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Sophie Hallett

Dr Sophie Hallett


Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a social policy academic, and my expertise falls within the area of children, young people, social care and the prevention of sexual violence and harm. My interests revolve around aspects related to social policy analysis, care, welfare, childhood and youth, and my methodological approach to research is qualitative, participative, ethnographic, and discourse analytic. 

My specialist area is child sexual exploitation – a subject which reflects the interdisciplinary nature of my work and about which I have been researching for over 15 years. My expertise stems from my doctoral work, which explored sexual exploitation from the perspectives of young people and multi-agency professionals working with them, alongside analysis of policy. Since then I have been engaged in co-developed research projects to enhance understanding of sexual exploitation and how best to respond, involving young people and the carers and professionals who support them. My approach to research is one that that seeks to benefit children and young people by informing policy and professional practice.

My intellectual aim is to explore and understand the relationship between policy and practice – between public discourse(s), ideology, culture and lived experience, in the context of care and welfare practices, with regards to those occupying interstitial categories and marginalised spaces. I am committed to theoretically informed, empirically-driven research that is interdisciplinary, is methodologically innovative whilst sitting firmly within well-established traditions.

It is my goal to lead in research which generates public debate, interrogates societal values, its categories and assumptions, and which pursues reflexive and reciprocal knowledge, with the aim of serving society and contributing to social change - primarily through influencing public service policy and professional practice.










Book sections






I am a social policy academic, and my expertise falls within the area of children and young people and social care. My interests revolve around aspects related to social policy analysis, care, welfare, childhood and youth. My specialist field is youth, young people and child sexual exploitation, and I am committed to informing policy and practice in this area.

My intellectual aim is to explore and understand the relationship between policy and practice – between public discourse(s), ideology, culture and lived experience, in the context of care and welfare practices, with regards to those occupying interstitial categories and marginalised spaces. I am committed to theoretically informed, empirically-driven research that is interdisciplinary, is methodologically innovative whilst sitting firmly within well-established traditions.

Research projects 

Westwood, J; Stanley, N;Baginsky, M; Hallett S; Steils, N; Richardson-Foster, H. 2023. Strengthening Knowledge and Awareness in Family Services of Domestic Abuse (SKAFADA). Foundations – What Works Centre for Children & Families.£99678

Hallett, S., and Barter, C. 2023. Feasibility of expanding Operation Encompass to additional harm types. (with Ipsis Mori, Process and Impact Evaluation of Operation Encompass.) Home Office.

Hallett, S., Quinn-Aziz, A., Mendez, M. 2023-24 Check your thinking: resources to support anti-racist practice in children’s safeguarding. Social Care Wales. £20,000

Hallett, S. 2022.Thinking about risk and engaging with young people. Department for Communities and justice, New South Wales State Government $20,000.

Hallett, S. 2021-22. The development and delivery of training to support implementation of Working Together to Safeguard People, Volume 7, across Safeguarding Boards regions. Welsh Government. £11350

Davies, J and Hallett SCheck your Thinking’: Practice Resources to Promote Anti-Racist Practice in Child Safeguarding. Welsh Government. £25000

Hallett, S. (2020-21) Keeping Safe: development of an Adolescent Safeguarding Training Package. Welsh Government. £35000

Hallett, S. (2019-20) Understanding and responding to child sexual exploitation in the context of out-of-home care. FACSIAR, New South Wales Government, Australia.

Hallett, S. (2020-21) From Wales to New South Wales: an international collaboration to inform and develop understanding, policy and practice in relation to child sexual exploitation (CSE) AHSS International Initiatives Fund, Cardiff University. £14000

Hallett, S. 2020. Keeping Safe – training to support good practice with adolescents "at risk and going missing”. Welsh Government. £9999.

Hallett, S (PI) and Hudson, K. (2019-20) Evaluation of the ‘Gwella’ practice approach. (Further award) Welsh Government. £64763

Hallett, S. (PI), Forrester, D., and Verbruggen, J. (2016-19) Keeping safe? An analysis of the outcomes of work with sexually exploited young people in Wales. Health and Care Research Wales. £237890. Research report and resources are freely available here:

Hallett, S. (PI) and Hudson, K. (2016-19) ‘Gwella’: A national knowledge and practice hub preventing risk of child sexual exploitation and sexually harmful behaviours. Delivering Sustainable Social Services Grant – Welsh Government, with Barnardo’s Cymru. £219393. (Full award £1.5 million)

Hallett, S. (PI), Crowley, A., Deerfield, K., Rees, A., Staples, E. (2017) Review of the Safeguarding Children and young people from sexual exploitation (CSE) guidance. Welsh Government. £40000. Full report and executive summary can be accessed freely here:

Hallett, S., (PI) and Deerfield, K. (2017-19) Evaluation of the North Wales CSE Victim Support Pathway and Multi Agency Hub. Barnardo’s Cymru. £9684

Innes, M. (PI) and Hallett, S. (2017) Policing responses to child sexual exploitation and abuse. Independent inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. £9000

Hallett, S. (2016-17) Explaining what child sexual exploitation is and how it occurs. National Crime Agency. £2132

Hallett, S. (2016-17) Understanding the nature and scale of CSE and CSA in Wales. Centre of Excellence for CSA/E. £1289.

