportunities from the perspectives of case workers in a statutory care environment. Children and Youth Services Review 155, article number: 107273. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107273)
- Rees, A., Roberts, L., Mannay, D., Evans, R., Staples, E. and Hallett, S. 2022. Listening to the experts: Learning about relationships and their impact on educational experiences from children and young people in state care. Relational Social Work 6(2), pp. 36-57. (10.14605/RSW622202)
- Hallett, S., Deerfield, K. and Hudson, K. 2019. The same but different? Exploring the links between gender, trauma, sexual exploitation and harmful sexual behaviours. Child Abuse Review 28(6), pp. 442-454. (10.1002/car.2591)
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. and Andrews, D. 2019. Enabling talk and reframing messages: working creatively with care experienced children and young people to recount and re-represent their everyday experiences. Child Care in Practice 25(1), pp. 51-63. (10.1080/13575279.2018.1521375)
- Morrison, F., Cree, V., Ruch, G., Winter, K. M., Hadfield, M. and Hallett, S. 2019. Containment: exploring the concept of agency in children's statutory encounters with social workers. Childhood 26(1), pp. 98-112. (10.1177/0907568218810101)
- Winter, K., Morrison, F., Cree, V., Ruch, G., Hadfield, M. and Hallett, S. 2019. Emotional labour in social workers' encounters with children and their families. British Journal of Social Work 49(1), pp. 217-233. (10.1093/bjsw/bcy016)
- Mannay, D., Evans, R., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A. and Andrews, D. 2017. The consequences of being labelled ‘looked-after’: Exploring the educational experiences of looked-after children and young people in Wales. British Educational Research Journal 43(4), pp. 683-699. (10.1002/berj.3283)
- Karen, W., Viviene, C., Hallett, S., Hadfield, M., Gillian, R., Fiona, M. and Holland, S. 2017. Exploring communication between social workers, children and young people. British Journal of Social Work 47(5), pp. 1427-1444. (10.1093/bjsw/bcw083)
- Ruch, G., Winter, K., Cree, V., Hallett, S., Morrison, F. and Hadfield, M. 2017. Making meaningful connections: using insights from social pedagogy for statutory social work practice. Child and Family Social Work 22(2), pp. 1015-1023. (10.1111/cfs.12321)
- Evans, R., Hallett, S., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. 2016. The acceptability of educational interventions: Qualitative evidence from children and young people in care. Children and Youth Services Review 71, pp. 68-76. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.10.030)
- Hallett, S. 2016. ‘An uncomfortable comfortableness’: ‘care’, child protection and child sexual exploitation. British Journal of Social Work 46(7), pp. 2137-2152. (10.1093/bjsw/bcv136)
- Hickle, K. and Hallett, S. 2016. Mitigating harm: considering harm reduction principles in work with sexually exploited young people. Children & Society 30(4), pp. 302-313. (10.1111/chso.12145)
- Hallett, S. 2013. Child sexual exploitation in South East Wales: problems and solutions from the perspectives of young people and professionals. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Hallett, S. 2017. Making sense of child sexual exploitation: exchange, abuse and young people. Bristol: Policy Press. (10.2307/j.ctt1t895fv)
- Hallett, S., Crowley, A., Deerfield, K., Staples, E. and Rees, A. 2017. Review of the Wales Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation (CSE) statutory guidance. Available at:
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. and Andrews, D. 2016. Exploring the educational experiences and aspirations of Looked After Children and Young People (LACYP) in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Children's Social Care and Research and Development Centre (CASCADE).
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. E. and Andrews, D. 2015. Executive summary: Understanding the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales.. Technical Report.
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. E. and Andrews, D. 2015. Understanding the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
Rwy'n academydd polisi cymdeithasol, ac mae fy arbenigedd yn dod o fewn maes plant a phobl ifanc a gofal cymdeithasol. Mae fy niddordebau yn ymwneud ag agweddau sy'n ymwneud â dadansoddi polisi cymdeithasol, gofal, lles, plentyndod ac ieuenctid. Fy maes arbenigol yw pobl ifanc, pobl ifanc a chamfanteisio'n rhywiol ar blant, ac rwyf wedi ymrwymo i lywio polisi ac ymarfer yn y maes hwn.