Mannay, S. (PI) and Hallett, S. (2016-17). Improving the Educational Experiences and Attainment of Looked After Children and Young People. ESRC Impact Acceleration Fund. £25000.

Hallett, S. (PI) and Innes, M. (2016-17) A new child sexual exploitation policing knowledge hub: enhancing police responses to child sexual exploitation, other forms of child sexual abuse and associated vulnerabilities in adolescence. The International Centre: Researching child sexual exploitation, violence and trafficking, College of Policing and HEFCE Knowledge Fund. £21600.

Mannay, D. (PI), Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Andrews, D. (2015) Understanding the educational experiences, opinions, attainment and aspirations of looked after children in Wales. DfES and Welsh Government. £60,000

Scourfield, J. (PI) and Hallett, S. (2014-16) Sexually exploited boys in Wales: How do we identify them and what services do they need? Barnardo’s Cymru. £3094


I teach at Professional Doctorate, Masters and Undergraduate level covering:


  • Citizenship;
  • Social Policy Analysis;
  • Ethnography;
  • Introduction to Social Policy;
  • Research in Action;
  • Research with Children and Young People;
  • Children and Childhood;
  • Social and public policy: in principle and practice (student inquiry module).



  • 2013: PhD (NISCHR funded studentship.) Cardiff University.
    Title: ‘Child sexual exploitation’ in South-East Wales: Problems and solutions from the perspectives of young people and professionals’. Examiners: Professor Amanda Coffey and Professor Karen Broadhurst.
  • 2008: MSc Social Science Research Methods - Social Policy (distinction). Cardiff University.
    Dissertation title: ‘Agency, Subjectivity and Child Sexual Exploitation: Opportunities for Social Care Practice’.
  • 2002: BA (Hons) Communication. Cardiff University.

Career overview

I previously worked as a Research Associate with CASCADE, for 3 years, after having completed my doctoral studies in 2013 at Cardiff University. I was a research associate on the TLC research project (Social Workers Talking and Listening to Children). This was a 4 UK nation ESRC funded research project, exploring the everyday practices of social workers. My role involved ethnographic research and fieldwork placements in 4 different social work teams in England and Wales. I was also involved in the Welsh Government commissioned pan-Wales LACE research project, exploring the aspirations and experiences of looked after children in education.
  • Whilst working as a research associate I helped to establish CASCADE Voices– a research advisory group of young people with care experiences, run in partnership with Voices from Care. I was the trainer and facilitator for this group for 2 years.
  • Whilst a PhD student I established and was co-organiser of the SOCSI policy café, with Sara Knight, in January - June 2013. The policy cafe brought together researchers, policy-makers, practitioners and lay members, to provide opportunities to network, exchange ideas, and to encourage reflection and debate about recent social science research and its implications for policy and practice.
Prior to this, I worked as a consultant in research and policy - for SPICE, the Big Lottery Fund, Eskrigge Social Research and Third Sector First. I have also worked as a grants officer for the Big Lottery Fund, and as the volunteer development manager in South-East Wales for Barnardo's Cymru, serving on their senior management team for 4 years.

Honours and awards

  • Shortlisted Finalist - Excellence in Innovation. Cardiff University Excellence Awards. 2019
  • Personal tutor of the year (Nomination). Cardiff University Enriching Student Life Awards. 2019
  • Early Career Researcher of the Year Award. Wales Social Research Association Awards. 2017
  • Research Innovation Award (team win). Wales Social Research Association Awards. 2017

Professional memberships

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (from 2019)

Academic positions

  • 2020 - present: Senior Lecturer (Social Policy), Cardiff University
  • 2016 - 2020: Lecturer (Social Policy), Cardiff University
  • 2015 - 2016: Research Associate (CASCADE),  Cardiff university
  • 2013 - 2015: Research Associate, Talking and Listening to Children Project, Cardiff University.

Committees and reviewing

I am a reviewer for the following journals: Child and Family Social Work; Qualitative Research; YOUNG; Social Policy and Administration; Child Abuse and Neglect; Child Abuse Review. 

  • Current: Co-Editor Qualitative Research;
  • Current: Member of All Wales Police CSE Threat group;
  • Current: Reference Group Member (Academic representative) Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales;
  • 2018-19: Chair of the Welsh Government Task and Finish group for developing the new CSE guidance, definition and assessment processes in Wales;
  • 2018: Guest editor, Qualitative Research special edition.


I am interested in supervising students whose interests see them engaging with any of the following areas:

  • child sexual exploitation;
  • care and the care experience;
  • youth and childhood theories;
  • participative and creative methodologies;
  • institutional ethnography;
  • discourse analysis.