Fy nod deallusol yw archwilio a deall y berthynas rhwng polisi ac ymarfer – rhwng disgwrs (disgwrs gyhoeddus), ideoleg, diwylliant a phrofiad byw, yng nghyd-destun arferion gofal a lles, o ran y rhai sy'n meddiannu categorïau rhyng-stitïol a mannau ymylol. Rwyf wedi ymrwymo i ymchwil wybodus, wedi'i yrru'n empirig yn ddamcaniaethol sy'n rhyngddisgyblaethol, sy'n arloesol yn fethodolegol wrth eistedd yn gadarn o fewn traddodiadau sefydledig.
Prosiectau ymchwil
Westwood, J; Stanley, N; Baginsky, M; Hallett S; Steils, N; Richardson-Foster, H. 2023. Cryfhau gwybodaeth ac ymwybyddiaeth mewn gwasanaethau teuluol o gam-drin domestig (SKAFADA). Sylfeini – Canolfan Beth sy'n Gweithio i Blant a Theuluoedd.£99678
Hallett, S., a Barter, C. 2023. Ymarferoldeb ehangu Operation Yn cwmpasu i fathau niwed ychwanegol. (Ailgyfeiriad oddi wrth Ipsis Mori, Process a Gwerthusiad Effaith o Operation Encompass.) Swyddfa Gartref.
Hallett, S., Quinn-Aziz, A., Mendez, M. 2023-24 Gwiriwch eich meddwl: adnoddau i gefnogi ymarfer gwrth-hiliol wrth ddiogelu plant. Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru. £20,000
Hallett, S. 2022. Meddwl am risg ac ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc. Adran Cymunedau a Chyfiawnder, Llywodraeth Talaith New South Wales $ 20,000.
Hallett, S. 2021-22. Datblygu a darparu hyfforddiant i gefnogi gweithredu Gweithio Gyda'n Gilydd i Ddiogelu Pobl, Cyfrol 7, ar draws rhanbarthau Byrddau Diogelu. Llywodraeth Cymru. £11350
Davies, J a Hallett S. 'Gwiriwch eich Meddwl': Adnoddau Ymarfer i Hyrwyddo Arfer Gwrth-hiliol mewn Diogelu Plant. Llywodraeth Cymru. £25000
Hallett, S. (2020-21) Cadw'n Ddiogel: datblygu Pecyn Hyfforddi Diogelu Pobl Ifanc. Llywodraeth Cymru. £35000
Hallett, S. (2019-20) Deall ac ymateb i gamfanteisio'n rhywiol ar blant yng nghyd-destun gofal y tu allan i'r cartref. FACSIAR, Llywodraeth De Cymru Newydd, Awstralia.
Hallett, S. (2020-21) O Gymru i Dde Cymru Newydd: cydweithrediad rhyngwladol i lywio a datblygu dealltwriaeth, polisi ac ymarfer mewn perthynas â Chronfa Mentrau Rhyngwladol AHSS Camfanteisio Rhywiol ar Blant (CSE), Prifysgol Caerdydd. £14000
Hallett, S. 2020. Cadw'n Ddiogel – hyfforddiant i gefnogi arfer da gyda phobl ifanc "mewn perygl ac yn mynd ar goll". Llywodraeth Cymru. £9999.
Hallett, S (PI) a Hudson, K. (2019-20) Gwerthusiad o'r dull ymarfer 'Gwella'. (Gwobr bellach) Llywodraeth Cymru. £64763
Hallett, S. (PI), Forrester, D., and Verbruggen, J. (2016-19) Cadw'n ddiogel? Dadansoddiad o ganlyniadau gwaith gyda phobl ifanc sy'n cael eu camfanteisio yn rhywiol yng Nghymru. Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru. £237890. Mae adroddiad ymchwil ac adnoddau ar gael yn rhad ac am ddim yma:
Hallett, S. (PI) a Hudson, K. (2016-19) ' Gwella': Canolbwynt gwybodaeth ac ymarfer cenedlaethol sy'n atal risg camfanteisio'n rhywiol ar blant ac ymddygiadau rhywiol niweidiol. Darparu Grant Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cynaliadwy – Llywodraeth Cymru, gyda Barnardo's Cymru. £219393. (Dyfarniad llawn o £1.5 miliwn)
Hallett, S. (PI), Crowley, A., Deerfield, K., Rees, A., Staples, E. (2017) Adolygiad o'r canllawiau Diogelu Plant a Phobl Ifanc rhag Camfanteisio Rhywiol (CSE). Llywodraeth Cymru. £40,000. Gellir gweld adroddiad llawn a chrynodeb gweithredol yn rhad ac am ddim yma:
Hallett, S., (PI) a Deerfield, K. (2017-19) Gwerthusiad o Lwybr Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr CSE Gogledd Cymru a Hyb Amlasiantaeth. Barnardo's Cymru. £9684
Innes, M. (PI) a Hallett, S. (2017) Ymatebion plismona i gam-fanteisio a cham-drin plant yn rhywiol. Ymchwiliad annibynnol i gam-drin plant yn rhywiol. £9000
Hallett, S. (2016-17) Esbonio beth yw camfanteisio'n rhywiol ar blant a sut mae'n digwydd. National Crime Agency. £2132
Hallett, S. (2016-17) Deall natur a graddfa CSE a CSA yng Nghymru. Canolfan Ragoriaeth ar gyfer CSA/E. £1289.
Mannay, S. (PI) a Hallett, S. (2016-17). Gwella profiadau addysgol a chyrhaeddiad plant a phobl ifanc sy'n derbyn gofal. Cronfa Cyflymu Effaith ESRC. £25000.
Hallett, S. (PI) ac Innes, M. (2016-17) Hyb gwybodaeth plismona camfanteisio rhywiol ar blant newydd: gwella ymatebion yr heddlu i gamfanteisio rhywiol ar blant, mathau eraill o gam-drin plant yn rhywiol a gwendidau cysylltiedig yn ystod llencyndod. Y Ganolfan Ryngwladol: Ymchwilio i gamfanteisio'n rhywiol ar blant, trais a masnachu pobl, y Coleg Plismona a Chronfa Wybodaeth HEFCE. £21600.
Mannay, D. (PI), Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Andrews, D. (2015) Deall profiadau addysgol, barn, cyrhaeddiad a dyheadau plant sy'n derbyn gofal yng Nghymru. DfES a Llywodraeth Cymru. £60,000
Scourfield, J. (PI) a Hallett, S. (2014-16) Bechgyn sy'n cael eu camfanteisio yn rhywiol yng Nghymru: Sut mae eu hadnabod a pha wasanaethau sydd eu hangen arnynt? Barnardo's Cymru. £3094
Rwy'n addysgu mewn Doethuriaeth Broffesiynol, Meistr ac Israddedigion gan gynnwys:
- Dinasyddiaeth;
- Dadansoddiad Polisi Cymdeithasol;
- Ethnograffeg;
- Cyflwyniad i Bolisi Cymdeithasol;
- Ymchwil ar waith;
- Ymchwil gyda phlant a phobl ifanc;
- Plant a phlentyndod;
- Polisi cymdeithasol a chyhoeddus: mewn egwyddor ac ymarfer (modiwl ymchwilio i fyfyrwyr).
- 2013: PhD (NISCHR funded studentship.) Cardiff University.
Title: ‘Child sexual exploitation’ in South-East Wales: Problems and solutions from the perspectives of young people and professionals’. Examiners: Professor Amanda Coffey and Professor Karen Broadhurst. - 2008: MSc Social Science Research Methods - Social Policy (distinction). Cardiff University.
Dissertation title: ‘Agency, Subjectivity and Child Sexual Exploitation: Opportunities for Social Care Practice’. - 2002: BA (Hons) Communication. Cardiff University.
Career overview
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (o 2019)
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2016 - present: Lecturer (Social Policy), Cardiff University
- 2015 - 2016: Research Associate (CASCADE), Cardiff university
- 2013 - 2015: Research Associate, Talking and Listening to Children Project, Cardiff University.
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- 2015 - 2016: Member of the School Advisory Group
- 2013 - 2015: Staff elected member of the School Board
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gennyf ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr y mae eu diddordebau yn eu gweld yn ymgysylltu ag unrhyw un o'r meysydd canlynol:
- camfanteisio'n rhywiol ar blant;
- gofal a'r profiad gofal;
- damcaniaethau ieuenctid a phlentyndod;
- methodolegau cyfranogol a chreadigol;
- ethnograffeg sefydliadol;
- dadansoddiad o ddisgyrsiau.
Contact Details
+44 29208 76909
Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell Ystafell 2.15, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA